Societal passions
Yanovsky, M.I. (2023). About the Psychological Nature of Fascism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 1–10.
The article analyzes the psychological basis of fascism. Fascism is interpreted as an ideology not of maximizing power and control, but of absolutization of inequality. The probability of the role of Kant's "categorical imperative" principle in its formation is substantiated. Kant denied the affinity of human consciousness (mind) with the Transcendent. Therefore, the categorical imperative, being the maximalism of self-blind submission to a "duty" arbitrarily set by a person for himself, is a form of self-violence over his mind. Establishing morality for himself, a person inevitably feels his exclusivity, elitism, realizes himself as the creator and owner of morality (and even "God himself"). This attitude is obviously inherent in the fascist personality. At the same time, the lack of reflection and self-criticism leads to self-encapsulation and, consequently, to self-abasement, experiencing oneself as a "Victim". The pseudo-moral experience of being a victim is the hidden core of the fascized personality. The self-pity of the "Victim", without changing its essence, can expand and extend to the collective "I", to "my own". This is how empathy arises, which, spreading to its community: nation, race, and becomes the basis of group egoism. Empathy among adherents of fascism can play a big role, since empathy for "their own" replaces morality as a single moral norm.
cognitive schema, empathy, self - pity, victim, categorical imperative, fascized personality, nazism, fascism, inequality, transcendent
Inner world
Shilova, N.P. (2023). Formation of Living Space in Adolescence. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 11–23.
The article presents the results of a study of the formation of the living space of boys and girls, conducted on a sample of 1,394 boys and girls aged 14 to 23 years. Based on the analysis of existing theoretical and empirical data on adolescence, it was found that adolescence is a period when the time perspective increases, the life path is determined and, in general, the living space is formed. The aim of the study was to identify and analyze age norms and dynamics of the formation of living space in adolescence, through the differences of the most important events in the lives of boys and girls. As a result of the study, it was shown that there is an age-related multidirectional dynamics in the formation of the structure of a person's living space in adolescence. Early youth is a time of formation of the future, but the future is mainly associated with recreation and entertainment, and late youth is a time of analysis of past events, where the most important for a young man or girl are studies and professional activity tests, and the future is significantly shortened and associated with communication and interpersonal relationships. It is established that recreation and entertainment with increasing age in youth become less significant.
living space, early youth, late youth, educational trajectory, future, life trajectory, life planning, temporary perspective, life events, youth age
Clinical psychology
Kon'shina, N.V., Efimova, V.L., Efimov, I.O., Mazurova, I.S. (2023). The Possibility of Using Audio Therapy of A. Tomatis in Treatment of Epilepsy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 24–35.
The results of an experimental study aimed at assessing the dynamics of electroencephalographic parameters of children with epilepsy and/or epileptic changes and concomitant developmental disorders during audio training using the A. Tomatis method are presented. The study involved 820 children aged 2.5 to 6.5 years with autism spectrum disorder and severe language development disorders. The audio training was part of a fifteen-day rehabilitation course, which was conducted according to the appointment of a neurologist. The trainings were aimed at modulating the work of the auditory and vestibular systems in order to normalize the ability to learn and improve the quality of life. For the first time, the effectiveness and safety of audio training using the Tomatis method was evaluated for children with epilepsy and/or epileptic changes and concomitant developmental disorders. This is the first study of the effectiveness of the Alfred Tomatis method, conducted on a large sample with the control of electroencephalographic parameters. Encephalographic indicators were recorded during the use of frequency filters, as well as before and after the training. For the first time, encephalographic indicators were monitored using portable equipment directly while listening to music. It was found that 80.3% of the subjects had stable EEG indicators before, during and after audio training using the A.Tomatis method. 8.2% of children had a tendency to deterioration of EEG indicators. 11.5% of children had a decrease in the index of representation of epileptiform changes. Audio training by the method of A.Tomatis does not significantly aggravate the electroencephalographic picture in most children and can be used in rehabilitation in children with epileptiform disorders and epilepsy under the supervision of an epileptologist and after a preliminary functional diagnosis. Taking into account the capabilities of modern electroencephalographs, for greater safety of children with concomitant epileptiform disorders, it is recommended to conduct audio training using the A.Tomatis method under EEG control.
rehabilitation, epileptiform disorders, audio therapy, audio training, Tomatis method, epilepsy, EEG, developmental disorders, corejective influences, children
Societal passions
Uzianova, Y.S., Vorontsova, T.A. (2023). Psychological Characteristics of a Person Showing the Need for Control in Interpersonal Relationships: the Level of Aggression and Life Satisfaction. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 36–55.
