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Information about authors of the «SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences» journal
Abgaryan Dzhetta - postgraduate student, Department of International Law, the Moscow State Institute for International Relations; 125993, Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Agyei Stephen Obiri - PhD candidate, the department of Social and Differential Psychology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Amuhaya Claire Ayuma - Post-Graduate Student of the Department of the Theory and History of International Relations at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho- maklaya, 6
Bajrektarevic Anis H -  Doctor of Law, Professor, IMC Universitiy of Applied Sciences Krems, Acting Deputy Study Director IMC EXPORT Program EU–ASEAN–NAFTA Professor and Chairperson International Law/Global Political Studies; A-3500, Austria, Krems, St. Piaristengasse, 1
Hussein Dalsooz Jalal - Postgraduate at the Department of Foreign Area Studies of Nizhny Novgorod University ; 603005, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Ul'yanova, 37
Kanasz Tatiana - Adjunct of the Department of General Social Studies and Interdisciplinary Research at Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej (Warsaw); Ul. Szczęśliwicka 40, 02-353 Warszawa, Polska
Mustapha Muhammed Jamiu - Assistant, the department of Mass Communications, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, Moscow oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Ulitsa miklukho-Maklaya, 6
Poursanati Susan - Senior Lecturer, Department of English, Allameh Tabataba'i University; 1997967556, Iran, Tegeran oblast', g. Tegeran, ul. Allameh Shomali, 40, kab. rusi
Zhao Weili - Postgraduate student, Faculty of Economics, Southern Federal University; 344006, Russia, Rostovskaya oblast', g. Rostov-Na-Donu, ul. Bol'shaya Sadovaya, 105
Zhgun Daria - Professor of the Department of Asian Studies at Catholic University of Daegu; 41528, Yuzhnaya Koreya, g. Daegu, ul. 84 gonhang-Ro, 105
Aouati Somia - Postgraduate, Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, People’s Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6
Admiralova Irina Aleksandrovna - Associate Professor at the All-Russian Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 142000, Russia, Domodedovo, ul. Pikhtovaya, 3
Akamov Abusup'yan Tatarkhanovich - Director, Chief Scientific Associate, G. Tsdasa Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Akopov Grigory Leonidovich - Professor, department of Socio-Economic Disciplines, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation; 344009, Russia, Rostov-On-Don, Sholokhova Street 262V
Aleinik Raisa Mikhailovna - Professor, the department of Philosophy, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia ; 125047, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Miusskaya Ploshchad', 9
Andreeva Ekaterina Yurievna - Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 125993, Russia, g. Moscow, Leningradskii prospekt, 49
Aron Irina - associate professor of the Department of History and Psychology at Volga State University of Technology; 424000, Russia, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenin's sq., 3, room no. 440
Arsentyeva Yulia Svyatoslavovna - Docent, the department of Romano-Germanic Philology, Kazan Federal University; 420008, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Kazan', ul. Kremlevskaya, 18
Artemov Viktor Andreevich - Chief Scientific Associate, Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian branch); 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Prospekt Akademika Lavrentieva 17, office #329
Asadullaev Iskandar Kurbanovich - member of the International Hegel Society.; 734064, Tadzhikistan, g. Dushanbe, ul. Nusratullo Makhsum, 73/2 kv. 52
Bazhenov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich - associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Finance and Service at Vladimir State University; 600000, Russia, Vladimirskaya oblast', g. Vladimir, ul. Gor'kogo, 87
Bajrektarević Anis H. - Professor, Danube University Krems; 3500, Austria, Krems, Doctor Karl Street 30
Buckley Nicole D. -  Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Life Science and ISS Utilization, The Canadian Space Agency; 6767 Route De L'aéroport, Saint-Hubert, Quebec J3Y 8Y9, Canada
Baldanova Evgeniya Anatol'evna - Docent, the department of Humanities, Zabaykalsky Institute of Railway Transport (branch) of the Irkutsk State Transport University; 672040, Russia, Zabaikal'skii krai, g. Chita, ul. Magistral'naya, 11
Bekeeva Aigul' Muratovna - Scientific Associate, Tsadasa Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 367000, Russia, respublika Dagestan, g. Makhachkala, ul. M. Gadzhieva, 45, of. 208
Berchanskiy Kirill Alekseevich - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penal Law, Saint Petersburg Law Institue (branch) of the University of Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; 191014, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, Liteinyi prospekt, 44
Bobyleva Alla Zinov'evna - Professor, department of Financial Management, Moscow State University; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt 27
Boulberhane Mouna - Postgraduate student, the faculty of Philology, the department of Russian and Foreign Literature, People’s Friendship University of Russia; 117190, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6
