Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S., Stakhovskiy E. (2016). Stanislav Grof's Karmic Insights (conversation between Pavel Gurevich, the editor-in-chief, and Evgeny Stakhovsky, the writer and the frontman of the popular science show 'Object 22' broadcasted by Radio Mayak). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 495–501. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68231
The material posted in the Journal contains the conversation between the writer and the frontman of the popular science show 'Object 22' broadcasted by Radio Mayak Evgeniy Stakhovsky and the editor-in-chief of the Psychology and Psychotechnics Journal professor Pavel Gurevich regarding one of the five main schools of world psychology, transpersonal psychology. Radio Mayak listeners often ask questions about transpersonal psychology. They are interested how that word-combination was created, what the main ideas of transpersonal psychology are and what Holotropic Breathwork means. The subject of transpersonal psychology is 'transpersonal' or 'suprapersonal' states of consciousness. The main method used in the conversation is historicism. The interlocutors trace back the sources of transpersonal psychology rooted in psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology. It is demonstrated that transpersonal psychology substantiates the importance of spiritual aspects of psyche. It is also noted that throughout the history all cultures except for that of European industrial society have highly valued spiritual states of consciousness. The difference between transpersonal psychology and humanistic themes is that transpersonal psychology aimed at overcoming the borders of the previous subject field set by the problems of self-actualization, creativity and humanistic psychotherapy and pedagogics.
Holotropic Breathwork, mysticism, vision, unconsciousness, perinatal experience, human, spiritual states, brain, transpersonal psychology, psychology
Mind games
Al'perovich V.D. (2016). Metaphors in Interpretative Repertoires of Images of "Friends" and "Aliens". Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 502–509. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68232
The problem of differentiation between communicative partners as «friends» and «aliens» is touched by the author in this article. Alperovich discusses the role of metaphors in perception of the others as «friends» and «aliens» as well as criteria for their categorization in communication and interaction. Interconnections of metaphors of «friends» and of «aliens» with interpretative repertoires (dispositive, conative, normative, mythologic etc.) of perception of the others as «enemies» and «friends» constitute the subject of the present research. The author elaborates a classification of metaphors of «friends» and of «aliens» based on the cognitive conception of metaphor in psychology including antropomorphical metaphors, artifact metaphors, abstract metaphors, zoomorphic metaphors, naturomorphic metaphors and magic metaphors. The author has discovered that metaphors of different types form different interpretative repertoires of images of «friends» and of «aliens». Antropomorphical metaphors are means of dispositive repertoire. Artifact metaphors are means of normative repertoire. Zoomorphic metaphors and naturomorphic metaphors are means of mythologic repertoire. «Magic» metaphors are means of fatalistic repertoire.
dispositive repertoire, interpretative repertoire, Friend, Enemy, aliens, friends, metaphor, conative repertoire, normative repertoire, mythologic repertoire
Personal growth
Beskova T.V. (2016). Gender Peculiarities of the Influence of Perfectionism on the Subjective Well-Being. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 510–516. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68233
The object of the research is the subjective well-being of a person. The purpose of the present research is to define gender peculiarities of the influence of perfectionism on various components of the subjective well-being of a person. The author of the research examines such aspects of the topic as peculiarities of the subjective well-being and perfectionism as well as their components in male and female groups; the nature of the influence of various kinds of perfectionism (self-oriented, others-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism) on the components of the subjective well-being depending on their gender attribution. The research involved 133 respondents. The results were processed using correlation analysis and comparison of Student-t mean values. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: socially prescribed perfectionism has the greater influence on the subjective well-being and this influence has certain gender specifics, in particular, this kind of perfectionism destroys the subjective well-being of women and, on the contrary, has a positive influence on the subjective well-being of men. Other kinds of perfectionism influence only the emotional component of the subjective well-being: men with the self-oriented perfectionism and women with the others-oriented perfectionism have a more positive attitude. The main contribution of the author is that for the first time in the academic literature the author demonstrates differently directed (constructively/destructively) influence of the socially prescribed perfectionism on the subjective well-being of different sexes. These results can be efficiently used in the process of psychological counseling concerning the problems of parenting and family education.
components, structure, perfectionism, subjective well-being, gender, personality, psychology, emotional component, cognitive component, impact
Psychology and pedagogics
Pecherskiy Yu.I. (2016). The Impact of Constructive Intrapersonal Conflicts on the Personality Development of Students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 517–521. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68234
The subject of the present research article is constructive intrapersonal conflicts that have an influence on the personality development. The object of the research is university students. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the essence of intrapersonal conflict and its intrapretation by foreign and Russian scientists. Pechersky also analyzes how constructive intrapersonal conflicts appear and get solved by students. Based on the analysis of sources, the author offers his own model of defining the influence of intrapersonal conflicts on students (future teachers). In conclusion the author makes a conclusion about particular factors demonstrated by students of teachers' training universities in case of intrapersonal conflicts as well as what causes this process. In the course of the research the author has used the main theoretical methods of psychological and pedagogical research, in particular, axiomatical and hypotethetico-deductive method, inducative approach, modelling and intrapretative-descriptive methods. The main conclusions of the research are formulated by the author in a functional model that demonstrates the structure, contents and methods of teaching activities aimed at defining the influence of constructive intrapersonal conflicts on students' personality development at a teachers' training university. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines particular functions and methosd of teachers' influence in order to determine the impact constructive intrapersonal conflicts on the development of personal qualities of a future teacher.
