Tax administration
Mitin, D.A. (2020). Improvement of the current model of e-commerce tax administration in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 1–17.
The article is devoted to the problems faced by the tax authorities of the Russian Federation in the tax administration of e-commerce, and possible ways to solve them. The subject of the study is approaches to improve the current model of tax administration in the Russian Federation.The purpose of the article is to describe the new approaches and methods developed by the Author, the use of which can contribute to improving the effectiveness of the e-commerce tax administration model in the Russian Federation. Within the framework of the article, the author highlights the features of e-commerce, which currently do not allow tax authorities to apply existing models of tax administration. Taking into account the highlighted features, the author formulated proposals for the creation of an automated multifactor model of e-commerce tax administration using Blockchain technology. The scientific novelty of the work is expressed in the development of fundamentally new, previously unused approaches to the tax administration of e-commerce. One of such approaches is the use of the risk matrix of transactions on the accounts of individuals for the purposes of tax administration of e-commerce in the B2C segment. This matrix allows you to verify the reports submitted by organizations engaged in e-commerce, as well as to identify individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without registration. Also, the article formulates proposals for the introduction of a model of tax administration using online platforms, through which the bulk of e-commerce currently occurs. In addition, the article reflects proposals for the development of the existing model of electronic document management, allowing tax authorities to introduce smart contract technologies, which are an integral part of the Blockchain network, into the process of tax administration.
online sales registers, risk analysis, online platforms, blockchain, google tax, e-commerce, digital economy, Tax administration, electronic document management, income tax
Question at hand
Bakhshian, E. (2020). Investment tax deduction for corporate income tax as a promising tool for supporting innovative territorial clusters in Russia. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 18–31.
The subject of the study is the investment tax deduction for corporate income tax as a tool for tax incentives for the development of innovative territorial clusters in Russia. The characteristic features of the cluster approach in the economy are noted. Special attention is paid to the federal programs of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to support the development of innovative territorial clusters. The main advantages of tax incentives over other forms of state support for cluster development are highlighted. The benefits related to clusters available in the tax legislation are described. The analysis of the emerging regulatory framework of the subjects of the Federation on the investment tax deduction for corporate income tax is carried out. The conclusion is made about the importance of state support for the development of innovation clusters, which, in the conditions of termination of direct financing in the form of subsidies, can be carried out in the form of tax incentives for investment and innovation activity of cluster participants. The analysis of regional legislation revealed that the current structure of the investment tax deduction in some subjects of the Federation is "overloaded" not always with objective restrictions or overstated requirements, which significantly limit its availability to taxpayers and reduce its effectiveness. It is proposed to direct the benefits to the participants of innovative territorial clusters in their home regions, which, thanks to the synergetic effect generated in them, will lead to an increase in tax revenues of these regions in the future.
investment tax credit, tax benefits, subsidies, state support, synergistic effect, investment tax deduction, innovative territorial cluster, cluster approach, income tax, depreciation premium
Eremkin, M.A. (2020). Legal regulation of digital services taxation in the European countries . Taxes and Taxation, 5, 32–46.
The relevance of this research is defined by the fact that in modern realities, the economic activity is carried mostly by means of digital technologies, which requires amendment of legal regulation of the economy overall and tax relations in particular. The subject of this research is the normative documents of separate European countries (Austria, Hungary, Greece, Italy, and France) adopted in recent years and aimed at regulation of taxation of the digital international groups of companies. The goal of this work consists in determination of legal framework for implementation of digital services tax in certain Western European countries, as well as in identification of the problems caused thereof. Practical significance and scientific value of this work lies in the detailed description and systematization of the normative legal acts of the European countries that established the digital services tax on a unilateral basis, which made the information on promulgated laws within the framework of reforms in the European tax system more accessible for the Russian researchers. Based on the analysis of theoretical sources, the author outlines the legal problems and consequences of implementation of the new tax. The conclusion is made that digital services tax requires further theoretical substantiation and more detailed elaboration for overcoming legal uncertainty and compliance with the international legal framework.
sharing economy, multinational enterprise group, GATS, tax treaties, double taxation, location-specific rent, user-based value creation, tax legislation, interim tax, taxation of digital services
Belomyttseva, O.S. (2020). To the question on the effectiveness of individual investment accounts in the Russian Federation . Taxes and Taxation, 5, 47–60.
