Clinical psychology
Bochkina, E.V., Doronicheva, M.M., Shatilova, N.N., Plokhikh, D.A. (2022). Varieties of Comorbid Disorders in Children with Mental Retardation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 1–13.
The subject of the study is comorbid disorders of children with mental retardation. The object of the study is the frequency of comorbid disorders of the children with mental retardation. Using a retrospective analysis of medical records, the authors examine in detail the neuropsychiatric manifestations and behavioral stereotypes that frequently occur in the study sample of children. These behavioral stereotypes or comorbid disorders were noted by parents or health care professionals who interacted with the children. The total sample included 1,000 preschool and young children (from 1.5 to 7 years old) with various neuropsychiatric speech diagnoses - delayed speech development, autism spectrum disorders, delayed psycho speech development, and other unspecified speech diagnoses. The main finding of this study is that a list of the most common comorbid disorders was compiled. Using this list of the most common behavioral disorders, it is possible to make a screening assessment of mental development and identify the degree of its delay on the basis of the formed behavioral and speech patterns. This will help specialists (psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists and neuropsychologists) working with children to provide them with the necessary assistance in a timely manner. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that previously no comprehensive list of the most common behavioral disorders of the children with mental retardation was compiled. This list made it possible to differentiate the primary diagnosed child into one or another group according to the belonging to the diagnosis, with subsequent more thorough verification of the diagnosis.
assistance to a specialist, behavioral disorders, speech disorders, behavioral stereotypes, primary diagnostics, list of violations, behavioral features, mental retardation, delayed speech development, autism spectrum disorder
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Osin, R.V., Roganova, A.E., Medvedeva, I.A. (2022). Research of Ethnic Tolerance in the Youth Environment. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 14–25.
The current state of psychological research of ethnic tolerance in the youth environment is considered. Despite the existence of a certain degree of elaboration of the concept of ethnic tolerance in psychological literature and periodicals, the practical implementation of the study of the level of ethnic tolerance in various social strata and public entities is insufficient. The results of empirical research provide a real picture of the state of interethnic relations in this environment and provide grounds for practical measures to resolve possible conflict situations and harmonize interaction on an interethnic basis by uniting various ethnic groups in society. The purpose of the article is to empirically determine the level of ethnic tolerance among students of higher education institutions, to determine the level of its components, to establish links between tolerance and ethnic identity of respondents, to determine the prospects for further research. The results of an empirical study of ethnic tolerance among young people indicate that a person's tolerance to representatives of other ethnic groups is associated with awareness of belonging to their own ethnic group, that is, with a positively established ethnic identity. The vast majority of young people who have a normal level of ethnic identity, an average or high level of tolerance in general, they also have developed ethnic and social tolerance. Among the factors forming the appropriate level of ethnic tolerance, first of all, it is necessary to name the characteristics of the individual, the influence of the conditions of the social environment in which ethnic interaction is carried out, the presence of the practice of interethnic communication. A balanced State social and ethnic policy, especially in the field of education, should support and form a positive dynamic of interaction between different ethnic groups.
social tolerance, students, ethnic identity, interethnic interaction, youth environment, ethnic group, ethnic tolerance, Ethnic isolation, tolerance, young people
Psychology and pedagogics
Tolstykh, L.R. (2022). The Psychological Content of the Value Orientations of Students-Ethnic Migrants and Representatives of the Indigenous Population. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 26–31.
