Tulasynova N.U., Tron T.A..
Project work as a tool for cooperation between a student and a teacher on the example of the project "Course development creating a bot in telegram"
// Pedagogy and education.
2025. № 1.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2025.1.72662 EDN: BEWADM URL:
The subject of the study is the interaction of scientific and research activities of a student and a teacher. The research activities of students and teachers are a key element of the educational process, contributing to the development of critical thinking, analytical skills and innovation. The interaction between students and teachers within the framework of scientific research plays an important role in the formation of professional competencies and scientific worldview. Analysis of the chatbots necessary for the development of the Telegram messenger-based chatbots and their implementation in a specific chatbot, which is the final product of the Telegram Bot Development Course project. The subject of the study covers both the technical aspects of Telegram bot development and the socio-educational aspects of student-teacher cooperation, which makes it possible to comprehensively assess the effectiveness and significance of such projects in the educational process. The study assess the effectiveness of project work as a tool for cooperation, which will identify the advantages and disadvantages of this approach and offer recommendations for its further implementation in the educational process. The Telegram platform has been used to create an educational bot, which opens up new opportunities for interactive and game-based learning, especially in the context of the pandemic and the transition to online education. During the implementation of the project, students acquired skills in creating bots for Telegram, mastered Python programming and learned how to work with the API. Methodological materials and teaching aids have also been developed, which can be used in the future to teach other students. Project work serves as an effective tool for interaction between students and teachers. It promotes the development of necessary skills and competencies, as well as strengthens cooperation between participants in the educational process.
assistance, cooperation, student, PyCharm, python, course, code, bot, telegram, project
Kolesnichenko D.A..
Application of Functional All-Around Methods Based on Kettlebell Sport Training Tools in the Process of Student Physical Training in Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Educational Institutions
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 180-190.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72511 EDN: RTYMMW URL:
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that it is possible to ensure the development of physical qualities of students from the educational institutions in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs at the level required in the professional activities of an employee in a short time, in conditions of limited space and material and technical support, based on the use of functional all-around methods. With the correct construction of the training process based on such methods, the corresponding indicators increase significantly compared to the traditional approach to the physical training of students. The subject of the study is the functional all-around methods based on kettlebell lifting training tools, adopted for implementation in the educational process with cadets and students from the educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (using the example of the Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot). The author draws attention to the fact that the development of physical qualities of students in this system is characterized by qualitative specificity, caused by the need for comprehensive physical development, both in terms of strength, endurance, speed, and agility, and in relation to mastering the skills of tactical and technical training. At the same time, the normatively established requirements for the level of physical development and the procedure for checking the degree of formation of the corresponding physical qualities are often interpreted as a means of limiting the methods used to solve the corresponding problems. It is substantiated that such an approach is neither strictly mandatory nor meets the needs of the physical development of police officers at the present stage.
training programming systems, training complexes, kettlebell lifting, police officer, professional training, physical qualities, crossfit, functional all-around, learning efficiency, physical training
Flerov O.V..
Development of non-formal and informal teaching of foreign languages in the 2010s
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 126-142.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.35523 URL:
The object of research in the proposed article is informal and informative learning as educational practices alternative to the development of basic educational programs implemented in institutional pedagogical conditions. The subject is the process of learning and mastering a foreign language accordingly. Special attention is paid to the information and communication conditions of the digital environment formed in the 2010s and the mechanism of their influence on the non-institutional development of languages. Such language education is considered as a process that is actively developing not only on the basis of a purely pedagogical understanding of the importance of building educational routes throughout life, but also due to objective information realities that affect the specifics of the existence of knowledge around us as a "product" of information development. Interdisciplinary information-communicative and pedagogical analysis is used as a research methodology, demonstrating a natural change in the process of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of transformation of the information-language environment. The study is deductive in nature, in which the author proceeds from substantiating the general role of non-formal and informal education in the life of a modern person to specific conditions affecting the development of foreign languages in a similar way. On the basis of the received material, the final part analyzes specific trends and contradictions in the development of informal and informal teaching of foreign languages and its interaction with institutional pedagogical practice. It is concluded that the potential of non-institutional learning of foreign languages is clearly higher today than even a decade ago, and due to its active disclosure, it is possible to achieve complementarity with formal education in order to achieve a synergetic effect in the process of continuous education of the individual. The novelty of the work consists in deepening general ideas about the role of non-institutional educational practices in the development of personality through the prism of one discipline with the identification of specific trends in their development at a certain time interval, taking into account the conditions of transformation of the information and communication environment.
educational trajectory, digital devices, information environment, language education, institutional education, self-education, informal education, educational program, non-formal education, digitalization
Kulanina S.V..
