Sizov A.A..
The fourth energy transition in the global energy sector: technological and energy sovereignty of Russia.
// Politics and Society.
2023. № 4.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.43485 EDN: XZHTIO URL:
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The article examines the current situation in the global energy sector, which is quite legitimately considered the fourth energy transition. The modern world has been teetering on the edge of a global energy crisis in recent years. It is somewhat paradoxical that such a situation is largely provoked by the policy of a number of leading states (primarily European ones) aimed at abandoning carbon and nuclear energy. On the other hand, it is the accelerated growth of investments in the development of generating capacities using solar and wind energy that is considered as a way to overcome the crisis and achieve energy security. The fourth energy transition, associated with the widespread use of renewable energy sources, represents a definite challenge for the Russian economy both from a technological point of view and from the position of the export–import balance. The main conclusions of the study are that the fourth energy transition, associated with the widespread use of renewable energy sources, represents a definite challenge for the Russian economy both from a technological point of view and from the position of the export-import balance. With a competent energy policy, Russia has every chance to pass the stage of the fourth energy transition in a balanced and gradual manner: without going to the extremes of the "green agenda" and not lagging technologically behind the leading countries of the world, combining the tasks of providing the state's economy with cheap energy with new technological breakthroughs. which will allow the country to maintain economic stability, even in the event of a global change in the technical and economic structure.
structure of ellectricity generation, International energy agency, Technological sovereignty, Energy sovereignty, Investments in energy, carbon footprint, global energy crisis, renewable energy sources, energy transfer, Hydropower potential of Russia
Zaseeva A.S., Ivanova M.I..
The Problem of the Legitimacy of the Political Elite
// Politics and Society.
2023. № 3.
P. 61-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2023.3.43801 EDN: WIMUAF URL:
The object of this study is the problem of the legitimacy of the political elite. The subject of the study is the views of a number of Western and domestic researchers on the political elite. The study aims to generalize the views of theorists from different countries and periods of time regarding the qualities of the political elite as a legitimizing foundation. The dialectical method, which was used in the analysis of the categories of "political elite" and "legitimacy," their essence and interrelation, played a decisive role in achieving the goal of this study. This method has become key in understanding the texts of the works under study. The method of system-structural analysis allowed us to explore the views of the philosophers in question holistically – when the authors' positions complement each other and create a general picture of the understanding of the legitimacy of the political elite. The conclusion of the study is as follows: in the modern world, the main method of legitimizing the political elite is a democratic election procedure, but the choice of citizens should be based on a clear idea of the qualities of a political leader, confidence that the candidate has serious professional competencies, as well as deep moral convictions and moral principles. This will help to avoid falling under the power of amateurs who put their incompetence and lack of values, stability, and security in society at risk. The result of the study of the ideas of domestic and Western philosophers is the confirmation of the judgment that the legitimate political elite should be considered people with high moral and spiritual values acquired or consolidated as a result of traditional upbringing, classical education, military service, and long-term work experience in the social and political sphere.
state, politics, vocation, moral values, legitimation, the aristocracy of the spirit, society, political power, political elite, legitimacy
Agababyan A.R..
Sociological analysis of the Diaspora on the example of the Armenian people
// Politics and Society.
2022. № 1.
P. 10-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.1.36268 URL:
The article notes that diasporas have a significant impact on the world community, contribute to the strengthening of migration processes, unite representatives of ethnic groups in the territory of a "foreign" country, influence the policy of the state of residence, as well as the processes taking place in the historical homeland. The author states that the Armenian Diaspora has a large number of representatives in different countries of the world. Some aspects of the influence of the Diaspora in terms of preserving the cultural values of Armenians, identity, in spreading traditions, influencing the development of the diaspora, as well as in supporting the Diaspora as a whole are investigated. In this regard, the sociological analysis of the diaspora requires consideration of the social institutions of the diaspora. The sociological data obtained by the author in the course of research activities are presented. The author points out that representatives of the Armenian diaspora are characterized by such signs as mass residence on the territory of a foreign state other than the country of ethnic origin. In addition, it is especially important for Armenians to preserve their identity, culture, traditions, and language. Some of the reasons contributing to the migration of Armenians are also noted here: various socio-historical factors, as well as the policy of genocide, which left a big scar on the history of Armenia, the traces of which have not yet healed.
international students, functions of the diaspora, social institutions, the Karabakh conflict, the Armenian Genocide, Armenian community, Armenian diaspora, the Armenian people, sociological analysis, ASA MSU
Anisimova M.A., Medvedkova E.A..
Technical and economic indicators of the Festival microdistrict of Yoshkar-Ola
// Politics and Society.
2022. № 1.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.1.37422 URL:
In order to design a comfortable living environment for everyday life, namely it pertains to residential sector of microdistrict, it is necessary to take into account a range of nuances: the number and size of public utility sites and children’s playgrounds, guest parking lots and temporary car storage areas, the number of green spaces and common areas, as well as the number and size of children's educational institutions, shops, cultural and consumer service enterprises and much more. On the other hand, the comparison of different neighborhoods or the dynamics in the development of a single neighborhood requires digital indicators in absolute or relative values. In urban planning the technical and economic indicators of residential development are applied for these purposes. Technical and economic indicators are used for various purposes, including for comparative analysis of the quality of life in a residential area and even the cost of residential units. First and foremost, they are related to the size of the microdistrict and the number of residents. Some of them depend on these indicators, for example the density of residential buildings; some affect them, for example, the number of storeys affects the density of housing and density of residents; other indicators depend on the key technical and economic indicators, such as a number of parking lots, green spaces, and size of playgrounds.
Average number of floors, Age structure, Population density, Density of housing stock, Density of residential buildings, Technical and economic indicators, Microdistrict, Functional zoning, The norm of gardening, The city of Yoshkar-Ola
Tikhanychev O.V., Tikhanycheva E.O..
On the concept of “digital economy” and its interrelation with the real sector
// Politics and Society.
2021. № 3.
P. 29-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.3.34844 URL:
The subject of this research is digitalization of the economy, while the object is the structure of this process. Special attention is given to heterogeneous structure of digitalization process, as well as the impact of its various components upon the real sector. One of the concerns this subject category the expert assessment of the concept of “digital” economy as something integral. At the same time, the analysis indicates that the digitalization of society and economy is a complicated process, and each component influences the processes of production, distribution, and management of the real sector. Unless this fact is not taken into account, the errors in construction of digitalization plans may occur, which substantiates the relevance of the selected topic. Based on the analysis of the problems of digitalization of the economy, management, production and distribution, the article synthesizes the recommendations for clarification of the structure of “digital economy”. The author concludes that “digital economy” should not be viewed as organic whole, since the components have been determined with may differently affect the real production and distribution. The novelty lies in the proposal to view digitalization processes as a composite phenomenon that consists of interrelated, but relatively independent components. Theoretically, such approach would ensure more accurate planning of the development of digital production, the theory of economic management, and personnel training.
improving management efficiency, digital economy prospects, new factors of development, process optimization, economic management, information Technology, digitalization of the economy, informatization of management, new management approaches, danger of digitalization
Anuchina O.V., Anuchin A..
Certain procedural means of studying the identity of the wanted suspect (accused) in the Information and communication environment
// Politics and Society.