The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis and identify differences in the system of value orientations of students – ethnic migrants and students – representatives of the indigenous population. The subject of the study: the features of the value orientations of students – ethnic migrants and students – representatives of the indigenous population. Research methods: 1. Theoretical: analysis of psychological literature on the problem of research. 2. Empirical: testing. Research methods: "Life-meaning orientations", D. Crambo and L. Maholika; "Diagnostics of the real structure of value orientations of personality" S. S. Bubnov; "Value orientations", M. Rokich. Methods of mathematical statistics: Mann-Whitney U-test. The differences in the value orientations of indigenous students and indigenous students are expressed in the following: 1.Attitude to life, to oneself and other people: the attitude to life of indigenous students has a meaningful and conscious character. In relation to the shortcomings in themselves and other people, they are strict. The process of life for ethnic migrant students is characterized as uninteresting and unfilled with meaning. They doubt the possibility of independent control of the events of their own lives. For ethnic migrant students, altruism is significant, which is expressed in the significance of the values of "Help and mercy to other people", "Happiness of others". 2. Indigenous students are focused on a happy family life as one of the significant values. Ethnic migrant students are more focused on culture and compliance with the rules and norms of behavior adopted in the society, which is reflected in the value of "Education". But at the same time, the value of self-affirmation is significant for them.
self-realization, locus of control, ethnicity, migration, motivation, personality orientation, meaning of life, meaningful life orientations, value orientations, values
To understand the human being
Griber, Y.A., Elkind, G.V. (2022). The Influence of Color on the Perception of Taste of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 32–43.
The object of the study is people with autism spectrum disorders, the subject is the expectations of taste when they perceive a certain color. The aim is to experimentally test the hypothesis that due to the specifics of sensory processing and the lack of multisensory integration, their crossmodal taste–color correspondences differ from the associations of neurotypical people not only in the structure and occurrence of individual associations, but also in the richness, cognitive significance and semantics of choice. The experiment involved 20 respondents with autism spectrum disorders (7 men and 13 women) aged 18 to 20 years. Their responses were compared with the results of a control group (N=20) with the same socio-demographic characteristics. Experimental stimuli in the form of a bar package had five different colors (green, yellow, red, pink and blue) and were shown to participants on a computer screen. The experiment showed that when perceiving the color of the product packaging, people with autism spectrum disorders have significantly different expectations of taste compared to neurotypical participants. In the most cases their associations of color with taste are not conventional and logical (this type of associations dominate in the control group), but creative – expressive and hidden. The associations revealed in the experimental group often have an emotional nature, are less dependent on the context and have a more free character. The results obtained can be used in clinical practice, in the education system and in the activities of social institutions.
associative experiment, color perception, cross modal correspondences, color associations, taste, color, autism, color cognition, cognitive salience, color identity
Developmental psychology
Kangieva, A.M. (2022). Freedom and Choice of an Addictive Personality: a Person Between "Homo Liturgicus" and "Hackable Animal". Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 44–60.
The article examines the concept of addiction and the features of an addictive personality through the prism of the attachment-based development approach of Gordon Neufeld. Neurophysiological features of the formation of the "addictive brain" are shown. The phenomenon of healthy mature attachment as a space of addiction therapy is investigated. The necessity of focusing on the choice and responsibility of an addictive personality is substantiated. The concept of a "separation complex" in the understanding of Gordon Neufeld is analyzed. The relationship between addiction and trauma, addiction and love is analyzed. The thesis about the interchangeability of addictions is revealed. The concept of post-traumatic growth of an addictive personality is investigated, provided that the responsibility for satisfying hunger and eliminating deficits in relation to oneself and others is realized. The article for the first time analyzes the formation of addiction within the framework of the attachment-based development approach of Gordon Neufeld. The directions for reinterpretation of trauma from the point of view of its contribution to the growth of personality are proposed. The emphasis is placed on the choice, freedom, responsibility of an addictive personality for the realization of his own potential
Gordon Neufeld, regress, separation complex, posttraumatic growth, trauma, Gabor Mate, addiction, addictive personality, choice, love
Psychology and pedagogics
Tsirul'nikova, E.A., Lukanin, N.S. (2022). Current Trends in the Manifestation of Socio-Psychological Distress in Adolescents. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 61–72.