The subject of this research is the effectiveness of individual investment accounts in the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the quarterly statistical data that reflect the dynamics funds of the citizens on individual investment accounts for the period from 2015 to 2019. The data on investments of the citizens in equities and corporate bonds is outlined. The advances the three hypotheses: that it is possible to establish the cost of attracting citizens' investments in equities through individual investment accounts from the perspective of the state; that B-type accounts are unpopular/ineffective; that it is necessary to reform the system of individual investment accounts. It is noted that unlike foreign countries, especially the United States, there is no research on the effectiveness of individual investment accounts in the Russian Federation. The author formulates the possible microeconomic and macroeconomic effects from implementation of individual investment accounts, including the increase in citizens ' savings and tax revenues, reduction of national debt, etc. The options for assessing the effectiveness of individual investment accounts are described. Calculation was conducted on the cost for attracting citizens’ savings within the framework of individual investment accounts from the perspective of the state based on the results of 2015-2018. Ineffectiveness of the B-type accounts and its causes are underlined. The flaws of individual investment accounts in the Russian Federation are identified. It is suggested to use individual investment accounts namely for stimulating citizens to invest in corporate securities, excluding the state and municipal securities from investment mechanisms in the context of individual investment accounts. The directions for future research are formulated.
savings, individual retirement account, individual investment account, tax incentive efficiency, tax incentive, investment tax deduction, securities, stocks, bonds, personal income tax
Tax administration
Borovikova, E.V. (2020). Improvement of tax administration based on the requirements to marking of goods . Taxes and Taxation, 5, 61–75.
The subject of this research is one of the most relevant vectors in the work of tax and other competent authorities – implementation of the procedure of digital marking of goods and creation of the unified verification base for the released products. The object of this research is the oversight system, in which the monitoring functions of commodity flow are divided between the competent authorities that also control the discharge of fiscal obligations and usage of cash trade mechanisms. Based on the acquired results, the author formulates the tasks solved in implementation of the marking of goods technology; structures the model of system interaction of the authorized state agencies on the questions of monitoring goods turnover; determines the role of fiscal control authorities in the new mechanism of administering sales relations; establishes the theoretical-methodological content of the effectiveness of digital marking of goods. Analysis is conducted on the law enforcement practice of administrative infractions with regards to mandatory requirements of the marking of goods. The author proposes the directions for the development of technologies for monitoring goods turnover and discharge of fiscal obligations by the counterparty. These recommendations along with the obtained results define the novelty of this research, substantiated by a relatively small experience in the area of marking technologies within the system of tax and operational administration of product turnover.
administrative violations, digital systems, labeling, taxpayers, tax administration, control and supervisory activities, efficiency of government control, trade turnover, tax consequences, interagency interaction
Tax administration
Kolchin, S.P., Anisimova, A. (2020). Involvement of taxpayers into digital tax environment: tools of behavioral economics . Taxes and Taxation, 5, 76–87.
The subject of this research is the imbalance between the offered digital services and people’s capabilities to utilize them. In the course of the ongoing in the Russian Federation transition of tax services to digital environment, it became evident that taxpayers do not use the offered digital services offered for interaction with tax authorities to full extent. This can be explained by the lack of information on the new opportunities in the area of digital tax services and skills for using digital tools, as well as the habit to use traditional channels for interaction with tax authorities. Therefore, utilization of the tools of behavioral economics for involving taxpayers into digital interaction with tax authorities becomes relevant. The novelty of this work consist in the formulated recommendations on utilization of the tools of behavioral economics that are already known in theoretical research and practical global experience of tax authorities, for involving Russian taxpayers into digital tax services. For achieving this goal, it is necessary to change the architecture of selection of taxpayers, so that they would receive push-notifications and emails by default; provide taxpayers with information on new digital services through the traditional channels; monitor the work of existing digital services and attract taxpayers to assist in development and testing of the new digital services.
personal account of the taxpayer, voluntary tax compliance, automatic enrollment, behavioral economics, digital tax services, digitalization, tax administration, tax transparency, tax legislation, taxpayer
Razdorozhnyi, K.B. (2020). The problems of taxation of income of private and legal entities from operations with digital financial assets. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 88–96.
The subject of this research is the problems of taxation of income from operations with digital financial assets. It is a known fact that the Institution of financial legal regulation of circulation of the digital financial assets is in the process of establishment; thus, there are yet no legislative norms on taxes and fees in this sphere of public relations, and the only reference point for taxpayers is the information letters from competent authorities and doctrinal sources. Among the relevant problems of taxation in this field, the author underlines the absence of an official position regarding the taxation of such operations with the value added tax (VAT), as well as the absence of the established procedures for documented proof of income and spending within the framework of circulation of digital financial assets. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that the existing in the Russian Federation system of taxes and fees can be implemented institutionally in the indicated sphere of public relations. The author also notes that the solution of these problems requires introduction of isolated amendments to tax legislation, among which is the inclusion of operations that are not subject to VAT in accordance with the Article 149 of the Taxation Code of the Russian Federation, as well as transactions with financial digital assets and digital currencies. Particular attention is turned to the need for elaboration of departmental instructions that would establish accounting rules for transactions with digital financial assets. Within the framework of this article, the author analyzes the foreign methods of documented proof of income and spending that can also be applied in Russian business practice.
VAT, taxation, token, cryptocurrency, digital currencies, digital financial assets, tax, Personal income tax, financial technology, blockchain