Borovikov A.V..
Coping behavior and depression of patients with affective disorders: a systematic review of the literature
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2025. ¹ 1.
P. 1-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2025.1.73074 EDN: ZMKYVQ URL:
People face various psychosocial stressors on a daily basis, which are important factors in the development and maintenance of depression. However, most people who are exposed to stress do not develop depression, which is partly due to the adaptive mechanisms. In particular, these mechanisms include coping behavior. Almost 20 years have passed since the last review addressing the issue of coping and depression of patients with affective disorders, many studies have been conducted in the field of coping and depression. In this regard, there is a need to update and systematize scientific data for a deeper understanding of the features of the depressive state of patients with affective disorders. The aim of the study is to identify and summarize existing scientific data on the features of coping behavior of patients with depression within the framework of affective disorders. To achieve this goal, a systematic review of the literature was conducted. The review used two search strategies: systematic electronic database search (PubMed, Google Scholar, and eLibrary.Ru ) and manual article search. 42 articles were found: 27 publications with cross-sectional design and 15 papers with longitudinal design. It was revealed that the symptoms of depression are negatively associated with problem-oriented coping and emotionally-oriented coping aimed at involving stress in a situation. Avoidant coping is directly related to the symptoms of depression and predicts its development. Only one study has been identified where coping was considered as a risk factor for depression of healthy people. The results of two studies have shown that coping mediates the relationship between childhood abuse and depression. It was revealed that the coping profile of patients with affective disorders differs from the profile of healthy people: the predominance of avoidance strategies and the low severity of problem-oriented coping. There are not enough studies comparing different clinical groups on coping strategies. In addition, the gender specificity of coping and the relationship of coping with age characteristics are considered. It is noted that researchers use different methods of coping assessment, which makes it difficult to analyze, summarize and compare data. There are also no studies on the interaction of coping strategies and personality traits.
coping strategies, coping, unipolar depression, depressive disorder, depressive symptoms, symptoms of depression, depression, mood disorders, affective disorders, coping behavior
Gurevich P.S..
Man's Search for Niche (Review)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. ¹ 4.
P. 382-388.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.4.68053 URL:
The meaning of the present research is to characterize the newest trends in philosophical anthropology. The author of the article analyzes the results of the two original projects related to the philosophical understanding of human, the international anthropological journal 'Diogenes' Lantern' and humanities almanac ''. The synergetic anthropology project is presented by the central Russian philosophers headed by S. Khoruzhy. They effectively adopt the most recent findings of European philosophy. Meanwhile, this is a very original and significant project. It relates to ancient spiritual practices, at the same time, their searches conform to the logic of the modern academic discourse. The purpose of the present research is to extend the limits of the philosophical understanding of human. The second project is inspired by the searches for new grounds of human existence. It is referred to a new form of philosophy about human. The author uses the methods of philosophical anthropology that have been developed throughout the history of its development. At the same time, he compares the focus of classical philosophy to the modern stage of the development of views on human as a special form of existence. For the first time in the Russian philosophical literature the author views the current state of philosophical anthropology as a special discipline about human. The author of the article underlines the fundamental renovation of the modern conceptual framework of philosophical anthropology. The author introduces new concepts such as breaking through, singularity, and anthropological practices. He also provides his evaluation of modern attempts to find new grounds and fundamental criteria of human existence. He notes that philosophical anthropology still plays the role of a 'servant' to rational classical metaphysics of the Enlightenment epoch. He also outlines the ways to overcome crises in philosophical anthropology.
breaking through, spiritual practices, anthropological crisis, energy ability, special form of existing, philosophical anthropology, singularity, construction, human existence, human
Gurevich P.S..
Relativism as a Cognitive Malady
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. ¹ 3.
