Maslova M.V..
Defence counsel’s speech in pleadings and parties’ replies
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2015. № 1.
P. 88-99.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2015.1.67785 URL:
The paper studies the defence counsel’s status as a subject of proving during pleadings and parties’ replies in the contemporary Russian criminal proceedings. The author analyzes various positions on the term defence counsel’s speech defining, offers her own definition and studies the main features characterizing it. The paper contains the classification of rights, duties and responsibilities of a defence counsel in judicial proceedings during pleadings and parties’ replies. The author applies the formal logical, statistical, historical-legal methods, analysis and interpolation. The paper studies the standard structure of a defence counsel’s speech, and the main stages of its preparation and delivering. The author studies and classifies the rights, duties and responsibilities of a defence counsel during his speech in pleadings and parties’ replies. The author formulates the main problems which a defence counsel faces during pleadings and parties’ replies, and offers the ways to solve them.
speech, the prosecution, criminal proceedings, the accused, court, last plea, pleadings, counsel, defence counsel
Yastrebov V.B..
Monitoring ispolneniya reshenii Konstitutsionnogo Suda Rossiiskoi Federatsii v oblasti ugolovno-protsessual'nogo zakonodatel'stva i ego primeneniya
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2014. № 2.
P. 81-88.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2014.2.65992 URL:
reshenie Konstitutsionnogo Suda, postanovleniya, polozheniya zakona, monitoring, , organy vlasti, praktika ispolneniya reshenii, podgotovka kadrov, kharakteristika reshenii
A. V. Mikheev.
Osobennosti dosudebnoi podgotovki materialov ugolovnogo dela k sudebnomu dokazyvaniyu
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2014. № 1.
P. 148-150.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2014.1.66291 URL:
V.D. Larichev.
Problematic Questions of Denial to Open a Criminal Case
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2013. № 2.
P. 140-144.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2013.2.63698 URL:
when opening a criminal case, the violations of the
requirements of the law are rather widespread. They are committed
both at the stage of receiving a message about a crime (conceal of a
crime from recording; denial to take the message under different pretences)
and within a preliminary checking of a message about crimes and
taking procedural decisions (unsubstantiated denial to open a criminal
case; qualifi cation of the criminally punishable acts as administrative
minor offences; inadequate taking of procedural decisions). The noted
facts lead not only to the distortion of the true state of criminality, its
structure and dynamics, but also infl ict damage to the constitutional
rights and freedoms, interests of the victims, don’t let the civilians
and organizations to press for legal penalty of the guilty and reinstate
their violated rights.
denial to open a criminal case, receiving a message about a crime, preliminary checking of messages, opening a criminal case, violation of the requirements of the law
N.G. Muratova.
International Agreements and Their Notion in the Mechanism of Personal Rights Protection
in Criminal Legal Proceedings
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2013. № 2.
P. 145-149.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2013.2.63699 URL:
international cooperation in the sphere of the criminal
legal proceedings provides multiple approach to the formation of the
procedural proceedings of this cooperation. Contemporary comparative
legal studies of the foreign criminal procedure can be divided according
to their reference to the following problems: studying the tendencies of
development of the international procedural legislation and comparison
of the procedural proceedings; studying the model approach, studying
the mechanism of international cooperation in the sphere of criminal
proceedings when rendering a legal assistance on criminal cases, comparison
of procedural foundations in evidence, application the measures
of compulsion and investigation, studying the tendencies in the formation
of interdependence of regional law enforcement institutions and Interpol,
regularities of cooperation with the European Union on criminal cases.
The author’s consequent model of application of rules of international
treaties includes the following: the necessity to create a unifi ed judicial
institution of State — members of the CIS, form Federal internationallegal
service of the RF and its vertical departments within the Subjects
of the Russian Federation, substantiate and introduce a new position in
courts and law enforcement organs — that of international consultant,
to realize a European model of judicial control and found a position of
an investigating judge (magistrate).
international agreements, criminal proceedings, personal rights protection
S.P. Scherba.
Problems of Normative Defi nition of the Essence and Contents of Rights and Freedoms
of Human and Citizen in the Criminal Procedure of Russia
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2013. № 2.
P. 150-153.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2013.2.63700 URL:
unfortunaly, criminal procedural legislation of Russia,
admitting application of different measures of compulsion and limiting
right and freedoms of human, are still don’t include a fundamental norm,
which should provide: 1) foundation, causes and limits of freedom and
rights of human and citizen limitation in the criminal procedure; 2) the
list of cases, preventing limitation of rights and freedoms of human and
citizen in the criminal procedure; 3) proscription of wide understanding
of foundations (criteria) for the application of limitation of rights
and freedoms of human and citizen; 4) responsibility of offi cials and
judges for inadequate decision to limit rights and freedoms of human
and citizen in the criminal procedure; 5) proscription for limiting rights
and freedoms of the suspects or accused in order to investigate a crime
and gather evidence on the criminal case.
rights and freedoms, criminal procedure, limiting rights and freedoms