Makarova V.V..
The Process of Forming a Translator's Linguistic and Cultural Competence
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 144-158.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71476 EDN: SHMNJV URL:
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the basics of the general theory of translation, the theoretical foundations of written and oral translation, and the methodology of teaching a translator through the prism of forming their linguistic and cultural competence. Thus, a translator's linguistic and cultural competencies are fundamentally necessary to ensure interlanguage and intercultural correspondence are embodied through the text and allow for the comparison of the national cultural characteristics of the communicants. Linguistic and regional expertise presuppose, on the one hand, that the translator has regional background knowledge, based on which a specifically reproduced lexical unit is associated with the same information that a native speaker presents. On the other hand, linguistic and cultural competencies cannot be studied without a translator's personality, which allows for more complete intercultural cooperation between multilingual communicants. The main methods used in the research process were the dialectical method, which made it possible to identify the features of the formation of the translator's linguistic and cultural competence, and a systematic approach based on which linguistic and cultural competencies were considered through the prism of linguistic, technical, and communicative elements. The study's main conclusions are that, on the one hand, this type of translator's competence includes their professional qualities, translation practice in a real environment, and a policy of continuous training in interpretation and translation. On the other hand, personal and communicative qualities and openness to new knowledge are fundamental to understanding the native language. According to the study results, it is proposed to talk about the following elements that reproduce the linguistic and cultural competencies of the translator—these are linguistic, technical, and communicative competencies, as well as the translator's perception of their place in the translation being performed. In the first case, it means a set of idioms, phraseological units, connotative and background vocabulary. The second is an accumulated information reserve of at least the third degree, ensuring the completeness of linguistic and background knowledge in the source and translating languages. Thirdly, the ability to edit the translation depends on the communicants' pre-information reserves. Finally, the translator's understanding of their place in the translation chain is associated with the adapted translation not only of linguistic units from native speakers but also of the cultural and national connotations implied by them.
specific translation skills, background vocabulary, translations by ear, personal qualities of a translator, general translation skills, connotative vocabulary, background knowledge, visual translations, written translation, linguistic and cultural competences of a translator
Simankova A.A..
Organizing Research Activities in General Education Using the Example of the Lyceum "ISTEK"
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 16-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71886 EDN: QTUIJS URL:
This article provides a theoretical analysis of the features of research activities in a general education institution. The system of research activities of the Lyceum "ISTEK" is described. The subject of the study is the organization of research activities in the Lyceum "ISTEK." The goal is to improve the system of scientific research activities at the Lyceum ISTEK. The involvement of students in scientific activities is necessary for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general, basic, and secondary general education (dated 02/22/2024). This sets the formation of cognitive interest in educational activities and readiness for self-development and continuing education. The organization of research activities should be an integral part of the educational process at school. Research activities contribute to the formation of general cultural and scientific values among students, forming a system of subject skills and personal qualities that meet the standard's requirements. The work uses theoretical research methods (forecasting, comparison, analysis of concepts and terms, literature analysis) and empirical (observation, testing, and questionnaires). A survey of students in grades 7–11 was conducted to identify the predominance of cognitive motives for learning and, as a result, involvement in research activities. During the theoretical analysis of the literature, it was revealed that research activity is defined in modern research as a condition for a student's personal development, an indicator of individuality, creativity, and readiness for self-realization and growth. It contributes to the development of students' cognitive needs and interests, forms a worldview, develops creative research skills, activates knowledge acquisition, promotes the development of the personality of the subject exercises, etc. The research that was conducted proves the need to implement a systematic approach in the organization of research activities at the ISTEK Lyceum. The main advantages of a systematic approach to the organization of research activities at the ISTEK Lyceum: – The development of the intellectual abilities of students. – Formation of scientific interest. – Preparation for future professional activity. – Development of students' creative potential. – Success in the future. This approach is an important element of successful learning and contributes to developing the student's personality.
practical skills, cognitive activity, search interest, a systematic approach, research skills, intellectual abilities, creative activity, educational institution, research activities, forms of scientific research activity
Slanov O.T..
The role of legal education and training in the prevention of deformations of students’ legal consciousness
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 89-98.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.48498 EDN: JBEUKH URL:
The subject of the study of this article is the role of legal education and training in the prevention of deformations of students’ legal consciousness. The purpose of the work is to actualize research interest in the problem of legal education, training and education in order to prevent the deformation of legal consciousness and optimize the activities of the state in this direction and implement a unified legal policy in the system of legal education, training and education. The methodology of the work includes system-structural, functional and comparative approaches, which allowed to identify and substantiate the scientific and theoretical concepts of the modern educational and legal process in the study. The novelty of the work lies in the analysis of modern approaches to legal education, training and enlightenment in the process of professional education and the formation of legal consciousness. The conclusions of the work show that the given characteristics of the modern model of legal education and training reflect the formation in the Russian legal space of an institutional legal environment that affects the state and social processes of modern Russian society, which needs the formation of a unified Concept of legal education and training, the main purpose of which fully coincides with the interests of modern society and is aimed at the realization of the formation of the potential of the individual to self-development and professionalism.
legal consciousness, state policy, human rights, conscience, pedagogy, legal culture, moral, prevention of deformation, education, legal education
Dzodzikov Z.U..
Neuropedagogics in the system of modern education
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 99-112.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.68686 EDN: IYLKJA URL:
The article examines the place of an actively developing scientific direction – neuropedagogy – in modern education. The purpose of the work is to analyze the principles used in neuropedagogy, the possibility of their integration into the education system, as well as the optimization of educational processes taking into account the individual needs of students to improve the effectiveness and quality of training. The topic of the application of neuropedagogy in practice is touched upon, and possible problems that this scientific direction may face are also noted. This article notes the importance of introducing neuropedagogics into the educational process in order to create more suitable conditions for an effective educational process. The author comes to the conclusion that in modern education there is an integration of methods of neuropedagogy and pedagogical practice. Neuropedagogy is a promising scientific direction that can help solve many complex problems in education, drawing the attention of researchers to the connection between the process of education and the functioning of the human brain. As part of the study, it was found that at the moment, with the help of neuropedagogics, it is possible to diagnose students to identify types of thinking, which will make it possible to conduct classes more effectively, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. The author comes to the conclusion that neuropedagogic methods allow individualizing learning, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition, the development of creative abilities and a more accurate assessment of the results of the child's work.
adaptation of training, pedagogy, brain features, evaluation optimization, individualization of learning, neuroscience, problems of pedagogy, modern education, neuropedagogics, assimilation of information
Glebova L.N., Guseva N.V..
Addictive behavior of the younger generation: problems, solutions
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.70948 EDN: MRDRTO URL:
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The article deals with the problem of the lack of a system of preparing subjects for the organization of psychological and pedagogical prevention of the younger generation in a general education institution, which will ensure the formation and development of a professionally competent personality of an employee of the modern field of education. The concept of addictive behavior of adolescents and the prevention of dependent behavior as a complex system and process, a unified concept and integration of efforts of the psychological and pedagogical community of educational institutions in modern socio-cultural conditions is considered. The problem of education and upbringing of the younger generation is very relevant today. This is due to the physical and psychological insecurity of a person due to the political, economic, and cultural realities of modern society. From these positions, it is the sphere of education, from our point of view, that should become a kind of foundation that guarantees respect for the rights of an individual in the field of his physical and psychological health. The authors studied the attitude of participants in the educational process of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Volga Federal District, Russia): teachers, administrative workers in the field of education, students and their legal representatives to the organization of psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution, and the system of work of specialists in the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution has been tested. The analysis showed that the key problem areas are: the creation of a system of value orientations of adolescents, the inculcation of generally accepted social norms; the creation of conditions for the prevention of coping strategies of adolescents, the formation of skills of responsible behavior, self-control and problem-solving planning skills; as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, which indicated the general need to increase the competence of employees in the indicated aspect. Based on the results of research and analysis of the experience of educational institutions, a system of prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution has been developed and described.
teenager, staff, administrative staff, educational institutions, school, psychological and pedagogical prevention, modern teenagers, prevention of addictive behavior, addictive behavior, dependent behavior of adolescents
Kipreev S.N..
Influence of informational and psychological impact of mass media on the formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 138-150.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.40559 EDN: WMORZK URL:
The author considers the specifics of the influence of mass media on the process of formation of spiritual and moral values among students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The special role of patriotic education and its interrelation with the process of formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets is shown. Arguments are given about the importance of protecting law enforcement officers from negative information impact in a globalizing world. The object is cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the article is the peculiarities of the informational and psychological impact of the media on the spiritual and moral sphere of a person's personality. The author considers in detail such important aspects of the topic under study as the ability of police officers to counteract the negative influence of the media in a modern digital society, the main areas of media influence on the personality of police officers, the ability of cadets to form a system of spiritual and moral values. The author proves the thesis that the developed spiritual and moral values of cadets are a necessary barrier to the threats of the modern globalizing world. The novelty and relevance of the research are due to the complicated socio-political situation in the world and the need for additional research that opens up new mechanisms of information and psychological impact of mass media on the spiritual and moral sphere of the individual. The researcher comes to the conclusion that in order to ensure reliable protection of police officers from the negative impact of the media, it is necessary to block hostile media-foreign agents, increase the intensity of the pedagogical impact of the educational organization system and work on leveling the negative informational and psychological impact of the media.
informational and psychological impact, police, spiritual and moral values, patriotic education, educational organization, upbringing, mass media, education, a sense of patriotism, cadets
Kalinin S.V..
