Rudakova, A.A., Zaitseva, A.S. (2021). Elective courses “Educational Practice and” and “Industrial Practice” as the means of development of professional competences of school students . Pedagogy and education, 1, 1–13.
The subject of this research is the educational-methodological support and organizational-pedagogical conditions for integration of vocational education in the discipline “Horticulturist” in a public school. Research methodology is based on the fusion of theoretical and empirical approaches with application of the methods of analysis, pedagogical engineering, pedagogical experiment, testing, survey, generalization, comparison, synthesis. The relevance of this study is defined by the importance of preparing citizens (counting public school graduates) for professional self-determination and choice of profession, need for development of the corresponding pedagogical conditions, including vocational education in the disciplines “Horticulturist”. This article considers elective courses of educational and industrial practices as the effective means of formation of professional competences of school students. The conducted research demonstrated that completion of educational and industrial practices indicates an increase in the level of formedness of professional competences among students. Comparative analysis of the results of 2018 and 2020 monitoring “Employment of Graduates” illustrated 100% better preparedness of the graduates of 2020 who took elective courses. The scientific novelty relies on the empirical data and formulated conclusions that the considered innovative approach towards modification of public education curriculum through integration with the program of vocational education contribute to achievement of not only standard educational results (personal, metasubject and subject), but also to formation of professional competences useful for selection of future profession and employment.
secondary general education, elective course, Internship, educational practice, professional competence, working profession, professional standard, FGOS, integration of educational programs, individual project
Tlyavsin, I.B. (2021). The use of innovative technologies in the project activities of students. Pedagogy and education, 1, 14–24.
The article examines the features of the use of innovative technologies in project activities in the process of educational activities in a secondary school. The essence of project activity, modern innovative technologies and information and communication technologies that contribute to the development of the educational process in technology lessons and in additional education classes in the scientific and technical direction is revealed. As certain skills and qualities of a student become available, the importance of learning using innovative technologies arises. The object of the study is the organization of educational activities in a secondary school. The subject of the work is innovative technologies in project activities in the process of educational activities. The purpose of the work: to show the need for the introduction of innovative technologies in project activities in technology lessons and in additional education classes. The main methods of work are: analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis in the field of innovative technologies. The result of the work is to determine the importance of using innovative technologies in project activities. Scientific novelty is characterized by the fact that with the development of scientific and technological progress in all fields of science and life, the level of school participation remains insignificant and requires active development. Conclusions were formulated about the importance of using innovative technologies in project activities in order to develop certain skills and abilities of students.
computer-aided design system, 3d printing, programming, numerical control software, robotics, information and communication technologies, additional education, innovative technologies, students, project activities
Arzhakova, M., Egorova, K.E. (2021). Evaluation of professional competence of future chemistry teachers in the current context. Pedagogy and education, 1, 25–35.
The implementation in the higher school of such new normative documents as Federal State Educational Standard, unit standard and others, set the goal for realization of competence approach in education. At the same time, such competence as the expected results serve as the evidentiary base for guaranteeing the quality of graduates training. There is currently no unified standard for assessing the quality of education overall. The subject of this research is the formation and assessment of formedness of professional competences of students on the discipline 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education with major in Chemistry and 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education with major in Biology and Chemistry. The goal of this research consists in formation of professional competence of students in the conditions of a classical university through creation of the system of occupational assignments. For the development of theoretical platform of research, special attention is given to the theoretical questions of formation of professional competence of students majoring in pedagogy. The author describes the requirements to evaluation tools and the structure of evaluation tools. The article employs the general theoretical methods of summarization, systematization, analysis, and comparison. The scientific novelty consists in outlining approaches towards solution of the problem of formation of professional competence of the students majoring in pedagogy in the conditions of a classical university; determination of criteria and indicators of professional training of future chemistry teachers in the context of implementation of the new educational policy. The conclusion is made that the practice-oriented educational institutions are one of the means of formation and evaluation of the formedness of professional competences of the students majoring in pedagogy.
methodological competence, professional competence, competency approach, competence, higher education, education, professional standard, Education Standard, practice-oriented tasks, evaluation of the results
Liventsova, E.Y., Obukhovskaya, V.B., Fakhretdinova, A.P., Larionova, A.V., Malkova, I.Y. (2021). Arrangement and conditions of professional activity of an educator: comparative analysis of work experience in Russian and foreign universities. Pedagogy and education, 1, 36–49.
