Spiritual and moral search
Kameneva, O.L., Fedorova, E.N. (2019). Virtue training: the introduction of students of Russian universities to the spiritual experience of the great Orthodox saints. Pedagogy and education, 2, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29042
The object of study - the pedagogical facilities of the patristic doctrine of virtues (restraint, compassion, chastity, lenity, joy, fortitude, humility and love) as an axiological system of values of spiritual and moral education, rising to the national cultural heritage, especially the Orthodox one. The study is particularly relevant for today as concepts of good and evil are crumbling; human culture is stated to have no reliable methods of distinguishing vice from dignity, veracity from lies, beauty from disgrace. The methodology of the research is based on the generalization of the practical experience of the formation of mentioned virtues by the methods of the modern Saint Paisius. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the analysis of the results of the unique remote training course "Factory of good thoughts", which was attended by 162 students of Russian universities. The course is developed by the group of lecturers, candidates and graduate students of the Center for additional education of the Moscow Theological Academy, St. Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities, Moscow state pedagogical University. The conclusion can be drawn, that reflection, organized as part of the course with the help of Diaries of good thoughts, represents an important tool of self-knowledge, capable of activating the process of spiritual and moral cultivation of participants of the program.
chastity, good thoughts, traditional values, passions, virtues, spiritual and moral education, joy, the image of God, repentance, perfection
Lekhanov, S.B. (2019). Studying reindeer breeding vocabulary of Evenki language on the basis of game methods in elementary school . Pedagogy and education, 2, 11–17. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29038
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the vast majority of children and young people of Evenki are not proficient in their native language, and the percentage of native speakers is decreasing every year. This situation is caused by the absence of linguistic environment in places of compact residence of indigenous peoples of the North, because of a dispersive settlement of ethnic groups, numerous dialects and sub-dialects (in Evenki language there are about 50 of them), fast assimilation processes. In our study, game methods are of interest, as they have the advantage of other studying methods, which includes realization of the subjective position of the student in the process of studying. The author examined the effectiveness of the game method during the teaching of Evenki language in elementary school by applying a complex of playing tasks based on a reindeer breeding vocabulary. Practice showed that applying the game method led to the raising of interest in studying Evenki language, despite the low level of training of the pupils. Games cause a spirit of competition, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of ability to cope with the tasks and have a positive effect on studying results, and, the key point is, that pupils with a low level of knowledge become active.
school, pedagogy, evenki language, evenki, traditional knowledge, reindeer breeding, elementary school, method, game method, vocabulary
Zavialova, I. (2019). Teaching a translation of anthroponyms from German to Russian (based on the works Inkheart by C. Funke). Pedagogy and education, 2, 18–23. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29181
When translating proper names, a translator often faces the problem of adequate translation. In order to avoid mistakes and inaccuracies, a translator should master the methodology of translation of proper names. The subject of the research is the primary ways of translation of proper names from German to Russian in terms of anthroponyms occurring in the artworks of the fantasy genre, such as the series of books Inkheart by German writer Cornelia Funke. The author deals with peculiar properties of the functioning of such techniques as transliteration, transcription, and calque, problems occurring when translating anthroponyms, and also determines a frequency of techniques. A descriptive method, method of comparative analysis of originals and translations, method of linguistic-statistical analysis serve as methods of the study. The scientific novelty is due to the research of translation techniques based on a comparative study of correlated anthroponyms of the source language and target language in the series of books Inkheart by German writer Cornelia Funke. Analysis of the factual material showed that transcription is a widely used technique of translating the anthroponyms from German to Russian, that allows conveying a national color of the names. A calque is used rarely as in the process of translation there may occur a loss of meaning laid in the source language. The transliteration is characterized by the lowest frequency.
