Citations count: 7
Avakova O.V. —
On the adaptation of foreign students
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 54 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.34876 URL:
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Over the recent years, internationalization of the educational process draws heightened interests to foreign students, which in turn, entails a surge of research dedicated to the problems of their adaptation. The goal of this article lies in analyzing the cross-cultural adaptation of foreign students from non-CIS states who study in Russia. The subject of this article is the targeted work of the academic staff on the adaptation of foreign students. Methodological framework is comprised of the following approaches: individual, personality-oriented, activity-oriented, humanistic, and cross-cultural, which takes into account the ethnic and cultural-specific peculiarities of foreign students. The relevance of this topic is justified by the globalization trends of international educational space, as well as strategic tasks of the Russian higher education – stimulate the export of educational services, attract foreign students, and promote the integration of foreign specialists in the Russian job market. The scientific novelty lies in determination of the factors that either contribute to or obstruct the adaptation of foreign students in the Russian universities, as well as the agents of adaptation. On the example of Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", the author analyzes the peculiarities of adaptation process, as well as the factors that improve the living and learning conditions of foreign citizens in the new sociocultural environment, increase the level of multicultural interaction within the framework of the educational institution. It is established that the adaptation of foreign students depends on the psychophysiological, educational-cognitive, sociocultural and casual factors, which are closely interrelated. The problems faced by foreign students are associated with submerging to a new sociocultural and educational environment of the university; therefore, the process of their adaptation should be organized, targeted, and integrated.
Citations count: 7
Magomedov A.M. —
Issues and trends of digital education development
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 134 - 142.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.27084 URL:
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The subject of the study is peculiarities and trends of the formation of the modern digital educational environment in Russia. The timeliness of the research is determined by the fact that online training, including the usage of online courses, becomes highly-demanded, both in a world and national education. Digitalization of the national economy causes digitalization of education sphere. However, if Russian training cannot take part in the digital revolution, it can lead to irreparable loss of time and resources. Issues of creating a modern digital educational environment should be solved in their entirety, preventing formalism and mobilizing the full potential of educational organizations. Analyzing digital education development, the author widely uses methods of economic and statistical analysis. Determining the parameters of online training development, the author relies on a systematic approach. The article describes the main stages of development of informatization in the education sphere, discusses the features of online training, characterizes the state of the world and Russian online education market. The attention is focused on the issues of formation of the modern digital educational environment following the Priority project. Directions of improvement of online education are designated.
Citations count: 5
Glavan A.A., Gramma D.V. —
Development of critical thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialty
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24 - 31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29671 URL:
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Critical thinking relates to the ability of a person to think independently and make the right decisions. Nowadays, the introduction of abilities of critical thinking is regarded as one of the purposes of university studies. In the article, the experience of practical applying the technology of development of critical thinking of students of non-linguistic specialties in the process of studying a foreign language is described. The subject of the study: a process of teaching a foreign language in university as a tool for developing the critical thinking of students. On the first stage, the level of development of critical thinking was analyzed in order to study the level of the development of critical thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language. The research method was the observation of students' communicative activity. On the second stage, there was created and realized a foreign language learning system, based on the technology of critical thinking, which lasted for a term. On the third stage - in order to re-diagnose the level of development of the activity component of critical thinking and evaluation of results - were used such methods as monitoring the work of students in foreign language classes and the method of statistical analysis. The conclusions of the conducted research provide valuable information for improving the technology of the development of critical thinking strategies in the process of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialty. The authors emphasize the necessity of implementation of a given technology referring to the demands of Russian Federation state educational standards of higher education on specialty "Software engineering". Information, received in the process of diagnosing of the level of development of indicators of critical thinking among future IT-specialists, indicates the effectiveness of the proposed technology.
Citations count: 4
Chentsova O. —
The Cultural and Educational Space of the Museum as an Educational Resource for the Higher Education System
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 29 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.23121 URL:
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This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of the cultural and educational space of the museum in the educational and pedagogical process of the university. The work is based on the analysis of modern trends in the world and national system of higher education. The author focuses on existing studies of the integration of educational and museum spaces and explores the general educational and professional possibilities of the museum on the example of The Earth Science Museum at Lomonosov Moscow State University for bachelors of the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University and The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, The Goldenweiser Memorial Apartment for bachelors of Faculty of Entrepreneurship in Culture of the International University in Moscow. The author conducted a special pedagogical study, the results of which are presented in this article, and proves that the educational opportunities of the museum are not currently used in the practice of higher education in full, both for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of university students. This creates grounds for increasing interest of researchers towards using the museum as a resource of university educatonal environment.
Citations count: 4
Vishlenkova S.G., Marinichenko A.I. —
Capabilities of biographical approach in historical-pedagogical examination of the heritage of white émigré
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33493 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of specificity of using biographical approach in studying the heritage of such prominent representatives of white émigré of the XX century as P. M. Bitsilli, N. A. Hans and S. I. Gessen. The subject of this research is the possibility of using biographical approach in the process of examination of pedagogical thought and education of the white émigré. In the course of analysis of works of the recent years, the authors trace the efficiency of such approach in historical-pedagogical research. The object of this article is the books devoted to as P. M. Bitsilli, N. A. Hans and S. I. Gessen that were published in 2018 – 2000s and represent biographical or theoretical research with a strong biographical component. Leaning on the principles of Interdisciplinarity and complex analysis of scientific and historical-educational process, the biographical method is recognized as fundamental for studying educational space of the white émigré and pedagogical heritage of its representatives. The presented overview of publications allows getting a new perspective on scientific potential of biographical approach personalization of pedagogical history of white émigré, and charting the course for further examination of this phenomenon.
Citations count: 3
Asadullin R.M., Dorofeev A.V., Levina I.R. —
Diagnostics of digital competencies of the pedagogue
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.37153 URL:
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This article examines the development of digital competencies of the pedagogue and presents the toolset for their assessment and self-assessment. The subject of this research is the process of detecting digital competencies of the pedagogue. An attempt is made to structure the key indicators of the formation of digital competencies of the pedagogue and conduct their level differentiation. The author provides the matrix of the development of digital competencies, which may become a benchmark for the competent control over student’s learning activity in digital educational space. Such matrix serves as the theoretical model for detecting the level of formation of IT-competencies of the pedagogue in the conditions of rural and ungraded schools. The three levels of the development of digital competencies are presented therein. In their professional development, the pedagogue undergoes the three stages, which can designated as “Application – Adaptation – Elaboration”. This indicates the three levels of development IT- competencies of the pedagogue implemented in the following types of professional activity: work with information resources; control over the learning, upbringing and developmental processes; elaboration of electronic educational materials, creation of educational environment, and countering destructive trends on the Internet; self-management of professional development of the pedagogue. The criteria are formulated in accordance with the highlighted types of professional activity of the pedagogue. The level of development IT-competencies is detected through the analysis of pedagogical situations, when the pedagogue must choose one of three behavioral strategies that are associated related with the general use, general pedagogical, and subject-methodical competency respectively. The article is prepared within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education No. 073-03-2021-015 / 2 of July 21, 2021 for the implementation of research works (on the topic “Research and development of methodical recommendations on the use of modern digital and Internet technologies on the example of rural and ungraded schools in the context of ensuring quality educational process (the online format of implementation is offered)”.
Citations count: 3
Medvedeva I.N., Martynyuk O.I., Pan'kova S.V., Solovyova I.O. —
To the question of assessing universal competences of students
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 30 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34184 URL:
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The subject of this research is the assessment of competences that are crucial in modern life, known as 4K-competences (critical thinking, creativity, communication and cooperation) among the first-year students. Within the framework of the federal state educational standards of higher education, these competences are referred to as universal competences, while in public schools – in the list of metasubject learning results. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of experience of assessing general cultural/universal competences of the first-year students (recent high school graduates). Research methodology is comprised of the methods of theoretical analysis of this problem in scientific literature, examination and generalization of the approaches towards assessment of general cultural/universal competences. The novelty of research consists in actualization of the need to assess general cultural/universal competences of first-year students, as well as in justification of application of assessment method with regards to these competences. The conclusion is made that the input assessment allows detecting the level of formation of universal competences, and if necessary, adjusting individual educational routes of the students. In the course of assessment, the students were immersed into project activities for the purpose of revealing the elements of universal competences, as well as learning teamwork, communication skills and critical thinking.
Citations count: 2
Rostovtseva M.V., Pomazan V.A., Rutts M.L., Anan'ev V.N., Bobrik E.S. —
Readiness of public school pedagogues for implementation of inclusive education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 130 - 144.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35622 URL:
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This article touches upon the problem of readiness of the modern public school pedagogues for implementation of inclusive education. The author carries out an empirical research, the results of which demonstrate unwillingness of the pedagogues to teach children with health limitations. This is manifests in poor organization of correctional and developmental environment for inclusive education, as well as insufficient pedagogical interaction between all actors of the inclusive process pedagogical interaction between all subjects of the inclusive process; inability to select optimal means to arrange inclusive education and use various resources for the development of all children, etc. The author offers the key strategic directions for administration of public schools aimed at working with the indicated flaws, which for the most part are related to the arrangement of comprehensive interdepartmental interaction of all parties to the educational process. The author obtained the data on the main shortages of public school pedagogies in working with impaired children. Based on the method of self-analysis of pedagogical difficulties, the respondents indicated the reluctance to solve professional tasks in lesson planning, difficulties in communicating with children with health limitations, no methodological support or competence to develop it themselves. The author suggests arranging joint activity between the specialists in the field of correctional work (psychologists, speech-language pathologist, defectologists, tutors) and teachers, organizing methodological support in the educational institution to select techniques for working with children in the conditions of inclusion, tracking the dynamics of their development.
Citations count: 2
Alekhina S.V. —
The Role of Parents Who Have Children with Disabilities in the Development of Inclusive Education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.4.24965 URL:
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In her article Alyokhina brings forth the problem of participation and involvement of parents who raise children with disabilities into the development of the inclusive education process. The author of the article analyzes contradictions between rights that are assigned to parents and the degree of their participation in changing the educational practice and conditions for children with special needs. The author of the article emphasizes the need to provide psychological and pedagogical support of parents when the latest choose the educational route for children with disabilities as well as the importance of information availability for parents who are making such a choice. The article presents the results of the empirical research that has defined factors affecting the choice of the educational route under the conditions of the variability of programs and forms of education for children with disabilities. The main psychological test methods included poorly formalised methods such as observation, questionnaire and survey and formalised methods such as The Parent's Psychological Type Inventory (offered by V. Tkacheva), Parenting Style Inventory (by A. Varga and V. Stolin) and PARI Inventory (by E. Shefer and Z. Bell) adapted by T. Nescheret. The author of the article defines the need to provide psychological and pedagogical support of parents when the latter choose an educational route for their children with disabilities and importance of information availability for such parents. The author of the article also emphasizes the need not only in psychological and pedagogical assistance but also organisational technologies aimed at involvement of parents into the educational process.
Citations count: 2
Stepanova O.S., Nikolaeva A.A. —
Study of conflictological competence of teachers in the context of optimization of comfort and security of the educational environment
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 66 - 76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29590 URL:
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In this article, the author attempts to substantiate the expediency of improving the comfort and security of the educational environment. The necessity of it is explained not so much by the requirements of modern Federal standards as by the humanization of the educational process. It is consistently proved that the interaction of teachers and students will not be effective if the school does not create optimal conditions for the self-realization of the individual. An empirical study, conducted by the author of the article, showed that an objective obstacle to the improvement of the educational environment can be the stagnation of teachers who use a directive approach in interaction with students, which provokes sharp disagreements between the agents. These conditions actualize the significance of the work, aimed at improving the conflictological competence of teachers. Liberal pedagogy can also become a means of reducing conflicts in the educational sphere and, as a result, improving its comfort and security. Personality-oriented technology also allows taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Whatever path was chosen in the educational organization, the main thing is that in the process of implementation of measures the employees must have formed conflictological competence, including through which the improvement of comfort and security of the educational environment is carried out.
Citations count: 2
Grebennikova V.M., Leus O.V. —
Qualimetric monitoring of professional competences of a teacher in the conditions of digitalization of education: problems and solutions
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 86 - 95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.33065 URL:
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This article is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 19-013-00163 À “Methodology and Technology of Socio-Pedagogical Research of Family as a Subject of Creation of Individual Educational Trajectory of a Child”). The author examines the problem of monitoring of professional competences of a teacher in the conditions of digital environment. The authors propose a new technique for development of a method for assessing professional competences of a teacher based on latent variables theory, where private criteria manifest as integral with regards to indexes and indicators of professional competencies of a teacher. Qualimetric monitoring of professional competences contributes to the growth of personal growth of a teacher and improvement of the quality of his work in digital environment. The authors outline the scientific basis for qualimetric monitoring of professional competences of a teacher using the RUUM 2020 software (Rasch Unidimensional Measurement Models). The suggested approach proves that in the school digital environment can be resolved the issue of accessibility and automation of assessing professional competences of a teachers, apply Qualimetric monitoring for motivation of personal growth and self-improvement of a teacher. The new approach allows presenting the qualitative indicators in quantitative dimension. Such solution of the problem corresponds to the current level of requirements of digital environment for monitoring and scientific organization aimed at improvement of teacher’s competences.
Citations count: 2
Sokolova L., Ermakov D.S. —
Innovation projects in the area of formal, non-formal and informal education for sustainable development
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 63 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.33838 URL:
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Education for sustainable development (ESD) has been one of the priority vectors in the activity of international organizations since 1990s. The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for sustainable development has been awarded since 2015. This article is dedicated to the analysis of innovation projects in the area of formal, non-formal and informal education for sustainable development that have received this award over the period from 2015-= to 2019. The subject of this research is the content of projects and programs of the winner countries in the corresponding areas of ESD. The systemic approach demonstrates that the initiatives that equally affect social, economic and environmental aspects of ESD and lead to positive individual and societal changes become the winners. It is determined that the share of projects and programs in the area of formal and informal education is insignificant (7 and 13%, respectively). Despite a considerable number for informal ESD (33%), most of the initiatives (47%) are of complex nature. The advanced experience of the award-winning countries complement the existing representations on the opportunities of studying the questions of sustainable development in the area of non-formal and informal education, as well as indicates the benefits of continuous ESD throughout life. For the implementation of ESD, the authors employ general institutional approach that reveals the strategy of activity of the educational institutions oriented towards sustainable development, which results in subsequent “ESD-transformation” of the traditional model of education.
Citations count: 2
Rozin V.M. —
Conditions for conceivability of individualization within the new paradigm of education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 161 - 172.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34347 URL:
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This article discusses why the traditional pedagogical paradigm of education failed to consider individualization: this was contradicted by the fundamental principles of pedagogy of the XIX century (interpretation of a student as a generalized individual, rather than personality; uniform curriculum, understanding of key goal of education as digestion of knowledge, etc.); these principles were also supported by project of modernity. New paradigm of education should take into account the analogy of phylo- and ontogenesis, in the context of which the author differentiates the culture that includes sociality (phylogenetic plan), and development of the individual in education and culture (ontogenetic plan). At the same time, culture and sociality, should be viewed within the framework of semiotic, activity, and environmental approaches, a detailed characteristic of which is presented. The author distinguishes between the “before-personality” cultures (Ancient World) and “with personalities” cultures (since the Antiquity). The first one did not allow autonomous behavior; while the second, in addition to collective forms of life, initiate private forms driven by “private patterns”. From ontogenetic perspective, the author delineates the three “cultures of life”: the culture of “prama” (childhood), the culture of “personal becoming” (teenage period and adolescence), the culture of “personal enhancement” (adulthood). Three phases of personal becoming are discusses: 1) formation of intersubjective situation, 2) response of an individual to such situation, as a yet unsconsious way of its resolution; 3) comprehension, outlining, action (this phase includes learning). The author introduces an important concept of “evolution of an individual”, which implies spontaneous and conscious changes in personality of a student under the influence of school, family, media (Internet), friends, and reflection. Based on the aforementioned differences and concepts, the author gives characteristics to the sources of individualization, and describes the space it is fulfilled within.
