Professional psychology
Zentsova, N.I. (2024). Biofeedback Therapy in the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 1–11.
The rationale for the use of BOS therapy for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers is presented. The subject of the study is the problem of prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers. The object of the study is the use of a BOS simulator for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers. The necessity of searching for innovative methods to increase stress tolerance and emotional burnout of senior managers is revealed. It was revealed that BOS therapy helps to self-regulate their behavior with the help of biological feedback. The author considers breathing training as the most accessible and manageable method of developing stress resistance. A training has been developed aimed at developing this skill with the help of special software. Special attention is paid to teaching a special method of mastering the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing. The results of the conducted complex of trainings showed the prospects of this direction for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers. A special contribution of the author to the study of this problem is to identify the effectiveness of using the technology of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing with maximum respiratory arrhythmia of the heart by the method of biofeedback. The novelty of the research lies in the presentation and testing of an innovative method using a BOS simulator, which allows analyzing the state of organs and body systems according to certain indicators. There is a need for further study of this direction, as it is promising in preventive psychotherapy, which allows to prevent crisis states at the initial stage of emotional burnout of top managers.
cardiac respiratory arrhythmia, diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing, self-regulation, stress resistance, biofeedback therapy, innovative methods, crisis conditions, emotional burnout, stress, training complex
Professional psychology
Kuzmina, A.S., Dovgan', K.E. (2024). Legal casuistry and problems of professional burnout of judges. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 12–23.
The legal casuistry of law enforcement is aimed at studying the historical, philosophical, logical, psychological and legal foundations that are interrelated. The dynamics of public relations and the expansion of the sphere of rule-making actualize research in the field of legal psychology, in relation to the psychological and legal aspects of legal casuistry. The subject of the study is the professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary. Special attention is paid to the severity of all three symptoms of professional burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduction of personal achievements. The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between the symptoms of professional burnout, manifestations of perfectionism and coping strategies of representatives of the judiciary. A theoretical analysis of scientific research on the problem of emotional burnout of representatives of the judiciary allows us to conclude that almost every representative of this professional field faces huge problems of a different nature, which leads to chronic stress, flowing into emotional burnout. Maladaptive coping strategies and various manifestations of perfectionism can exacerbate this condition. To determine the symptoms of professional burnout, the questionnaire of the level of mental burnout (MBI), developed by K. Maslach and S. Jackson, adapted by N.E. Vodopyanova and E.S. Starchenkova, was used. The questionnaire "Copping strategies" by R. Lazarus was used to study coping mechanisms. The three-factor questionnaire of perfectionism by A.B. Kholmogorova and N.G. Garanyan reveals the manifestations of perfectionism.The main conclusions of the study are presented in the following provisions: the representatives of the judicial corps have the most pronounced symptom of emotional exhaustion, which manifests itself in a decrease in mental tone, increased fatigue. Manifestations of perfectionism, which are associated with fixation on negative information and excessively high demands on oneself, can become a risk for the development of a symptom of emotional exhaustion of the judicial corp. Preventive and adaptive coping strategies are: positive reassessment, a high level of self-control and planning in solving problems that prevent the development of symptoms of professional burnout. We see the prospects for research on this topic in expanding diagnostic tools to assess a wider range of personal qualities of representatives of the judiciary and their interrelationships with the symptoms of professional burnout. The results of the study can be used in the analysis of subjective aspects in matters of legal qualification.
the symptom, emotional exhaustion, perfectionism, legal qualifications, coping strategies, casuistry, professional burnout, law enforcement, judges, legal regulation
Inner world
Kangieva, A.M. (2024). Criminal Responsibility in the Kurt Lewin's field theory. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 24–41.
The article is devoted to the study of criminal responsibility as a dynamic category through the lens of Kurt Lewin's field theory. The research examines the interaction between an individual's internal motives, value orientations, and external normative requirements within the context of the psychological field. The field approach offers a deeper understanding of the mechanisms shaping and transforming criminal responsibility, including the perception of punishment, acceptance of guilt, or avoidance of responsibility. Special attention is given to modeling the psychological field of an individual under conditions of social stigmatization. Additionally, practical applications of field theory are proposed, including the development of rehabilitation programs, prevention of recidivism, and reduction of social stigmatization. The article shows how the boundaries of the psychological field determine the scope of the influence of external and internal factors on human behavior. They depend on many parameters, including the level of awareness, motivation and the degree of susceptibility to external influences. It is concluded that the boundaries of the field can be dynamic and change under the influence of both internal transformations of the individual and changes in the environment. The trust is shown as a force that transforms the external rule into internal motive of the person. Trust allows minimize internal pressure and tension and achieve balance of field forces. The research can be used for deeper theoretical understanding of criminal responsibility, as well as in the practice of legal psychology and crime prevention. The scientific novelty of article in the adaptation of field theory to study the mechanisms of acceptance of responsibility, resistance to it, and the influence of social stigma on behavior.
punishment, guilt, legal consciousness, criminal responsibility, trust, internalising of the rule, social stigma, internal motives, Kurt Lewin, field theory
Inner world
Sungurova, N.L., Musina, R.A. (2024). Sexual characteristics of the manifestation of social anxiety in students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 42–54.