Self-education and its role in the process of Bachelor’s program in pedagogy
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 107-114.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.30355 URL:
The subject of this research is self-education and its impact on the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy. The author conducts theoretical analysis on the degree of development of this problem; and elaborates a mode for self-education in the process of preparation of Bachelor’s in pedagogy, which includes diagnostics, individual self-education that combines general self-education, methodological self-education and psychological-pedagogical self-education. The article defines the ultimate goal of the implementation of the model – level of the self-education competence and Bachelor’s in pedagogy. The scientific novelty of this research pertains to the acquired empirical data on self-assessment of the motivation for self-education activity by students’ of pedagogical university, as well as determination and justification of the role of self-education in the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy. The goal of this research is structured on the basis of theoretical-methodological substantiation of the role of self-education in the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy. The object of study is the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy at a university. The author substantiated the necessary organizational and pedagogical conditions, reflected in the model, that contribute to the self-education process. A conclusion is made on the fact that self-education plays an important, primary role in the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy. The obtained results and implementation of the model reveal new problematic field of research: identification of auto-psychoecological grounds for the formation of professional competences of future Bachelors in pedagogy.
observation, self test, diagnostics, motivation, self-educational competence, Teacher Education, bachelor, self-education, model, autopsychological competence
Skorobogatov Y.O..
The Structure of Сomputer Programming Blended Learnign Curriculum for the 7th - 11th Grade School Students
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 2.
P. 87-95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.23125 URL:
The subject of the research is various forms of teaching process structuring. The author of the article analyzes three most famous forms of teaching process structuring, class-and-lesson system, distance learning and project-based learning, from the point of view of creating conditions for developing sustainable metadisciplinary competences of the 7th - 11th grade school students in computer programming. In cases when school uses distance learning, it is possible to recommend to use blended learning to eliminate drawbacks of forms of teaching process structuring being analyzed. The main research method used by the author is the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, theoretical and special literature as well as periodicals devoted to using class-and-lesson system of teaching, distance learning and blended learning. The main conclusion of the research is that blended learning can be successfully used in the process of teaching computer programming to the 7th - 11th grade school students. The blended learning approach allows to fully consider individual traits of a school student, and to fulfill the activity approach avoiding the 'distorted feedback' problem of distance learning and keeping up the interest of students in computer programming.
automatic checkout system, teaching in groups, individual learning curve, self-learning competence, metadisciplinary competences, teaching computer programming to school students, project-based learning, distance learning, class-and-lesson system of teaching, blended learning
Probin P.S..
Criteria and Difficulties of Assessing Bachelors in Non-Professional Disciplines
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 1.
P. 51-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.1.66326 URL:
The object of research in this article is the assessment of students at higher school. The matter under study is tge criteria and difficulties of assessing bachelors in non-professional disciplines. Particular author’s attention is paid to specificity of non-professional disciplines as a constituent part of educational bachelor’s programmes and to analysis of assessing students in present practice. Assessment in exact sciences and Humanities and foreign language are analyzed separately. Assessing students is also presented in the context of their motivation for learning and orientation to professional activity. The method of research in the article is the analysis of current practice of assessing students including the author’s own experience. The main author’s conclusions in this article involve the following statements. 1) Peculiarities of assessing students depend on the specificity of a discipline. 2) Even though they do not directly form professional knowledge and skills, non-professional disciplines are still an important constituent part of bachelor’s curriculum in terms of the competence approach. 3) Nowadays school grades do not often reflect their actual knowledge and intellectual level and are a formality. The novelty of this article is in presenting problems of assessment at higher school on the basis of classification of disciplines and through the prism of students’ motivation for studies and their orientation at their future professional activity.
higher education, motivation, difficulties, criteria, non-professional disciplines, assessment, grades, foreign language, competence approach
Baksansky, O. E..
Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society: Strategic Targets of the NBICS-Convergence
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 1.