2021. № 3.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.3.37090 URL:
This article examines the procedural means of studying the identity of the wanted suspect (accused) in the conditions of proliferation of high technologies. The object of this research is criminal procedure legal relations, within the framework of which the investigating officers examines the identity of the suspect (accused) for tracing their location. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the practical need of law enforcement authorities to reduce the number of criminal cases shelved due to tracking down the suspect. The goal of this work lies in assessment of the procedural means from the perspective of their possible application in investigation of the information and communication space. Special attention of given to the main instrument of preliminary investigation agencies – investigative measures. It is determined that the preliminary investigation agencies are limited in the use of information and communication space for criminal tracking. The novelty lies in the attempt to view the procedural means of studying information systems from the perspective of government and private databases, iCloud, dating site, social networks, instant messengers, Internet applications, etc. However, their use requires new procedural forms. The development of such forms would improve the effectiveness of the activity of preliminary investigation agencies in tracking down the suspects (accused).
information and communication environment, private forensic theories, the study of personality, the accused, suspect, suspension of the criminal case, criminal case, criminal proceedings, investigative actions, procedural form
Egorova T..
Analysis of the transport component in the educational services market
// Politics and Society.
2021. № 3.
P. 12-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.3.37127 URL:
This article provides the results of comprehensive study of the financial and economic activity of federal and state universities located in various districts of the Russian Federation, including northern regions. The importance of the management policy of higher education determines the role of state institutions in management of resource flows. Testing of approaches towards the effective use the mechanisms for financing educational systems is interrelated with the peculiarities and trends of the Russian state educational policy in the sphere of higher education. The author establishes differentiation of the transport component in price forming policy of the educational services market, which is reflected in a significant gap in this segment among universities located in remote regions and regions with severe living conditions, functionality of the economy and infrastructure. The mechanism is offered for implementation corrective coefficients to the standards of financing of universities located far from the federal center. Such mechanism is intended to balance the regional differentiation of financing of institutions in accordance with the relevant factors of cost increase, creating equal competitive advantages in the educational services market for the universities located in northern regions with the universities located in central part of the country. The research is aimed at improvement of the methodology of normative budgeting of universities, formulation of recommendations for optimizing the methodology of financing the universities located in remote and northern regions of the Russian Federation, considering the regional differentiation and rise in the cost of services.
transportation services, budgetary security, transport costs, federal university, accessibility of the territory, northern region, educational services, transport component, price determination, spatial differentiation
Shirinkina E.V..
Transformation of the world job market in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
// Politics and Society.
2021. № 2.
P. 8-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.2.36764 URL:
The relevance of this research is substantiated by the fact that the world job market is currently under the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). The goal lies in assessing the impact of cyclic and unexpected trends upon the job market, and thus, the forms of job management and employment functions. In this regard, analysis is conducted on the academic theories in the context of conceptualization of the impact of Industry 4.0 upon the job market and employment functions. The long-term trends in transformation of the job market are determined. The empirical basis of this research is comprised of the statistical data provided by Rosstat and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as the resources of analytical articles and scientific publications, including the materials of international organizations, leading consulting companies, global associations, leading educational institutions, other active participants of global educational environment, and job market experts. An overview is given to the trends that affect the companies, their strategies and business models; the impact of such trends upon the transformation of current professions and the emergence of new professions; skills required for these professions. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of the concept of skill-biased technical change (SBTC) and the theory of routine-biased technological change (RBTC). The presented materials would allow the companies to combine business news with fundamental training of specialists for going along the new career trajectiory in light of the new technological challenges, which defines the practical value of this research.
division of labor, labor functions, professions of the future, technological trends, labor market, Industry, work processes, automation, pandemic, цифровизация
Chekharina V.I..
About the specifics of organizing and conducting elections during the COVID-19 pandemic (some questions)
// Politics and Society.
2020. № 4.
P. 19-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2020.4.34371 URL:
The COVID-19 pandemic poses extraordinary challenges to democratic values around the world, including elections. The subject of the study is some issues of the organization and conduct of elections at various levels affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, based on changes in the normal course of the electoral process, its individual stages. The relevance of the issue under study is obvious, since the COVID-19 pandemic has called into question whether the elections will take place on time or the date will be postponed. Methods are applied: comparative, analytical, systematic approach. The task is to study the specifics of the organization and conduct of elections during a pandemic in relation to certain stages of the electoral process that have been significantly affected by the pandemic. Particular attention is paid to the postponement of elections, which is directly related to the initial stage of the electoral process – the appointment of elections. Attention is drawn to the introduction of special regimes during the pandemic. Another important legal issue is the issue of voting – the main stage of the electoral process. Attention is focused on special voting methods that are most actively used during the pandemic, especially such as remote voting, postal voting, early voting and others. The postponement of elections during the COVID-19 pandemic should be considered as a new legal phenomenon in the practice of elections, having a massive character, having a direct impact on the electoral process, its individual stages, guarantees of electoral rights, methods of voting of voters, turnout and election results. It is necessary to develop a detailed mechanism for regulating the postponement of elections, especially in emergency situations, by including relevant provisions in the current domestic electoral legislation in order to ensure genuine guarantees of free and periodic elections. The results of the study can be used to improve electoral legislation, develop election rules during the pandemic, and take into account the most effective foreign experience in the electoral practice of the Russian Federation.
emergency situation, international electoral standards, COVID-19 pandemic, elections, postponement of elections, special voting methods, remote voting, voting by mail, mobile voting, electronic voting
Yanik A.A..
Determination of the expectations of Russian society towards priorities in advancement of science and technologies: to statement of the problem
// Politics and Society.
2019. № 6.
P. 15-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.31527 URL:
This article is dedicated to substantiation of the need for solving the problem caused by the absence of reliable data on the public expectations towards priorities in scientific and technological progress of the country. It is noted that the lack of such information in hands of the branches of government increases the risk of faults (including due to the conflict of interests) in determination and specification of the priorities of scientific and technological progress, creation of the systems of impact assessment of research and development sector, as well as budget spending efficiency. Based on the analysis of the relevant foreign experience, the author demonstrates the solutions encouraging public involvement in management of scientific development. The correlation is underlined between the underdevelopment of the mechanisms of public participation in management of scientific progress and low level of public trust in science, as well as lack of interest towards innovations. The author suggests the method for determining public expectations towards priorities in advancements of science and technologies, using the crowdsourcing toolset. Such solution has the characteristics of social innovation.
Expectations of Science, Change Management, Innovations, Social Engineering, Crowdsourcing, Responsible Research, Open Science, Science Development Strategy, Public Participation, Science Policy
Chertkov A.N..
Territorial organization of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation due to the novelty of federal legislation
// Politics and Society.
2019. № 4.
P. 20-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.4.31285 URL:
The subject of this research is the system of administrative structures of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including territorial organization of the local self-governance, administrative structure and particular territorial units, its legal regulation and practical reforms. The object of this research is the social relations related to the territory and territorial structure of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is turned to correlation between the administrative and municipal-territorial component of territorial organization of the regions. The author also examines the questions of formation of the specific territorial units, considering the Soviet and foreign experience. In the course of this research were determined the gaps in federal and regional legislation pertinent to regulation of the questions of territorial organization of the Russian regions. Using the dialectic approach along with the general and special methods of cognition, such as system-structural, formal-logical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical-legal, axiological, teleological and a number of other, the author explores the problems and prospects of the development of territorial organization of the Russian regions. Based on the novelties of the current federal legislation, the author suggest the vectors, stages and particular forms for improvement of the regional legislation, including the introduction of a new type of municipal formation – the municipal districts. The article analyzes the prospects of formation of the supra-district territorial units of the regions, as well as expansion of the practice of formation of administrative units of municipalities. The author recommends the federal legislative regulation of the general principles of administrative-territorial structure of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as provides the key elements of such regulation.
administrative-territorial unit, municipal district, urban district, municipal formation, administrative-territorial structure, territorial organization of self-government, territorial structure, subject of the Russian Federation, special territorial unit, territorial administration
Osipov E.A..
