Clinical psychology
Efimova, V.L., Nikolaeva, E.I., Buinov, L.G., Vergunov, E.G., Nikolaeva, N.O., Khasnutdinova, A.L., Mazurova, I.S. (2023). The influence of vestibular training on dynamic visual acuity in primary school students with learning difficulties. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 1–13.
The relevance of the study is determined by the increasing number of younger schoolchildren with difficulties in mastering reading and writing. In recent decades, the hypothesis has been confirmed that one of the causes of difficulties in mastering reading and writing in elementary school may be reduced sensory reactivity of the vestibular system. The article presents the results of an experimental study of dynamic visual acuity in children with learning difficulties. Dynamic visual acuity reflects the quality of interaction between the visual and vestibular systems. Its violations can complicate the development of reading and writing. The study involved 35 primary school students with learning difficulties. The study was conducted on the basis of a pediatric neurological clinic, instrumental studies and vestibular training were conducted as prescribed by a neurologist. At the first stage, functional diagnostics of vestibular function was carried out. The functions of the otolith part of the vestibular apparatus were evaluated by the method of cervical vestibular evoked potentials. The functions of the horizontal semicircular channels of the vestibular apparatus were evaluated by measuring the duration of post-rotational nystagmus. The experimental group included children whose learning difficulties were combined with sensory hyperactivity of the vestibular system or asymmetry of sensory reactivity of the vestibular system. Then the children underwent vestibular training on a riding simulator with visual biofeedback. The duration of the training is 14 days. The assessment of dynamic visual acuity was carried out by the standard method in sitting and standing positions before and after the training. Dynamic visual acuity depends on the quality of the vestibulocular reflex. It is shown that vestibular training on a riding simulator with visual biofeedback significantly improves dynamic visual acuity in a group of children with hyperactivity, symptoms of astheno-neurotic syndrome, asymmetry of sensory reactivity of the vestibular apparatus. Further research is needed to assess the impact of the training results on the success of children in learning.
semicircular channels, sensorimotor integration, reading and writing, dynamic visual acuity, vestibulocular reflex, vestibular system, learning difficulties, children, otolith organs, hyperactivity
Kangieva, A.M. (2023). Diary written in the form of a letter to a mentor as a Sufi psychotechnics (psycholinguistic analysis). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 14–33.
The article analyzes the diaries in the form of a letter to a mentor, presents the results of a survey of the authors of the diaries, reflecting their subjective assessment of the influence of the diary on their mental state. The spread of such diary forms as a diary in the form of a letter to a mentor reflects a communicative turn in science, psychology, art, mass consciousness, when the focus shifts from I to You. The postmodern aesthetics of modern diary forms is revealed. It is shown that writing letters to mentors is not a classical ritual Sufi psychotechnics. At the same time, Sufism is a communicative model and all Sufi rituals are rituals of communication. Therefore, writing letters is a written expression of such classical Sufi techniques as istighasa, istiana (asking for help), tawassul (search for means of approaching God), rabita (imagining meeting and being near a mentor). Sufi returns to the ultimate truth about himself: about his boundaries, about his vulnerability and weakness, about the need for You, about the impossibility of living without a dialogue with You. Through embedding himself in a hierarchical relationship with a mentor, the Sufi comes to the ultimate dependence on God. Dependence on God is not chemical or behavioral, it is getting rid of psychic defenses and illusions about the strength of one’s control, influence and power and stating one’s slavish position with God, when the only thing that controls the heart of a Sufi is choice-to-you.
coregulation, psycholinguistics, sufi communication studies, sufism, James Pennebaker, diary, Ira Progoff, communicative rationality, self-therapy, narrative psychology
Clinical psychology
Nazmetdinova, D.G., Shamakov, V.A. (2023). Cross–cultural adaptation and approbation of the questionnaire "Stroke Self-efficacy Questionnaire" ("Self-efficacy after stroke"). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 34–43.
