Makarova A..
The Motivational Components in Teaching Foreign Languages in Russian Universities
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 159-179.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.69219 EDN: SKSDKI URL:
The author proposes conceptual motivational strategies and methods that teachers can use to support and develop student motivation in the process of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of a modern post-industrial society interested in professionals, both in production resources and in methods of creative activity. Since students' motivation to learn is the engine of the educational process, teachers can provide personal information to all participants in the educational process and implement the maximum number of educational materials to increase the effectiveness of academic activities. The subject of this study is the motivational strategies and methods that teachers can use to support and develop student motivation in the process of learning a foreign language.
demotivation factor, motivation theory, professional skills, information society, effective teaching, motivation factors, foreign language teacher, professional translator, motivational component, carrying out survey
Zhang Y..
Features of training students in the field of fine arts and design in the conditions of higher art education in modern Japan
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 113-127.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.71612 EDN: IVOMJU URL:
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The purpose of the study is to analyze and characterize the organization of training of future artists and designers within the framework of higher art education in modern Japan, especially the pedagogical framework that allows universities to remain competitive in a changing society (demographic, economic, social and other problems). The object of the research is training in artistic and creative specialties in the country's higher art education system, where the basis is a combination of theory and practice, traditions and innovations, as well as an emphasis on individual learning. The subject of the study is the organization of education for students undergoing training in art disciplines in the conditions of Japanese higher art education. The research material is the works of Russian, Chinese and Japanese authors, as well as the educational literature of the universities studied. The research used methods such as the analysis of curricula, programs and manuals of the considered art universities in Japan, as well as the works of various scientists. The work is based on direct and indirect observation, analysis of works in the form of entrance exams, educational and creative tasks of educational institutions, study and generalization of the pedagogical experience of the Japanese art school. As a result of the analysis of available sources, the author of the article came to the conclusion about the lack of research that would reveal the specifics of teaching art in modern art universities in Japan. Moreover, there is a contradiction between the developing potential of the national pedagogy of art and the actual state of education, which was the reason for the appearance of this work. As a result, the analysis of the historical and pedagogical aspects of the formation and development of organizational forms, content and process of education in the field of fine arts and design in Japan was carried out. The distinctive features include a combination of theory and practice, tradition and innovation, as well as an emphasis on individual and independent work. The problems identified here are primarily caused by unfavorable socio-cultural factors.
individual training route, professional education, artistic and practical skills, traditional education, academic training, artistic and creative specialties, design, visual art, Japan, art education
Kukharenko S.V..
Specifics of Russian-Chinese double degree programs
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 151-160.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.70320 EDN: WOVYYZ URL:
The object of the study is double degree programs realied at Russian universities. The subject of the study is the features of Russian-Chinese double degree programs. In this study, we limited ourselves to studying only the programs in which Russian students study; the education of Chinese students were not considered. The purpose of the study was to identify the features of double degree programs with Chinese universities in Russia. When analyzing double degree programs, information was used from the official websites of Russian universities implementing double degree programs in partnership with Chinese universities. The methods used were comparative analysis, extrapolation method, analysis and generalization of empirical data. When formulating conclusions and results of the work, theoretical methods of synthesis and systematization were used. Based on the study, it was concluded that the trends inherent in double degree programs implemented by Russian and Western universities for double degree programs are only partly similar to the trends of double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities, and in some points differ significantly. In particular, similar features include the prevalence of economic specializations. However, in the case of joint Russian-Chinese programs, the focus on economic specialization is even more pronounced. This focus is quite understandable by the rapid growth of the Chinese economy and the desire of Russian youth to connect their careers with work in the field of economic cooperation with China. In the case of Russian-Chinese double degree programs, a clear difference is the significant predominance of bachelor's programs over master's programs.
PRC, China, international cooperation, The Bologna Process, internationalization, turn to the East, university, Russia, education, double degree
Gushchin A.N..
Emotional Engagement of Students in E-Learning as an Example of a Project Management Course
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 161-170.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.40915 EDN: WNYFQR URL:
The subject of the study is the possibility of emotional involvement of students in an e-learning course. Usually it is considered that the involvement of students should be made in the learning process. The author reads that the involvement should be produced in the social role for which the training course is intended. This statement is the hypothesis of the study. A social role represents the "sum of expectations" from the behavior of a social role bearer and is not identical to a set of learning competencies. The social role also includes personal experience with the social role bearer. The ways of involvement are considered on the example of "project management" course with involvement in the social role of a manager. The main conclusions of this study are the confirmation of the stated hypothesis that the involvement should be carried out in the social role for which the training course is intended. The effectiveness of involvement is assessed by diactic means. The course is built on the following primes: 1) the abandonment of the traditional grading system for each assignment completed; 2) the training assignments for each topic contain two components: mandatory and voluntary; and 3) the full encouragement of skills in managing one's time. On the basis of these principles the assignments of the training course are formulated. Analysis of the digital footprint left by the students during the performance of tasks shows a high degree of emotional involvement.
time management, project management, engagement, manager, education, training, social role, e-learning, emotional involvement, digital footprint
Yu W..
Variable models of designing the content of higher art education in China
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 171-183.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.70889 EDN: WARJSB URL:
In modern higher art education, the variable part in the form of end-to-end modules becomes mandatory. The research topic is the design of a higher education program in modern China. The purpose of the study is to determine the pedagogical conditions in Chinese universities, which, under conditions of variability, contribute to the optimal design of higher artistic education programs for the realization of the goals of the educational process. The object of research is higher art education. The subject of the research is the design of a higher art education program in modern China in the context of the implementation of the principle of variability. The article examines the options for such a modular design of the content of art education in the People's Republic of China, highlights the main models of the educational process in the country's largest universities: the Central Academy of Drama, the Central Academy of Arts, the Chinese Music Conservatory, etc. The research methods correspond to the tasks set and include an analysis of the content of key terms and concepts, in particular "variability", an analysis of the structure and functioning of educational processes, for example, at the level of implementation of educational programs. The results of the application of the method of generalization of the educational and pedagogical experience of art universities of the People's Republic of China, as well as the author's personal observations of the educational process, are presented. In accordance with the set goal, the object and subject of the study are its tasks: to define the concept of "learning model" and "variability" based on the analysis of the discrete process of development of higher art education in the People's Republic of China; to identify the most relevant approaches in the People's Republic of China to the training of representatives of creative professions; to identify the main features of the construction of courses and disciplines in Chinese universities depending on on their pedagogical conditions and resources, experience and traditions. An important place in the study is to determine which program structures, methods and forms are most in demand, as well as to establish the place of professional disciplines in the educational process and their correlation with widespread cycles of general natural science and humanities disciplines.
variability, professional disciplines, the learning model, pedagogical conditions, end-to-end module, content design, China, higher art education, creative thinking, professional qualities
Sleptsova M.V., Sleptsova N.A..
E-Learning: On the Issue of Organizational Effectiveness in the University Educational Process
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 4.
P. 112-121.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.39438 EDN: WJMRUP URL:
The subject of this study is a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the educational process in the form of e-learning in relation to classic and distance forms of its organization, with the example of the elective course "Physical Culture and Sports." The object of the study is a new form of organization of the educational process at universities: e-learning. The authors consider the features of the organization of the educational process in the form of e-learning: the setting of an individual educational goal by the student themself, its formalization using the university's virtual educational space, the calculation of an individual educational trajectory and its practical implementation by "playing" the student given pedagogical situations. Special attention is paid to proving the practical feasibility of the main provisions of the well-known pedagogical concepts of the organization of e-learning and obtaining quantitative data on the actual effectiveness of the educational process in the form of e-learning. The novelty of the pedagogical experiment conducted by the authors lies in the fact that for the first time, the elective course "Physical Culture and Sports" was fully implemented in the form of e-learning, which made it possible to obtain quantitative values of the parameters of the educational process (the time the student reaches an individual educational goal, the percentage of participants guaranteed to achieve the educational goal in relation to the total number of students, etc.), proving a higher efficiency of e-learning compared to the "classic" and "distance" forms. A number of negative factors have been identified that need to be sufficiently covered in theoretical studies on e-learning but have a serious impact on the effectiveness of the educational process in this form. The directions of improving the educational process in the form of e-learning for its implementation in educational institutions of various levels are determined.
All-Russian physical culture and sports complex, educational situation, pedagogical situation, virtual educational space, individual educational trajectory, elective course, the effectiveness of the educational process, individual educational goal, pedagogical experiment, e-learning
Bubnovskiy A..
University as a Game without Rules (New Views on the Process of Building Higher Education)
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 4.
P. 31-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.68733 EDN: UHKODR URL:
Modern higher education is in dire need of new working tools and processes for its implementation. The structure of student involvement in educational activities also needs to be built in a fundamentally new way. This determines the relevance of this study. During the analysis carried out in this study, it was found that the university contains all the basic elements of a multiplayer game. Instructional designers can better engage students in learning by considering it a game. However, the game is flawed because the simulator cannot predict the future. In this regard, our study aims to eliminate the identified shortcomings. The article examines the structure of the game and the process of building a new university model based on this concept, which can respond to the challenges of the time. The ideal modern university as a personalized multiplayer game is the most effective model in this study. It builds communication between the player (learner) and the game, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) helps in this. This interaction between them can lead to a constant change in the situation, and the unpredictability of artificial intelligence reactions will likely help solve the problem of the absence of situations that developers and their resolution previously thought out.
soft skills, hard skills, artificial intelligence, competencies, game design, transferable skills, instructional design, multiplayer game, modern university model, educational standard
Golovkina M.V..
A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Distance and Traditional Learning Technologies in Universities
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 4.
P. 41-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.68854 EDN: KKQBPE URL:
This article presents a comparative analysis of the learning outcomes of higher education students using two different forms of learning: traditional offline learning and e-learning. The features of e-learning are considered. The study considers the widespread introduction of digital technologies in both electronic and traditional learning. The subject of the study is the influence of various forms of organizing the educational process based on the results of academic activities. The purpose of the study is to identify the most suitable forms that are most effective in modern conditions. The author used a comparative analysis of the learning results of distance and traditional forms of education obtained during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The following objective criteria were chosen: student grades, average score during certification, and the number of students who successfully passed their exams. The work considers the difficulties of objectively comparing learning results of e-learning and traditional education formats. Despite this, it was possible to identify differences between different types of education, which are especially visible when conducting certification in a standardized format. In general, it was shown that students taught using the traditional format gained more professional skills and competencies than those who studied remotely. As a result of the study, preferred forms of training were identified, as well as the most effective ones. These formats currently include traditional learning, which uses the entire arsenal of modern digital content, and blended learning, which uses both conventional and online learning forms.
educational technologies, electronic educational content, student motivation, blended learning, distance learning, digitalization of education, higher education, social interaction, academic performance, satisfaction
Pasholikov M.S..
Organization of the Interaction Between the Pedagogical University and Institutions for Children's Additional Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 4.
