Social studies and monitoring
Monahov, D.N., Pronchev, G.B. (2016). On monitoring results for teaching staff in Moscow region under the conditions of new professional standards. Sociodynamics, 10, 1–9.
The article deals with the results obtained in the monitoring of teaching staff in the Moscow region for compliance with modern requirements for subject teacher in terms of new educational and professional standards. The goal of this work is to identify the professional difficulties and methodological problems for teachers in such areas as general pedagogical, scientific-theoretical, methodological, information and communication. The main tasks of the research is to assess the teachers' knowledge of new methods and techniques of training, teachers ability to organize research, independent work of students, teachers knowledge of the achievements of modern science and practice. The studies are conducted among the teaching staff in the form of Web-questionnaires, computer-based testing, interviewing, collection of indirect data. The results of the studies define the needs of teachers. Solutions to identified problems and difficulties for the training, retraining and advanced training of teachers are supposed. Trained teachers, who are able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies, are necessary to implement new features. Teachers must be able to create their own educational resources, widely use them in their teaching activities.
the modernization of the system of training, new information technology, information and communication technologies, professional standards, information and communication competence, subject teachers, teaching staff, monitoring of teaching staff, retraining of teachers, advanced training
Questions of current interest
Zhalsanova, V.G. (2016). Rural territories in modern Russia: approaches towards the research. Sociodynamics, 10, 10–15.
The author examines the approaches characteristic to the study of a village in modern Russian social science. Rural territories are important due to not only their immensity in geographical space of Russia, but also its social potential, which remains despite the tough socioeconomic position. The research of rural territories should not be limited by the ascertainment of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the social processes developing within it. The new approach should be aimed at overcoming of the stereotype ideas about the underdevelopment of the village, as well as its archaic nature. The state of the Russian rural territories is currently substantiated by the three factors. Firstly, by structural transformations of the Russian society during the post-Soviet period, which caused drastic changes in institutional sphere, as well as negatively affected the social position and wellbeing. Secondly, crisis status of the village in many ways is explained by the economic and structural organization of agribusiness in Soviet period. Thirdly, modernity in face of the globalization processes involves rural areas into the intensified social changes. The conclusion is made that the rural areas should not be considered as strictly depressive, as recognized the contribution of people, who are the basis of the economic and sociocultural potential.
Sociocultural potential, Modernization, Traditionalism, Social processes, Modernity, Social transformation, Social potential, Crisis, Rural population, Rural territories
The nationality issue
Vnukova, L. (2016). National question of distribution of power in public speeches of the political leaders and representatives of opposition in Dagestan. Sociodynamics, 10, 16–27.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of public speeches of Dagestan presidents and utterances of the representatives of political opposition from the perspective of articulation of the problems of national (ethnic) representation in government structures of Dagestan, as well as correlation with the actual political practices of distribution of the offices between ethnic groups. The scale of this problem in society is assessed by means of verbalization of the national affiliation of the officials, assignment of the post after a certain ethnic group, or the agreement-based distribution of offices, depending on the emotional coloring, essence and context of the utterance. The main method consists in discourse-analysis of the following texts: Dagestan Presidential Address, speeches and interviews of the political actors and representatives of opposition, laws, and collective addresses. In speeches of the three Dagestan presidents we can observe the evolution from admission of the need of considering the national factor in appointing to the position (the first two presidents) to the top priority of officials’ professionalism (the third president); and only R. Abdulatipov in disguised form shows preferences towards the national representation. Currently, in the official political rhetoric, the problem of distribution of power between various national (ethnic) groups is not enunciated, which corresponds with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. However, Dagestan political culture on the level of political practice in one or another level preserves the system of proportional representation of ethnic groups. Scholars note the decrease in the importance of national question in political sphere for the broad population groups.
National distribution of power, Nogais, Lezgins, Kumyks, Dargwa, Avars, National representation, Dagestan President, Ramazan Abdulatipov, Dagestan
People and work
Gimadeeva, D.R. (2016). Professional self-realization online (on the example of the social network Instagram). Sociodynamics, 10, 28–36.