The article presents a step-by-step description of the procedure for cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire on the Russian sample. The goal is to adapt and test the Stroke Self-efficacy Questionnaire on stroke patients with an assessment of internal consistency and convergent validity. 77 patients of the Tomsk Regional Vascular Center filled out the Russian-language version of the "SSEQ" and the "Scale of general self-efficacy" (R. Schwarzer, M. Yerusalem, adapted by V.G. Romek) were studied. When filling out 13 scales of the questionnaire, patients assessed their abilities, capabilities, resources in performing everyday tasks after a stroke on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is absolutely not sure and 10 is absolutely sure. To assess convergent validity, post-stroke patients filled out a "Scale of general self-efficacy" consisting of 10 items, each of which has 4 degrees of consent of the respondent from "absolutely incorrect" to "absolutely true". The total values on the scale (from 10 to 40 points) reflect the overall indicator of subjective assessment of personal effectiveness. The article presents the psychometric characteristics of the test and descriptive statistics. The internal consistency of the test was determined by the Kronbach method. The coefficient is generally equal to 0.875. Adaptation and testing of the questionnaire "Self-efficacy after stroke" in many countries has shown good validity results. Cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire "Self-efficacy after stroke" was conducted in Russia for the first time. The advantages of using this questionnaire include the possibility of using it as an express technique in the work of a clinical psychologist within a multidisciplinary team to assess the motivational component of rehabilitation potential in the system of staged rehabilitation treatment.
coefficient Cronbach, rehabilitation, ischemic stroke, approbation of the methodology, self-efficacy, convergent validity, cross cultural adaptation, stroke, motivation, multidisciplinary team
Personal motivation and spirituality
Bogachev, A.M., Teplykh, G.I., Kavchuk, P.N. (2023). Formation of the All-Russian civil identity in the territories liberated during the SVO: risks and prospects. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 44–52.
The article "Formation of the All-Russian civil identity in the territories liberated during the SVO: risks and prospects" is devoted to the actual problem of socio-psychological integration of residents of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions in the all-Russian space in conjugation of this problem with such factors as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social stress disorder (SSR). The authors of the article believe that to solve this and other problems, it is necessary to apply a special theological and psychological approach. This approach is associated with the actualization in psychological reality and with the help of psychological tools of creative attitudes based on traditional values for Russia. This article presents the author's material based on the experience of working in the territories liberated during the SVO and included in Russia (Mariupol), which allows conceptually assessing the risks and prospects for the formation of an all-Russian civil identity in these territories. According to the authors, they should be considered in the context of extrapolation to the entire territory of Russia from the point of view of both eliminating the consequences of social stress disorders and protecting the traditional values of domestic civilization. The unique concept of including citizens of the "new territories" in the general field of Russian identity in the context of overcoming the consequences of PTSD and SSR, as well as extrapolating the experience gained to work on the prevention of extremism throughout the Russian Federation is presented.
Integration, Mentality, Symbol, Civilization, Culture, Value, Injury, Identity, Meaning, Adaptation
Psychology and pedagogics
Korneeva, Y.A., Shakhova, L.I., Kirichek, M.A., Korekhova, M.V., Simonova, N.N., Venckute, M.S., Sheveleva, O.S. (2023). The relationship of personal qualities and universal skills for successful career building for students of psychological and pedagogical areas of training at the university. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 53–77.