Problems of Integration of Domestic and Foreign Systems Education in the Modern Pedagogical Process
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 1.
P. 25-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.39662 EDN: LULFZP URL:
The article is devoted to the problems of integration of various education systems in order to improve pedagogical activity. The subject of the study is the integration of various education systems in the modern pedagogical process. The object of the research is the improvement of the modern pedagogical process based on the integration of domestic and foreign education systems. The author considers: modern problems of integration of various educational systems; goals and possible directions of integration; external and internal factors of implementation of integration processes; directions of improvement of the domestic pedagogical process based on the integration of various educational systems. The main conclusions of the study are: strengthening the educational orientation of the entire education system; reorientation of educational programs to a practical orientation; changes in the order of financing of the education system; providing educational organizations with effective communication with real production; expanding integration with the countries of the economic and political community; taking into account the positive experience of innovative methods of foreign education systems. The author's contribution: substantiation of the relevance of the topic; identification of the essence and content of the integration of various education systems; determination of goal-setting in educational activities. Scientific novelty: the essence and content of integration processes are clarified; integration problems are identified and analyzed; factors, conditions and directions of implementation of integration of Russian and foreign education systems are determined.
the principle of learning, Bolon process, Commonwealth of Independent States, unified educational space, educational organizations, pedagogical integration,, integration, pedagogical process,, goal setting, innovative teaching methods
Sadekov R.R..
Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Formation of Professional Readiness of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to Perform Official Duties
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 1.
P. 34-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.39667 EDN: GAAUSU URL:
The author considers in detail such aspects in his work, which are devoted to the system of psychological support in the learning process. The study of the influence of the mental health of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation on their work productivity and communication in the service team. The subject of the research in the presented work was the process of professional education and training for law enforcement officers in various conditions. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the formation of professional skills of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The object of the study was the professional skill formed by law enforcement officers in the process of performing official duties. The main conclusions of the study are the assumptions that the readiness of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is often formed under the influence of various factors, circumstances and conditions. As the main ones, the author identified such as the development of professional motivation, psychological readiness to work in conditions associated with increased loads and peculiarities of service, awareness of the value of human and citizen life, the formation of verbal and non-verbal communication culture, the formation of tolerance to stressful situations, the absence of excessive requirements. The work is based on the analysis of fundamental and modern research on this issue, processing and drafting of modern provisions for training law enforcement officers to perform official duties.
professional qualities, formation of readiness, pedagogy, system, quality, factor, preparation, escort, service, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Glebova L.N..
Problems of formation of pedagogical consciousness in the framework of designing a coherent environment of the future
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 4.
P. 12-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.44021 EDN: VHKPJW URL:
The subject of the study is the problem of the formation of pedagogical consciousness in the conditions of designing a coherent environment of the future. Based on the analysis of the development of pedagogical reality and activity over the past decades from the standpoint of system-structural, humanistic approaches, the concept of pedagogical education as the goal and result of psychological and pedagogical education, the conditions for ensuring the coherence of the environment is substantiated. A unique model of the formation of pedagogical consciousness within the framework of the design of the environment is presented. It is concluded that changes in the public world consciousness lead to the need for the Russian pedagogical community to rethink pedagogical education and consciousness in the system of functioning of the modern educational space of the surrounding world, the country, as well as to search for those guidelines that will remain core, value- and system-forming. The mechanism of formation of pedagogical consciousness among future teachers from the standpoint of the ideas of humanities, mediocrity, is the comprehension of values through the study and analysis of materials, the creation of dialogical situations, games based on the inconsistency of the pedagogical environment and the surrounding reality, inconsistent development of the environment, opposing views in its evaluation, based on the substitution of values. This process should be carried out purposefully, systematically, consistently. The dependence of students on consciousness, self-understanding, professional activity and its basic value orientations of the value attitude to their future profession, a conscious approach to the implementation of activities, understanding the dependence on the result of pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical activity of the conditions for designing a harmonious environment for the development of the younger generation of the future is revealed.
designing, future, design of environment, psychological pedagogical education, pedagogical education, coherent environment, education, pedagogical consciousness, Consciousness, humanistic approach
Kudina I.I., Munzhukova S.I..
How can historical disciplines help a STEM student?
(features of conducting practical classes)
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 83-96.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.43713 EDN: XYQHDN URL:
The article talks about the distinctive features of teaching history disciplines in a technological university. As a rule, students are offered Humanities courses at the beginning of their program. On the one hand, this makes it easier for the instructor as first-year students are likely to remember something from what they studied at school. On the other hand, it makes the instructor’s task more difficult since students often have no interest in studying such disciplines. To ensure effective course delivery, several methods encouraging student involvement are proposed. The main methods include: cohesive presentation; lively, clear and informative visual content; use of interactive materials in class and alternation of different types of practical sessions. One can also find a detailed description of classes that received a positive response from the audience. The novelty of the research lies in the selection of tasks based on historical materials for practicals in a way that provides students with useful skills for further studies and work. The tasks given at the beginning of the course train students to plan their work, making a report or a brief project presentation allows them to improve public speaking skills as well as self-presentation. Participation in debates is important for learning not only how to argue one's point of view, but also how to work in a team. Also, creating one’s own infographics allows a student to master new programs and try to present a huge amount of information in a concise and vivid way. Such a skill set will prove useful for students when working in business, advertising, graphic design or IT while exploration of various aspects of history will broaden their horizons.
feedback, digital technology, essay, debate, infographics, discussion, interactive forms of learning, practical classes, humanities, history
Rogacheva O.V..
Business game as a factor of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process in the professional retraining of doctors
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 127-136.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.37952 EDN: RIPRDX URL:
The experience of using the business game in the professional retraining of doctors is aimed at obtaining new knowledge and finding solutions to complex professional issues, taking into account knowledge of Russian legislation regulating the basics of medical activity, as well as taking into account personal professional experience and the experience of colleagues. Theoretical analysis. The use of a business game using the analysis of problematic issues in the professional retraining of doctors has a positive effect on the degree of their interest in the training itself and contributes to improving the effectiveness of the educational process as a whole. The business game, built on the basis of modeling complex issues and possible problem situations encountered in the professional activities of doctors, promotes their involvement in the learning process, which increases their professional skills. As a problem field of the business game, preliminary written answers of medical students were offered, where they indicated the difficulties, in their opinion, that they encounter or may encounter in their future work. The participants of the business game have prepared materials for examination in the form of products of medical students' activities. Conclusion and conclusions. The use of a business game in the professional retraining of physicians, based on the analysis of difficult issues encountered in their professional activities, contributes to increasing their involvement in the educational process, expanding practical skills, and also contributes to improving the effectiveness of training.
complex professional issues, active learning methods, practical skills, the effectiveness of the educational process, analysis of products of activity, educational process, engagement, reflection, business game, professional retraining
Minzyanova D.F..
Compliance with the Secrecy Regime During Online Training in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs' Educational Organizations
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 109-116.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.38301 EDN: LTOPSE URL:
Strategic priorities for developing modern Russian society and ensuring law and order require establishing an effective continuous educational process in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities. The author examines the issue of compliance with the secrecy regime in the online education of students in universities of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. The study's relevance is due to the scale of the spread of COVID-19 infection and the development of information and communication technologies. Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities have special disciplines that require secrecy during online learning. These disciplines include operational investigative activities, operational investigative psychology, record keeping and secrecy regime, and others. The study's object is the online educational process in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities. The subject of the study is the methods of transmitting and exchanging information in educational organizations of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs within the framework of online distance learning. In the course of the study, the goal was achieved to substantiate the necessary and sufficient measures for the optimal implementation of educational programs of higher education, vocational training, and advanced training of police officers in the conditions of expanding the information space, communication capabilities, and limitations generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author compared the relationship between "distance learning" and "online learning." The conclusion is made about the need to expand the ISOD of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs capabilities and develop a single departmental digital educational portal for Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs universities within this information space. The author suggests improving the information potential of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs system for the possibility of teaching particular disciplines in the online education process.
ISOD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, special disciplines, secrecy mode, electronic information environment, educational environment, video lectures, online training, distance education, educational organizations, teaching
Yaroshenko E.A., Sinaiko V.V., Sinaiko E.A..
Interaction of subjects of the educational Process with the help of a Foresight Project
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 94-108.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.38619 EDN: KEVCMD URL:
The article explores the possibilities of foresight technology as a pedagogical tool for predicting the future, competence in the structure of educational experience and assumes that it can be used to create new means of supporting learning technologies and their promotion in the educational process. This is one of the interactive forms of training for specialists of the preschool education system, which allows you to spread innovative pedagogical experience in working with preschool children in relevant areas. The purpose of the work is to study the foresight project method for the possibility of its application by participants of the educational process in preschool educational organizations, since preschool age is the initial stage of a child's awareness of their capabilities, laying the foundations of professional self-determination in the future, acquiring skills in the correlation of society's demands and their own abilities. In the course of the research, a questionnaire was created in five main areas to assess the implementation by heads of children's educational organizations of the use of the foresight project method in their teaching activities. The distinctive features of foresight design, the main problems and relevance of the application of this method by educational organizations are highlighted. Based on the data obtained, methodological recommendations for the use of the foresight project technology in the work on the interaction of subjects of the educational process have been developed. It is proved that the competent application of the foresight method in working with pupils of preschool educational organizations in combination with other modern technologies improves the education process, introduces preschoolers to the world of professions and helps to get the first skills of work.
types of foresight implementation, map of the future, foresight participants, preschool educational organizations, foresight session, subjects of the educational process, application of the foresight project, forecast, foresight technologies, foresight project
Dianov S.A., Dianova Y.V..
