Belikova, E.V., Efremov, E.G., Efremova, N.A., Kubarev, V.S., Milcharek, N.A., Milcharek, T.P., Senkova, V.I., Frenkel, M.V., Tsvetkova, O.A. (2022). Psychological examination of the signs of extremism in the users’ social network profiles. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 1–17.
This article is dedicated to determination of the psychological signs of extremism in the information posted by users in social networks. The object of this research is the semantic content of a social network profile. The subject of this research is the evidence of proclivity for extremism. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the need to detect materials and people who incite social, ethnic, national, political, racial and religious hostility, as well as promote extremist views on the Internet. The goal is to determine the signs of propensity for extremism based on the social network profile. The article employs expert analysis for revealing semantic content of profiles in the social network VKontakte; content analysis for studying the materials of profiles in the social network Vkontakte; methods of statistical analysis, such as factor analysis of the selected signs of extremist personality and cluster analysis of profiles. The acquired results allow formulating the criteria for identification of individuals with extremist orientation via analyzing user profiles in the social networks, as well as determining the extremist-oriented content on the Internet, and promptly responding the law enforcement agencies to the threat of antisocial behavior on the Internet platforms. The developed set of the signs of extremism allows carrying out preventive work among youth, indicating the main manifestations of “hazardous” Internet content for parents and pedagogues, as well as teenagers themselves.
frustration of basic needs, psychological profile of an extremist, propensity to extremism, social network accounts, psychological signs of extremism, informational extremism, extremism, deviant behavior, destructive self-realization, school shooters
Clinical psychology
Sharova, S.S. (2022). The influence of hereditary factor upon the development of thinking skills in confluence of the factors of manual asymmetry and hearing impairment. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 18–31.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of development of thinking skills in confluence of the factors of manual asymmetry and hearing impairment in families in which parents have hearing impairment and preserved hearing. The object of this research is the characteristics of thinking in combination of hearing impairment and manual asymmetry. The author dwells on such aspects as hereditary factor in the formation of thinking skills among left-handed and right-handed students with hearing impairment. Special attention is given to the peculiarities of the formation of thinking in combination of hearing impairment and manual asymmetry among students brought up by deaf or normally hearing parents. The main conclusions are as follows: right-handed students with hearing impairment brought up by deaf parents have higher characteristics of logical and creative thinking than students brought up by normally hearing parents; left-handed students from families of the deaf have higher characteristics of creative thinking if their parents' hearing is preserved, while the characteristics of logical thinking are higher if their parents’ hearing is impaired; a "mirror image" is detected in the development of creative thinking among left-handed and right-handed students, depending on the hearing condition of their parents; connection is established between logical and creative. The author’s special contribution lies in acquisition of data on the influence of hereditary factor upon the development of thinking in combination of hearing impairment and manual asymmetry. The novelty of this research consists in comparative study of creative and mathematical thinking in confluence of the factors of hearing impairment, manual asymmetry and a hereditary factor. New data is obtained on the peculiarities of development of thinking skills among right-handed and left-handed students with hearing impairments brought up by hearing parents and parents with hearing impairment.
characteristics of thinking, hereditary factor, right-handed pupils, left-handed pupils, deaf parents, creative thinking, parents with normal hear, deaf pupils, logical thinking, manual asymmetry
Clinical psychology
Barinova, O.G., Korolev, A.A., Lyapina, S.S. (2022). Features of mental states and academic performance of students with a high level of academic procrastination. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 32–43.
Academic procrastination of students remains an actual and significant subject of research in many psychological schools, directions of both domestic and foreign authors. In this paper, an attempt is made to scientifically study the phenomenon of academic procrastination in medical students, and also presents a meaningful analysis of the mental states of students with various academic success and showing a high level of academic procrastination. One of the methodological bases of the study was the classification of procrastination types according to N. Milgram. The respondents in our study were medical students of the 1st and 6th courses in the number of 80 people. At the empirical stage, the following methods were used: "Self-assessment of mental states" by G. Eysenck; "PASS procrastination Assessment Scale" by M. V. Zvereva; methods of mathematical processing of research results (Mann-Whitney U-criterion; Kruskal-Wallis criterion; Pearson correlation analysis). В The paper reveals the frequency of the manifestation of academic procrastination and the peculiarities of mental states in medical students studying in the first and sixth years. Statistically significant differences were found between first- and sixth-year respondents in the frequency and quality of academic procrastination. In addition, the links between a high level of academic procrastination, mental states (anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity) and the academic performance of medical students were determined. For some correlations, clinical characteristics of the mental states of highly procrastinating students are given. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that mental states are considered not only as a cause, but also as a consequence of academic procrastination of students. The results of the study may provide valuable provisions for the construction of clinical observations in order to describe the personal characteristics of students with a high level of academic procrastination. The further development of preventive measures and correctional activities for the prevention of mental states contributing to the development of tendencies to personality disorders of highly procrastinating students is promising.