P. 53-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.68934 EDN: ENTJMZ URL:
We often hear regular statements from the mass media of specialists in the field of education that characterize the situation with the industry's staffing, such as, "There is no one to work." Indeed, there are still a number of problems in this area that need to be addressed. The Concept of the Development of Additional Education for Children until 2030 explicitly indicates the insufficient staffing of organizations of additional education and the low level of involvement of educational organizations of higher education in implementing additional general education programs. Updating the content of students' training, as well as the success of their professional socialization, is largely determined by the effectiveness of the functioning of the system of relations between an educational institution of higher education and employers. Within the framework of such cooperation, pedagogical universities offer programs for teachers at institutions aimed at improving their professional level. In turn, these educational institutions provide students with opportunities for practical training, which helps them to better understand professional realities. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of building a system of interaction between institutions of higher pedagogical and children's additional education. Integrating pedagogical universities and children's educational institutions with additional training is a key factor in developing the modern education system. It contributes to the formation of a unified professional community that can effectively solve current problems in the field of pedagogy and education. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that based on the concretization of scientific ideas and generalization of successful practices, the main categories of the interaction of a pedagogical university with a regional system of additional education for children are determined. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using the proposed algorithm for building joint activities of a pedagogical university with educational organizations implementing additional educational programs in the design and implementation of basic professional educational programs, the development of educational, industrial and other types of practices that provide solutions to the tasks of training student teachers.
development of teaching staff, social partnership, integration, education system, additional education, research, professional teacher training, pedagogical University, internship, mentoring
Andreeva E.V..
A Systematic Approach to the Study of Modern Students' Image
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 4.
P. 98-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.69113 EDN: TBVMTI URL:
The objective of this study is the image of a professional educational institution (university) student. The subject of the research is the use of a systematic approach in the study of the formation and development processes of students' images. The purpose of the study was to determine the place of the image in the vocational education system and its function and to identify the factors that ensure the formation and development of the student's image. The study was conducted based on the Department of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism of the Institute of Languages and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation of the M. K. Ammosov NEFU. Based on the provisions of Talcott Parsons' theory of systems and structural and functional analysis, the results of the research of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of the formation of the image of adolescents and young people, including in the learning process, the author considers vocational education as a social system in which the image of a student performs several functions. Both theoretical and empirical methods were used in the work, which allowed the development of a model of a student's image at a vocational educational institution to summarize the results of a study on the image of students of the North-eastern Federal University. The novelty of the study is that a model of the image of a student of a vocational educational institution was developed, based on which the structure of the image of students of a higher educational institution was studied, processes that occur within the image as a system, conditions, and factors that determine changes in the structure of the image. Based on the conducted research, conclusions are drawn that the image of students is a subsystem of the social system of vocational education, simultaneously acting as a mechanism for its preservation, as well as an independent system generating changes within itself, which ensures its safety, balance, and unity. The condition for preserving the image as a system is a change in the structure of the image that occurs in the university's educational environment due to the integration of various types of academic, scientific, project, and organizational activities.
image structure, student image, image, social system, subsystem, system, systems theory, systems approach, professional education, educational environment
Sennitskaya E.V..
How to compare different pedagogical systems with each other using the object-hierarchical method of structuring and dosing information
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 74-82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.20481 EDN: XYPLDI URL:
The subject of this study was the existing pedagogical systems from the point of view of the object-hierarchical structure of their typical training sessions, namely their following parameters: 1) how many branches of the hierarchical scheme does the lesson contain; 2) how many steps of the hierarchy does each branch have; 3) how many objects are contained at each step of the hierarchy; 4) how many known objects reveal the essence of each unknown object; 5) do the lower steps of the hierarchical scheme of the lesson contain such objects that are not disclosed due to 3-5 known ones; 6) at which stages of the lesson objects are represented in static, and at which – in motion. The present work is a theoretical study, which consists in studying the possibility of using the method of object-hierarchical modeling for a more accurate description of existing learning systems, which would make it possible to introduce quantitative certainty into pedagogy and psychology. This approach is based on the method of modeling the information structure of the lesson developed by the author and experimental data presented by him in previous works on the influence of structuring and dosing of educational material on the attention and discipline of students, as well as on their emotional state. It is concluded that some training systems that have gained a reputation for being effective are consistent with the data obtained (for example, classes on the methods of A.-Ya. Komensky, S. Frenet and V.F. Shatalov). It is also concluded that the main reason for the rejection of the widespread introduction of these and some other methods (for example, "immersion" and programmed learning) is the quantitative uncertainty of pedagogical recommendations, which, in turn, can be corrected by applying an object-hierarchical description of the structure of the lesson.
accuracy in psychology, quantitative definiteness in pedagogy, description of a lesson structure, lesson structure modelling, hierarchical structure of a lesson, accuracy in pedagogy, comparison of pedagogical methods, lesson modelling, structure of a lesson, information structure
Xu Y..
Features of artistic and creative training in the field of industrial design in diverse universities of modern China
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 142-152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.43824 EDN: ZNBTVS URL:
The processes of modernization of the Chinese higher education system are changing the content of educational activities of educational institutions and emphasize the need to train specialists with the ability to think innovatively in industrial production. The author of this article focuses on the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the specialty industrial design in leading educational institutions of different profiles and the role of disciplines related to the formation of artistic abilities of students in it. The purpose of the research is to study the educational process in modern Chinese art and non-art universities and to identify those components of it that condition the training of a future specialist capable of productive professional activity in production conditions. The object of the research is the process of formation of professional knowledge and skills of future specialists in the field of industrial design in modern Chinese art and non-art universities. The subject of the study is a characteristic of the ratio of artistic and creative disciplines and other subjects during the preparation of students of the specialty "Industrial Design". The author of the work notes that educational institutions in China consider the ability to create sketches in different techniques, materials and stylistics as basic for future specialists, but drawing, composition and color theory are not taught in all universities as independent disciplines. At the same time, they are necessarily present in creative research projects as a mandatory component.
sketch, artistic design, design, design education, chinese universities, chinese education, art education, industrial design, design product, visual literacy
Trukhacheva N.V., Guseva A.V., Pupyrev N.P., Kudrikova L.E., Leskova S.S., Gribova G.V..
The impact of blended learning on the adaptation processes of foreign students
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 156-170.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40105 EDN: RKEXEQ URL:
The object of the study are foreign students of ASMU. The purpose of the work is to assess the impact of blended learning on the adaptation of foreign students in Russian universities on the example of ASMU. The subject of the study is the adaptation to the learning process of foreign students in the university environment. An online survey developed based on a set of questions was used to collect data from 80 first-year international students. The analysis of the survey results conducted using the SPSS Statistics program empirically confirms the fact that students' perception of their university learning experience and adaptation were beneficially influenced by the mixed learning environment. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that during the research a questionnaire was developed that allows to determine the general level of adaptation of foreign students to the learning process and to identify the problems that foreign students face more often during their studies in Russia. Based on the results of the survey, practical recommendations are proposed to improve work with foreign students for more successful adaptation in the university environment. Main conclusions 1. The studies conducted at ASMU indicate the positive impact of blended learning (thanks to digital online communication) on the interaction not only of the student and the teacher, but also on the interaction between each other. 2. The results obtained show that blended learning is the means that creates the necessary prerequisites for the emergence of internal motivation of a person's activity, especially when it is able to adapt to the characteristics of the trainees, the level of available knowledge, the pace of assimilation of new knowledge. In this case, students enjoy the learning process, their self-confidence and activity in learning increases. 3. Elements of online learning are organically combined with classroom classes, complementing them and developing self-study skills and providing accessible feedback from the teacher.
LMS Moodle, factor analysis, medical education, adaptation of students, flexibility of the educational process, learning environment, interaction, mixed learning, international students, traditional training
Prigodich N.D., Vasil'ev A.V..
Using the methodology of project activity in the preparation of students of technical specialties in the humanities
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 22-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40446 EDN: MHBSXU URL:
The subject of this study is the teaching of humanities to students of technical specialties. The object of the research is the methodology of project activity in the higher education system aimed at expanding the professional competencies of engineering students. The authors consider in detail such aspects as interdisciplinary and personalized approaches in the higher education system and the key parameters of their relationship with project work. Special attention is paid in the article to the tasks that the project activity solves. Among them are the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in key competencies, work in an interdisciplinary field, the formation of teamwork skills and the ability to evaluate it. The study provides a detailed description of the implemented projects at ITMO University. The scientific novelty lies in the presentation of the results of the approbation of projects of different scientific and pedagogical orientation. The main conclusions of the study convincingly demonstrate that the applied nature of projects is key for the development of skills in the historical and cultural field. At the same time, there is an adaptation of current knowledge about the current state of historical science. As a result, the focus on interdisciplinary and personalized approaches is directly reflected in the framework of project work by integrating historical knowledge with digital methods and research and tools of technical sciences.
gamification, competencies, methodology, digital history, soft skills, engineer, personification, interdisciplinarity, project, teamwork
Rozin V.M..
On the meaning and content of school mathematical education (methodological analysis)
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 171-182.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40540 EDN: RLYFLI URL:
The author analyzes the situation and crisis in mathematical education, and outlines the ways to overcome this crisis. The loss of the meaning of mathematical education by schoolchildren and attempts to resume this meaning are discussed. The author, relying on his own research on the origin of mathematics and the experience of teaching it, characterizes the meaning of modern mathematical education: this is an important historical phenomenon, one of the first types of ancient science, mathematics is a language of mathematical schemes and models used in physics and a number of other scientific disciplines, it is a kind of creativity and thinking (mathematical) that a person can join. Three interpretations of the content of mathematical education are analyzed: knowledge, meta-subject and reflexive, as ways of thinking. The author offers another reflexive reconstruction of situations, activities and thinking that led to the formation and development of mathematics. An example of such a reconstruction is given. Other factors determining the features of the content of modern mathematical education are also discussed, namely, ideas about different types of personality and the trajectories of their development, the principle of cultural conformity, the attitude to diversity and variability of content. In conclusion, the author raises the question of the nature of a new type of mathematics textbook and gives an example, however, from the field of humanities, of a successful textbook on cultural studies written by him.
reflection, activity, content, purposes, knowledge, education, mathematics, mind, personality, culture
Rozin V.M..
Educational cultural-semiotic and private environment of a developing person's life activity (towards the construction of semantic reality and ultimate ontology for the sphere of new education)
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 183-195.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40758 EDN: RMAJAA URL:
The article formulates the concept of an educational cultural-semiotic and private environment of a developing person's life activity. It is focused on new forms of education in the context of a change in the basic pedagogical paradigm and changes, which the author calls a "quiet revolution in education." The principles of the traditional and new paradigms of education are briefly characterized. The question is raised about the reality that will allow us to comprehend and link together the individual principles of the new paradigm: a student is a kind of centaur and a "social individual" and a "personality"; not individual characteristics, but different backgrounds and development trajectories; a combination of learning and independent activity (education that promotes in the future, the transition to self-education); search and formation of new forms of education; restoration of the meaningfulness of education in relation to goals and content; transition to reflexive contents. The author describes the image of culture that he developed in the process of many years of cultural studies and helped to see a new reality. But he called this reality not a culture, but an environment. The characteristics of such an environment are indicated, two levels of its constitution and description are distinguished - abstract (as reality) and more concrete (ontological). The latter is illustrated by the material of the problems of teaching mathematics. In conclusion, the criteria for demarcating competencies for new types of education are discussed: which area and tasks are responsible for, what forms of awareness take place, the nature and features of the current practice.
mathematics, individual, personality, culture, ontology, reality, paradigm, environment, education, thinking
Go X..