Bondarev Viktor Gennad'evich - The North Western branch of the Federal State Budget-Fundet Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Russian State University of Justice" (the city of Saint-Petersburg); 197046, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, Aleksandrovskii park, 5
Bondareva Evgeniya Petrovna - associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, the Russian Language and Literature at Kemerovo Institute (Branch) of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Ibrahim Çeçen University of Ağrı; 650024, Russia, Kemerovo Region, Kemerovo, pr.Kuznetsky, 39
Borisenkov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich - professor of the Department of History and Political Studies at State University of Management. ; 109542, Russia, Moscow, Ryazanskii prosp., d. 99
Borisov Sergey Valentinovich - Head of the Philosophical Departmet at Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University ; 454080, Russia, Chelyabinskaya oblast', g. Chelyabinsk, pr. Lenina, 69, kab. 444
Borisova Alyona Sergeevna - Student, department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskiye Gory Street 1
Brambila Martinez Francisco Javier - Postgraduate student, Institute of Civil Service and Administration, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 119571, Russia, Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82
Brushkova Liudmila - Docent, the department of Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation ; 125993, Russia, g. Moscow, Leningradskii prospekt, 49, kab. 502
Buzuk Liliya Gennadyevna - Docent, the department of Linguistics and Translation, Russian State Social University ; 129226, Russia, Moscow, Vilgelma Pika Street 4, building #1, office #4
Bulycheva Yuliya Vital'evna - Research Fellow at Student's Research and Development Business Incubator of Penza State University ; 440026, Russia, Penza, ul. Krasnaya, 40
Buchkova Alla Ivanovna - Associate Professor; Department of Political Analysis and Socio-Psychological Processes; Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 117997, Russia, Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 28, room 1, room 340
Varakina Margarita Igorevna - Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication, Samara University; 443081, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Samara, ul. Stara Zagora, 76
Vasileva Elena Aleksandrovna - Professor, North-West Institute of Management, branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 199178, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, Srednii prospekt V.o., 57/43
Vasin Sergey Mikhailovich - professor of the Department of Economic Theory and International Relations at Penza State University; 440039, Russia, Penza Region, Penza, str. Krasnaya, 40
Vernichenko Marat Aleksandrovich - Docent, the department of Government Administration and Political Technologies, State University of Management; 109542, Russia, Moscow, Ryazanskiy Prospekt 99
Vechkanova Ellina - Docent, the department of Foreign Languages No.2, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; 295007, Russia, respublika Krym, g. Simferopol', prospekt Akademika Vernadskogo, 4
Vishnevskaya Liliya Alekseevna - Professor, Department of Music Theory and Composition, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Conservatoire named after L.V. Sobinov"; 410003, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast', g. Saratov, ul. Sokolovaya, 155/163, of. 112
Volchkova Lyudmila Timofeevna - Leading Scientific Associate, St. Petersburg State University
Voronov Vasilii - Docent, the department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Murmansk Arctic State University ; 183038, Russia, Murmanskaya Oblast' oblast', g. Murmansk, ul. Kapitana Egrova, 15
Vorontsova Irina Vladimirovna - senior researcher of the Scientific Department of Contemporary History of the Russian Orthodox Church, Theological Faculty at Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University of Humanities; 121359, Russia, Moscow, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University of Humanities, str. Novokuznetskaya, 23 B, room No. 2
Gamidullaeva Leyla Ayvarovna - Professor, the department of Management and Economic Security, Penza State University; 440039, Russia, Penzenskaya oblast', g. Penza, ul. Krasnaya, 40
Gashkov Sergei Aleksandrovich - Docent, the department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Baltic State Technical University named after D.F.Ustinov (“Voenmeh”); 196105, Russia, Leningradskaya oblast', g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Sevast'yanova, 4
Gbadebo Afolabi - post-graduate student of the Department of International Relations and History at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117197, Russia, Moskva oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 15/1
Ghodrati Asghar - Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian Language, Allame Tabatabai University; 1997967556, Iran, Tegeran oblast', g. Tegeran, ul. Allameh Shomali, 40, aud. Universitet
Golechkova Olga - Senior Scientific Associate, International Research Center "AIRO-XXI" (Association of Researchers of Russian Society); 107207, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Chusovskaya, 11 k. 7, kv. 35