transliteration, transcription, translating language, source language, speaking names, anthroponym, proper name, translation, calque, fantasy
Glavan, A.A., Gramma, D.V. (2019). Development of critical thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialty . Pedagogy and education, 2, 24–31. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29671
Critical thinking relates to the ability of a person to think independently and make the right decisions. Nowadays, the introduction of abilities of critical thinking is regarded as one of the purposes of university studies. In the article, the experience of practical applying the technology of development of critical thinking of students of non-linguistic specialties in the process of studying a foreign language is described. The subject of the study: a process of teaching a foreign language in university as a tool for developing the critical thinking of students. On the first stage, the level of development of critical thinking was analyzed in order to study the level of the development of critical thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language. The research method was the observation of students' communicative activity. On the second stage, there was created and realized a foreign language learning system, based on the technology of critical thinking, which lasted for a term. On the third stage - in order to re-diagnose the level of development of the activity component of critical thinking and evaluation of results - were used such methods as monitoring the work of students in foreign language classes and the method of statistical analysis. The conclusions of the conducted research provide valuable information for improving the technology of the development of critical thinking strategies in the process of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialty. The authors emphasize the necessity of implementation of a given technology referring to the demands of Russian Federation state educational standards of higher education on specialty "Software engineering". Information, received in the process of diagnosing of the level of development of indicators of critical thinking among future IT-specialists, indicates the effectiveness of the proposed technology.
stage of understanding, stage of challenge, analysis, university, teaching, non-linguistic specialty, foreign language, critical thinking, technology, stage of reflection
Person and personal development
Dzhaneryan, S.T., Zabara, I.V. (2019). Peculiar properties of emotional burnout among the programmers with a different value-semantic attitude to professional activity. Pedagogy and education, 2, 32–40. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29723
The article considers the value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activity. The content of its cognitive, motivational, emotional-evaluative, behavioral components is determined. Various types of a value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activity are singled out - value-based, need-based and technical, means-based, diffusive one. Although the possibility of a connection between a value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activity and emotional burnout are emphasized in scientific publications, there is a lack of direct researches, targeted at the study of the nature of this connection. The purpose of the study is to establish the influence of the content of components of various types of the value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activity concerning the manifestations of their emotional burnout. The subject of the study is the emotional burnout among the programmers (96 respondents) with different types of value-semantic attitude to professional activity. Methods of the study are questionnaire surveys, tests, expert evaluations, methods of mathematical statistics. Gathering of the facts was realized with the help of methods for the study of personal values (E.B. Fantalova), work motivation (I.G. Kokurina), social and psychological attitudes in the motivational and need-based sphere (O.F. Potemkina), job satisfaction (N.P. Feteskin), the level of emotional burnout V.V. Boyko. The peculiarity of the connection between the expression of the phases of emotional burnout among the programmers and the content of the components of a particular type of value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activities is established. The results of the study expand the theoretical understanding of emotional burnout among the programmers and increase the efficiency of practical measures to prevent this phenomenon.
emotional burnout, types of attitude, components of attitude, professional activity, value-semantic attitude, motives, values, phases of burnout, symptoms of burnout, programmers
Question at hand
Ivanova, N., Vorobieva, N.A. (2019). Correlation between parents' participation in children's education and academic performance of primary school pupils: analysis of foreign pedagogical studies . Pedagogy and education, 2, 41–52. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29937
Parent's participation in education has a positive effect on primary school pupils' academic performance. In this article foreign scientific researches on psychological pedagogy devoted to the correlation between parents' participation and school success, published between 2009 and 20019 in peer-reviewed academic journals, are observed. Authors examined the conceptual approaches to determining a parents' participation in the educational process and its main forms - participation in school life and homeschooling and its connection with the academic performance of primary schoolers. The theoretical analysis of literature was used as the principal method of the research of main approaches to the solution of the studied scientific problem. On the developed topic, were studied researches, identified by searching the Web of Science and PsychINFO databases. As a result of the study, there were determined individual variables of parents' participation which are directly connected with success in primary school: 1) home reading, 2) parental expectations and aspirations, 3) communication between parents and children on school education and 4) parental encouragement and support for learning. Variables, which mediate the connection between parents' participation and school success, based on certain types of parent's participation (at school and at home), were determined. The results of the study deepen and expand knowledge about the correlation between different forms of parents' participation in education and school performance of primary schoolers. The authors' recommendations can be used to improve the strategies of educational interaction between the school and pupils' families, aimed at developing measures to prevent school failure.
