The conscious and the unconscious
Bogachev, A.M. (2024). Synthetic concept of working with dreams: approbation in the field of psychological psychotherapy and personality development. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 1–23.
This paper presents the results of a scientific study aimed at determining the effectiveness of the synthetic concept of dreams when applied in the field of psychological psychotherapy (psychocorrection) and (or) in the field of personality development. Accordingly, the mental reality of the subjects is presented as an object of research, and as its subject of research – "transformation of the states and (or) personality characteristics of the participants in the experiment in the context of the use of a synthetic algorithm for working with dreams." The research was conducted in the form of an experiment, the participants of which, in interaction with the experimenter, who performed the function of interpreter and "guide", comprehended their dreams and carried out direct work with them. The main conclusions drawn on the basis of the results of the study were the confirmation of the effectiveness of the presented synthetic concept of dreams and, therefore, the idea of dreaming as a natural psychotherapeutic (psychocorrective) mechanism, as well as the material with which work contributes to the development of personality. Taking into account the high scientific interest and practical significance of studying the integral structure of a person's mental reality in the context of improving his psychological well-being in a stressful environment and, at the same time, the known complexity of the study of such a phenomenon as dreams, the work can claim the status of one of the steps to scientific discovery.
Psychocorrection, Psychotherapy, Anxiety, Integration, Integrity, Development, Transformation, The dream, Personality, Archetype
Clinical psychology
Kachay, I.S., Fedorenko, P.A. (2024). Algorithm of conceptualization in rational-emotional-behavioral therapy by A. Ellis. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 24–41.
The object of this research is the practical principles of rational-emotional-behavioral therapy (REBT) by A. Ellis. The subject of the research is the specifics of the formation of the conceptualization of the client within the framework of a rational-emotional-behavioral approach. The aim of this research is to develop an algorithm for compiling client conceptualization in the therapeutic direction under consideration based on the systematization of activating events, irrational beliefs, key contesting counterarguments and rational statements. The conceptualization developed in this research also allows the client to form abstract ideas about problematic areas of life, to discover common cognitive behavioral patterns ("schemes") peculiar to him, to derive abstract irrational beliefs and rational statements (a new effective philosophy) and behaviorally reinforce the latter in order to realize significant (including global) life goals and values. The methodological basis of the work is the research of the founders and representatives of rational-emotional-behavioral and cognitive psychotherapy. The main result of the conducted research is the developed REBT conceptualization, which until now was absent in rational-emotional-behavioral therapy, but is actively used in a related psychotherapeutic approach – A. Beck's cognitive therapy. The presented conceptualization and the described algorithm of its compilation contribute to eliminating the risks associated with an insufficiently systematic understanding by the client of the abstract structure of his emotional and behavioral disorders during the passage of rational-emotional-behavioral therapy, known for its deep philosophical approach to solving specific problems, mainly due to philosophical disputation of specific irrational beliefs of the client. The scientific novelty of the work also lies in the description of cognitive-behavioral patterns ("schemes") characteristic of the majority of clients suffering from affective disorders, formulated on the basis of twelve typical irrational beliefs identified by A. Ellis in 1956.
cognitive behavioral pattern, rational statement, irrational belief, conceptualization, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, rational-emotional-behavioral therapy, schema, emotional disorder, therapeutic intervention
Professional psychology
Yarovaya, N.P. (2024). Characteristics of visual perception of patients’ faces and the formation of “observation” in the process of training cosmetologists. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 42–53.
