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«Psychology and Psychotechnics»
About the journal

Journal of general and social psychology, personality psychology, clinical psychology. Special attention is paid to the coverage of new scientific concepts and methods of psychological correction, psychotherapy and psychotechnics. 

Online open acess journal "Psychology and Psychotechnics" is included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Russia).

We assign all articles DOI.

We adhere to practice of double-blind peer-review, and process the manuscripts according to the standards of the American Psychological Association.

Editor-in-Chief: Elvira Maratovna Spirova — Doctor of Philosophy, Acting Head of the Department of the History of Anthropological Teachings of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, editor-in-chief of the journals "Philosophical Thought", "Psychology and Psychotechnics". 10 Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 119991, Russia. 

The online quarterly journal has been published since 2008.

ISSN 2454-0722

Abstracting and Indexing: Google Scholar, EBSCO, CrossRef, APA PsycInfo

Editorial office address: 115114, Moscow, Paveletskaya embankment 6A-211.