“Everything is good so far. But most important is the landing”. The French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools turns 15 years
// Politics and Society.
2019. № 3.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.3.29533 URL:
In March 2004, the law prohibiting wearing of conspicuous religious symbols in public schools was adopted in France. Today, it may be said that the law aimed at protection of the principles f secularity in secondary education turned schools into “islands of the Republic”, worsening the identity crisis in areas of concern of the Fifth Republic. The article analyzes the causes that propelled the French Parliament to adopt the law of 2004, as well as the legal and ethno-confessional aspects of its text that are the center of public discussion throughout the past 15 years. This work was written on the basis of the contemporary French historiography, reports of the government and civic organizations, materials of the French national press. The relevance of the selected topic lies in the fact that the experience of France, which first experienced the identity crises in schools, with escalation of religious radicalism among the school students, as well as contestation of school curriculum of various subjects due to the religious beliefs of children and their parents, is quite valuable for other countries, including Russia.
Conflict, Fifth Republic, Multiculturalism, Identity, Islam, Religion, School, France, Migrants, Integration
Goncharov V.V..
Concept and meaning of the “public control of power” category
// Politics and Society.
2018. № 10.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.10.27414 URL:
This article is dedicated to examination of the concept and meaning of the “public control of power” category in the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the notion of the subject of public control, as well as provides classification to the main groups of the subject of public control. The article describes the forms, principles, goals and tasks of public control and presents their original classification. The impact of public control upon the implementation of various constitutional legal principles is explored. The article applies a set of scientific methods, including the comparative legal studies, historical, formal-logical, and sociological surveys. A position is substantiated that public control in the Russian Federation allows ensuring the maximally effective preservation and development of the state on one hand; and on the other – concordance of the performance results the objects of public control to the interests and needs of people in terms of the implacable adherence to the right, freedoms and legitimate interests of the citizens and any combinations thereof.
public monitoring, public inspection, public examination, state, people, government, Russian Federation, public control, public discussion, public public hearings
Kosorukov A.A..
Digital management model in theory and practice of the modern public administration
// Politics and Society.
2018. № 1.
P. 14-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.24142 URL:
The subject of this research is the digital management model that replaced the preceding Weber’s model, “progressive era” model, and new public management model. Within the framework of the indicated model, the author reviews the peculiarities of implementation of the digital technologies into the practice of public administration abroad and modern Russia. Using the example of information platforms and mobile applications, the author highlights the benefits of the digital management model, associated with the reduction in economic costs in realization of administrative operations, practice of “repeated use” of the set of government data, increase of transparency of the work of the authorities, improve of the quality of rendering public services, as well as underlines the need for protecting personal data of the citizens and digital sovereignty of the state. Methodology of the study includes the historical and analytical methods that allow tracing the history of evolution of the public administration models, a well as determine the key peculiarities of the digital management model in the digital era. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on examination of the contemporary empirical sources and foreign experience, were explored the innovation practices of application of the digital management model in public administration, including the implementation of the open data, open information platforms and mobile applications, crowdsourcing in rendering the public services.
open data, digital management, model, organizational culture, Internet, public services, digital technologies, open information platforms, digital rights, digital sovereignty
Yanik A.A., Popova S.M..
Social focus of the national science-innovation policy: problems and solutions
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 12.
P. 23-34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.12.24960 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of foreign experience of managing academic development applicable to augmenting of social focus of the national science-innovation policy. Particular attention is turned to the conceptual approaches underlying the modern system of government administration over the scientific sector in the economically developed countries, primarily the idea of justification of the existence of science by the social importance of its results. The goal of this work consists in critical examination of the key achievements and issues associated with the attempts of establishing the “feedback” systems between science, government, and society for increasing the social focus of scientific research. The authors demonstrate the essentiality of increasing the social focus of scientific policy due to the fact that an objectively limited amount of resources aimed at scientific development, can be considered as a certain critical level of social agreement with the development rates of specific academic disciplines and projects. The article also underlines the problems that emerge due to the utilitarian understanding of the idea of social responsibility of scientific research and expansion of neo- managerialism into the academic sphere. This particularly concerns the disparity between the accountability and freedom of the scientific inquiry. Moreover, the increase in bureaucratic objections to the role of the “sole representative” of public interests (moral agent) in relations with science can lead to distortion of the quality of feedback, and as a result, decrease in efficiency of control over the academic development for achieving the socially important goals.
European Union, Managerialism, Scientometrics, Innovation, Societal Impact, Big Science, Moral agent, Science Policy, New Public Management, Research and Development
Ivanov O..
Russian legislation about the public supervision and management of sociopolitical conflicts
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 10.
P. 37-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.24325 URL:
This article examines the intrinsic side of people’s interaction in the society – conflict, particularly the sociopolitical conflict. Representing a social process, the sociopolitical conflict is characterized by manageability, in other words, susceptibility to the external organizing beginning. The contemporary Russian society is exemplified by the gradual increase of the amount of citizens who actively expresses their discontent with the forms and methods of government’s response upon the social requests. This work is an attempt to analyze the relevant state, main trends, and most probable development prospects of the existing sociopolitical conflicts. The author examines the specificity of relationship between the state and civil society in modern Russia in the context of their participation in the political management. It is demonstrated that the conflict state of society is a results of realization and understanding of the surrounding social environment, a distinct form of the response of population upon the activity of the government. Legislative recognition of the priority of human rights and establishment of state responsibility for their protection does not ensure the actual discharge of constitutional obligations by the government authorities. The scientific novelty and practical importance of this research consist in systemic analysis of the social and political conflicts and their interconnection pertinent to the modern Russian reality, as well as the analysis of the status of institution of public supervision, application of its potential in managing the sociopolitical conflicts. The author indicates that Russia has created an essential legislative base, but the authorities attempts to institutionalize the sociopolitical conflicts, develop and implement the new managing methods. At the same time, the legitimate status of the institutions of public supervisions as a whole, including their functions in managing the sociopolitical conflicts, does not correspond with the established relations and expectations of the society. Thus, if the government will not actively develop the alternative institutions for managing the sociopolitical conflicts, the existing level of protest moods in Russia can significantly increase and create a perceived threat to the sustainability of the acting government.
civil protest, human rights, conflict management, political management, civil society, power, public supervision, Conflict, protest activity, legislation
Trofimova I.N..
Institutional trust in the modern Russian society: causes and factors
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 9.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.9.24107 URL:
Based on the results of sociological monitoring, this article examines the problem of trust in public institutions in the modern Russian society. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the structure and dynamics of trust within the context of ongoing events and processes. The relevance of the study is substantiated by the fact that institutional trust is in a constant dynamic, affected by the heterogeneous and multidirectional processes, which is especially common to the transitional societies with simultaneous presence of sustainable and situational, objective and subjective, external and internal factors. Theoretical and methodological basis consists in a set of provisions that regard trust as a complex social phenomenon. It is concluded that the structure of institutional trust reflects the inherent to the Russian political culture specific features, while its dynamics indicates the changes that take place in the society. The interaction of sociocultural, economic, and political factors justify the constant “flow” of trust from one institution or group of institutions to other, simultaneously ensuring the sustainability and adaptivity of the institutional system to the changing circumstances.
political culture, society, government, dynamics, structure, trust, public institutions, institutions, factors, causes
Ivanov O..
Information warfare as a factor of development of the Russian civil society
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 4.
