Social studies and monitoring
Akhmedova, A.R., Chukanova, T.V., Vasilenko , I.A., Mazailova, T.A. (2025). Social practices of using Online stores in consumer behavior. Sociodynamics, 3, 1–22.
Currently, the modern consumer is faced with an increasing number of different technologies related to the purchase of goods and services, including on the Internet. Many goods are available to the consumer literally in one click, which has two effects on consumer practices, on the one hand, it allows to quickly meet existing requests and needs, on the other hand, it leads to impulsive purchases, the purchase of those goods and services that are essentially completely unnecessary. Consequently, the development of online commerce has led to transformations and certain changes in the consumer practices of the modern citizen. The thing is that in the rural phenomenological world, online shopping takes a slightly smaller place, while in urban phenomenological practices, the population has much more time to make such purchases. Focus groups and questionnaires were used as the main methods of collecting empirical information. The general population of this study includes all residents of the city of Barnaul. The sample set of this study based on the principle of quota sampling with elements of spontaneous selection within each quota. The main quotas for the selection of respondents were gender and age. The issue of the role of online stores in consumer behavior of the population has been studied in sufficient detail. The key methodological parameters related to these social phenomena are identified, key methodological relationships and constructs that directly affect consumer practices are identified. Nevertheless, there are no comprehensive local studies of the role of online stores in consumer behavior from the point of view of modern citizens, which explains the novelty of this work.
social institutions, sociological sciences, sociological research, online store, social processes, Internet consumption, consumer behavior, social monitoring, youth environment, social practices