The relevance of this research is due to the need to study the phenomenon of social anxiety among modern students in connection with various challenges, an increasing number of adverse, stressful and traumatic life circumstances. The interest in the subject of research on the sexual characteristics of social anxiety among students is associated with insufficient empirical study of this issue, the need to develop practical recommendations aimed at developing students' personality, forming effective coping strategies, increasing the level of adaptability and mental stability of the individual. The results of the study can be used to develop programs for the prevention of social anxiety among students aimed at reducing anxiety levels, improving the quality of life, contributing to the psychological well-being of students and their successful adaptation in the social space.The purpose of the study: to identify the sexual characteristics of social anxiety of students. Methods of research: survey, methods of mathematical data processing (Mann-Whitney criterion, Spearman coefficient); "Scale of social avoidance and distress" (D. Watson, R. Friend), "Short scale of fear of negative assessment" (D. Watson, R. Friend adapted by I. V. Grigorieva, S. N. Enikolopova); "Questionnaire of social anxiety and social phobia" (O. A. Sagalakova, D. V. Truevtsev). The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the features of social anxiety of students are considered as different components of the phenomenon under study, and the understanding of sexual characteristics of manifestation is expanded. The gender differences in the peculiarities of the manifestation of social anxiety among students were revealed. Young men show more pronounced manifestations of social anxiety and social phobia. The fear of being judged or criticized increases anxiety in various life situations. Girls are prone to social avoidance and distress, and are also more prone to fear of negative evaluation from others. Young men demonstrate greater self-confidence, less sensitivity to the opinions of others. These characteristics can be associated with both the individual and personal characteristics of students, as well as with social norms and expectations regarding them. A common feature for the student audience is that experiencing the fear of negative evaluation from the social environment leads to avoiding uncomfortable situations, experiencing social distress, and avoiding social contacts in real life.
fear of criticism, gender characteristics, students, social avoidance, distress, fear of negative evaluation, social phobia, social anxiety, anxiety, emotions
Continent of the unconscious
Zhmurin, I.E., Korneichik, I.V. (2024). Main directions and trends in the study of gender-role identity in modern psychoanalytic practice. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 55–82.
The paper presents a scientific study, the purpose of which is to study the psychoanalytic view of gender-role identity. The subject of the research is the consideration of the content, directions and dynamics of the psychoanalytic study of gender-role identity in scientific articles. The problem of the formation and development of gender-role identity is relevant for modern science, but Western propaganda of freedom in the perception of one's gender is aggressively imposed on children and families. Two lines of development of the problem are highlighted. The first has to do with the correction of medical regulations by social and political movements that lobby for diversity of identities. The second line is due to the intrusion of a complex socio-cultural reality into the modern family (the implementation of same-sex marriages, the erasure and mixing of family roles, the transformation of parenthood). These trends are eroding the national, cultural and social bonds of the Russian family. The study was carried out in the form of a qualitative comparative study with subsequent analysis of the titles and abstracts of articles, and the text of open access articles. The main conclusions of the work are the definition of the basic directions of psychoanalytic studies of gender-role identity: the study of basic provisions; highlighting the features of approaches to the concept; determination of the dynamics of research in comparison with gender, medical research; special topics for the study of the problem. Taking into account the relevance of the problem of gender-role identity, the practical importance of studying the intrusion of a complex socio-cultural reality into the modern Russian family (same-sex marriages, the erasure and mixing of family roles, the transformation of parenthood in the West) in order to destroy its traditions increases.
comparative analysis, scientific publications, qualitative analysis, identity violation, identity, family relations, family, psychoanalysis, gender role identity, identity issues
Clinical psychology
Lytkin, V.M., Zun, S.A., Kolodin, S.N., Yatmanov, A.N. (2024). Post-combat personality changes of combat veterans. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 83–99.
The problem of post-combat personality changes in combat veterans over the past decades has become particularly important both in socio-psychological and clinical and organizational aspects. The purpose of the work: to study the features of post-combat personality changes of combat veterans. The subject of the study is personal changes of veterans of combat operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The object of the research is scientific publications on the research topic. Special attention is paid to both the historical aspects of the study of post-combat personality changes of veterans, as well as modern ideas about personality development and views on its pathological development. The conceptual approaches to the problem of post-combat personality changes of combatants within the framework of various models of combat stress and combat post-traumatic stress disorders are considered. Materials and methods: the literature of the RSCI citation database was analyzed ( ) by keyword queries: "combat veteran", "combatant", "personality changes". The analysis includes 23 papers, 87% of which were published later than 2004. The review article provides an analysis of personal changes of Russian combat veterans in clinical, descriptive and conceptual directions. Descriptions of post-traumatic personality changes in combat post-traumatic stress disorder are presented. The close interrelation of the concepts of combat stress, combat mental trauma, and combat post-traumatic stress disorders is noted. Attention is focused on the important role of the social aspect in solving the complex problem of post-combat personal changes in combatants. Taking into account modern (sometimes very controversial) ideas about personality disorders and socio-psychological characteristics of society in the context of a special military operation, the problem of post-combat personal changes of combat veterans is, in our opinion, becoming increasingly relevant, which implies further comprehensive development of this problem.
vital threat, combatant accentuation, personality disorder, combat personality transformation, post-traumatic stress disorder, combatant, combat veteran, combat stress, international classification of diseases, war