primary school, attitude to study, academic performance, school status, school success, educational process, parents, participation in education, forms, correlation
Akutina, S.P. (2019). Role of the museum as an educational center in the training of bachelors of "Service" orientation through the educational discipline "Holidays and traditions of peoples of Russia" at the psychological and pedagogical faculty of Arzamas branch of National Research University - N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod. Pedagogy and education, 2, 53–60. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29487
In the article, innovative forms of training bachelors of "Service" orientation (orientation - social and cultural service) in the context of the implementation of the Federal state educational standard of higher education through Museum Pedagogy are observed. The purpose of the study: development of conditions for the formation of museum-educational competences of bachelors using Museum Pedagogy. The subject of the study: innovative forms of training bachelors of "Service" orientation. Work of Arzamas Museum of History and Art as an educational center is observed. Pedagogical conditions of formation the museum-educational competences of students in the process of professional training are allocated. The brief content of the training course "Holidays and traditions of peoples of Russia" is given, the role of tour classes for students at the museum while studying the history of the Russian costume, the everyday life of ordinary people and the nobles, and holidays and ceremonies of the inhabitants of the Arzamas region is showed. The experience of interaction between various universities and museums in the context of training of bachelors of "Service" orientation is presented. Method of the research: observation, content analysis. The methodology of the study: system, competence, and cultural approaches in the context of training of bachelors of "Service" orientation. The novelty of the study is due to the conclusions that a modern museum is a pedagogical, psychological, and multicultural environment, which, in the process of education, gives students an opportunity to obtain knowledge, skills and practical experience; to form the competences, required for successful professional activity. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that methodological approaches to the educational activities of the museum can serve as a guide in the training of bachelors for the implementation of socio-cultural and educational activities, taking into account the museum component through the inclusion in the university programs of the course "Holidays and traditions of the peoples of Russia", which axiologically fills the student audience.
service, culture, the museum, education, direction, humanitarian, bachelors, innovations, tours, competencies
Katrenko, M.V., Nebytova, L.A., Shchekin, A.F., Zhuravleva, Y.I. (2019). The role of augmented reality technology in the organization of independent work on physical culture at the university. Pedagogy and education, 2, 61–65. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.28943
The subject of the study is the independent work in the educational process in the university and the role of pedagogical technologies in the formation of students' competences. The newest of the considered technological modifications are AR-technologies. The novelty of the research is due to the ability to create and identify a virtual layer of information that allows making students' independent work more available and mobile. The aim of the study is to prove the necessity of introducing augmented reality in the process of independent work in the discipline "Elective course in physical culture and sports" in a specific university. The methodology of examining the role of augmented reality technology in the organization of independent work on the physical culture at the university was based on the methods of theoretical analysis, the generalization of scientific and methodical literature, interpretation of the data. The theoretical significance of the study is to identify the advantages of augmented reality technology. Improving the efficiency of independent work with the use of AR-technologies allows usage of the study results for self-development of students in professional and personal spheres, in the preparation of curricula, training programs and teaching AIDS.