Citations count: 2
Fesenko O.P. —
Efficiency of Training as the Method of Teaching Russian as the Native Language (Based on the Analysis of a University Discipline 'The Russian Language and Speech Culture')
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 65 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.25523 URL:
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Training as a method of active learning in the framework of the university course "Russian language and culture of speech" is considered as a means of developing communicative and speech competences. The purpose of the study is to describe the possibilities of using this method and its effectiveness on the basis of the Omsk Automobile and Armored Engineering Institute (the 1st-year students). The subject of the research is the effectiveness of the training technology in teaching the Russian language and the culture of speech at the university (using the example of a military university). 250 cadets became participants in the pedagogical experiment. The main method is a pedagogical experiment. During the school year, training sessions (role-playing and discussions) and training sessions, some of which are described in the article, were applied in the study groups. The training method covered almost all the main topics of the discipline “Norms of the Russian literary language”, “Functional styles of the Russian literary language”, “Layers of the national language”, “Military rhetoric”. The results indicate that the development of the curriculum and the formation of communicative and speech competences is more productive using the training as a method of enhancing cognitive activity because it allows to organize the educational process bringing it as close as possible to the future professional activity of students in the aspect of speech interaction.
Citations count: 2
Rolgayzer A.A., Demidenko K.A., Podgornaya E.A. —
Usage of information and communication technologies in the process of foreign language training in terms of digital educational space of the university
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 116 - 126.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29731 URL:
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Integration of Russia in an integrated global educational and information space causes the appearance of new strategic missions, including the introduction and application of modern information and telecommunication technologies of education. Therefore, the subject of this study is modern information and communication technologies, ensuring the efficiency of linguistic and communicative competences development of students. The object of the study is the process of foreign language training in terms of a modern digital learning environment. The author examines the necessity of implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational space of the educational organization in the conditions of widespread digitalization. Special attention is paid to the most common information technologies such as Internet simulators, electronic libraries, online dictionaries, chats, podcasts, educational programs of the YouTube channel, computer testing, Moodle learning management system. The main methods of the research were the collection, analysis and systematization of scientific and methodological literature and regulations on research, questionnaires, and statistical methods of processing the obtained results. The novelty of the research is due to the analysis of the results of the survey of students about the use of information technologies in the process of studying a foreign language. The authors come to the conclusion that the use of ICT in the teaching of a foreign language, both in the opinion of experts and in the opinion of students, contributes to the effectiveness of the educational process, helps to strengthen the practical orientation of classes through a rational combination of traditional and electronic forms of education.
Citations count: 2
Gushchin A.N. —
Emotional Engagement of Students in E-Learning as an Example of a Project Management Course
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 161 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.40915 EDN: WNYFQR URL:
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The subject of the study is the possibility of emotional involvement of students in an e-learning course. Usually it is considered that the involvement of students should be made in the learning process.
The author reads that the involvement should be produced in the social role for which the training course is intended. This statement is the hypothesis of the study. A social role represents the "sum of expectations" from the behavior of a social role bearer and is not identical to a set of learning competencies. The social role also includes personal experience with the social role bearer.
The ways of involvement are considered on the example of "project management" course with involvement in the social role of a manager.
The main conclusions of this study are the confirmation of the stated hypothesis that the involvement should be carried out in the social role for which the training course is intended. The effectiveness of involvement is assessed by diactic means. The course is built on the following primes: 1) the abandonment of the traditional grading system for each assignment completed; 2) the training assignments for each topic contain two components: mandatory and voluntary; and 3) the full encouragement of skills in managing one's time.
On the basis of these principles the assignments of the training course are formulated.
Analysis of the digital footprint left by the students during the performance of tasks shows a high degree of emotional involvement.
Citations count: 2
Pesha A.V., Evplova E.V. —
Supra-professional competences of pedagogues of the XXI century
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 29 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33247 URL:
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Digitalization and advancement of knowledge economy, formation and proliferation of the new technological didactics based on the didactic tetrahedron, lead to requirements changes in the development of pedagogical competencies. These trends influence the selection of the topic of research aimed at studying the relevance of formation of supra-professional competencies of future pedagogues. The goal of this work consists in carrying out an empirical study, based on the content analysis of previous research, of the opinions of students of pedagogical universities on the importance of self-evaluation and evaluation of opportunities for the development of supra-professional competencies essential for the pedagogues of the XXI century. The online survey involved 150 students from three pedagogical universities – Ural State Pedagogical University, South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, and Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. The article presents an original definition of the concept of “supra-professional competence”, as well as makes an overview of national and foreign literature on the matter. The authors revealed the results of pilot study conducted among students of the aforementioned pedagogical universities. As a result of the research, based on the collected opinions of the students of 7 fields of study in two perspectives – self-evaluation of the level of development of students’ competencies and assessment of the importance of competences on the job market. The acquired results of assessment of opportunities for the development of supra-professional competences testify to the fact that there is room for improvement of educational process.
Citations count: 2
Arzhakova M., Egorova K.E. —
Evaluation of professional competence of future chemistry teachers in the current context
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 25 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.34367 URL:
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The implementation in the higher school of such new normative documents as Federal State Educational Standard, unit standard and others, set the goal for realization of competence approach in education. At the same time, such competence as the expected results serve as the evidentiary base for guaranteeing the quality of graduates training. There is currently no unified standard for assessing the quality of education overall. The subject of this research is the formation and assessment of formedness of professional competences of students on the discipline 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education with major in Chemistry and 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education with major in Biology and Chemistry. The goal of this research consists in formation of professional competence of students in the conditions of a classical university through creation of the system of occupational assignments. For the development of theoretical platform of research, special attention is given to the theoretical questions of formation of professional competence of students majoring in pedagogy. The author describes the requirements to evaluation tools and the structure of evaluation tools. The article employs the general theoretical methods of summarization, systematization, analysis, and comparison. The scientific novelty consists in outlining approaches towards solution of the problem of formation of professional competence of the students majoring in pedagogy in the conditions of a classical university; determination of criteria and indicators of professional training of future chemistry teachers in the context of implementation of the new educational policy. The conclusion is made that the practice-oriented educational institutions are one of the means of formation and evaluation of the formedness of professional competences of the students majoring in pedagogy.
Citations count: 2
Gur'yanchik V.N., Belkina V.V., Makeeva T.V. —
The Educational Aspect of Ensuring the Safety of Children from the Liberated Territories
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 72 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39265 EDN: QCVLXN URL:
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Social security is one of the guarantees of development of the contemporary society. The term “social security” has recently become broadly used in psychological, pedagogical and social contexts, when the issues of human and society protection joined the priority tasks of science and practice.
The relevance of providing the social security of childhood is actualized at the level of national state policy and is recognized as an important tool in solving the foreign policy issues.
The article actualizes the attention on the problem of social security of children from liberated territories of Ukraine (Lugansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic) in the aspect of implementing educational projects for schoolchildren with a view of learning the Russian traditions and customs, which makes it possible to review the life values and attitude to our country.
In July and August 2022, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinskiy took part organization and implementation of “University Sessions”, initiated by the Ministry of Enlightenment of the Russian Federation within the frameworks of a federal project. The program implied a number of events of educational, cultural-historical, sportive, leisure and career guidance character. The University accepted three sessions with total of 109 children of both genders aged 12 to 17 y.o.
Citations count: 2
Kozilova L.V. —
Cognitive dissonance among students in the conditions of online communications of modern educational environment
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 96 - 106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.33113 URL:
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The subject of this research is the educational environment of a pedagogical university, in the conditions of which the educational process is realized through online communications and characterized by the presence of phenomena of cognitive dissonance within the system of intersubjective relations. The authors views the features and assessments of discomfort of cognitive dissonance impeding students’ inclusion into the educational process. The assessments of cognitive dissonance are analyzed depending on its causes among the students of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree. Attention is paid to perception of cognitive dissonance by the students as a lack of freedom of choice of the individual communication strategies, which on the subjective level is accompanied by feeling of indifference to the need for fulfilling the set assignments. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that the shift of pedagogical paradigm is accompanied by the phenomena of cognitive dissonance depending on its causes among the Bachelor’s students mostly relate to the absence of interest to online communications, inertness of feedback, and failure to understand the logic of the communication process itself. Among the Master’s Degree students there were no evidence of cognitive dissonance of any critical quantitative values. In quantitative regards, all of these indicators were below average, except such factors as the lack of freedom in selection of individual communication strategies. The scientific novelty consist in identification of the key characteristics and assessments of discomfort of cognitive dissonance impeding students’ inclusion into the educational process of modern educational environment.
Citations count: 2
Guzova A.V., Savitskaya N. —
The technique for development of lexical competence based on authentic texts on a specialty
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 15 - 26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.31862 URL:
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The subject of this article is the technique for development of lexical competence based on authentic texts on a specialty on the example of foreign language. The goal consists in systematization and approbation of the techniques for development of lexical competence based on the texts on a specialty in the nonlinguistic educational institution. The process of teaching technical vocabulary is inseparably related to main stages of the work with authentic technical texts. Emphasis is made on the communicative types of tasks contributing to the development of verbal skills and more efficient digestion of specialty vocabulary. An experiment was selected as methodology for this research. The article describes the key aspects of teaching technical foreign language in a nonlinguistic educational institution, as well as reveals the importance of formation of active vocabulary among the students of technical specialties. The novelty lies in systematization of comprehensive approach towards increasing the level of lexical competence among the students of nonlinguistic educational facilities based on authentic texts on a specialty. The application of authentic texts on a specialty for increasing lexical competence would contribute to the improvement of learning process of a foreign language.
Citations count: 2
Avakova O.V. —
The Use of Computer-Based Testing for Monitoring Purposes in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language at a Non-Linguistic University
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 112 - 123.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.21689 URL:
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The author raises the problem of using computer-based testing during practical classes at a non-linguistic university. The subject of the research is the theoretical basis and practical implementation of a set of tests for teaching, organising practical work and monitoring the level of knowledge of students majoring in economics. The aim of this paper is to examine the monitoring process in teaching and acquisition of knowledge from the point of view of testing technology. The author substantiates the hypothesis that the use of different types of testing in the classroom contributes not only to improving the quality of learning a foreign language by economy students but also stimulates cognitive activity of students and their personal motivation in learning a foreign language for acquisition of professional competence. The research methods used in this work include general research methosd such as generalization of Russian and foreign experience in the field of education efficiency and empirical methods such as observation, and questionnaire survey. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves the need and possibility of integrating traditional forms of control and computer-based testing for the purpose of increasing efficiency of training of economy students at non-linguistic universities. The author of the research carries out an analysis of the current state of testing as a way to control the level of training. The author also justifies the use of computer-based testing in the final pedagogical control on the discipline "Foreign language" as the first stage of knowledge monitoring which determines the tolerance for the delivery of the traditional exam.
Citations count: 2
Abramova O.M. —
Web-Tools as Means of Professional Development and Organization of Self-Education of a Modern Teacher
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 34 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.4.17286 URL:
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The object of the research is professional efficiency of teachers at higher education institutions under the conditions of growing importance of self-education learning technologies. The subject of the research is the methodical system of training teachers of higher education institutions for continuous independent professional development based on using state-of-the art Web-tools. In her article Abramova views the role of independent professional development of teachers as an important element of maintening professional efficiency and competitive ability on the modern labor market. The author also analyzes whether it is possible to apply the didactic potential of Web-tools in professional activity which would llow the teacher not only to solve pedagogical problems but also to carry out continuous self-education. The following research methods have been used: analysis of the methodological bases of professional activity conducted by university teachers, working programs and guidelines for preparation and retraining of teachers, synthesis of pedagogical experience in using state-of-the art web-tools as the means of increasing professional efficiency, conversations with teachers regarding the subject of the research. The author also analyze the current state and perspective areas for implementing information technologies in the system of professional development and self-education of teachersat higher education institutions under the conditions of continuous education. The author reveal and theoretically prove didactic opportunities of using web-tools for continuous professional development of university teacher for the purpose of increasing professional efficiency. Abramova also gives particular examples of web-tools that are most popular for today.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M. —
On Building the Theory of Questioning
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 78 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.26172 URL:
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In his article Rozin describes the first stage of building the theory of questioning. The author's theory is based on the differentiation between pre-personal and personal questions as he described in his previous article. Rozin makes a statement that questioning is not a complete process because it only sets the 'sphere of questioning' as a special experience of a collective action and 'questioning communication'. Rozin analyzes three cases (Socratic questioning in Plato's works, questioning in St. Augustine's 'Confessiones' and questions asked by an investigator). Analysis of these three cases has allowed to describe the sphere of questioning and questioning communication as new concepts. In particular, in terms to questioning communicaiton, the author suggests to differentiate between the situation of questioning and process of questioning. In his research Rozin has used the following methodologies: problem statement, case analysis, construction of ideal objects and concepts that describe them, and typological description. As a result, Rozin outlines the methodological program of buildig the theory of questioning. He also differentiates between the terms 'the sphere of questioning' and 'questioning communication' and to describe the first characteristics of questions based on the analysis of three cases (Socratic questioning in Plato's works, questioning in St. Augustine's 'Confessiones' and questions asked by an investigator).
Citations count: 1
Ermakov D.S. —
Application of the “World Café” methodology in pedagogical research
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 63 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33694 URL:
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Recent transformations in pedagogical theory and practice arouse interest in innovative methods. The developed in the late XX century methodology of conducting an informal focused discourse “World Café” can be applied for solution of complex issues, integration of opinions of the experts in different fields, arrangement of group work, recapitulation, exchange of experience, etc. Currently, this technique enjoys popularity worldwide. The subject of this research is the history of creation, functional capabilities and peculiarities of application of the “World Café” methodology in pedagogical research. The article presents a brief overview of on the history of its emergence. The fundamental principles and rules of its implementation are outlined. The article reveals the peculiarities of application of “World Café” in scientific-pedagogical purposes as a qualitative method of research of socio-constructivist direction, which facilitates the dialogue, opens access to knowledge and opinions of broad range of participants, advances mutual learning, as well as serves as the source of valuable information. The author analyzed Russian and foreign examples of application of “World Café” methodology for resolving the indicated issues. The article describes the characteristics of this method in comparison with such methods of obtaining quality information as individual interviews and focus groups. Comparative merits and flaws are identified.