This article is dedicates to the transformation of professional self-realization under the influence of Internet technologies. The object of this research is the professional self-realization of an individual in modern society; while the subject is the practices of professional self-realization in social network (on the example of “Instagram”). The author gives special attention to the emergence and popularity of the social networks, which discovered new prospects and opportunities of professional self-realization, such as telecommuting and freelance, which is relevant among the categories of people excluded from the traditional work activity due to the objective reasons (for example, maternity leave). Based on the qualitative research of the social network “Instagram”, the author substantiates that the new opportunities of online interaction became in demand from the perspective of professional self-realization. The author uses the method of discourse-analysis of the accounts of Instagram users, which allows analyzing a separate sector of the social category of “mothers”. The main conclusion consists in the position that women during maternity leave represent one of the most active users category, which closely interacts inside the network community, as well as use various methods of professional self-realization that can be combined into three types: professional blogging, development of personal business, representation of large companies or brands within social network. All of these three types can be realized remotely via Internet technologies, in other words, provide opportunity to combine work with other activities (household chores, children education).
freelance, telecommuting , Instagram, social networks, Internet technologies, professional self-realization, social mobility, maternity leave, blogger, work activity
Social studies and monitoring
Polyushkevich, O.A., Ivanov, R.V., Borisova, Y.V. (2016). Perception of social success. Sociodynamics, 10, 37–44.
The subject of this research is the public perceptions. The authors give particular attention to the public perceptions of social success, because they allow assessing the values and norms, ideals and idols, which dominate in society during the specific historical period. Changes in perceptions allows tracing the forms and vectors of transformation of the society, as well as determine the causes and consequences of social dynamics. Attention is also focused on the gender division in perceptions of social success. Sociocultural prerequisites and local conditions for development of gender differences are being revealed. The methodology of the research is structured upon the study of public perceptions through the principles of social construction and symbolic functionalism. The main conclusion consists in the fact that changes in the ideals of public consciousness regarding the development of social success among men and women carries an ambiguous character. On one hand, this transformation is influenced by the sociocultural changes that take place in the society, forcing people to adjust to them; and on the other hand, strong cultural-traditional framework integrated in life, which limit the scheme of possible changes in attitude towards success. Men and women choose different strategies of adjustment towards new circumstances; thus, their perceptions of “success” also differ. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the specificity of social success in public perceptions of the Russians.
social recognition, social guidelines, dream, ideals, confession, social well-being, social success, representation, social solidarity, social dynamics
Social studies and monitoring
Mochalin, A.V. (2016). The evolution of electoral behavior in the process of socialization of the Russian provincial youth. Sociodynamics, 10, 45–62.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of electoral behavior of the Russian provincial youth (on the example of Belgorod Region), as well as evolution of the models of electoral behavior in the conditions of socioeconomic instability of the transitional type society. Particular attention is given to the examination of factors and effort influencing the dynamics of electoral activity of the youth, as well as its electoral socialization. The author reviews the prospects of social mobility of the youth within the framework of electoral process in building the complex system of electoral behavior management as a factor of increasing efficiency of socialization of the young generation. The scientific novelty is justified by insufficiency of the important sociological studies of the dynamics of electoral behavior of the Russian provincial youth in the conditions of turbulence of Russian society, as well as relevance of the further examination of this problematic. The results of the research allow expanding the area of study of the problems of electoral socialization of youth, their active inclusion into the political life in sociology and interdisciplinary sciences, such as political science, electoral law, psychology, pedagogy, and education. Practical importance is associated with the formulation of recommendations to the bodies of government and municipal authority in the field of improvement of the technologies of increasing electoral activeness of the youth during the upcoming electoral campaigns of 2017-2020 in Russia. Analysis of the dynamics of the models of electoral behavior of the youth is characterized by the distancing from passive models (traditional voting, mobilization and corporate models) towards active (models of rational choice , model of participation, etc.), which are associated with the strive for self-realization within the framework of electoral procedures in various electoral statuses. The determined dynamics of the desire of youth to hold the more active position in electoral process reflects trends of the later years related to the general growth of sociopolitical activeness of the youth, and realization of their special place in development of the country.
Electoral process, Electoral culture, Institution of elections, Social mobility, Social status, Transformation processes of consciousness, Socialization, Electoral activeness, Electoral behavior, Provincial youth
The heritage of transformation
Maxsimenko, L.A. (2016). Sacral in medicine: dynamics of sociocultural meanings . Sociodynamics, 10, 63–69.
The subject of this research is the meanings of medicine as a special sociocultural practice built around the historically original notion of sacral. Being the object of this research, medicine manifests as the phenomenon of European culture, which take its roots in Hippocrates Kos School. The historical dynamic of the “inner core” of medicine as a peculiar sociocultural practice was associated with the global historical trends in the history of the European culture. The article thoroughly examines “what” and “in which way” influenced the tectonic shifts in architectonics of the meanings of its core. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in establishment of the fact that the meaning of sacral within medical practice was historically connected with the notion of life and tabooing the actions of therapist who endangers the life in any way. The trust to bioethics as the new social institution forms on the basis of juridification of its norms. The idea of humanitarian expertise becomes a “contaminated” Münchhausen trilemma. All of these speaks that the modern Western medicine, being in the “risk society” or “market” demonstrates the inquiry for the new turn of humanization and proof of its productiveness as the social institution and spiritual area of the culture.
human expertise, taboo, Hippocratic Oath, bioethics, sacral, life, culture, medicine, medicalization, social Institutution
Political power
Balakleets, N.A. (2016). Political and philosophical ideas of N. M. Karamzin. Sociodynamics, 10, 70–82.
This article examines the main political and philosophical ideas of Nikolay Mikhailovich Karamzin presented in his works "Letters of a Russian Traveler", "Historical Eulogy of Catherine II", "Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia" and others. The author traces the evolution of the thinker's views on the phenomenon of cosmopolitanism, explores the interpretation of monarch’s power in his works, considers the ways of preventing the transformation of form of state government from monarchy into tyranny suggested of the author. The ideas of Russian historiographer were considered in the context of the concepts of Niccolò Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, Charles-Louis de Montesquieu, Immanuel Kant, Ulrich Beck, Christopher Lasñh, Mikhail Iampolski and other representatives of classical and modern political-philosophical and socio-philosophical thought.Along with the general scientific methodology the author uses the dialectic method, the hermeneutic approach and the poststructuralist methodology as well as the method of comparative analysis of philosophical doctrines.The novelty of this study lies in the explication of the philosophical ideas in the works of N.M. Karamzin, who contributed not only to historical science, but also to political philosophy. The author reveals the dialectic of the universal and the particular in the structure of Russian identity in the works of the Russian thinker, tracing its transformation in different periods of creativity of Karamzin. The special contribution of the author consists in explication in Karamzin’s works of such characteristics of the subject of history and the scientist-historian as his "prejudice" due to the close fusion of personal and civic identification of the subject.
cosmopolitanism, Russia, history, monarchy, autocracy, power, political philosophy, Karamzin, state, identity
Political psychology
Petrov, V. (2016). Gilded youth and metaphysical foundations of its elitism . Sociodynamics, 10, 83–93.
The main goal of this research is the attempt of the in-depth and comprehensive analysis and metaphysical contemplation of the nature of elitism based on the elite qualities of the “gilded youth”, because namely this category can have one of the most vivid and accessible to understanding of the exit channels on metaphysical foundation of the elite existence. Thus, the subject of this work is the possible metaphysical foundations of elitism of the “gilded youth”, and in a more broad sense, of other authentic elites; while the object is the “gilded youth” itself as escaping the scientific analysis exclusive social group. The methodology of this research includes the examination of ontological, archetypal, existential, and phenomenological aspects of the nature of elite being and socio-spiritual experience of the “gilded youth” as a particular variety of the elites. The ontology of “gilded youth”, as firstly demonstrated in the article, is based on such status and quality as perfection and sublimity. Such perfection is expressed through the number of personal features of the representatives of “gilded youth”, among which we can name naturalness, openness, physical beauty, health, etc., which underline the superiority of this elite group on the social and bodily levels. The metaphysical basis of these qualities of “gilded youth” is derived through the prism of the two philosophical concepts – Theory of “World Axis” and Theory of Karma.
World Axis, idleness, perfection, metaphysics of elitism, elitization, elitology (elite studies), elitism, gilded youth, karma, seventh petal
Political psychology
Myasoedova, V.A. (2016). Peculiarities of development of the regional institutions of youth political leaders. Sociodynamics, 10, 94–104.
The subject of this research is the sociopolitical system of the Republic of Tatarstan and Republic of Bashkortostan as the most active in Russia’s political arena in the area of youth policy and development of the youth political institutions. Special attention is given to the notion of “civil activeness” established on the level of cognitive perception of young people and all citizens, as well as serves for optimal reflection and realization of the necessary actions, which must provide the orientation towards success, self-organization and self-activity of an individual, expressed in purposeful actions regarding the social life in its various manifestations for the support of integrity of the community and its institutions. The article carries out a comparative analysis of development of the political institutions in two regions of the Russian Federation. The main conclusion consists in the necessity of establishment of the quality communication component of interaction between the bodies of government authority and youth political leaders. The author underlines the importance of information interaction in the conditions of general agenda within the framework of horizontal and vertical communication, as well as significance of involvement of the youth political leaders into the project activity as one of the most constructive work formats under the existing circumstances. The results of this study can be applied for the development of the system of youth political leadership on the regional level.
civil activity, youth of the region, communication, project activities, sociopolitical system, youth political leaders, school of politics, personal competence, youth leaders, region