P. 46-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.1.65199 URL:
The author of the present research article develops cognitive researches and makes an attempt apply a completely
new approach thereto. On the one hand, this approach is used to study mental processes by applying neuroscience,
physiology and molecular biology, and on the other hand, attract experts from different social and humanitarian branches of science. The NBIC abbreviation refers to bringing together nanotechnology, biotechnology, information
technology and cognitive science. The first analytical research devoted to the NBIC2-convergence (i.e. the convergence
beyond the scope of the NBIC-convergence) was published in 2013. Since the research was focused on discussions and
recommendations regarding how social prospects can be taken into account in this intersection, the abbreviation
CKTS is now used along with the NBIC2 abbreviation (Convergence of knowledge and technology for the benefit of
society). The author of the article also analyzes possibilities and social and economic risks of convergent technologies.
Nanotechnology, biotechnology, information, cognitive and social technologies (NBICS) play the main role in the development
of convergent tools that mutually form the general CKTS platform. In the 21st century a new scientific picture
of the world is being formed: • Analytical approach to understanding the structure of the material is replaced with the
synthetic approach. Interdisciplinary researches are dominating and variety of such researches is increasing; • these
researches start to perform integrative functions towards other sciences; sciences about organic and non-organic nature
grow closer and integration of sciences acquire the trans-disciplinary nature; • differentiation of a particular branch
of science happens at the moment when the integration process becomes dominating; • differentiation and integration
processes are weaved into one integration and differentiation synthesis; and the interaction between internal unity and
external unity of science is reinforced and therefore the line between them becomes indistinguishable. This paradigm of
scientific knowledge can be called ‘convergent’.
convergent technologies, complexity, non-sectoral technologies, sectoral technologies, convergent paradigm, CKTS-convergence, NBICS-convergence, NBIC-convergence, NBIC2-technologies, dangers and risks.
Schuplenkov, O. V..
Adaptive Capabilities of the Russian National School in Emigration (the Case Study of the Shumen
Gymnasium in Bulgaria (1922 to 1934)
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 4.
P. 296-316.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.4.64117 URL:
Shumen Gymnasium (1922–1934) that was relocated from Constantinople to Bulgaria and due to the teaching
talent and distinguished organizing skills of the first director A. Beyer (1922–1928) took the first place among
all secondary schools in Bulgaria not only in the number of students but also in the organization of education and
up-bringing. It was quite a challenge because it was the school for young men of different age who overcame the civil
war. Despite poverty, poor food, strict schedule and etc., graduates of the Gymnasium who had problems socializing
in a foreign environment recalled years spent there as the happiest years in their life. Good evidence to that is their
letters that were addressed to the Gymnasium teachers and mentors and are kept at State Archive of the Russian
Federation now. These letters provide an insight into how Russian emigrants lived in Bulgaria.
Throughout many centuries cultural and language contacts between Russians and Bulgarians have been a unique
example of cross pollination. Being one of the six Russian gymnasiums in Bulgaria, the gymnasium in Shumen in
the 20s -30s of the XXth century presented a great example of direct cultural and language interaction between
Bulgarians and Russians. In many respects Russians appeared to be the most privileged Diaspora in the country.
That policy of the Bulgarian government predetermined the uplift of Russian emigration culture. However, the global
economic depression at the end of the 20s – 30s of the XXth century that came to Bulgaria as well aggravated the
situation for Russian emigrants. The government kept to the strict policy of national priority on the labor market
and therefore made Russians equal to other foreigners. That lasted till September 1944 and brought many emigrants
to poverty. Even though the government continued to help them, it had to limit the financial support and liquidated
some emigrant organizations.
A new state policy towards Russian emigrants was started at the end of the 1930s. In 1938 the League of Nations
declared that the question about Russia emigration was ‘solved’. The Nunsen International Office for Refugees was
closed and the League of Nations recommended the governments that had accepted Russian emigrants to start the
policy aimed at nationalization of Russians. At that point the favorable attitude towards Russians was over and
Russians were treated just like other foreigners. Along with the repressions against Russian refugees during the
Second World War, the new policy marked the beginning of assimilation of Russians.
Beyer, Bulgaria, culture, cultural research, education, Russian emigration, socialization in exile, Shumen Gymnasium, language, language studies.
Sovoleva, N. E..
Development of Child’s Creativity as a Part of Waldorf Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2011. № 1.
P. 36-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2011.1.58200 URL:
Waldorf education is one of non-traditional systems of education. It is an officially accepted
system of education which has a rather long history of development. Waldorf education
is based on Rudolf Steiner’s principles of teaching. Development of child’s ability to create is one
of the basic principles of Waldorf education.
pedagogy, enlightenment, education, up-bringing, human, program, perception, teaching, child, creativity.