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The subject of the study is the content of the main socio-psychological difficulties and problems that encourage modern adolescents to seek psychological help and are manifestations of socio-psychological distress. The study was conducted on the basis of an analysis of the content of requests for advisory practice for the period 2012-2022. The city center of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance of Yaroslavl. All requests for psychological help were classified by the authors into several groups: communicative problems (reflecting the specifics of relations with the adolescent's society); problems arising in the development of general educational and universal actions; psycho-emotional difficulties and crises (including experiencing eating disorders, suicidal disorders, autoaggression, traumatic experience) and destructive behavior (antisociality, aggression and dependent behavior). A mathematical analysis of the dynamics of appeals of each type was carried out. As a result of the conducted research, conclusions were formulated about the content of the main difficulties and problems that are relevant for modern adolescents and are the subject of an appeal to a psychologist. These include difficulties in relationships with others, the development of a tendency to autoaggression, eating disorders and an increase in a number of problems associated with psychoemotional difficulties, violence. In conclusion, the types of innovative activities of the center for improving the communicative, psycho-emotional and behavioral aspects of the socio-psychological well-being of adolescents are described. The novelty of the described research consists in the development and testing of a system of programs to reduce the socio-psychological distress of adolescents. A special place in them is occupied by programs of work with parents.
counseling practice, psychological assistance to adolescents, universal educational activities, general educational activities, psycho-emotional state, deviant behavior, communication, subjective well-being, adolescents, Socio-psychological trouble
Horizons of psychology
Yanovsky, M.I., Borisov, N.A., Kuznetsov, Y.M. (2022). About the Psychological Mechanisms that Create a Person's Character. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 73–88.
The subject of the study is the psychological mechanisms that produce a person's character. The classical ideas of character, reflected in its modern definitions and interpretations, are considered. The concepts of "intention" and "attitude" are compared. On this basis, the traditional understanding of character as an expression of the system of human relations to people, objects, etc. is transformed into considering it as an intentional "relief" of the subject. The psychological content of the relationship as a substitute for action (activity) is analyzed. The connection of character with the structure of human activity is substantiated. The idea of the imitation-activity nature of character is put forward. Based on the consideration of the types of intentions and relationships, an attempt is made to develop a basic typology of character. Examples illustrating the imitation-activity nature of character types are given. The advantage of the presented concept of the psychological nature of character is that, unlike existing approaches to character (character as accentuation, social character according to E. Fromm, etc.), it allows you to combine a descriptive approach to character with the possibility of analyzing its internal psychological mechanisms. In addition, since the structure of activity (means, function, etc.) correlates with the fundamental composition of these mechanisms, then our typology of characters is not one of the possible ones, but, as we believe, reflects the basic types of character.
result, process, instrument, purpose, pseudo - activity, activity, intention, relationship, subject, personality
Inner world
Shapoval, I. (2022). The specifics of discourse, mentalization and conceptualization of reality in the formation of a borderline personality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 89–100.
The subject of the study is the mutual influence of discourse deformations and cognitive mechanisms of mentalization and conceptualization of the world in a borderline personality. The aim of the work is to prove the decisive role of the deficits and defects of the "theory of mind" in the development and structuring of the borderline personal organization. The research methodology is represented by interdisciplinary categorical-genetic analysis and synthesis of theories and ideas of phenomenology, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, discourse analysis. The author examines the interaction of discursive and cognitive mechanisms of personality in the construction and personalization of the conceptual sphere and "theory of mind". The role of splitting in the conceptualization of reality and the connection of violations of mentalization with changes in the concept of Self are shown. A special contribution of the author to the study of the problem is the systematization of violations of mentalization as predictors of the development of borderline personal organization. The novelty of the research lies in determining the double determination of distortions of the conceptual sphere in the borderline personality by its discourse. Violations of conceptualization processes are described. The systematic organization of the operational units of the mental lexicon, memory and the conceptual sphere in their connection with discourse is determined. The main conclusion is the proof of the relationship between stereotypical discursive formulas, mental vocabulary, methods and abilities of the subject to process information and construct the conceptual sphere. The range of the subject's capabilities in this area is manifested in his discursive formulas of interpretations, assessments, self-regulation. The deformations of these phenomena and the deep rooting of discourse in the structures of thinking correlate with the formation of a pathological "theory of mind" and personal organization. The "borderline" conceptual sphere and the discourse "speaking" by the subject hinder reflection, honest internal dialogue, criticism of representations of reality and support the status quo of the pathology of cognition of reality and orientation in it. The study of the subject's speech models and the understanding of the cognitive-discursive mechanisms of his orientation in his Self and relationships has practical significance in the diagnosis of borderline personality organization and psychocorrective effects on it.
