Vasil'ev, M.A. (2021). The activity of Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Specialized School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union: historical-pedagogical aspect . Pedagogy and education, 3, 1–7.
The subject of research of this research is the process of establishment and development of Irkutsk branch of the Krasnoyarsk Specialized School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union during the 1989–1991, and its subsequent professional-pedagogical transformation. The author dwells on the question of historical-pedagogical peculiarities of the initial stage of recruiting the academic staff of the branch by the scientific personnel. The author explores the professional peculiarities in carrying out educational, service and combat activity of the permanent and nonpermanent staff of the specialized school. In the course of scientific research, the author reveals and analyzes the factors that affected the establishment and development of Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Specialized School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union during the transformation of the political system in Russia; as well as explores the peculiarities of implementing pedagogical activity at the initial stage of the educational institution. The examples of interaction of the cadets and employees of the branch with the divisions of practical authorities. The conducted research is valuable for wide audience, as the establishment and development of departmental education of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union in Baikal region has become a significant event for the educational system of the entire Siberian region.
special education, educational institution, fighting crime, educational process, Ministry Of Internal Affairs OF THE USSR, training of specialists, skill formation, educational work, study group, training of personnel
Malakhova, E.V., Stepanov, E.A., Yanova, M.G. (2021). The development of business character traits of high school students based on economic stereotypes . Pedagogy and education, 3, 8–25.
This article provides the results of theoretical research aimed at determination of the impact of economic stereotypes upon the formation of business character traits of high school students in the Far North. Students’ representations on the economy are determined as the value foundations for understanding life activity for their effective inclusion into the system of socioeconomic relations. In order to develop the methods for overcoming economic stereotypes by high school students, the authors solved the following tasks: outline the conceptual framework of the term “economic stereotypes”; carry out the analysis of their impact upon human behavior; reveal contradictions in the representations of high school students; determine the key economic stereotypes of high school students of the Far North and the need to overcome them in modern conditions. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the need for the formation of adequate perception of economic reality among youth of the Far North, which would eliminate negative economic stereotypes on the one hand, and contribute to the development of business character traits on the other. The main conclusion lies in identification of such economic stereotypes in the youth consciousness that impede young people in submerging into the economic environment and organizing entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of the Far North. The authors believe that the most effective strategy for overcoming negative economic stereotypes of high school students that hinder their productive economic activity lies in strengthening of the role of education in this sphere, as well as increasing the level of economic competence of the pedagogues and the parents.
indigenous small people, socialization, Extreme North, high school students, business traits, personal qualities, economic stereotypes, economic activity, economic conditions, educational space
Educational interaction
Polushkin, V.A. (2021). Popularization of the scientific method of cognition as a mechanism for countering information manipulations in mass media. Pedagogy and education, 3, 26–37.
The subject of this research is the activity aimed at popularization of the scientific method of cognition as a mechanism for increasing the degree of information security of society and citizens in the conditions of transformation of media space under the influence of modern information technologies. The goal of this article is to reveal the potential of popularization of the scientific method of cognition as a mechanism for countering information manipulations, distortion of information, and distribution of quasi-scientific or pseudoscientific theories and concepts. The key problem of this research lies in determining possible restrictions of popularization of the scientific method of cognition to achieve the indicated goals, as well as in seeking ways to optimize the popularization of the scientific method of cognition for countering information manipulations and ensuring information security. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the effectiveness of using scientific and educational activity of the Russian media as an intelligent humanistic technology that may improve the culture of personal information security. Both education and the culture of thinking are viewed as intelligent technologies that to critically comprehend the interpretation of facts covered by mass media. Unlike other similar research on the topic, emphasis is placed on the potential of popularization of the scientific method of cognition, rather than scientific knowledge on particular questions. The conclusion is made that popularization of the scientific method of cognition influences the behavioral model of the participants of mass communication, providing them with scientific tools for independent problematization of data messages, determination of manipulations, and formation of objective rational position on the general issues of information agenda.
scientific method, popularization of science, pseudoscientific knowledge, pseudoscience, mythologizing of science, information manipulation, mass media, agnotology, universalism, abstractness
Vasyuk, A.A. (2021). The analysis of intraschool democratic environment of the Russian schools . Pedagogy and education, 3, 38–50.
The subject of this research is the intraschool environment of the Russian schools, while the object is the level of its democratic nature. The article contains the analysis of democratic environment of public schools in the Luhansk People's Republic, which is reflected in the work of the school self-government. Analysis is conducted on the opinion of administration, pedagogues, psychologists, social educators, students, students’ parents, residents of the localities, public figures, etc. The research is based on the original questionnaire and interview that clarifies the answers of respondents. The author examines the educational process of formation of civic culture, impact of social disciplines and humanities upon the development of civic culture of students, ability of the schools to ensure social protection of their students etc. The conclusion is made on the low level of democratization of intraschool environment in the Luhansk People’s Republic; however, the effectiveness of school self-government aimed at formation of civic culture is evident. The author determines six factors that increase the effectiveness of school self-government: the representatives of school self-government should address the actual needs of students; work should produce certain results; cognitive abilities and moral attitudes should be mobilized; students should take responsibility for their decisions; activity should combine the joint efforts of children and adults; extracurricular activities should be discussed.
citizen, school self-government, civic culture, civil society, democratic society, democratic environment, intra-school environment, good citizen, social relation, democratic process
Glushchenko, O.P. (2021). The formation of civic position of university students from the perspective of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education . Pedagogy and education, 3, 51–62.
