Megalomania (Political psychology)
Gayvoronskaya A.A., Gur'yanov Yu.N. (2015). The Need-Functional Model of Extremism Psychosemantics. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 651–654.
The subject of the research is the phenomenon of extremism. The need-functional model of the psychosemantics of extremism is based on the procedural and instrumental model of extremism. The structure of the procedural and instrumental model of extremism is being described with the help of such categories as 'assessment', 'force', 'activity', 'tolerance', 'trueness', 'identity', 'aggression' and 'rate' of social transformations. The theoretical model of extremism psychosemantics consists of the following categories: assessment of social justice (central category), the rate of social transformations, social activity, social force and social energy as well as the degree of influence of social forces. The method of theoretical triangulation combines opportunities of several scientific approaches and allows to explain and interpret complex facts, phenomena and processes. In fact, triangulation means determination of the location of the third point when the other two points are known. The authors of the article have used this method to create the need-functional model of extremism psychosemantics. Thus, the results of the theoretical triangulation allow to substantiate the following initial theoretical provisions which combination describes the essence of the need-functional model of extremism psychosemantics offered by the authors.
The social and psychological peculiarities of the phenomenon of extremism are consistuted by the verbal or active representations of justice demonstrated during social interaction between actors (individuals, groups, communities or states). These include justice viewed as a) the distribution of social goods, values, social roles and statuses and b) priority of a particular religion, life style, behavior or relationship. According to the authors, extremism is based on the eternal need of human and society in justice. Consequently, the function of extremism is to try to satisfy these needs by using subjective standards of social justice. Taking into account the psychosemantic nature of the phenomenon fo extremism, we should fight against extremism by developing socially acceptable representations of justice and ways of achieving it.
social force, category, need-functional model, procedural and instrumental model of extremism, psychosemantics, extremism, justice, the rate of social transformations, theoretical triangulation, social activity
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Are We Programmed or Not? . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 651–654.
The present article is directed against the two types of reductionism, biological and cultural. Today neuroscienes have achieved incredible results, described the complex structure of brain tissue and discovered parts of the brain that determine rather unexpected aspects of human behavior. For example, who would have thought that there is a certain area in our genes that is in charge of adultery? This means that all human activities are firmly fixed in human genes. Needless to say that the analysis of human activity should be started with the study of the most recent findings of neurosciences. However, it does not mean that biological determinism should be considered to be the final truth. On the other hand, there are no grounds to overemphasize the role of cultural factors in human life. Cultural determinism means being based on the social situation and explaining human behavior only by social reasons. Gurevich bases his research on the methods of popular sociobiology, however, he uses only those ideas and provisions that do not allow to overemphasize biological or cultural determinism of human behavior. Gurevich has also applied data collected by individual and social psychology. Lately there has been quite a number of researches critisizing biological determinism. Russian researchers pay less attention to the analysis of cultural determinism. Meanwhile, Gurevich believes that both of these tendencies simplify the history and human behavior too much. To express his position, Gurevich describes the matrix of factors that determine complex processes of human activity. These processes cannot be reduced only to the confrontation between biological and cultural determinism. Value systems play a very significant role in the motivation of human behavior, too because they allow to overcome the rigorous determination of genic or social nature of human.
psychology, genes, society, human, personality, sociality, sociobiology, neurosciences, cultural determinism, reductionism
Philosophy and psychology
Epanchintseva G.A., Timoshenko E.A. (2015). Alienation as a Philosophical and Psychological Category. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 663–674.
In this review the problem of studying the concept "alienation" in philosophy, Russian and foreign psychology is retrospectively covered. The main available interpretations and translations of the term, descriptive and theoretical positions and substantial and structural views of scientists on this phenomenon are considered. The attempt to define the main substantial characteristics of alienation is made. The authors demonstrate and describe level concepts of the phenomenon of alienation and systems of the relations which can undergo alienation. In their research the authors raise the question about manifestation of alienation in everyday life and activity, the need for its identification and psychological and psychotherapeutic work. The research methods used by the authors included the philosopho-historical and psychological retrospective analysis, theoretic comparative generalization, classification of the conceptual framework and modeling. Original contribution of the authors to the research of this phenomenon is their offer to consider alienation as a state and reaction to the incentive exceeding adaptation opportunities of a frustrating individual. It is offered to classify alienation as having the destroying, developing or mixed form. In addition, the authors offer a conceptual model and structural-functional model of alienation.
rigidity, alienation levels, alienation, relationship, self-alienation, model of alienation, alienation forms, relation, identification, personal autonomy
Limits of intellect
Borzykh S.V. (2015). Mind as a Burden. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 675–683.