The specifics of the methodology of teaching contemporary art to art teachers in Russian and Chinese universities
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 59-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40929 EDN: AFVUPC URL:
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of modern art and pedagogical education in Russia and China. The aim is to determine the specifics of the methodology of teaching contemporary art to Chinese and Russian students – future art teachers in Russian and Chinese universities. The article discusses the features of teaching this discipline in the largest art and pedagogical universities of Russia and China at the beginning of the XXI century. The research methodology is based on the provisions of pedagogy and psychology, the specifics, theory and methodology of art and pedagogical education. To achieve this goal, methods such as theoretical analysis of sources related to the teaching of contemporary art in universities in Russia and China, comparison of curricula and programs in them, pedagogical observation of students' activities were used. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it highlights and summarizes specific features in the teaching of contemporary art in Chinese and Russian art and pedagogical institutions of higher education based on the analysis of curricula and projects of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University and Moscow State Pedagogical University, as well as Beijing Pedagogical University and Peking University. As a result, the process of integrating contemporary art into the practice of Chinese and Russian pedagogical universities is shown; the features of interaction of students in educational activities with current artistic practices as a way of mastering the world art experience and its reflection. The conclusions of the author of the publication are that in order to optimize the process of acquaintance of students with contemporary art, both Russian and Chinese art and pedagogical universities offer them to conduct creative experiments with new materials, forms and means of expression as part of their independent work, as well as interact in specially organized spaces with the work of current artists.
national identity, art and graphic faculties, teacher-artist, pedagogical universities, Russia, China, higher education, art education, contemporary art, educational process
Litvin D.V., Mangasarova L.A..
Subject-Generated Environments as the Basis for the Formation of a Personal-Developing Digital Educational Environment
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 41-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.36837 EDN: IQYCWT URL:
This article discusses the features of forming a personality-developing educational environment in the context of global digitalization. The concept of the digital educational environment is revealed in the context of its personality-developing nature, the basic scheme of the functioning of the subject-generated environments in the digital educational environment is substantiated, the factors determining the personality-developing potential of the digital educational environment are highlighted, as well as the features of the teacher's activity on the formation of the developing the environment by digital means in the refraction of traditions and innovations. The traditional understanding of the educational environment is undergoing a significant transformation due to digitalization. The study showed that the formation of a developing digital educational environment should be carried out with a mandatory emphasis on the subject-generated characteristics of the environment, resolving the contradiction between the diversity and openness of potentially developing resources, on the one hand, and the uncertainty, non-obviousness of the results of interaction of subjects, on the other hand. For the teacher, the digital educational environment acts as a discrete education, whereas for the student, it is a single structured digital space (a single environment). A teacher's activity is the formation of a developing environment by digital means, giving it developing functions associated with pedagogical competence to fill the environment with appropriate situational and event content, contributing to the generation of environments in education by students themselves and filling them with authentic meaning. The teacher's specified competencies depend on the completeness of the theoretical understanding of the peculiarities of the emergence of subject-generated environments in the digital educational environment. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the fact that, for the first time, a personality-developing digital educational environment is considered through the concept of subject-generated environments, which brings the student's personality to the center of relevant educational projects. The development of the student's personality in the DEE is a multifactorial and open subject-dependent process with variability of resources for self-change, the research attitude corresponding to the post-non-classical stage of the development of science.
pedagogical competencies, subject-subject interaction, subject-containing systems, system approach, student-centered education, digitalization, personality development, educational environment, situational-event content, pedagogical design
Pristavko K.V..
Teaching a Foreign Language in Terms of Inclusion
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 56-68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37316 EDN: NKXCWU URL:
This article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the problem of teaching a foreign language to people with disabilities in an inclusive education environment. The article also presents the author's view on overcoming the main difficulties associated with teaching a foreign language to people with disabilities. The authors considered the main legislative acts regulating inclusive education and the main periods of inclusion development in European countries. The authors also considered the main differences between the two learning systems: inclusion and integration, the most relevant problems of learning LOVZ in the conditions of inclusion, and solutions to these problems proposed by other authors of scientific research. Based on the conducted research, the authors made the following conclusions: inclusive education is one of the strongest of the modern education trends due to the change of views on disability and human rights in general; the goal of inclusive education is the comprehensive development of someone with disabilities, their socialization and realization of their potential in society, as well as providing opportunities for academic and professional mobility for LOVZ. The author's contribution to this article is to summarize the results obtained by other researchers. The authors have deduced concrete steps to solve the existing difficulties and proposed their own solutions to the existing difficulties.
life-long learning, human rights, education for all, approaches to teaching, globalization, integration, disabilities, inclusive education, acess to education, student-centered education
Kiryanov D.A..
Formation of Requirements for University Website Interfaces Based on Accessibility and Usability Standards
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 69-86.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37503 EDN: MWZPWQ URL:
The research subject is the methods of building the user interface of university websites based on the intended purpose, the needs of the audience, and user limitations, including sensory-motor and cognitive-psychological limitations. As a starting point for studying the target audience and compliance with accessibility standards, eight university websites are analyzed based on open-source data. The main violations that prevent users from using a university's website to varying degrees are considered, as well as the most well-known and often-used approaches to interface design and design that make interfaces more convenient without overloading the user's short-term memory and causing premature fatigue. As a result of the research, the basic requirements for designing the interface of the university's website are formed. According to the main conclusion of this study, to adapt the University's website to the limitations of users' capabilities, it is necessary to follow the main standards of usability and accessibility considered, such as GOST R 52872-2019, WCAG 2.1 and GOST R ISO 9241-20-2014, and also take into account the peculiarities of legislation that affect the formation of sections of the site and its accessibility for people with disabilities. It is necessary to adhere to such principles of interface organization and information presentation as Hick's Law, Gestalt Principles, Miller's Law, Jacob's Law, and Heuristics. The author's special contribution to the topic is the analysis of the verification of eight sites of Russian universities for compliance with accessibility standards. This analysis showed that even the visually impaired versions of the sites reviewed do not meet accessibility standards, which makes it difficult for people with disabilities to access information and emphasizes the importance of the study. The novelty of the research lies in the formation of the basic requirements for the user interface of university websites. The study's results can be further used in constructing such information systems.
cognitive impairment, motor disorders, Hick's law, short-term memory, Jakob's law, accessibility, usability, interface design, WCAG, usability heuristics
Menzhulina D..
Language Trainers as a Means of Electronic Linguodidactics: Experience in the Development and Implementation of the Video Tutorial Cycle "A Walk in the Primorsky Territory" in the RCT Learning Process
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 87-97.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37584 EDN: JACLAW URL:
The subject of this study is the linguodidactic and linguometodic potential of an interactive simulator as a means of electronic linguodidactics in teaching Russian as a foreign language. During the research, a set of methods is used: methodological modeling, questionnaires, expert evaluation, etc. The primary method of research is a pedagogical experiment. During the experiment, a model of the educational process was built using a language trainer as a means of electronic linguodidactics. The pedagogical experiment was conducted in three stages and was aimed at studying the features of the educational process when teaching Russian as a foreign language using electronic linguodidactics. The data for the analysis were collected by questioning the students who participated in the experiment. The relevance of the study of electronic linguodidactics in teaching RCT lies in the fact that during the pandemic and with a mass transition to distance learning, the needs of students in intensive foreign language acquisition courses continue to grow. RCT teachers must create and use electronic educational resources in language teaching and their multidisciplinary development. In addition, the idea of syncretism in educational technologies seems relevant. The study made it possible to formulate the theoretical foundations of the linguometodic simulator and to confirm its practical significance in teaching RCT. The theoretical and practical significance of the research lies in deepening and expanding scientific and methodological ideas about the place and role of an interactive language trainer in the environment of electronic means of teaching RCT, as well as in presenting opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the formation of language skills and speech skills in teaching RCT. The main conclusion of this study is the position on the relevance of the use of electronic linguodidactics in the teaching of RCT, in particular, an interactive language trainer.
Russian language, methods of teaching, language trainer, interactive teaching, language teaching, multimedia, linguodidactics, e-learning, electronic resources, modern technologies
Markova A.S., Mamukina G.I..
Games as a Component of Teaching Foreign Languages in High School
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 98-105.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.39860 EDN: JAHYVJ URL:
The positive influence of playing games with students has often been the subject of scientific papers, which is confirmed by articles by Z. K. Moldakhmedova, A. A. Kadieva, A. A. Shatilova and other researchers. However, the genesis of the game, which allows us to find the phenomenon's origins in the era of syncretism (A. N. Veselovsky), despite the work of L. S. Vygotsky, is still not fully understood. Meanwhile, understanding the essence of the game allows one to introduce it as a component of learning in the process of mastering a foreign language, including overcoming the border "friend-foe" (Y. M. Lotman) and to be able to feel freedom (J. Huizinga) to obtain and consolidate knowledge. Thus, the purpose of this work is to study the genesis of the game as a phenomenon rooted in the syncretic era (where it existed as part of a ritual) in identifying the possibilities of the game situation for the realization of creative (mimetic) activity of students, to overcome language barriers. In light of this approach, the game becomes not an element that can relieve the tension of "serious work" but a special optics that allows one to perceive cognitive activity differently. The main work method is the genetic method proposed by O. M. Freudenberg. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of Y. M. Lotman, A. N. Veselovsky, M. M. Bakhtin, O. M. Freudenberg, L. S. Vygotsky, and other scientists.
Freudenberg, genesis, Huizinga, Veselovsky, Bakhtin, English, the learning process, game, the era of syncretism, Vygotsky
Taraskina I., Orbodoeva L.M..
Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning (using the example of online platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams)
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 2.
P. 71-81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.35648 EDN: LKAWRM URL:
Distance learning has become an integral part of modern life. In the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, in which many countries are still today, online platforms have been and remain one of the most important means of organizing the learning process. In our country, education using distance learning technologies has been implemented in educational institutions. The subject of the study is the study of pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning based on the online platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams. In order to identify the optimal conditions for the organization of distance learning, a written survey in the form of a questionnaire was conducted within the framework of the study. The main research methods include: review of scientific literature, observation, survey. Currently, the problems of integrating various training courses in synchronous and asynchronous formats, developing scientific and methodological support in the form of manuals, recommendations for working with online platforms are becoming increasingly relevant. The novelty of the research lies in the study of optimal pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning based on online platforms. The authors come to the conclusion that learning based on distance learning technologies contributes to the implementation of modern educational paradigms such as personality-oriented education, individualization of the trajectory of educational activity, competence approach, self-education and self-development of students, project and research training.
session halls, pedagogical conditions, video file, video conference, link, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, online platform, distance education, foreign language training
Minasyan E.T..
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 116-125.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.34937 URL:
E-learning with its diverse forms and wide-ranging applications has gone forward changing globally teaching and learning strategies in tertiary education. Technology-enhanced learning has progressed both from enhancements of innovative technologies, amendments in educational sphere and integration of international designs in learning environment. The article analyses the interaction of blended learning models aiming to promote the most effective curriculum design to serve the learners’ requirements, their life experiences and the opportunities and limitations of the particular learning setting. The subject of the study is to get the insight of the newly emerged catchword micro-blended learning, which is abundantly used in educational sphere with its interwoven constituent parts. The research is based on empirical studies conducted by contemporary scholars, comparative analyses of diverse modes of teaching and learning and practical implications of micro-blended learning strategies. The study outcomes imply that technological enhancements and inconsistencies in scholastic environment dictate the emergence and evolvement of blended learning styles which pursue the goal to increase the insufficient language practice through informal self-study. The authors assume that the synergistic cycle of micro blended learning applied in the design of in-company produced textbooks suits directly the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate learners. The research findings can be helpfully applied in educational sphere for designing and introducing e-learning schemes.
micro-blended learning, web-enhanced syllabus, synergistic cycle, informal learning, audiovisual hypermedia, tertiary education, curriculum, self-study, life experience, contemporary scholars
Asadullin R.M., Dorofeev A.V., Levina I.R..
