Dolotov R.O..
Methodological problems of defining a “cost” of social reaction to crime
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2014. № 3.
P. 336-342.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2014.3.67307 URL:
The author analyzes the methodological bases of creation of cost estimating methods, related to the reaction of the society (the state) to crime, particularly, the estimation of costs of ensuring the public authorities’ work, aimed at combating crime and solving other problems, in the situations, when the amount of on-budget expenditures, assigned to the provision of the “reaction” to the fact of committing a crime (detection and imposition of criminal liability), is not normatively established. The author applies general and special scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, the structural-logical, statistical, and other methods of scientific cognition. The author proposes his own methodology of public costs estimating, related to the court’s activities in criminal cases consideration, based on the time, spent by courts on criminal cases (materials) consideration. As additional variables, the author offers considering the amount of such work, the budget of these agencies, the normative production resources per worker in a year, the actual number of workers of the agency, who are responsible for these duties. The author concludes about the need for adopting new judges’ workload norms.
expenditure, crime, society, reaction, costs, estimation, methodology, basis, analysis, combating
Dolotov R.O..
Metodicheskie problemy opredeleniya «tseny» reaktsii obshchestva na prestupnost'
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2014. № 2.
P. 169-175.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2014.2.66004 URL:
tsena prestupnosti, gosudarstvennye raskhody, metodika, otsenka raskhodov, normy nagruzki, zatraty, izderzhki, raschet tseny prestupnosti