health-improving systems, virtual learning resources, competences, self-development, physical culture, AR-technology, augmented reality, educational process, independent work, self-regulation level
Stepanova, O.S., Nikolaeva, A.A. (2019). Study of conflictological competence of teachers in the context of optimization of comfort and security of the educational environment. Pedagogy and education, 2, 66–76. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29590
In this article, the author attempts to substantiate the expediency of improving the comfort and security of the educational environment. The necessity of it is explained not so much by the requirements of modern Federal standards as by the humanization of the educational process. It is consistently proved that the interaction of teachers and students will not be effective if the school does not create optimal conditions for the self-realization of the individual. An empirical study, conducted by the author of the article, showed that an objective obstacle to the improvement of the educational environment can be the stagnation of teachers who use a directive approach in interaction with students, which provokes sharp disagreements between the agents. These conditions actualize the significance of the work, aimed at improving the conflictological competence of teachers. Liberal pedagogy can also become a means of reducing conflicts in the educational sphere and, as a result, improving its comfort and security. Personality-oriented technology also allows taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Whatever path was chosen in the educational organization, the main thing is that in the process of implementation of measures the employees must have formed conflictological competence, including through which the improvement of comfort and security of the educational environment is carried out.
competence, conflict, interaction, comfort, security, educational environment, student, teacher, liberalism, child
Modern strategies and forms of education
Makeeva , V.S., Chernov, S.V., Brui, K.E., Sun', M. (2019). Formation of motives for sports activity and participation in physical culture and sports activities of students of sports specialization . Pedagogy and education, 2, 77–83. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.28899
The problem of motivation, motives of behaviour, and the formation of human needs traditionally refers to one of the cores in psychology and pedagogy. In this work the character of psychology and pedagogical maintenance of physical culture and sports activities of students in the educational process of the University sports specialization on the basis of their interests, needs, and motives. The subject of the study is the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports activities among students in the educational process of the University sports specialization. The object of the study is the physical culture and sports activities of students in the educational process of the University sports specialization. The authors pay special attention to the change of motives and interest of students in physical culture and sports activities, in which the teacher performs a number of functions: a function of a tutor, facilitator, and moderator on the way to the individuality of the student, the translation of the meaning of its activities in the personal trajectory of development on the way to sports and pedagogical improvement and preservation of health. In the experiment, the authors relied on personality-oriented and activity-oriented approaches, theoretical foundations of support of the educational process, researches in the field of sports activities in the system of higher education.During the experiment, the appropriateness and effectiveness of the regulation of motivation to behavior that aims at the development of physical qualities, the development and expansion of the base of motor abilities and skills, abilities to interact with others in the process of physical culture and sports activities, and the preservation of health were ensured. Objective data on the positive dynamics of the volume of motives for physical culture and sports activities are obtained. It reflected in students will to improve their technical and tactical skills, conscious tracking of psychophysical states, in accordance with the individual characteristics of physical development and physical fitness.
pretentious and estimated motivation, interaction, sports activity, physical culture and sports activities,, psychology and pedagogical maintenance, regulation of behavior, potential, tutor, facilitator, moderator.
Modern strategies and forms of education
Novokhatskaya, O.E. (2019). Modern techniques of foreign language training. Pedagogy and education, 2, 84–92. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29025
The subject of the study is the methodology of using modern techniques of foreign language training. The article tells about the benefits and perspectives of using described techniques in the process of foreign language training, which can be observed as alternative ways to assess the level of students' achievements in their educational activities and personal growth. The article gives the analysis of forms of training, modern training techniques, and the main directions of distance education development. The problems, solved by students and teachers in distance education, are highlighted. The relevance of the study is due to the need for further development of general didactic and methodological problems of the use of modern techniques of teaching foreign languages in distance learning. As a result of the study, distance education techniques were approved. The testing included the development of the content of educational programs (subjects) of web resources and control of their quality and compliance with educational standards for the effective use of resources in the educational process. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that it defines the specifics of the organization of distance learning at the university, as well as identified and experimentally justified effective technologies that are used in the process of distance learning, and provide a high level of mastery of students' practical skills to use a foreign language in the field of communication. The main conclusions of the study are:1. Most of the modern foreign language teaching techniques are communication-oriented. 2. The efficiency of distance education is determined by the usage of pedagogical techniques, which underlie the designing and realization of distance courses. 2. At the present stage of the development of the technique, there happens an integration of methods, namely the formation of a complex technique, which includes the best elements of different methods.
