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«Politics and Society» (18+)

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¹ 2, 2024
Published since
2004 year

This issue is currently being formed. All articles presented on this page have already been included in this issue, are considered published, and will remain unchanged in the final version of the issue along with other metadata of the articles.
Founder: Danilenko Vasiliy Ivanovich, w.danilenko@nbpublish.com
Main editor: Popova Svetlana Mikhaylovna - Doctor of Political Science, Institut demograficheskikh issledovaniy FNISTs RAN, Vedushchiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, 119333, Rossiya, g. Moskva, ul. Fotievoy, 6 k.1, sv-2002-1@yandex.ru
Political technologies
P. 1 - 12
Political aspects
P. 13 - 23
Political communications
P. 24 - 36
P. 37 - 50
Contents details