Professional experience assists specialists in processing information more quickly and effectively making precise decisions. Visual expertise, as a crucial component of experience, refers to the capability to rapidly perceive visual information within a specific professional domain, acquired through systematic education, professional development, and practice. Numerous studies utilize eye-tracking methods to analyze the relationship between professional experience and gaze patterns. For instance, experienced dermatologists have developed optimal scanning patterns, allowing them to efficiently allocate attention and accurately identify key diagnostic features within images amidst numerous secondary details. The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in oculomotor patterns after completing the author’s training program for doctors, aimed at versatile aesthetic analytics of the face, building individual treatment protocols and increasing the patient’s adherence to aesthetic medicine in order to assess the possibility of developing observation in the conditions of short-term training. Thirty cosmetic doctors participated in the study, which utilized eye-tracking methods with the Neuroburo program-hardware complex. The study was conducted in two phases – before and after training – with 15 patient facial images exhibiting various dermatological issues presented on a computer screen to the cosmetic doctors. Participants were tasked with identifying signs of dermatological disorders of the patients. Following training, a decrease in the number of fixations, an increase in saccadic amplitude, and a reduction in the overall scanning path length were observed among the cosmetic doctors. These findings indicate a more optimized perception strategy and suggest a more systematic and directed approach to diagnostic image analysis. The results suggest an enhanced global perception ability among the doctors, which may aid in recognizing broader patterns and structures and understanding the wider context and relationships between details.
tracking eye movements, specialist, professional experience, aesthetic medicine, dermatocosmetologist, short-term training, visual perception, eye movements, eye-tracking, cosmetologist
Inner world
Mordas, E.S., Demidova, A.M. (2024). Relationship with Mother and Satisfaction with Motherhood of Middle-Aged Women. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 54–69.
The object of the study: the relationship of women's attitude to their mother and satisfaction with their own motherhood. The novelty of the study is that empirical data have been obtained showing how the nature of the relationship with the mother, the type of attachment and the style of separation from the mother are interrelated with a woman's satisfaction with her motherhood. The present study was focused on finding the interrelationships of the nature of the current relationship of an adult woman with her mother and the degree of satisfaction of a woman with her parenting. The relationship between a woman's current level of satisfaction with her motherhood and her emotional and evaluative attitude towards her mother, the degree of psychological separation from her and the formed nature of attachment in adult relationships with her mother was studied. The main conclusions of the study: 1. Regarding the attachment style to the mother: higher satisfaction with motherhood is characteristic of women with a lower level of avoidance and anxiety in the relationship with the mother. 2. Regarding the level of separation from the mother: higher satisfaction with motherhood corresponds to higher conflict independence, but lower attitude. 3. A study of the nature of a woman's emotional and evaluative perception of her mother showed that the lowest satisfaction with motherhood was noted only among women with a negative attitude towards their mother, and is not typical for those whose attitude towards their mother is more positive.
conflict, identification, dependence, mother-daughter relationship, separation, attachment, satisfaction, motherhood, transgenerational transmission, ambivalence
Psychology of highest aspirations
Druzhinin, O.A., Efimova, V.L., Yakubova, G.A., Rasulov, E.Y. (2024). Comparative analysis of sensorimotor reactions of female boxers and non-boxing female university students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 70–84.
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The subject of the study is sensorimotor reactions of female boxers and not boxers female university students. The study involved 20 female athletes who are members of the Uzbek national boxing team and 46 female students of the pedagogical university who are not engaged in boxing. Sensorimotor tests were performed on high-precision analog equipment. The study consisted of 6 tests. The statistical analysis was carried out using the Python programming language. Female boxers showed significantly higher results in instrumental tests evaluating motor responses to auditory and visual stimuli. The advantage of the athletes was manifested in both simple and complex sensorimotor reactions. Female athletes showed a shorter reaction time to auditory and visual stimuli, both in simple and complex sensorimotor tests: more target reactions to a moving object; more of target reactions under time constraints in a dynamic test; higher endurance of the nervous system during the tapping test. The high quality of sensorimotor reactions is a prerequisite for the success of athletes in female boxing. Sensorimotor tests are considered cognitive, so the results of the study show a high cognitive potential of female athletes. The results of sensorimotor tests are related to the quality of executive functions, including memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control. A comparative analysis of the sensorimotor reactions of female boxers and female students using instrumental diagnostic methods was carried out for the first time. The data obtained complement the understanding of the relationship between human motor and cognitive development. A high level of development of simple and complex sensorimotor reactions contributes to success, both in sports and other activities. Playing sports can contribute not only to the physical development of a person, but also increase his cognitive potential.
memory, cognitive flexibility, sports, cognitive abilities, executive functions, boxing, female's boxing, reaction time, sensorimotor tests, inhibitory control
Crowd psychology
Nikolskaya, A.V., Kostrigin, A.A. (2024). Attitude of Russians to Economic Inequality: Substantiation of Economic-Psychological Experiment. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 85–104.