dialectical failure, splitting, theory of the mental, The concept of me, conceptualization, conceptual sphere, discourse, mental lexicon, mental representations, borderline personality organization
Inner world
Rostovtseva, M.V., Lutoshkina, V.N., Koreneva, V.V., Chistokhina, A.V., Klimuk, Y.V., Grishina, G.V. (2022). The Relationship Between the Level of Reflection and Self-regulation Among Teachers of a General Education Institution. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 101–118.
The purpose of our work is to identify the relationship between reflection and self–regulation among teachers of a general education institution. Reflection is one of the most important mechanisms of self-regulation, as the ability to manage the development of one own competencies, i.e. to carry out personal and professional growth. The development of self-regulation helps a modern teacher to find an individual style of professional activity, allows him to achieve adequate professional and personal self-esteem, predict and analyze the results of his activities. Subject of research: the relationship of reflection and self-regulation among teachers of a general education institution. The following were selected as the main research methods: 1. Methodology for diagnosing the level of development of reflexivity (Karpova A.V.). 2. Basic questionnaire "Style of self–regulation of behavior - SSPM" (Morosanova V.I.). The study was conducted on the basis of secondary schools No. 4 and No. 19. Krasnoyarsk. In total, 56 teachers aged 30 to 35 years with more than 5 years of experience in school participated in the study. The sample was mainly made up of women (93%) – subject teachers. After statistical data processing, the following conclusions are made. Teachers with high and low levels of reflection have differences in the level of general self-regulation. There is also some peculiarity in the development of self-regulation processes and regulatory-personal properties. Therefore, we can say that the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of our study has been confirmed. That is, the relationship of reflection and self-regulation among teachers of a general education institution exists. This fact should be taken into account in order to influence the process of professional self-development, to understand the reasons for his professional failures and failures and to regulate his pedagogical activity.
flexibility, self-organization, reflexivity, subjectivity, planning, education, teacher, self-regulation, reflection, inner world
Inner world
Smirnaya, A.A., Spiridonova, M.S., Dulinets, G.G., Tomilova, S.A., Dement'ev, A.P. (2022). Professional Motivation of Secondary School Teachers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 119–134.
The problems of staff shortage in secondary school, mutual understanding between teacher and student, effective training of students are largely related to the teacher's high motivation to work and overcome objective difficulties. The subject of the study is the features of the professional motivation of secondary school teachers depending on the length of service. The purpose of the study: to study the content characteristics of the professional motivation of secondary school teachers, depending on the length of service. We studied the following groups of components of professional motivation: value-semantic; cognitive; emotional-personal component. To conduct the study, a sample was formed, the number of which was 45 teachers and divided into 3 age groups with different periods of teaching experience of 15 people in each group. The results of the study showed differences between groups of teachers with different professional experience. Teachers on the initial path of professional activity have a more pronounced focus on tasks and interactions, less on themselves. And teachers with more professional experience have a pronounced focus on themselves, and less on tasks and interactions in the motivational complex of secondary school teachers with different work experience, there are differences in the predominance of internal and external motives. External positive motives predominate, which are associated with the action of external incentives (the possibility of obtaining recognition, the availability of salary growth opportunities, the ability to use the provided measures of state support, etc. External negative motives in the sample of teachers are the least pronounced, which can also be regarded as a sign of a fairly prosperous environment associated with the working conditions of school teachers.
internal motive, external motive, orientation, personal attitudes, teacher, professional motivation, motivation, education, life goals, value orientations
To understand the human being
Smirnaya, A.A., Potapova, E.V., Smirnova, L.E., Valitova, A.I., Tkacheva, A.V. (2022). Personal Characteristics of People with Hypertension. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 135–144.