blended learning, education, learning, internet technologies, form, distance education, project method, foreign language, modern techniques, distance learning
Developing pedagogical technologies
Rozin, V.M. (2019). The key ideas and substantiation of the course "Methodology of design". Pedagogy and education, 2, 93–104. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29705
The article sets out the key ideas of the course "Methodology of design". The author emphasizes that quite often the methodological approach, aimed at the development of the particular discipline (in this case, of the design), equals the methodological approach, where only the established practice and optimization of activities are dealt with. Therefore, the author talks about his understanding of both methodology and design. Based on these ideas, the main problems that led to the creation of the methodology of design as an independent discipline, the aims of the educational course, the sequence of contents of the course "Methodology of design" develop. Besides the lecture work, the need to organize a creative group work for students is suggested. The article implements the following research methodology: problem statement, situational analysis, construction of ideal objects and concepts based on the distinction of types of project activities and problem-solving, staging of new educational practice. As a result of the study, it was possible to distinguish the methodical and methodological approaches, characterize the author's understanding of methodology and design, identify the problems, aims and the sequence of "Methodology of design" course content, formulate the idea of the need to organize a creative group work for students. Ideas, identified by the author, are suggested to be tested in the educational practice of future designers.
course, experience, activity, education, design, methodology, optimization, technique, development, thinking
Educational psychology
Stepanova, O.S., Nikolaeva, A.A. (2019). Connection between sociometric status and playing habits of elementary school children . Pedagogy and education, 2, 105–115. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29152
The subject of the study is the connection between playing habits and sociometric status of elementary school students in the context of conflict prevention in children group. The author pays special attention to the comparative analysis of the results of sociometric research and results of elementary school children's playing habits research. In the article, the brief review of the results of sociometric status modern researches and the main characteristics of status groups is given. Special consideration is paid to the empirical research of elementary school children's playing habits.The methods of the study are Jacob L. Moreno's Sociometry in M. Bityanova's interpretation "Sociometric method in school practice", and a questionary, created by the author, aimed at detection of elementary school children's playing habits. The novelty of the study is due to the detection of the connection between sociometric status and playing habits for the selection of the most preferable role-playing games' plots, contributing to the development of sociometric status and conflict prevention in children group. Also, a necessity of the correction of the interpersonal relationship between elementary school children through the organization of non-competitive role-playing games, which creates an atmosphere of acceptance and reconciliation between conflicting children, is proved.
empathy, playing habits, roleplay, gaming technology, sociogram, sociometric status of the student, sociometric method, aggression, conflict, conflict prevention
Innovative methodology and technology
Rolgayzer, A.A., Demidenko, K.A., Podgornaya, E.A. (2019). Usage of information and communication technologies in the process of foreign language training in terms of digital educational space of the university. Pedagogy and education, 2, 116–126. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29731
Integration of Russia in an integrated global educational and information space causes the appearance of new strategic missions, including the introduction and application of modern information and telecommunication technologies of education. Therefore, the subject of this study is modern information and communication technologies, ensuring the efficiency of linguistic and communicative competences development of students. The object of the study is the process of foreign language training in terms of a modern digital learning environment. The author examines the necessity of implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational space of the educational organization in the conditions of widespread digitalization. Special attention is paid to the most common information technologies such as Internet simulators, electronic libraries, online dictionaries, chats, podcasts, educational programs of the YouTube channel, computer testing, Moodle learning management system. The main methods of the research were the collection, analysis and systematization of scientific and methodological literature and regulations on research, questionnaires, and statistical methods of processing the obtained results. The novelty of the research is due to the analysis of the results of the survey of students about the use of information technologies in the process of studying a foreign language. The authors come to the conclusion that the use of ICT in the teaching of a foreign language, both in the opinion of experts and in the opinion of students, contributes to the effectiveness of the educational process, helps to strengthen the practical orientation of classes through a rational combination of traditional and electronic forms of education.