Improving the System of Legal and Civic Education of Students in Higher Education Institutions
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 30-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.39912 EDN: BZDXLM URL:
The subject of the authors' research is the problem of improving the mechanisms of legal education and civic education of students in educational institutions of higher education. Attention is drawn to the presence of legal education (personal adaptation programs) scenarios for students in advanced Russian universities. At the same time, the formal nature of such programs is recognized as their abstraction from the existing realities in the university's educational environment. It is emphasized that in the professional-pedagogical community back in the early 2000s, by no means were difficult questions postulated about what performance indicators of legal and civic education in higher education should consist of. An equally important topic for discussion is the complexity of organizational and regulatory nature in determining the criteria for the effectiveness of legal education methods which are proposed for training sessions. The authors of the article formulated project proposals intended for practical application in implementing legal education and civic education strategies of students at universities, taking into account the profile of the leading professional educational programs being implemented. The author's programs on regulatory and legal support of education (professional, profile) for students of pedagogical, law enforcement, and technical (engineering) universities are described.
legal regulation, student communities, socialization, preventive measures, vocational education, university, legal education, civic education, educational environment, higher education
Kartaleva A.S..
Some methodological techniques for teaching oral speech in Chinese
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 103-115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.35798 EDN: MRPWMZ URL:
This article is devoted to identifying difficulties with mastering oral speech among university students at the initial stage of learning Chinese. The author of the article sets himself the task not only to identify the purpose of teaching oral speech, but also to offer techniques to help overcome the difficulties associated with certain motivational problems, such as: the manifestation of shyness, fear of making a mistake, insufficient knowledge of lexical units, misunderstanding of the speech task. The author shares his opinion on the effectiveness of generally accepted methods of teaching oral speech of the Chinese language and offers practical tools aimed at expanding the lexical stock, developing communication skills, working out the studied material and using it in conversational practice. The hypothesis of this article is expressed in the assumption that the difficulties of learning oral speech are overcome by increasing the vocabulary, developing the skills of simple monologue and dialogic speech, as well as creating a comfortable educational environment. Based on the experience of conducting an oral Chinese course, frequent problems of university students are: inability to use additional sources, fear of unfamiliar vocabulary. Thus, it is advisable to use exercises aimed at solving these problems, namely: independent work of students, compiling their own lexical lists, working out topics of concern to them, encouraging students to communicate outside the classroom and using mobile offers or websites to train lexical units, through communication with native speakers.
Chinese language, teaching speaking, expansion of vocabulary, methodology of teaching, teaching of Chinese language, vocabulary training, speech task, learning difficulties, communicative competence, oral speech
Sedalishcheva S.N..
The role of the local history school expedition in the study of the national architecture of the wooden architecture of the Yansk Yakuts
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 116-125.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.36851 EDN: MPBCAT URL:
The subject of the study is the national architecture of the wooden architecture of the Yan Yakuts, which were studied during the organization and conduct of local history research expeditions of schoolchildren under the project "Along the paths of ancestors". The article describes the content of the work of local history school expeditions that were carried out in the Verkhoyansky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to fix wooden architecture, the methodology of the expedition, the history of the material traditional culture of the Yansk Yakuts. The purpose of the article is to familiarize with the uniqueness of the national architecture of the Yan Yakuts. The methods of studying the national architecture of wooden architecture in the conditions of local history school expeditions are field research, photofixation of wooden architecture, architectural measurements, sketching on the preserved remains of summer and winter estates. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the wooden architectures of antiquity are becoming relevant for the preservation as an ethnic cultural heritage, as an understanding of the preservation of ethnic components in modern society. Thus, the description and reconstruction of the traditional dwellings of the Yan Yakuts is not only the preservation of national architecture, but also the revival of ethnic and cultural traditions of the Yakuts as a whole in the era of globalization. Local history research expeditions of schoolchildren play an important role in the study of the small homeland. It is these forms of organizing local history expeditions that personally bring modern students closer to the history of their ancestors, their way of life.
school expeditions of local lore, wooden architecture, local history methodology, Yan Yakuts, Verkhoyansk region, routes of local history expeditions, material traditional culture, tethering posts, booths, hexagonal cooks
Kubekov R.R..
Technical Creativity Development in Russian Additional Education System: the Case of the Private Educational Institution "Andromeda"
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 1-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.38846 EDN: LRWBYB URL:
The development of technical creativity of children and youth is a pressing issue in scientific research. The needs of modern society dictate its implementation. The development of pedagogical practice reflects the realization of society's needs of technically educated people. The focus of this research is on the development of technical creativity of children and adolescents using the private educational institution "Andromeda." The purpose of this article is to describe and substantiate modern approaches to the development of technical creativity of children and adolescents. The methodological foundation of the research is the work of domestic and foreign researchers on the development of students' creative abilities through the application of theoretical foundations in this field. The author of the article considers the methods of technical creativity development implemented in the given institution and describes the process of new methods introduction into the educational program on the example of 3D modeling courses in detail. The scientific novelty of the research is that the theoretical research of students' technical creativity is given practical justification through the example of PEI "Andromeda" activity. The integration of theory and practice becomes an important foundation for demonstrating effective forms of work with children and teenagers and the possibility of their popularization in the educational environment of postsecondary institutions. The study concluded that the system of additional education for children has a unique potential to develop students' abilities, with technical creativity being one of the actively developed areas of work with students.
private educational institution, educational program, creative problem solving, methods of technical creativity, development of creative imagination, creativity, skills development, pedagogical experiment, technical creativity, additional education system
Voloshin D.V., Stepanova D.Y..
Training of prison staff in the materials of the Penitentiary Commission of the St. Petersburg Law Society (for the ivth International Prison Congress of 1890)
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 3.
P. 14-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.3.36440 EDN: LYKMFC URL:
The article discusses the historical and pedagogical aspects of the activities of the penitentiary Commission of the St. Petersburg Law Society, aimed at ensuring the staffing of prison staff during the period under review, and designed in the form of preparatory work for the ivth International Prison Congress, held in the Russian capital in 1890.The methodological basis of the study was made up of a set of conceptual provisions of pedagogical and historical sciences, as well as general scientific methods of cognition - objectivity, scientific and historicism, a systematic approach, logical analysis and synthesis based on the variability of the historical and pedagogical process. This approach is based on the mutual integration of the subject fields of the three sciences – pedagogy, history and jurisprudence. Scientific novelty is considered by us based on the priority of introducing into scientific circulation previously unexplored factual material of the primary source. The presented work is one of the first attempts to reveal the historical and pedagogical heritage of the St. Petersburg Law Society (its penitentiary Commission) in preparation for the ivth International Prison Congress held in St. Petersburg in 1890, to determine the role of this commission in the theoretical justification of the need to train prison staff in Russia.The appeal to the activities of the penitentiary commission of the St. Petersburg Law Society, which were not previously studied by teachers–researchers in 1890, allows us to actualize the issues of the past, to see from new sides the activities of famous Russian scientists (for example, the chairman of the penitentiary commission - I. Ya. Foynitsky), to help understand the most important initial stage in the theoretical justification of the need for training prison staff in Russia.
prison staff, professional training, Law society, international prison congress, personnel, penitentiary staff, prison guards, Foinitsky, penitentiary commission, prison authorities
Malikov R.S., Galiakberova A.A..
Pedagogical activity of the educator of the late XIX – early XX century Gabdulla Tukai and the struggle for the renewal of education
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 2.
P. 63-70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.37812 EDN: LDHTWI URL:
The subject of this study is the work of the unsurpassed Tatar educator of the late XIX – early XX century Gabdulla Tukai (April 26, 1886 – April 15, 1913) on the compilation of textbooks and textbooks for elementary schools on literary reading, as well as his critical views on the system of education in old-fashioned schools and madrasas, reflected in poems. In the course of the study, his activities as a methodologist, a school teacher, as well as poems, which reflect the description of the process and results of education in old-fashioned schools and madrassas, were analyzed. The research used theoretical methods, induction and deduction, comparison and comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the activities of the educator as a school teacher, as well as the compilation of textbooks and teaching aids are analyzed, critical thoughts about the state of education of young people in modern educational institutions and the need to update the content, methods and means of teaching are highlighted. For analysis, such poems as "What the Shakirds who came out of the madrasah tell", "Village Madrasah", "Father and Child", "Consolation" were selected, which most vividly reflect the views of the educator on the system of education of the early twentieth century in old-fashioned schools and madrasahs. The article can be used in the process of studying the history of pedagogical thought and education in secondary and higher pedagogical educational institutions, as well as interest a wide range of readers.
updating the content, artistic works, history of pedagogy, pedagogical thought, pedagogical activity, educator, the beginning of the twentieth century, the end of the XIX century, Gabdulla Tukai, directions of education
Rouxian O..