Golovina Olga - Senior lecturer of Philosophy and Political Science Departament Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs ; 49005, Ukraine, g. Dnepropetrovsk, ul. Prospekt Gagarina, 26
Goncharova Natal'ya Petrovna - Associate Professor, Department of Empiric Social and Confict Studies, Altai State University
Gorbatenko Svetlana Aleksandrovna - associate professor of the Department of Technospheric Security at Kursk Institute of Social Education, branch of the Russian State Social University; 305021, Russia, Kursk Region, Kursk, str. Karla Marksa, 53
Guliyeva Mehriban Elbrus - Docent, the department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation ; 127474, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Beskudnikovskii Bul'var, 27
Gurevich Pavel Semenovich - head of the division at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 109240, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12, str. 1, of. -
Gusev Dmitrii Alekseevich - Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Philosophy Department at Moscow State Pedagogical University; 88 Vernadsky str., office 810, Moscow, 119571, Russia
Gusev Evgeny Georgievich - Docent, the department of Mathematics and Modelling, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service; 690014, Russia, Vladivostok, Gogolya Street 41
Dadabaeva Zarina Abdurakhmanovna - Doctor of Political Sciences, Leading Scientific Associate, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 117218, Russia, Moscow, Nakhimovsky Prospekt 32
Danilenko Denis Vasilievich - Doctor of Law, Aix-Marseille Universite, France; Editor-in-chief of the jorunals "International Law and International Organizations" and "Law and Politics", Acting Director of the Academic publishing group NOTA BENE - LLC "NB-Media"; 115114, Russia, Moscow, Paveletskaya embankment str., 6A, office 211
Danilova Vasilisa Andreevna - Postgraduate student, Educator, the department of English Languages and Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics ; 101000, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Myasnitskaya, 20
Danko Olga Alexandrovna - Docent, the department of Foreign Languages 1, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Degterev Denis Andreevich - Head of the department, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Docent, the department of Theory and History of International relations; the department of World Economy; Moscow State Institute of International Relations; 117198, Russia, Moscow, Mikluho-Maklaya Street 10/2, office #301
Dementyev Vladislav Aleksandrovich - Post-graduate student, the department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”; 111116, Russia, Moscow, Energeticheskaya Street 10, building #2
Di Gregorio Anzhela - Professor, University of Milan; 20122, Italiya, g. Milan, ul. Konservatorio, 7
Diansaee Behzad - Post-graduate student, Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 10, kab. 302
Dolgenko Aleksandr Nikolaevich - Head of Department for Russian and Foreign Languages, Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation; 125080, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Vrubelya, 12
Dondokova Nataliya Bal'zhinimaevna - Docent, the department of Humanities, Zabaykalsky Institute of Railway Transport (branch) of the Irkutsk State Transport University
Yegorova Maya Aleksandrovna - Ph.D. in Political Science, Docent, Department of Foreign Languages, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, Moscow, Mikluho-Maklaya Street 10/3
Enygin Dmitrii Viktorovich - Docent, the department of Foreign Languages 1, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Erzin Alexandr Igorevich - assistant of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at Orenburg State Medical University; 460000, Russia, Orenburg Region, Orenburg, str. Sovetskaya, 6
Erpyleva Natalia Yurievna - Professor, Head of the Department of International Private Law, Scientific Research University "Higher School of Economics"; 119017, Russia, Moscow, Malaya Ordynka Street 17, office #306
Zhigaltsova Tatiana - Docent, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov; Senior Scientific Associate, N. P. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 163000, Russia, Arkhangel'skaya oblast', g. Arkhangel'sk, ul. Naberezhnaya, 17
Zholkov Sergey - Professor, the Department of Applied Mathematics, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University); 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 65
Zámečník Petr - Mgr. et Mgr. at CDV (Transport Research Center); 63600, Chekh Republic, Brno, str. Líšeňská, 33a
Zamotaev Dmitrii Yur'evich - Post-graduate student, department of National Security, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 119571, Russia, Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo 82, building 1
Zonova Marina Vasilyevna - Senior Educator, the department of Foreign Languages, Ural State University of Economics ; 620144, Russia, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta / Narodnoy Street 62/45
Kalabekova Svetlana Vladimirovna - associate Professor, Department of philosophy and Humanities, North Caucasus state Academy; 369000, Russia, Kchr oblast', g. Cherkessk, ul. Abrikosovaya, 11
Karginova Valentina Vladimirovna - Scientific Associate, Branch of Karelia Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; 185030, Russia, respublika Kareliya, g. Petrozavodsk, Pr. A. Nevskogo, 50