Nowadays Russian society is experiencing changes in attitudes towards various social phenomena and processes, among which the attitude towards economic inequality takes a special place. The consideration of the social-psychological aspects of the attitude to economic inequality in the scientific literature is insufficiently reflected. The study of the peculiarities of attitudes towards inequality will make it possible to clarify public attitudes and attitudes necessary for further social and economic reforms. In addition, traditional research methods do not always reflect representative characteristics of the population's attitude to various social problems, so there is a need to develop a more relevant method (economic-psychological experiment) to identify personal aspects of respondents' economic behavior. The aim was to study the features of the Russian population’s attitude to economic inequality in society by the economic-psychological experiment and substantiating this method as promising for studying attitudes towards social and economic phenomena. Focus groups, which included group interviews and discussions on problems of inequality; a survey aimed at examining attitudes towards inequality and behavior in relation to charity; an economic and psychological experiment (quasi-experiment), in the framework of which situations were simulated for respondents to make economic decisions (choosing a society for a hypothetical grandson). Russian respondents equally want to live both in a risk unequal society, to get higher incomes, and in a society with fixed average incomes. Most Russians are not ready to give up part of their income in order to help those who live worse. The attitude to inequality (the preference of equal and unequal societies) among Russian respondents does not change in any simulated economic conditions. The results obtained using the economic-psychological experiment represent original aspects of respondents' attitudes towards economic inequality in comparison with survey and testing methods.
risk society, Russian society, income distribution, experimental situation, experimental economics, attitude to inequality, economic inequality, equal society, economic psychology, income
Person and personality
Cveks, M.V., Rushina, M.A. (2024). Individual-psychological features of patriotism and value orientations of Russian students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 105–118.
The subject of the study is individual-psychological features of patriotism and value orientations of Russian students. The authors consider patriotism in the context of A.I. Krupnov's system-functional approach. In this case, patriotism acts as a personality property consisting of eight components. Each of the components is represented by harmonic and anharmonic variable. The features of the relationship between patriotism and personality factors and the structure of value orientations are investigated in detail. The authors used the form test of patriotism research "Patriogram" (S. I. Kudinov, A. V. Potemkin); Five-factor personality questionnaire NEO FFI (Costa, McCray) in the adaptation of M. V. Bodunov and S. D. Biryukov; Diagnostic personality questionnaire NEO FFI (Costa, McCray). D. Biryukov; Diagnostics of the real structure of value orientations of personality (S. S. Bubnova). An important result of the study is the revealed statistically reliable features of Russian students' patriotism, as well as the correlations of this property with personality factors and value orientations. The obtained results make it possible to say that patriotism of students of modern Russian universities is characterized by socially significant orientation, aenergy, stenichnost, internality, sociocentricity, meaningfulness and dominant difficulties of operational content in the process of realization of this property of personality. It is also revealed that conscientiousness, openness to experience and extraversion are important personality factors that facilitate the process of student's manifestation of patriotism. In turn, neuroticism aggravates operational and personality difficulties accompanying the realization of patriotism. It was revealed that the values of love and health are interrelated with a stable and emotionally positive manifestation of patriotism, and the value in recognition and respect correlates with sociocentric motivation in the context of the realization of this personality property.
anharmonicity, harmony, personality trait, system-functional approach, value orientations, personality factors, patriotism as personality trait, patriotism, values-ideals, the components of personality traits
Psychology and pedagogics
Kipreev, S.N. (2024). Features of the formation of patriotism in the course of teaching humanitarian academic disciplines of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 119–127.