P. 313-324.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.3.66368 URL:
The subject of study is reflection over the book «Relativism kak bolezn’ sovremennoy filosofii [Relativism as a malady of modern philosophy]» (Ed.-in-chief V.A. Lektorskiy. M., 2015). Why is relativism as one of methodological principles of knowledge assessed in the book as a malady of modern philosophy? Do we not see a constant escape of the single truth replaced by the luxuriant meadow of diverse opinions? Are we, contrary to Kant, convinced in the limitlessness and liturgical harmony of human knowledge? The conception of the book is not directed against cognitive doubts, does not dispute possible assumptions of the plurality of truth. It shows its indisputability to the extent that relativism becomes hardly ever the dominating methodological rule. It is in this sense that K. Popper called relativism «the main malady of our time». Is knowledge (and/or truth) relative, does it depend on time, place, society, culture, historical epoch, conceptual frame? Or is it absolute, universal and independent? These and similar questions are as old as philosophy and characterize the opposing doctrines – relativism and absolutism.Standard methods of scientific research are used, including the method of comparative analysis, referring to traditional problems of epistemology – the nature of rationality, understanding the possibilities of knowledge and changing of the world.The novelty of the work is related to analysis of critical approaches to modern relativism. The book attempts at finding the foundations of relativism and its practical shortcomings. Relativistic tendencies in modern epistemology and philosophy of science and also in sciences of man, psychology, cultural and historical science are examined. The authors distinguish between relativism and scepticism: they show that pluralism can fruitfully be practiced exactly if it is interpreted in the antirelativistic clue. Relativism, as reductionism, claims to be the only methodological principle capable of giving birth to modern philosophy in its search of new foundations of knowledge.
illusions, experiment, disinformation, information, truth, relativism, science, philosophy, cognitivism, sciences of man
Krotovskaya, N. G., Kulagina-Yartseva, V. S..
Dichotomy of Life and Death (Review of Salman Akhtar’s Book ‘Matters of Life and Death’)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. ¹ 10.
P. 1113-1123.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.10.65662 URL:
Salman Akhtar is a famous American psychoanalyst and winter of numerous awards. He bases his book ‘Matters
of Life and Death’ on Sigmund Freud’s teaching about the ‘two instincts’ and completes Freud’s teaching with
later researches of Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, Eric Erikson, Wilfred Bion and others. Human life is viewed by
the author from the point of view of the two components thereto – life and death – in their opposition and continuity.
The first part is devoted to studying the main terms related to life: kindness, happiness and play. Different definitions
of these terms are provided. Summarizing different scientific concepts of happiness, the author divides the following
four categories of happiness: enjoyment, joy, ecstasy and satisfaction. Salman Akhtar traces back their ontological
roots, metapsychological correlates and elements related to personal experience. The second part of the book is devoted
to death. Salman Akhtar provides the two points of view on the matter – acceptance and denial of death – and
their structural and existential functions. For this purpose, he also touches upon the problems of mortality, grave and
orphans. Salman Akhtar studies the psychological meaning of graves as places where a deceased person is having
his final sleep as well as expression of ethnic and religious hatred through desecration of graves and destruction of
grave yards. He pays special attention to the problem of orphanage as a trauma experienced by a child and which
consequences will remain for the rest of his life. The second part of the book views death and life as a continuous unity.
Overcoming the barrier between life and death and traveling along the mental landscape of generation, we are leaving
our bodies behind and returning to life as a metaphor full of play and generosity.
Freudianism, death instinct, happiness, life instinct, happiness of peace, play, graves, orphanages, reincarnation, immortality.
Khaschenko, T. G..
Psychological Assistance of Economic Identity Formation in the Process of Professional Development at a Discipline-
Specific University
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. ¹ 8.
P. 880-889.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.8.65390 URL:
There is a growing need in psychological assistance of economic identity formation in the process of professional
development due to the increasing complexity and dynamism of the economic environment of human life and
activities in a modern world. The relation between one’s professional choice and one’s search for an optimal position
and form of existence in the system of economic relations as well as the connection between professional functioning
and economic identity, economic status and economic well-being require a detailed study of professional and
economic identity formation as the two elements of one process. The subject under review is the peculiarities of
psychological assistance of the economic identity formation of students in the process of their professional development
at discipline-specific universities. Methodological basis of the theoretical research is the systems approach and
subject-activity approach. Conclusions made by the researcher are based on the summarization of a great number of
theoretical insights and practical researches in the sphere of professional and economic identity formation as well as
on the analysis of the theory and practice of psychological assistance at modern universities. The summary of scientific
data allows to make a conclusion that despite their close relation and general ‘basic’ personality determinants (such
as one’s attitude to the world, to himself, to human community, one’s life goals, values, ambitions and so on), the
processes of professional and economic identity formation are not identical by their content. This must be taken into
account when developing the methods and practice of psychological assistance at a discipline-specific university and
making relevant psychotechnological solutions. However, there are certain difficulties caused by the multiple interpretations
of the relation between the terms ‘professional identity formation’ and ‘economic identity formation’ (due to
the fact that for a long time those phenomena were either studied independently from one another or their relation
was analyzed fragmentarily. On the other hand, researches and guidelines in the sphere of psychological assistance
of students mostly focus on their professional or personality identity but not economic identity. The novelty of the author’s
approach to the problem is in viewing economic personality as the main determinant of economic identity formation
and substantiation of psychological conditions for the development of economic identity of students in terms
of psychological assistance of their professional development at a discipline-specific university.