The research is devoted to the study and description of the features of the severity of universal skills for successful career building and their relationship with the personal qualities of students of psychological and pedagogical areas of study at the university. The study involved 107 students of psychological and pedagogical areas of training at the university. Research methods: the author's questionnaire for assessing the frequency of manifestation in the behavior of ten universal skills for successful career building and psychological testing of students' personal qualities. Statistical processing was carried out using descriptive statistics, two-stage cluster, correlation and multivariate analyzes of variance using the SPSS Statistics 26.00 software package. As a result of the study, it was found that the skills of managing emotions and stress, flexibility, adaptability, self-presentation and conflict management are expressed at an average level among students of psychological and pedagogical areas of study at the university. Statistically significant differences in the severity of self-presentation skills, problem solving and conflict management among students of different courses were established. The greater severity of the skills of managing emotions and stress, self-presentation, leadership and problem solving in psychology students was determined. The development of individual psychological universal skills among students of psychological and pedagogical areas of study at a university is more associated with the development of emotional stability and self-control, the use of optimal coping strategies, and socio-psychological skills - with the development of extroversion, communication and leadership abilities, emotional stability and self-control.
successful employment, social skills, interpersonal communication skills, problem solving skill, transprofessional competencies, soft skills, pedagogical directions, personal qualities, universal skills, university students
Developmental psychology
Zinatullina, A.M. (2023). The influence of combining professional and educational activities on the stress resistance of adult students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 78–86.
In this article, the purpose of the research was to study the impact of combining professional and educational activities on the indicators of stress resistance of adult students in connection with the growing importance of higher education and a large number of competencies in the labor market in order to be a competitive person. Moreover, modern society is undergoing a number of changes that are reflected in various areas of life, which additionally affects the physical and psychological health of a person. Thus, 334 people took part in the study among the respondents: 187 students in the magistracy and 147 not studying at the moment. Techniques for determining stress resistance were used - a test for stress resistance according to the method of K. Schreiner and a test for stress resistance by Holmes and Rage, as well as a method for determining neuropsychic instability "Forecast". The results showed that students in the magistracy have lower stress resistance than adults who do not study, which indicates high workloads associated with the implementation of various types of employment at the same time. For example, many adult learners have families, minor children, dependent parents, other social activities, etc. Thus, the factor of combining professional and educational activities, indeed, affects the instability to stressful experiences, indicating the urgent need to develop adaptive skills of adult respondents.
educational activity, employment, professional activity, adult, health, higher education, training, magistracy, stress resistance, stress
Limits of intellect
Druzhinin, O.A. (2023). Search for psychophysiological predictors of success in school. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 87–96.
The paper presents the results of an experimental study aimed at identifying psychophysiological predictors of learning success among students of grades 1-11 of secondary schools. The study involved 611 children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 years. The results of sensorimotor tests of varying complexity were analyzed, assessing the reaction time to auditory and visual stimuli. The results of the parents' questionnaire were also taken into account. It is shown that only complex sensorimotor tests, during which the child must respond to targeted combinations of visual stimuli, ignoring all other stimuli, have predictive significance that allows predicting the success of a child in learning. Previously, the same results were obtained by us for elementary school students. The present study allowed us to establish that complex sensorimotor tests predict success in learning throughout the entire period of schooling from grades 1 to 11. Children who showed high results in complex sensorimotor tests significantly study better, and their parents believe that school grades correspond to the abilities of children. It was also found that girls study better, and the use of gadgets for more than one hour a day has a negative impact on the success of children in learning.
sensorimotor reactions, executive functions, cognitive abilities, sensorimotor integration, learning success, children, reaction time, sensorimotor tests, visual-motor reaction, abilities
Professional psychology
Chepurnov, I.A. (2023). Professiographic study of the professional activities of operators anti-aircraft missile systems. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 97–107.