Diagnostics of digital competencies of the pedagogue
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.37153 URL:
This article examines the development of digital competencies of the pedagogue and presents the toolset for their assessment and self-assessment. The subject of this research is the process of detecting digital competencies of the pedagogue. An attempt is made to structure the key indicators of the formation of digital competencies of the pedagogue and conduct their level differentiation. The author provides the matrix of the development of digital competencies, which may become a benchmark for the competent control over student’s learning activity in digital educational space. Such matrix serves as the theoretical model for detecting the level of formation of IT-competencies of the pedagogue in the conditions of rural and ungraded schools. The three levels of the development of digital competencies are presented therein. In their professional development, the pedagogue undergoes the three stages, which can designated as “Application – Adaptation – Elaboration”. This indicates the three levels of development IT- competencies of the pedagogue implemented in the following types of professional activity: work with information resources; control over the learning, upbringing and developmental processes; elaboration of electronic educational materials, creation of educational environment, and countering destructive trends on the Internet; self-management of professional development of the pedagogue. The criteria are formulated in accordance with the highlighted types of professional activity of the pedagogue. The level of development IT-competencies is detected through the analysis of pedagogical situations, when the pedagogue must choose one of three behavioral strategies that are associated related with the general use, general pedagogical, and subject-methodical competency respectively. The article is prepared within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education No. 073-03-2021-015 / 2 of July 21, 2021 for the implementation of research works (on the topic “Research and development of methodical recommendations on the use of modern digital and Internet technologies on the example of rural and ungraded schools in the context of ensuring quality educational process (the online format of implementation is offered)”.
model, professional self-development, educational environment, educational process management, informational resources, diagnostics, digital competencies, teacher, labor functions, criteria
Sokolova O.V., Lvovskii V.A., Znamenskaja O.V., Dolgodvorova E.Y..
Towards building a model for the formation of reading literacy in the course of teaching academic subjects in middle school
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 31-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.37396 URL:
The goal of this research to develop the methodological foundations for improving the quality of education in the middle school. The object of this research is the formation of reading literacy among 5th – 7еп graders in learning various disciplines. The subject of this research is the system-forming relations of educational and meta-subject tasks, texts, situations and reading goals in the context of educational activity, the explication of which allows building a holistic model of the formation of reading literacy as a universal meta-subject ability of a student. Special attention is given to the contribution of each academic subject to the process of development of reading skills considering their specificity. The main methods of this study are the comparative analysis of text environment of a student in the educational space; classification, structurization, and generalization. The novelty of the approach lies in the systemic examination of the contribution of different academic subjects to the formation of reading literacy; in methodological approach, according to which the specificity of educational activity is examined for determination of the contribution of academic subject to the formation of reading literacy. The model of the formation of reading literacy leans on the representation of complex interrelation between subject and meta-subject learning outcomes. It is revealed that the development of reading skills in different subject fields complies with a number of general principles, but significantly depends on the content of the subject discipline and the type of educational tasks set within its framework. The learning process should be structured in such way to ensure the next step in the development of meta-subject skills. Analysis is conducted on the text potential of four academic subjects. The author offers the typology of educational tasks aimed at the formation of reading literacy, as well as outlines the key components of the model and the requirements. Such model would allow the methodologists and teachers to analyze the educational process, develop educational tasks, the solution of which without implementing the procedures outside the subject would lead to the achievement of subject and meta-subject results.
text potential, situations of reading, purposes of reading, text, educational subject tasks, meta-subject results, academic subject, subject results, model, formation of reading literacy
Sokolova L., Ermakov D.S..
Innovation projects in the area of formal, non-formal and informal education for sustainable development
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 3.
P. 63-75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.33838 URL:
Education for sustainable development (ESD) has been one of the priority vectors in the activity of international organizations since 1990s. The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for sustainable development has been awarded since 2015. This article is dedicated to the analysis of innovation projects in the area of formal, non-formal and informal education for sustainable development that have received this award over the period from 2015-= to 2019. The subject of this research is the content of projects and programs of the winner countries in the corresponding areas of ESD. The systemic approach demonstrates that the initiatives that equally affect social, economic and environmental aspects of ESD and lead to positive individual and societal changes become the winners. It is determined that the share of projects and programs in the area of formal and informal education is insignificant (7 and 13%, respectively). Despite a considerable number for informal ESD (33%), most of the initiatives (47%) are of complex nature. The advanced experience of the award-winning countries complement the existing representations on the opportunities of studying the questions of sustainable development in the area of non-formal and informal education, as well as indicates the benefits of continuous ESD throughout life. For the implementation of ESD, the authors employ general institutional approach that reveals the strategy of activity of the educational institutions oriented towards sustainable development, which results in subsequent “ESD-transformation” of the traditional model of education.
the whole-institution approach to ESD, integration, lifelong education, informal education, non-formal education, formal education, programme, project, ESD, the UNESCO-Japan Prize
Rozin V.M..
Education and self-education in the optics of tutoring approach
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 3.
P. 76-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.35437 URL:
This article discusses the problem of comprehension of self-education and education in tutoring pedagogy. The matter is that if student's personality and different development trajectories of different personality types are recognized in education, it is difficult to imagine education without self-education. As empirical material, the author cites two cases from his personal experience; analyzes the establishment and development of personality in culture, claiming that the problematic situations are the source of its development. Description is given to the key problematic situations that determine the evolution of a modern individual in phylogenies and ontogenesis. The author distinguishes between spontaneous development, evolution of personality, and conscious work, the goal of which is education or self-education. The article discusses the peculiarities of tutoring perspective on education and self-education, emphasizing that tutoring efforts are aimed at formation of favorable environment for person’s self-development and evolution, rather than designing an individual based on the pedagogical patterns. At the same time, the tutor strives to create a culturally congruent and humanistic environment. The paper reviews a complicated problem of where a tutor as a pedagogue should lead his student and what does “lead” means in educational practice. The conclusion is made that tutoring approach is quite unusual in the aspect the it does not set particular pedagogical contents and goals, but rather points at the principles that should be jointly implemented by the tutor and his students. The author considers the three hypostases of a person for the tutor to focus on.
culture, environment, personality, formation, support, self-education, education, pedagog, tutor, image of a person
Reshetnikova E.S., Savelyeva I.A., Svistunova E.A..
Methods of geometric modeling and computer graphics based on the WorldSkills Occupational Standards “Engineering CAD Software”
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.32225 URL:
This article examines the questions of preparation of students of technical specialties in the higher educational institutions based on the WorldSkills Occupational Standards “Engineering CAD Software”. The relevance of implementation of 3D modeling standards in modern computer-aided design systems into the educational process is substantiated by the need in preparation of highly qualified internationally recognized specialists in different industry fields. The author analyzed competitive tasks of the WorldSkills championships, as well as assesses the importance of graphic training for the development of competences of a modern specialist, who use CAD in their professional activity. The article examines the methodology of geometric-graphic preparation of students of the specialty 15.05.01 Design of Technological Machines and Complexes, specialization in the Design of Metallurgical Machines and Complexes, implemented in the Magnitogorsk State Technical University. A distinct advantage of this methodology is the use of various CAD software and development of the skills for manual sketching of details of mechanical engineering within the framework of studying engineering graphics. The results are acquired of successful implementation of competitive tasks of the Worldskills championships in the educational process. The author concludes that the use of the developed methodology in educational process allowed improving the efficiency of preparation of students.
Worldskills Championship, competence, engineering graphics, competition task, design, 3D Modeling, computer graphics, CAD Systems, Mechanical Engineering CAD, drawing
Rozin V.M..
The analysis the family-type Pavel Shivarev’s (non) school “The Searchers”
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 165-174.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35216 URL:
Thus article analyzes the concept and experience of the Kaliningrad (non ) school of Pavel Shivarev. The author lists the key principles of its operation: organizing education outside the classroom system, active participation of the child's family in educational process, activity of children in different age groups, orientation towards individualization of education. The article discusses the attitude of parents to fully invest education of their children and do no enroll them into a public school. The author examines the principal theoretical and pedagogical provisions “The Searchers” (non) school is founded on: revised Montessori system, environmental approach, focus on individualization of education, use of modern methodological and psychological techniques. Attention is given to the important role of environment created in the (non) school. The author believes that namely such environment guides the pedagogues and parents towards development and evolution of children. In The three subsystems are distinguished within this environment: anthropological, object-semiotic, and purely semiotic. The environmental approach allows analyzing the act of learning, which implies actualization of the problem situation, unconscious response of the body to it, conscious activity on building the patterns and solving the problem situation, awareness of the obtained solution. The article reviews two perspectives of culture the students are being introduced to in “The Searchers” (non) school: accepted in the state, and shared by the family and pedagogues of the (non) school. In conclusion, the author raises the three complex topics: the social nature of education, the role of subjective factor of development, and the attitude of new education towards traditional.
family, evolution, development, environment, learning, culture, training, education, individualization, collective
Tishina L.A., Danilova A.M., Podvalnaya E.V., Lebedeva A.V..
Integration of school and university resources for preparing future defectologists
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 175-192.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35486 URL:
This article contains theoretical and practical material dedicated to one of the most pressing issues of higher special (defectological) education – the quality of preparation of young specialists for working in schools with impaired children, which defines the subject of this research. The author examines the practice-oriented approach towards university education of students majoring in defectology as one of the ways to improve the quality of professional training, which implies the expansion of cooperation of higher education institutions with public education organizations, integration of available resources for the development of professional competencies of future defectologists. Such collaboration increase the level of competence of students majoring in defectology in accordance with the modern practical standards, as well as helps to prepare a motivated young specialist, who is eager to solve the problems of modern education system in the future. The novelty of this research consists in the analysis and summary of the experience of cooperation between the higher education institution and educational organization adapted for students with impairments in the area of preparing future defectologists. The author reveals the potential and forms of such interaction, its impact upon the formation of professional competencies of special pedagogical staff. The following conclusions were made: constructive cooperation between the higher education institution and the school, joint solution of the tasks on preparing future defectologists within the framework of a practice-oriented approach should be carried out in different directions, such as organization of different types of practice, attraction of students and pedagogical staff to research activity, analysis and summary of scientific-practical and scientific-methodological experience of educational organizations.
disabilities, psychological and pedagogical support, pedagogical support, special defectological education, professional competencies, professional standard, special educational needs, teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist, resource school
Miroshin D.G., Shterenzon V.A., Bliznik M.G., Kurennov D.V..
Organization of online courses of technological design in the conditions of tripartite social partnership
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 132-148.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.33893 URL:
The object of this research is the process of organization and implementation of technological training of college and university students in studying educational modules and professional modules in the conditions of tripartite social partnership, such as college–university–enterprise, organized as online courses. The subject of this research is the remote teaching technique for students in the context of elaboration of technological processes for manufacturing machine parts. The author examines such important aspect of the topic as the variants of planning educational space within the framework of tripartite social partnership with the integration of actual projects and modeling of professional activity of the specialist in students’ project-based activity. The article reviews the step-by-step procedure of implementation of project-based learning technique in the course of technological training of university and college students, oriented towards formation of professional competences and job functions of professional standards. The results of pedagogical experiment on the formation of technological competences in the course of implementation of project-based learning in the specifically arranged educational space are presented. The scientific novelty consists in implementation of project-based learning technologies in the conditions of quasi-professional activity in fulfillment of actual production projects by the college and university students. The author’s special contribution consists in the development of algorithm for joint implementation of project-based learning technique for training college and university students in the profession-oriented educational space. The main conclusions lie in substantiation of high pedagogical effectiveness of the planned project-based learning in terms of social partnership between the college–university–enterprise that reconstructs profession-oriented educational space.
basic enterprise, technical school, educational space, technological project, labor functions, professional competencies, Project training technology, Project structure, Distance learning, experimental testing
Polyakov E.A., Rumyantsev N.N., Titov A.E., Kuraeva A.A..
