Тело и телесность
Berezina, T.N., Chumakova, E.A. (2021). The development of psychological models for predicting health conditions in retirement age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2021.1.34176
The goal of this research lies in the assessment of predictive validity of psychological markers of health and work capacity of the persons of retirement age, and its comparison with predictive value of medical markers. The survey involved 496 retirees (386 women, 110 men) assigned to the Moscow medical center for cardiology. The research is based on longitudinal case study with two cross-sections. The section included the assessment of personality and life path indicators, medical examinations, psychological and medical predictions of health conditions. The second section included medical examination, assessment of changes in health conditions and preservation of life. The conclusion is made that psychological prognosis is more accurate in predicting preservation of life, while medical – in preservation of health. Psychological markers correlating with health conditions of younger and older retirees (family status, parental status, object of care, absence of bad habits, high level of activity and goal commitment, sociability) were determined retrospectively. Based on that, the author develops the strategies for organization of life path, which makes preservation of life and health more feasible. For young retirees, this is the strategy for combining the care for loved ones with high level of activity and quitting alcohol consumption. For older retirees, this is the strategy for combining care for loved ones with having a family and high level of activity. It is established that psychological markers of health have predictive value and can be recommended for experimental validation of their efficiency as an independent variable.
retirement age, life path, medical prognosis, psychological prognosis, psychological markers of health, personal organization of time, personality, health status, ife strategies, life expectancy
Question at hand
Tuzlukova, A.V. (2021). The content of competitive strategy for achieving leadership among employees with different perfectionist orientation . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 19–31. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2021.1.34771
This article discusses the results of research on the content of competitive strategy for achieve the goal of “leadership” among employees due to distinct manifestation of perfectionist orientation. The subject of this research is the competitive strategy for achieving leadership among persons with different degree of perfectionist orientation of personality; while the object is the perfectionist orientation of employees. The empirical object includes 142 employed persons (112 women, and 30 men). The author reviews perfectionist orientation as a set of personal motives and attitudes, which consistently manifest in various types of activity in pursuit of perfection due to high expectations from the others, received from others, as well as imposed on themselves, which can contribute to achieving competitive goals. The author determines the peculiarities of content of competitive strategy among persons with the following perfectionist orientation: self-orientation, orientation towards others, and orientation towards social prescriptions; determine their primary goals of their competitive strategy, including the mutual goal for all groups – the “leadership” and strategic elements for its achievement. It is established that development of the strategy on achieving the goal of “leadership” in among the persons with perfectionist self-orientation is substantiated by the desire of security and fight for the leadership in the team. In an attempt to reach the same goal, the persons with perfectionist orientation towards others focus their strategy on the client and demonstrate a tendency to fight for achieving their goal. The competitive strategy of the persons with perfectionist orientation towards social prescriptions is supported by motivational component along in form of external negative motivation of the activity. The novelty of this work consists in comprehensive examination of each element of the competitive strategy of persons with various types of perfectionist orientation in achieving the goal of “leadership”.
perfectionistic, perfectionism, components of competitive strategy, competitive, strategy, competition, orientation, liedership, employed, workers
Modeling the unconscious
Skleynis, V.A. (2021). The specificity of lifestyle of the individuals with different type of life scenario . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 32–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2021.1.34828
This article is dedicated to examination of the specificity of assessment of the individuals with different type of life scenario. Having compared the patterns of worldview and manifestations of life scenario of the individual, the author considers the latter as a component of in-depth structures of worldview, reflected on the level of semantic structures associated with the implementation of scenario in form of the specificity of assessment of respondents. One of the manifestations of life scenario of the individual in semantic structures is the specificity of assessment of their lifestyle. Since lifestyle represents a system of activities the person is engaged in, and life scenario by definition is related with saturation of subjective time with different ways of pastime, the process of realization of life scenario depends on the specifics of the content of lifestyle as a system of activities. The empirical research is conducted on the basis of specifically developed questionnaire; the three groups of respondents with different type of life scenario were formed. The respondents were offered to assess their lifestyle using a specialized semantic differential. The obtained data was processed via the method of semantic universals. The acquired results indicate that the descriptors included in the semantic universals of the assessment of lifestyle correspond to the type of life scenario of the individual. The groups of respondents with different type of life scenario demonstrate a various degree of in-group similarity in assessments of their lifestyle. Therefore, the specificity of lifestyle assessment is one of the manifestations of life scenario of the individual.