The rapid improvement of weapons and military equipment of anti-aircraft missile forces, the complication of the tasks assigned to the calculations of modern anti-aircraft missile systems and the conditions for their implementation, necessitates taking into account the human factor and revising the requirements for operational personnel, due to the increased impact of the psychological component of their professional activities. This article actualizes the problem of psychological support for the reliability of the professional activities of operators of anti-aircraft missile systems. The main stages of a professional study of the professional activities of operators of anti-aircraft missile systems, carried out in order to improve the methods of their selection and professional training, are described. An expanded list of professionally important qualities formed as a result of the study, which the operator of an anti-aircraft missile system must have for successful activity, as well as a list of integral professionally important qualities, is presented. The results of the study can be used in the selection of methods for identifying and determining the level of development of integral professionally important qualities of operators of complex technical systems for military purposes at the stages of selection and training.
professiography, professionally important qualities, anti-aircraft missile troops, anti-aircraft missile system, operator, professional activity, engineering psychology, research, human-machine system, military training
Этнос и этничность
Artamonova, A.G., Vorontsova, T.A. (2023). Features of the perceived age among representatives of ethno-cultural groups with different appearance. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 108–132.
The authors focus on the phenomenon of perceived age and the ethno-cultural factor of its construction. The subject of the study is: the perceived age of the objects of perception, attitude to them, self-assessment of age and attitude to their appearance of the subjects of perception (women, representatives of Slavic and Caucasian peoples). The study was carried out within the framework of a socio-psychological approach to the appearance and model of ethnolucism by V.A. Labunskaya. The main method of research was the procedure of "Photo-visual representations of the external appearance" by T.A. Vorontsova. The scientific novelty of the study was the identification of the influence of the ethno-cultural factor on the construction of the age of an unfamiliar person and the assessment of their age. The main conclusions of the study: 1) the belonging of the subjects of perception to an ethnocultural group associated with the type of appearance affects the self-esteem of the perceived age, the planned life expectancy, the attitude towards unfamiliar others; 2) the age attributed to the perceived stranger is associated with the attitude towards him regardless of the ethno-cultural group; 3) the structure of the perception of the age of an unfamiliar other is identical from the point of view of the central and peripheral categories and does not depend on the ethno-cultural factor.
age stigmatization, ethnic factor, ageism, social perception, appearance, age construction, age perception, perceived age, age, women
Professional psychology
Rublyova, T. (2023). The influence of self-esteem on emotional burnout syndrome of law enforcement officers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 133–150.
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The study is devoted to the level of self-esteem and its role in the emotional burnout syndrome in law enforcement officers. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the role of self-esteem in the emotional burnout syndrome among law enforcement officers and to compare the content and dynamic characteristics of respondents receiving and not receiving psychotherapeutic help. The subject of the study: the possibility of forming an adequate self-esteem of police officers through the use of psychotherapeutic correction methods. Experimental base of the study: SibUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Krasnoyarsk). Experimental sample of the study: 37 police officers (trainees of the Faculty of Vocational Training), males aged 21 to 35 years. Research methods: "Diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout" V. V. Boyko, "Self-assessment test of personality" S. A. Budassi. In the course of the research, the author developed and implemented a psychotherapeutic program with elements of art therapy. Data processing was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics 24 program. To determine the relationship according to the methods, the correlation coefficient of C. E. Spearman was used. Statistically significant differences in self-esteem and burnout syndrome have been established. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of a psychotherapeutic aimed at correcting the low self-esteem of police officers with emotional burnout syndrome. The obtained research results and the developed psychotherapeutic program can form the basis of scientific and methodological recommendations for improving the training and advanced training of psychologists, medical psychologists, employees of government agencies responsible for the mental health of personnel.
psychocorrection program, professional activity, law enforcement officers, prevention, self-esteem, chronic stress, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, emotional stress, emotional burnout, psychotherapeutic assistance
Clinical psychology
Praizendorf, E.S., Kuz'mina, A.S., Kulagina, D.A., Hummel, N.V. (2023). Type of Attitude Towards Pregnancy of Women in the Context of a New Coronavirus Infection Caused by COVID-19. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 151–163.