Citations count: 1
Kozilova L.V. —
Professional self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 106 - 121.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34752 URL:
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The article examines the problems of self-development of teachers in the conditions of transformation of the modern educational environment, which are associated with the need to identify conditions that promote or hinder professional self-realization. The transformation of the educational environment of the university actualizes the processes of goal-setting and the possibility of planning the formation of the teacher's personality. The object of the research is the process of professional self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment. The subject of the study is the main characteristics of goal-setting in the structure of planning for the professional future of a teacher in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment. The evaluation levels (low, medium, high) of goal-setting for the professional and pedagogical self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university are determined, taking into account the importance of its structural components, that is, indicators (awareness of the need for professional and pedagogical self-development, strategic planning, concreteness of goal-setting, etc.). The assessment of levels was carried out taking into account indicators in its structure (dyads), which they are logically interrelated and reflect the professional and pedagogical self-development of a university teacher. The overall self-development potential of teachers of a pedagogical university is enhanced by such semantic modalities as flexibility in achieving goals and creativity in planning their professional future. Within the framework of the study, the most significant determinants of goal-setting have been identified, which predetermine the need for professional and pedagogical self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university, focused on assessing the prospects for planning the development of personnel of educational organizations. The novelty of the research lies in the need to identify the main characteristics of goal-setting in the structure of planning a professional future teacher, taking into account the need for his professional and pedagogical self-development and transformation of the modern educational environment. It was found that among teachers of pedagogical universities, 65% of respondents noted that they pay attention to professional and pedagogical self-development only if the requirements of the university management are met; 35% of respondents expressed a desire and willingness to develop themselves both in the field of the pedagogical profession and beyond.
Citations count: 1
Salomadin I.A., Petrieva L.I. —
Survey of reading interests of middle and high school students in the Ulyanovsk region as an effective tool for the formation of motivation to read
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 126 - 137.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.37411 EDN: MGXLYQ URL:
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The article deals with the main aspects of schoolchildren's reading in order to form a new approach in the field of motivation to read in the conditions of modern FGOS. The object of the study was the reading culture and motivation for reading of students from grades 5 to 11. The main research methods were questionnaires and analysis of the results obtained. The analysis of the survey results allowed us to establish the following: reading retains its importance and relevance for the younger generation. At the same time, it is necessary to note a number of important trends that are of great importance in the context of studying the processes of formation of motivation to read Among the identified trends: changes in the frequency and duration of reading, changes in genre preferences towards mass literature, the tendency of respondents to study works in short or adapted versions, the limitation of extracurricular reading to works subjectively interesting to schoolchildren. One of the key problems of the study was the question of the sincerity of the respondents. The results of the study can be applied in the process of literary education of schoolchildren in the formation of internal motivation to read. In addition, the presented questionnaire model can be used to form a reading environment in specific educational conditions, both in the above and in a modified form.
Citations count: 1
Gaponova Z.K., Serogodskaya A.A. —
Teaching African students Russian at the Center for Open Education in the Republic of Ivory Coast
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 136 - 151.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.69264 EDN: TSKYAJ URL:
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The authors of the article consider the features of teaching Russian as a foreign language (hereinafter referred to as RCT) to Ivorians at the Center for Open Education established on the basis of universities (Université méthodiste de Côte d’Ivoire, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, ETIC University) in October 2023 in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The purpose of this study is to describe approaches to teaching Ivorians the Russian language from scratch and the practice of working with African students, which allows to intensify the language learning process, optimize the amount of material studied, choose effective methods and techniques, and offer practical advice to RCT teachers beginning to explore the African continent. The research is based on the principles of competence-based, communicative-activity and ethnically oriented approaches in teaching RCT. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: questionnaires, observation, including the method of "unconscious internal observation", statistical methods of processing results, comparison, generalization of practical experience in teaching Russian to foreign students. The implementation of the Russian language teaching system developed by the authors of the article from scratch showed that this process achieves the greatest effectiveness when taking into account the characteristics of the African audience (emotionality, musicality, artistry of students) and including a large number of visual, media and audio materials. According to the authors of the article, the techniques of melodization and rhythmization of linguistic and didactic materials acquired particular importance in the learning process: they contributed to the establishment of trusting relationships between teachers and students, disclosed the requests of Ivorians for the content of education, and allowed taking into account the cultural interests of the audience. The demonstration of respect for Russian and African cultures in the development of the lesson program was carried out taking into account the comparative approach, which allowed students to focus on the peculiarities of Russia compared with Africa's. The use of gaming technologies made it possible for teachers to present material to students in different ways: working in pairs, groups (teams), the rapid change of activities caused by the game, contributed to the establishment of mutual contacts in a large audience (the number of students in the classroom could reach up to 100 people), relieving tension when communicating in a non-native language, unobtrusive introduction of grammatical and lexical material, as well as intensive enrichment of Ivorian students with information about Russian culture.
Citations count: 1
Kalinina Y.V., Brailovskaya T.V. —
Continuity of professional education: complementarity coaching and self-design of dental specialists
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 42 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.69777 EDN: FMPBKR URL:
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The problems of training highly qualified specialists – dentists and maxillofacial surgeons – are discussed, taking into account the level of their pedagogical competence, which allows them to develop professionally important qualities and establish adequate relationships in the doctor-patient pair. From this perspective, the parameters of domestic continuous dental education and its stages are characterized, based on scientific and pedagogical expertise and organizational innovations. The goals and objectives of such complementarity in the functioning of the structures of additional professional education; its high productivity is emphasized at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health. The study analyzes the content of the key concepts of “coaching” and “self-design”, and performs a comparative analysis of: 1) the results of a public opinion survey; 2) sociological research regarding the reproduction of medical personnel; 3) author’s surveys and in-depth interviews about the parameters and quality of educational processes. The novelty of the study lies in the substantiation of the urgency of introducing the concepts of “coaching” and “self-design” to concretize new approaches in the theoretical support of postgraduate training of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons. For the first time, the complementary nature of the relationship between them is substantiated. The author emphasizes that the adaptation of the corresponding pedagogical techniques allows us to more clearly highlight the role of the pedagogical component in the training of highly qualified specialists in these areas. The main conclusion of the study is that coaching and techniques of conscious self-design, being in a relationship of complementarity, determine a significant increase in the level of postgraduate education, meeting such conditions as a combination of pedagogical competence with the peculiarities of the structural and content components of scientific activity.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M. —
Understanding of cultural-semiotic environment in the tutor’s concept of education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 74 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33526 URL:
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This article attempts to build a discourse of cultural-semiotic environment for the tutor's concept of education. In order to achieve the set task, analysis is conducted on the case from educational practice, including the author's, pertaining to discovery of a drawn image by a child. In the process of such discovery, the author differentiated three phases: formation of problematic situation, its resolution through drawing a scheme, and learning the reality with secondary objects. This material is interpreted within the framework of a new extended semiotic approach, which includes semiotics not only signs and sign systems, but also schemes, icons, symbols, and works of art. The article discusses the cultural-semiotic environment, which stimulates mental development of a young person, and in addition to semiotic means, features communication, resolution of problematic situation, and ascertainment of the structured explanation by results of the entire process. The author analyzes position of a tutor as a fundamentally different from educational position of the pedagogy of formation. The author also offers a semiotic version of the genesis of culture, in which he distinguishes three different formats ‒ actual semiotic, social, and anthropological, which impacts the formation of personality. In conclusion, the article presents a description of current situation in culture and education, as well as thoughts on the role and objectives of the tutor movement thereof.
Citations count: 1
Bleikh N.O. —
Problems of Religious Education of Muslims of the Northern Caucasus (the XIXth Century)
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 67 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.22946 URL:
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The article is based on little known archival and documentary sources. The author of the article examines the problems of religious education of Muslims of the North Caucasus. It is proved that socio-political and cultural development of the North Caucasus region in the nineteenth century was marked by the involvement of Muslim peoples in the social, cultural and economic field of Russia through school policy. The Russian government in the region tried to implement not only the "stick" (military action, economic blockade), but also the "carrot" policy (education development), knowing that the latter will evoke sympathy among the local population and the spiritual elite. To the traditional system of education, which was submitted to the Koranic school, the Mekteb and medrese were added to the state "public" educational institutions that educate youth in loyalty to the Russian state. Methodologically the article is based on the achievements of Russian historical science in the field of Caucasian studies, history of Russian education, educational thought, urban studies, and studies of the social system of the Russian Empire. The methodological basis of the research involves the principles of objectivity, consistency and historicism, which is dictated by the complexity of studying the topic. Conclusions are made about the fact that after the establishment of the Russian statehood in the area of distribution of Islam, everyday way of life of Muslims changed for the better. The traditional Muslim system of education has been changed, too, in which there was an increase in the number of new theological schools, and have significantly improved their training facilities. However, Muslim educational paradigm implemented by the Russian Empire in the North Caucasus still needed in a substantial upgrade.
Citations count: 1
Bobrova L.N., Moskalev A.N., Nikulova G.A. —
Stages in Developing Practice-Oriented IT-Competences of Would-Be Teachers: From Class Projects to Real Achievements
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 66 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.3.23793 URL:
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The fact that students and teachers actively use information technologies (IT) in their academic process has defined the subject of the research. The article is devoted to IT-competences of would-be teachers applied in the process of selecting, using and teaching software. The authors of the article pay special attention to the requirements of teachers being ready for these activities as these requirements are presented in international and federal educational standards. The purpose of the research article is to describe a comprehensive approach to developing practice-oriented IT-competences of students trained in teaching and to solve the problem of popularisation of information and computer support of teaching disciplines at a university. Based on the Internet survey, the authors have analyzed IT-needs of teachers, structure of their interest in this sphere and IT usage rate. They have also discovered problems arising in the process of teachers' applying ready-to-use software. The main problem is that teachers have difficulty adjusting software products to their teaching method and planning of lessons. The authors describe the concept, system and experience in training would-be teachers for developing and using their own software for academic purposes. The authors also establish the main principles of 'transparent' development of IT-competences and curricular and psychological results of this approach. As an example, the authors describe fully featured academic software that is used to teach disciplines at Lipetsk State Pedagogical P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University.
Citations count: 1
Larin N.A. —
The Relationship Between Cross-Cultural Competence and Emotional Burnout Syndrome of Teachers Working with Migrants
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.25515 URL:
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This article is devoted to the description of the results of the author's research andn reveals particularities of the relationship between cross-cultural competence and emotional burnout syndrome of teachers working with migrants. The article contains a description of the phenomenon of burnout and cross-cultural competence of teachers. In his research Larin describes the results of his research that prove the relationship between the affective motivational component of cross-cultural competence of a teacher and the level of depersonalisation as well as the overall level of burnout. Within the framework of this research, the author carried out a survey that involved 64 teachers from 6 secondary schools. To analyze the level of emotional burnout, the author has used the MBI method. To analyze cross-cultural competence, the author has used an quick cross-cultural competence questionnaire offered by M. Chibisov, T. Ivanov, and M. Kornilov. At first sight, emotional burnout and cross-cultural competence of school teachers are two absolutely unrelated phenomena. However, a school teacher may have to work with migrant children which creates additional emotional stress. In its turn, this may affect the emotional state of a teacher and, as a consequence, the level of emotional burnout.
Citations count: 1
Egorov S. —
Organizational approaches and methods of realization of tasks on preparation of ministers and clergy members
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 38 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.27601 URL:
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The subject of this research is the current practice of the Russian evangelical congregations and associations in the area of realization of tasks on preparation of ministers and clergy members. Such activity is held within the congregations, jointly with secular universities, as well as on the premises of theological educational establishments. Wide range of options on the one hand opens opportunities for decision-making for the leaders of congregations, but on the other, substantiates restrictions and risks with regards to the quality of preparation, as well as from the perspective of applicability of particular legislative norms to the corresponding practice. As the basic approach towards solution of research tasks, the author selected the so-called methodology of soft system, which is one of the varieties of systemic analysis. This methodological direction allows reconstructing and comparing normative statutes and relevant practice within the area under consideration. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the variety of practices of preparation of ministers and clergy members within the framework of Russian evangelical churches using the resources of systemic analysis. The author was able to systematize the indicated practices, as well as determine their key characteristics necessary for making efficient administrative decisions by the leaders of congregations and educational establishments. The acquired results are also important for the development of Russian legislation in part of regulation of state-confessional relations.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M. —
Conceptual grounds of inclusive education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 134 - 144.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.35107 URL:
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This article examines the contradiction between the new principles of the concept of inclusive education and the reference to the theory of development as the basis of this concept. Individualization of education is one of the central ideas of the concept of inclusive education, since unlike in traditional education and the concept of formation, the individual cannot be reduced to an averaged type, as well as students’ development as a single trajectory and a common pattern for everyone. The author's understanding of tutor movement and experience allowed formulating the approach and methodology that is an alternative to the concept of formation, reveals the actual experience of inclusive education. The approach implies the following positions: different trajectories of development for different types of personality; consideration pf the structures established in the prior development; creation of semiotic environment in communication that allows the individual fulfilling their potential and substantiating a new perspective; three tasks of support – initiation of problems and situations of becoming of the new, assistance in solution of these problems and support of development, vector of establishment and development in the fold of culture; differentiation of pre-personal and personal forms (“prama” and subjectivity). For clarification of the aforementioned provisions, the two cases are analyzed (the process of revealing an image in the drawing, as well as the story that took place with young Carl Jung). This analysis allowed characterizing the conceptual grounds of inclusive education. The article introduces the concepts of “social body” and “reflexive practices”, which alongside the positions of L. S. Vygotsky (bypass, reliance on the child’s mental structures, understanding the source of development as a social phenomenon, rather than biological) can be used for the development of inclusive education.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M. —
The analysis the family-type Pavel Shivarev’s (non) school “The Searchers”
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 165 - 174.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35216 URL:
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Thus article analyzes the concept and experience of the Kaliningrad (non ) school of Pavel Shivarev. The author lists the key principles of its operation: organizing education outside the classroom system, active participation of the child's family in educational process, activity of children in different age groups, orientation towards individualization of education. The article discusses the attitude of parents to fully invest education of their children and do no enroll them into a public school. The author examines the principal theoretical and pedagogical provisions “The Searchers” (non) school is founded on: revised Montessori system, environmental approach, focus on individualization of education, use of modern methodological and psychological techniques. Attention is given to the important role of environment created in the (non) school. The author believes that namely such environment guides the pedagogues and parents towards development and evolution of children. In The three subsystems are distinguished within this environment: anthropological, object-semiotic, and purely semiotic. The environmental approach allows analyzing the act of learning, which implies actualization of the problem situation, unconscious response of the body to it, conscious activity on building the patterns and solving the problem situation, awareness of the obtained solution. The article reviews two perspectives of culture the students are being introduced to in “The Searchers” (non) school: accepted in the state, and shared by the family and pedagogues of the (non) school. In conclusion, the author raises the three complex topics: the social nature of education, the role of subjective factor of development, and the attitude of new education towards traditional.
Citations count: 1
Taraskina I., Orbodoeva L.M. —
Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning (using the example of online platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams)
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 71 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.35648 EDN: LKAWRM URL:
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Distance learning has become an integral part of modern life. In the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, in which many countries are still today, online platforms have been and remain one of the most important means of organizing the learning process. In our country, education using distance learning technologies has been implemented in educational institutions. The subject of the study is the study of pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning based on the online platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams. In order to identify the optimal conditions for the organization of distance learning, a written survey in the form of a questionnaire was conducted within the framework of the study. The main research methods include: review of scientific literature, observation, survey. Currently, the problems of integrating various training courses in synchronous and asynchronous formats, developing scientific and methodological support in the form of manuals, recommendations for working with online platforms are becoming increasingly relevant. The novelty of the research lies in the study of optimal pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning based on online platforms. The authors come to the conclusion that learning based on distance learning technologies contributes to the implementation of modern educational paradigms such as personality-oriented education, individualization of the trajectory of educational activity, competence approach, self-education and self-development of students, project and research training.