Obtainment of a military profession among the conscripted military personnel: basic channels
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 149-160.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34094 URL:
The object of this research is the military-professional orientation of military personnel as a trend in the development of human resource potential of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is the military-professional orientation of the conscripted military servicemen in the system of military-political work of a military unit. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of military-professional orientation of conscripts and the pedagogical system designated for ensuring the development of human resource potential of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation through enlistment recruits with a strong military-professional orientation. Special attention is given to the fact that collective and individual forms of work, personality development processes within the pedagogical system are profoundly individual, so are the needs of professional self-determination. The main conclusions consist in formulation of measures for ensuring an adequate choice of channel for obtaining military profession by each military serviceman, as well as maximally improved preparation for the fulfillment of their professional plans. In solution of this problem, the necessary individualization of military-professional orientation of the conscripts is achieved. The author's special contribution consists in the description of the key channels for obtaining military profession by the those conscripted by the Armed Forced of the Russian Federation; as well as in substantiation of the task of pedagogical support in selection and fulfillment of the channel for obtaining profession in military professional orientation. The novelty of this research lies in the development of essential and substantive characteristics of military professional orientation based on the relevant trends in development of the theory and practice of professional orientation.
military-professional orientation, Armed forces, channels, formation, process, approach, development, military-political work, conscripts, military professional focus
Rozin V.M..
Conditions for conceivability of individualization within the new paradigm of education
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 161-172.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34347 URL:
This article discusses why the traditional pedagogical paradigm of education failed to consider individualization: this was contradicted by the fundamental principles of pedagogy of the XIX century (interpretation of a student as a generalized individual, rather than personality; uniform curriculum, understanding of key goal of education as digestion of knowledge, etc.); these principles were also supported by project of modernity. New paradigm of education should take into account the analogy of phylo- and ontogenesis, in the context of which the author differentiates the culture that includes sociality (phylogenetic plan), and development of the individual in education and culture (ontogenetic plan). At the same time, culture and sociality, should be viewed within the framework of semiotic, activity, and environmental approaches, a detailed characteristic of which is presented. The author distinguishes between the “before-personality” cultures (Ancient World) and “with personalities” cultures (since the Antiquity). The first one did not allow autonomous behavior; while the second, in addition to collective forms of life, initiate private forms driven by “private patterns”. From ontogenetic perspective, the author delineates the three “cultures of life”: the culture of “prama” (childhood), the culture of “personal becoming” (teenage period and adolescence), the culture of “personal enhancement” (adulthood). Three phases of personal becoming are discusses: 1) formation of intersubjective situation, 2) response of an individual to such situation, as a yet unsconsious way of its resolution; 3) comprehension, outlining, action (this phase includes learning). The author introduces an important concept of “evolution of an individual”, which implies spontaneous and conscious changes in personality of a student under the influence of school, family, media (Internet), friends, and reflection. Based on the aforementioned differences and concepts, the author gives characteristics to the sources of individualization, and describes the space it is fulfilled within.
formation, evolution, development, culture, personality, education, individualization, schemes, genesis, sociality
Balygina E.A., Yarovikova Y.V., Krukovskaya O.A..
Communicative-syntactic model of teaching precis writing of English scientific texts in a non-core university
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 2.
P. 51-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.32899 URL:
An important condition for the formation of foreign language professional communicative competence is the development of a skill of precis writing. Annotation of scientific texts suggests a strong command to determine communicative and semantic structure of the text. However, this process is complicated by information saturation of a scientific text, which on the level of linguistic interpretation manifests in a high frequency of syntactic constructs with complex communicative and semantic structure. Using the example of one of such structures (sentences with gerundive turn as an adverbial), the author examines the peculiarities of teaching the aspects of precis writing, which are related to the analysis of semantic structure of the text and develop the following skills: the ability to determine communicative significance of thematic sequence that ensure logical-semantic integrity of the text, as well as ability to segment the English sentence considering its syntactic specificities and interaction with semantic structure of the text. The proposed model of teaching of the discursive aspects of precis writing is focused on the necessity to form the skill of integration of knowledge regarding the peculiarities of linguistic interpretation of local and global connectedness of the scientific text for determination of most important elements of its content and further creation of logically organized and connected secondary text.
local coherence, cohesion, communicative structure, discourse competence, thematic progression, discourse approach, foreign language communicative competence, professionally-oriented texts, summarization, teaching foreign language
Ostrovskaya I.E., Mukhina D.V., Dyakov I.I..
Theoretical approaches towards determination of entrepreneurial potential of university students
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 2.
P. 107-116.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.33100 URL:
Currently the development of entrepreneurial potential of the youth becomes a priority of socioeconomic policy of the country, as well as a strategic vector in modern higher education. The subject of this research is the essence, content and specificity of entrepreneurial potential of university students. The goal consists in the development of theoretical approaches towards determination and clarification of the concept of entrepreneurial potential of students within the system of higher education. Research methodology is based on the systemic, competence, and subject-activity approach, as well as included the methods of theoretical analysis and summarization of the results of scientific research. The authors examine different approaches towards determination of the essence and content of the concepts “entrepreneurial potential” and “entrepreneurial potential of an individual”. A conclusion is made that under the current circumstances the concept of “entrepreneurial potential of a student”, which would reflect the peculiarities of student as a carrier of entrepreneurial potential, does not exist. Being a subject of educational activity, student is engaged in the process of formation of the own entrepreneurial potential. This defined the need to view student’s entrepreneurial potential inseparably from organizational-pedagogical conditions of the process of its formation as educational. The authors present an original definition of the concept of “entrepreneurial potential of a student” with consideration of the determined peculiarities, which can be used for the development of students’ entrepreneurial potential within the system of higher education.
organizational and pedagogical conditions, entrepreneurial potential, personal qualities, personal potential, educational process, student, higher education, entrepreneurial activity, competencies, potential
Faritov A.T..
Component composition of the system of formation of engineering competence of students of general educational intuition
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 1.
P. 56-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.31059 URL:
Within the framework of this article, the author conducts a research allowing to reveal the internal structure of engineering competence of students of general educational intuition as the basis of project-research activity, implemented in terms of school curriculum. The boundaries between the concept of “competence” and “competency” are outlined. A detailed definition of engineering competence is provided. The author examines the component composition of the formation of engineering competence among the students of general educational institution. The object of this research is the engineering competence, while the subject is the set of constituent components. It is established that engineering competence of a student has a multi-component composition that includes motivational, activity, personality, intellectual, cognitive and reflexive components. The scientific novelty of the acquired results consists in the fact that the described components can be used for the criteria-based assessment of engineering competence of the students of general educational intuition. The presented components can be the foundation for the criteria-based assessment of the level of engineering competence of a student.
Federal State Educational Standard, educational organization, research activities, competent composition, engineering competence, competence, competences, research project, motivational component, activity component
Guzova A.V., Savitskaya N..
The technique for development of lexical competence based on authentic texts on a specialty
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 1.
P. 15-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.31862 URL:
The subject of this article is the technique for development of lexical competence based on authentic texts on a specialty on the example of foreign language. The goal consists in systematization and approbation of the techniques for development of lexical competence based on the texts on a specialty in the nonlinguistic educational institution. The process of teaching technical vocabulary is inseparably related to main stages of the work with authentic technical texts. Emphasis is made on the communicative types of tasks contributing to the development of verbal skills and more efficient digestion of specialty vocabulary. An experiment was selected as methodology for this research. The article describes the key aspects of teaching technical foreign language in a nonlinguistic educational institution, as well as reveals the importance of formation of active vocabulary among the students of technical specialties. The novelty lies in systematization of comprehensive approach towards increasing the level of lexical competence among the students of nonlinguistic educational facilities based on authentic texts on a specialty. The application of authentic texts on a specialty for increasing lexical competence would contribute to the improvement of learning process of a foreign language.
means of communication, lexical competence, language training, communicative competence, socio-cultural development, adequacy of translation, professional English, teaching English, special purposes, authentic text
Kabrin V.I..
Establishment of the potential of creative leadership of trans-professionals in educational spaces of Master’s programs
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 86-97.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.30766 URL:
The author explores the possibilities of formation of new type of the identity of trans-professional, whose basic competences are distinguished by the culture of creative communication and potential of creative leadership. It is noted that digital context of postindustrial education, rapidly expanding its trans-professional horizons, also generates new dangers for its weakening in the spheres of active imagination, creative intuition, intellectual initiatives, emotional empathy, and openness toward unknown and undefined. Namely these qualities form and integrate into the basic personal competences of a trans-professional. Based on the new synthesis of holistic and noethical approaches, the author determines the possibilities of education of trans-professionals in form of the modern Master’s program, which opens the ways for formation of basic competences. This is facilitated by the individual education programs of trans-professionally oriented pedagogues and students, who uses the freedom of choice with regards to new profession. Emphasis is made on systematic use of the active methods of fulfillment of creative potential of the identity of trans-professional. It is established that the method of collective creativity alongside universal interdisciplinary trans-professional orientation, methods of active imagination and dynamic medication, as well as trans-professional scientific expeditions on research of complex problems expand the creative states of consciousness and empower intuition, imagination and empathy. The scientific novelty of this work consists in a new methodological synthesis of holistic and noethical approaches towards development of methods of activation of creative states of consciousness, formation of the culture of creative communication, and potential of creative leadership. The proposed methodology reveals the possibility for structuring experimental projects of trans-professional Master’s programs.
active education methods, boundaries of online education, holistic approach, creative leadership, creative communication, basic competencies of a trans-professional, trans-professional, noetic approach, transcommunication, transdisciplinarity
Demidova N.N., Zulkharnaeva A.V..
Cultural landscape in the context of formation of cultural-ecological educational environment
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 98-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31556 URL:
The subject of this research is the results of analysis of evolutionary development of representations on educational environment in the works of the Russian and foreign scholars, and the role of cultural landscape in its formation. The authors underline the relevance of referring to the actual living environment of a person, first and foremost, reifying the ideas of collaboration of nature and human, dialogue of cultures. The vector for expansion of educational environments is associated with cultural landscape, which has high educational potential. Cultural landscape is viewed as a product of ecological culture and source of its development in the context of cultural-ecological educational environment. The possibilities of formation of such environment in school education are determined. Methodological framework contains the environmental ideas, ideas of collaboration of nature and human within cultural landscape, as well as cultural-ecological approach. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the role of educational environment in the context of cultural-ecological paradigm. The authors formulate the definition of cultural-ecological educational environment; in a general form describe its conceptual and technological aspects that invoke the ecological senses and ecologically constructive actions, constitute ecologically oriented meanings as the basis for gradual formation of ecological culture in students. The conclusion is made that ecological culture as a multidimensional personality trait may be formed within the framework of the “vapid” educational content and isolated space of educational establishment.
co-evolutionary interaction, subjectivity, co-creation, cultural landscape, cultural and environmental educational environment, ecological culture, educational environment, image of a cultural landscape, eco-oriented meanings, environmental-oriented pedagogical technologies
Makeeva V.S., Chernov S.V., Brui K.E., Sun' M..