Comparative analysis of the Chinese and Russian digital educational environment in high education (using the example of Moscow Pedagogical State University and Beijing State Pedagogical University)
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 2.
P. 35-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.38286 URL:
The subject of the study is the digital educational environments of Chinese and Russian universities. The object of the research is the elements of the digital educational environment of the modern educational space. The author attempts to compare digital educational environments in Russia and China. For this purpose, several elements of the digital educational environment are identified and compared. The author also pays attention to the concept of digitalization of the educational environment and the description of its important aspects. The author clearly shows how the principles of the digital educational environment are implemented in the practice of Chinese and Russian universities, and also draws conclusions at the end of the article. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the Chinese and Russian digital educational environments are being studied for the first time in a comparative aspect. The main conclusions of the study are: 1. the digital educational environment plays an important role for Chinese and Russian universities, which is manifested in the development of digital technologies, resources and other important elements of the environment; 2. in Russian and Chinese universities, the development of the digital educational environment has been going on for several decades and is contradictory, on the one hand, positive results have been achieved, on the other hand, there are areas that still need to be improved and adjusted.
development of education, educational innovations, educational environment, digitalization of education, China's educational system, the educational system of Russia, digitalization strategies, modern education, digital educational environment, elements of the educational environment
Avdeeva N.A., Aravina T.I..
Development of cooperation in vocational education
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 88-102.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.37656 URL:
The article is devoted to the scientific and applied research of the practice of improving vocational education in higher education institutions in cooperation of participants in relations in the field of education. The methods of interdisciplinary analysis of literature and normative legal documents, the method of analysis of pedagogical experience, general scientific methods of systematization, generalization, comparison, classification were applied. New programs of higher professional education have been developed and are being implemented to prepare bachelors and masters in the field of Linguistics at the Department of Foreign Languages of Professional Communication of Vladimir State University in cooperation with partner organizations based on the provisions of domestic pedagogy of cooperation enshrined in modern legislation. The current professional competencies of bachelors of the direction 45.03.02 - Linguistics, developed in accordance with the labor functions of the professional standard 04.015 "Specialist in translation", are presented. Indicators of their achievement are structured according to the skill levels indicated by the professional community. Particular importance is attached to the relevance of designing individual educational routes of students. A route model is proposed, which is based on various forms of development of cooperation in the field of vocational education in higher education. The results of the study show the need to develop cooperation that takes into account the interests and needs of all subjects of educational activity. In the practice of the department, it is implemented through joint training of bachelors with employers, obtaining additional qualifications by them, continuing their studies in a master's degree with the prospect of pedagogical activity.
partner organizations, student's educational route, professional competencies, personal and professional development, the concept of pedagogy of cooperation, continuing education, educational programs, legislative framework, participants in educational relations, development of cooperation
Vasyuk A.A..
The analysis of intraschool democratic environment of the Russian schools
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 3.
P. 38-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.34253 URL:
The subject of this research is the intraschool environment of the Russian schools, while the object is the level of its democratic nature. The article contains the analysis of democratic environment of public schools in the Luhansk People's Republic, which is reflected in the work of the school self-government. Analysis is conducted on the opinion of administration, pedagogues, psychologists, social educators, students, students’ parents, residents of the localities, public figures, etc. The research is based on the original questionnaire and interview that clarifies the answers of respondents. The author examines the educational process of formation of civic culture, impact of social disciplines and humanities upon the development of civic culture of students, ability of the schools to ensure social protection of their students etc. The conclusion is made on the low level of democratization of intraschool environment in the Luhansk People’s Republic; however, the effectiveness of school self-government aimed at formation of civic culture is evident. The author determines six factors that increase the effectiveness of school self-government: the representatives of school self-government should address the actual needs of students; work should produce certain results; cognitive abilities and moral attitudes should be mobilized; students should take responsibility for their decisions; activity should combine the joint efforts of children and adults; extracurricular activities should be discussed.
citizen, school self-government, civic culture, civil society, democratic society, democratic environment, intra-school environment, good citizen, social relation, democratic process
Glushchenko O.P..
The formation of civic position of university students from the perspective of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 3.
P. 51-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.34410 URL:
This article analyzes the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education from the perspective of substantive component that contributes to the formation of civic qualities and civic position of the students. It is noted that in modern political and socioeconomic life, the Russian Federation gives priority to the development of youth activity in the conditions of building civilian, democratic and constitutional state. Young people should be competent in order to be engaged in the country’s socially useful events to the fullest and make conscious political choice. Higher education institutions play a considerable role in preparing educated and critically minded citizens, who possess high level of responsibility and patriotism. The goal of this article is to establish the the pedagogical conditions for the formation of civic position of students of higher education institutions. Analysis of the standards and existing normative legal acts allowed outlining the key priorities vectors in the development of higher education system of the Russian Federation. One of the crucial tasks of higher education system is to improve competitiveness of higher education institutions of the Russian Federation, as well as develop general cultural and professional competencies of future specialists. However, despite legislative consolidation on the federal level of the importance of development of civic position, the direct requirements for the results of formation of civic position among students are indicated only in part of the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education.
educational organizations, legal regulation, students, competence, civil position, civil society, state educational standard, higher education system, educational process, personal quality
Vasil'ev M.A..
The activity of Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Specialized School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union: historical-pedagogical aspect
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 3.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.36210 URL:
The subject of research of this research is the process of establishment and development of Irkutsk branch of the Krasnoyarsk Specialized School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union during the 1989–1991, and its subsequent professional-pedagogical transformation. The author dwells on the question of historical-pedagogical peculiarities of the initial stage of recruiting the academic staff of the branch by the scientific personnel. The author explores the professional peculiarities in carrying out educational, service and combat activity of the permanent and nonpermanent staff of the specialized school. In the course of scientific research, the author reveals and analyzes the factors that affected the establishment and development of Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Specialized School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union during the transformation of the political system in Russia; as well as explores the peculiarities of implementing pedagogical activity at the initial stage of the educational institution. The examples of interaction of the cadets and employees of the branch with the divisions of practical authorities. The conducted research is valuable for wide audience, as the establishment and development of departmental education of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union in Baikal region has become a significant event for the educational system of the entire Siberian region.
special education, educational institution, fighting crime, educational process, Ministry Of Internal Affairs OF THE USSR, training of specialists, skill formation, educational work, study group, training of personnel
Potapova I.V..
Video training as a means of developing artistic skills of elementary school students
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 145-153.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35177 URL:
The subject of this research is video training as a means of developing artistic skills of elementary school students. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the rapidly changing world and implementation of new technologies in education system. Analysis of the forms of video transmission and distance learning allows determining the means aimed at the development of artistic skills of elementary school students. The author formulates the goal and subject of research that focus on searching for the new teaching techniques for developing artistic skills of elementary school students. The conclusion is made that the process of video training prompts the development of aesthetic, cognitive and activity skills of the students. It is indicated that the use of information technologies in the modern system of education is becoming increasingly relevant. The novelty of this research lies in implementation of video training in working with elementary school students as a means of developing their artistic skills. The variety of video learning techniques help to develop different angles of visual activity in elementary school students. Such new approach to learning effectively develops artistic skills of elementary school students. Video training allows you to do the task or repeat the material at any convenient time.
video materials, information technology, video clip, historical video, virtual tour, video lesson, distance learning, videolesson, online training, modern education
Pasholikov M.S..
Organizational and pedagogical conditions for arranging educational practice in the process of vocational training of future managers
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 40-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35407 URL:
This article is dedicated to determination of organizational and pedagogical conditions for arranging educational practice in the process of vocational training of future managers in the university. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by dissatisfaction of the pedagogues, students and employers’ representatives with the results of educational practice. The author compares the international models of management education, and highlights the key differences in the Russian and foreign approaches towards arranging educational practice for the bachelors in management. The author describes the basic organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the effectiveness of educational activity, implemented in Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia within the framework of the Bachelor’s Program in Management. The novelty of this research consists in the proposal of criteria and indicators for assessing the results of organization of educational practice from the perspective satisfaction of its subjects, as well in elucidation of the key mechanisms for improving the stages of training and conducting educational practice, such as individualization of the process of vocational training of future managers, establishment of long-term relations between the graduate departments and employers’ representatives, continuous improvement of the content and mechanisms of its organization. Practical importance of this work consists in the possibility of application of the selected organizational and pedagogical conditions for arranging educational practice in development and implementation by the institutions of higher education of the basic programs of vocational education for training future specialists; development of the programs for educational, industrial and other types of practices; as well as creation of the corporate internship programs.
supervisor, academic advisor, organizational and pedagogical conditions, internship, professional training of managers, professional education, organization of practice, quasi-professional activity, maintenance, training laboratory
Emirilyasova S.S..
Gamification as a method of increasing motivation of law students in learning English language
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 103-112.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35731 URL:
This article deals with the main approaches of «gamification» as a new concept in the context of higher education, as well as an exceptional peculiarity of the phenomenon in enhancing motivation of the students majoring in law. Gamification is a relatively new branch of linguistic research. Multiple scientific works are currently dedicated to virtual reality as an integral and perspective part of education, which includes certain motivational mechanisms. Special emphasis is placed on the internal and external educational motivation of students. The ways to increase motivation through gamification in the educational process are introduced. Particular attention in the article is paid to the role of the English language teacher. One of the fundamental tasks of the teacher of the XXI century consists in the introduction of gaming technologies into teaching a foreign language. It is proven that the implementation of gamified teaching methods will lead to student engagement and better attitude towards the English language, since involvement into online educational content allows the students to enjoy the immediate results of their work and feel content for the points earned. The use of gamification tools in the system of learning a foreign language is an appropriate way to improve attendance and activity of law students.
education, learners, student engagement, law students, language learning, motivation, the English language, game-based learning, gamification, an English lesson
Kuznetsov Y.N..
