Social studies and monitoring
Popov E.A., Kryaklina T.F. (2017). Methodology of assessment the demand for Russian graduates on the job market (on the example of Altai Krai). Politics and Society, 1, 7–15.
This article examines such methods as forecasting, formulation of state educational and professional standards, analysis of the social and statistical data, which in the authors’ opinion must be applied in consideration of the questions of the demand of the Russian graduates on the job market. It is demonstrated that the establishment of professional standards completed in Russia by 2015, while the federal state educational standards of higher education have changed several generations and need further improvement. The used in the article statistical and sociological data that characterize the demand of professions and competencies on the job market in a particular region of the Russian Federation, have certain specificity substantiated by the distinctness of the economic activity, as well as nature and climatic peculiarities. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in the following statements: 1) demand of the graduates on the job market is the key criterion of the quality of education; 2) currently, in high demand are the professions associated with the active use of computer technologies (gamers, cyber-sportsmen, digital artists, startups, etc.) and not determined by the economic or climatic specificities.
professional standard, educational standard, design, job market, profession, demand, forecasting, society, Conception of social security, interdisciplinarity
Political aspects
Chirun S.N. (2017). State youth policy of the Russian Federation: problems of implementation and contradictions to methodology. Politics and Society, 1, 16–32.
This article is dedicated to the relevant issues and contradictions with realization of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation. The author argues the role of state and social institutional actors as the leading subjects of implementation of the state youth policy. The specificities of establishment of the national state youth policy during the course of reformation of the preceding institutional structures are being structured. The work generalizes the questions of differentiation of sponsorship of the youth policy, as well as systematizes the contradictions with its implementation. The author determines the key factors that impede the development of creative potential of the youth in realization of state youth policy, as well as attempts to detect the main problems and contradictions in the Russian state youth policy for the purpose of improving the methodology, methods, technologies, and techniques of its implementation. The conducted analysis allowed revealing the five main contradictions of the Russian model of state youth policy: between youth policy and age; state youth policy and nongovernmental youth policy; normative legal support of state youth policy; resources and effectiveness of the state youth policy; modernization doctrine of state youth policy of the Russian Federation and situation of post-modernity.
Demography, Unemployment, Network structures, National security, Effectiveness of youth policy, Post-modernity, Youth age, Youth, Strategy of youth policy, State youth policy
The heritage of transformation
Kalabekova S.V. (2017). Cosmopolitanism vs patriotism and the context of globalization. Politics and Society, 1, 33–38.
The object of this article is the examination of globalization trends, while the subject is the social essence and forms of manifestation of cosmopolitanism and patriotism. The author reviews the controversial unity and interconditionality of these phenomena, their impact upon formation of global thinking and ethnic self-consciousness. The work analyzes correspondence of the cosmopolitan values to the nature of globalization, their conjunction with the values of universalism. Special attention is turned to the dependence of advancement of the globalization process from the combination of cosmopolitan and local patriotic practices. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of a thesis on the complicated nature of cosmopolitanism and patriotism. The ideas of cosmopolitanism emerged in the course of historical development, being in demand by the circumstances of national and political life, as well as requirements of the civilizational development. The following conclusions were formulated: the importance of cosmopolitan orientations and patriotic values actualizes by the requirements of globalization; 2) the logic of modern development suggests interdependence and interconditionality of these imperative trends of globalization.
Tradition, Locus, Identification, Fragmentation, Universalism, Nationalism, Liberalism, Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, Globalization
Parties and party systems
Platonova N.I. (2017). Current activity of political parties: notion and peculiarities. Politics and Society, 1, 39–43.
The subject of this research is the essence of activity of the political parties, the peculiarities of which are substantiated by the duality of their legal nature. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the specificities of set by the parties goals and task, legal regulation of party activity, ways of attraction of the necessary financial resources, and responsibility for violation of such order. Special attention is given to the study of the current party activity, which is realized on the regular basis, and not connected with holding the electoral campaign. The author’s main contribution into this research consists in the proposed definition of the notion of “current activity” of political parties. Justification and authenticity of the acquired results were achieved using such methods of scientific cognition, as formal-legal, analysis, lexical-grammatical, and interpretation. Despite its fairly broad use in the number of works alongside the practice, it yet has not received the theoretical substantiation.
goals of political parties, tasks of political parties, electoral funds, sponsorship of political parties, parties funding, electoral activity of poitical parties, current activity of the parties, criminal liability, administrative liability, political parties
Social organizations and movements
Borisov A.M. (2017). Civil society in Russia: development and consolidation issues in format of public civil service . Politics and Society, 1, 44–52.