Kargovskaia Elena Aleksandrovna - Senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, RUDN University; 6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia
Karyakin Vladimir Vasil'evich - Lead researcher, Russian Institute of Strategic Research; 101000, Rossiya, Moscow, ul. Flotskaya, 14b
Katsuba Sergei Vasil'evich - Assistant, the department of International Law, Buryat State University; 36470, Russia, respublika Buryatiya, g. Ulan-Ude, ul. Ul.smolina, 24a
Keleinikova Svetlana Viktorovna - Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Trade of Russian University of Cooperation, Saransk Branch ; 430027, Russia, the Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, ul. Gozhuvskaya, 12-64
Kirimov Tair Nuridinovich - Senior Educator, the department of Crimean Tatar Literature and Journalism, Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov ; 295015, Russia, respublika Krym, g. Simferopol', per. Uchebnyi, 8
Kirichenko Natalia Rostislavovna - Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages ¹ 2, Irkutsk National Research Technical University; 664071, Russia, g. Irkutsk, ul. Lermontova, 83
Kitov Egor Petrovich - Senior Scientific Associate, Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kitova Aleksandra Olegovna - Junior Scientific Associate, Center for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kleshnina Mariya Olegovna - Student, the department of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Klimkov Oleg - Doctoral Candidate, the department of Russian Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg. Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya Street 7-9
Kovalev Dmitrii Vladimirovich - Professor, the department of Russian and World History, Moscow Region State Institute of Humanities and Social Studies ; 140410, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Kolomna, ul. Makeeva, 12, kv. 49
Kovalevskaia Natalia - Associate Professor at the World Politics Department of St Petersburg University; 199034, Russia, St Petersburg, Universitetskaya Embankment, 7/9
Komov Viktor Grigor'evich - associate professor of the Department of Social Management, Economics and Social Law at Kursk Institute of Social Education, branch of the Russian State Social University; 305047, Russia, Kursk Region, Kursk, str. Komarova, 15, ap. 87
Koptseva Natalia Petrovna - professor of the Department of Cultural Studies at the Siberian Federal University; 660041, Russia, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Pr. Svobodnyi, 79, of. 4-52
Kostennikov Mikhail Valer'evich - Professor, Department of the All-Russian institute for the Advanced Training of the Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.; Russia, 142008, Moskovskaya obl., Domodedovo, mkrn. Aviatsionnyi, ul. Pikhtovaya, d.3.
Kosyreva Marina Sergejevna - Docent, the department of Foreign Languages, Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Internal Troops named after General of the Army I. K. Yakovlev
Kochetkov Vladimir Valeryevich - Senior Educator, department of State and Municipal Administration, Civil Defence Academy EMERCOM of Russia; 117335, Russia, Moscow, Vavilova Street 91, building #2, office #40
Krasikov Vladimir Ivanovich - Professor, Scientific Center, All-Russian State University of Justice; 115184, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Bol'shaya Tatarskaya, 7, kv. 64
Kryuchkov Kirill Sergeevich - Lecturer; Faculty of Education and Health Sciences; University of the People; 91101, Pasadena Blvd., California, USA Eastern Colorado, 595, office 623
Kuznetsova Viktoriia Vladimirovna - Associate professor, Department of Ibero-American Studies, RUDN University; 6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia
Kurakin Aleksei Valentinovich - Professor at the Department of Administrative and Information Law of the Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation; 99 Ryazansky Ave., Moscow, 109542, Russia
Kurganov Nikolai Sergeevich - Senior Educator, the department of Reconstruction, Saint Petersburg State University; Junior Scientific Associate, Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kurečková Veronika - Mgr. at CDV (Transport Research Center); 63600, Chekh Republic, Brno, str. Líšeňská, 33a
Kurochkin Aleksei Viktorovich - Director of the Resource Center for "Optical and Laser Materials Research", Saint Petersburg State University
Larina Tat'yana Vladimirovna - Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Air Force Academy
Levchenko Yaroslava Aleksandrovna - Assistant, the department of English Philology, Samara Branch of Moscow City Teachers’ Training University
Lepneva Mariia - PhD Candidate, Department of History and Regional Studies of Asian Countries, Buryat State University; Smolina ulitsa 24a, Ulan-Ude 670000 Russia
Lipinsky Dmitriy Anatol'evich - Professor, Togliatti State University; 445667, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Tol'yatti, ul. Belorusskaya, 14
Litvyakova Larisa Aleksandrovna - Postgraduate student, the department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Irkutsk State University; 664056, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. Karla Marksa, 1
Lykova Olga - senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute); 115409, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Kashirskoe Shosse, 31