This article views mind as a burden. It’s supposed that just like every other physiological process reasoning demands a huge quantity of energy which our organism tries to avoid. Due to the high level of predictability of the social environment and particular features thereof as well as the dramatic progress of humankind over the last few centuries, today an ordinary person doesn’t need to use his or her brain power at full capacity. In his research Borzykh has used general methods of scientific research including analysis and comparison. The researcher has also used recent findings in biology. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Borzykh offers a new approah to studying human mind from the point of view of its cost for the organism rather than the benefit from possessing it. The main conclusion is that just like other animals people constitute a compromise and have the energy balance when these or those systems consume different quantity of available energy. The process of reasoning created as a result of human body functioning is a compromise, too, and it is rather a burden for human body from the point of view of survival especially within the scope of contemporary culture and high technologies. As a consequence, people try not to use their mind deliberately or undeliberately.
human, brain, resoning, energy, technology, balance, compromise, evolution, modern age, expense
To understand the human being
Gander D.V., Alekseenko M.S. (2015). Features of Pilot Personal Potential in the Cycle of Professional Development. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 684–696.
The authors of the present research describe peculiarities of personal potential of a pilot in the cycle of professional development, provide necessary definitions and offer a psycho-pedagogical model and component composition of the pilot personal potential. From the point of view of the systems analytical research of the problem of personal potential, the authors characterize and interpret the leading components of the pilot's personal potential and their basic interdependencies. They discuss ways to use the concept of reasonable personal potential, methods of the development of personal potential, possible approaches to studying and developing the pilot's professional skills. In their research the authors have used the methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, the method of longitudinal study, collection of empirical data, analysis of pilots' activity using the document method and expert survey, job specification and methods of mathematical statistics. The contradiction between the priority development of aviation technology and obsolete methodology of recruitment and training of aircrew as a result of outdated ideas, ways of assessing and forecasting flight abilities requires improving the theory and practice of psychological assistance of pilots and developing professional psychological readiness for work in extreme conditions. Research and consideration of personal potential and patterns of the development of pilot's personal potential extend the opportunities of psychological assistance of pilots and formation of psychological readiness of pilots for their professional destiny and extreme factors of life.
personal potential, industrial psychology, aviation psychology, experimental psychology, psychological characteristics of a pilot, professionally important qualities, psychophysiology of labor, becoming a professional, professional reliability of a pilot
Psychology of highest aspirations
Berezina T.N. (2015). Criteria of the Good in Ordinary Representations of Students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 697–706.
The article is devoted to the category of the good in psychology and humanities. In her research Berezina states that this is a rather understudied topic compared to the category of the evil and explains that this is because the good is a complex phenomenon. It is assumed that in human mind the category of the good can exist in the form of a nonverbal image of the highest order constituting the 'over consciousness'. Intellect and a number of other phenomena are likewise represented in human mind. The methodology that is used to study complex mental phenomena is based on the concept of social (ordinary) representations. The purpose of the article is to analyze students' ordinary representations of the good man as well as to define criteria that are used by the respondents to develop a positive judgement of other people. As a result, Berezina defines the following four criteria. 'Good activity' is the commission of a good act towards someone who makes a judgement. 'Good fellowship' is an indirect citerion when someone is thought to be a good and kind person based on his/her behavior towards the third persons. 'Good nature' is a personal criterion when someone is thought to be kind judging from his/her positive qualities such as empathy and compassion rather than his/her behavior. 'Good conscience' is when someone is considered to be a kind person because he or she has a sense of conscience and regrets committing negative actions.
nonverbal standards, ordinary representations, social representations, the good, kindness, psychology of the good, good activity, good fellowship, good nature, good conscience
Professional psychology
Mayorova Yu.A., Guziy A.G. (2015). Pilot Fatigue as the Psychophysiological Factor of Risk to Flight Safety. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 707–716.
As the most unfavorable functional (psychophysiological) state of airline pilots, fatigue is being considered from the point of view of the recommended international standards of risk management safety. The authors of the article describe the basic types of fatigue and their typical features with respect to flying. The authors also give the description of the current state of pilot fatigue management for the purpose of ensuring flight safety in civil aviation. They define and describe the methodical approach to the flight safety management based on the guidelines of the International Association of Civil Aviation. The research methods included: industrial psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics, industrial psychophysiology, health risk assessment, life safety and risk management. The main contribution made by the authors to the development of the topic under research is the justification of the urgent need for the implementation of the mechanisms of the pilot fatique management recommended by the International Association of Civil Aviation. The apparent advantage of this approach is an opportunity to carry out a multi-level safety strategy allowing to manage the risks associated with fatigue regardless of their psychophysiological causes. This creates the prospects for implementing this strategy and providing psychophysiological safety in any sphere of navigation.
psychophysiological training of pilots, fatigue, pilot fatigue management, functional state, psychophysiological state, aviation psychophysiology, flight phychophysiology, pilot fatigue, flight safety, aviation ergonomics
Psychology and pedagogics
Flerov O.V. (2015). Correlation Between Language, Speech and Communication in Language Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 717–725.