Citations count: 1
Ryazanov S.S. —
Pedagogical support of the development of civic maturity of students
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 17 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.38061 URL:
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The research is aimed at resolving the contradiction between the requirements outlined in the program documents for university graduates, characterizing their readiness for active manifestation of patriotism and the qualities of a civilly mature personality, and the lack of elaboration of pedagogical support for the formation of civic maturity of students. The purpose of the study is to identify effective means of pedagogical support for the development of civic maturity of students. The theoretical analysis is based on the integration of the provisions of two methodological approaches: personality-oriented and activity-oriented. As a result of the theoretical analysis, it is concluded that civic maturity is based on a scientific worldview, ideological conviction in the importance of realizing one's civil rights and duties, in their embodiment in concrete deeds. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the theoretical substantiation and empirical confirmation of the components of civic maturity: civic consciousness, civic feelings, civic activity and civic behavior. In the course of the study, significant positive correlations of all components of civic maturity among themselves and significant negative correlations of these components with the level of dysfunctional attitudes of the individual were established. The role of subjectivity of students as a key attribute of civic maturity is stated. As a methodological result, the article substantiates the levels and directions of pedagogical support for the development of civic maturity of students in the conditions of a university, its directions and targets are highlighted.
Citations count: 1
Kozhin D.A. —
The Role of the Legal Awareness of Would-Be Law Teachers and Ways to Develop It
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 63 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.29820 URL:
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The subject of the research is the process of developing the legal awareness of law teachers during their university studies. The need to study the legal awareness of a law teacher is caused by the need to build a legal state in Russia and thus to train teachers with a high level of legal awareness. New tasks faced by today's law teachers under the conditions of negative social and individual psychological influence on their personality require to review the model of developing the legal awareness of would-be teachers. The methodological basis of the research includes general research methods such as analysis and summary of research results described in psychological-pedagogical literature, methodological guidelines and research theses as well as definition of tendencies and patterns of developing the legal awareness as a personal trait as well as systematization of aforesaid tendencies and patterns, conceptualisation and pedagogical modelling. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Kozhin extends the idea of factors that influence the development of the legal awareness of law teachers. Kozhin focuses on the development of moral stability of would-be teachers and their resistance to the impact of negative facttors capable of changing the legal awareness of a person. The author of the article offers his own model and methods for development of competence of would-be law teachers.
Citations count: 1
Pazukhina S.V., Ponomareva T.M. —
The improvement of academic and methodological support of psychological-pedagogical disciplines in the conditions of digitalization of higher education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 113 - 129.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.33538 URL:
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The article discusses the problem of reconsideration of components and improvement of academic and methodological support of university psychological and pedagogical disciplines. The object of this research is the academic and methodological support of psychological-pedagogical disciplines in the digital educational environment of higher education. The subject is the improvement of academic and methodological support of psychological-pedagogical disciplines, taking into account competencies (components of competencies) developed in the course of their study for use in digital educational environment. The author determines the specificity and forms of providing academic and methodological support in transition towards digitalization of higher education. The author summarizes the productive experience of implementing these forms of work in Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University. The article suggests the vectors for improvement, gives theoretical substantiation to the new variants of development and provision of academic and methodological support for psychological-pedagogical disciplines demanded in the digital environment. It is established that the process and dynamics of improvement of academic and methodological support are primarily associated with overcoming psychological and qualification barriers that impede the participation of pedagogues in the digital transformation of education, and increasing their readiness to learning and using new information and communication technologies and software, which is most effective when they receive specialized training based on implementation of the principles of system-activity, competency-based, information, and individually-differentiated approaches, interdisciplinary integration, organization of joint activity of the educators of different academic departments.
Citations count: 1
Gushchin A.N. —
Digital didactics: systemic foundations and the image of the future
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 100 - 115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.35657 EDN: MFFOKP URL:
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The article is devoted to the system justification of the e-learning process. The language of cybernetics is used to describe a purposeful process. Using the language of cybernetics allows you to identify all the components of the educational process management system. In the classical case, this is a teacher who has a management goal and achieves this goal. With the advent of computer technology, the process control system becomes more complicated – information and communication technologies are included in it. Based on the cybernetic model of learning as a purposeful process, the evolution of the interaction process in education from classical education in the form of "man-man", then to the form of "man-computer-man" and then to the form of "man-learning environment" is considered. At the same time, the evolution of the didactic content of the educational process is considered.
The main conclusions of this study are: the conclusion that there is a fundamental contradiction between the finite possibilities of computer influence as part of the educational process management system and the infinite set of behavioral reactions of the learner. It is shown how this contradiction is resolved at the system level by, on the one hand, simplifying the e-course itself, but at the same time increasing the diversity of the number of courses. It is shown that at this level the development of e-learning and the content of digital didactics can be characterized as "student–teacher - learning algorithm". Further, a forecast is made that an increase in the variety of e-courses will lead to the creation of a personal learning environment, the purpose of which will be marketing: to satisfy the client's training needs as much as possible. It is concluded that digital didactics will be built on the principles of gamification.
Citations count: 1
Kostrigin A.A. —
"In Our Pedagogically Directed Time": Psychological-Pedagogical Studies at J.A. Comenius Russian Pedagogical Institute in Prague
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 46 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.22753 URL:
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The author of the article discusses the history of Russian emigre psychological community in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Classification of psychological directions in the Russian scientific abroad is given. Attention is focused on the psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems raised by Russian psychologists, teachers and philosophers who emigrated to Prague (Czechoslovakia), in particular, those who worked at J.A. Comenius Russian Pedagogical Institute. Such scientists as A.L. Bem, S.I. Gessen, V.V. Zenkovsky, I.I. Lapshin, V.M. Levitsky, N.O. Lossky, A.V. Makletsov, S.A. Ostrogorsky, S.O. Seropolko, G.Ya. Troshin, etc worked at the Institute. Academic programmes on some disciplines that are part of the range of psychological and pedagogical issues are discussed for the first time in the academic literature. The author focuses on the creative work of V.V. Zenkovsky and his scientific school in Prague. Representatives of this school are students who were taught by V.V. Zenkovsky. The subject of this research is the papers of the students of the Institute who majored in pedagogical and children's psychology (found in archival materials). The methods of the research are the analysis of products of activity (archival materials), source analysis and problemological analysis (psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems). The author's model of the structure of psychological science in the Russian abroad scientific community is proposed: speculative, introspective and experimental psychology. The papers of students on pedagogical and children's psychology are analyzed. The works make it possible to single out some directions of comprehension of the psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems: the study of the product of children's creativity and their application in the knowledge of the child's soul and pedagogy; the study of children's questions as a process of formation of thinking and speech; the personality of the educator and teacher, its influence on the development of the child's personality; children’s religiosity; children's speech; the mother's diary and its use in pedology; children's lies and the nature of the child. The author believes that the history of the Russian emigre psychological community is a promising field of scientific research.
Citations count: 1
Shakhmarova R.R. —
Project-Research Activity of School Students in Terms of Academic Standards: Problems and Solutions
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 49 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.23249 URL:
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In her article Shakhmarova proves the important role of project-research activity in terms of academic standards. The subject of the present research is the problems of arranging project-research activity and possible solutions of these problems. According to the academic standards requirements, project-research activity is aimed at developing the research and project activity skills of school students. A personal result of project-research activity is the development of a researcher's position, i.e. specific personal trait defining active and initiative attitude of a school student to the learning process and knowledge. The research was carried out using both theoretical and practical methods, in particular, analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources on the matter, determination of models of project-research activity, and empirical methods such as observation, educational experiment, collection of data (survey and tests). As a result of her research, Shakhmarova defines the following problems faced by teachers and school students when conducting project-research activity and preparing a final research project: a teacher being not quite ready for arranging project-research activity of students, low research skills of teachers and children, insufficient facilities and equipment of educational establishments for conducting experiments. The results of the research can be useful for teachers who conduct project research activity at educational establishments.
Citations count: 1
Akchelov E., Galanina E.V. —
LM-GM Expanded Model in Evaluating Elements of Pedagogical Design in Massive Open Online Courses
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 70 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.4.24377 URL:
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The article is devoted to the lack of motivation of students to complete massive open online courses (MOOC). The subject of the research is the pedagogical design of MOOC as an instrument that may help to manage motivation of students. The purpose of the research is to evaluate elements of the pedagogical design of MOOC in terms of achievement of pedagogical targets and satisfaction of basic psychological needs of students using the LM-GM model. The methodological basis of the research involved: Edward L. Deci's and Richard Ryan's Self-Determination Theory, Benjamin Bloom's and Elizabeth Simpson's Taxonomy Theory, Learning Mechanics-Game Mechanics Model (LM-GM model), etc. The researchers also used systems approach, comprative methods, and graphical representation of information. The main results of the research are the following. The authors compared basic psychological needs of human (based on the self-determination theory) and pedagogical targets described by Bloom depending on cognitive and affective bases and taxonomy of Simpson (psychomotor basis), defined complementarity of decomposition levels of pedagogical targets according to Bloom's and Simpson's taxonomy, expanded the LM-GM model (Learning Mechanics-Game Mechanics Model), described the main elements of the pedagogical design of MOOC, and evaluated them using the expanded LM-GM model. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors prove a hypothesis about the cognitive basis prevailing over psychomotor and affective bases of Bloom's and Simpson's taxonomies in describing pedagogical targets of MOOC. According to the authors, this is what causes the lack of motivation of students to complete online courses and low conversion of MOOC. To raise students' motivation, the authors suggest to carry out a balanced systemic work aimed at development of intellectual abilities (cognitive basis), emotions and feelings (affective basis), psychomotor processes and physical labor skills (psychomotor basis) of students as it is usually made by video games designers.
Citations count: 1
Kubyshkina M.L., Kazakova E.V., Konopleva V.A. —
Development of agency traits in adolescents who are on record with their school and the Minors Affairs Department
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 15 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.32541 URL:
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The problems of minors with juvenile record often pertain to the weakness of their agency. The subject of this research is determination of the agency traits, which are weakest among adolescents who are on record with their school and the Minors Affairs Department, as well as elaboration and scientific substantiation of program for their development. The program developed by the authors can serve as the active means for increasing agency among adolescents with juvenile record. The research included 99 adolescents, 50 of which are currently on record. To measure the agency traits of individuals, the study employed psychodiagnostic questionnaires. Comparison between adolescents with record and those of good social standing revealed their agency traits that require development: mediacy, activeness, autonomy, creativity, responsibility, self-respect and self-esteem, characteristics of self-organization in activity (goal-setting, planning, self-control), qualities of social and communication competence. The program was tested using experimental plan with a control group, as well as measurement before and after exposure. The results yielded statistical confirmation of the effectiveness of all six parts of the program: 1) self-cognition; 2) social competence; 3) self-organization; 4) realization of one’s self in the context of activity, selection of goals, decisions and elimination of contradictions; 5) moral consciousness as an ability to exercise moral choices; 6) realization of one’s self in the context of life, development of awareness and responsibility.
Citations count: 1
Praizendorf E.S. —
Sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 116 - 133.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.35661 EDN: MLXAZJ URL:
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The subject of the study is the cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence. The aim of the study was to study the content characteristics of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence and to identify the relationship between these structural components. The author analyzes in detail the features of the sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence. Sexual identity is a complex dynamic structure that begins its formation in early childhood, and by adolescence, due to the psychological characteristics of this period, reaches a new, significant level, which determines the need for its detailed study in this age period.
Research methodology: L.S. Vygotsky's cultural and historical theory of human mental development, D.B. Elkonin's age periodization, conceptual positions and main provisions in the study of sexual problems of domestic and foreign psychologists V.E. Kagan, I.S. Kletsina, N.Y. Flotskaya, etc.The empirical base of the study is represented by 30 teenage girls and 30 boys from full families. The age of the participants was 12-13 years.For the first time, the existence of differences in qualitative and quantitative indicators determining the structure of the sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence is theoretically substantiated and empirically proven.
Adolescents of both sexes do not have difficulties with building a sex-and-age sequence and identifying their present sex-and-age status, adequately identify themselves according to gender and age. Teenage girls correspond to gender stereotypes to a greater extent than boys. Girls and boys are characterized by the perception of parental influence as inconsistent, unstable and generally incomprehensible to a teenager. The behavioral component of the sexual identity of younger adolescents of both sexes is characterized by uncertainty, undifferentiation, and a combination of both feminine and masculine qualities in behavior.
Citations count: 1
Lisin D.V., Soldatova E.V. —
Modified Method of Measuring the Levels of Completeness of Learning in the Process of Formation of Concepts
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 76 - 86.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.22548 URL:
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An improvement of methods of calculation of individual indicators of the levels of completeness of mastering the content of the concept, the completeness of learning the number of connections of this concept with other concepts and the completeness of learning of the concept proposed by A.V. Usova for cases where the distribution of the measured values differs significantly from normal distribution is proposed. Modified indicators of quality of formation of concepts is proposed to define using the median performance of the corresponding samples. Examples of the resulting differences in the calculation for both methods is shown as well as the importance of these techniques in the process of formation of system of concepts in the transition to developing methodological education. The formation of concepts is subject of a number of works of A.V. Usova, which introduces the following numerical measures necessary for the implementation of the process of formation of concepts: the completeness of assimilation of students of the concept, the completeness of learning the number of connections of this concept with other concepts and the completeness of learning of the concept, defined as the arithmetic average of the individual indicators of assimilation for the group. In our opinion, along with the proposed A.V. Usova formulas, you must also use the medians of the corresponding samples. Some results of the pedagogical experiment showing the results of applying both methods is presented. Proposed improvement of methods of calculation of individual indicators of quality of formation of concepts in the group will more adequately control for the dynamics of these indicators in cases where a density distribution of the individual indicators differs significantly from the normal Gaussian distribution.
Citations count: 1
Gritsai L.A. —
Humanistic ideas about the process of parental education of children in the heritage of V. A. Sukhomlinsky
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 31 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.1.23901 URL:
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The subject of the study is the concept of parental education by V.A. Sukhomlynsky. Auther's main works devoted to Parental pedagogy are analyzed. The pedagogical model of parental education based on Sukhomlinsky's works is proposed. This model includes: a subject - the process of personality development of a child in the family based on the humanistic traditions of personal development, a subject - author's pedagogical ideas about the upbringing of children in the family, and also five informative components. Study of the humanistic nature of the given model is emphasized. Selection of the methods of the research is due to the peculiar properties of the study of historical and pedagogical process and the specifics of the study. Such specificity is defined as the fundamental choice of the following methods: general scientific methods: a logical analysis of general scientific literature and legal sources, systematization, and generalization of theoretical facts; identification of trends and patterns, schematization, systematization, conceptualization, pedagogical modeling; methods of General Humanities: contextual, historiographical, source, literary analysis; methods of historical and pedagogical research: periodization, classification. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the fact that the author expanded the idea of the humanistic content of ideas about parental education in the heritage of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Also, the author of the article proposed a model of the process of parental education based on the works of Sukhomlinsky, distinguished its object, subject, and main components.
