People and work
Ivanov, S.Y., Ivanova, D.V., Chvyakin, V.A. (2023). "Virtual" human capital and professional adaptation of young people. Sociodynamics, 6, 1–21.
The subject of the study is the process of reproduction of human capital and consumer choice of young people. The object of the study is the human capital system, taking into account the consumer choices of young people. The authors study in detail such aspects of the topic as the differentiation of employment among young people, the social and labor values of youth in the conditions of consumer society and exposure as a system of expectations and requirements imposed on the individual regarding the norms of her social roles. Special attention is paid to the analysis of official statistics describing youth employment as a social group. Attention is drawn to the interest of young people in new technologies that provide a full production cycle, which meets the expectations of this age group of human capital. The main conclusions of the study are: - the active phase of the formation of the labor market of young professionals involves ensuring a balanced supply and demand. Of particular importance are measures to coordinate the volume and structure of training specialists with the needs of the labor market. This is achieved by streamlining information about available vacancies, as well as encouraging employers to create additional jobs for young people; - as part of the change in the employment structure, it is planned to create new types of youth employment. At the same time, one of the key areas of the state's activity is seen in stimulating the development of entrepreneurial activity among young people, credit benefits, and deepening institutional reforms. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is to determine the directions that correspond to the expectations of youth as the most active resource of human capital. The novelty of the research lies in the concretization of the process of human capital formation in Russian society, taking into account the professional adaptation of young people.
Expectations, Consumer Choices, Consumer sentiment, Differentiation of employment, Social and labor values, Consumer Society, Human capital, Young people, Labor market, Education
Budnikova, N.S. (2023). Information openness of the state in Russia: executive authorities in social networks. Sociodynamics, 6, 22–36.
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The subject of the study is the information openness of the state in Russia in terms of the work of executive authorities in social networks. An analysis of the study of the state of the digital sphere for 2022 is given. The author analyzes various points of view on building Internet communications between authorities and society. The chronicle of openness of executive authorities of the Russian Federation is considered. The analysis of the content strategies of executive authorities in building communication with the target audience in social networks was carried out. The main communication tasks are formulated, the solution of which is aimed at the work of the authorities in maintaining their accounts. The research is based on the results of an expert survey, on the study of scientific publications of individual authors, a review of the statements of officials, as well as the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and articles in the media. The novelty of the study lies in a detailed study of the problem of the effectiveness of interaction between executive authorities and society in social networks. The main conclusions of the study: The use of social networks is becoming relevant for executive authorities, since the active audience of these media is more than half of the world's population. To date, the maintenance of state publications is mandatory for executive authorities. As part of this activity, various content strategies are used, the most effective of which is customized. Properly planned work in social networks makes it possible to increase the audience's awareness of the activities of the authorities, its loyalty and trust in the public sector.
social network, mass communication, digital communications, content strategies, The Internet, executive authorities, information society, mass media, state publications, public authority
Social studies and monitoring
Khaliulina, A.I. (2023). Social adaptation of the youth of Bashkortostan in modern socio-economic conditions (according to the results of a sociological survey). Sociodynamics, 6, 37–47.
The object of scientific study was the socio-adaptive behavior of the young generation of Bashkortostan. Special attention is paid to the effective adaptation of this social category to the system of market relations, the ability to quickly integrate into it. On the basis of ethnosociological research, the author analyzes in detail the degree of youth's mastery of modern labor skills, such as knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to work on a computer, drive a car, contact people, etc., and also reveals his orientation to entrepreneurial activity. Methods of quantitative analysis and synthesis, correlation of information obtained from various groups of sources (historical, sociological, etc.) were used in the study. Elements of statistical processing of digital data were used in the compilation of tables. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the appeal to the peculiarities of the manifestation of social adaptation of the youth of the region in a synchronic cross-section. Despite the ambiguity of the perception of their prospects in the future, because a little more than half of young people look to the future with hope and optimism, while a small part, regardless of nationality, with anxiety, uncertainty, to a certain extent, with ever-present fear and despair. At the same time, the data of the ethnosociological study showed that, in general, the social group in question effectively adapts to the system of market relations, skillfully and promptly joins it.
youth, social adaptation, Bashkortostan, sociological survey, language communication, skills, social group, market relations, social well-being, ethnicity
Social studies and monitoring
Samsitdinov, I.Z. (2023). Development of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of social mobility in foreign sociology: a brief overview. Sociodynamics, 6, 48–57.
In today's transforming society, issues related to the social mobility of the population remain relevant enough to continue the study of this phenomenon. As in the last century, various aspects of social mobility are being actively explored, especially with a change in the socio-political situation in the country and in the world as a whole. The purpose of this work is to identify the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the social mobility of the population in foreign sociology. To achieve the goals set, the main approaches of foreign researchers to the problem of social mobility were studied, historiographical and textbook materials on this topic were considered. Structural-functional, axiological, activity approaches were chosen as the methodological basis of the study, the descriptive method and the method of scientific analysis were used. The formation of the main approaches to the study of social mobility of the population in the works of leading foreign researchers is studied, the reasons for their emergence and prospects for further development are analyzed. Thus, we came to the conclusion that the problems of social mobility of the population are especially relevant today, when there is a rapid informatization of society, the digital economy is rapidly developing. Various transformational processes affect the scale of social mobility of the population in different ways, each era contains features of the manifestation of this phenomenon and requires a separate study, taking into account all the various aspects.
social group, economic potential, value orientations, institutionalization, transformation of society, industrialization, social mobility, social structure, professional mobility, interests
Litvin, V.V. (2023). The space of political Internet communications in modern Russian Society. Sociodynamics, 6, 58–66.
The author examines the space of political Internet communications in modern Russian society. The subject of the study is Internet resources related to the dissemination of political content. The object of the study is the Internet resources. The purpose of this study is to examine the subjects of political and communicative relations on the Internet and to study the resources of the Internet environment, with a special focus on the YouTube and Telegram platforms, since they are leaders among similar resources. The analysis used general scientific methods, such as empirical, institutional and historical. These methods helped in studying the interaction of political actors, analyzing the role and influence of YouTube and Telegram on political communication, as well as in understanding the changes taking place in the modern political environment as a result of the development of the Internet. According to the results of the research, the following conclusions were made. Actors of political relations mainly use resources that are in demand among the population to disseminate information. Political and communicative subjects can be divided into state and copyright. Their main difference is the possession of direct power to regulate relations in the state. The main growth in the audience over the past year has been received by platforms such as Telegram and YouTube, which causes political actors to be interested in these sites. The author comes to the conclusion that the Internet is a new stage in the dissemination of political information, it is a unique space of political communications, which is an independent phenomenon with its own characteristics, having significant differences from the traditional dissemination of political information.
mass media, Telegram, YouTube, state, Russia, political content, political communication, multimedia, Internet resources, Internet