academic success, rigidity, aggressiveness, frustration, anxiety, mental states, academic procrastination, medical students, procrastination, personal characteristics
Question at hand
Meshcheryakova, T.A., Gamzina, E.V. (2022). Diagnostic possibilities of using the "Method of color metaphors" by I.L. Solomin in the study of codependent behavior in women. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 44–54.
The purpose of the study was to identify the possibility of using the "Method of color metaphors" by I.L. Solomin in the diagnosis of latent motivation of a codependent personality and the use of the data obtained to compile a program of psychocorrective measures. The article focuses on the basic and actual needs of a codependent personality, for predicting and correcting behavior and condition. We assume that the study of the basic needs of the surveyed women will allow us to determine the targets of correctional work and will allow us to develop a plan for psychological interaction with people who have a codependent personal profile. Working with codependency is an important aspect in the context of therapy and rehabilitation of a dependent personality. В In this study, the following methods were used: questionnaire, Spann-Fischer's "Scale for measuring the level of codependency", adapted by V. D. Moskalenko; I. L. Solomin's Method of Color Metaphors. As a result of the research, data reflecting the profile of a codependent personality were obtained: basic needs, attitude to loved ones, attitude to oneself (the ratio of ideal and real images of "I"), attitude to the life process: present, past and future, etc. Also, the information obtained has practical significance, as they are guidelines for building a psychocorrective program, which is reflected in the final part of the article.
Dependence, The state of personality, Boundaries of personality, Family dysfunction, Attitude to yourself, Broken family communication, Psychocorrection of codependency, Basic needs, Relationships, Codependency
Psychology and pedagogics
Rozin, V.M. (2022). Cultural and psychological interpretation of the concepts of "development" and "life world". Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 55–66.
The article discusses situations, the theoretical understanding of which involves the introduction of the concept of "life world", as well as a new understanding of human development. To do this, the author implements a cultural and psychological approach and analyzes several cases within this approach. With the exception of the latter, they relate to the events of childhood and the formation of personality in adolescence. In the last case, an example of a spiritual revolution described by L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "Resurrection" is considered. In development, the author suggests distinguishing between the "formation" of the psyche and consciousness, "completion" and development proper as changes occurring within the framework of the life world. В He loads the latter not only with the characteristics that E. Husserl wrote about, but also culturological (the life world does not change in its structural characteristics for a long time, but then leaves, and another takes its place) and psychological. The author refers to psychological processes not only the influence of the life world, but also the process of constituting a new objectivity, including the crystallization of a problem situation, the unconscious reaction of the psyche and physicality to it, the conscious construction of schemes and other semiotic representations (symbols, metaphors, narratives), the emergence of a new reality, understanding and vision, finally, creating conditions for a new act.
individual, personality, subject matter, life world, completion, becoming, development, mentality, culture, vision
Clinical psychology
Chernenko, A.M., Agarkov, V.A., Bronfman, S.A. (2022). Analysis of search queries as a tool for comparative assessment of the need for psychotherapeutic help. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 67–79.