This author discusses the features of the research of the sense of patriotism among the cadets of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, conducted at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the introduction of methods to supplement the content of academic disciplines in the educational process. For this purpose, the author conducted experimental work on the formation of a sense of patriotism among police cadets at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy. The article describes the types of information elements directly introduced into the content of educational material or indirectly used during training sessions, reveals the specifics of their use for patriotic education. The specifics of the education of patriotism in the course of teaching humanitarian academic disciplines are revealed. The description of promising areas of further research on the topic of education of patriotism is given, and recommendations for improving the system of patriotic education in a departmental university are proposed. The transformation of the content of humanitarian disciplines is described in order to form a sense of patriotism among cadets. The researcher gives the author's typology of the feeling of patriotism, actualizes the question of the need to improve the process of patriotic education in new information and political conditions. The paper managed to show the peculiarities of the formation of patriotism in educational practice, in the process of teaching academic disciplines of the humanities cycle at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy in the educational system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
education, scientific research, features of the formation of patriotism, humanitarian academic disciplines, components of a sense of patriotism, types of a sense of patriotism, patriotism, upbringing, a sense of patriotism, cadets
Psychology and pedagogics
Shilova, N.P. (2024). Features of the time perspective in youth, depending on the level of education received: the results of a comparative study. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 128–142.
The article presents the results of a study on the role of the level of education received in shaping the time perspective of the future in adolescence. The object of the study is boys and girls from 15 to 23 years old. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the time perspective in youth, related to the level of education received. The purpose of this research is to study the differences in the characteristics of the time perspective in adolescence, depending on the level of education received. And the hypothesis was the assumption that there are differences in the characteristics of the time perspective of boys and girls related to the level of education received. The author examines in detail the aspect of the topic related to the differences in the time perspective of boys and girls depending on the level of education received. The study was conducted using the method of unfinished sentences of J.Nyutten. The main conclusions of the study were the following statements: - the future of teenagers, boys and girls studying at school is focused on the time period "schooling", and for boys and girls studying at colleges this is the time of "vocational education after school"; - the future of university students is focused on the time period "professional autonomy, work", but this is not relevant for college students. The author's scientific contribution to the study of the topic was to clarify the available data on the formation of a time perspective in youth. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the features of the time perspective in youth associated with studying in educational institutions such as schools, institutions of secondary special education or universities have been identified.
meaningful characteristics of the future, temporary characteristics of the future, level of education, secondary vocational education, higher education, school education, temporary perspective, boys and girls, adolescence, future
Clinical psychology
Kuzmina, A.S., Krivoshei, K.O. (2024). Attitude to the child's illness and parental burnout of women raising children with autism spectrum disorders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 143–156.
The subject of the study is the parental burnout of women raising children with autism spectrum disorders. Special attention is paid to the type of attitude to the mother's child's illness and her emotional burnout. The aim of the study is to identify the relationship of parental burnout with the type of attitude to the child and his illness in women raising children with autism spectrum disorders. Theoretical analysis of scientific research on the problem of emotional burnout of parents raising children with autism spectrum disorder allows us to conclude that each family faces huge problems of a different nature, which leads to chronic stress, flowing into emotional burnout. Different types of attitudes to the disease can aggravate this condition. The main conclusions of the study are presented in the provisions. Parental burnout of women raising children with autism spectrum disorders is determined by the peculiarities of emotional relationships with the child. Data were obtained on different relationships between the symptoms of parental burnout and the type of relationship with a child of different ages. Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of parental achievements are interrelated with the peculiarities of contact with the child, the inability to understand the child, feelings arising in interaction with the child, the inability to provide emotional support to the child. The type of attitude to the child's illness is determined by the peculiarities of the emotional relationship between mother and child. Thus, the predictors of the types of attitude to the child's illness are the feelings that arise in the mother's relationship with the child, a negative attitude towards herself as a mother, unconditional child, restrictions on activity and physical contact.
emotional relationships, child's illness, kid, family, emotional exhaustion, parental burnout, nosognosia, anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, autism
Clinical psychology
Isaeva, E.R., Mukhitova, Y.V., Dmitriev, P.I. (2024). Features of oculomotor activity (eye movement) in patients with schizophrenia in recognizing essential signs using the example of the "Exclusion of the 4th superfluous" technique. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 157–178.