Citations count: 1
Ivanova N., Minaeva E., Vorobieva N. —
Analysis of the Experience of the Foreign States in Organising Interaction Between Schools and Primary School Students' Parents
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 27 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.28007 URL:
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The aim of the research is to analyze the experience of foreign schools in organising interaction between schools and primary school students' parents. Based on that aim, the authors of the article set and solve the following tasks: to analyze conceptual approaches to the interaction between school and parents of the educational process described in foreign literature; to summarize modern practices of the educational interaction between EU, USA, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand schools. The authors have defined the main elements of the strategy used by the foreign schools to involve parents of primary school students into the educational process. In the course of their research the authors have used the categorial, subjective-objective, systems approaches, comparative analysis, synthesis, observation and logical generalization. As a result of the research, the authors have summarized the experience of the foreign states in organising the interaction between schools and parents and have defined the main areas, forms and methods of involvement of parents into the educational process, in particular, efficient communication of schools and families, voluntary projects and activities; home schooling; collective decision making process; and cooperation with school and local communities. The authors have also analyzed approaches of the foreign schools to improving efficiency of the educational cooperation between primary school and parents which has allowed to summarize and systematize the key activities that influence the productivity of teaching and education. The results of the research contribute to the development of the methods used to organize interaction between school and parents. The conclusions and results of the research may be used to improve the modern practices of Russian schools and to increase efficiency of the educational strategies being developed as part of individual educational routes. The conclusions made by the authors may be taken into account when developing activities aimed at enabling interaction between schools and families as well as evaluating efficiency of these activities' efficiency.
Citations count: 1
Makarichev F.V. —
Developmental and educational potential of using an authentic feature film in the process of teaching foreign language
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 69 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.35149 URL:
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The subject of this research is the use of an authentic feature films in the process of teaching English language. Based on the analysis of theoretical material, the article covers the questions related to the use of films during the classes in higher educational institutions, since despite the old-established practice of using audiovisual means, there is yet no universal methodology for working with films. The author offers to organize classes based on watching the “American Beauty”, which would enrich the vocabulary, analyze various situation of verbal and nonverbal communication, give representation on the national peculiarities of language behavior. The authentic feature films have been largely used in the process of teaching foreign language. However, more than ever before the use of audio and video materials has become a strict necessity for the effective teaching of students of various specialties. The command of a foreign language is not only the ability to conduct verbal communication, but establish the cross-cultural dialogue that ensures effective communication. Therefore, competent linguistic, culturological, and country-specific training is required. The effectiveness of using feature film in the learning process is determined first and foremost by the peculiarities of cinematographic art, which can strongly affect the audience. This is achieved by combining video sequence and sound (including music). Therefore, the audience receives a visual representation on the place of the ongoing events, appearance of the characters, analyze the specificities of nonverbal means of communication, and determine their impact upon the content of communication and its results. The author’s experience of conducting film analysis with the students of non-philological specialties indicates students’ interest in such activities, both at the lectures or doing homework, and thus high academic performance.
Citations count: 1
Skorobogatov Y.O. —
The Structure of Ñomputer Programming Blended Learnign Curriculum for the 7th - 11th Grade School Students
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 87 - 95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.23125 URL:
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The subject of the research is various forms of teaching process structuring. The author of the article analyzes three most famous forms of teaching process structuring, class-and-lesson system, distance learning and project-based learning, from the point of view of creating conditions for developing sustainable metadisciplinary competences of the 7th - 11th grade school students in computer programming. In cases when school uses distance learning, it is possible to recommend to use blended learning to eliminate drawbacks of forms of teaching process structuring being analyzed. The main research method used by the author is the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, theoretical and special literature as well as periodicals devoted to using class-and-lesson system of teaching, distance learning and blended learning. The main conclusion of the research is that blended learning can be successfully used in the process of teaching computer programming to the 7th - 11th grade school students. The blended learning approach allows to fully consider individual traits of a school student, and to fulfill the activity approach avoiding the 'distorted feedback' problem of distance learning and keeping up the interest of students in computer programming.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M. —
Analysis of the University Introductory Discipline 'Introduction to Philosophy'
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 18 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.27053 URL:
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In his research Rozin examines and compares two disciplines 'Introduction to Philosophy' by Anatoly Akhutin and the author. There are similar and different features of these courses. The cognitive and pedagogical aspects of both courses are distinguished. The difference in the courses is explained by the fact that the authors belong to different philosophical schools as well as by the fact that they adhered to different methodological guidelines. In particular, the author came out of the Moscow Methodological Circle and is developing a humanitarian and cultural version of the methodology, and Anatoly Akhutin is a follower of V.S. Bibler and M. Heidegger. In his research Rozin has applied such methods as comparative and situational analysis, problem statement, and formulation of the provisions that shed light on the features of preparing courses on “Introduction to Philosophy”. As a result of the study, it was possible to understand how the authors created their courses, how they are similar and how they differ, and what problems have to be solved when preparing the courses. Thus, in both courses, the nature of philosophy and its formation is studied and at the same time the authors involve students in the reality of philosophy.
Citations count: 1
Stepanova O.S., Nikolaeva A.A. —
The study of the nature of conflicts between parents and teachers in an educational organization.
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.30961 URL:
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The contradictory problems of the relationship between teachers and parents, the specific nature of conflicts between teachers and parents in an educational organization are considered. The concept of "conflict" is revealed, the enumeration of the main reasons influencing the occurrence of conflicts between parents and teachers is given.
In order to update the optimal methods of conflict resolution between parents and teachers, a study of the causes and nature of this type of conflict was conducted.
Due to the humanization of the pedagogical approach in education, there has been an ambiguous trend in the development of the relationship between teachers and parents.
The relevance of this study is that the education system in modern Russia has undergone and continues to undergo quite serious changes. The results of the study showed the relationship between the high level of conflict between the teacher and the nature of the conflict between him and the parents of students. In the system of teacher–parent relations, the personality of the teacher himself plays an important role.
In order to study the degree of influence of the factors we identified on the nature of conflicts between parents and teachers, a study was conducted that included the use of several techniques.
In conclusion, the conclusion and recommendations developed on the basis of the results of the study are presented to improve the communicative skills of teachers, in particular the ability to resolve conflict situations related to the educational process and specifically with the parents of students.
Citations count: 1
Balygina E.A., Yarovikova Y.V., Krukovskaya O.A. —
Communicative-syntactic model of teaching precis writing of English scientific texts in a non-core university
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 51 - 59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.32899 URL:
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An important condition for the formation of foreign language professional communicative competence is the development of a skill of precis writing. Annotation of scientific texts suggests a strong command to determine communicative and semantic structure of the text. However, this process is complicated by information saturation of a scientific text, which on the level of linguistic interpretation manifests in a high frequency of syntactic constructs with complex communicative and semantic structure. Using the example of one of such structures (sentences with gerundive turn as an adverbial), the author examines the peculiarities of teaching the aspects of precis writing, which are related to the analysis of semantic structure of the text and develop the following skills: the ability to determine communicative significance of thematic sequence that ensure logical-semantic integrity of the text, as well as ability to segment the English sentence considering its syntactic specificities and interaction with semantic structure of the text. The proposed model of teaching of the discursive aspects of precis writing is focused on the necessity to form the skill of integration of knowledge regarding the peculiarities of linguistic interpretation of local and global connectedness of the scientific text for determination of most important elements of its content and further creation of logically organized and connected secondary text.
Citations count: 1
Tishina L.A., Danilova A.M., Podvalnaya E.V., Lebedeva A.V. —
Integration of school and university resources for preparing future defectologists
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 175 - 192.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35486 URL:
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This article contains theoretical and practical material dedicated to one of the most pressing issues of higher special (defectological) education – the quality of preparation of young specialists for working in schools with impaired children, which defines the subject of this research. The author examines the practice-oriented approach towards university education of students majoring in defectology as one of the ways to improve the quality of professional training, which implies the expansion of cooperation of higher education institutions with public education organizations, integration of available resources for the development of professional competencies of future defectologists. Such collaboration increase the level of competence of students majoring in defectology in accordance with the modern practical standards, as well as helps to prepare a motivated young specialist, who is eager to solve the problems of modern education system in the future. The novelty of this research consists in the analysis and summary of the experience of cooperation between the higher education institution and educational organization adapted for students with impairments in the area of preparing future defectologists. The author reveals the potential and forms of such interaction, its impact upon the formation of professional competencies of special pedagogical staff. The following conclusions were made: constructive cooperation between the higher education institution and the school, joint solution of the tasks on preparing future defectologists within the framework of a practice-oriented approach should be carried out in different directions, such as organization of different types of practice, attraction of students and pedagogical staff to research activity, analysis and summary of scientific-practical and scientific-methodological experience of educational organizations.
Citations count: 1
Nazarova L. —
Aspects of the formation of creative competencies of design students (using the example of the HSE School of Design)
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 22 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.3.36149 EDN: LZWTJI URL:
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The subject of the study is the description and analysis of the solution of practice-oriented tasks in the bachelor's degree in a rapidly changing market of professions (using the example of the web resource of the HSE School of Design). Methodology. Using the example of the HSE School of Design, a competence-based approach to the implementation of practice-oriented education in the design field is described and analyzed. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks and verify the hypothesis put forward: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, special, reference literature on the research problem and generalization of scientific ideas and views; survey (interviewing); conversation, direct and indirect observation. Scientific novelty. The basis of the educational model of teaching designers at the HSE School of Design is the web resource of the HSE School of Design, which combines the "Map of Creative Competencies", "Student Portfolio" and "Design Laboratory". The HSE considers the Design Laboratory as a creative platform for conducting students' industrial practice and a platform for solving practice-oriented tasks of the digital society. Practical significance. A brief analysis of the basics of two educational models is given: the Bauhaus (Germany, Weimar, 1923) and the HSE School of Design (Russia, Moscow, 2021). Results. The parallels of the application of the practice-oriented Bauhaus approach in the teaching of the HSE School of Design of bachelor designers for the digital society are drawn.
Citations count: 1
Tomilin S.A., Vasilenko N.P., Zheleznyakova A.V., Vasilenko I.S. —
Corporate Values as a Basis for Developing Professional Self-Determination of Students in the Process of Training Specialists for Nuclear Industry
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 31 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.22076 URL:
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The article deals with the problem of professional self-determination in the process of training for the nuclear industry in the educational institutions of higher education on the basis of the State Corporation "Rosatom" values. The object of the research is a professional self-determination of students, the subject of the research is the role of corporate values in terms of developing professional self-determination in the process of training specialists for the nuclear industry. The authors focus on the main approaches to developing professional self-determination of University students emphasizing the axiological approach that provides the tools necessary to carry out the selection of the values that make up the axiological core of professional self-determination. Based on the analysis of experience of Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute, the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» the authors define the basic components that make up the model of professional self-determination. The main conclusion made by the authors is their substantiation of the priority of the axiological component in the implementation of programs to promote the formation of professional self-determination of future nuclear industry specialists through developing a high level of understanding and commitment of students to corporate values in the learning process at the university. The paper presents the structure of the model of professional self-optimization process taking into account the axiological component.
Citations count: 1
Dianov S.A., Dianova Y.V. —
Professional Author's Training Methods Computer-Graphic Modeling for Participants of the Advanced Engineering School
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.39807 EDN: AHKBYX URL:
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The article presents a research view on the features of the organization of the process of teaching computer-graphic modeling for participants in the educational process within the framework of an advanced engineering school. It is shown that this direction is not innovative and the creative teams of university engineering schools have already gained some experience in quickly solving typical problems in the process of advanced training of a highly qualified specialist. At the same time, the authors of the article draw attention to circumstances that significantly limit the achievement of ambitious goals pursued in the implementation of pilot educational programs. The application of the participants of the advanced engineering school to bridge the gap between theory and practice looks especially declarative, given that the formation of even basic skills (spatial thinking) for many members of elite engineering training groups requires significant time costs. Today, in Russian universities, this problem is solved by traditional methodological methods as part of the teaching of the discipline "Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics". The author's methods of teaching computer-graphic modeling outlined in the article are addressed to innovative teachers who realistically assess their capabilities when developing their own design educational products for students who have made a conscious choice in favor of an advanced engineering school. The article was written based on the results of approbation of the author's pedagogical initiatives in the educational process of the university (Perm Polytechnic University).
Citations count: 1
Novokhatskaya O.E. —
Modern techniques of foreign language training
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 84 - 92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29025 URL:
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The subject of the study is the methodology of using modern techniques of foreign language training. The article tells about the benefits and perspectives of using described techniques in the process of foreign language training, which can be observed as alternative ways to assess the level of students' achievements in their educational activities and personal growth. The article gives the analysis of forms of training, modern training techniques, and the main directions of distance education development. The problems, solved by students and teachers in distance education, are highlighted. The relevance of the study is due to the need for further development of general didactic and methodological problems of the use of modern techniques of teaching foreign languages in distance learning. As a result of the study, distance education techniques were approved. The testing included the development of the content of educational programs (subjects) of web resources and control of their quality and compliance with educational standards for the effective use of resources in the educational process. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that it defines the specifics of the organization of distance learning at the university, as well as identified and experimentally justified effective technologies that are used in the process of distance learning, and provide a high level of mastery of students' practical skills to use a foreign language in the field of communication. The main conclusions of the study are:1. Most of the modern foreign language teaching techniques are communication-oriented. 2. The efficiency of distance education is determined by the usage of pedagogical techniques, which underlie the designing and realization of distance courses. 2. At the present stage of the development of the technique, there happens an integration of methods, namely the formation of a complex technique, which includes the best elements of different methods.
Citations count: 1
Iureva D. —
Mobile Learning in Knowledge Management: Efficiency Issues
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 69 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30367 URL:
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This article is devoted to the role of mobile learning in the process of knowledge management. Mobile learning is the issue that has been discussed by researchers of the whole world for quite a long time. In this article Yurieva continues the tradition and analyzes theoretical and methodological issues related to creation and desinging of mobile educational environment, peculiarities of the use of mobile technologies in the educational space, practical aspects of the use of the mobile learning technique in the process of teaching particular disciplines at an educational institution, training and re-training of experts and personnel. The author pays special attention to the definition of the terms 'informatization of education' and 'methodological of knowledge management'. Through the definitions of these terms, the author of the article describes specifics of knowledge management via mobile learning and mobile technologies. At the end of the article the author provides the results of the research of knowledge management based on mobile learning at a Russian university. The author comes to the conclusion that in education mobile learning is one of the most actively developing forms of e-education which brings the system of education to a new level of mobility.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M., Purynicheva G.M., Ovsyanitskaya E.A. —
The teaching of philosophy in pedagogical and technical universities (problems and solutions)
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 43 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31850 URL:
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This article examines the relevant problems of the teaching of philosophy in pedagogical and technical universities. The authors analyze the changes taking place in pedagogy and education: loss of the point of education, ineffectiveness of the pedagogy of knowledge, transformation of institutional situation (school is no longer the only educational institution), new understanding of human and mentality. The article also explores the ongoing transformations in engineering: moving various types of technologies to the forefront, new ways of implementation of technical projects into industrial sector, transition towards interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies and projects. Based on the aforementioned transformations, the authors suggest possible novelties in technical education: the teaching of philosophy of technology, fundamentals of technology and engineering, advancement of technological inventions and projects into industrial sectors, logics of minimization of negative consequences of scientific and technical development, fundamentals of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies and projects. The conducted research demonstrates that the standard recommended curricula practically do not contain philosophical specificity. Moreover, they are structured upon formal criteria. As a result, the teachers of philosophy, on the one hand, formally prepare their courses, while on the other – virtually do not adhere to them; and all this takes place amid a significant reduction of hours and practical classes assigned to philosophy.