P. 21-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.22783 URL:
This article provides a critical analysis of the development of civil society institutions in Russia, as well as the peculiarities of civil society. The author examines the impact of information warfare upon the activity of the civil society institutions in Russia and abroad. The trends of development of the Russian “third sector” are analyzed through the prism of information warfare. The role of Internet is also being reviewed. The author comes to the conclusion that the information warfare is a factor that significantly influences the development of civil society institutions in Russia. The article explores the destructive potential of civil society that is used as a tool of information warfare. It is claimed that the state and society have a right to apply the preventative measures, which limit such destructive potential. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the modern civil society in Russia is obviously at the stage of establishment of the key institutions, and at the same time functions under the conditions of the active information warfare that substantially influences the dynamics of their development. In addition, the civil society in Russia forms in the context of the generally completed transition to the information society. Combination of the external factors affecting the civil society institutions alongside the level of impact of each of these factors represent a scientific interest. The author formulates the regularities and underlines the signs of influence of the information warfare upon the civil society institutions in Russia, corresponds them with the existing sociological data and global challenges of modernity, as well as makes a conclusion on the need for active work regarding the protection of Russian civil society from the influence of the third countries.
manipulation, Russia, communication, Internet, network movement, informational warfare, sociology, Civil society, third sector, non-governmental organizations
Fedotova K.E..
Culture as the means of ensuring national interests of the Russian Federation
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 12.
P. 1630-1636.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.12.54654 URL:
The subject of this research is the forms, factors, and circumstances of the use of culture as means of protection of the national interests in solution of the foreign policy tasks. The author underlines that the cultural potential began to play a smaller role in the global political system than the economic and political capabilities of the modern states during their interaction on the international arena, as well as analyzes the importance of culture and intercultural exchange for expansion of the influence of the country, along with the measures necessary for increasing efficiency of realization of the foreign cultural policy. Systemic approach allowed realizing the comprehensive analysis of the key issues regarding the use of cultural potential in solution of the foreign policy tasks considering their specificity. Comparative analysis determined the general characteristic and differences in the use of culture as the foreign policy mechanism. Formal-logical method systematized the existing data and described the accumulated results of the research. The author substantiates the conclusion that the developed national culture with presences of the important international connections in the area of cinematography, music, literature, theater, visual arts, and other fields of creative activity, helps to successfully resolve the problems of establishment and overcoming of the foreign policy and ethnic stereotypes, as well as preserve the international influence even during the periods of aggravation of economic issues, political conflicts or other negative factors.
foreign cultural policy, international cultural cooperation, international collaboration, cultural heritage, international cooperation, UNESCO, culture, cultural diplomacy, works of art, soft power
Ryzhov I.V., Tolkachev V.V., Eldib A.M..
The role of the army in Egypt and the character of its intervention into the domestic policy processes of the country before and after the revolutionary events of 2011.
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 11.
P. 1486-1491.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.11.54641 URL:
The subject of this article is the role of the Egyptian army in socio and political life of Egypt. The work examines the status of the Arab Republic of Egypt as the imperative institution of the country’s political system, as well as its role in social and political life. The level of transformation of the army’s role during and after the revolutionary events of “Arab Spring” that touched Egypt in 2011 is being analyzed. The article also traces the appointment of the military personnel as the government officials from the middle of the previous century, revealing the portion of participation of the Egyptian army in political processes of the Arab Republic of Egypt, including the events of the “color revolution” of 2011. The study of the role of Egyptian army in life of the state required comparative analysis of the level and character of interference into the processes of domestic policy and economy in the middle of the previous century (when after the end of the World War II, the control over the Egyptian state was taken over by the military structures), as well as in recent years. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the role and place of the Arab Republic of Egypt in life of the state, substantiated by the political culture of the country. The authors define the specificity of the role of Egyptian army during the transition period of development of the political process associated with the crisis of 2011, as well as reveal the role of the army as the political institution. The relevance of the problem is justified by the specificity of the role of army in the sphere of domestic policy of the Egyptian stat, which explains the level and character of the interference of the armed forces into the political and economic processes of the country.
political process, state, governance, Egyptian army, Supreme Military Council, Arab Spring, color revolution, Mubarak, Arab Republic of Egypt, government institution
Potseluev S.P..
Historical memory in the context of the Russian nation-building(Through the pages of one regional survey)
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 11.
P. 1499-1509.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.11.54644 URL:
The subject of the article is the problematic role of historical memory in the formation of Russian national identity. The author examines in detail the phenomenon of historical memory, distinguishing its social kinds (individual, collective, and cultural memory) and discursive forms (living, objectified, and organized memory). On a material of the survey of Don students (in comparison with the data of similar surveys conducted by the Fund «Public opinion» and the Levada Center), the author innovatively analyzes the students' appraisals of the key and controversial Soviet past events such as the October Revolution, industrialization and collectivization, the collapse of the Soviet Union and others. Moreover, the article discusses the role of these appraisals in the students’ attitudes to «Crimean spring» and the unrecognized republics of Donbass.Theoretical and methodological basis of research is the constructivist concept of historical memory, developed in the domestic and foreign science. The empirical basis for this article is provided by the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in 2014-2016 years by the team of scientists from Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center RAS, in the framework of a research project devoted to the study of radical right-wing ideologemes in the minds of student youth of the Rostov region.To the novelty of this study include the systematization by the author of various social kinds and discursive forms of historical memory. Author uses constructively the difference between «cold» and «hot» historical memory strategies to assess the politics of memory in post-Soviet Russia. In this regard, the author criticizes the postmodern absolutization of myth in the construction of national memory and indicates the need for implementation of the «study of difficult past» strategy. The author provides new arguments in favor of the thesis that there is in Russian society (including student youth) a request for a stronger rehabilitation of the Soviet period of Russian history than is the case in today's official politics of memory. Materials and conclusions of article will be useful for optimization of that politics.
the Soviet past, study of difficult past, cold strategy, hot strategy, memorial policy, cultural memory, a living memory, historical memory, the Bolshevik leaders, Crimean Spring
Buchkova A.I..
The attitude of the Russian youth towards politics and political parties: sociological snapshot just before the federal electoral cycle
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 9.
P. 1194-1201.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.9.54613 URL:
The object of this research is the youth of the modern Russia. The subject of this research is the attitude and interest of the youth towards politics as a whole, including political parties and federal level elections. The author examines the importance of political sphere for the young generation, as well as specificity of their interest towards the political processes and political parties, which at the present stage are one of the active conduits of political ideas. Special attention is given to the analysis of youth’s perception of the upcoming elections into the State Duma of Federal Assembly of Russia along with the Presidential elections. Scientific novelty lies in the comparative analysis that is based on sociological snapshots right before the federal electoral cycles of 2011-2012 and 2016-2018 with regards to the attitude of the young generation towards politics, political parties, and elections. The following trends are highlighted: the number of youth interested in political life of society on the permanent basis is decreasing; portion of those who is randomly shows interest in politics alongside those who do not show any interest in politics is increasing; the growing sympathy of the youth towards the political parties, etc. The conclusion is made that there is no significant changes are observed in the views, orientations, and interest of youth towards politics , political parties, and elections.
political socialization, Russian presidential elections, elections to the State Duma, political party, electoral cycle, interest, politics, attitude, political sphere, youth
Karpovich O.G..
Color revolutions in Syria, Libya and Iraq: A comparative analysis of scenarios and technologies of dismantling the political regimes
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 1.