The subject of this article is the forms and methods of consolidation of public forces based on citizens’ pro-active attitude. This approach corresponds to the objectives of Russia’s strategic development and the task to overcome the state of underdevelopment of the formal channels of public activity mobilization that was outlined in the Final report on the results of the expertise on the current challenges of Russia’s social and economic strategy until 2020 known as Strategy-2020: New Growth Model – New Social Policy. The novelty of the study is in how the author formulates questions and discloses certain aspects of the social and political life of the Russian society, closely related to the youth demographics, characterization of the political mass conscience, evaluation of the class divide. The article is part of larger study focused on the current issues how to form a theoretical model for the politically active societal forces and to find corresponding models with innovative contents. The author methodologically rejects certain principles of the well-known concept of the civil society and uses the methods of critical analysis and hypothetical and didactic approach; the author then comes to the conclusion that the study of current forms of public activity enables him to confirm the sustainability of the top-down approach of state governance subjects to initiation of civil activity within the constraints of scarce state financing and grants from multiple funding sources. The novelty of this analysis lies in the presentation of civil public service model that is related to potential opportunities for capacity building of civil initiatives through the creation of centers for the citizens’ civil and political activities, including those based on social and economic assets of joint stock companies (employee-owned enterprises) with development of the civil duty relations on the level of local governance. A civil society organization that has its own social and material base corresponds to a greater degree to the principles of society’s independence from the state structures and enhancement of links between the sovereign nation and the state.
social unity, political system, politics, local self-governance, society, public civil service, national enterprise, citizen, state, pro-active civil attitude
State and civil society
Maslanov D.V. (2017). President and Russians: foreign outlook upon the attitude of population of post-Soviet Russian towards presidents of the country. Politics and Society, 1, 53–59.
This article examines the attitude of the population of Russian Federation towards the presidents of the country in the context of “democratic transition” theories. The research of political development of countries with the transition type of democracy, which post-Soviet Russian is referred to as, or democratic transits, hold special place in the world political science. The peculiarities of public opinion regarding the establishing Russian democracy were not left without attention of the foreign sociological research; due to this fact, based on the example of little-studied public opinion polls conducted by the foreign authors, it is demonstrated how they view the population’s perception of the institution and persona of the president and his impact upon the development of country’s political system. This work analyzes the foreign research carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, surveys of Pew Research Center, and others. The main result lies in the introduction into the scientific discourse of a number of little-studied foreign research, which confirm a foreign idea that the transit of democracy formed a hybrid government in post-Soviet Russia (hybrid regime, authoritarian democracy, electoral authoritarianism). In addition to that, the provided opinions and results can considered in structuring the long-term image strategies by the Russian government.
Superpresidentialism, Free elections, Public opinion, Sociological surveys, Democratic transit, Delegative democracy, Political development, Post-Soviet Russia, V. V. Putin, Strong persona
The nationality issue
Bel'kova A.A. (2017). Russian world and the policy of diversity: Old Believers in the Inner Asia. Politics and Society, 1, 60–67.
This work examines the establishment of idea about the Old Believers as a political group in modern Inner Asia. In the center of attention is the production of political values, i.e. characteristics, social practices, behavioral norms, which are accepted as traditional for the Old Believers in public space. The author’s interest lies in the processes of formalization and ritualization of these values, as well as references to the past, which as a result allows creating various groups of Russian population in the region, designating them by the virtues of such traditions. The constructivist theory of a nation, which reviews the formation of perception about the Old Believers as a group, is selected as the methodological framework. The majority of research are focused on the description of traditions of the Semeiskie Old Believers; and this work is the first to analyze the creation of these traditions. The author comes to the conclusion that formation of the image of traditional culture of the Semeiskie is finally inscribed into the state policy regarding the management of interethnic and Interconfessional relationships in the region.
institutions, group, traditions, Semeiskie, Old Orthodoxy, Old Belivers, state policy, policy, Inner Asia, Russian world
Social studies and monitoring
Sakaev V.T. (2017). The problems of xenophobia and migrant-phobia within the youth environment (on the materials of sociological survey of the students of Kazan Federal University). Politics and Society, 1, 68–83.
This article examines the results of sociological survey of the problem of xenophobia and migrant-phobia within the youth environment. The object of this research is the students of Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University, while subject is their ethnic and migration tolerance. The survey helped to determine the following: students’ attitude towards the ethnic diversity of the region; level of social distance with the representatives of other nationalities; students’ opinion about the facts of ethic discrimination and their evaluation of the status of cross-national relations; as well as establish the main sources of information about the cross-national relations. The author was able to clarify the students’ perception regarding the content of the notion “foreign migrant workers”, their assessment of the importance of foreign work migration and risks of migration, as well as general correlation between the religious, ethnic, local, regional, and national identity of the students, including relation to the concept of “Russians” and characteristics of the Russian Federation as the state.
Naberezhnye Chelny, Kazan Federal University, Russia, Identity, Ethnicity, Political development, Studentship, Tolerance, Migrant-phobia, Xenophobia
People and work
Khusyainov T.M. (2017). Online employment in Nizhny Novgorod Region: socio-demographic portray of a local “freelancer”. Politics and Society, 1, 84–91.
The goal of this work is the perception and analysis of certain data from the sociological survey of online employment – the socio-demographic characteristics of the online employees residing in Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod Region. The author highlights the gender and age structure of this category, family status, level of education and its discipline (technical, humanitarian, or natural scientific), as well as defines the fields of activity selected by the online employees depending on the gender and sphere of education. The research was conducted over the period of February-May of 2013; 160 respondents were polled. As demonstrated by the results of the survey, the main category of the online employed population is represented by young people with high education; similar to other spheres, gender margin is gradually fades away, but still evident in the choice of activity: women lean more towards working with the texts, while men are prone to programming. Although, it is not a strict rule.
Online interaction, Information society, Post-industrial society, Freelance, Atypical forms of labor, Atypical employment, Remote employment, Distance employment, Telework, Online employment