Formation of motives for sports activity and participation in physical culture and sports activities of students of sports specialization
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 77-83.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.28899 URL:
The problem of motivation, motives of behaviour, and the formation of human needs traditionally refers to one of the cores in psychology and pedagogy. In this work the character of psychology and pedagogical maintenance of physical culture and sports activities of students in the educational process of the University sports specialization on the basis of their interests, needs, and motives. The subject of the study is the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports activities among students in the educational process of the University sports specialization. The object of the study is the physical culture and sports activities of students in the educational process of the University sports specialization. The authors pay special attention to the change of motives and interest of students in physical culture and sports activities, in which the teacher performs a number of functions: a function of a tutor, facilitator, and moderator on the way to the individuality of the student, the translation of the meaning of its activities in the personal trajectory of development on the way to sports and pedagogical improvement and preservation of health. In the experiment, the authors relied on personality-oriented and activity-oriented approaches, theoretical foundations of support of the educational process, researches in the field of sports activities in the system of higher education.During the experiment, the appropriateness and effectiveness of the regulation of motivation to behavior that aims at the development of physical qualities, the development and expansion of the base of motor abilities and skills, abilities to interact with others in the process of physical culture and sports activities, and the preservation of health were ensured. Objective data on the positive dynamics of the volume of motives for physical culture and sports activities are obtained. It reflected in students will to improve their technical and tactical skills, conscious tracking of psychophysical states, in accordance with the individual characteristics of physical development and physical fitness.
pretentious and estimated motivation, interaction, sports activity, physical culture and sports activities,, psychology and pedagogical maintenance, regulation of behavior, potential, tutor, facilitator, moderator.
Novokhatskaya O.E..
Modern techniques of foreign language training
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 84-92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29025 URL:
The subject of the study is the methodology of using modern techniques of foreign language training. The article tells about the benefits and perspectives of using described techniques in the process of foreign language training, which can be observed as alternative ways to assess the level of students' achievements in their educational activities and personal growth. The article gives the analysis of forms of training, modern training techniques, and the main directions of distance education development. The problems, solved by students and teachers in distance education, are highlighted. The relevance of the study is due to the need for further development of general didactic and methodological problems of the use of modern techniques of teaching foreign languages in distance learning. As a result of the study, distance education techniques were approved. The testing included the development of the content of educational programs (subjects) of web resources and control of their quality and compliance with educational standards for the effective use of resources in the educational process. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that it defines the specifics of the organization of distance learning at the university, as well as identified and experimentally justified effective technologies that are used in the process of distance learning, and provide a high level of mastery of students' practical skills to use a foreign language in the field of communication. The main conclusions of the study are:1. Most of the modern foreign language teaching techniques are communication-oriented. 2. The efficiency of distance education is determined by the usage of pedagogical techniques, which underlie the designing and realization of distance courses. 2. At the present stage of the development of the technique, there happens an integration of methods, namely the formation of a complex technique, which includes the best elements of different methods.
blended learning, education, learning, internet technologies, form, distance education, project method, foreign language, modern techniques, distance learning
Sklyarenko S..
Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of higher education in the context of realization of double degrees in the "Musicology and Applied Musical Arts" training sphere
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 1.
P. 20-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.1.24407 URL:
The subject of the study is the Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of higher education. The object of the research is a program of double degrees in the "Musicology and Applied Musical Arts" training sphere, realized by the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Tianjin Normal University. The author examines such aspects of the subject as current issues in the implementation of this program. The nature of emerging issues is emphasized, which is mainly formed due to the permanent reform of the higher education system in Russia. The methodology of the research is the set of field and desk studies, the latter of which is both retrospective and conjunctural. The main conclusion of the research is the necessity for comprehensive expansion and strengthening of the program of cooperation in the field of higher education between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, and, primarily, in the "Musicology and Applied Musical Arts" training sphere. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the combination of the field type of the study with a significant addition of desk developments, both retrospective and conjunctural. The novelty of the research lies in the consideration of the problems of cooperation in the field of higher education in the "Musicology and Applied Musical Arts" training sphere.
Russia, university, music, pedagogy, culture, cooperation, education, China, Khimki, Tianjin
Shchemeleva Y.B..
Network Educational Project 'Engineering': Implementation Experience
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 95-103.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27734 URL:
In her article Schemeleva discusses historical grounds for additional engineering education of children and demonstrates how these programs are popular and important today from the point of view of the economic development of the Russian Federation. She also describes the experience of implementing the netork educational project 'Engineering' conducted by the Center for Additional Education 'Erudite' and branch of the Southern Federal University in the resort city Gelendzhik of the Krasnodar Region. Schemeleva views the system of additional education of children as a special cluster of the educational system that can tie together career guidance and further vocational education. Schemeleva describes the grounds for successful implementation of the aforesaid project as a thre-in-one factor that combines pedagogical experience of the university teaching staff, experience of additional education teachers in working with gifted children, and innovative approaches of the student youth who act as mentors. The researcher demonstrates how the list of additional technical education programs implemented as part of the network educational project 'Engineering' relates to the priority areas of research and technological development in the Russian Federation. At the end of her article Schemeleva underlines that as a result of this project, a university applicant should receive pre-university primary training in progressive technical areas in addition to his or her orientation at technical studies.
technique and technology, engineering education, development of the education system, formation of technical thinking, professional education, engineering, additional education of children, technical education, Network educational project, technical direction
Ivanova N., Minaeva E., Vorobieva N..
Analysis of the Experience of the Foreign States in Organising Interaction Between Schools and Primary School Students' Parents
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 27-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.28007 URL:
The aim of the research is to analyze the experience of foreign schools in organising interaction between schools and primary school students' parents. Based on that aim, the authors of the article set and solve the following tasks: to analyze conceptual approaches to the interaction between school and parents of the educational process described in foreign literature; to summarize modern practices of the educational interaction between EU, USA, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand schools. The authors have defined the main elements of the strategy used by the foreign schools to involve parents of primary school students into the educational process. In the course of their research the authors have used the categorial, subjective-objective, systems approaches, comparative analysis, synthesis, observation and logical generalization. As a result of the research, the authors have summarized the experience of the foreign states in organising the interaction between schools and parents and have defined the main areas, forms and methods of involvement of parents into the educational process, in particular, efficient communication of schools and families, voluntary projects and activities; home schooling; collective decision making process; and cooperation with school and local communities. The authors have also analyzed approaches of the foreign schools to improving efficiency of the educational cooperation between primary school and parents which has allowed to summarize and systematize the key activities that influence the productivity of teaching and education. The results of the research contribute to the development of the methods used to organize interaction between school and parents. The conclusions and results of the research may be used to improve the modern practices of Russian schools and to increase efficiency of the educational strategies being developed as part of individual educational routes. The conclusions made by the authors may be taken into account when developing activities aimed at enabling interaction between schools and families as well as evaluating efficiency of these activities' efficiency.
involvement, parents, primary school, educational partnership, individual educational route, educational process, the best practices, forms, methods, foreign schools
Rozin V.M..
Analysis of the University Introductory Discipline 'Introduction to Philosophy'
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 3.
P. 18-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.27053 URL:
In his research Rozin examines and compares two disciplines 'Introduction to Philosophy' by Anatoly Akhutin and the author. There are similar and different features of these courses. The cognitive and pedagogical aspects of both courses are distinguished. The difference in the courses is explained by the fact that the authors belong to different philosophical schools as well as by the fact that they adhered to different methodological guidelines. In particular, the author came out of the Moscow Methodological Circle and is developing a humanitarian and cultural version of the methodology, and Anatoly Akhutin is a follower of V.S. Bibler and M. Heidegger. In his research Rozin has applied such methods as comparative and situational analysis, problem statement, and formulation of the provisions that shed light on the features of preparing courses on “Introduction to Philosophy”. As a result of the study, it was possible to understand how the authors created their courses, how they are similar and how they differ, and what problems have to be solved when preparing the courses. Thus, in both courses, the nature of philosophy and its formation is studied and at the same time the authors involve students in the reality of philosophy.
answers, questions, understanding, science, problems, introduction, philosophy, texts, works, ideas
Pakhareva I.V..
Innovative Approaches to Developing Graphic Competence of a University Student
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 2.
P. 38-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.25403 URL:
In her article Pakhareva emphasizes the need to develop a new educational methodology based on innovative approaches that would ensure a quality training of University students in terms of graphic competence development. Pakhareva underlines the need to apply innovations in the sphere of education as the means of modernization of the system of training and raising efficiency of education. The researcher analyzes the reasons, purpose and the value of innovations included in the process of developing graphic competence of University students. The author describes the essence of a competence approach, categories of professional and graphic competence, analyzes contradictions of current pedagogical practice of teaching engineering graphic disciplines as part of students' vocational training. The subject of the research is the process of teaching engineering graphic disciplines at a University. The research methods used by the author include analysis of pedagogical research literature, requirements for higher education, terminological analysis of innovation terms, competence approach, analysis of experience in teaching engineering graphic disciplines at Vyatka State University, especially development of graphic competence, questionnaire survey and testing of students. As a result of the research, the author describes goals and targets of studying engineering graphic disciplines, peculiarities of organising educational materials, communication of student and teacher, use of contemporary software products and technologies, supervision of workplaces where students learn computer-aided design. The author offers particular solutions to modernize the system of graphic training at a University. The results of the research outline the need to realize innovative approaches to preparing future engineers and initiate the development of the innovative method for organising the process of developing graphic competence of University students.
professional competence, graphic competence, competence approach, competence, educational process, educational methodology, information technology, innovative approaches, innovation, engineering-graphic disciplines
Gevorkian M..
Classification of Multicultural Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 1.
P. 39-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.22080 URL:
The purpose of the article is to analyze and present a classification of risks of multicultural education within the system of higher vocational education in the Republic of Armenia. Taking into account the monoethnic but multicultural educational system, the author of the article emphasizes the need and describes particularities of the multicultural education in Armenia. The results of the empirical research allow to make a statement that the multicultural education needs to take into account the ethnic structure of the region (limited trans-national communication) and opportunities provided by the cross-cultural dialogue (subject-object dialogue with rituals, traditions, customs and art of different cultures). The author of the article proves that it is impossible to avoid risks in an actual teaching process, thus it is important to describe, classify and diagnose pedagogical risks of multicultural education. Within the framework of the research risks mean uncertainty that may cause unfavorable situations or consequences in the process of implementing a multicultural educational model. The author of the article views pedagogical risks of multicultural education as a set of all unforeseen reactions and demonstrations that relate to difficulties that may arise when actors of the educational system change from the monocultural to multicultural way of thinking. These difficulties create an apparent or hidden danger for the fulfilment of multicultural educational tasks. The author of the article analyzes researches devoted to risks and pedagogical risks and describes risks of multicultural education. The results of the empirical research allow to prove the importance of the issue for the teaching process. The results of a series of researches carried out by the author in 2010 - 2017 allow to define the following risks of multicultural education taking into account the ethnic structure of the region and opportunities provided by the cross-cultural dialogue: strategic, personal, psychological, communicaton and socio-cultural risks. Analysis of particularities, opportunities and risks of multicultural education in today's world will allow to take into account cultural and educational interests of representatives of different national and ethnic groups which, on the one hand, plays a strategic role for competition of educational institutions under the conditions of mobile education and switch of universities to the international level. On the other hand, analysis of efficient methods and mechanisms of prevention or ways and technologies of minimization of risks in a modern multicultural environment will make the process of personality development in today's cross-cultural and diversified world more harmonous and full.
readiness, multicultural society, empirical study, socio-cultural risks, risk communication, psychological risks, personal risks, strategic risks, risk, multicultural education
Matsievskii G.O..
The Modern System of Education of the Cossack in the Kuban Region: Stages of Development and Features
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 3.