The subject of the study is the type of attitude towards pregnancy in the context of a new coronavirus infection caused by COVID-19. The aim of the study is to identify relationships between the type of attitude towards pregnancy and early maladaptive patterns of women in the context of a new coronavirus infection caused by COVID-19. The author analyzes in detail the possible prerequisites for the occurrence of affective disorders in women in late pregnancy in conditions of instability, uncertainty of the world in the context of a new coronavirus infection caused by COVID-19. At the same time, pregnancy is considered as a crisis period in a woman's life. Research methodology: conceptual position on early maladaptive schemes by J. Young, methodological development on the types of attitude of a pregnant woman I.V. Dobryakova. The study was conducted on the basis of the Altai Regional Clinical Center for Maternal and Childhood Protection with pregnant women aged 18 to 40 years. Scientific novelty of the study: the existence of relationships between the types of attitudes in the context of a new coronavirus infection caused by COVID-19 and early maladaptive patterns has been theoretically substantiated and empirically proven. Qualitative differences in the types of attitudes towards pregnancy in women of different ages under the conditions of a new coronavirus infection caused by COVID-19 were determined. Beliefs that are significantly associated with understanding life in the context of a new coronavirus infection have a positive correlation with anxious and depressive types of attitudes towards pregnancy. Pregnant women under the age of 25 are more likely to worry about the possible fragility and uncertainty of reality than women of other age groups, which may be due to the actualization of early maladaptive schemes and the high level of infantility of women in this age group. Based on the research data, it seems important to further develop a correctional program for pregnant women in order to adaptively comprehend the existing reality and accept the low controllability of the world as a whole.
Psychological preparation, Early maladaptive scheme, Pregnant woman's attitude, Anxiety-depressive symptoms, Depression, Anxiety, Scheme-therapy, Psychotherapy, Type of relationship pregnant, Pregnancy
Clinical psychology
Rublyova, T., Lisnyak, M. (2023). Methods of psychotherapeutic correction of the emotional state of drug addicts in the process of treatment and rehabilitation measures. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 164–173.
The research is devoted to the study of the emotional sphere of psychoactive substance users at the stage of rehabilitation. The aim of the study is to compare the content and dynamic characteristics of the emotional state of patients with chemical dependence who receive and do not receive psychotherapeutic help. Subject of research: the possibility of correcting the emotional state of drug addicts through the use of art therapy methods. Experimental research base: rehabilitation center (Krasnoyarsk). Experimental sample of the study: 24 drug-addicted men aged 25 to 40 years. Research methods: the study of the locus of control of J. The study of the level of anxiety (the scale of C.D. Spielberger, Y.L. Khanin); the Rosenzweig test "The technique of pictorial frustration"). Data processing was carried out using the program "SPSS Statistics 21". The reliability of the differences between the indicators in the experimental group and the comparison group was calculated using the U-Mann-Whitney criterion for independent samples. The results of the study showed that a psychocorrection program with elements of art therapy can relieve emotional tension, reduce anxiety and frustration. In addition, the shift of the locus of control towards the internal type contributes to an increase in the level of responsibility for one's own actions and a decrease in the level of aggressiveness. And increasing the level of social adaptation improves interaction within the group, which leads to a decrease in the number of external and internal conflicts. Additionally, patients' motivation for recovery increases due to the support of the group, which is very important for the effective and successful completion of the rehabilitation program. The obtained data and the proposed psychocorrection program can be used by medical psychologists in working with drug-dependent patients to correct their emotional state during treatment and rehabilitation measures.
psychotherapeutic assistance, U-Mann-Whitney criterion, treatment and rehabilitation process, art therapy, psychocorrection program, rehabilitation, psychological characteristics of drug addicts, drug addiction, drug addicts, drug addiction motivation
Clinical psychology
Trifonova, Y.A. (2023). Historical overview of scientific approaches to child sexualized abuse. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 174–190.