The subject of this research is the conditions of professional activity of an educator viewed through the prism of arrangement of the university campus space (based on comparative analysis of work experience in Russian and foreign universities). The indispensable conditions of professional activity are as follows: spatial organization of campus including safety and comfort; organizational environment; quality of relationship with the subjects of campus; possibility for professional and personal growth; language and cultural environments. The research is based on the method of thematic essay. The study involved educators with work experience in Russian and foreign universities. The scientific novelty consists in identification of psychological factors responsible for the professional development and performance of educators within the educational space of a campus, which would allow elaborating the strategies and ways for optimization of these processes. In the course of research, it was established that for successful professional activity, an educator must feel physical and psychological comfort and safety within the campus environment. The efficiently arranged campus space affects the professional performance of educators. The comparison of Russian and foreign university campuses indicated that the foreign ones outclass in level of educational supplies and equipment, advanced digital environment, work schedule that promotes better efficiency. The acquired results can be used for optimization of the conditions of professional activity of educators and increasing competitiveness of a university.
organizational environment, space, conditions, lecturer, professional activity, universities, university campus, performance efficiency, success, personal development
Rodnaeva, O.A., Tykheeva, N.A., Etobaeva, I.G., Kapustina, Y.A., Lamazhapova, G.P. (2021). On the issue of forming a culture of healthy lifestyle of students as an integral part of the processes of education and training. Pedagogy and education, 1, 50–57.
In pedagogical theory and practice, the problem of the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle (HLS) of students occupies one of the priorities, since the preservation and strengthening of public health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country's development, regulated by federal regulatory documents. The article is devoted to the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture of students as one of the priority tasks of the educational and educational activities of a medical university. The authors conducted studies to assess the commitment of students of the 2-3 courses of the medical Institute to a healthy lifestyle according to a validated methodology, within the framework of the federal priority project "Formation of a healthy lifestyle". The results of the students' self-assessment of health showed that the largest number of students surveyed assess their individual health as good (55.8% of students). At the same time, the monitoring of adherence to healthy lifestyle revealed that the proportion of students smoking and drinking alcohol was 15.8% and 21.9%. accordingly, physical activity does not meet the recommended standards in 59.6% of students. In the course of the research, the index of adherence to healthy lifestyle among students was determined primarily due to poor-quality, unbalanced nutrition, eating habits, as well as the low financial situation of a significant part of students. The assessment of the index of adherence to healthy lifestyle among students of medical educational organizations showed extremely low values. Thus, only 2.6% of students have a high index index and only 39% are satisfactory, in the sexual difference, girls have slightly better indications compared to boys. Thus, the results indicate a low culture of students' health, which determines the importance of improving the effectiveness of teaching the basics of healthy lifestyle in the framework of educational programs, the introduction of new methods and forms of training into the educational and educational process aimed at forming the competence of future doctors in the field of healthy lifestyle.
risk factors, new competence, medical institute, students, educational work, comptency, health monitoring, health culture, healthy lifestyle, self-assessment of health
Goncharova, N.V., Baklyskaia, L.E., Zadokhina, M.B., Denisova, A.A. (2021). Educational meaning of on-location practice for the students of architectural specialties . Pedagogy and education, 1, 58–71.
The subject of this research is the vocational training of the students of architectural specialties and the the need for on-location practices in the Russian and foreign historical cities. The relevance of this topic is defined by the fact that the importance of such practices is questioned in the context of development of new educational curricula. Analysis is conducted on the historical aspect, the role of practice in vocational training, as well as peculiarities of perception of reality by the future architects and designers and cognitive activity in the open-air environment. The author outlines and substantiates the goals and tasks aimed at the development of knowledge and skills acquired the students during on-location practice. The research leans on the experience of conducting practices by the Institute of Architecture and Design of the Pacific National University in Russia and abroad. The authors discuss the positions of the planners, heads and participants of the on-location practices. The conclusion is made that such practices and not only the immersion into the historical environment, but its grasp by means of visual arts, which is an integral part of vocational education. The experience acquired by the student in the course of on-location practice is irreplaceable and necessary for professional growth of future architects and designers in accordance with modern requirements.
presumption of mobility, eidetic image, architecture, measuring practice, plein air, visiting practice, educational standard, personality formation, student, excursions
Kuznetsov, Y.N. (2021). General theory of functional systems as a theoretical-methodological framework of the pedagogical system of quality assurance. Pedagogy and education, 1, 72–80.