The subject of this study is the dependence of the frequency of search queries related to a certain medical and/or psychological problem on time and geographical location. In this study, two types of search queries were studied: "status" queries and "help" queries. To obtain data on the frequency characteristics of requests, the capabilities of the Googl Trends web application were used. Requests for "help" were investigated based on the results of an anonymous questionnaire of those who applied for psychological help to the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service for the Population. Seasonal variations of the query "depression" qualitatively repeat seasonal fluctuations, which are one of the main characteristics of this disease: spring-autumn peaks of circulation with summer-winter recessions. Attention is also drawn to the high severity of the autumn peak in the number of requests. At the same time, the graph of the frequency of requests for the word "alarm" does not have such a pronounced cyclicity and does not show an upward trend in the second half of the year. The analysis of the "help" requests found: (1) seasonal cyclicity, similar to the "depression" query — with spring and autumn peaks, and (2) a downward trend by the end of the year, unlike the "depression" query.     The analysis of search queries presented in this article is an important research tool, since the statistical characteristics obtained in such a study are independent of traditional statistics based on the analysis of patients' appeals to medical or psychological institutions. Thus, we found that seasonal variations of the query "depression" qualitatively repeat seasonal fluctuations in the frequency of occurrence of the disease: spring-autumn peaks alternate with summer-winter declines, which may indicate the reliability of evaluating search queries as a tool for analyzing depressive and anxiety–depressive states. Variations of "help" requests also have a similar cyclicity.
psychotherapeutic experience, ideas about psychotherapy, depression class, anxiety disorders, subclinical depressions, medical behavior, reference group, appeal, search queries, seasonal fluctuations
Keys to creativity
Iakovleva, E. (2022). Childhood traumas as the source of Salvador Dali's creativity . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 80–93.
The object of the study of the article were some episodes from the childhood of Salvador Dali, left without the attention of scientists. Analytical and biographical methods were chosen as the main research methods. After analyzing the psychoanalytic literature on the problem of trauma, the diary entries of the genius and the research literature about him, some negative situations from the childhood of Salvador Dali were identified. Among them, we will highlight the trauma of birth, the violation of marital fidelity on the part of the father, the specifics of parental education, orienting the child to the ideal in the image of a deceased brother, self-admiration with a mirror image. These injuries contributed to the fact that Salvador Dali became a narcissistic and ambivalent personality. For the first time, the life of a genius is viewed from the perspective of his childhood traumatic experience. Thanks to this, it turned out to be possible to clarify some of the features of the genius's psyche that influenced his life and work. He replaced his own Self with the ideal Self, honing it to perfection and engaging in self-admiration. The genius was an insecure person, hiding behind shocking audacity. All his life, the Spaniard tossed between conflicting feelings, put forward antinomic judgments, could not make decisions. It must be recognized that childhood traumas played not only a negative role in the Spaniard's life manifestations, but also became a source of creativity. Through him, Salvador Dali used artistic means to expose his injuries in the surreal world, trying to reduce their negative pressure on life and rationally work out problems. The traumatic experience of Salvador Dali and its prolonged effect, which formed an ambivalent personality in him, require further study and analysis of the consequences in various creative searches of the genius.
creativity, sexual life, shocking, mirror, ambivalent personality, narcissism, ideal, Salvador Dali, childhood trauma, injury
Keys to creativity
Rozin, V.M. (2022). Cultural and psychological concept of art (continuing and overcoming M. Bakhtin and L.Vygotsky) . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 94–105.
The article outlines and develops a cultural and psychological concept of art. At the same time, the author starts from the concepts and understanding of the art of M. Bakhtin and L. Vygotsky, which he analyzed in his other works. For a better understanding of the theses, three cases are considered and analyzed: the novel by Israeli writer Meir Shalev "Two Bears Came out of the Forest", a poem by Marina Tsvetaeva and the process of discovering an artistic image by a small child. The author discusses several issues: problems that could worry Shalev and his readers, some features of the author's work that allowed to create an artistic reality of this work, features of artistic reality, a mental mechanism that generates strong emotions of readers. The techniques and expressive means used by Shalev during the creation of his novel are analyzed. The factors (semiotic, personal, cultural) that determine the independent existence of artistic reality, as well as the naturalness and realism of its events are discussed. These events are more real and natural because Shalev opens the way for the reader to the events of artistic reality, allows him to see the whole, emphasizes the most important. Shalev's genius as a storyteller, his wonderful language also plays a big role. It is concluded that the necessary conditions for the creation of artistic reality and the living of its events are the semiosis of art and a special form of human life in art (leisure according to Aristotle, "non-utilitarian form of life", according to the author).
semiosis, personality, events, life, reality, composition, concept, art, mentality, author