Citations count: 1
Kannykin S.V. —
Educational and educational functions of running in the pedagogical system of P.F. Lesgaft
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 47 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.35822 EDN: LCZTHB URL:
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The subject of the study is the pedagogically significant functions of running and running exercises, which are the basic components of the physical education system created by Peter Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909). Clarification of the educational and cognitive potential of running practices for the formation of physical abilities, mind, character and moral qualities of students in the light of P.F. Lesgaft's humanistic ideals is the purpose of the proposed scientific work. The author draws attention to the depth of comprehension by the great Russian teacher of the historical, theoretical and applied aspects of various running exercises, their systemic relations not only with other types of physical activity, but also with the school complex of natural disciplines, as well as the educational process as a whole. The practical significance of the article is manifested in its focus on improving the quality of teaching physical culture in educational institutions. The historical and anthropological approach, a number of general scientific (systematization, generalization, comparison) and theoretical methods (analysis of literature on the research problem, terminological analysis) were chosen as research methods.
In accordance with the concept of multidimensional correlation of physical and intellectual-spiritual development developed by P.F. Lesgaft, it was found that running without turns (ekpletridzein) forms a muscular sense of space as a training exercise; long running, obstacle running and running with weights are accustomed to perseverance of actions; high–speed running - to concentrated activity that requires significant stress in a short period; running with a torch develops coordination of upper and lower extremities; running on socks promotes grace of movements; running in "party" games teaches discipline and responsibility to the team; running with a metronome develops a sense of time. Also, running exercises prepare young men for military service, and in relation to schoolchildren of both sexes, they perform a recreational function and develop the skill of finding the optimal ratio of the distance to be overcome, time and effort expended.
Citations count: 1
Rostovtseva M.V., Goncharova T.M., Gudovskii I.V. —
Psychological and pedagogical support of students with limited health opportunities in the process of university training
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 54 - 60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.1.25460 URL:
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The subject of the study is a pilot mechanism of psychological and pedagogical support of students with limited health opportunities under the conditions of university training established by the author, which suggests multistage psychological and pedagogical support of a student with limited health opportunities, from school to graduation, and includes interaction with secondary schools on information cooperation and detection of students with limited health opportunities, control of their admission to university and creation of adaptive educational resources; creation of a health care center for medical support for students, creation of accessible social environment by inclusion of students with limited health opportunities in extracurricular activities, programs, events and etc., psychological and pedagogical work with students, aimed at formation of tolerance and acceptance; work with teachers through the organization of refresher courses on inclusive education. In this work the following principles of scientific and methodological approaches are used: systemic, activity-based, structural, personality-oriented. The methods of analysis and comparing, and also a modeling method are used. The key result of the research is the development of a complex mechanism of psychological and pedagogical support of students with limited health opportunities and its approbation in the system of higher education, which expands the psychological and pedagogical methodological base of education of students with limited health opportunities, deepens the understanding of inclusive education problems, through complex interaction between informational, medical, cultural, pedagogical, and educational university structures.
Citations count: 1
Lukina S.A. —
Consideration of National and Regional Specific Features of Yakutia in the Course of Teaching the 'Human and His Health' Discipline as Part of School Biology Curricula
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 61 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27834 URL:
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The object of the research is the biology teaching and educational process at school. The subject of the research is the development of a valuable attitude of 8th-grade school students. Lukina focuses on the analysis of the biological curricula at Yakutia (Republic of Sakha) schools. She analyzes the experience in the regionalization of education based on the example of teaching biology at Yakutia schools. The results of the analysis of theses and researches on the matter demonstrate that a regional component is insufficiently presented in the biological curricula of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The regional component in teaching biology should include peculiarities related to the mentality, language, traditions, customs, culture and psychophysiological features of the nation. The methodological basis of the research implies a set of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and natural scientific concepts of developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style, the basic conceptual grounds and the main didactical and methodological principles of teaching school students. The researcher has also used such methods as tests and statistical methods such as using measuring scales and descriptive statistics. The results of analysing the biology curricula demonstrate that Yakutia schools lack certain solutions and methods that would contribute to the development of a valuable attitude to health. Lukina offers her own theoretical model of developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style in the process of teaching the Human and His Health discipline at Yakutia schools. The researcher conducts an experiment to verify efficiency of her method in developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style as part of biology teaching. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops methodologies and conditions for teaching the Human and His Health discipline for the 8th-grade school students in Yakutia taking into account their regional and ethnic peculiarities.
Citations count: 1
Wu S. —
Pedagogical conditions for the formation of creative independence of art and pedagogical university students in China and Russia: comparative analysis
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 187 - 194.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.43768 EDN: YXPJEX URL:
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Creative independence of art students is one of the most important conditions for successful study and further employment in modern art education in the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. The purpose of this publication is to identify those organizational-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical and didactic conditions in modern Russian and Chinese art universities that activate the creative independence of students. In Russia, they are more focused on stimulating the ability of students to perform educational activities independently of teachers. In China, the main focus is on independence in the creative search of students. The analysis shows that the formation of creative independence in the educational process in pedagogical universities of Russia and China in the conditions of personality-oriented learning allows students to improve both visual abilities and skills of a future teacher-artist through complexes of creative tasks or projects and participation in exhibition projects. The preparation of curricula with an emphasis on the independent work of students is a priority direction of development in such educational institutions, which is focused on the creative and research activities of students, but within the framework of certain educational tasks. The latter do not restrict the freedom of students, but, on the contrary, are those "difficulties" that provoke independence in plastic and meaningful solutions in creative works.
Citations count: 1
Reshetnikova E.S., Savelyeva I.A., Svistunova E.A. —
Methods of geometric modeling and computer graphics based on the WorldSkills Occupational Standards “Engineering CAD Software”
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.32225 URL:
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This article examines the questions of preparation of students of technical specialties in the higher educational institutions based on the WorldSkills Occupational Standards “Engineering CAD Software”. The relevance of implementation of 3D modeling standards in modern computer-aided design systems into the educational process is substantiated by the need in preparation of highly qualified internationally recognized specialists in different industry fields. The author analyzed competitive tasks of the WorldSkills championships, as well as assesses the importance of graphic training for the development of competences of a modern specialist, who use CAD in their professional activity. The article examines the methodology of geometric-graphic preparation of students of the specialty 15.05.01 Design of Technological Machines and Complexes, specialization in the Design of Metallurgical Machines and Complexes, implemented in the Magnitogorsk State Technical University. A distinct advantage of this methodology is the use of various CAD software and development of the skills for manual sketching of details of mechanical engineering within the framework of studying engineering graphics. The results are acquired of successful implementation of competitive tasks of the Worldskills championships in the educational process. The author concludes that the use of the developed methodology in educational process allowed improving the efficiency of preparation of students.
Citations count: 1
Gurevich P.S. —
The Great Healer
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 51 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.21893 URL:
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The article is devoted to analyzing the heritage of a great Ancient doctor Galen. His achievements in the sphere of medicine and ethics are undoubtful. However, his name has been forgotten for many centuries. There have been many reasons for that. Firstly, Hippocrates was a more popular healer of those times. Every doctor who starts his or her professional path thinks of Hippocrates when they make the oath of Hippocrates. He is rightfully considered to be the founder of Greek medicine. There are even legends about him and his name is often remembered in philosophical and psychological dictionaries. It was Hippocrates who left a great message for all doctors saying that under no conditions a healer may do harm to a patient. Galen is a very important figure, too, however, he is often thought of as a successor and commentator of Hippocrates. Galen wrote 110 works, however, only one of his works 'On the fabric of the human body' (De humani corporis fabrica) was translated. Today the situation has changed. Many Galen's works have been published but they still need interpretation and commentary. The author of the present article bases his research in the principle of historicism which has allowed to show the important role of Galen in the history of ancient culture. Gurevich has also used the methods of philosophical anthropology and pedagogy for integral evaluation of Galen's heritage. Galen's works are a special type of literature. They cannot be called just 'medical works' but serve as a great illustration of the integral approach in general. There is a great philosophical, ethical and pedagogical depth in them. Experts underline that medicine had never been a true science before Galen and only Galen made it to be an integral theoretical and practical system. Starting from the 3th century, his teaching had become the prevailing system and medicine had acquired a solid basis that was developed in the next centuries.
Citations count: 1
Gevorkian M. —
Classification of Multicultural Education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 39 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.22080 URL:
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The purpose of the article is to analyze and present a classification of risks of multicultural education within the system of higher vocational education in the Republic of Armenia. Taking into account the monoethnic but multicultural educational system, the author of the article emphasizes the need and describes particularities of the multicultural education in Armenia. The results of the empirical research allow to make a statement that the multicultural education needs to take into account the ethnic structure of the region (limited trans-national communication) and opportunities provided by the cross-cultural dialogue (subject-object dialogue with rituals, traditions, customs and art of different cultures). The author of the article proves that it is impossible to avoid risks in an actual teaching process, thus it is important to describe, classify and diagnose pedagogical risks of multicultural education. Within the framework of the research risks mean uncertainty that may cause unfavorable situations or consequences in the process of implementing a multicultural educational model. The author of the article views pedagogical risks of multicultural education as a set of all unforeseen reactions and demonstrations that relate to difficulties that may arise when actors of the educational system change from the monocultural to multicultural way of thinking. These difficulties create an apparent or hidden danger for the fulfilment of multicultural educational tasks. The author of the article analyzes researches devoted to risks and pedagogical risks and describes risks of multicultural education. The results of the empirical research allow to prove the importance of the issue for the teaching process. The results of a series of researches carried out by the author in 2010 - 2017 allow to define the following risks of multicultural education taking into account the ethnic structure of the region and opportunities provided by the cross-cultural dialogue: strategic, personal, psychological, communicaton and socio-cultural risks. Analysis of particularities, opportunities and risks of multicultural education in today's world will allow to take into account cultural and educational interests of representatives of different national and ethnic groups which, on the one hand, plays a strategic role for competition of educational institutions under the conditions of mobile education and switch of universities to the international level. On the other hand, analysis of efficient methods and mechanisms of prevention or ways and technologies of minimization of risks in a modern multicultural environment will make the process of personality development in today's cross-cultural and diversified world more harmonous and full.
Citations count: 1
Khakimova G. —
Experience of School Libraries in Germany for Motivation Reading of Pupils
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 42 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.22576 URL:
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The subject of the study is the experience of German school libraries in organizing their activities aimed at preserving interest in reading and the book. It is shown that the observed growth in the diversity of services provided by school libraries, close cooperation with public libraries, and orientation toward improving the quality of library activities are aimed at motivating students to read books. The general scientific methods of research - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, allocation of the most valuable material from the primary source are used in the article. The author provides a description of the project-training to improve reading skills of pupils of the 5th classes with the use of audiobooks and the online portal held in the gymnasium of the Friedrich Spee in Trier in three areas, designed for different reading levels of students. The author examines also initiated in 2006 in the Federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate the project «Die goldene Leslie» («Golden Leslie»), the purpose of which is to motivate reading in children and adolescents based on their participation as jury for awarding the annual youth literary awards best children's and youth book in German language. The author comes to the conclusion that the library has the potential active participant in the contemporary socio-political and cultural-educational processes among the priorities of the school library should be considered a book promotion and sustainable preservation of interest in reading as a necessary basis for raising the General cultural and educational level of society. The results of study can be used in educational process of library schools and faculties and activities of national libraries.
Citations count: 1
Skripova Y. —
Methods of Formative Assessment Used in Literary Reading as the Means of Developing Full-Fledged Perception of a Literary Work
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 117 - 124.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30148 URL:
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The subject of the research is the application of techniques and methods of formative assessment at lessons of literary reading for the purpose of developing full-fledged perception of literary works by elementary school students. For the first time in the academic literature, Skripova analyzes the influence of techniques and methods of formative assessment on the development of full-fledged perception of a literary work. Formative assessment makes the process of analysis and interpretation of literary texts easier for elementary school students. School students learn to control and evaluate their actions, to analyze what they learn and to work with text. Thus, application of formative assessment methods allows to develop self-control and self-assessment of their reading skills that describe the full-fledged perception of a literary text. The methodological framework of the research includes the ideas of M. Voyushina about elementary literary education and literary development of elementary school students, level-based approach to explaining peculiarities of perception of literary works offered by N. Moldavskaya, M. Voyushina and the concept of formative assessment of M. Pinskaya. The research methods include analysis of research literature, pedagogical experiment, mathematical processing methods, etc. The results of pedagogical experiment demonstrate that implementation of formative assessment methods in the process of teaching literary reading ensures positive dynamics of the development of capability to full-fledged perception. The research materials can be of interest for specialists of elementary literary education.
Citations count: 1
Kainova M.M., Grebennikova V.M. —
Developing Communication Skills of Bachelors of Management Using Poster Presentations During their Training Internship
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30379 URL:
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The authors of the article analyze the experience in developing communication skills of would-be business managers during their training internship carried out at Graduate School of Business under Lomonosov Moscow State University. The authors underline the importance of poster presentation as a form of information presentation and describe organisational and pedagogical conditions, teaching principles, evaluation and supervision methods that allowed the teachers of Graduate School of Business to raise their efficiency in developing communication skills needed for interacting with leadership of business companies. To prove their hypothesis about efficient development of communication skills in general and poster presentation skills in particular, the authors have used a combination of methods, both theoretical (analysis, systematization, classification and others) and experimental (questionnairy, interview, observation, pedagogical experiment, tests and etc.). The main conclusion of this research carried at Graduate School of Business under Lomonosov Moscow State University is that certain organisational and pedagogical conditions of training internship and communication with employers allow to raise efficiency of developing communication skills of would-be business managers based on the principles of the crossdisciplinary approach, continuity and superposition.
Citations count: 1
Tretiakova L.R., Rogaleva E.V. —
Current State and Development Trends of Labour Education of School Students in the Irkutsk Region
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 54 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30598 URL:
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The article is devoted to the current state of teaching the subject area 'Labour' and development trends for improving the curriculum of the discipline based on documents and guidelines of the Russian law. According to the new concept of teaching labour, it should help school students to get acquainted with the world of new technologies and modern equipment as well as various professions. The authors of the article focus on the analysis of how teachers of the Irkutsk Region conduct labour training at school. They analyze the role of additional education centers in the process of attracting school students into engineering, technological and construction activities. The article is based on the systems approach and structured analysis of legal documents and guidelines, empirical research methods and conceptual element of the discipline as well as the competence-based approach. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyze the experience of teachers who teach labour and make recommendations for all those who participate in labour education in the region. Labour education aimed at implementation and development of professional skills, knowledge and competences demanded by the modern economy of the Irkutsk Region and Russia provides opportunities for continuous education and development of universal skills and competences not only through the system of general education but also additional education of school children.
Citations count: 1
Emirilyasova S.S. —
Gamification as a method of increasing motivation of law students in learning English language
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 103 - 112.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35731 URL:
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This article deals with the main approaches of «gamification» as a new concept in the context of higher education, as well as an exceptional peculiarity of the phenomenon in enhancing motivation of the students majoring in law. Gamification is a relatively new branch of linguistic research. Multiple scientific works are currently dedicated to virtual reality as an integral and perspective part of education, which includes certain motivational mechanisms. Special emphasis is placed on the internal and external educational motivation of students. The ways to increase motivation through gamification in the educational process are introduced. Particular attention in the article is paid to the role of the English language teacher. One of the fundamental tasks of the teacher of the XXI century consists in the introduction of gaming technologies into teaching a foreign language. It is proven that the implementation of gamified teaching methods will lead to student engagement and better attitude towards the English language, since involvement into online educational content allows the students to enjoy the immediate results of their work and feel content for the points earned. The use of gamification tools in the system of learning a foreign language is an appropriate way to improve attendance and activity of law students.