The research is devoted to the study of the specifics of oculomotor activity of patients with schizophrenia when solving the cognitive task of searching for common (similar) signs in 4 stimulus images and, on this basis, the exclusion of 1 superfluous object on the cards of the "Exclusion of the 4th superfluous" technique. Oculomotor activity is a reliable biomarker of both conscious and unconscious cognitive processes, and eye movement patterns serve as a quantitative (objective) characteristic of the process of perception, attention and thinking in real time. When solving cognitive tasks, the subject of study was the mental processes of patients with schizophrenia: comparison, classification, generalization, abstraction, which were revealed in the responses of patients in the "Exclusion of the fourth superfluous" technique. The respondents' answers were analyzed depending on the level of generalization: by categorical and functional criteria, by specific situational criteria, and latent criteria. To assess the characteristics of oculomotor activity, the AI tracker method was used using a hardware and software complex for contactless registration of human oculomotor activity. To assess the characteristics of mental activity, the “Exclusion of the fourth superfluous" technique was used. Patients with schizophrenia demonstrate difficulties in the recognition process, there is an emphasis on individual parts of the image, as well as: chaotic movements of the gaze between objects and their details. This indicates the need for a longer time period for image recognition, as well as difficulties in analyzing and identifying common essential features of objects (images), as a result of which schizophrenia patients carry out mental generalization operations based on a variety of, more often insignificant and latent signs, which is reflected in making the "wrong" decision. The study of eye movement during the solution of such mental tasks has shown that the characteristics of the gaze during the search for common features reflect the mental acts of comparison and generalization of essential features and can provide objective information about the difficulties and violations of the produced. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the features of oculomotor activity in patients with schizophrenia are closely related to disorders of cognitive processing of visual information at early levels of the thought process. Eye movements in solving cognitive tasks accompany the mental process of searching and selecting significant features from the general background of diverse visual information and reflect the difficulties of its selection.
latent signs, selectivity of thinking, the selectivity of perception, visual fixations, cognitive functions, oculomotor activity, visual perception, the eytracker, mind, schizophrenia
Ponomareva, E. (2024). Video game as a research tool. Video games expert assessments. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 179–195.
The contradictive results presence and the simplified vision of the research object are considered as an actual problem for psychological studies exploring video games use specificity. According to the author’s viewpoint, the psychological aspect of the activity realized in video games tends to be missed. This is true additionally for the ludic nature of the mentioned activity that imposes specificity on the gameplay and the user’s perception of it. The aim of the article is to describe the possible criteria elaboration algorithm to search a video game allowing effective gameplay observation, and to select subsequently the suitable for these criteria platform. Attention is paid to play activity specificity. This means the necessity to consider the individual peculiarities of gameplay realization as play activity outer side and to take into account the video games structure specifics in the framework of gameplay observation. The description of a possible algorithm of the video game selection criteria elaboration is presented. The criteria are implied to allow the performance of the effective gameplay observation. The article describes the study with expert assessment method use. It was participated by the game design specialists (total final number is 15 respondents). The criteria for a video game selection suitable for the purpose of the research achievement were determined. The computer game «Minecraft» was selected. It is supposed to be used as a platform for observation of the future research participants' gameplay realization. The features of the computer game «Minecraft» will allow the game space flexible configuration to observe the respondents effectively and to correspond the received data with respondents' play activity specifics. The results obtained in the future will be useful for the video game expertise methodics development and for effective psychodiagnostic, psychocorrective and developmental programs elaboration as well as useful for the deviant behaviour prevention.
deviant video games use, game designers, video game expert assessment, expert assessment method, video game selection criteria, video game structure, gameplay, play activity, computer games, video games psychological studies