semantic structures, image of the world, meaning, psychology of subjective semantics, psychosemantics, lifestyle, type of the life script, life script, semantic universalities, semantic differential
Professional psychology
Lastovenko, D., Muzalevskaya, A.A. (2021). Expert assessment of the important professional competencies of aerospace engineers . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 42–50. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2021.1.34924
This article is dedicated to examination of the important professional competencies of aerospace engineers and specificity of their professional activity. The study represents an expert assessment of the activity and important professional competencies of aerospace engineers. The research program consisted of several stages. The first stage includes the formation of the relevant expert group and assessment of the characteristics of activity and important professional competencies based on the methodology of expert assessment of I. L. Solomin. The second stage implies the expert ranking of the important psychological characteristics in the activity of aerospace, and determination of psychological factors that affect the solution of professional tasks. Based on the acquired results, the author reveals the socioeconomic, industrial-technical, and psychological characteristics of the activity of aerospace engineers. The most important professional competencies of aerospace engineers include: attention span, ability to predict, psychic stability, memory, imagination, and distress tolerance. The effective solution of professional tasks by aerospace engineers requires psychological resilience to external influences, ability to maintain attention control, etc. The acquired data can be valuable in assessment of the important professional competencies of young specialists, as well as carrying out a set of measures aimed at developing attention span, ability to predict, and psychic stability.
professional competence, engineering activity, solving professional problems, assessment of the profession, professionally important qualities, engineer of the rocket and space industry, rocket and space industry, subject of activity, professional development, expert
Professional psychology
Matyushina, M.A., Tarakanov, A.V. (2021). The peculiarities of professional identity of creativity among the junior students majoring in psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 51–61. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2021.1.34960
This article examines the problem of the formation of professional identity of the first and second year students majoring in psychology in relation to creativity. The authors cover the problem of professional identity of the students and its correlation with various parameters of creativity. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of interconnection between the professional identity and the parameters of creativity in psychology students of the first and second year students majoring in psychology. The article presents the results of preparatory stage of research of the role of creativity in the formation of professional identity. The sampling involved 100 junior students of the psychological faculty of Novosibirsk State Technical University. At this stage of empirical research, the author determined the peculiarities of the statuses pf professional identity and the parameters of creativity among junior students majoring in psychology, as well as interdependence of these psychological phenomena. The obtained results indicate positive correlations between the indefinite status of professional identity and the parameters of verbal creativity; as well as negative correlations between the moratorium of professional identity and the parameters of imagery creativity.
parameters of creativity, professional identity of students, professional development, junior students, psychology students, creativity, professional identity, verbal creativity, imaginative creativity, professional identity statuses
Psychology and pedagogics
Tatianchenko , N.P. (2021). Psychological conditions for the formation of adaptation potential of an individual in the learning process. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 62–77. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2021.1.32485
This article is dedicated to examination of psychological conditions of the formation of adaptation potential of an individual in the learning process. It is established that the personal adaptation potential is the interconnected psychological characteristics of a person that determine success of adaptation to the external environment. Leaning on the analysis of literature sources, the author built a research model that reveals the following factors affecting formation of adaptation potential: psychic stability, adequate self-esteem, communication skills, behavioral regulation, coping behavior and group interaction skills. For assessing the adaptive capabilities and individual psychological characteristics of the students, the author applied the following methods: empirical (multi-level personal questionnaire “Adaptability” by A. G. Maklakov, S. V. Chermyanin; methodology “Socio-psychological comfort of the environment” by A. G. Maklakov; coping-test of R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, translated by T. L. Kryukova, E. V. Kuftyak and M. S. Zamyshlyaeva; Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire; mathematical-statistical (correlation analysis) Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient; nonparametric comparison method of the two related samples (Wilcoxon signed-rank test). The scientific novelty of the presented materials consists in the development of scientific representation of psychological conditions of the formation of adaptation potential of an individual in the learning process, as well as in identification of the causes of maladaptation (emotional instability, low self-control, propensity for authoritarian behavior, low conformity and normativity of behavior). The acquired experimental data on the level of development of adaptation potential of the students allow predicting the success of their learning process. The provided materials can be used by psychologists and pedagogues in organization of work aimed at prevention of maladaptative conditions among adolescents.
search for social support, coping behavior, self-esteem, communication skills, normative behavior, self control, emotional stability, adaptive capacity, acceptance of responsibility, problem planning
Psychology and pedagogics
Khoroshikh, P.P., Sergievich, A.A., Batalova, T.A. (2021). Immersive educational environments: psychophysiological aspect . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 78–88. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2021.1.34819
This article is dedicated the discussion of possible psychophysiological and physiological responses of the child's body being in the immersive environment. The authors substantiate the feasibility of incorporating the technologies of virtual and augmented reality into a single immersive approach, which allows viewing these technologies from the perspective their potential impact upon sensory systems of the body (modalities) and the resulting physiological response. The environment itself should be interpreted as immersive, i.e. multimodal. Attention is given to the psychophysiological substantiation of the presence effect created by the immersive environment, as a mechanism for integration of sensory systems. The article analyzes the negative psychophysiological responses of the body as a possible manifestation of the symptoms of cybersickness. The article introduces the two main theories of this phenomenon and their potential contribution to the discussion of cybersickness, including its manifestation in in the educational process, and restrictions. The author describes a number of factors, which may be the cause for cybersickness among children. Particular attention is paid to the role of technical equipment (first and foremost, the image output devices) and software characteristics, which can affect the possible psychophysiological responses of the body.
education methods, presence effect, physiological response, age-related psychophysiology, sensory systems, cybersickness, immersive environment, virtual reality, flicker effect, position of the body