The object of the research is the teaching of foreign languages. The subject of the research is the correlation between language, speech and communication in this pedagogical process. The author of the article analyzes the views of linguistics and psychology on the correlation and relationship between these concepts and demonstrates how language, speech and communication determine the key components in the process of teaching foreign languages. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the methods of teaching not only in terms of the contemporary methodological issues but also in restrospective. The method of the research applied by the author of the article is the integrated linguistic, psychological and psycholinguistic analysis. The author also applies the empirical data from his own experience in teaching foreign languages. According to the author of the article, today's practice of teaching foreign languages lacks a clear understanding of what teaching languages, teaching to speak and to communicate actually mean. As a result, the methods of teaching become less efficient. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author demonstrates how the aforesaid concepts manifest themselves in actual teaching practice and teaching foreign languages today and how these concepts have been changed as the part of didactics over years.
paradigm, psychology, linguistics, foreign language, communication, speech, language, correlation, method of teaching, psycholinguistics
Clinical psychology
Shal' L.G. (2015). Peculiarities of the Relation Between Visual Perception and Visual Thinking of Primary School Students with Different Ontogenesis. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 726–734.
The subject under research is the peculiarities of visual perception and visual thinking demonstrated by primary school students with different ontogenesis when perceiving genre paintings. The article contains the theoretical analysis of visual functions and visual thinking of primary school students with different ontogenesis. New psychological literature on diagnostics of child's mental development focuses extensively on visual perception and visual thinking as the prerequisites for successful education. Thus, it is becoming an urgent issue to study the relation between visual perception and visual thinking of school students with different mental impairments as a result of medical diagnoses such as minimal brain dysfunction and autism spectrum. The methodological basis of the research involves contemporary views of Russian psychologists on the objective laws of the development of higher mental functions described by Lev Vygotsky and Alexander Luria taking into account the unevenness of their development during ontogenesis as well as the mechanisms of mental impairments described by the neuropsychological approach. Traditional methods of diagnostics of the higher mental functions are the methods of neuropsychological diagnostics allowing to perform the comparative analysis of the level of the development of particular higher mental functions. This is the first research in the academic literature to describe the relation between visual perception and visual thinking, to create a classification of mistakes and to discuss the influence of these mistakes on the level of understanding of genre paintings by primary school students with different ontogenesis. As a result of the research, Shal' has found out that children suffering from minimal brain dysfunction and autism spectrum with normal ontogenesis have a deficiency of visual perception which has an impact on visual thinking, too. Consequently, visual thinking does not always support teaching activities where there is the deficiency of visual perception. These results have allowed to define the 'targets' for corrective measures of school psychologists working with primary school children.
primary school age, learning disabilities, representational thought, comparative analysis, active visual perception, higher mental functions, pediatric neuropsychology, ontogenesis, minimal brain dysfunction, autism spectrum
Psychology of emergency
Filatov F.R., Sedykh N.S. (2015). Psychological Assistance to Victims of Terrorist Attacks: Critical Analysis and Development Prospects . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 735–744.
The article is devoted to the psychological aspects of terroristic attacks experience. The problems related to the re-interpretation of life values and changing social guidelines as a result of the experienced trauma are discussed. In this context the organizational and methodological aspects of the psychological support and assistance to victims are analyzed. The efficiency of various psychotherapeutic practices and techniques used during the provision of emergency psychological aid and work aimed at coping with prolonged consequences of a terroristic attack is discussed. The authors summarize the results of their academic research and practical observations. The constructive personal and social strategies to overcome the negative effects of trauma and to find new meanings, goals and positive outlook are analyzed. The authors emphasize the need for specialized preventive activities of state and social institutions and mass media aimed at creating the integrated system of professional interdepartmental interaction and reducing the negative impact of terrorist attacks on public and individual consciousness. The article is also devoted to prospects for the development of a common interdisciplinary conceptual model focusing on the selection, verification and improvement of organizational, educational, psychological and psychotherapeutic methods and techniques which could be used during the periods of both emergency assistance and subsequent rehabilitation.
media, effect, act of terrorism, terrorism, victims of terror, psychological assistance, aftermath, psychological support, psychotherapy, prevention