The article presents a historical overview of academic approaches to the problem of sexualised abuse against children and adolescents. The evolution of academic debates on the subject of sexual interactions between adults and underage persons is considered. Particular attention is paid to the differences between the interpretations of this phenomenon from various scientific and worldview positions. An analysis of tendencies in the description and explanation of sexualised abuse of underage persons within the medical paradigm, the psychoanalytic school, clinical sexology, feminist gender studies and sociology of morality is carried out. The most significant changes in the history of the paradigmatic field of research on sexualised abuse of underage persons are described. It concludes with an overview of current trends, considering the moral and ethical foundations of the consensus on the inadmissibility of sexual contact with children and adolescents and the need to confront the problem of sexualised abuse directed at them. Fundamental challenges related to the lack of unity in understanding sexualised abuse of underage persons as such, mechanisms of development of reactions to trauma, conceptualisation of its consequences, and the variety of discourses about victims/survivors and fragmented interventions by professional helpers are analyzed. The author proposes current problematic issues, the solution of which will help to determine the way of further development of scientific and ethical approach to the protection of injured persons.
medical paradigm, social interpretation, sexualized abuse, sexual abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse trauma, ethical issues, services to victims, psychological interventions, historical overview
Developmental psychology
Cao, X. (2023). Teaching children design as part of extracurricular art education in China. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 191–198.
Following the rapid technological progress, economic development and improvement of living conditions in China, attention has been paid not only to the practical suitability of everyday goods, furniture and household appliances, food and cosmetics, but also to the design, ergonomics and uniqueness of each thing. As a result, the upbringing and development of design thinking among the younger generation has become of great importance. Nevertheless, design-oriented educational programs appeared relatively late in the country, and children's education in the field of design has remained a rather rare phenomenon. The article examines the importance of art education for the development of design thinking in children using a number of practical examples. The scientific novelty of the study is a comparative analysis of methods of teaching design to children in the framework of extracurricular art education in China and other countries of the world – the USA and Japan. As a result of the research, a number of problems existing in children's art education are identified, ways of solving them are proposed that may be of practical value for teachers and educators of other countries. The role of the family, the state and society in the formation and development of design thinking in children is revealed. The importance of socio-cultural resources in attracting children to creative activities in the field of design has been established.
situational learning, organization of extracurricular education, China, creative abilities, socio-cultural resources, design thinking, teaching children, design, extracurricular art education, aesthetic abilities
Aksyutina, Z.A. (2023). Methodological and theoretical foundations of therapy with metaphorical associative cards. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 199–210.
Metaphorical associative cards have become a popular tool in art therapy for children and adults, which is the reason and the need for their careful study. The subject of the analysis is the methodological and theoretical foundations of the use of metaphorical associative maps. The purpose of the article is to identify methodological and theoretical grounds for the use of metaphorical associative maps. The research methods used are the analysis of scientific publications and methods of categorical-system methodology (universal scheme of interaction and the method of categorical pendulum). The article substantiates the place of metaphorical associative maps in psychotherapy, searches for theoretical grounds for the implementation of psychotherapeutic procedures related to metaphorical associative maps. Based on the idea expressed by N. V. Dmitrieva, Yu. M. Perevozkina, L. V. Levina and N. V. Buravtsova, an evidence-based analysis of the characteristic features of attributing metaphorical associative maps to the section of expressive psychotherapy, a subclass of creative therapy and a class of art therapy is carried out. The methodological components of its qualitative states (object, subject and goal) in system, process and activity variations are revealed in the theoretical justification of MAC therapy based on the reliance on system and activity approaches. The study of MAC therapy as a dynamic system allowed us to conclude that the result of interaction depends on the creative potential of the client, which indicates possible limitations in the use of metaphorical associative maps. The construction of a system model of MAC therapy allowed us to identify the basic conceptual apparatus of this field of psychotherapy. The obtained results of the theoretical study will be useful in the practice of providing assistance during psychotherapeutic procedures using metaphorical associative maps.
creative potential, art therapy, creative therapy, expressive psychotherapy, psychotherapy, the categorical pendulum method, universal interaction scheme, deck, MAC therapy, metaphorical associative maps