psychological assistance, economic identity formation, economic personality, professional development, professional identity, development of an economic personality, psychological conditions, psychological guarantees, psychotechnologies, diagnostics.
Gurevich, P. S., Shazhinbatyn, A..
The Cult of Spirit
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. ¹ 7.
P. 700-708.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.7.62968 URL:
The review of Ruth Benedict’s book ‘The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture’ provides
an analysis of her conception of cultural diversity in the world. This book is published as a part of the program
that has being implemented by a famous cultural scientist and editor Svetlana Yakovlevna Levit for many years.
Thanks to her, we get to know how culture influences personality and how different values develop in history. An
Antique person, for example, was used to spending his earnings on his needs. The more you make, the more benefits
and goods you get. He would be certainly puzzled by the idea to put aside money for the ‘black day’. The ones who did
put aside money felt rather uncomfortable and experience a neurotic situation. Lenders constantly felt the influence
of general cultural traditions of those times that disapproved of ‘thinking life ahead’. However, today a young person
would feel nervous just for the opposite reasons. Would we consider someone normal if he says he feels the appearance
of an animal and even show certain signs on his body proving it? However, it is quite natural in bushman’s culture,
although a European would certainly feel neurotic in such a situation. For Japanese men the tradition of harakari
is an affair of honor. The one who could not do it, would be scorned. But in Orthodox culture such a deed would be
considered as a death of one’s soul. Marriage agreements became quite popular in the West but they are still not that
adopted in Russia. The thought of concluding a marriage contract when having a church marriage is believed to be
blasphemous. An Archaic man taking to his deceased grandfather would seem a psychotic to modern people. But it
was considered to be the norm in ancient cultures. A Jewish would feel joyful about lending money at a big interest
rage, while a Russian would only fee sorrow and remorseful about it.
This is the cultural diversity Svetlana Yakovlevna Levit’s editor’s program is telling us about.
psychology, law, virtue, ethnopsychology, society, culture, shame, guilt, moral, anthropology.
Gurevich, P. S..
Diagnosis of Historical Cosmos
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. ¹ 12.
P. 90-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.12.61730 URL:
Are Karl Mannheim’s ideas too old today? Do his sociological principles remain valuable from the point of
heuristics? Does his conception reflect all the diversity of social changes and their dynamics? These are very topical
issues because sociology and social knowledge have been significantly enriched over the past ten years. Topics
covered by the German researcher, either sociology of knowledge or his theory of elites, have an absolutely different
meaning today. This is why, since we offer our readers a collection of Karl Mannheim’s works, we ask the question
about how the Western sociologist’s conceptions refer to our today’s reality? Karl Mannheim wrote about the epoch
of transformations in general and dynamic social reconstruction in particular.
psychology, philosophy, sociology, diagnosis, knowledge, history, collective action, society, planning, inflation, mass.
Gurevich, P. S..
Phenomenon of Artistic Identity (Topic Review)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. ¹ 5.
P. 98-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.5.59562 URL:
This is the review of a few major works in literature, cinematography, theatre and art devoted to identification as
the main source of the cultural development and revival.
psychology, philosophy, culture, identification, conflict, human, society.
Gurevich, P. S..
In a Search for Self Identity
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. ¹ 5.
P. 94-101.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.5.58334 URL:
This is the summary of the 4th scientific almanac ‘Questions of Social Theory’ devoted to the problem of human
identity. The almanac raises questions about anthropological value of human, cultural identity of human and socio-cultural
diversity of human identities.
psychology, philosophy, human, identity, cultural identity, socio-cultural diversity of human identities.
Gurevich, P. S..
Inventory of sexuality.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 12.