P. 7-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.1.54499 URL:
The object of this study - the nature of pseudo-events that have taken place in the Middle East and North Africa in 2010-13. and collectively referred to the "Arab Spring", which the author refers to the color revolutions - a special technology coup with the resources and tools of "soft power", as well as events in Iraq in 2003 that ended the rule of Saddam Hussein and the all-Arab Baath political party. Subject of investigation - Scenarios and technologies of dismantling the political regimes in Libya, Syria and Iraq. The goal of this study - a comparative analysis of current scenarios and technologies of dismantling the political regimes in the color revolutions in Libya, Syria and in the overthrow of the political regime in Iraq in 2003, reformat the political regimes in the Middle East and North Africa under the Anglo-Saxon "democratic" pattern.The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The author draws attention to the fact that the technology forced the dismantling of the political regimes have played a key role in the color revolutions of the Arab Spring in the Arab world in 2010-13. At the same time, individual episodes of these technologies can be traced in the second Iraq war in 2003, in which the hard power scenario of dismantling the political regime of Saddam Hussein was complemented by a wide range of "soft" power of influence. The author emphasizes that the so-called Arab Spring revolutions are color revolutions, which contains all the features of this class of technology: Technology is organizing a coup in terms of political instability in which the pressure on the government takes the form of popular uprisings and revolts, only superficially with the elemental form.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
Kirichek, E.V..
Police and mass media in Russia: legal regulation,
problems and prospects for interaction
// Politics and Society.
2014. № 12.
P. 1459-1468.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.12.54311 URL:
The article is devoted to the interaction between police and mass media. The author
of the article examines the legal basis, problems and opportunities for this interaction, carries out
a comprehensive analysis of one of the most important principles of police activity — the publicity
and the openness principles — and provides statistical data. Today when new technologies are being
implemented, the priority is given to increasing the level of proficiency of policemen, strengthening
the official discipline and legality, corruption management, etc. Mass media play an important role
in this process. Wherefore, timely awareness of the events ongoing in the society and professional
competence in covering police activities are an important attribute of mutual trust between police
and citizens. Only a competent approach to the matter would allow to win respect and trust of mass
media representatives and achieve a wide press coverage of police activities. The methodological basis
of the research involves application of both general scientific methods and special scientific methods
developed in legal studies. The following research methods have proved to be especially efficient in the
course of research: dialectic, historical, comparative law, particular sociological, statistical and logical
methods as well as the method of structured systems analysis. The research was based on the summary
and systems analysis of scientific researches as well as efficient laws and regulations.
police, mass media, problems, prospects, rights, freedoms, human, citizen, civil society, the Russian Federation.
Berg, L. N..
The Main Stages of the Russian Legal Policy in the Sphere of Scientific Activity
// Politics and Society.
2014. № 10.
P. 1155-1160.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.10.54287 URL:
For the purpose of understanding the legal policy of the Russian government in the
sphere of scientific activity regulation, the author analyzes the concept of “state scientific policy”.
According to the author, the legal policy in the sphere of scientific activity regulation can be defined
as a political legal mechanism of regulating scientific activity aimed at gaining and application
of new knowledge at a certain stage of the historical development of society and state institution.
Legal policy in the sphere of scientific activity regulation has a very difficult and diverse structure.
In particular, it is possible to define and analyze stages of the legal policy in the sphere of scientific
activity regulation. The author of the article analyzes the stages of the Russian legal policy in the
sphere of scientific activity regulation. Even though the scope of the research does not cover the
stages of the legal policy in the sphere of scientific activity during the Soviet Period, the author
provides a general description of that period which undoubtedly had certain influence thereto.
Out of all research methods the author has used the systems and schemes of scientific thinking
providing a deep insight into the topic of research, classical logic, activity theory and etc. The author
has also used the system approach which allowed to find out and describe results at a higher
level. The author has also used the other methods allowing to obtain and process valid empirical
materials. The priority of the legal policy in the sphere of the Soviet science was the mobilization
of science for the needs of state building. Typical features included: etatism, attraction of scientific
organizations and particular scientists to applied scientific researches performed for socialistic
purposes and funding of scientific researches out of state budget. To define particular stages in
the development of the Russian legal policy, the author studies whether the main draft or standard
regulatory acts were present during particular periods of time. Results of the analysis of stages of
legal policy in the sphere of scientific activity allow to conclude that the administrative — commanding
method of government with a dominating type of permissible legal regulation remains
the leading method of regulation in the sphere of science administration.
legal policy, legal regulation, legislative system, laws and regulations, scientific activity, type of legal regulation, legal ideology, legal remedies, legal incentives, legal prohibitions.
Kurbanov, R. A..
Legal Regulation in the Spheres of Exploration,
Production and Transportation of Oil and Gas
// Politics and Society.
2014. № 3.
P. 258-267.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.3.54200 URL:
The author of the article carries out the analysis of formation and development of the legislation in the sphere
of exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas in the USA from the XXth century to the present time. Being
one of the largest energy consumers in the world, USA has very scarce reserves of energy resources of their own. As a
consequence, the energy sector of the USA fully depends on the import of energy resources. While it has been developing,
the energy sector of the USA has undergone several crises which created the need for developing a certain energy policy
at the federal level. The author of the article pays special attention at the questions of distribution of authority on regulation
of this sector between the federal power and local powers of states. We can’t deny that the environmental imperatives
also play an important role in the development of the energy legislation all over the world. These tendencies can be
viewed in the energy sector of the USA too where a number of measures aimed at development of a more sustainable gas
sector have been undertaken recently.
USA, energy law, legislation, gas, oil, exploration, transportation, energy market, environmental policy, energy efficiency.
Krupsky, M. A..
Second Thoughts on the Phenomenon
of Social Anomia in a Modern Society (Experience of Russia)
// Politics and Society.
2012. № 12.
P. 4-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2012.12.53986 URL:
The article describes the results of a detailed
analysis of Emile Durkheims and Robert Mertons theories
about the phenomenon of social anomia. The author
analyzes why this term tends to be used mostly in a negative
meaning. As a result of the research, the author concludes
that there is a direct dependence of the general use
of the term anomia and meaning of the term norm. The
author proves the need in understanding the latter as a
dynamically developing category which directly depends
on the social system of values and established rules of behavior
prevailing in this or that society. The author also
analyzes the reasons of establishing the traditional understanding
of anomia at all levels of the Russian social
system. Based on the reports of non-government international
organizations and independent Russian mass media
and social organizations the author makes a conclusion
about a stable authoritarian tendency of development of
the Russian society. As a result, the author concludes that
the traditional free of norms status of the term anomia
has been offset in Russian social reality. The author proves
that there is a need in a completely new approach to the
term anomia. Based on the example of a modern Russian
society, the author offers an approach based on which the
new order as disintegration of social and political system,
suppression of the process of development of civil society
institutions and deliberate suppression of civil activity at
a social level and atrophy of individual consciousness at
a personal level. So it is concluded that the new anomia
should be involve prevention of further decomposition of
socio-political system, on one hand, and active growth of
civil society institutions, on the other hand. As one of the
ways of realizations of the new anomia project, the author
suggests that we should pay attention at the development
of so-called the third sector.
social studies, anomie, civil, activity, authoritarianism, solidarity, norm, absence of norms, deviant, behavior.
Rozin, V. M..
Opposition and Professional Identity as a Form of Social
// Politics and Society.
2012. № 11.
P. 4-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2012.11.53971 URL:
The article is devoted to the opposition between
the teachers and reformers of Russian education. Teachers
believe that school and education are degrading and
reformers think that it is being reformed. So the author of
this particular article analyzes the current situation and
shows that the institution of education actually includes
the three different institutions: traditional up-bringing
aimed at formation of an educated person and specialist,
a new institution of education that is called an open,
limited liability institution by the author and aimed not
only at training specialists but also at granting diplomas
and other social symbols (including educational simulacrums),
and a new additional institution providing the
second and the third graduate degrees (it also includes
business units and a whole number of new forms of education).