Lyubarev Arkadiy - adviser at Kudrin Fund for Suport of Civil Initiatives.; 129090, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. 1-I troitskii per., 12 korp. 5
Maier Marina Draganovna - Lawyer, LL.M. (Graz), Adv. LL.M. (Leiden), Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, PhD Candidate (Leiden); 2311 ES Leiden, Steenschuur 25
Maikova Tatyana - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 10/2, of. 502
Maximova Svetlana Gennad'evna - Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology, Communication and Psychological Technologies, Altai State University
Malashevskaya Maria Nikolaevna - Associate Professor; Department of the Theory of Social Development of Asian and African Countries; St. Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 11, office 4a
Manoilo Andrei Viktorovich - Professor, the department of Russian Politics at the faculty of Political Science, Moscow State University
 ; 199992, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt 27, building #4, office #G-638
Martirosova Yuliya Viktorovna - School Counselor, Gymnasium No.1599, Moscow
Martyshenko Natal'ya Stepanovna - Professor, the department of International Marketing and Trade, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service; 690014, Russia, Vladivostok, Prospekt Krasnogo Znameni 96, Unit #17
Maslanov Dmitriy Valerievich - Post-graduate student, the department of New and Newest History, N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University; 603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarina Street 23
Maslova Elizaveta Gennad'evna - associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 117997, Russia, Moscow, per. Stremyannyi, 36
Mel'dianova Anna Valer'evna - Associate Professor of the Department of Language and Translation Studies at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); 125993, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Volokolamskoe Shosse, 4
Melnikova Alla Aleksandrovna - Professor, the department of Social Psychology, St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Studies; 192238, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Fuchika str., 15
Midova Venera Olegovna - Docent, the department of Foreign Languages 1, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Minasyan Eva Tigranovna - Docent, the department of Foreign Languages, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 117997, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Stremyannyi Per., 36, of. 301, 3 korpus
Morkovkin Dmitry Evgen'evich - Docent, the department of Macroeconomic Regulation, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 125993, Russia, g. Moscow, Leningradskii prospekt, 49
Musaeva Khaibat Magomedtagirovna - Professor at Dagestan State University; 3670025, Russia, respublika Respublika Dagestan, g. Makhachkala, ul. M. Gadzhieva, 43
Mysovskikh Lev Olegovich - Postgraduate Student, Philological Faculty, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin; 620083, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Lenin str., 51, office 336
Naryshkina Mariya Valer'evna - External doctoral candidate, the department of Socio-Legal Disciplines, Transbaikal State University; Children’s Rights Ombudsman; Chief Specialist-Expert-Accountant ; 672000, Russia, Zabaykalsky Krai, Chita, Anokhina Street 67, office #5
Nesterkin Sergei - Leading Scientific Associate, Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 670047, Russia, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanova str., 6
Nizamutdinov Marsel' Malikhovich - Head of the sector of Economic-Mathematical Modeling, Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; 450054, Russia, respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, Pr. Oktyabrya, 71
Nikiforov Aleksandr Andreevich - Senjor lecturer of the department of international political processes, Saint-Petersburg State University; doommer, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1-3, 7-i pod''ezd, kab. 110
Nikolaeva Natalya Aleksandrovna - Senior Educator, the department of Foreign Languages, Ural State University of Economics ; 620144, Russia, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta / Narodnoy Street 62/45
Nikol'skiy Sergey Anatol'evich - deputy director for science, head of the division at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 109240, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12, str. 1, of. 419
Novokhatskaya Olga Viktorovna - Scientific Associate, Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian branch); 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Prospekt Akademika Lavrentieva 17, office #329
Noyanzina Oksana Evgen'evna - Associate professor of the Department of Psychology of Communications and Psychotechnologies at Altai State University. ; 656060, Russia, Altaiskii krai, g. Barnaul, ul. Shukshina, 12, of. 204
Ozarnov Ruslan - Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 125993, Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49/2
Omel'chenko Dar'ya Alekseevna - Docent, the department of Psychology of Communications and Psychotechnologies, Altai State University; 656049, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Dimitrova Street 66, office #515
Omilusi Maik - Ph.D., the department of Political Science, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