P. 20-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.3.23475 URL:
The development of regional models of education that contribute to the restoration of cultural continuity, the preservation of traditions, customs and values, in the context of globalization is becoming particularly relevant. The subject of the study is the system of Cossack education in the Kuban. The goal is to analyze the main stages and features of development, identify possible potential in counteracting ethnosocial conflicts, and build interethnic dialogue. In the work general scientific methods of research are used such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, comparison, etc. As a result of the research, it is concluded that the Cossack education in the Kuban region passed a number of stages of development from the spontaneous appearance and activity of individual Cossack classes and groups in general education institutions to the folding of a multilevel system: a kindergarten - an institution for additional education - a school - a cadet Cossack corps - University. The role of the Cossack education system in building good ethno-confessional relations, developing good-neighborliness and mutual understanding between representatives of different peoples and cultures, and reducing interethnic conflicts among the region's youth was not effective. It was based on the knowledge of the history, culture and customs of the Cossacks teachers. However, the potential of the Cossack education system in solving these problems is great. Materials and conclusions of the study can be used by representatives of Cossack societies responsible for interaction with educational institutions that implement the Cossack component, as well as for the preparation of educational and methodological materials for teachers of the Cossack classes and Cossack mentors.
Cossack educational component, the Cossack revival, Cossack schools, Kuban, Cossack cadet corps, Cossack classes, Cossack education, regional model of education, modern Cossacks, Cossacks-the mentors
Samorukov V.I., Razinkina E.M., Evdokimov K.V..
Networking in the Field of Industrial Safety
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 2.
P. 75-86.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.22189 URL:
The article is devoted to an actual problem of networking for integrated personnel maintenance in the field of industrial, nuclear and energy security. The object of the research is a pedagogical system in the framework of networking of educational institutions, public administration and the real sector organizations of the Russian economy. The subject of the research is the process of of network interaction for integrated personnel maintenance in the field of industrial, nuclear and energy security. The factors that affect the process of implementation of educational programs, institutions, models of network interaction and directions of improvement of the network of educational institutions are considered. The study is conducted on the basis of the systems situational approach, methods of solving tasks in the scientific field of educology include systems analysis, comparative analysis, morphological and typological synthesis. The principle of interdisciplinary integration of knowledge in the field of education allows a single comprehensive review of socio-professional environment and the subsequent combination of stable elements in the system of communication interactions in this environment. The authors first presented the specifics of creating a national scientific and educational base for integrated personnel maintenance in the field of industrial, nuclear and energy security. It is shown that networking allows us to solve the current challenges in the field of industrial safety in the framework of Network University, through the implementation of basic and additional educational programs. The general factors and main strategies are determined, models of the formation of the network of educational institutions are presented, the processes of project management innovation are shown. With regard to this sphere of the personnel maintenance models for implementing the network of educational programs under the current regulatory educational relations are proved.
system approach, information and communication systems, network educational programs, project management, networking, industrial safety, organizational-pedagogical conditions, process approach, additional educational programs, factor analysis
Dolgopolova I.V..
Experience in the Implementation of the Program of Development of Gifted Children "Vector of Growth"
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 2.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.22464 URL:
Support and development of gifted children today is not just one of the directions of work of educational institutions but also public policy in the field of education. Support of talented children is becoming the main direction of development of education which has raised the issue of how the development of gifted children should become the "system mechanism" and "social elevator". The subject of the article is a description of the experience of the program of gifted children's development. The goal of the article is to present a model and a system of work with gifted and highly intelligent students in secondary schools. The novelty of the material presented is caused by the fact that the author gives a description of the model and system of gifted children's development and abilities of students compatible with the national curriculum. To achieve the goal of the work the author has applied traditional teaching methods. To summarize approaches to understanding giftedness the author has also applied the methods of analysis and synthesis of giftedness theories. To implement the empirical part the author has applied summative, formative and control experiments. The process of the program implementation consists of three stages, and there are certain goal and activities at each stage. The author of the article describes the results of the study. The author demonstrates a positive change in 5-year dynamics of the targets of the program. Their efficiency is proven by criteria and indicators of growth: the share of children included in the system of development of giftedness, the number of contestants and winners of various competitions, the number of teachers with higher education and the percentage of parents satisfied with the quality of educational services. The model clearly reflects the characteristics of the development of talent at all stages of school education: primary school through the formation of the prerequisites (cognitive demand, universal learning activities and creativity), in high school through three core areas (humanities, language, information and communication), and in high school through individual profiles of development in specific types of giftedness. In the course of work the author has defined events and activities for the extension of the program for the next 5-year period. The results can be interesting in scientific terms for applying effective technologies and tools for the development of gifted children. They can also be applied in terms of application in terms of psycho-pedagogical training of teachers and education of parents.
development program, intellectual abilities, creativity, social mechanism of talent, model of gifted children's development, highly intelligent children, talent, system support, competence, system-activity approach
Popov E.A., Kryaklina T.F..
Particularities of Competence Evaluation in the System of Vocational Training
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 1.
P. 66-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.21678 URL:
The article is devoted to analyzing particularities of competences estimation in the system of vocational training. The authors demonstrate that the main feature of competence evaluation is that results of education are described through behavioral acts observed and compared to certain criteria of academic success. Such evaluation system implies constant comparison of academic results to educational and professional standards, educational targets, and search for relevant 'instruments' of competence estimation. Depending on a specific branch of education, these instruments include the following: implementation of practical tasks, conduction of projects, development of legal and regulatory documents, description of organisational operations and technologies, solution of case studies, etc. The main methodological approach used by the authors in the course of their research is the systems approach that has allowed to view particularities of competence estimation in terms of particularities of functioning of the education system. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) the need to develop the system of estimating students' competences is caused by the necessity to improve the quality of education at all stages of training future professionals and specialists; 2) efficiency of competences evaluation and estimation in the system of vocational training depends on numerous intra- and extraeducational factors.
estimation scale, estimation of competences, profession, qualifications of the worker, professional standard, professional competences, competence, levels of formation of competences, science, education
Khoroshikh P.P..
Socio-Cultural Environment as a Factor of Preschooler's Development
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 4.
P. 367-370.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.4.68461 URL:
The article is devoted to the socio-cultural environment as one of the most important elements of today's preschool education system. The author of the article demonstrates that the socio-cultural environment allows to activate a critial thinking ability of a child, take into account his or her role in social processs as well as contribute to his or her 'self manifestation' as a 'developing personality' in the situation of continuous education taking into account cultural traditions. The given principle allows to orient elective activities of a preschool educational institution at developing children's love for Homeland and positive attitude to their folk culture. The author of the article also notes that it is necessary to take into account the regionalization principle when building the socio-cultural environment at a preschool educational institution as well as pay attention at the main learning conditions that promote a child's personal growth and intellectual development. The analysis of the socio-cultural environment as a new method in the system of preschool education has shown that the aforesaid approach allows a child to grow personally taking into account peculiarities of folk pedagogy. Being an innovative method, regionalization forms elective activities taking into account features of the socio-cultural environment where a child develops.
folk pedagogy, traditions, FSES PE (Federal State Educational Standards of Pr, socio-cultural environment, Homeland, patriotism, culture, teacher, regionalization, parenting
Beregovaya O.A., Mikhalin A.V..
Current Problems of Working with Gifted Children in South-East Asia (Example of South Korea)
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 3.
P. 274-280.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.3.68215 URL:
The research subject of the given article is the system of working with gifted children in one of the countries of South-East Asia, South Korea. The authors reveal the specifics of the region and socio-pedagogical experience of work with gifted children both for the region in general and each country in particular. The system of work with gifted children at state and private levels of education is specified. There are parallels in this area with the Russian experience work with gifted children. The article presents a comparative analysis of the work of specialized schools for gifted children in South Korea. The main results of the study are insights about the positive and negative sides of the system of work with gifted children in South Korea. Also, the authors come to the conclusion that despite the fact that schools for gifted children in Korea appeared relatively recently, great results in the education system have been achieved.
Singapore, China, educational policy, modernization, education, South Korea, gifted children, Thailand, carriculum, mathematics
Novoselova A.N., Belousova R.Yu., Podoplelova N.M..
The Model of Preschool Education Establishment as an Open Education System in Terms of Legislative Requirements
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 2.
P. 138-147.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.2.67962 URL:
В качестве предмета исследования представлена модель дошкольной образовательной
организации как открытой образовательной системы в контексте Федерального государственного стандарта дошкольного образования как основного нормативного управленческого документа. Принятие ряда других важных актов: национальной образовательной инициативы «Наша новая школа», приоритетного национального проекта «Образование», государственной программы РФ «Развитие образования на 2013–2020», Федерального закона «Об образовании в РФ», новых нормативных документов для дошкольных образовательных организаций: Профессионального стандарта педагога, Порядка организации и осуществления образовательной деятельности по основным общеобразовательным программам - образовательным программам дошкольного образования - также указало на необходимость разработки
модели. В качестве основных подходов при разработке модели мы рассматриваем системный и синергетический подходы как наиболее актуальные для данного исследования. Новизна исследования заключается в создании и научном обосновании модели дошкольной образовательной организации как открытой образовательной системы, выстроенной в соответствии с требованиями нового законодательства.
Авторами статьи выделены системообразующие факторы ДОО как открытой бразовательной системы, раскрыто содержание структурных и функциональных компонентов модели, определены средства обеспечения открытости ДОО.
FSES of preschool education, model of the OED, strategic factors, structural, functional components, public education system, preschool educational institution, Russian education system, competitiveness of additional education, modernization education system, regulatory requirements OED
Oleynikov Yu.V..
The Difficulty of Mastering Knowledge in a Postmodern Society
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 1.
P. 36-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.1.67687 URL:
The subject of the research is the education and upbringing or the system of cultivation of human and his socialization in Russia which presently does not satisfy the requirements set by the modern development of productive forces for the level of intellectual and social maturity of human. With the help of nanotechnologies, an individual becomes the force that can change the evolution of the planetary socionatural Universum. This situation demands a drastic change of the entire system of personal education and upbringing as well as new worldviews regarding the place and the role of human in the nature and society. Based on statistical data, the author's expert evaluation, researches of famous specialists and comparative analysis of the system of education during the Soviet Union, perestroika and contemporary periods, the author describes drawbacks of the process of cultivation within the family, schools and universities. Special attention is paid to the ability of educators, school and university teachers to raise intellectually and socially mature and creative members of the society who are capable of understanding their place and role in the nature and society and providing further development of human and society. According the author, the main reason of the non-conformity of the system of cultivation of human is the postmodern value orientations rather than the low quality of teachers' training or lack of modern equipment at schools or universtities. Postmodern society needs an easily manipulated individual who is ready for performing narrow professional functions without critical re-evaluation of his role in the nature and society but not versatile personality. The results of the present research can be helpful for those who search for drastic changes of the system of education and upbringing.
information, pedagogue, knowledge, institute of higher education, school, upbringing, education, man, society, Weltanschauung
Ignat'eva G.A., Tulupova O.V..
Innovative Technology Format of Additional Professional Education of Teachers
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 4.
P. 359-372.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.4.67419 URL:
The article is devoted to innovative processes in additional professional education of teachers. There are considered the approaches of anthropological concept of additional professional education's innovative development to its institutional design as a strategic educational institution of innovative development of economy and society. Based on the national and foreign experience in additional professional education as a kind of adult education, the authors describe typical features of functioning and development of modern models of additional professional education in accordance with the principles of project-transformative paradigm. The research methodology is based on the understanding of additional professional education of teachers as an independent activity system having its own ideology, values, goals, qualified personnel, organization chart, mechanisms of functioning and development. The authors also proposed a conceptual scheme of the co-existence activity-related educational technologies modeling which is realized in the conditions of additional professional education of teachers and includes ontological context associated with the idea of educational co-existence as the source of subjectivity's development. The authors also give characteristics of the anthropological (co-existence) additional professional education's model, as the methodological context of the conceptual scheme, as well as the description of technological parameters of subjectivity's development and forms of educational process's co-existence organization in the conditions of additional professional education.
educational co-existence, activity-related educational technology, additional professional education, development of subjectivity, anthropological approach, professional pedagogical position, proficiency improvement, professional development, continuing education, adult education
Senchugova V.Yu., Evdokimov K.V., Pankova L.V..