The author of the article also explains the difference
between personal and social actions and introduces
such terms s the leading sociality type and general
conditions. In the second part of the article the author
discusses the opposition and possible behavior strategy
of an individual based on the above mentioned differences
and the definition of society.
philosophy, personality, society, communication, sociality, identification, opposition, elite, power, human.
Ispravnikova, N. R..
Russia in the New System of Socio-Economic Origin
// Politics and Society.
2012. № 4.
P. 6-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2012.4.53878 URL:
The article considers the main factors of the implementation of «new industrialization» in Russia: the private business
and the new wave of industrial and technological development.
modernization, innovation modernization, new industrialization, socialist industrialization, technological way, access to technology, the choice of the current socio-economic orientation, information technology, information democracy, human technology.
Vasiliev, A. V..
National Idea as a Factor of Uniting Russian people
// Politics and Society.
2011. № 11.
P. 4-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2011.11.53788 URL:
National idea includes the most important and major social characteristics infl uencing the main interests of
the nation. Such interests include material and social welfare of national society members, their spiritual, intellectual
and cultural values and democracy as a form of existence of a national state. The article describes these elements of
national idea applied to the Russian society and shows their importance as a factor consolidating the unity of Russian
social studies, national idea, nation-wide idea, material and social welfare, spirituality, direct democracy, representative democracy, self-government, society, social self-development, history of the national idea.
Mikhailov, M. V..
Governmental Strategy in the Sphere of Education: Political and Legal Aspect
// Politics and Society.
2011. № 10.
P. 4-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2011.10.53779 URL:
The author of this article describes the basic issues of the governmental policy in education that are typical
for modern Russia. The author also analyzes the governmental strategy in this sphere and its political and legal
grounds. It is concluded that there is a need in changing the place and role of the system of education in the life of the
modern society and government.
law studies, state institution, government, education, policy, Bologna process, legislation, society, modernization, conflict.
Makarova, M. V..
Topical Issues of Innovation Development of Russia. Strategy 2020
// Politics and Society.
2011. № 9.
P. 4-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2011.9.53766 URL:
Russia’s transfer to the innovation-based development as well as covering the technology gap between
Russia and advanced countries has become especially important under conditions of overcoming the consequences
of the global crisis. The article describes the most important issues of Russia’s innovation development
at the current post-crisis stage. It is underlined that in order to solve these issues, we need to maintain an active
coordination between the government, business and society as a part of one innovation policy. The author of the
article analyzes the Strategy of Innovation Development of the Russian Federation until 2020 ‘Innovative Russia
-2020’ which concretizes provisions of the innovation section of the Conception of Long Term Socio-Economic
Development of the Russian Federation until 2020.
political science, innovations, problems, state institution, innovation development, innovation policy, innovation strategy, national innovation system, innovativeness, leadership.
Akopov, G. L..
Political Internet-Modernization: Theoretical Background of the Research
// Politics and Society.
2011. № 8.
P. 4-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2011.8.53754 URL:
The article describes the author’s approach to studying the process of modernization of modern society
based on application of Internet-technologies.
political science, modern, modernization, Internet-modernization, modernism, political modernization, Internet, Internet technologies, information society, political institutions.
Vasiliev, A. V..
Prices, Infl ation, Taxes, Innovative Development
// Politics and Society.
2011. № 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2011.5.53707 URL:
The article is devoted to taxation systems of Russia, European countries and USA and gives their comparative
analysis. It is determined that the fl at tax scale used in Russia has certain drawbacks in comparison with the
progressive scale of taxes used in the USA and European countries. The progressive scale keeps prices down and
decreases infl ation as well as promotes the innovative development of industrial activity. Moreover, the American
system of taxation which represents part of the entire profi t but not just certain economic indicators simplifi es accounting
and control by tax authorities.
tax rate, flat and progressive tax scales, taxable base, taxation of legal entities, innovative development, profi t tax, value-added tax, property tax, unifi ed social tax.
Scientific Session of the Russian Academy of Social
Sciences on the Topic ‘Spiritual and Moral Unity of
the Main Russian Confessions’
// Politics and Society.
2011. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2011.2.53671 URL:
The article contains recording of the scientific
session of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences on
the topic ‘Spiritual and Moral Unity of the Main Russian
philosophy, religion, human, society, civilization, culture, spirituality, morals
Kerimov, A. D..
About the Policy of the Ruling
// Politics and Society.
2011. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2011.1.53654 URL:
This article displays a critical view on the policy
pursued by the Russian government at the current
stage of its historical development. The author focuses
on the most significant strategic mistakes and errors in
the current policy which, according to the author, will
eventually lead to tragic and vital consequences.
policy, free market, regulatory influence, civil society, political elite, social justice, capitalism, spiritual industry, postmarket epoch, Marxism, liberalism, spiritual and moral crisis, social sphere, personnel policy, intelligentsia
Vasilyev, A. V..
New Aspects of Mmodern Uunderstanding
of Law.
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.11.53636 URL:
This article considers the key philosophical categories
such as essence and occurrence, form and content
in connection with law. The author also studies various
conditions of law as well as law and policy, law and morals, legal mechanics and other concepts.
conception and essence of law, form and content of law, law and morals, legal mechanics, subjective law and objective law, principles of law
Shugurov, M.V..
State policy of the Russian Federation
in the sphere of international scientifi c and
technological cooperation: conceptual and strategic
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.9.53612 URL:
The article includes analysis of the conceptual program
documents, regarding the policy of the Russian Federation
in the sphere of international scientifi c technical and
innovation cooperation. The author reviews their normative
legal status and regulative force, then he comes to a
conclusion on the need to further improve the state policy
in this sphere, based on development, clarifi cation and
in-detail provisions on conceptual strategic documents
and mechanisms of their implementation.
jurisprudence, innovation, state, policy, cooperation, law, commercialization, technology, science, concepts.
Pervova, N.A..
State regulation of scientifi c activity
of the state as a national priority:
Japanese experience.
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.8.53603 URL:
The article describes formation and implementation of
the Japanese state scientifi c policy as a natinonal program
of development of Japanese society. This process is
viewed in the 30 year period – from 1970s to 2000s taking
decades as key periods. Analysis of this experience is
of practical importance to our country, which proclaimed
the aim to achieve scientifi c and information society. The
key value of this process is for planning, strategy, as well
as practice and technologies of its implementation.
political science, information, technology, Government, policy, Japan, Russia, planning, national.
Rozin, V. M., Gryaznova, Yu. B., Malyavina, S. A..
“Donor Project’ as an Example of a Social Technology of a New Type
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.7.53594 URL:
What kind of social and economic system are we developing now? From one hand, we see market institutes and private ownership, modern system of taxation, banking and insurance business and stock marking being established and developed. But on the other hand, the government does not only conduct operative administration of business activities of public enterprises but also turns up to be the major control body in our country. It raises certain problems but also creates a good ground for establishment of new social technologies. The authors of the article shall analyze one of a brilliant examples of such social technologies, - the project “Development of Mass Volunteer Blood Donation” which started in 2008
social studies, political studies, society, donorship, institution, methodology, technology, project planning, development, volunteering
Laletina, A. S..