The purpose of the study: to identify the psychological characteristics of a person who shows the need for control in relationships: the level of aggression and life satisfaction. Subject of study: the need for control in relationships, the level of aggression and life satisfaction in adults. The study sample consisted of 105 people, including 73 women and 32 men aged 20 to 62 years (M age = 38). Research methods: testing, methods of mathematical statistics (Spearman's rank correlation method, Mann-Whitney U-test); fundamental interpersonal relations orientation-behaviour, FIRO-B by W. Schutz, adapted by A. A. Rukavishnikov; satisfaction with life scale, SWLS, by E. Diener, adapted by E. N. Osin, D. A. Leontiev; methodology for determining the integral forms of communicative aggressiveness V. V. Boyko. As a result of the study: 1) a direct relationship is shown between the need of an adult to control others and his level of satisfaction with life; 2) it has been shown that the need to control others is much higher in adults who are characterized by a high level of life satisfaction; 3) there is no significant relationship between the level of aggression and the need to control others / experience control from others; 4) it has been shown a direct relationship between the need to experience control from other people and the level of self-aggression in an adult. Scientific novelty: the study expands the theoretical understanding of the psychological characteristics of a person who shows the need for control in relationships, fixes the relationship of the need for control with life satisfaction and auto-aggression. Scope of the results: from a practical point of view, understanding the phenomena that accompany the need for interpersonal control can be the basis for choosing a strategy for providing psychological assistance to a person to harmonize his relationships.
self-aggression, aggression, power, life satisfaction, need to control others, controlling personality, need for control, need, control, ritualization of aggression
Professional psychology
Fedotova, E.E., Korneeva, Y.A., Arefina, M.S., Martirosova, N.V. (2023). Professionally important qualities of police officers with different performance and performing in different areas of official activity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 56–77.
At the moment, there are general requirements for personal and business qualities, regulated for use in the Department of Internal Affairs, while the features of their severity for future employees performing different areas of official activity are not noted. The study is devoted to identifying and describing the features of professionally important qualities of police officers with different performance and performing in different areas of official activity. The study involved 78 police officers of the city of Arkhangelsk. Research methods: questioning for assessing the parameters of the effectiveness of performance; psychological testing of professionally important qualities of employees using regulated methods. Statistical processing was carried out using descriptive statistics, two-stage cluster analysis, Pearson's χ2 contingency tables, and multivariate analysis of variance using the SPSS 23.00 software package. As a result of the study, police officers were divided into two groups in terms of the performance characteristics of their performance, and differences in the severity of professionally important qualities of the groups represented were identified and described. Differences were established between police officers of different professional orientations in the severity of attitude to work and motivation of professional activity, cognitive, socio-psychological and emotional-volitional qualities and properties. Employees with high performance in administrative and preventive activities are characterized by high responsibility and effective performance of activities; high-performing administrative and managerial employees are characterized by a work orientation and commitment to duty, higher levels of leadership potential and friendliness, as well as high self-control and a desire for cooperation and mutual assistance. Employees of the operational-investigative direction of activity are characterized by great self-confidence, objectivity and rationality.
socio-psychological qualities, administrative and preventive direction, emotional and volitional qualities, intellectual qualities, administrative direction, operational-search direction, police officers, performance, professionally important qualities, professional selection
Societal passions
Kamalova, O.M., Karavanova, L.Z. (2023). The influence of professional stereotypes on professional self-determination. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 78–86.
The article examines professional stereotypes and the choice of profession by a teenager. The points of view of domestic and foreign scientists are presented, revealing the understanding of the "professional stereotype" and its socio-psychological features. The reasons for the emergence of professional stereotypes are studied, a person's vision of social reality, the perception of a particular profession through the prism of positive or negative information received is considered. The article examines the dependence of professional stereotypes on a person's awareness of professional reality. Professional stereotypes are considered from the point of view of obtaining information through various sources and being generalized ideas about the profession. The perception of professional stereotypes by a person depending on the understanding of the type of professional activity is studied. The role of professional stereotypes in the formation of erroneous ideas of people about activities that they do not know is considered. The professional stereotype is based on obtaining subjective information about the profession and on this basis a person's attitude towards it is formed. In modern society, many professional stereotypes formed earlier are not relevant. Misconceptions in the perception of professional stereotypes hinder the understanding of the specifics of performing certain tasks by various professions, which leads to erroneous actions when choosing a profession by teenagers. Currently, professional stereotypes influence the formation of a person's beliefs in various spheres of his life, including in his professional activity.
perception, knowledge, teenager, professional stereotype, social stereotype, stereotyping, stereotype, representation, interaction, behavior
Тело и телесность
Dydenkova, E. (2023). Design of a longitudinal study of the effectiveness of a haptic interaction-based rehabilitation intervention for a foster family. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 87–100.
The article presents the empirical and theoretical background of a prospective experimental work to determine the effectiveness of a tactile-based rehabilitation intervention for foster families. The intervention is a system of training and accompanying foster parents in the process of mastering tactile contact with the child for 6 months. The methodological basis and description of the rehabilitation intervention are presented. The study will involve 135 families (mother-child dyads), of which 90 are substitute families, distributed into experimental and control groups by randomization. The age of children is from 4.5 to 6 years inclusive. The goal of rehabilitation is to contribute to the successful adaptation of the child in a foster family (prevention of interruption in the upbringing of the child). One of the factors influencing the quality of adaptation is the features of the child's cognitive self-regulation, the main parameters of which are determined: the ability to navigate in the flow of sensory signals and the quality of existing inhibitory processes, the amount of working memory and the nature of interference in it, cognitive flexibility and visual-figurative thinking, lateral preferences and the formation of the mental model. The indicators of measurement of the accepted parameters within the framework of the corresponding diagnostic methods are singled out. Secondary diagnostics will take place 6 months after the primary one.
adaptation, rehabilitation, cognitive self-regulation, executive functions, tactile defensiveness, attachment, tactile stimulation, foster family, CT-afferents, deprivation
Developmental psychology
Belimova, P.A. (2023). The ability to interpret social signs by individuals with intellectual disturbance. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 101–109.