General theory of functional systems as a theoretical-methodological framework of the pedagogical system of quality assurance
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 1.
P. 72-80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.32844 URL:
The subject of this research is the pedagogical system of quality assurance. The goal consists in searching for innovative ways of the development of theoretical-methodological foundations for creating the pedagogical system of quality assurance in the higher education institution. The author examines such aspects as the development pf complex pedagogical systems in accordance with the hierarchical principle of compiling its fundamental pedagogical units (pedagogical subsystems), which allow creating branched architecture of the complex pedagogical system is created, depending on the goal and tasks of solution of pedagogical problem (in this case, the problem of quality assurance). Research methodology is based on the productive theoretical-methodological coupling of the concept of the general theory of functional systems (P. K. Anokhin) and the theory of pedagogical systems (N. V. Kuzmina). Comparative analysis is conducted on the analogies of the pedagogical system of quality assurance (according to the author’s version) and the classical functional system of behavioral act of a living organism. As a result, the author develop generalized architecture of the pedagogical system of quality assurance of the university. The novelty of this work consists in introduction of the concept of “pedagogical system of quality assurance” into the general classification of pedagogical systems of vocational education as an example of functional systems. The obtained results can be applied in creation of situational service for predicting and correcting the useful adaptive outcome of the activity of pedagogical system for improving the quality of higher education.
analogy of terminological devices, useful result, system-forming factor, postulates of the pedagogical system, theory of pedagogical systems, theory of functional systems, quality assurance, pedagogical system, generalized architecture, situational service of the University
Rudakova A.A., Zaitseva A.S..
Elective courses “Educational Practice and” and “Industrial Practice” as the means of development of professional competences of school students
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 1.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.34545 URL:
The subject of this research is the educational-methodological support and organizational-pedagogical conditions for integration of vocational education in the discipline “Horticulturist” in a public school. Research methodology is based on the fusion of theoretical and empirical approaches with application of the methods of analysis, pedagogical engineering, pedagogical experiment, testing, survey, generalization, comparison, synthesis. The relevance of this study is defined by the importance of preparing citizens (counting public school graduates) for professional self-determination and choice of profession, need for development of the corresponding pedagogical conditions, including vocational education in the disciplines “Horticulturist”. This article considers elective courses of educational and industrial practices as the effective means of formation of professional competences of school students. The conducted research demonstrated that completion of educational and industrial practices indicates an increase in the level of formedness of professional competences among students. Comparative analysis of the results of 2018 and 2020 monitoring “Employment of Graduates” illustrated 100% better preparedness of the graduates of 2020 who took elective courses. The scientific novelty relies on the empirical data and formulated conclusions that the considered innovative approach towards modification of public education curriculum through integration with the program of vocational education contribute to achievement of not only standard educational results (personal, metasubject and subject), but also to formation of professional competences useful for selection of future profession and employment.
secondary general education, elective course, Internship, educational practice, professional competence, working profession, professional standard, FGOS, integration of educational programs, individual project
Tlyavsin I.B..
The use of innovative technologies in the project activities of students
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 1.
P. 14-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.34856 URL:
The article examines the features of the use of innovative technologies in project activities in the process of educational activities in a secondary school. The essence of project activity, modern innovative technologies and information and communication technologies that contribute to the development of the educational process in technology lessons and in additional education classes in the scientific and technical direction is revealed. As certain skills and qualities of a student become available, the importance of learning using innovative technologies arises. The object of the study is the organization of educational activities in a secondary school. The subject of the work is innovative technologies in project activities in the process of educational activities. The purpose of the work: to show the need for the introduction of innovative technologies in project activities in technology lessons and in additional education classes. The main methods of work are: analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis in the field of innovative technologies. The result of the work is to determine the importance of using innovative technologies in project activities. Scientific novelty is characterized by the fact that with the development of scientific and technological progress in all fields of science and life, the level of school participation remains insignificant and requires active development. Conclusions were formulated about the importance of using innovative technologies in project activities in order to develop certain skills and abilities of students.
computer-aided design system, 3d printing, programming, numerical control software, robotics, information and communication technologies, additional education, innovative technologies, students, project activities
Vishlenkova S.G., Muratkhanova O.V..
Memoirs of D. S. Hessen as a source for reconstruction of scientific biography of S. I. Hessen
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 52-61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34299 URL:
This article reviews the memoirs of D. S. Hessen – Polish journalist, translator and lexicographer, son of a prominent pedagogue and philosopher, active participant in the intellectual life of white émigré S. I. Hessen, as the paramount source for reconstruction of scientific-pedagogical biography of the scholar in the context of pedagogical history of emigration. The authors lean on the traditional methods of historical-pedagogical research, namely biographical, resorting to the techniques of hermeneutical and contextual analysis, and “microhistory”. The importance of D. S. Hessen's memoirs for understanding the general patterns and specific details of scientific-pedagogical life of the “Russian Prague” is emphasized. The relevance of this work is defined by the need for creating a documented pedagogical history of Russian immigrants in Europe, development of new approaches towards analyzing the legacy of prominent representatives of pedagogical thought, search and introduction of archival materials into the scientific discourse, particularly memoirs, epistolary, and personal documents. The conducted research demonstrates that the memoirs of D. S. Hessen are an important source for reconstruction of scientific-pedagogical biography of S. I. Hessen, as they clarify such moments as the Prague period of life of the scholar, outline the circle of person he mostly interacted with, and shed light on certain circumstances of his life and work.
methods of historical and pedagogical research, emigrant literature, reconstruction of biography, intellectual life, scientific biography, archival sources, memories, biographical method, Russian emigration, pedagogy of Russian abroad
Kirzhaeva V.P., Marinichenko A.I., Piskunova A.A..
Pedagogical heritage of the Russian abroad in the studies of E. G. Osovsky
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 75-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34344 URL:
The subject of the research is the works of the outstanding Russian historian of education, corresponding member of the RAO E.G. Osovsky (1930-2004), devoted to the study of school, education and pedagogical thought of the Russian abroad. The article outlines the reasons for the scientist's choice of a new pedagogical topic at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, identifies the research approaches and problem fields implemented by him, and offers an analysis of the most important works. The comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of pedagogical emigration presented in the scientist's works opened up opportunities for subsequent generations of researchers to build a holistic picture of the formation and development of schools, education and pedagogical thought in foreign Russia. The authors present the main directions of the scientist's research, the characteristics of their influence on the development of modern historical and pedagogical science and its prospects, which determines the relevance of the article. The wide coverage of sources, the accounting of materials from the personal archive of the scientist, the involvement of works from inaccessible publications and the introduction of the entire complex of materials into scientific circulation determine the scientific novelty of the article. The implementation of such an approach, which is based on a complex combination of traditional methods of historical and pedagogical science and new methods of analysis (hermeneutical, contextual, microhistoric), provides the necessary interdisciplinarity and allows us to talk about the productivity of its application in the study of the heritage of outstanding Russian teachers.
Yefim Osovsky, Sergey Gessen, scientific and pedagogical biography, historical and pedagogical research, pedagogical emigration, russian foreign school, pedagogy of the Russian abroad, archives, educational publications of emigration, epistolary
Yu Y..
Theoretical foundations of actors training in Chinese theatrical schools
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 3.
P. 47-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33386 URL:
This article is dedicated to the work with students in Russian and Chinese theatrical schools, which is structured on the elements of acting techniques determined by the “Stanislavsky system” as the leading theoretical foundation in the training of novice actors. It is noted the assisting methods in the process of actors training is the methods and approaches towards drama training applied by Vsevolod Meyerhold and Nikolai Demidov. Leaning on the national and foreign experiments, the professors are guided by personal long-term artistic experience and theory of acting art, trying to make this course on the basis of substantial scientific theory and practice. The author claims that actors training in China leans on the Meyerhold system, with focus on development of self-control, control over body, voice and emotions, orientation towards manipulation of the character, coupled with random body movements as the basis. Professional acting technique training in Chinese theatrical schools is founded on the basic knowledge of professional skills for improving the laws of physical body movement, emotional control, cognition and interpretation of the character.
tennis balls, possibility, training actors, Stanislavsky system, Eugene Lepkowska, theoretical and practical, theater schools in China, Sensation training, self-instruction, self-education
Uvarova M., Provotorova E., Rybakova I..
Teaching Latin medical anatomy terminology in a multilingual group: main difficulties and ways of overcoming them
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 2.