Universitas Rerum Cohaerentium, Universitas Rerum Distantium, A Property (Res) Complex In Gas Industry: The Content of Legal Definitions and its Interrelation
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.6.53584 URL:
This article is devoted to interrelation of the legal categories Universitas Rerum Cohaerentium, Universitas Rerum Distantium, A Property (Res) Complex in civil legislation. The author studies the deflection of civil legal issues in the sphere of legal regulation of gas industry in the Russian Federation. The author also analyzes certain suggestions on reformation of existing civil legislation in this sphere and consequences of their application to existing legislation of gas industry
studies of law, civil legislation, Universitas Rerum Cohaerentium, Universitas Rerum Distantium, Property (Res) Complex, technological property complex, new legal category, gas industry, fuel and energy complex, law of property
Shilov, V. N..
On the Question of Political Modernization in Modern Russia
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.4.53565 URL:
The author analyzed existing conceptions of political modernization in Russia. It is concluded that there is no need of drastic changes of the political system. It is proved that today’s priority should be the development of political culture of Russian society, formation of commitment to absolute observance to the formal political procedure, rise of civil activity and responsibility of citizens. The author makes a thesis that forthcoming modernization of Russia will be connected with a possible growth of social tension in the country and it will be the efficiency and stability test for the political system of Russia
political sciences, Russia, modernization, politics, society, government, efficiency, competition, elections, culture
Bulipopova, E. V..
‘Ciceronian’ Approach to International Policy of Double Standards: Origins and Evolution from Traditions to the Law
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.3.53554 URL:
What is the policy of double standards: What we talk and write about it so much but pay little attention at the international and political history of this phenomenon? How the principle of double standards enable the synthesis of the two opposites, — the idea of natural inequality of people and the idea of the world state inhabited by equal people? The author of the article decided to find answers to these questions. The author makes an attempt to view the phenomenon of double standards in international political and legal spheres as an evolutionary principle of carrying out the external policy. According to the author, such a policy is based on the philosophical and political studies coming back to the conceptions of such antique philosophers as Cicero. Throughout the history of the humankind the ‘double standard’ has been an effective methodology giving grandiose opportunities for political technologies and speculations, in particular, in the sphere of international and world policies.
double standards, double standards policy, Ciceronian, ‘peoples’ right’, Francis Bacon, Hugo Grotius, international law, international policy, international theory, theory of international relations
Bochkarev, S. A..
On Justice of the Legal Mechanism of Property Protection
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.2.53544 URL:
The article describes the study of the legal mechanism of property protection in terms of its conformity to the requirements of the market relations and the justice principle. According to the author, the study shows that the mentioned above mechanism is aimed at rather aggravating than eliminating the property gap between different layers of the modern society.
studies of law, criminal law, property, justice, property relations, value, equality, real estate, economy, market
Popov, E. A..
Social Welfare in Modern Society: Socio Humanitarian and Spiritually Consolidating Contexts
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.1.53535 URL:
The article reveals the socio humanitarian and spiritually consolidating contexts of the saying ‘social welfare’. The main emphasis is placed on ontological notions defining social welfare of the modern human and modern society but not on social and economical features of wellbeing.
social studies, welfare, society, spirituality, consolidation, weal, potential, constants, life activity, capacity to live
Vasilyev, A.A..
Slavophiles’ Teaching about State Power as a Spiritual and Moral Sacrifice
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.11.53516 URL:
The article uncovers Slavophiles’ views on the meaning of power in specifically Russian way of perceiving the world. Orthodox nature of Russian people suggests that we all seek spiritual life but not political struggle or participation in the governing of the country. Thus, Slavophiles’ viewed state power mostly as a spiritual and moral sacrifice.
studies of law, Slavophiles, power, politics, government, Orthodoxy, good morals, indifference towards politics, sovereignty, elite
Maltsev, G. V..
On Distribution of Power in the Society
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.10.53507 URL:
Review: the article is devoted to a complicated role of power in the state and society. In particular, the author talked about distributive processes in the sphere of power relationships, mainly about distribution of power authorities and the legal measures used in such processes.
power relationships, power, politics, political sociology, law, legislation, legal state, federal state, social structures, hyper-centralization, decentralization, control
Shugurov, M. V..
Russia in the Global World: Choosing the Model of State Sovereignty
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.9.53498 URL:
Review: the article is devoted to the problem of evolution of Russia’s state institution in the sphere of foreign policy. Much attention is paid at choosing the model of state sovereignty which would satisfy Russia’s national interests. The author founded the criteria for the state of great power in our modern world. The article also contains an analysis of tendencies in modernization of the Russian society and government oriented at reaching the form of a modern state of great power.
Key words: political sciences, politics, globalization, sovereignty, democracy, great power, world order, dignity, people, modernization
Belyakov, A. V..
Topical Issues of Russia’s Implementing International Obligations in the Sphere of Public Health
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.8.53433 URL:
One way to improve the system of public health in Russia is to undertake certain measures to form the healthy style of life. Such measures must focus on an individual since he is the one who accomplishes the healthy style of life.
Key words: studies of law, public health, WHO (World Health Organization), healthy style of life, medicine, alcohol, tobacco, patient, doctors’ association, World Medical Association
Bogatyrev, K. A..
The Main Priorities of Development of the State Ideology in Russia
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.7.53484 URL:
This article is an attempt to show how important it is to officially recognize the main values of the Russian National Idea at the national level. The author described the basic principals of the state Russian ideology. He also underlined the role of the Orthodox Church in formation of the national mentality. The article contains examples of formation of the national idea from the world history and history of Russia. Key words: social sciences, ideology, national idea, patriotism, Orthodoxy, communism, world practice, nationalism, Russian Issue, separatism.
Guseva, O.V..
European Union: legal regulation of direct foreign investments.
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.6.53473 URL:
One of the leaders in the transnational investments flow is the European Union. The European Union has 40% of the accumulated direct investments. In the present time there is a reason to consider triple- polar global structure of direct foreign investments: USA, European Union, Japan.
Close examination of the Maastricht treaty and the specification wording shows that henceforth in accordance with the European Union law the foundation and liquidation of investments carried out inside and outside of the European Union are being liberalized.
Keywords: European Union, European law, capital flow, foreign investments, treaties on EU, Treaty of Rome, Maastricht treaty, Directive 2004/25/EC, national law unification
Nuriev, G.H..
Some issues regarding development of federalism in Russia.
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.6.53474 URL:
This article is devoted to various aspects, positive and negative features of state construction of Russia at the Tsarist, Soviet and modern time. The author insists that at the current stage the Russian federal policy should be formed in such a way that the historical unity of peoples of the Russian Federation and integrity of its territory should not be disturbed.
Keywords: administrative and territorial structure, national and territorial structure, federation, self-determination, nation, people, territory, ethnic group, national and cultural autonomy, state structure, statehood
Boyakhchyan, G.A..
Election system and election law of the modern Russia as a political and legal institution of democratic society.
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.6.53475 URL:
In this article the author analyzes the modern election system as a political and legal institution of the formation of state government bodies and municipal bodies. The author studies the shortcomings, which limit the development of the truly democratic election system. The author also evaluates the possible tendencies of development of the relations between the state and the society.
Keywords: political science, election, law, system, elections, democracy, legislation, power, mass media, regime
Trunov, I.L., Aivar, L.K..
Medical responsibility and irresponsibility.
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.6.53476 URL:
The article includes the analysis of tendencies and the need for legislative changes in the medical care system of Russia, as well as the issues of responsibility of medical workers for the violations, including the problems of monetary compensation of harm caused by low quality medical service.