The subject of this research is the pedagogical system of quality assurance. The goal consists in searching for innovative ways of the development of theoretical-methodological foundations for creating the pedagogical system of quality assurance in the higher education institution. The author examines such aspects as the development pf complex pedagogical systems in accordance with the hierarchical principle of compiling its fundamental pedagogical units (pedagogical subsystems), which allow creating branched architecture of the complex pedagogical system is created, depending on the goal and tasks of solution of pedagogical problem (in this case, the problem of quality assurance). Research methodology is based on the productive theoretical-methodological coupling of the concept of the general theory of functional systems (P. K. Anokhin) and the theory of pedagogical systems (N. V. Kuzmina). Comparative analysis is conducted on the analogies of the pedagogical system of quality assurance (according to the author’s version) and the classical functional system of behavioral act of a living organism. As a result, the author develop generalized architecture of the pedagogical system of quality assurance of the university. The novelty of this work consists in introduction of the concept of “pedagogical system of quality assurance” into the general classification of pedagogical systems of vocational education as an example of functional systems. The obtained results can be applied in creation of situational service for predicting and correcting the useful adaptive outcome of the activity of pedagogical system for improving the quality of higher education.
analogy of terminological devices, useful result, system-forming factor, postulates of the pedagogical system, theory of pedagogical systems, theory of functional systems, quality assurance, pedagogical system, generalized architecture, situational service of the University
Values and goals of education
Leskova, I.A. (2021). Steps towards a post-nonclassical methodology of higher education (logical-semantic approach) . Pedagogy and education, 1, 81–102.
Post-nonclassical nature of changes in education actualizes the need for transforming its methodological grounds. The goal of this article is to offer a new perspective of interpretation of the methodology of education, as well as trace the steps towards its post-nonclassical transformation. The research leans on the theoretical-methodological provisions of the logical-semantic approach, which focuses on the laws of conceptualization. The article explores the objective and subjective logical-semantic patterns of the work of mind characteristic to classical and post-nonclassical worldview. Congruence with the objective logic of the work of mind of methodological grounds in educational practice of the higher school is confirmed by examples. The examples show the limitations of their methodological capabilities in solving modern problems of knowledge and practice. The limitations of their methodological capabilities in solution of the relevant cognitive tasks and practice are indicated. The article suggest and analyzes the methodological principle of the subject, which determines the human-sizedness and communicative alignment of methodological system of education, which ensures its compliance with the post-nonclassical methodology of science. The author demonstrates a number of changes within the education system, which are methodologically substantiated by the principle of the subject. The highlighted logical-semantic patterns of the work of mind can be used as an instrument for understanding and explaining the components of educational process, as well as their design and management. The author proposes a nonlinear structure of the content of education. It can underlie the creation of learning model, which would consider the individual characteristics of students and fulfill the educational potential of the traditional and innovative teaching systems.
subject, meaning, logic of the work of consciousness, logical and semantic architectonics of methodology, educational methodology, content of education, human dimension, hypertext, subject-centeredness, nonlinearity
Person and personal development
Kuzmina, A.S., Praizendorf, E.S., Yusupov , P.R., Mardasova, T.A. (2021). The dynamics of subjectivity in student age . Pedagogy and education, 1, 103–113.
The article provides the results of research of correlation between subjectivity and self-actualization of senior and junior students. The formation of subjectivity implies changes in the value-semantic attitude of the student towards self, further development, and university education. Subjectivity plays an important role in the formation and self-actualization of an individual, as well as in the development of personal potential. The article presents the results of longitudinal research of subjectivity of the students. The object of this study is the subjectivity of an individual. The subject is the process of socio-psychological adaptation of students at different stages of studying in the higher education institution. The goal consists in tracing the dynamics of the development of subjectivity of personality of the students in the context of their socio-psychological adaptation in the process of studying in the higher education institutions. Research methodology employs cultural and historical approach of L. S. Vygotsky; scientific school of subjective approach in psychology of S. L. Rubinstein, A.V. Brushlinsky and K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, and theory of subjectivity of M. V. Isakov. The novelty lies in demonstrating the dynamics of the development of subjectivity of students during studying in the university. In conclusion, the author proves the positive dynamics of development of subjectivity of the students; notes that the senior students are characterized by the higher indicator of general subjectivity and greater reflection, responsibility, organizational skills, and loyalty to their own decisions, while the junior students demonstrate more creativity compared to the senior students.
self-efficacy, student, self-determination, development, self-causality, self-actualization, subject, activity, subjectness, self-realisation
Innovative methodology and technology
Vafina, A.H., Khalitova, L.K. (2021). MakerSpace technology and digital environment for speech development of bilingual preschoolers: the experience of Integration . Pedagogy and education, 1, 114–124.