P. 41-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.32659 URL:
This article analyzes the methods of teaching Latin medical anatomical terminology in multilingual groups of students, where the language of teaching is Russian. The analysis is carried out on the example of multilingual groups of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), peculiarity of which is joint training of foreign students and students with Russian as a native language. In such groups, it is difficult for the teacher to rely on the native language of the students (there are too many such languages) or on the language of teaching, which is poorly spoken by the foreign part of the group. The common languages spoken in multilingual groups of the Medical Institute of RUDN University are indicated. The main problematic aspects in the study of Latin terminology for both students speaking different foreign languages and for the teacher conducting lessons in a multilingual group are discussed; the methods of overcoming these problematic aspects are suggested. The relevance of this problematic is substantiated by the increasing number of multilingual groups in Russian universities, including those where the teaching language is Russian. Our methodological recommendations can be used by teachers for preparation of the program and for development of test materials for multilingual groups.
foreign languages, higher school teaching, Latin grammar, methods of teaching, anatomical terminology, multilingual groups, medical terminology, Latin language, the role of teacher, teaching in Russian
Egorov S..
Organizational approaches and methods of realization of tasks on preparation of ministers and clergy members
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 1.
P. 38-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.27601 URL:
The subject of this research is the current practice of the Russian evangelical congregations and associations in the area of realization of tasks on preparation of ministers and clergy members. Such activity is held within the congregations, jointly with secular universities, as well as on the premises of theological educational establishments. Wide range of options on the one hand opens opportunities for decision-making for the leaders of congregations, but on the other, substantiates restrictions and risks with regards to the quality of preparation, as well as from the perspective of applicability of particular legislative norms to the corresponding practice. As the basic approach towards solution of research tasks, the author selected the so-called methodology of soft system, which is one of the varieties of systemic analysis. This methodological direction allows reconstructing and comparing normative statutes and relevant practice within the area under consideration. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the variety of practices of preparation of ministers and clergy members within the framework of Russian evangelical churches using the resources of systemic analysis. The author was able to systematize the indicated practices, as well as determine their key characteristics necessary for making efficient administrative decisions by the leaders of congregations and educational establishments. The acquired results are also important for the development of Russian legislation in part of regulation of state-confessional relations.
evangelical churches, religious policy, sociology of education, education management, Russian legislation, educational standards, religious education, theological education, sociology of religion, freedom of conscience
Wang Y..
Problems and prospects of teaching scientific style of speech to Chinese students
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 1.
P. 50-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.30881 URL:
The subject of this research is teaching scientific style of speech to Chinese students. This question has been discussed since 1950’s – 1960’s and still remains polemical. The scholars described multiple aspects on the topic in their fundamental works, which are the foundation for further research in this area. At the same time, current practice face new challenges. In the course of this study, the following methods were applied: analysis of scientific literature and various statistical data, analysis of curricula for foreign students, review of accessible information on the universities accepting Chinese students. It is worth noting that the formation of foreign language communication competence of the students requires development of the unified education system, oriented towards practical needs of the future specialists. The foundation of foreign language education should become the interdisciplinary interaction of teachers, as well as close interrelation of general and specialty disciplines.
international education, major education, foreign languages, language teaching, Russian as a foreign language, Russian language, foreign students, Chinese students, scientific style, scientific style of speech
Grebennikova V.M., Bonkalo T.I., Rudenko E.Y..
Peculiarities of development of the qualities of competitive personality in students with health limitations and disabilities
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 76-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.30706 URL:
Based on the results of theoretical analysis, the author determines the personality traits ensuring competitiveness on the job market. The main goal of this research consists in identification of such problems of higher education, which solution is responsible for successful establishment of an integral system of professional educations of the persons with health limitations and disabilities on the basis of implementation of inclusive approach oriented towards creation of the society of equal opportunities. The system of higher inclusive education, suggesting coeducation of the students with health limitations and disabilities and regular students, is currently in the early stages of development. Moreover, in the Russian Federation there is yet no uniform scientifically substantiated theory of inclusive higher education, which would reveal its patterns, principles, methods, techniques and conditions for realization of the priority trends of education policy within the inclusive educational environment. The article contains the results of empirical research of the peculiarities of development of the qualities of competitive personality in students with health limitations and disabilities within the framework of higher education. At the present state, due to implementation of the state social policy aimed at establishment of the society of equal opportunities, the problem of professional education of persons with health limitations and disabilities comes to the forefront.
inclusive education, risks of professional self-determination, motivation for success, self-actualization, students with disabilities, students, konkurentsivoime quality, competitiveness, method, comparative analysis
Kozhin D.A..
The Role of the Legal Awareness of Would-Be Law Teachers and Ways to Develop It
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 3.
P. 63-68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.29820 URL:
The subject of the research is the process of developing the legal awareness of law teachers during their university studies. The need to study the legal awareness of a law teacher is caused by the need to build a legal state in Russia and thus to train teachers with a high level of legal awareness. New tasks faced by today's law teachers under the conditions of negative social and individual psychological influence on their personality require to review the model of developing the legal awareness of would-be teachers. The methodological basis of the research includes general research methods such as analysis and summary of research results described in psychological-pedagogical literature, methodological guidelines and research theses as well as definition of tendencies and patterns of developing the legal awareness as a personal trait as well as systematization of aforesaid tendencies and patterns, conceptualisation and pedagogical modelling. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Kozhin extends the idea of factors that influence the development of the legal awareness of law teachers. Kozhin focuses on the development of moral stability of would-be teachers and their resistance to the impact of negative facttors capable of changing the legal awareness of a person. The author of the article offers his own model and methods for development of competence of would-be law teachers.
professional pedagogical activity, the educational process of the university, legal competence, teacher-lawyer, legitimate behavior, legal awareness, formation, components of legal consciousness, legal psychology, methods of forming competence
Iureva D..
Mobile Learning in Knowledge Management: Efficiency Issues
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 3.
P. 69-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30367 URL:
This article is devoted to the role of mobile learning in the process of knowledge management. Mobile learning is the issue that has been discussed by researchers of the whole world for quite a long time. In this article Yurieva continues the tradition and analyzes theoretical and methodological issues related to creation and desinging of mobile educational environment, peculiarities of the use of mobile technologies in the educational space, practical aspects of the use of the mobile learning technique in the process of teaching particular disciplines at an educational institution, training and re-training of experts and personnel. The author pays special attention to the definition of the terms 'informatization of education' and 'methodological of knowledge management'. Through the definitions of these terms, the author of the article describes specifics of knowledge management via mobile learning and mobile technologies. At the end of the article the author provides the results of the research of knowledge management based on mobile learning at a Russian university. The author comes to the conclusion that in education mobile learning is one of the most actively developing forms of e-education which brings the system of education to a new level of mobility.
mobile learning's management, mobile device, methodology, information field, mobile resources, knowledge management, mobile services, informatization of education, mobile technologies, mobile learning
Grebennikova V.M., Ignatovich V.K..
Regarding Methodological Foundation of Social and Pedagogical Support of Family as a Subject Designing Child's Individual Educational Trajectory
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 3.
P. 75-83.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30517 URL:
The article is devoted to the methodological foundation of social and pedagogical support of a family that has acquired a new role in the modern world, this is to design a child's individual educational trajectory. The authors have analyzed the definition of social and pedagogical support of family, how it relates to similar definitions that describe the development of family's educational potential and family-and-school partnership. The authors analyze modern approaches to the analysis, essence, methodological and technological characteristics of social and pedagogical support of a family. They describe an educational situation of a modern family that is characterized with the shift of the emphasis from transmission of experience to selection of child's individual educational trajectory. From this point of view, social and pedagogical support of a modern family is described as a socially projected highly organized practice. The authors also focus on the methodoloogy and technology of social and pedagogical support of a family as a subject of designing child's individual educational trajectory and conclude that current methodological foundations and concepts do not reflect the depth and complexity of a situation of a modern family viewed from the point of view of its readiness to be a subject that designs child's individual educational trajectory. One of the main trends that reinforces the role of famly in the educational process is individualisation of education.
education, parent, modern family, educational institution, family support, highly organized practice, child, methodological foundation, social and pedagogical support, family
Katrenko M.V., Nebytova L.A., Shchekin A.F., Zhuravleva Y.I..
The role of augmented reality technology in the organization of independent work on physical culture at the university
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 61-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.28943 URL:
The subject of the study is the independent work in the educational process in the university and the role of pedagogical technologies in the formation of students' competences. The newest of the considered technological modifications are AR-technologies. The novelty of the research is due to the ability to create and identify a virtual layer of information that allows making students' independent work more available and mobile. The aim of the study is to prove the necessity of introducing augmented reality in the process of independent work in the discipline "Elective course in physical culture and sports" in a specific university. The methodology of examining the role of augmented reality technology in the organization of independent work on the physical culture at the university was based on the methods of theoretical analysis, the generalization of scientific and methodical literature, interpretation of the data. The theoretical significance of the study is to identify the advantages of augmented reality technology. Improving the efficiency of independent work with the use of AR-technologies allows usage of the study results for self-development of students in professional and personal spheres, in the preparation of curricula, training programs and teaching AIDS.
health-improving systems, virtual learning resources, competences, self-development, physical culture, AR-technology, augmented reality, educational process, independent work, self-regulation level
Lekhanov S.B..