The subject of the study is the personal characteristics of people with hypertension. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that many diseases, and hypertension in particular, are based on psychological reasons, namely, a person's tendency to react painfully and emotionally to various stressful situations that arise in his life, which is largely determined by his personal characteristics. The study was conducted on the basis of the cardiology department of the City Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Bratsk, Irkutsk region. The study involved 74 respondents: 38 patients with mild hypertension and 36 patients with severe hypertension. Among patients with mild hypertension - 24 women and 14 men. Among the patients with severe course of the disease – 30 women and 6 men. All subjects aged 55 to 60 years. According to the results of the study, in the group of subjects with mild stage of hypertension and with severe stage of hypertension, the level of neuropsychiatric stability is average. Neuropsychiatric breakdowns are unlikely for participants of both groups. In both groups, there is an average level of neuroticism with a tendency to a high level in the group with a mild degree of hypertension. In both groups, there is an average level of psychopathization. In both groups of subjects, the level of anxiety is expressed at an average level. This means that respondents are predisposed to perceive a wide range of situations as threatening their self-esteem, prestige, self-esteem or vital activity. In order to study the reliability of differences between samples, a nonparametric method of comparing independent samples was used, the Mann-Whitney U-test. However, there were no significant differences in the results of the study of the groups.
orientation, sensitivity, physical exercises, anxiety, psychopathization, neuroticism, emotions, psychosomatics, hypertension, excitability
Professional psychology
Rostovtseva, M.V., Artyukhova, T.Y., Ben'kova, O.A., Fedorova, E.P., Garibyan, E.R. (2022). The Study of the Socio-Psychological Climate and the Level of Satisfaction of Employees with their Work in the Apparatus of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 145–158.
The subject of this study is the peculiarities of the socio-psychological climate in the apparatus of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the satisfaction of employees with their work. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the process of political interaction of subjects of political communication, the socio-psychological climate determines a lot. Assessing the current situation, some politicians and sociologists note the need for purposeful formation of a socio-psychological climate for more productive and effective work, since it can be a tool that helps not only to build relations between politicians with each other, but also to correct the socio-political state, improve the psychological climate in society, regulate public relations. The study was conducted on the basis of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in three departments with a total of 62 people. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the unfavorable socio-psychological climate prevails in the apparatus of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in two departments (negative values according to the methodology of O.S. Mikhalyuk and A.Y. Shalyto). According to the survey results, many employees do not want to get to know each other better, spend time informally together, and maintain friendly ties. The integral majority of satisfaction with work in teams (according to the method of N.P. V. Fetiskin) is also low in two departments, which indicates the disadvantage of employees in this team, dissatisfaction with work is observed, which means that employees do not make special efforts to achieve the best result of their work, employees are not satisfied with the relationship in the team and prefer to work alone. Correlation analysis showed between climate and job satisfaction: in a favorable socio-psychological climate, the level of job satisfaction in the team is high, in an unfavorable socio-psychological climate – low
Government, control, employees, team, atmosphere, job satisfaction, socio-psychological climate, climate, Organization, society
Developmental psychology
Gusarenko, V.V., Zonova, A.A., Krol', E.R., Gurova, N.N., Zimnitskaya, N.S., Dogadaev, O.N. (2022). Director's Play as a Means of Mastering Dialogue by Older Preschoolers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 159–176.