Oreshnikov Vladimir Vladimirovich - Senior Scientific Associate, the sector of Economic-Mathematical Modeling, Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Okhlopkova Dina Konstantinovna - Docent, the department of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University ; 677000, Russia, respublika Sakha (Yakutiya), g. Yakutsk, ul. Kulakovskogo, 42, of. 232
Pavlinova Olga Vladimirovna - Assistant, department of Banking and Finance, N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University; 603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Prospekt Gagarina 23
Pavlov Pavel Vladimirovich - Professor, Southern Federal University, Higher School of Business; 344019, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, 23-ya Lininiya Street 43
Pankin Dmitrii Vasil'evich - Expert on the Raman Spectroscopy, Saint Petersburg State University
Parashchevin Maksym - Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; 02232, Ukraine, Kiev, Shelkovichnaya Street 12, office #312
Pevneva Inna Vladimirovna - Docent, the Department of Foreign Languages, T. F. Gorbachev's Kuzbass State Technical University; 650000, Russia, Kemerovskaya oblast', g. Kemerovo, ul. Vesennyaya, 28
Povolotskaya Anastasiya Valer'evna - Deputy Directory of the Resource Center for "Optical and Laser Materials Research", Saint Petersburg State University
Podgornaya Ekaterina Arturovna - associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Kemerovo Institute (Branch) of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 650024, Russia, Kemerovo Region, Kemerovo, pr. Kuznetsky, 39
Polonskaya Olesya Yur'evna - Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages ¹2, Irkutsk National Research Technical University; 664074, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 110
Polyakova Mariya Rafailovna - Post-graduate student, the department of International Economic Relations, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; 125009, Russia, Moscow, Mokhovaya Street 11, building #1
Pomerantsev Sergei Vladimirovich - Public Relations Specialist, Inditex LLC
Ponomarenko Elena Vitalyevna - Docent, department of Theory and History of State, Law and International Law, Tyumen State University; 625000, Russia, Tyumen, Semakova Street  10
Popova Svetlana Mikhailovna - Leading Research Associate, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119333, Russia, Moscow, Fotieva str., 6, office 1
Potaturov Vasilii Aleksandrovich - Associate Professor, the department of Psychology, Pedagogy, and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines, Moscow Witte University; 115432, Russia, Moscow, 2-oy Kozhukhovsky Proezd 12, building #1, office #314
Potseluev Sergey Petrovich - Professor, the department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science, Southern Federal University ; 344079, Russia, Rostov Oblast, Rostov-On-Don, Prospekt Lenin 59
Poungchingngam Katima - Postgraduate at the International Relations Faculty of St Petersburg University; 191060, Russia, Leningradskaya oblast', g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3, pod''ezd ¹ 8
Razduyev Aleksey Valeryevich - Docent, the department Western European Languages and Cultures, the Institute of Translation Studies and Multilingualism; Senior Scientific Associate, the scientific-educational center "Applied Linguistics, Terminological Studies and Linguocognitive Technologies, Pyatigorsk State University; 357532, Russia, Stavropol'skii krai, g. Pyatigorsk, pr. Kalinina, 9
Razin Alexandr Sergeevich - Associate Professor, Integrated Analytical Laboratory, Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-and-Milk Production; 400131, Russia, Volgograd region, Volgograd, Rokossovsky str., 6
Rank Dennis - Senior Partner at Dennis Rank and Associates ; 2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
Řezáč Pavel - PhDr., Ph.D. at CDV (Transport Research Center); 63600, Chekh Republic, Brno, str. Líšeňská, 33a
Riekkinen Mariya Aleksandrovna - PhD in Sociology; Researcher/Professor at the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Åbo Akademi University, Finland/Tyumen State University
Rosalba Alessi - Professor, department of Civil Law, University of Palermo; 90133, Italiya, Palermo, St. Piazza Marina 61
Rozin Vadim Markovich - Chief Scientific Associate, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; 109240, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12 str.1, kab. 310
Rubtcova Mariia Vladimirovna - Docent, the department of Social Management and Planning, St. Petersburg State University
Rudneva Elena Georgievna - Scientific Associate of the sector of History of Anthropological Research, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 109240, Russia, Moscow, Goncharnaya Street 12, building #1, office #201
Rulan Norber - Professor, the department of Law, Aix-en-Provence
Saad Haider Luaibi - Postgraduate student, Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, People’s Friendship University of Russia; 6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198
Savelev Dmitrii Leonidovich - Docent, the department of State and Municipal Administration, Tyumen State University; 625000, Russia, Tyumenskaya oblast', g. Tyumen', ul. Lenina, 36, of. 503
Samashev Zainolla - Chief Scientific Associate, State Historical Cultural Reserve Museum "Berel"; Z00M1E4, Kazakhstan, g. Nur-Sultan, ul. Kul'tobe, 11, kv. 182