Keywords: jurisprudence, medical mistake, quality of medical aid, criminal responsibility of a doctor, disciplinary responsibility, due respondent, obligatory insurance of doctor’s responsibility, Code of Professional Ethics of a Medical Worker, united medical system of the Russian Federation
Nikolaev, M.E..
Social solidarity of the Russian society.
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.3.53434 URL:
Heads of any state, nonwithstanding the form of its political structure, try to form a unified society, which serves as a basis for the political system as a whole. Most state and political actors of Russia underestimates the value of social solidarity and unity in practical politics. That is why, while the economical crisis grows, we may end up on the situation of social separation. It makes an extra basis for social problems. And one may avoid them only by dealing with practical issues, trying to unite the Russian society in the face of systemic economical crisis. One needs scientific understanding of the term “social unity” and formation of the algorithm of achieving it. That’s what the article by the Aide to the Chairman of the Council of Federation M.E. Nikolaev.
Keywords: sociology, unity, separation, fairness, solidarity, equality, stability, differences, civil society, crisis
Gligich-Zolotareva, M.V..
Systemic view of Russian federalism: simple answers to complicated questions.
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.2.53435 URL:
This article is devoted to systemic approach in answering the question why the situation with the federal structure in Russia is so complicated. Author studies its causes, possible consequences, and perspectives of overcoming existing disproportion. The article provides in-detail review of issues of legal science, new methodology of constitutional and legal studies, systemic rules of federalism, strict and loose hierarchies in systems, their differences and co-evolution, as well as analysis of legal basis for the federal relations from a systemic standpoint.
Keywords: jurisprudence, federalism, Russia, system, legislation, Constitution, methodology, state, regions, power
Tsipun, A.V..
Priority of public interests within the system of constitutional law.
// Politics and Society.
2008. № 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2008.12.53410 URL:
Shukshanov, P.A..
On some problems, related to accepting a foreign state or its part into the Russian Federation
// Politics and Society.
2008. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2008.7.53358 URL:
Bulatov, O.Sh..
Specific features of realization of the principle of multipartizanship in the modern Russia
// Politics and Society.
2008. № 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2008.4.53318 URL:
The issue of existence and directions of development of multipartizan policy in the modern Russia is quite a topical one. Constant changes, which are included into the current legislation, make the problem of development of multipartizanship rather sharp. This article by O.Sh. Bulatov is devoted to analysis of this problem.
Makhmudov, Z.Ch..
On the theoretical definition of the term “ political area”.
// Politics and Society.
2008. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2008.2.53295 URL:
Ryabtchikov, R.V..
Theory and practice of application of the global information and telecommunications net “Internet” in election process: problems and perspectives.
// Politics and Society.
2007. № 11.
P. 4-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2007.11.53265 URL:
The ever-changing political situation in the country, modernization of the election institutions and globalization, as well as changes in the election culture of the people have become the key characteristics of the election sphere. This, in turn, calls for the transformation of the “main election body” – the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. In the early XXI century it faces new challenges, and the responses to these challenges may form a new face of the CEC for decades to come.
Antonov, O.Y..
The methods used by the election commissions to find out about election law violations.
// Politics and Society.
2007. № 9.
P. 4-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2007.9.53246 URL:
The Election Commissions are the state bodies responsible for preparation for elections and elections as such, as well as for control over protection of election rights. As the author of this article point out, while implementing their functions, the Commissions may uncover administrative violations and crimes, related to elections…
Chertkov, A.N..
Key directions of the federative reform in Russia: the legal aspects.
// Politics and Society.
2007. № 8.
P. 4-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2007.8.53234 URL:
Knyazeva, A.G..
General education institutions: definition, types and kinds.
// Politics and Society.
2007. № 4.
P. 4-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2007.4.53187 URL:
The educational institutions are key to the system of education, which structurizes the specific fields of study in accordance with ages and specific features of personality development of the students, as well as with their education background. This article by A.G. Knyazeva is devoted to classifications of types and kinds of educational institutions.
Erygina, V.I..
Some aspects of public legal responsibility of political parties as participants of the election process.
// Politics and Society.
2007. № 2.
P. 4-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2007.2.53169 URL:
During the elections there are numerous violations of legislation, and what is the most upsetting, the electors may be misled. For the sake of winning the candidates and political parties offer political programs full of various promises. However, once they come into power, they forget their promises right away, which, in turn leads to distrust of people to both elections and government bodies. What measures are possible to call bad-faith participants of elections process to responsibility?
Anisimov, A.P., Ryzhenkov, A.Y., Chernomorets, A.E..
On the issue of mortgage of land fit for agricultural purposes.
// Politics and Society.
2007. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2007.1.53139 URL:
There were three causes, that lead this article to appear. First cause was the draft amendments of the Federal Law of July 16, 1998 “On mortgage of immovable property”, which allow for mortgage of land fit for agricultural purposes. The second cause was questionable interpretation of some provisions of relevant legislation in the scholarly articles. And the third cause was the appearance of the draft Federal Law “On specific features of mortgage of land fit for agricultural purposes” at the official website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. This draft was introduced by a group of members of the Russian Duma (15 people)…
Omelchenko, A.S., Momotov, V.V..
On the issue of new tendencies in conflict resolution in the sphere of disputes on rights of ownership in the courts of Western Europe and the USA in the late XX century.
// Politics and Society.
2007. № 1.
P. 4-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2007.1.53140 URL:
The period of time, which is the subject to this study includes into itself two opposite tendencies. One of these tendencies, embodied in Art. 544 of the Civil Code of France of 1804, is that “Property is a right to use and dispose of things in a most absolute way”. In other words, this tendency presupposes that any owner can satisfy any interest, flowing from his ownership of a thing. The nature of the second tendency can be shown on an example of Art. 153 of the Constitution of the German Empire of August 11, 1919. “The ownership implies obligations. Use of property should at the same time serve the common good”. Thus, the owner has to facilitate the common good. How was the compromise found between these two tendencies?
Nagan, Winston P..
The Lebanese war: a requiem for the Bush doctrine?
// Politics and Society.
2006. № 11.
P. 4-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2006.11.53152 URL:
Dmitriev, Y.A..
Political and legal games devoted to the 3rd presidential term in Russia
// Politics and Society.
2006. № 11.
P. 10-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2006.11.53153 URL:
Dmitriev, Y.A..
May the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly become a source of law?
// Politics and Society.
2006. № 9.
P. 4-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2006.9.53117 URL:
The lack of clarity in provisions of Art. 84 of the Constitution of the Russian Federaiton,which is devoted to the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly caused the opinions of scholars to become quite polarized, as to what status should be given to these Addresses. Some even say that these Addresses should be recognized as constitutional acts above regular laws…
Tolibov, I.I..
Legislation of the Republic Uzbekistan on non-governmental non-commercial organizations: problems and perspectives.
// Politics and Society.
2006. № 1.
P. 4-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2006.1.52947 URL:
I.I. Tolibov’s article contains analysis of the system of legislation on non-commercial non-governmental organizations (NGOs), created after the Republic Uzbekistan became independent. In particular, the study concerns the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic Uzbekistan of 1992, the Civil Code of 1996, the Law “On non-governmental non-commercial organizations” of 1999, the Law “On public institutions” of 1991, the Law “On public funds” of 2003 and other laws, devoted to particular organizational forms of non-governmental non-commercial organizations. Mr. Tolibov analyzes existing defects and collisions in the legislation and practice.
L. A. Nudnenko.
K voprosu o proportsional'nykh vyborakh deputatov zakonodatel'nykh organov gosudarstvennoi vlasti sub''ektov RF.
// Politics and Society.
2004. № 3.
P. 3-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2004.3.52802 URL: