The Dialogue of cultures
Synieokyi, O.V. (2015). Sound Recording of Pop Music in the Mirror of Screen Culture. Sociodynamics, 7, 1–16.
The article presents the results of the study of social and informational aspects of the music sector of screen culture during 1960-90-ies. Music television is examined as a complex cluster of spheres of social and cultural communication where the stable rules of the interdependence of the principles of the screen and the phonographic cultures (musical sound recording) are formed. Audiovisual promotion of music products are shown in terms of the communication paradigm of the media system of the USSR and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Based on the systems concept of multichannel communication in the music industry the chronological order of TV programs and videos about rock and disco music is being analyzed from the point of view of cultural studies. Historical cultural analysis allowed to consider the social environment in which a certain historical period created the phenomenon of mass recording (i.e. recording of pop music). To determine features of the genre of pop music and its constituents the researcher has applied the musicological method. A special place in the author's approach to the analysis of documentary material is given to the systematization of information by using the chronological methodology. In this article screen culture is interpreted as a mirror in which the «Beat», «Rock», «Pop» and «Disco» music were permanently reflected in the form of bright passages of progressive trends of music inavailable for Soviet citizens in full. Interpretation of events is shown taking into account the existing and (sometimes) interpenetrating levels of socio-cultural communication – TV pop music, philharmonic societies, vinyl records and tape recorders that altogether satisfied the musical aesthetic needs of the Soviet people. One of the important conclusions made by the author is that at the age of socialism music-media manipulation was a specific kind of mass communication of the «mosaic» nature.
television program, communication, Big beat, sound recording, pop music, film, video, screen ulture, disco, rock
Social studies and monitoring
Khrebtov, M. (2015). Sociological Analysis of the Concepts of 'War' and 'Peace' in a Modern Society (the Study of the Focus Group). Sociodynamics, 7, 17–34.
The subject of the research is the reconstruction of the concepts of war and peace among modern youth. The author of the article applies the interdisciplinary approach and study war and peace not as individual phenomena but part of the images and attitudes that exist in the collective unconscious of the young people in today's Russia. The research like this one allows to perform some kind of a monitoring of the Russian socio-cultural environment and to reconstruct the contents thereof at certain intersection points. The concepts of 'war' and 'peace' are very important for the Russian socio-cultural environment and therefore the research of these concepts in terms of the interdisciplinary approach is currently important. The main research method used by the author is the focus group. The researcher thoroughly describes the study materials, goals and purposes of the research and provides the questionnaire based on which the focus group was created and conducted. The concepts of "war" and "peace" has changed substantially over the past 30-50 years. The term "war" is now an evolutionary leap. "War" took such information spaces as TV news, newspapers, blogs, websites while the concept of "peace" begins to fade and become more unreachable. In the XXIst century the war has the shade of peace. "War" and "peace" are now becoming identical concepts. These phenomena begin to exist within each other, complete each other and become an essential part of the whole.
interdisciplinary approach, methodology, social space, concept, war, peace, focus group, applied research, youth, social psychology
Humanitarian projects
Starko, E.A. (2015). Social Theory of Fredric Jameson. Sociodynamics, 7, 35–50.
The subject under review is the concept of social research of a famous contemporary philosopher Fredric Jameson. Based on his translation of Fredric Jameson's works as well as the critical analysis of Russian publications devoted to Jameson's writings, Starko reconstructs intellectual biography of Fredric Jameson, describes the main stages of his creative development and analyzes philosophical and other humanitarian aspects of his writings. The author of the article pays special attention to the opportunities of Fredric Jameson's social theory to serve as a methodological basis for researches of the sociology of everyday life and the phenomena of popular culture. The main research methods include the comparative historical analysis of the intellectual biography of Fredric Jameson as well as the descriptive review of his theory based on the author's translation of a few articles written by Fredric Jameson. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author presents Fredric Jameson's ideas related to his writings that have never been translated into Russian before. The most effective social theory of Frederic Jameson can be used to analyze the phenomena of popular culture and the sociology of everyday life. His theory can be used to create a methodological strategy to study the specifics of Russian modern art.
visual culture, comics, superhero, information space, popular culture, social theory, postmodern, Fredric Jameson, sociology of everyday life, mass communications
Humanitarian projects
Fil'ko, A. (2015). The Study of the Phenomenon of the City and Urban Space in Contemporary Social Research (Historiographical Review). Sociodynamics, 7, 51–64.
The subject under research is the dynamics of modern urban studies which origin goes back to ancient times. The uprise of urban studies falls on the XXth - XXIst centuries. To perform urban researches today, it is neccesary to choose adequate conceptual and methodological approaches. To do this, it is also necessary to study and analyze the most famous and brilliant researches conducted by different social and humanitarian sciences. The historiographical review of urban researches will allow to select the most efficient methodological strategy for further analysis of a modern Russian city. The main research method used by the author of the article is the critical analysis and comparative historical review of the cocnepts of urban studies. The researcher has also describes the main historical stages and scientific schools in contemporary urban studies. Based on the historiographical anaylsis of modern city researches, the author concludes that one of the most effective and relevant in terms of volume and quality results in the social sciences is the semiotic approach that investigates the city as a system of signs represented in visual images and read by urban residents. Methodology of the research is mostly based on Michel de Certeau and Walter Benjamin who spoke about the perception of the city in motion and Henri Lefebvre's statements about the importance of the everyday experience of an urban resident.
city, urbanism, social studies, urban space, Henri Lefebvre, 'Chicago School', historiography, 'Los Angeles School', methodology, visual image
Yakimov, K.A. (2015). The Image of the 'Enemy of the People' in the Komsomol Propaganda of 1937. Sociodynamics, 7, 65–77.
The subject of this study is the Komsomol propaganda forming the image of an "enemy of the people" as well as the perception of the image in the ranks of the Young Communist League and non-union youth in 1937. In his study Yakimov has examined the constituents of the collective image of the "enemy of the people" in the Komsomol propaganda. On the basis of documents from the "Komsomol" funds of the State Archive of Socio-Political History of Tambov region (GASPITO), the researcher has described the mechanism of formation of the image of the "enemy of the people" among young people, analyzed the main reasons for the prosecution, revealed the effects of kinship and ideological ties with persons who were declared the "enemies of the people." The methods used in this historic study can be divided into the following two groups: the group of general scientific methods that includes description, analysis, synthesis, generalizatio and deduction; the group of specific historical methods that includes the concrete historical, comparative historical and retrospective methods. The scientific novelty of the work is caused by the fact that the study of the image of "the enemy of the people" was conducted on the resource-based archival documents of the Komsomol. It is shown that one of the key aspects of ideological propaganda in the Komsomol was the concept of the "enemy of the people". In that period that name was given to many of the former leaders of the Bolshevik Party as well as of the countries with fascist regimes. The Komsomol propaganda greatly contributed to the consolidation of the Soviet youth for the purpose of fighting against "enemies of the people" and to the strengthening of repressive policies in many Komsomol organizations.
enemy of the people, exceptions to the Komsomol, youth, repression, young Communist League, popularization, enemy image, Trotskyite, fascist, Tambov region