Samoylenko Evgeniy Anatolievich - Assistant, department of State Legal Disciplines, Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine; 40000, Ukraine, Sumy, Sobornaya Street 39
Samygin Denis Yur'evich - professor, Penza State University. ; 440026, Russia, Penza, Krasnaya str., 40
Sviridov Vyacheslav Ivanovich - professor of the Department of State Management, Civil Law and Criminal Law at Kursk Institute of Social Education, branch of the Russian State Social University; 305014, Russia, Kursk Region, Kursk, str. Shpaierskaya, 12
Semenova Tat98ana Sergeevna - Medical psychologist, Orenburg Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 1; 460000, Russia, Orenburg, Tsvillinga Street 5
Sergeev Mikhail Yur'evich - Professor, the department of Liberal Arts, University of Arts ; 19102, United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, S. Broad Street 320
Simonova Ekaterina Alexandrovna - Educator, the department of English Language No.2, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
Synieokyi Oleg Vladimirovich - Doctor of Science in Social Communications (specialty "Document Studies, Archive Studies", 27.00.02), Scientific Associate, Professor of Publishing Industry, Publishing Group "Helvetica"; 69002, Ukraine, g. Zaporozh'e, ul. Aleksandrovskaya, 84
Smolina Tatiana Leonidovna - Docent, the department of Social Psychology, St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions ; 192238, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Fuchika Street 15, office #430
Sokolovskiy Konstantin - Docent, Professor of the Department of General subjects, Humanitarian-Technical Academy. Director of the Institute for Analysis of Socio-Political Processes; 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana, Glavpochampt P.O. Box #144
Sosnina Natalya Georgievna - Senior Educator, the department of Foreign Languages, Ural State University of Economics ; 620144, Russia, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta Street 62, office # 455
Spirova El'vira Maratovna - acting as the senior research officer at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 109240, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12, str. 1, of. -
Starkin Sergei Valerievich - Professor, department of International Relations, N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University; 603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Prospekt Gagarina 23
Stychynska Anna Bronyslavivna - Assistent, department of Politology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; 04210, Ukraine, Kiev oblast', g. Kiev, ul. Vladimirskaya, 60
Sukhanova Oksana Vladimirovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Air Force Academy N. A. Zhukovsky and Yu. Gagarin; 394064, Russia, Voronezhskaya oblast', g. Voronezh, ul. Starykh Bol'shevikov, 54 "A"
Sychenko Elena Vyacheslavovna - Doctoral Candidate, department of Labor Law, University of Catania; Senior Educator, department of Civil Legal Disciplines, State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technologies; 188300, Russia, g. Gatchina, ul. K. Marksa, 36
Suedfeld Peter - Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, The University of British Columbia; BC V6T 1Z4, 2136 West Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada 
Tatlioglu Erman - Postgraduate, Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 101000, Russia, Moscow, blvd. Chistoprudny, 14c3, sq. 70
Thiel Diane - Professor, the department of English Language and Literature, University of New Mexico
Timashev Grigoriy Vasil'evich - External Doctoral Candidate, the department of Theory and History of International Relations, People’s University of Friendship of Russia
Tikhotskaia Maria Anatolievna - Consultant at the External Relations Department of the Expert and Analytical Office of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Tomyuk Ol'ga Nikolaevna - Senior Educator, the department of Ontology and Theory of Cognition, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin; 620000, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Mira, 19
Trepáčová Martina - Mgr. at CDV (Transport Research Center); 63600, Chekh Republic, Brno, str. Líšeňská, 33a
Tretyakova Galina Viktorovna - Docent, the department of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Trofimov Evgenii Aleksandrovich - Docent, department of Philosophy, Far East State Agricultural University; 675005, Russia, Amur Oblast, Blagoveshchensk, Politekhnicheskaya Street 86
Trofimova Elizaveta Sergeevna - Educator, the department of Linguistics, People’s Friendship University of Russia
Trofimova Irina Nikolaevna - Leading Scientific Associate, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 117218, Russia, g. 117218 Moskva, ul. Krzhizhanovskogo, 24/35, k.5, of. 411
Uvarov Aleksandr Anatol'evich - Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Orenburg State Agricultural University, Law School.; 460014, Russia, Orenburgskaya oblast', g. Orenburg, ul. Leninskaya, 65, kv. 66
Udartsev Sergey - Head of the Scientific Research Institute of Law Policy and Constitutional Legislation, Kazakh Humanities and Law Institute; 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana, Kurgaldzhinskoe Shosse 8, office #618
Uldanov Artem Aleksandrovich - Post-graduate student, department of International Public and Private Law, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"; 101000, Russia, Moscow, Myasnitskaya Street 20