Citations count: 1
Pryadko I.P., Lebedev I.M. —
Russian Construction Education in the Era of Innovations: Socio-Cultural and Pedagogical Aspect
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 28 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.22378 URL:
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The authors of the present article offer their evaluation of transformations that are happening in the Russian university education and aimed at bringing the system of education with Bologna process standards. The authors analyze these transformations from the point of view of the need to train specialists in the field of construction. They analyze conclusions made by University professors majoring in construction. In particular, University professors worry about such factors as a low level of knowledge about objectives of aforesaid reformations and unawareness of measures that can improve the existing system of education. The research contains the results of a survey that involved teachers and students in the field of construction who work and study in Moscow or Moscow Region. The results of the questionnaire demonstrate that there are the following factors that prevent the academic community from reformation of Russian university education in accordance with Bologna standards: low English proficiency of students and insufficient profits. These factors make it nearly impossible for Russian students to study abroad and thus decrease the competitive ability of Russian university graduates on the global labor market despite the fact that these universities have adopted the Bologna system of education. The authors of the article also use mass media data in their research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors focus on the needs of construction companies in well trained and skilled professionals. The authors mention that the major part of experts also underline that universities do not train their students to solve practical issues in construction or building as well as that the Russian education system is significantly behind the Western system education when it comes to training specialists in construction logistics and management of construction sites. construction education, the Bologna process, competence, higher education, education, the Education Act, Bologna, Bologna system, innovation, logistics
Citations count: 1
Kuzmina A.S. —
Transformation of Students' Self-Attitude Parameters at Different Stages of University Education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.25574 URL:
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The article is devoted to transformation of the substantive structure of students' self-attitude. This is a longitudinal kind of research. In her research proves the fact that the structure of students' self-attitude changes during their university education. She analyzes factor models of students' self-attitude during the first, second, third and fourth years of University. The aim of the research is to define particularities of transformation of students' self-attitude parameters at different stages of University education. The object of the research is the students' self-attitude. The subject of the research is the process of transformation of students' self-attitude parameters at different stages of their university education. The methodology of the research includes the activity approach offered to S. Rubnshtein, theory of relationships offered by V. Myasischev, and self-attitude concept of S. Pantileev and V. Stolin. Psychological tests include Self-Attitude Inventory by S. Pantileev and V. Stolin and Life Values Inventory by D. Leontiev adapted by T. Kryukova), Self-Actualization Test by Yu. Alyoshina, L. Gozman, M. Zagika and M. Kroz. The methods of mathematical statistics include analysis of means, single-factor analysis of variance, exploratory factor analysis (the method of principal components). The data were processed by using applied statistical data processing software SPSS 17.00. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author demonstrates how the substantive structure of students' self-attitude transforms during their university education. The main conclusions of the research: the structure of students' self-attitude from the first to the fourth university year is deined by the social situation and combined professional and moral education efforts.
Citations count: 1
Avakova O.V. —
Methods of teaching professional terminology to students of non-linguistic universities
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.1.26222 URL:
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The author discusses the problem of teaching professional terminology to students of non-linguistic universities of economic orientation. In this article, the role of professional terminology on the process of studying a foreign language for special purposes is determined, and the idea that proper organization of methodological support contributes to the increase of the general and professional competences of economics students on practical classes, and also helps students to master the skills of correct perception and use of terminological array of their professional field is proved. The author emphasizes that a professional side of language training of economics students manifests itself in the possession of a special conceptual framework. The following methods of scientific knowledge were used to solve the tasks set in the course of the study: method of theoretical analysis of literature on the subject of the research; empirical methods – questioning of students, generalization of pedagogical experience, conversations with teachers and students; observation of the process of teaching professional terminology to students of non-linguistic universities, testing. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the choice of the set tasks and the object of the study itself. The author determined and confirmed a compensatory competence as an effective method of assimilation, replenishment, and storage of professional terminology in the process of reading literature on the specialty in non-linguistic universities. The author concludes that the assimilation of professional terminology can be effective if the structure of methodical work providing the sequence of complication of tasks on mastering and consolidation of professional terminology is developed.
Citations count: 1
Skorokhodova S.I. —
Vladyka Nestor as a spiritual mentor and educator of the Russian emigration in Manchuria
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 48 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40594 EDN: TMDUNT URL:
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The author attempts to present Nestor (Anisimov), the recognized spiritual leader of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian emigration, as a religious philosopher whose work grows from the depths of Russian culture. It is argued that philosophy is not present in the legacy of Vladyka in its "pure form", but is dissolved in the living tissue of his works. It is noted that the language of the archpastor is peculiar and differs in emotional expressiveness, semantic saturation, symbolic imagery. The main themes of his work related to the fate of Russia, Orthodox-patriotic enlightenment, the national question, and the Russian idea are identified and disclosed. The methods used in the course of the study are hermeneutic, source studies, historical, comparative. It is proved that the ideal in Nestor's political ontology is theocracy, in which the realization of Russia's historical mission as a peacemaker-mediator between the West and the East is possible. It is shown that the eschatology of salvation dominated in the legacy of Nestor over apocalyptic moods, since the bishop believed in the revival of his Fatherland through national unity and conciliar purification from enmity, leading to the division of the Russian world. The author of the article concludes that the religious and philosophical views of the archpastor not only influenced his contemporaries, but are relevant for Russia at the present time, which requires spiritual renewal.
Citations count: 1
Zhukov A.G. —
The Basic Department: Organization, Function and Legal Basis
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 76 - 84.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27844 URL:
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This article is devoted to the issues related to the basic organization, functions and legal grounds of a University basic department. The subject of the research is the University basic department. Zhukov analyzes and clarifies such terms as 'basic department', 'profile basic organization', 'practical training' and 'professional practical training'. He analyzes what resources are necessary for the effective performance of the University basic department including material, technical, information, financial resources, etc. The researcher defines targets and goals of the basic department in a University and offers his own model of the network training of would-be teachers that can be used by the University basic department. He also analyzes and summarizes theoretical literature on the matter and studies the practical experience of the basic departments of RSVPU. The model of the network training of would-be teachers has proved effective and has allowed to develop professional and pedagogical skills of students in a better way than those compared to the average training of part-time University students.
Citations count: 1
Gushchin A.N. —
Experience in analyzing a student's digital footprint in LMS Moodle.
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 155 - 166.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.35514 URL:
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Experience in analyzing a student's digital footprint in the Learning management System (LMS) Moodle. The analysis of the digital footprint is carried out in the cancers of the course "Project Management". The project management course is an actual course for future students of architectural specialties, due to the requirements of the professional standard.
The data source was students' feedback about the course, as well as questionnaire data. The questionnaire is filled out by the listeners without fail. The questionnaire questions are post-project analysis questions from the MSF (Microsoft FrameWork Solutions) project development methodology. Unlike the questionnaire, feedback about the course is left at will, the content of the reviews is not regulated by anything.
The main conclusion of the study can be attributed to the conclusion that the analysis of the digital footprint allows you to identify and determine the skills, abilities and the experience that students receive during the course. Thus, the analysis of the digital footprint serves as an independent confirmation of the correctness of the decision on which competencies the course should form. Also, the analysis of the digital footprint allows us to conclude whether the training course forms the skills and abilities required by professional standards in this specialty.
The methodology of digital footprint analysis demonstrated in this study is of independent value.
Citations count: 1
Bleikh N.O. —
Life stages of the Educational-Pedagogical Activities of Kazi Atazhukin (1841 – 1899)
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 40 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.3.23449 URL:
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The subject of this research article is the life path, pedagogical activity and educational views of Kazii Musayevich Atazhukin. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers a systematised description of scientific and pedagogical biography of Atazhukin and performs a comprehensive analysis of the stages of his teaching activity: Stage 1 from 1858 to 1864 marked by his drafting of the alphabet of the Kabardian language, translations of books by Russian and Arab authors, creation of "Kabardian alphabet" and the replication of it; Stage 2 from 1865 to 1899 associated with the opening of his school, and summarisation of lessons learned. The methodological framework of the research consists of the philosophical provisions of the unity of the general and specific, universal and national, spiritual values and their impact on the development of personality, about the ideas of democratization and humanization based on national culture, creative and attentive attitude to the spiritual heritage of the past. Bleikh makes conclusions that the activities of Kazi Atazhukin contributed to the creation of Kabardian alphabet and the first textbooks, development of highland folklore and pedagogical education, and his scientific-educational and pedagogical views were advanced, progressive, answered the spirit of time and satisfied the cultural needs of the population. New interpretation of his views can be used today, too.
Citations count: 1
Chuikova E. —
Measuring the Results of the Disicpline 'Academic Writing'
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 61 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.26225 URL:
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The subject of the researc is the process of measuring qualitative results of students' success in the English academic writing course. Based on the author, students' academic writing skills grow in parallel with a growing independence of students, expansion of the 'genre repertory' of written English, and development of professional motivation. These changes are viewed by the author of the article as the main criteria for evaluating the results of the course in general. In terms of evaluating each written work in particular, traditionally the quality of academic texts of students who study English as a foreign language is estimated depending on the criteria developed by international test institutions, for example, IELTS (academic module). However, this points-based system allows to evaluate the literacy of a text in the first place. It does not provide a complete idea of one's ability to shift from the culture of the native written speech to the culture of a foreign written speech. In her research Chuykova tries to include traditional indicators such as 'content', 'organisation' and 'language literacy' of an academic text in evaluating authenticity of a text. The author concludes that authenticity of an academic text written in a foreing language should be defined based on three basic criteria. Original content and accurate observation of academic literacy requirements raise the authenticity of an academic text while errors caused by the need to write in a foreign language and work in a foreign cultural field decrease it. These criteria are specified and systematized by Chuykova in her article.
Citations count: 1
Panov V., Kaptsov A., Kolesnikova E. —
Didactic and psychodidactic aspects of modeling of formation of agency of a university student
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 125 - 135.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31093 URL:
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The subject of this research is the regularity of stages of formation of agency of a university student from the perspective of ecopsychological (ontological) model (Panov, 2019). The goal of this work consists in determining didactic grounds for formation of the stages of agency and research of the results of the forming experiment with their application. The stages of formation of agency (subject of motivation, “Observer”, “Apprentice”, “Student”, “Critic”, “Master” and “Creator”) define the specificity of assimilation of learning actions by the individual. Under the modeling of stages (forming experiment), this work implies targeted influence upon separate stages of formation of agency using special psychological-pedagogical conditions for the purposes of their development. The principles of modeling are formulated from the perspective of psychodidactic approach in unison with general didactic principles applicable to the process of formation of competences of a university student. The experiment was conducted with participation of 210 people. The control group consisted of 150 people, and experiment group consisted of 60 people. The results of the experiment demonstrated changes in the indexes of separate stages of formation of agency. For the first time the changes in the structure of stages of formation of agency using calculations of coefficient of connectedness are being cited. The work determines the correlation between changes of stages of agency with personal values in various spheres of life. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that based on the empirical data this work demonstrates the possibility of inclusion of development of value sphere into the psychodidactic circumstances that ensure formation and passage of stages of agency of university students in accord with the ecopsychological model.
Citations count: 1
Liventsova E.Y., Obukhovskaya V.B., Fakhretdinova A.P., Larionova A.V., Malkova I.Y. —
Arrangement and conditions of professional activity of an educator: comparative analysis of work experience in Russian and foreign universities
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 36 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.34742 URL:
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The subject of this research is the conditions of professional activity of an educator viewed through the prism of arrangement of the university campus space (based on comparative analysis of work experience in Russian and foreign universities). The indispensable conditions of professional activity are as follows: spatial organization of campus including safety and comfort; organizational environment; quality of relationship with the subjects of campus; possibility for professional and personal growth; language and cultural environments. The research is based on the method of thematic essay. The study involved educators with work experience in Russian and foreign universities. The scientific novelty consists in identification of psychological factors responsible for the professional development and performance of educators within the educational space of a campus, which would allow elaborating the strategies and ways for optimization of these processes. In the course of research, it was established that for successful professional activity, an educator must feel physical and psychological comfort and safety within the campus environment. The efficiently arranged campus space affects the professional performance of educators. The comparison of Russian and foreign university campuses indicated that the foreign ones outclass in level of educational supplies and equipment, advanced digital environment, work schedule that promotes better efficiency. The acquired results can be used for optimization of the conditions of professional activity of educators and increasing competitiveness of a university.
Citations count: 1
Flerov O.V. —
Development of non-formal and informal teaching of foreign languages in the 2010s
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 126 - 142.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.35523 URL:
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The object of research in the proposed article is informal and informative learning as educational practices alternative to the development of basic educational programs implemented in institutional pedagogical conditions. The subject is the process of learning and mastering a foreign language accordingly. Special attention is paid to the information and communication conditions of the digital environment formed in the 2010s and the mechanism of their influence on the non-institutional development of languages.
Such language education is considered as a process that is actively developing not only on the basis of a purely pedagogical understanding of the importance of building educational routes throughout life, but also due to objective information realities that affect the specifics of the existence of knowledge around us as a "product" of information development.
Interdisciplinary information-communicative and pedagogical analysis is used as a research methodology, demonstrating a natural change in the process of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of transformation of the information-language environment. The study is deductive in nature, in which the author proceeds from substantiating the general role of non-formal and informal education in the life of a modern person to specific conditions affecting the development of foreign languages in a similar way. On the basis of the received material, the final part analyzes specific trends and contradictions in the development of informal and informal teaching of foreign languages and its interaction with institutional pedagogical practice. It is concluded that the potential of non-institutional learning of foreign languages is clearly higher today than even a decade ago, and due to its active disclosure, it is possible to achieve complementarity with formal education in order to achieve a synergetic effect in the process of continuous education of the individual.
The novelty of the work consists in deepening general ideas about the role of non-institutional educational practices in the development of personality through the prism of one discipline with the identification of specific trends in their development at a certain time interval, taking into account the conditions of transformation of the information and communication environment.
Citations count: 1
Sleptsov Y.A., Neustroev N.D. —
Traditional Education of Children of Indigenous Peoples of the North, the Evens, in Nomad Camps
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 31 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.26435 URL:
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The article is devoted to the methods of traditional education of the Evens in nomad camps that can be used to educate all children of indigenous peoples of the North. The authors focus on particular features, forms and methods of organising traditional education of such children in a nomad camp. Nomad camp is a new form of a temporarily organised group of children that spend their summer vacations in the nature where the life and activity of indigenous peoples of the North are best seen (nomadic reindeer breeding brigades, taiga, grasslands, rivers, lakes, etc.) as the basis for traditional education and up-bringing of their children. Such conditions ensure a faster and better development of the ethnic identity of such children as the native speakers and representatives of the Northern ethnos. In nomad camps teachers use different folk education methods to teach national games, dnces and sewing, customs and rituals to children. The authors of the article develop and put into practice their conceptual model of nomad camp activity as well as their program of traditional echnic development of children of indigenous peoples of the North as native speakers and representatives of their culture.
