Limits of intellect
Novikova, K.V., Belyak, Y.V. (2022). Features of the relationship between intuition and personality intelligence. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 1–18.
The subject of this study is to identify the features of the relationship of intuition with the intelligence of the individual. The object of the study is the intuition and intelligence of the individual. In the article, the authors present the results of an empirical study that proofs the existence of the relationship of intuition with verbal, social, and emotional intelligence of a person. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the provisions on intuition and intelligence of the personality of such authors as: F. Bartlett, Ya.A. Ponomarev, V.D. Biryukov, Ya.A. Ponomarev, N.O. Lossky, B.G. Ananyev, I.Y. Kulagina, etc. The research methods are: 1. Theoretical: analysis of scientific literature, analysis and generalization of empirical data, formulation of conclusions. 2. Empirical: questionnaires, testing: G. Eisenck's verbal intelligence test; Guilford's "Social Intelligence" test; D. Goleman's emotional intelligence definition test; E. Epstein's intuitive style questionnaire 3. Interpretative: quantitative, qualitative and statistical analysis of empirical data. The theoretical significance and scientific novelty of the study consists in the systematization of theoretical provisions on the problem of the study of intuition and personality intelligence; the discovery of the features of the relationship of intuition with various types of personality intelligence; the identification of the influence of various types of intelligence on the manifestation of personality intuition. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results and conclusions of the study can be used by psychologists in professional activities with a wide range of clients. The main conclusions of the scientific research are the discovery of statistically significant correlations of various types of intelligence (verbal, social and emotional) with intuitive abilities and the level of development of personal intuition.
insight, personality, relationship, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, verbal intelligence, intelligence, intuition, intuitive cognition, intuitive abilities
Professional psychology
Lukasheva, K.A. (2022). Current trends in the study of the socio-psychological climate of the organization. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 19–29.
The subject of the study is the main directions of studying the socio-psychological climate of the organization. The purpose of the study is to analyze the articles of modern scientists, as well as to identify the main current trends in modern domestic research on the socio-psychological and organizational climate. The results of research conducted in various work collectives are analyzed: in commercial and state organizations, educational institutions, internal affairs bodies, industrial enterprises, etc. Comparative analysis, systematization and classification of the received information is carried out. Special attention is paid to the relationship of a favorable climate with the efficiency and productivity of organizations, as well as factors for optimizing the socio-psychological climate. The results of more than twenty modern studies over the past three years have been analyzed. According to the results of the work, five relevant directions and trends in the study of the socio-psychological climate and the phenomena associated with it were identified: the study of the socio-psychological climate as a factor affecting the effectiveness of the organization; the study of the factors of optimization, improvement and management of the socio-psychological climate; the study of the relationship of the socio-psychological climate with organizational culture; the assessment of the influence of the influence of leadership qualities and management style on the socio-psychological climate of the organization; the study of the relationship of the socio-psychological climate with the characteristics of the behavior of employees in conflict.
factors of the socio-psychological climate, optimization of the organization's climate, current trends, working atmosphere, group, organization, working team, climate, organizational climate, socio-psychological climate
Psychology and pedagogics
Mazilov, V.A., Kostrigin, A.A. (2022). The problem of pedagogical talent in modern foreign psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 30–41.
The article deals with the problem of pedagogical talent as a promising area of research in modern foreign pedagogical psychology. It is noted that at present a teacher is recognized as one of the key subjects of the educational process, and the requirements for him include the formation of those views, personality traits, competencies and patterns of behavior with which he would successfully function in changing conditions and solve pedagogical problems of a new type. It is shown that in the Russian psychological-pedagogical literature the problems of pedagogical talent are not sufficiently represented, so there is a need to refer to the results of foreign studies. The goal is to present and analyze foreign psychological approaches to the study of pedagogical talent. Foreign studies on the problem of pedagogical talent are divided into the following: the definition, characteristics and role of pedagogical talent in pedagogical activity; identification of pedagogical talent and its features; technologies of management and development of pedagogical talent. Based on the theoretical analysis of the works, conclusions are drawn about the insufficient conceptual understanding of the phenomenon of pedagogical talent, the definition of pedagogical talent through other personal and professional characteristics of the teacher, the dominance of the competence-based approach in studying this problem, the reliance of researchers on approaches from the field of organizational psychology and labor psychology. The importance of studying modern foreign research for setting topical theoretical and applied problems in the field of educational psychology is substantiated.
developed teacher, talent development, representations of talent, theoretical review, organizational psychology, competence approach, pedagogical activity, talent management, pedagogical talent, educational psychology
Personal growth
Rostovtseva, M.V., Popov, V.V., Dulinets, T.G., Smirnova, L.E., Avdeeva, T.G. (2022). Psychological well-being and existential fulfillment in late adolescence. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 42–54.