The Model of the Strategic Management of Additional Vocational Training Institutions in Terms of Integration of Russia into the World Educational Space
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 3.
P. 245-253.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.3.67119 URL:
The subject of the article is the organizational and economic mechanisms of development of educational institutions, methods and tools for organizational management of additional professional education (APE) services. The aim of this article is to improve the management of APE organizations and development of practical recommendations for the integration of the model of strategic management of the APE organizations in additional vocational training. This model presumes the units providing the attraction of potential consumers of educational services and feedback from graduates, improving the quality of services provided. The task is achieved by the methods of statistical research, expert assessments, systematic approach, generalization and systematization. The current problems in the APE in Russia were disclosed by analyzing legal, informational and instructional materials and synthesis processes typical for the Russian market of educational services of APE purposely the modernization of the existing administrative tools of organizations for use in APE organizations based on theories of strategic and cost management was carried out. As a result, features of functioning and management of the APE organizations in modern conditions were identified. By analyzing modern scientific researches in the field of strategic and cost management, the authors offer their own conceptual model for strategic development of the organization to increase the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of APE organizations in terms of integration of Russia into the world educational space.
business school, educational organizations, cost management, model of strategic management, strategic management, educational services market, additional vocational education, centre of competences, public-private partnerships, alumni association
Litvinova N.P., Pankova N.V..
The Role of Public, Private and Community Sectors in the Recognition of Competences Obtained Outside the System of Formal Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 2.
P. 120-128.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.2.66941 URL:
The article deals with the problem of the revitalization of all sectors of economy by the means of implementation of the policy of lifelong education. Russia's WTO accession requires to analyze the risks of vocational education and associated problems of quality of personnel potential of the country, especially since conditions of WTO apply not only for goods but also for services. The article is devoted to the measures to counter the weakening of the competitiveness of the Russian education system. Under current conditions, the competitiveness of our personnel training system has a weak position in a number of fundamental parameters, and in most cases in the context that is different from other countries. The main guidelines for the development of education scheduled by the international community by 2030 are Russia's frontiers that had long been overcome by the end of the 80s, but then abruptly lost in the 90s. Therefore, Russia needs to restore financial and economic indicators of the education. The current stage of education in developed countries over the past 25 years has given a powerful impetus to new technologies due to the policy of lifelong education, increasing the numbers of not only and not so many new students as increasing the number of adults who continue their education as part of so called 'additional' education system, both formal and informal ones. This has created the problem of the recognition of actual competencies, development of methods of evaluation of competence that logically requirs the creation of a national framework of competencies and certain international identification. The authors of the present article analyze the socio-economic conditions and technologies offered by the world practice to develop ways to respond to the needs of the knowledge economy. The experience of the most advanced countries in dealing with these challenges is presented: the Republic of Korea, France, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, and other countries. The actions taken by the Russian Federation to create a national system for the recognition of competence are considered. The authors have shown the most effective way of solving these problems, taking into account international experience and Russian realities. The main key to the success of adaptation to the demands of the knowledge economy and the new learning culture is to harmonize the joint efforts of the three sectors of the economy. In their work the authors revealed the place and role of public, private and community sectors. The assessment of the prospects of their joint action in the field of education and human resources policies in our country has been given.
system for the recognition of competence, national framework of competencies, competitiveness, education system, adult education, longlife (continuous) education, private sector, public sector, community sector, informal education
Lakomova A.A., Khusyainov T.M..
Educational Migration: Causes and Characteristics of Higher Education Abroad
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 1.
P. 36-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.1.66325 URL:
The subject of this article is the main reasons that underlie modern educational migration, in particular, higher education at foreign educational institutions. In their article the authors also address to the current state of the educational migration of foreign students to Russia as well as the value of export of Russian education to the world market. The growing prestige of Russian universities and the increasing number of foreign students coming to Russia meet the basic geopolitical and socio-economic interests of the country and have a positive effect on the country's participation in the international processes of education, science and culture. The research method used by the authors is the theoretical analysis of the Russian sociological and pedagogical scientific literature. This work presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the causes and characteristics of migration of students to study at foreign universities. The authors identify the two basic motives of a foreign student involved in the educational migration: to receive quality education and become a highly demanded specialist or to immigrate to the country where he or she receives education.
social mobility, students, higher education, study abroad, foreign students, migration for education, educational migration, education, international student flows, export of education
Lakomova A.A..
Peculiarities of Educational Migration in Russia: Theoretical Aspect
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 4.
P. 16-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.4.66046 URL:
The research subject of this article is the distinctive features of educational migration in Russia today.
The author of the article focuses on both negative and positive sides of educational migration. In addition, in
her article Lakomova outlines the problems faced by migrant school students and their parents, foreign students,
young scientists and specialists in the course of their studying or undergoing a traineeship in Russia.
The author also describes the factors that make young men and women to migrate to other countries in order
to study a foreign language, receive higher or additional education, participate in conferences, master classes
and etc. The research methods include the analysis of sociological, socio-economical and pedagogical literature.
Moreover, the author has also used oficial statistical data provided by the Federal Migration Service of Russia.
Educational migration has become quite a widespread phenomenon in many countries and Russia in particular.
Future students and young scientists are attracted by many factors. In this article educational migration is
viewed from the two points of view: as the educational migration of young researchers and students from Russia
to other countries (to study at more prestigous, as they think, universities) and as the educational migration of
young foreigners to Russia where they undertake a traineeship, university courses, language courses, study our
culture, etc. Lakomova also examines particular problems faced by migrant school students and their parents
as well as peculiarities of social work with them.
higher education, educational migration, traineeship, adaptation, integration, foreign students, university, prestige, young scientists, educational goal.
Baksansky, O. E..
World View of the Future: Convergence as a Fundamental Principle
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 3.
P. 17-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.3.65911 URL:
Social consequences of the convergence of science and technology (CKTS) are the grounds of the progress
in the 21st century. The analysis of social consequences of convergence allows to study the problems which
can’t be studied using methods of special sciences as well as to create new skills, technologies and knowledge
thereupon. To summarize, it should be noted that CKTS can appear at all levels of knowledge, technology and
society and, as a rule, is a result of ongoing integration processes and interdisciplinary interactions. Today
convergence is at the cutting age of scientific and technological development and promises to become of the
main integrative spheres of knowledge and the transforming force as it already happened to information technologies
and nanotechnologies. The main research methods include convergence of knowledge, technologies
and society (CKTS), nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive and social humanitarian technologies, science and technology
studies or science, technology and society (STS), social and economic risks, science and education. According
to Baksansky, CKTS initiative may have an influence on all aspects of social life, from improving education to
raising the basic level of health, from achieving environmental sustainability to encouraging innovation-based
development of the economy. Convergence has very promising prospects such as gaining new knowledge, creating
new ideas, materials and technologies. Its influence on everyday life will be immensely positive, especially
in such spheres as education, work, development and life of population. Social convergence has potentials for
a significant and efficient improvement of human abilities, increase of the economic competitive ability and
guarantee of safe life activity.
CKTS approach, NBICS technologies, STS approach, world view, science, education, social consequences, human potential, development strategy, system approach, social and economic risks, IT infrastructure.
Rasskazov, L. D..
Social and Philosophical Analysis of the Crisis of Forms and Methods of Didactic and Heuristic
Reconstitution of Globalization at an Educational Institution
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 2.
P. 22-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.2.65469 URL:
The subject under research is the relation between stabilization and variable processes and elements of
the educational system of an individual’s socialization. The breaking of traditional bonds leads to the crisis of an
educational institution and combination of elements generated by globalization processes creates the system of
education and up-bringing of a new unstable type. As an example, the author of the article chooses the dialectic
and heuristic approaches which, if balanced, have a positive inluence on selecting certain forms and methods and
activities performed by an educational institution in the age of globalization. Research methods used by the author
include the dialectic method of universal bonding and development of educational and social activities of an educational
institution. The scientiic novelty of research is in the provision about the crisis and shift of technical and
humanitarian education. This provision has been scientiically founded by the author in his numerous researches. In
the age of globalization systems that have qualities of all their elements including didactic and heuristic components
have a good chance of survival.
up-bringing, teaching, globalization, didactic method, knowledge, crisis, personality, education, cognitive need, socialization, educational institution.
Yurchenko, A. V..
Educational Startup: From an Additional University Course to the Basic Concept
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 1.
P. 30-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.1.65198 URL:
The author views the issues related to the creation of a new research and teaching department of the National
Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’, i.e. Institute of Security Studies, and its step-by-step development in
the sphere of education. Based on the analysis of a standard educational startup and monitoring of the target audience,
the author shows the paths of the development of the institute and improvement of the concept of its development taking
into account conducted researches of the real sector of economy. The author explains the reasons for choosing the
main target audience by the institute, ways of creating the basic educational concept and step-by-step development of
the institute from an additional university course to the department of the additional professional education of experts
working in the sphere of non-state security. The author of the article clearly shows that the educational activity of the
aforesaid institute is being performed in the competitive environment. Therefore, for studying competitive educational
strategies, the author uses the methodology of the modern market management, in particular, methodology of the
startup of an educational institute on an established market of educational services. Data that has been obtained by
the author since 2012 till 2014 prove that in terms of the educational startup, both products and markets are equally
important. Moreover, these two categories complement and mutually determine each other. Taking into account the
inconsistency of the market, it is necessary to adjust educational products to the ‘caprice’ of the market on the other
hand and carry out the ‘reverse’ inluence of innovative educational programs on assigning demands of the target audience
on the other hand.
startup, education, target audience, general additional course at a university, additional professional education, standards of higher education, security of entrepreneurial activity, basic concept, real sector of economy, search for an educational niche.
Trufanova, E. O., Yanovskaya, O. R..
Institute of Education in Knowledge Society
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 3.
P. 30-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.3.61427 URL:
The present article is devoted to the role of the institute of education in a modern society that can be described
as the ‘knowledge society’. The authors of the article study the history of development of the terms ‘information
society’ and ‘knowledge society, demonstrate the difference between the terms ‘information’ and ‘knowledge’
and show how the institute of education is transformed due to the formation of a new type of society. Based on the
analysis of the UNESCO documents related to the concept of knowledge society, the authors study the main innovative
elements of the institute of education such as ‘continuous education’, ‘e-learning’ and the concept of how to
‘learn to study’. The authors also suggest to view the role of philosophy for children as a method of development of
cognitive abilities, flexible thinking and an efficient dialogue when discussing other points of view. It is shown that
such classes for children can actually have a positive impact on one’s learning abilities and continuous education
throughout life while the modern system of education prepares narrowly focused specialists who are often unable
to learn something new during their carrier. At the end of the article the authors carry out a critical analysis of the
above mentioned problems in modern Russian education, most of all, in high schools, including those caused by the
formation of new type of educational institution — research university.
pedagogy, education, higher school, knowledge society, information society, intellectualization, informatization, philosophy for children, critical thinking, knowledge.
Ilyinsky, I. M..
What is the Russian Education Coming to
// Pedagogy and education.
2011. № 1.
P. 7-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2011.1.58197 URL:
This is the recording of a speech made at a plenary meeting of the 7th International
Scientific Conference ‘Higher Education for the 21st Century’. The author reflects on the problems
of modernization of the Russian system of education and lists a series of innovations which are
being implemented without taking into account the Russian mentality, culture and educational
This is the recording of a speech made at a plenary meeting of the 7th International Scientific Conf, culture and educational traditions.