Citations count: 1
Konkol M.M., Kochkina O.M. —
Analysis of Approaches to Foreign Language Training of International Specialists (on the Example of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia)
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 34 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39201 EDN: KNSRLE URL:
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The subject of the study is the effectiveness of approaches to the formation of foreign language linguistic competence of future international specialists. The object of the research is the professional language training of future international specialists studying at the Departments of Romano-Germanic and Oriental Languages of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the study is to generalize the cathedral approaches, their description, analysis and justification of their effectiveness in the process of teaching the language of the profession in all areas of university training. The authors consider in detail the approaches to teaching the language of the profession at the university as a whole, focusing on the analysis of approaches, methods and strategies used to form productive and receptive skills, considering all types of speech activity. The main conclusions of the study are the theoretical justification of the effectiveness and practical assessment of the reliability of approaches and methods of teaching the language of the profession, aimed at the formation of professionally necessary skills and abilities of future specialists, taking into account each of its specifics and practiced by all departments of foreign languages of the university, providing training in all areas of professional training of future international specialists. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the theoretical consideration of the effectiveness of approaches to teaching the language of the profession, taking into account certain specifics and complexity of some types of speech activity; generalization and analysis of the cathedral approaches and methods; consideration of approaches to the peculiarities of teaching translation of texts from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language. The novelty of the research lies in the concretization of approaches to teaching the language of the profession as a fundamental condition for the formation of foreign language linguistic competence of future international specialists; in determining the most effective methods and strategies for teaching a foreign language in terms of specialized professional training of students at the level of joint interrelated activity "teacher-student".
Citations count: 1
Kompaneeva L.G., Gulyaeva E.V., Gavrish A.D., Platonova D.O. —
Unfavorable epidemiological situation as an intensifier of digitalization of higher education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 14 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.43503 EDN: SANQOR URL:
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The relevance of the article is determined by the need to analyze the changes that occurred in higher education institutions in the area of the use of digital technology during and after the pandemic. Within the framework of this research, we conducted a content-analysis of the websites and curricula of Volgograd higher education institutions and a questionnaire survey of students in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the use of digital technology and e-learning in the modern context. Digitalization came into the process of the management of higher education institutions long ago, however, rapid changes in e-learning have occurred in the last two years, which was confirmed in the results of our study. 70-80% of students' independent work was transferred to electronic form, the classroom workload is replaced with online lessons, the teaching methods change: the use of mixed learning as well as blended and flipped learning increases. The results of the study make us think about the excessive enthusiasm for e-learning, possibilities and risks of its use. Digital education brings significant changes in the role of professors and students in the process of learning, which requires appropriate adaptation and causes changes in the management of the organizations and the introduction of new actors in the educational process. At the institutional level, our conclusions indicate the need to support the academic staff in the area of methodological and technical assistance since the process of digital transformation of higher education institutions is irreversible and its intensiveness continues to grow.
Citations count: 1
Bokareva Y.M., Novoselova O.A. —
Chinese Philology Students Studying Russian's Cultural Knowledge of Russia (Based on the Results of a Diagnostic Questionnaire)
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 79 - 97.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.69039 EDN: JCTOIM URL:
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The subject of this study is the cultural knowledge of international philology students about Russia. The paper contains the results of a survey that was conducted for several years (starting in 2014) among students of the Xinjiang State and Xinjiang Pedagogical Universities (PRC, Urumqi), who studied Russian for two years using the textbooks "Russian Language for Universities" (created in China) and came to Russian as a foreign language for a one-year internship (during their third year of studying Russian as a foreign language) at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (NGPU), with a B1 level in Russian.
The purpose of the work is to present a system of diagnostic tasks that allow students to identify the initial knowledge of philologists about the culture of the country of the language being studied.
The purpose of the work is to present a system of diagnostic tasks that allow one to identify the initial knowledge of philology students about the culture of the country of the language being studied and changes in their ideas about the realities of Russian culture at the end of their year of study, to determine the basic cultural and country-specific information acquired during training by carriers of systemically different cultural values. Analysis of pedagogical, methodological, and educational literature on the problems of teaching foreign languages, including Russian as a foreign language, questioning of foreign speakers to determine cultural and regional knowledge about Russia, a method of describing, generalizing, and systematizing the data obtained, a method of thematic classification of cultural studies material presented in textbooks and assignments performed by students. The novelty of the research is determined by the material introduced into scientific and methodological circulation, obtained as a result of a survey and questionnaire of international students of philology, and by allowing the study of the image of Russia that has developed among international students.
The study's main conclusions are related to the developed and tested system of diagnostic materials aimed at determining the level of cultural and regional competence of international students. The materials obtained allow international philology students to identify the basic culturally-oriented knowledge about Russia that they have after studying outside the language environment, as well as to track the changes that have occurred in their ideas about Russian culture during their studies in Russia and draw conclusions about the dominant cultural values of Russia in the language consciousness of international students.
Citations count: 1
Bochkina E.V., Khanchas V.N. —
Pedagogical testing: from the origins to the creation of modern tests
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 170 - 182.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.69243 EDN: BDGXVU URL:
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This article presents a retrospective analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and archival data, considering the problem of formation of pedagogical testing in Russia and in the USA. The retrospective analysis made it possible to compare the obtained data and to reveal fundamental differences between the two scientific schools. The authors identified four main points of view regarding the emergence of the pedagogical test. The authors identified four main points of view regarding the emergence of the pedagogical test. These points of view are references to the studies of scientists and public figures of the late XIX century and show us that the idea of creating a pedagogical test did not arise by chance and after its implementation was positively accepted by society and specialists working in schools in England and the USA.
The second part of the article describes the synthesis of modern experience of pedagogical test creation, types of pedagogical tests, the main stages of their creation, criteria of development and requirements to task creation. The criteria and requirements to pedagogical test tasks reflect the fundamentally important points to which attention should be paid. The described materials are not only a historical reference, but also methodological recommendations for future authors of pedagogical tests.
The second part of the article describes a synthesis of modern experience in pedagogical test creation, types of pedagogical tests, the main stages of their creation, criteria of development and requirements to the composition of tasks. The criteria and requirements to pedagogical test tasks reflect the fundamentally important points to which attention should be paid. The described materials are not only a historical reference, but also methodological recommendations for future authors of pedagogical tests.
Citations count: 1
Zulkharnaeva A.V., Vinokurova N.F. —
Methodical model of forming the environmental ethics among students while studying a cultural landscape in geo-environmental education
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 127 - 133.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29869 URL:
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A modern stage of social development is characterized by contradictions between human and environment - this is a reason for the global environmental problems, threatening the survival possibilities of civilization. The solution to this problem is the change of the spiritual and moral guidelines of the younger generation, associated with the formation of ethical norms and rules of interaction with the environment, based on the ideas of human co-creation with nature. The study aims to develop a theoretical and methodical base of methodical model of forming the environmental ethics among students while studying a cultural landscape in geo-environmental education. The subject of the study is the methodical model of forming environmental ethics among students while studying a cultural landscape in geo-environmental education. The ideas of environmental ethics, cultural landscape studies are identified as theoretical and methodological tools of the research, axiological, geo-environmental, cultural and environmental approaches are substantiated. The methodological model is developed in the unity of the target, substantive, procedural, technological and performance evaluation components, which ensures the integrity of the process of geo-environmental education. The research materials enrich the theory and methodology of geo-environmental education in the context of the study of the cultural landscape as a real environment of human life support, can be used in the development of software and teaching materials, textbooks.
Citations count: 1
Burtseva E.V., Chepak O., Kulikova O. —
Some results of studying the impact of digital technologies upon learning activities
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.31995 URL:
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The subject of this research is the implementation of digital technologies in educational process of a university. The goal consists in studying the impact of digital technologies upon the students’ learning activities. The article presents the results of questionnaire-based survey among students by the three question pools. In the course of research, the author examines such aspects of the problem, as the positive and negative impact of technologies upon learning activities of the students of digital generation. Particular attention is given to consideration of students’ attitude on digitalization of higher education. The opinions of pedagogues on the results of conducted research are presented. The scientific novelty lies in mainstreaming the question on the negative impact of digital technologies upon learning activities of the modern generation of students that deserves special attention. On the background of common passion of the scholars of researchers and pedagogues for the ideas of digitalization of education, when digital technologies are viewed as virtually the key factor for modernization of educational process; second come the problems of growing pathological dependence of youth on digital technologies, undesired to switch to digitalized educational process to the disadvantage of communication in social networks and pleasant pastime online. The problem of the negative effect of digital technologies on learning activities must be recognized in order to find the ways for its solution.
Citations count: 1
Dyakov I.I., Asatryan G.R., Kosienko R.S. —
Implementation of the model of formation of entrepreneurial competences in modern pedagogical education: theoretical and practical aspects
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 27 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.32268 URL:
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The subject of this research is the formation of entrepreneurial competences of students majoring pedagogy. The goal of this work consists in formulation of theoretical provisions and analysis of organizational-pedagogical conditions for implementation of the model of formation of entrepreneurial competences in educational process of the Ussuriysk branch (School of Pedagogy) of Far Eastern Federal University. The development of entrepreneurial culture of the society currently becomes one of the priority objectives of education as a social institution. In the authors’ opinion, its solution first and foremost lied in the formation of entrepreneurial competences of future pedagogues as the major plank of education system. The research methodology is based on systemic approach and includes the methods of theoretical analysis of the state of problem in scientific literature, studying and generalization of approaches towards building a model for the formation of entrepreneurial competences, and analysis of documentation of educational institutions. The scientific novelty consists in emphasizing the need for the formation of entrepreneurial competences of students majoring pedagogy; proposal of the structural-conceptual model of the educational process and determination of its key organizational-pedagogical conditions; as well as assessment of practical implementation of such model.
Citations count: 1
Minasyan E.T. —
Educators’ Multiroles in Blended Learning Environment
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 87 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.25398 URL:
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The higher education in Russia is constantly going towards the development of blended learning environment trying to respond to global standards. The main trends of today’s education encompass skills-based approach, student-centered learning mode and computerized knowledge acquisition which lead to a gradual shift from traditional teaching to self-study. The core objective of the article is to define the educator’s diverse roles in managing academic flexibility, designing hybrid curricula with online component, thus encouraging lifelong learning. The purpose of the article is to reveal the challenges and requirements set before educators who have to cater effectively for meeting all the needs of learners. The research is based on empirical studies conducted by contemporary scholars, comparative analyses of diverse modes of teaching and learning and practical implications of micro-blended learning strategies which trigger the alteration and expansion of teacher’s functions. The study outcomes imply that technological enhancements and inconsistencies in scholastic environment dictate the emergence and evolvement of diverse teaching styles which pursue the goal to increase the insufficient language practice through informal and guided self-study. The author assumes that the research findings can be helpfully applied in educational sphere for designing and introducing e-learning schemes where educators act quite proficiently and knowingly in any teaching role.
Citations count: 1
Struganov S.M., Akhmatgatin A.A., Agafonov M.P., Balashov A.V. —
Competent Planning of the Training Process Based on the Parameters of Functional Diagnostics in Cyclic Sports
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 85 - 94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.28052 URL:
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The article is devoted to the competent planning of the training process of cyclic sportsmen. At the present time this is a topical issue providing that in order to achieve the best results in sports, athletes often use intensive and excessive training. Thus, to keep reserve abilities of sportsmen, it is necessary to regularly plan their training taking into account their functional state and to avoid the overtraining syndrome and failure of adaptation abilities. The results of the research demonstrate that medical and biological examination using modern methods of functional diagnostics may raise functional and psychic abilities of sportsmen, their physical efforts and adaptation. The method developed by the researchers allows to manage the training process of cyclic sportsmen and to avoid the overtraining syndrome as well as the failure of their adaptation during the training process and raises achievements and results during important competitions. All this proves the efficiency of the method offered by the authors.
Citations count: 1
Makeeva V.S., Chernov S.V., Brui K.E., Sun' M. —
Formation of motives for sports activity and participation in physical culture and sports activities of students of sports specialization
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 77 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.28899 URL:
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The problem of motivation, motives of behaviour, and the formation of human needs traditionally refers to one of the cores in psychology and pedagogy. In this work the character of psychology and pedagogical maintenance of physical culture and sports activities of students in the educational process of the University sports specialization on the basis of their interests, needs, and motives. The subject of the study is the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports activities among students in the educational process of the University sports specialization. The object of the study is the physical culture and sports activities of students in the educational process of the University sports specialization. The authors pay special attention to the change of motives and interest of students in physical culture and sports activities, in which the teacher performs a number of functions: a function of a tutor, facilitator, and moderator on the way to the individuality of the student, the translation of the meaning of its activities in the personal trajectory of development on the way to sports and pedagogical improvement and preservation of health.
In the experiment, the authors relied on personality-oriented and activity-oriented approaches, theoretical foundations of support of the educational process, researches in the field of sports activities in the system of higher education.During the experiment, the appropriateness and effectiveness of the regulation of motivation to behavior that aims at the development of physical qualities, the development and expansion of the base of motor abilities and skills, abilities to interact with others in the process of physical culture and sports activities, and the preservation of health were ensured. Objective data on the positive dynamics of the volume of motives for physical culture and sports activities are obtained. It reflected in students will to improve their technical and tactical skills, conscious tracking of psychophysical states, in accordance with the individual characteristics of physical development and physical fitness.
Citations count: 1
Popkova N.V. —
Education Ecology as a Part of Culture Ecology
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 57 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.21707 URL:
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The author of the article emphasizes the need to inculde a new academic discipline, education ecology, into the sphere of culture ecology. The crisis in some areas of the social life has caused the need to ecologize corresponding sciences. In particular, the threat to culture preservation has led to the occurrence of culture ecology. Meanwhile, cultural standards are transferred through the social institution of education, therefore, preservation of the overall educational level should become the major part of culture ecology. The author demonstrates that thee modern condition of education as a social institution providing reproduction of the socio-cultural environment is critical. The author suggests to develop education ecology. According to the author, the object of this new discipline should be the influence of the socio-cultural environment on the education system and the object thereof should be conditions of functioning of education as a social institution, standards and norms of its realisation and ways of its preservation. In her article Popkova describes the primary goals of education ecology. In order to achieve these goals it is necessary to analyse, in particular, models of education institutes of various societies considering them as tools of self-preservation of society. As a result, it would be possible to develop measures aimed at society modernisation instead of breaking its valuable bases. Thus, education ecology is represented an obligatory stage of any actions oriented at increasing the efficiency of education.
Citations count: 1
Unarova V.Y. —
The formation of metalanguage skills among bilingual elementary schoolers as a linguodidactic strategy of teaching three languages
// Pedagogy and education.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 30 - 40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.32447 URL:
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The subject of this research is the method of formation of metalanguage skills among the bilingual elementary schoolers by means of the native (ethnic), Russian and English languages. The object of this research is the process of teaching native (ethnic), Russian and foreign languages in elementary school. Particular attention is given to the examination of prerequisites of formation of metalanguage skills, creation of conceptual grounds and methodology of their formation as a linguodidactic strategy of interconnected teaching of three languages in the conditions of contact bilingualism in the Russian regions. The preliminary survey conducted among the elementary school teachers and teachers of English language demonstrated that they experience certain difficulties in organization of methodical work on implementation of interconnected teaching of languages. For the purpose of development of scientifically substantiated methodology of formation of metalanguage skills and experimental determination of its effectiveness, a comprehensive research was conducted in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and Chuvash Republic, which included surveying teachers and parents, recitation of first graders, written tasks for multilingual and bilingual students of elementary school. The scientific novelty consists in identification of peculiarities of the formation of metalanguage skills among bilingual children, as well as main difficulties associated with learning several languages in elementary school. In accordance with ontolinguistic, psycholinguistic and cognitive approaches, the author develops and substantiates a linguodidactic complex on the interconnected formation of metalanguage skills among bilingual students of elementary schools.