The data of the study of the relationship between the components of psychological well-being and existential fulfillment in late adolescence are presented. It was suggested and proved that the first fundamental existential motivation (according to the methodology of V.B. Shumsky, E.M. Ukolova, E.N. Osin, Ya.D. Lupandina "Diagnostics of existential fulfillment") concerning the possibility of being in the world is significantly related to self-acceptance and competence. The second fundamental existential motivation concerning the value of life is significantly related to self-acceptance and positive relationships. The third fundamental existential motivation concerning self-worth is significantly related to self-acceptance and personal growth. The fourth fundamental existential motivation concerning meaning is significantly related to life goals and autonomy. The study sample consisted of boys and girls aged 17 to 25 years in the number of 82 people, 41 of them boys and 41 girls. In the course of the study, the goal was achieved, namely, significant connections were revealed between the components of such constructs as psychological well-being and existential fulfillment. We have made the following conclusions: 1) Respondents with a high level of psychological well-being were guaranteed to have a high level of existential fulfillment. However, respondents with a high level of psychological well-being did not always have a high level of existential fulfillment. 2) The component of psychological well-being "self-acceptance" demonstrated the most significant relationship with the components of existential fulfillment (fundamental existential motivations) at the significance level of p≤0.01. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results of the study can be applied in the framework of existential psychotherapy, as well as in the analysis of factors that affect the psychological well-being of a person.
life goals, existential motivation, personal growth, self-value, self-acceptance, the meaning of life, psychological well-being, existential fulfillment, existence, autonomy
Тело и телесность
Shantyr, Y. (2022). Scientific and practical interpretation of health as a basic socio-psychological conceptual category. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 55–74.
This article is devoted to health as a basic socio-psychological conceptual category. The paper provides an analytical review of the history of understanding the phenomenon of health. It reveals all the diversity in the approaches and judgments of this conceptual category in social, psychological, biomedical and philosophical scientific developments, as well as in legislative documents. The article shows that the interpretation of the concept of health is not only an important medical and scientific aspect, but also has a key socio-psychological significance for the development of modern society and the formation of a person's personality. Using the example of coronavirus infection, the article substantiates the relevance of the semantic content of this conceptual category in our time, when health can no longer be considering separately from the state of the human psyche and those negative trends and various deformations of public consciousness that take place in the modern world. To change the situation for the better in this area, as shown in the work, it is possible only by forming in the public consciousness a fundamentally new concept of health as a fundamental socio-psychological conceptual category. The scientific novelty of this work consists in analytical studies of the concept of health as a basic socio-psychological conceptual category and the development on this basis of new theoretical approaches and corresponding definitions of the concept of health and its main derivatives: mental health, physical health, reproductive health and sexual health. The proposed interpretations, according to the author, have a more pronounced social and psychological determinant for the formation of a new worldview in modern society regarding the concept of health and its derivatives. As a result, of the new conceptual priorities, as shown in the work, it is possible to significantly strengthen the health of the population, increase the individual and collective level of immunity and, ultimately, improve the quality of the very realization of a person in all spheres of his life.
terms and concepts, sexual health, reproductive health, physical health, mental health, health, social psychology, clinical psychology, medical psychology, psychology
Psychology and pedagogics
Rostovtseva, M.V., Smirnaya, A.A., Shepeleva, Y.S., Smirnova, A.V., Kolpakova, T.V. (2022). The connection of emotional intelligence with the success of educational and professional activities of students of the Music Academy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 75–88.
