O.A. Zaytsev, V.N. Orlov.
International Round-Table Discussion on the Topic “Measures of Compulsion
in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of Russia and Germany”
(Moscow Academy of Economics and Law (Moscow), November 20, 2013)
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2013. № 2.
P. 116-117.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2013.2.63692 URL:
the international round-table discussion on the topic
“Measures of Compulsion in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of
Russia and Germany” was held. Themoderatoroftheround-tablediscussionwasZaytsevOlegAleksandrovich,
Pro-Rector on the Scientifi c Work
of Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, Doctor of Law, Professor,
Honored scientifi c worker of RF, Honored worker of professional education
of RF. Themainreportsweremadeby: HeadofCriminal, Economical-
CriminalLawChairofLawDepartmentofPotsdamUniversity (Germany),
DoctorofLawProfessorU. Hellmann; leading scientifi c worker, lecturer
of Criminal, Economical Criminal Law Doctor of Law, Professor P.V.
Golovnenkov; Professor of Criminal Legal Disciplines of Law Department
of Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, Doctor of Law, Professor,
Honored jurist of RF A.P. Gulyaev.
Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, measures of compulsion, criminal law, criminal procedure, Russia, Germany
A.P. Gulyaev.
Application of Measures of Compulsion within the Contemporary Legal Procedure in Russia
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2013. № 2.
P. 118-119.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2013.2.63693 URL:
in the article, the author claims the further reforming
of the organizational legal status of the investigatory organs of
the country to be necessary in the following directions: 1) uniting of
all the existing investigatory institutions of the country to a united
Investigatory Committee; 2) introduction of the Committee to the
system of the Judiciary Power (making the required amendments to
the Constitution of the Russian Federation); 3) legislative securing
of electivity of the leaders of investigatory institutions by judicial
societies of different level.
measure of compulsion, legal procedure, Investigatory Committee, the system of the Judiciary Power
P.A. Smirnov.
The Detention and the First Inquiry of the Detainee Suspect according
to the Criminal Procedural Legislation of Russia and Germany
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2013. № 2.
P. 120-123.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2013.2.63694 URL:
the differences in the regime of the fi rst inquiry of
the detainee within the legal procedure in Russia and Germany has,
fi rst of all, two main aspects. First of all, it is the subject of the
inquiry. Unlike to Russia, where this act is held by the investigator
(inquiry offi cer), in Germany this act is held by the independent
(judicial) institute of power, free of interdepartmental interests. Of
course, it strengthen the notion of the inquiry at the analyzed level
of the criminal procedural activity. Second, as it is seen, the term
till the inquiry starts according to the Criminal Procedural Code of
Germany could be practically twice longer, making 24 hours, then
the time, provided by the Criminal Procedural Code of RF. Actually,
that fact should be treated rather than an advantage, because the Russian
term is not enough to get prepared either by the detainee or the
investigator. It deals with the necessity to solve many organizational
questions, causing important procedural consequences — participation
of the attorney in the criminal case (it is the obligation of the
investigator), coordination of the case theory (by the attorney), etc.
the author detects some rather perspective directions of perfection of
the criminal procedural legislation of the both countries.
detention, inquiry, the detainee, legal procedure, the Criminal Procedural Code of RF, the Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of Germany
O.A. Zaytsev.
European Court of Human Rights on Foundations of Taking into Custody
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2013. № 2.
P. 124-126.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8681.2013.2.63695 URL:
special interest is given to the practice of the European
Court on Human Rights about the commentary on the bases for taking
into custody. Nowadays, the norms of the so-called “soft law” intrude
into the modern criminal procedural law, they often include the theses
of different international agreements, declarations, standards, which are
of not normative-legal character, but which are often applied by the
European Court of Human Rights and are obligatory for the Russian
applicators of the law.
European Court, human rights, measure of compulsion, taking into custody