This article analyzes the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education from the perspective of substantive component that contributes to the formation of civic qualities and civic position of the students. It is noted that in modern political and socioeconomic life, the Russian Federation gives priority to the development of youth activity in the conditions of building civilian, democratic and constitutional state. Young people should be competent in order to be engaged in the country’s socially useful events to the fullest and make conscious political choice. Higher education institutions play a considerable role in preparing educated and critically minded citizens, who possess high level of responsibility and patriotism. The goal of this article is to establish the the pedagogical conditions for the formation of civic position of students of higher education institutions. Analysis of the standards and existing normative legal acts allowed outlining the key priorities vectors in the development of higher education system of the Russian Federation. One of the crucial tasks of higher education system is to improve competitiveness of higher education institutions of the Russian Federation, as well as develop general cultural and professional competencies of future specialists. However, despite legislative consolidation on the federal level of the importance of development of civic position, the direct requirements for the results of formation of civic position among students are indicated only in part of the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education.
educational organizations, legal regulation, students, competence, civil position, civil society, state educational standard, higher education system, educational process, personal quality
Modern strategies and forms of education
Sokolova, L., Ermakov, D.S. (2021). Innovation projects in the area of formal, non-formal and informal education for sustainable development . Pedagogy and education, 3, 63–75.
Education for sustainable development (ESD) has been one of the priority vectors in the activity of international organizations since 1990s. The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for sustainable development has been awarded since 2015. This article is dedicated to the analysis of innovation projects in the area of formal, non-formal and informal education for sustainable development that have received this award over the period from 2015-= to 2019. The subject of this research is the content of projects and programs of the winner countries in the corresponding areas of ESD. The systemic approach demonstrates that the initiatives that equally affect social, economic and environmental aspects of ESD and lead to positive individual and societal changes become the winners. It is determined that the share of projects and programs in the area of formal and informal education is insignificant (7 and 13%, respectively). Despite a considerable number for informal ESD (33%), most of the initiatives (47%) are of complex nature. The advanced experience of the award-winning countries complement the existing representations on the opportunities of studying the questions of sustainable development in the area of non-formal and informal education, as well as indicates the benefits of continuous ESD throughout life. For the implementation of ESD, the authors employ general institutional approach that reveals the strategy of activity of the educational institutions oriented towards sustainable development, which results in subsequent “ESD-transformation” of the traditional model of education.
the whole-institution approach to ESD, integration, lifelong education, informal education, non-formal education, formal education, programme, project, ESD, the UNESCO-Japan Prize
Modern strategies and forms of education
Rozin, V.M. (2021). Education and self-education in the optics of tutoring approach . Pedagogy and education, 3, 76–85.
This article discusses the problem of comprehension of self-education and education in tutoring pedagogy. The matter is that if student's personality and different development trajectories of different personality types are recognized in education, it is difficult to imagine education without self-education. As empirical material, the author cites two cases from his personal experience; analyzes the establishment and development of personality in culture, claiming that the problematic situations are the source of its development. Description is given to the key problematic situations that determine the evolution of a modern individual in phylogenies and ontogenesis. The author distinguishes between spontaneous development, evolution of personality, and conscious work, the goal of which is education or self-education. The article discusses the peculiarities of tutoring perspective on education and self-education, emphasizing that tutoring efforts are aimed at formation of favorable environment for person’s self-development and evolution, rather than designing an individual based on the pedagogical patterns. At the same time, the tutor strives to create a culturally congruent and humanistic environment. The paper reviews a complicated problem of where a tutor as a pedagogue should lead his student and what does “lead” means in educational practice. The conclusion is made that tutoring approach is quite unusual in the aspect the it does not set particular pedagogical contents and goals, but rather points at the principles that should be jointly implemented by the tutor and his students. The author considers the three hypostases of a person for the tutor to focus on.
culture, environment, personality, formation, support, self-education, education, pedagog, tutor, image of a person
Developing pedagogical technologies
Mal'tseva, T.E. (2021). Binarity of the role of higher inclusive education in development of socio-professional subjectivity. Pedagogy and education, 3, 86–96.
The subject of this research is the process of formation of socio-professional subjectivity of persons with socio-functional dissimilarities, among whom are people with impairments, pensioners, military, prisoners, and released from prison. The object of this research is the higher inclusive education viewed through prism of modernization of the system of higher education, being a crucial organizational-substantive and goal-directed aspect, within which inclusive education plays not only an educational-enlightening role such as formation of professional competencies, but also in the specifically arranged inclusive field ensures formation and development of their socio-professional subjectivity, changing their assertions, needs, and motives from personal-passive to socially significant. The conclusion is made that socio-psychological adaptation and increase of the role and status of people with socio-functional dissimilarities implies socio-professional development of subjectivity as a certain system organization of consciousness, human psyche that includes cognitive, emotional-willed, and activity components inherent to a person as a subject of activity. The author underlines the need for functional model that would be aimed at solution of personal issues, as well as increase of the professional role and social status. This approach suggests binary role of inclusive professionalization.
victimization, social status, internality, binarity, social and professional subjectivity, subjectness, social and functional differences, inclusive education, the semantic significance of the inclusion, educational environment