Studying reindeer breeding vocabulary of Evenki language on the basis of game methods in elementary school
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 11-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29038 URL:
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the vast majority of children and young people of Evenki are not proficient in their native language, and the percentage of native speakers is decreasing every year. This situation is caused by the absence of linguistic environment in places of compact residence of indigenous peoples of the North, because of a dispersive settlement of ethnic groups, numerous dialects and sub-dialects (in Evenki language there are about 50 of them), fast assimilation processes. In our study, game methods are of interest, as they have the advantage of other studying methods, which includes realization of the subjective position of the student in the process of studying. The author examined the effectiveness of the game method during the teaching of Evenki language in elementary school by applying a complex of playing tasks based on a reindeer breeding vocabulary. Practice showed that applying the game method led to the raising of interest in studying Evenki language, despite the low level of training of the pupils. Games cause a spirit of competition, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of ability to cope with the tasks and have a positive effect on studying results, and, the key point is, that pupils with a low level of knowledge become active.
school, pedagogy, evenki language, evenki, traditional knowledge, reindeer breeding, elementary school, method, game method, vocabulary
Stepanova O.S., Nikolaeva A.A..
Study of conflictological competence of teachers in the context of optimization of comfort and security of the educational environment
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 66-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29590 URL:
In this article, the author attempts to substantiate the expediency of improving the comfort and security of the educational environment. The necessity of it is explained not so much by the requirements of modern Federal standards as by the humanization of the educational process. It is consistently proved that the interaction of teachers and students will not be effective if the school does not create optimal conditions for the self-realization of the individual. An empirical study, conducted by the author of the article, showed that an objective obstacle to the improvement of the educational environment can be the stagnation of teachers who use a directive approach in interaction with students, which provokes sharp disagreements between the agents. These conditions actualize the significance of the work, aimed at improving the conflictological competence of teachers. Liberal pedagogy can also become a means of reducing conflicts in the educational sphere and, as a result, improving its comfort and security. Personality-oriented technology also allows taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Whatever path was chosen in the educational organization, the main thing is that in the process of implementation of measures the employees must have formed conflictological competence, including through which the improvement of comfort and security of the educational environment is carried out.
competence, conflict, interaction, comfort, security, educational environment, student, teacher, liberalism, child
Ayusheev V.V., Kulikova O.A..
Physical Exercises and Traditional Games of the Buryats as an Efficient Means of Physical Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 9-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27611 URL:
The subject of the research is the physical exercises and traditional games of the Buryats as an efficient means of physical education. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that this is an understudied issue in ethnopedagogy. It is necessary to provide scientific grounds and prove the need to preserve ethnocultural heritage of the Buryats and their physical education of the youth and to use their experience in physical education. The aim of the research is to discover physical exercises and traditional games of the Buryats as an efficient means of physical education. The general research methodology is based on the principles of dialectics that are used to analyze the world, society and human, the assumption that there is a universal connection and interdependence of facts and phenomena, integral nature and social determination of the personality growth process. In the course of the research the authors have the method of analysis and generalisation of relevant literature. The research involved scientific research on the Buryat ethnography, ethnopedagogy, and observation over children playing. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used to analyze the problems of applying traditional folk exercises, games and national sports to enrich the contents and forms of physical education at schools of the Republic. The results of the research can be also used in teaching sports at schools and universities and preparing academic curricula and study books.
strength, ethnopedagogy, youth, buryats, physical education, traditional games, physical exercises, endurance, agility, quickness
Zhukov A.G..
The Basic Department: Organization, Function and Legal Basis
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 76-84.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27844 URL:
This article is devoted to the issues related to the basic organization, functions and legal grounds of a University basic department. The subject of the research is the University basic department. Zhukov analyzes and clarifies such terms as 'basic department', 'profile basic organization', 'practical training' and 'professional practical training'. He analyzes what resources are necessary for the effective performance of the University basic department including material, technical, information, financial resources, etc. The researcher defines targets and goals of the basic department in a University and offers his own model of the network training of would-be teachers that can be used by the University basic department. He also analyzes and summarizes theoretical literature on the matter and studies the practical experience of the basic departments of RSVPU. The model of the network training of would-be teachers has proved effective and has allowed to develop professional and pedagogical skills of students in a better way than those compared to the average training of part-time University students.
professional practical training, university department, rsvpu, practical training, integrated basic department, basic organization, basic department, profile basic organization, network training, network training model
Struganov S.M., Akhmatgatin A.A., Agafonov M.P., Balashov A.V..
Competent Planning of the Training Process Based on the Parameters of Functional Diagnostics in Cyclic Sports
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 85-94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.28052 URL:
The article is devoted to the competent planning of the training process of cyclic sportsmen. At the present time this is a topical issue providing that in order to achieve the best results in sports, athletes often use intensive and excessive training. Thus, to keep reserve abilities of sportsmen, it is necessary to regularly plan their training taking into account their functional state and to avoid the overtraining syndrome and failure of adaptation abilities. The results of the research demonstrate that medical and biological examination using modern methods of functional diagnostics may raise functional and psychic abilities of sportsmen, their physical efforts and adaptation. The method developed by the researchers allows to manage the training process of cyclic sportsmen and to avoid the overtraining syndrome as well as the failure of their adaptation during the training process and raises achievements and results during important competitions. All this proves the efficiency of the method offered by the authors.
medical and biological examination, operational control, functional diagnostics, functional features of the body, physical activity, stage of special preparation, training process, state of overtraining syndrome, body adaptation, comprehensive diagnostic program
Sleptsov Y.A., Neustroev N.D..
Traditional Education of Children of Indigenous Peoples of the North, the Evens, in Nomad Camps
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 2.
P. 31-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.26435 URL:
The article is devoted to the methods of traditional education of the Evens in nomad camps that can be used to educate all children of indigenous peoples of the North. The authors focus on particular features, forms and methods of organising traditional education of such children in a nomad camp. Nomad camp is a new form of a temporarily organised group of children that spend their summer vacations in the nature where the life and activity of indigenous peoples of the North are best seen (nomadic reindeer breeding brigades, taiga, grasslands, rivers, lakes, etc.) as the basis for traditional education and up-bringing of their children. Such conditions ensure a faster and better development of the ethnic identity of such children as the native speakers and representatives of the Northern ethnos. In nomad camps teachers use different folk education methods to teach national games, dnces and sewing, customs and rituals to children. The authors of the article develop and put into practice their conceptual model of nomad camp activity as well as their program of traditional echnic development of children of indigenous peoples of the North as native speakers and representatives of their culture.
native language, ethnopedagogy, upbringing, pupils, nomad camp, traditional education, ethnic culture, Evens, native element, summer vacation
Larina L..
The Program for Observation of the State Speech Competence of Preschool Children with Retarded Mental Development of Cerebral Organic Genesis
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 1.
P. 19-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.23955 URL:
The subject of the research is the children with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis. The author of the article examines such aspects as the conditions and indicators for the monitoring of the speech competence of preschool children with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of the concept "speech competence" of a preschooler and description of the components of speech competence subject to exploration in a group of children of preschool age with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis: phonetic-phonological, lexical, grammatical and textual. The method of the research chosen by the author allows to explore the speech competence of the preschool child ( 6-year olds) with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis in several different situations that give a more complete picture about the practical use of speech for this category of children. The author has described the tasks, procedure, conditions and values of observing speech competence of preschool children (6-year olds) with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis in situations of communication with peers and adults. The author proposes to observe these competencies of preschool children with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis in particular situations when they communicate with adults and peers. In particlar, the speech competence of preschool children (6-year olds) with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis was monitored in the following situations: 1) in a situation when an adult does not offer communication; 2) when an adult expresses affection for the fellowship; 3) in a situation when an adult offers communication, organizing the activities of the child, offers to play, to read, to talk. This article was the first to define components of verbal competence of preschool children (6-year olds) with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis: phonetic-phonological, lexical, grammatical and textual components, and developed a program of observations of the children in this category. Thus, for the study of speech competence it is necessary to determine the application features of speech in various situations. This problem is solved by using the method of observation. For effective monitoring of the speech competence of preschool children with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis, the author has determined its objectives, procedure, conditions and assessment criteria.
communication, observation, mental retardation, text component, grammatical component, lexical component, phonetic-phonological component, speech competence, speech skills, language skills
Skorobogatov Y.O..
Criteria for Differentiating Teaching Objectives in Blended Teaching
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 3.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.3.23184 URL:
The subject of the research is blended teaching as a form of education. The author of the article analyzes peculiarities and curriculum structure of teaching computer science to school students in blended teaching. One of the key points to be focused on when preparing such a course is a well organised system of teaching objectives. Skorobogatov introduces criteria for differentiating teaching obejctives in accordance with different cognitive difficulty levels (based on Tollingerova) and specific features of teaching situations. The author defines the obejctives of the first level that are to be achieved independently at home; general objectives of the second and third levels that are discussed when a student personally meets a teacher; and individual objectives that may be of the fourth or the fifth levels depending on a classroom teaching method chosen by a teacher (individual session, learning in pairs or in groups). The main research methods used by the author is the analysis of psychological-pedagogical, scientific methodological and special literature as well as articles and publications devoted to blended teaching and classification of teaching objectives. The author has also used the method of modelling when creating teaching objectives. The main conclusion of the research is the comparison of objectives with different cognitive levels to special features of teaching situations when teaching computer science to 7 - 11 grade students in the form of blended teaching. According to the author, this teaching activity contributes to a better knowledge in disciplines and development of such metadisciplinary competences as creative thinking, ability to self-assessment and communication ability.
communication ability, cognitive functions, group teaching methods, objectives, classification of teaching objectives, automatic checkout system, blended teaching, teaching computer science at school, metadisciplinary competences, competence in self-education
Iakovlev R.O..