The subject of the research of this article is the connection of emotional intelligence with the success of educational and professional activities of students of the Music Academy. A study was conducted on 60 respondents of the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theater. The following methods were used in the study: the scale of self-assessment of one's success (D. Laikert), the scale of assessment of the level of situational (concert) anxiety (C.D. Spielberg, Y.L. Khanin), the method of assessing "emotional intelligence" (N.Hall), mathematical methods of data processing. In the course of the study, a positive relationship was established between emotional intelligence, educational and performance success, and self-esteem of students in the general sample. Students manage their emotions better and are therefore better able to control anxiety and focus on the learning process, which in general has a positive effect on their success. Emotional intelligence affects the success of the educational and professional activities of students of the Music Academy and confirms our hypothesis. Indeed, the higher the emotional intelligence, the more successful the educational and professional activities of students and the lower the concert anxiety. Students with a higher level of emotional intelligence not only have high scores in musical performance, but are also more adequate in self-assessment of their abilities. We believe that in the conditions of musical performance, emotional intelligence receives a specific refraction determined by the peculiarities of musical and artistic activity. This is manifested in the development of such qualities as managing your emotions, self-motivation, empathy.
success, music, activity, gender attribute, self-assessment, motivation, emotional intelligence, academic performance, anxiety, emotions
Keys to creativity
Rozin, V.M. (2022). The Nature of stage Transformation as a Problem (L.S. Vygotsky's virtual dialogue with a modern theater psychologist). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 89–104.
The article raises the question of the nature of stage transformation. The psychological concept of N.V. Rozhdestvenskaya's explanation of reincarnation is analyzed, which distinguishes in this phenomenon as an ideal object of science: a) acceptance and emotional assimilation of motives that are dictated by the stage role, b) formation of an attitude to an imaginary situation that allows the artist to act and live in "given circumstances", c) restructuring and functioning of the personality already during the performance in these given circumstances. For comparison, the author analyzes I.I. Silantieva's art criticism concept, in which reincarnation is explained within the framework of the new humanitarian discipline "virtualistics", as well as the explanation of this phenomenon proposed by the author within the framework of the concept of "artistic reality". The similarity of the main differences in all three interpretations of reincarnation is fixed. Then the place is given to L.S. Vygotsky, who sharply objected to the analysis of scenic phenomena in logic that does not take into account their historical development and social nature. The author notes that although psychologists are well acquainted with Vygotsky's cultural-historical theory, they, nevertheless, realizing the view of psychology as an exact science, analyze the psyche, ignoring the cultural-historical approach. He undertakes to fill this gap in relation to reincarnation, showing that this concept was formed quite late, is not characteristic of the director's theater, but in theoretical terms is associated with a certain interpretation of the subject and personality.
concepts, conscience, understanding, mentality, theatre, personality, subject, individual, reincarnation, art
Developmental psychology
Rostovtseva, M.V., Kolkova, S.M., Butenko, V.N., Mashanov, A.A., Skutina, T.V. (2022). Gender and age differences as factors of autoaggressive behavior of adolescents. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 105–120.
The subject of the study is gender and age differences as factors of autoaggressive behavior of adolescents. An empirical study was conducted at secondary school No. 2 in the village of Yemelyanovo, Krasnoyarsk Krai. The analysis of gender differences in age dynamics and the prevalence of forms of suicidal behavior showed that among young men, students in grade 9, there was no pronounced dynamics in the prevalence of various forms of suicidal behavior. There is a tendency to a noticeable increase in suicide attempts in the 10th grade-2%, in 11-3%. A similar trend was observed in the prevalence of suicidal intentions. The level of intentional self-harm is higher in grade 10. In teenage girls, unlike boys, the first peak of autoaggressive manifestations is observed in the 9th grade. Then the level of suicidal attempts, suicidal intentions and intentional self-harm is significantly reduced. The results of the study showed that the forms of suicidal behavior in which autoaggression is manifested, suicidal intentions are most common in both girls (36%) and boys (29%). Suicidal intentions in this case include frequent thoughts and ideas about their own death. About 2% of girls and 8% of boys committed suicide attempts, which had a demonstrative, "blackmail" or protest character. For adolescent boys, such risk indicators as aggressive behavior, a tendency to vandalism, and a tendency to risk were more significant. For girls, the more characteristic risk indicators were lack of attention, a tendency to tantrums, a feeling of loneliness, etc. Common trends for boys and girls are: low self-esteem, friendship with older people, short temper, disappointment in personal life.
age dynamics, risk of suicidal behavior, auto-aggressive behavior, the level of subjective control, age differences, gender differences, teenagers, autoaggression, suicidal behavior, suicide