The article is devoted to the specifics of adaptive navigation of individuals with intellectual impairments in the social environment. Characteristics of the cognitive sphere of intellectually impaired affect the perception and interpretation of public signs. The subject of the study is social navigation sign decoding. The object of the study is the ability to interpret social signs of young adolescents with intellectual impairments. The author considers such aspects as a social adaptation of persons with disabilities, navigation aids for people with special needs, features of visual perception of graphic images as elements of the public space sign environment of people with intellectual impairments. The main conclusion of the study is the confirmation of a lower ability of students with intellectual disabilities to decode public signs correctly compared with the control group. The general relevance of the navigation signs comprehension is highlighted, which is because of the studying the graphic navigation rules as a part of the educational process. The author's special contribution to the research field is the empirical validation of the fact that the combination of complex sign elements has a negative effect on the decoding of informative stimuli for orientation in the social environment. Effective sign navigation is conditioned by commonly accepted standards and considers cognitive limitations of persons with intellectual disturbances.
public signs, navigation, adaptation, public environment, decoding, interpretation, perception, intellectual disturbance, standardization of the sign environment, accessible environment
Personal motivation and spirituality
Ustinov, D. (2023). Psychological features of motivational components of juvenile offenders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 110–126.
The article presents the results of a study of particular components of the motivational sphere of juvenile offenders, which influence the formation of criminal behavior. The aim of the work is to identify, using tools designed for psychodiagnostics of general everyday motivation, features of motivational components of juvenile offenders, differences in the motivational sphere of offenders and their law-abiding peers. The study is described using the method of measuring the motivational structure (V. Milman), the methods of "Pyramid of needs" (V. Skvortsov, I. Akindinova), MAS (M. Kubyshkina), "Proverbs" (S. Petrova), "Scale of sensation search" (M. Zuckerman) in relation to offenders and law-abiding teenager and young men aged 14 to 17 years, according to the results of which information was obtained on the structure of the dormitory motivation of juvenile offenders, their needs, motivational attitudes, aspirations to search for sensations and other aspirations. A comparative analysis of the reaction of offenders and law-abiding minors was carried out. The results of the study of the answers to direct questions about their own psychological characteristics allowed us to draw conclusions about the presence in juvenile offenders of the dominance of consumer motivation of primitive forms, the actualization of the need to avoid trouble; a low level of aspirations for self-affirmation and self-esteem; unsatisfied needs in the field of interpersonal communication. Also the systematic declaration of socially approved aspirations by juvenile offenders, which are not confirmed in real behavior, has been revealed, which limits the conditions of the use of non-specialized methods for studying the motivation of illegal behavior. The original study of the motivation of juvenile offenders, who are not placed in prison, is of an applied nature and is designed to ensure that psychological factors are taken into account, when implementing rehabilitation and preventive programs by subjects of juvenile delinquency prevention.
the need-motivational sphere of young men, the need-motivational sphere of teenager, diagnosis of criminal motivation, motivation of juvenile offenders, motive of the crime, prevention of juvenile delinquency, juvenile offender, juvenile delinquency, delinquent behavior of minors, psychology of criminal behavior
Developmental psychology
Budyakova, T.P., Mikheeva, E.V. (2023). Victimological Aspects of Human Capital in Old Age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 127–139.
The presented article is devoted to the problem of the formation and use of human capital in old age. It is shown that modern studies of human capital focus on the psychological characteristics of this phenomenon, including the study of late ontogenesis. Particular attention is paid to the victimological characteristics of human capital in old age, which is implicitly present in a number of scientific studies, but is not specifically singled out as a special layer of research. As a research method, a case method was used with subsequent processing of case texts by the method of meaningful content analysis. Two types of cases were created: generalized, reflecting typical problems of the elderly, and individually defined, fixed on a pronounced fact, but having a general social significance in the future. The material of the cases was conversations with older people, materials from the media, examples from judicial practice, etc. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the application of the victimological approach, which consists in highlighting the victim problems of human capital in the elderly, as well as in suggesting ways to neutralize some of the victim factors affecting on older people. It is noted that human capital in old age has both advantages and disadvantages compared to other ages. It has been revealed that the traditionally distinguished advantages of old age in knowledge, experience and professionalism can become, if they are not in demand, factors of victimization of both the elderly themselves and their environment. It is concluded that one of the significant elements of human capital in old age is the psychological readiness for life in late ontogenesis based on special knowledge and skills, including financial planning for this period of life. The results of the work can be used in the development of social programs to help the elderly, including programs that teach the rational use of human capital.
life satisfaction, personal dignity, security, content analysis, case method, victimization, anti-victim properties, victim properties,, human capital, old age