The goal of this article consists in examination of the effective ways of implementation of digital educational technologies into the system of preschool educational institutions functioning in a bilingual environment. The subject of this research is the digital educational resources and innovative technologies in the area of speech development of preschoolers. The technology of implementation of innovative comprehensive approach towards creating a developing environment in digitalization era is addressed to the experts in preschool education. The novelty of this work lies in substantiation of the effectiveness of implementation into the practice of preschool educational institutions of digital educational resources for the development of communication skills of bilingual children in using the MakerSpace technology. The article reveals the essence and advantages of introduction of the innovative concepts of teaching that are founded on digital technologies; underlines the need for a comprehensive approach towards implementation of digital resources into the practice of preschool educational institutions; substantiates the effectiveness of implementation of comprehensive approach to the organization of a developing environment for the development of communication skills of children 3-7 years of age by means of the Russian language. The results of the conducted experiment in preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan prove the effectiveness of creating a single developmental environment. Such environment is being formed by the joint efforts of the pedagogues and preschool students using the digital educational resources during classes. The acquired rudimental knowledge is solidified with experience in the course of realization of creative activity using the MakerSpace technology.
Integrated Approach, Integration, Developing Environment, Russian Language, Bilingualism, Speech Development, Digital Learning Objects, MakerSpace technology, Åarly childhood education, Socio-cultural Competencies
Innovative methodology and technology
Lisauskaite, V.V. (2021). The peculiarities of application of pedagogical methods within the framework of Master's discipline “The Specifics of Legal and Organizational Cooperation of States in the Area of Protection from Disasters in the context of Regional Mechanisms”. Pedagogy and education, 1, 125–133.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of application of modern teaching techniques in higher education exemplified by the Master's academic discipline “The Specifics of Legal and Organizational Cooperation of States in the Area of Protection from Disasters in the context of Regional Mechanisms”, implemented in the Master’s program “Law in the Sphere of Regional International Relations”. The author gives characteristics to the traditional teaching techniques, taking into account the peculiarities of the indicated discipline, as well as proposes different forms of their implementation for improving the quality of teaching. The main conclusions consists in the statement that in modern higher education pedagogy it is of utmost importance to implement the entire range of available teaching techniques, selecting each based on the topic of the course, the contingent and level of education of students, as well as other criteria. It is underlined that modern education should filled with both, passive and interactive methods, regardless of the specialty and selected discipline. This fact is of particular relevance in the Master's level of education. The article employs the positions of various researchers in the sphere of pedagogy and psychology, reflected in the scientific articles on the topic. The author believes that this topic is a mainstream in the scientific publicistic writing, and can contribute to the further improvement of the quality of teaching techniques used in modern higher education.
international cooperation, passive method, master's program, interactive method, teaching methodology, protaction of disaters, teaching in the magistracy, magistracy, law, training
Individual approach in education
Rozin, V.M. (2021). Conceptual grounds of inclusive education . Pedagogy and education, 1, 134–144.
This article examines the contradiction between the new principles of the concept of inclusive education and the reference to the theory of development as the basis of this concept. Individualization of education is one of the central ideas of the concept of inclusive education, since unlike in traditional education and the concept of formation, the individual cannot be reduced to an averaged type, as well as students’ development as a single trajectory and a common pattern for everyone. The author's understanding of tutor movement and experience allowed formulating the approach and methodology that is an alternative to the concept of formation, reveals the actual experience of inclusive education. The approach implies the following positions: different trajectories of development for different types of personality; consideration pf the structures established in the prior development; creation of semiotic environment in communication that allows the individual fulfilling their potential and substantiating a new perspective; three tasks of support – initiation of problems and situations of becoming of the new, assistance in solution of these problems and support of development, vector of establishment and development in the fold of culture; differentiation of pre-personal and personal forms (“prama” and subjectivity). For clarification of the aforementioned provisions, the two cases are analyzed (the process of revealing an image in the drawing, as well as the story that took place with young Carl Jung). This analysis allowed characterizing the conceptual grounds of inclusive education. The article introduces the concepts of “social body” and “reflexive practices”, which alongside the positions of L. S. Vygotsky (bypass, reliance on the child’s mental structures, understanding the source of development as a social phenomenon, rather than biological) can be used for the development of inclusive education.
understanding, communication, schemes, individual, personality, formation, development, inclusive education, problems, resolution