Ulchitckii Oleg Aleksandrovich - Head of the department, Docent, the department of Architecture and Fine Art, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University; 455000, Russia, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Magnitogorsk, Uritskogo Street 11, office #324
Ursul Arkadii Dmitrievich - Head of the Center, Scholar at theof the Academy of Sciences of Moldova; Professor, Moscow State Univeristy; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1, building #51
Faritov Vyacheslav Tavisovich - professor of the Department of Philosophy at Ulyanovsk State Technical University; 432027, Russia, Ul'yanovskaya oblast', g. Ul'yanovsk, ul. Severnyi Venets, 32
Filina Alexandra Dmitrievna - Master's Degree, the department of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 125993, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Leningradskii Prospekt, 49
Filipovi Aleksa - Ph.D. in Political Science, Research Associate at the Institute of European Studies, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia; Trg Nikole Pa
Philippov Vasilii Rudol'fovich - Leading Scientific Associate, Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 101000, Russia, Moscow, Spiridonovka Street 30/1
Hadjilambrinos Constantine - Professor, the department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of New Mexico; 87131, SShA, New Mexico, g. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, MSC01 1110, of. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Halliwell Janet E. - D. Sc. (Hon.), President, J.E.Halliwell Associates Inc.; BC V6T 1Z4, 1 Sunset Drive, Salt Spring Island, BC Canada
Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga - Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science, The Lomonosov Moscow State Univesity; 119991, Russia, Moscow, ul. Lomonosovskii pr-T, 27 k 4
Khripkova Elena Avenirovna - Associate Professor; Department of Theory and History of Art; Russian State University for the Humanities; 15 Chayanova str., room 5, office 303, Moscow, 111399, Russia
Chang Xiaogeng - Lecturer; Department of Art; Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technologies; 192174, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Prospekt Alexandrovskaya Ferma str., 8, building 1, sq. 531
Cheglakov Aleksandr Dmitrievich - Painter, Member of the Union of Russian Artists; 117593, Russia, g. Moscow, bul. Litovskii, 13/12, kv. 507
Cheprasov Konstantin Viktorovich - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and International Law of Altai State University; 656049, Russia, Altaiskii krai, g. Barnaul, Prospekt Sotsialisticheskii, 68, kab. 412
Chesnokova Olga Borisovna - Docent, the department of Developmental Psychology, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Chirkin Veniamin Evgen'evich - Leading Scientific Associate, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Legal Studies under the Government of the Russian Federation, Professor, department of Comparative Law, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka Street 10
Chistyakova Galina Viktorovna - associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Kemerovo Institute (Branch) of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 650024, Russia, Kemerovo Region, Kemerovo, pr. Kuznetsky, 39
Chotbaev Aidos Erbulatovich - Chief Scientific Associate, State Historical Cultural Reserve Museum "Berel"
Shapkin Mikhail Nikolaevich - Post-graduate student, the department of Political Science of the Countries of the East, Lomonosov Moscow State University; 142172, Russia, Moscow Oblast, Sherbinka, Vodoprovodnaya Street 5A
Sharov Konstantin Sergeevich - Senior Educator, the department of Philosophy, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; 111401, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Moscow, ul. 2-Ya vladimirskaya, d. 15, korp. 4, kv. 30
Shakhbazian Satenik Vrezhovna - Post-graduate student, the department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Northern (Arctic) Federal University; 163062, Russia, Arkhangel'sk oblast', g. Arkhangel'sk, ul. Naberezhnaya Severnoi Dviny, 17, kab. 1211
Shevlyakova Ol'ga Nikolaevna - Docent, the department of English Language for Economic and Mathematical Disciplines, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"; 101000, Russia, Moscow, Myasnitskaya Street 20
Shevchenko Yan - Senior Lecturer; Russian State Social University (Anapa branch); 261 Turgenev St., Anapa, Krasnodar Territory, 353440, Russia
Shkel Stanislav Nikolaevich - Associate Professor Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU) - Department Political Science, Sociology and Public Relations; 450064, Russia, respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, ul. Kol'tsevaya, 3 / 1
Shubina Ol'ga Anatol'evna - Associate Professor at the Department of Folk Singing and Ethnomusicology of Saratov State Conservatoire; 410012, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast', g. Saratov, ul. Kirova, 1
Emirilyasova Susanna Seitbilyalovna - Docent, the department of Foreign Languages, Crimean Branch of Russian State University of Justice; 295006, Russia, respublika Krym, g. Simferopol', ul. Pavlenko, 5
Yatsenko Inga Aleksandrovna - Deputy Director, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; 115088, Russia, Moscow, Ovchinnikovskaya Naberezhnaya 18, Office #1