P. 107-115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.12.57859 URL:
This is a summary of selected articles ‘Psychoanalytical
Conceptions of Psychosexuality’. According to the
author of the summary the articles allow us to understand
one of the most significant and fundamental teachings,
- the psychoanalytic teaching about psychosexuality.
psychology, psychoanalysis, sexuality, psychosexual development, neurosis, libido, sublimation
Gurevich, P. S..
The word said and worthy.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 11.
P. 102-104.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.11.57841 URL:
This is a summary of selected articles ‘They don’t
write like that anymore’. As the editor of the articles V. I.
Tolstyh writes, he decided to find the form of expression
of society and human, their needs and expectations. For
this purpose V. I. Tolstyh applies to works by famous
philosophers, philologists and critics as well as ‘philosophizing
psychology, philosophy, language studies, criticism, history, article
Gurevich, P. S..
More valuable than a gold specie.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 11.
P. 105-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.11.57842 URL:
This is a summary of P. I. Simush’ book ‘Poetical
Individuality as a Key to Russia’s Mysteries’. Analyzing
poems by Vyacheslav Dmitrievich Sysoev, the famous
philosopher tries to answer the question about whether
it is possible to express a country’s destiny by one poet’s
psychology, philosophy, culture, poetry, Vyacheslav Dmitrievich Sysoev, Russia
Gurevich, P. S..
Collective night and day dreams.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 11.
P. 107-107.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.11.57843 URL:
This is a summary of I. V. Chindin’s work ‘Mythology
of Culture. Russia’. In his monograph I. V. Chindin
studies the anthropological aspect of cultural and religious
metamorphoses in Russia during the 20th century.
At the end of his monograph the author concludes that
historical development of Russia cannot be described in
only rational and logic terms.
psychology, philosophy, culture, mythology, Russia, research, cultural and anthropological phenomena, myth, plot
Gurevich, P. S..
Guarantee of salvation.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 11.
P. 108-109.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.11.57844 URL:
This is a summary of L. A. Dyrkov’s and
L.S. Sysoev’s monograph ‘Russian Messianism and
Russia’s Destinies’. The authors of the monograph carry
out a philosophical analysis of the essence of Russian
messianism, its origins and evolution. In conclusion the
authors underline that it is very important for Russia to
find a national idea which would be based on true Russian
values and free from messianism pretence.
psychology, philosophy, culture, Russia, national idea, nationalistic doctrines, messianism, values
Gurevich, P. S..
Knowledge and religious experience.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 11.
P. 110-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.11.57845 URL:
This is a summary of M. T. Stepanyants’ book
‘Islamic Mysticism’. In his work M. T. Stepanyants reveals
the topic of Sufism based on broad historical and
philosophical material.
psychology, philosophy, culture, anthropology, gnoseology, Sufism, Islam, mysticism
Gurevich, P. S..
Minutes of secret thoughts.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 11.
P. 112-112.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.11.57846 URL:
This is a summary of selected poems by Doctor
of Philosophy, leading research assistant of Institute of
Philosophy of the RAS M. M. Novoselov ‘Through the
Years of Feelings and Thoughts’.
philosophy, psychology, culture, poetry, lyrics
Gurevich, P. S..
Why are we different?
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 11.
P. 113-114.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.11.57847 URL:
This is a summary of the book ‘Popular Psychology
of Personality Types’. The book contains six chapters,
each of which answers the questions on how to use strong
sides of a psychotype in teaching, family life, at work and
personal self-improvement.
psychology, popular psychology, personality, psychotype, spheres of life
Gurevich, P. S..
Please Speak for the Poor Homo…
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 4.
P. 90-96.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.4.57337 URL:
This is the review of the book ‘The Human and the Other’ by one of distinguished modern philosophers V. A. Kutyrev. The book is devoted to the problems of a place of human in our modern world, his existence and survival.
philosophy, psychology, human, society, civilization, crisis, survival
Gurevich, P. S..
Phenomenology of Spirit (About the Book by V. V. Zelensky ‘Hello Soul! Works of Different Periods’)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.11.57113 URL:
This article is a review of the book ‘Hello Soul” by a famous Russian psychologist, analyst and writer Valery Vsevolodovich Zelensky. In his book Zelensky summed up all his works devoted to the study of phenomenology of spirit. Zelensky’s works well show his versatile nature and tendency to reflect on the key problems of psychoanalytical theory and practice.
philosophy, psychology, soul, spirit, phenomenology, psychoanalysis