The Image of a Patriot: Points of view
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 2.
P. 14-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.22745 URL:
In his article Yakovlev analyzes different opinions on the understanding of the term "patriotism". First of all, the author touches upon the position of contemporary government and their view on patriotism. Further, the author provides an overview of the definitions of patriotism in classical dictionaries as well as in the works of Russian thinkers of the past and the present. Based on a comparison of the presented definitions, the author creates the image of a patriot. The image obtained is compared to the image created on the basis of analyzing answers of high schools students on questions about personal qualities of a patriotic citizen. In his research Yakovlev has used such research methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization and survey. The result of the research is a generalized image of a patriot of modern Russia compiled on the basis of a comparative analysis of the opinions examined. According to the author of the article, it is necessary to study the key concept of patriotic education and take into account the experience of patriotic upbringing in Russia in order to plan educational work at educational organizations.
fatherland, spiritual guidance, national idea, educational organization, patriotic education, image of a patriot, patriot, patriotism, love for one's motherland, qualities of personality
Manukjan A.R..
Reformation of Physical Education in General Education Schools During the First Years of the Great Patriotic War
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 1.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.21835 URL:
In this article Alieva presents some results of her historical and pedagogical researches on the origin and development of the physical education system in general education schools during the Great Patriotic War. In order to improve current educational processes, the author defines peculiarities of the historical pedagogical experience in the sphere of physical education of school students during the first years of the Great Patriotic War. For this purpose, the author sets and solves the following tasks: to define causes of the reformation of physical education in general education schools during the first years of the Great Patriotic War; to prove the significance of school as an important element of patriotic education; to analyze regulatory acts that had a direct influence on modernization of the physical education system in the aforesaid period; to analyze the contents of syllabus on military physical education of school students. To achieve the tasks set in the present article the author has used the systems approach based on the systems structural, systems functional and systems dynamic kinds of analysis as a method of historical pedagogical research. Application of the research results to modern educational activity will contribute to a deeper understanding and perception of the previous teaching experience and, as a consequence, increase efficiency of the educational process in the aforesaid sphere. Conclusions made by the author can be used for the purposes of further improvement of modern physical and patriotic education of school students.
patriotism, educational value, teaching experience, the first years of the Great Patriotic War, Great Patriotic War, causes, reformation of physical education, military physical education, general education schools, physical education
Malikov R.Sh., Galiev R.R., Gazizov F.G..
The Role of Folk Pedagogy on a Genetic Predisposition in Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle Among the Younger Generation
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 4.
P. 363-366.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.4.68460 URL:
Genetic predisposition includes skills, readiness, inclinations and tendency to do anything beforehand in a known manner. Genetic predisposition is widely and variously disclosed by Tatar folk pedagogy. This article discusses some external factors of genetic predisposition of children associated with their parents and relatives. In fact, there is a huge amount of them in Tatar folk pedagogy. Proverbs contribute to the proper choice of a life partner whichdirectly affects a healthy lifestyle. The authors of the article have used the following methods: pedagogical analysis and synthesis, scientific inquiry, historical, educational analysis, and analysis of folk pedagogy highlighting the most valuable material from the source. The authors have identified and justified theoretical and methodological bases of a healthy lifestyle and healthy living in the Tatar folk pedagogy as well as have identified philosophical and sociological foundations of a healthy lifestyle in the Tatar folk pedagogy reflected in the requirements for life, environment, and also depending on the genetic predisposition.
sayings, proverbs, heredity, healthy lifestyle, means of education, genetic predisposition, folk pedagogy, education content, identity formation, growing generation
Karpov A.O..
Development of the Theory of Education for the Knowledge-Based Society and its Reality
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 3.
P. 260-273.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.3.68214 URL:
Knowledge-based society is one of the dominating paradigms of a modern socio-economic development which was formed at the second half of the XXth century. The process was reflected in culture, social structure, economic tools and education. The purpose of the present article is to define contents of the theoretical concept of education in a knowledge-based society in terms of origin of its social reality. The research methodology involves cultural-historical epistemology that is based on the analysis of socio-economic attitudes to knowledge and cognition including academic learning as well as comparative analysis of references and comparison of theoretical propositions to reality. It is well shown that development of the knowledge-based education concept started in the 1950s - 1960s and was conditioned by the appearance of new qualities of an industrial worker that are then inherited by an knowlege worker. It was the period when Peter Drucker proposed the idea of proactive trainign (1957) as well as the principle of continuous education of a knowledge worker (1968). The author of the present article describes how aforesaid ideas relate to the concept of distributed education offered by Drucker which was supposed to be implemented after continuous education becomes a norm. The author also states that the key institutions for the development of the knowledge-based society include universities and schools built on the principals of research education and academic continuity. The author gives a definition of dynamic competence and describes the relationship between the idea of creative education adn the theory of knowledge-based society. The author also provides an analysis of fundamental contradictions that accompany education development in a knowlege-based society.
university, knowledge worker, innovations, science, creativity, dynamic competence, continuous education, proactive education, knowledge-based society, education
Mal'tseva T.E..
The Essence of the Concept of Socio-Professional Development of Future Social Workers
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 3.
P. 238-244.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.3.67118 URL:
The object of this research article is the concept of "socio-professional maturity of future specialists", the subject of the research is the definition of the essence of this concept. The author notes that the concept of social and professional maturity consists of particular elements that have been well studied in the academic literature before, these are the maturity and professional competence. In her research Maltseva describes the approaches to the analysis of these categories, their nature and gives the definition of "socio-professional maturity" of future specialists. The theoretical-analytical approach has allowed to determine the place of these concepts in the process of training of future specialists, to consider its supporting components such as personal maturity, professional maturity and professional competence. Development of social and professional maturity is a multi-stage process that corresponds to the level of a specialist's training at each stage of professional development throughout their career. The result of the research was the scientific definition of the investigated concepts and methodological analysis of the research. The author emphasizes that in the process of professional development there is a need to consider peculiarities of formation of social and professional maturity in accordance with the intellectual and age development of future specialist. Maltseva also views socio-professional maturity as the criterion and indicator of professional competence.
identity crisis, maturity, professional competence, personal maturity, professional maturity, personal formations, integral criterion, life strategy, social competence, social and professional maturity
Pozdnyakova, U. S..
Principles of Organization and Functioning of Animated Activity in the System of Education, Up-Bringing
and Organization of Children’s Leisure Time
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 3.
P. 225-233.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.3.63734 URL:
The present article is devoted to studying the principles of organization and functioning of animated activity
in the system of education, up-brining and organization of children’s leisure time as a form of psychological and
pedagogical human activity aimed at satisfaction of recreational, relaxation, cultural, educative, creative and leisure
needs and interests, stimulation of full life activities, provision of harmonious interactions between personality, on one side, and society on the other hand, through the process of mutual interaction between the subject and object of
animated activity. Animated activity is performed in active forms of spending leisure time by using means and methods
of cultural up-bringing and teaching influence. The purpose of such activities is to enable successful socialization,
reveal individual qualities, talents and abilities and develop these talents and abilities for the good of the society
and in close interaction with other individuals. The author of the article analyzes the principles of organization and
functioning of animation involving children based on historical, typological, functional, comparative and other methods
of research. The author offers her own definition of the principle of organization and functioning of animated activity
in the system of education, up-bringing and organization of children’s leisure activity and provides a classification of
these principles. In particular, the author underlines the following principles: 1) of humanization and democratism,
2) of cultural feasibility; 3) of interactivity and feedback; 4) of scientific verification; 5) of entirety, continuity and
consistency in performance; 6) of openness and variability; 7) of individuation, dependence on individuality and
developing potentials; 8) of reflexivity and existential analysis; 9) of combined entertainment and devotion (personal
activity); 10) of combined professional competence and efficiency (productivity) of animators’ activities and the level
of their ethics. The author analyzes each of the aforesaid principles and makes recommendations on how to improve
and develop the system of education, up-bringing and organization of leisure time for the younger generation.
principle, animated activity, individuation, cultural feasibility, reflexivity, system, existential analysis, professional competence, ethics, variability.
Stozharova, M. Yu., Remneva, N. A..
Influence of Mathematical Activity on Formation of Cognitive Processes
of Pre-Schoolers
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 4.
P. 59-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.4.61987 URL:
The article is devoted to the two issues: whether the mathematical activity influences the formation of cognitive
processes and how to form cognitive processes of pre-schoolers and develop their mathematical abilities before
school. The authors offer their own program of teaching at a kindergarten and briefly describe the results of the study
showing that mathematical tasks and activities can actually develop cognitive abilities of pre-schoolers.
pedagogy, pre-schooler, school maturity, mathematical activity, cognitive processes, mathematics, cogitation, abilities, sense organ development, creativity.
Guliyakhina, E. S..
Origins of Public Education in the USA: Josef Niff’s Teaching Activity
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 1.
P. 61-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.1.59331 URL:
The article is devoted to teaching activity o Josef Niff who materialized Pestalozzi’s ideas into socio-cultural
reality of the New World during the first half of the 19th century. The article studies contribution o an American
teacher into transformation of teaching about nature-based education, defines the main socio-cultural factors of his
activity and provides a comparative analysis of Pestalozzi’s and Niff’s pedagogical conceptions.
pedagogy, history, education, USA, Josef Niff, Pestalozzi, innovator, William MackLurr, feudalism.