correction, contradiction, intrapersonal contradictions, personality of the pedagogue, pedagogical universities, students, personal development, teacher, intrapersonal conflict, professional adaptation
Clinical psychology
Glazyrina T.M. (2016). Sensomotor Reaction Demonstrated by Military Aged Men with Arterial Hypertension. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 522–525. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68235
The research deals with the study of sensomotor reactions demonstrated by men of military age who suffer from arterial hypertension. The existing system of professional selection focused on the use of blank psychological techniques has proved to be efficient, however, in many cases it is advisable to further investigate the psycho-physiological characteristics of a recruit. In particular, based on the results of psychophysiological research it is possible to define the level of neuro-psychological stability of a recruit. In cause of a recruit suffering from arterial hypertension physiological changes are determined before manifestation of clinical symtoms which correlates to a decreased level of neuro-psychological stability. 128 respondents participated in the research. The research methodology is based on the comparative analysis of results. Men with the first-degree arterial hypertension demonstrated a worse balance of inhibitory and excitative processes during stress. They also demonstrated a higher value of activity and made more action errors.
operation cost, stress testing, balance of the nervous processes, accuracy of time perception, psychophysiological test, variability of the samples, sensomotor reactions, recruit, arterial hypertension, action errors
Developmental psychology
Chernov D.N. (2016). The Role of Ethnicity in the Language Development of Schoolchildren: Review of Modern Studies. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 526–534. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68236
The research deals with the problem of sociocultural conditionality of child language development. A meta-analysis of studies on the role of ethnic / racial identity in the language development of children at school age has been carried out. The emphasis is made on the study of language development of schoolchildren coming from immigrant families and their socialization is in the 'odd' social and cultural environment where there is one 'title' language that is considered to be the main. Modern foreign and Russian researches are analyzed by the means of comparing approaches, methods, and empirical data. The foreign researches presented in such databases as Medline, Scopus and Web of Science, and national articles posted in the elibrary.ru are used for the meta-analysis.The share of studies involving schoolchildren is relatively small low. Foreign studies carried out using standardized language tests show that children comging from immigrant families are behind in their language development in terms of vocabulary, grammar and semantics. Modern researches pay attention to the study of narratives. Based on the example school-aged children from African American famiiles whose main communication medium is the African American English dialect it is shown that in their development of narrative abilities they, as a rule, do not differ from white Caucasians, and demonstrate the originality and even surpass them in the development of some narratives. In Russian researches the problem is studied in terms of adequate learning of Russian by children from migrant families. Foreign language children pass the stages in their development of Russian language abilities similar to those stages which are Russian-speaking children pass, however, their Russian has some peculiarities that normally go away by the school age. Many language peculiarities are due to the interference of Russian and native languages. It is shown that the most important sociocultural reason for difficulties in mastering Russian is inconsistent and unconscious approach of parents of foreign language children to their children's learning Russian.
language, ethnicity, school age, speech, race, immigrant, narrative, foreign language child, bilingualism, language development
Psychopathology of the mundane
Timoshenko E.A., Epanchintseva G.A., Nazarenko E.V. (2016). Alienation Phenomenon in Terms of Subjective Experience of Loneliness at Teenage Age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 535–541. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68237
This article features the phenomenon of alienation at teenage age and describes types of such alienation. The phenomenon of alienation reveals as one of aspects of subjective experience of loneliness. The authors base their research on the assumption that alienation is a result of violation of personality relations with himself or herself and the other world. Due to the fact that it is the adolescence that plays a crucial role in developing a personal perception of the world and basic forms of interaction with the world, alienation problem becomes particularly acute. The authors of the article describe the structure of alienation felt by teenagers through experience of loneliness and analyze the phenomenon of alientation taking into account gender differences. Serious changes occur at the age of adolescence. These changes involve, first of all, famly relations, relations with peers, studies, activity and activity results, self-concept and attitude towards society. This is the age when existential questions appear as well. Based on one's existential idea of loneliness a person learns to value or not to value situations when he or she is alone and whether he or she can use such situations as a resource for internal dialogue, personal growth and development. Based on the results of the research the author substantiates the psychological work with the teen group aimed at creating and strengthening the positive loneliness, promoting internal self-communication with its subsequent exteriorization.
feeling, isolation, pleasure of a privacy, privacy resource, self-alienation, loneliness, alienation, teenager, alienation types, need for the company
The unpredictable
Semerikova A.A. (2016). The Basic Theoretical Approaches to the Phenomenon of Sexual Aggression. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 542–549. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68238
The object of the present scientific research is sexual aggression as a destructive phenomenon of a modern society. The subject of the research is the theoretical approaches that explain the nature of sexual aggression, what causes it and conditions that contribute to the development of this negative social phenomenon as well as factors influencing the criminal orientation of a person and growth of the level of victimity in such criminal actions. The purpose of the research is to define psychological, medical and social aspects of personal destructuralization and to clarify the process of the development of sexual aggressive personality. The empirical basis of the resaerch is the psychological and psychiatric study of individuals who committed sexually aggressive actions. Having analyzed the main theories of sexual aggression, the author defines both pluses and minuses thereof. Based on the theoretical research carried out as well as practical experience of working with individuals who have committed sexually aggressive actions, the author formulates her own theory of motivational aggression. According to the author, there are two models of sexual aggression, affect-charged and consumer, that explain two different patterns of behavior demonstrated by people inclined to sexual aggression.
gender, consumer aggresion, violence, social learning, regularity theory, mental instability, destructive socialization, frustration, affect-charged aggression, sexual aggression