The subject of the study is the use of the possibilities of the director's game for the development of dialogic speech in older preschool children. The study was conducted on the basis of a preschool group at MBOU No. 12 in Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai (Russia). The study involved 40 preschoolers. The age of preschoolers is 5 – 6 years. The relevance of the study is determined by the need of preschool pedagogy to use the possibilities of the game, including director's, as a means of mastering dialogue and dialogic speech of older preschool children. We conducted a study consisting of a ascertaining, formative and control experiment. The director's game "We are going to a birthday party" was developed. After analyzing the results of the study, its ascertaining stage, we came to the conclusion that children mainly have a low and average level of ability to maintain a dialogue. They found it difficult to answer questions, often thought about the teacher's questions, asked again, gave monosyllabic answers, did not know how to comment on their statements, could not defend their position in the dialogue. The children experienced embarrassment and tightness when making contact. The answers to the questions were monosyllabic, the replicas carried little information, important details were omitted. We suggested that the director's play can have an impact on the development of dialogue in children. She teaches children to conduct a dialogue correctly, develops the ability to maintain a dialogue, dialogical relations. During the control stage, the hypothesis of the study was confirmed. In the group of preschoolers where the director's game was used, the level of mastering dialogic speech became higher compared to the group where the director's game was not used.
development, education, teacher, preschoolers, story, dialogic speech, dialog, directing game, game, communication
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Khamidullin, R.S. (2022). Trust as a moral category in operational investigative activities. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 177–188.
The subject of the study is the psychological characteristics of the individual, their content and features. The object of the study is the interpersonal relationships that arise between an employee of an operational unit and a citizen in the process of establishing trust. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the emergence and strengthening of neural connections, the peculiarities of the manifestation of a sense of trust and its importance for solving the tasks that face operational investigative activities. The importance of establishing trusting relationships in the process of obtaining the necessary information by the operative and the person of interest to him is noted. Particular attention is paid to the establishment and maintenance of psychological contact between an operative and an object of operational interest, as well as techniques for manipulating the interlocutor using neuro-linguistic programming techniques. The main conclusions of the study are: trust as a moral category is used by operational officers to solve the tasks of operational investigative activities; the foundation of sincere communication and mutual understanding of two personalities is a sense of trust; for the emergence of trusting relationships, it is of great importance to establish and maintain psychological contact in the process of communication between an operative and a citizen by modeling mutual interests and mutual understanding. In the course of establishing trust, neural connections arise. Neurolinguistic programming techniques allow you to establish psychological contact between an operative and a person of interest to him. Neurotechnics are also used to achieve and strengthen trusting relationships.
operational Officer, emotions, neural connections, psychological contact, operational and investigative activities, communication, safety, neuro-linguistic programming, trust, emotional state
Gridneva, A.A. (2022). Identification of Violations of the Perception of Oral and Written Speech presented during the Primary Psychodiagnostics of Candidates for Service in the Penal Enforcement System and Convicts, Suspects, Accused. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 189–201.
The subject of the study is violations of the perception of oral and written speech presented during the instruction of the examinee and the presentation of stimuli of diagnostic techniques during the primary psychodiagnostics of candidates for service in the penal enforcement system and newly arrived convicts, suspects, accused, who lead to a decrease in the reliability of the psychodiagnostic information received about personal qualities and current psychoemotional state. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for the diagnosis of the quality of perception of oral and written speech in the framework of primary psychodiagnostics of candidates for service and newly arrived suspects, accused, convicted. Methods of theoretical and comparative analysis, generalization and systematization are used. The article presents the possible causes of the violations under consideration, systematizes the variants of their manifestations, provides recommendations on the organization and methodology of primary psychological diagnostics, which, subject to its further successful testing without the use of additional neuropsychological diagnostic techniques, reveals violations of oral and written speech perception and assesses the possibility of conducting reliable psychological diagnostics of personality traits and psycho-emotional states. The results of the study are intended for use by penitentiary psychologists, but can be used by psychologists-diagnosticians of any areas of practical activity. It is planned to further develop forms of diagnostic forms for conducting primary psychodiagnostics of service candidates and convicts, suspects, accused upon admission to institutions of the penitentiary system, testing and evaluation of their diagnostic capabilities.
agnosia, aphasia, speech perception disorders, candidate for service, convicted, primary psychodiagnostics, penal enforcement system, speech perception, reliability of psychological diagnostics, psychological diagnostics