interactivity, learning resources, learning environment, educational process, digitalization, information and communication technologies, education, on-line learning, foreign language, e-learning
Innovative methodology and technology
Zulkharnaeva, A.V., Vinokurova, N.F. (2019). Methodical model of forming the environmental ethics among students while studying a cultural landscape in geo-environmental education. Pedagogy and education, 2, 127–133. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29869
A modern stage of social development is characterized by contradictions between human and environment - this is a reason for the global environmental problems, threatening the survival possibilities of civilization. The solution to this problem is the change of the spiritual and moral guidelines of the younger generation, associated with the formation of ethical norms and rules of interaction with the environment, based on the ideas of human co-creation with nature. The study aims to develop a theoretical and methodical base of methodical model of forming the environmental ethics among students while studying a cultural landscape in geo-environmental education. The subject of the study is the methodical model of forming environmental ethics among students while studying a cultural landscape in geo-environmental education. The ideas of environmental ethics, cultural landscape studies are identified as theoretical and methodological tools of the research, axiological, geo-environmental, cultural and environmental approaches are substantiated. The methodological model is developed in the unity of the target, substantive, procedural, technological and performance evaluation components, which ensures the integrity of the process of geo-environmental education. The research materials enrich the theory and methodology of geo-environmental education in the context of the study of the cultural landscape as a real environment of human life support, can be used in the development of software and teaching materials, textbooks.
conversational technology, methodical model, geo-environmental education, cultural and environmental approach, cultural landscape, geoecological approach, axiological approach, environmental ethics, moral choice situation, criteria of environmental ethics
Mass information processing in training
Magomedov, A.M. (2019). Issues and trends of digital education development. Pedagogy and education, 2, 134–142. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.27084
The subject of the study is peculiarities and trends of the formation of the modern digital educational environment in Russia. The timeliness of the research is determined by the fact that online training, including the usage of online courses, becomes highly-demanded, both in a world and national education. Digitalization of the national economy causes digitalization of education sphere. However, if Russian training cannot take part in the digital revolution, it can lead to irreparable loss of time and resources. Issues of creating a modern digital educational environment should be solved in their entirety, preventing formalism and mobilizing the full potential of educational organizations. Analyzing digital education development, the author widely uses methods of economic and statistical analysis. Determining the parameters of online training development, the author relies on a systematic approach. The article describes the main stages of development of informatization in the education sphere, discusses the features of online training, characterizes the state of the world and Russian online education market. The attention is focused on the issues of formation of the modern digital educational environment following the Priority project. Directions of improvement of online education are designated.
online education market, the Internet, distance learning, digital educational environment, online course, online training, a single educational space, open education, mobile educational application, digitalization
The communication process
Nikitina, T. (2019). Specifics of penal officers' professional communicative competence. Pedagogy and education, 2, 143–152. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.24605
The subject of the study is the problem of forming a professional communicative competence among penal officers. The author examines such aspects of the problem as penal officers' professional communication, its types, and peculiar properties of officers' official activities. Special consideration is paid to peculiarities of professional communicative competence, depending on penal officers' activity profile, based on an experience of Perm Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia on forming professional and specialized competencies among students according to education program specialization. For the implementation of research problems, were applied the following survey methods: analysis and generalization of pedagogical, methodical literature on the subject; classification; generalization of pedagogical experience. The analysis of the specificity of professional communicative competence of the penal officers and models of training the graduates in "Organization of guard and escort in the prisons system", "Organization of the regime in the penal system", "Kinology" education program specializations of Perm Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is carried out. Components of the professional communicative competence are determined: basic, general (general professional), situational (professional-profiled) communicative competences. Content of the professional communicative competence components according to education program specialization, and stages of its formation are set.
kinology, regime, escort, penal officers, guard, prisons system, professional communicative competence, competence, model, communication
Earnest discussion
Dogadaev, O.N. (2019). The issue of forming a healthy lifestyle among teachers of the educational organization . Pedagogy and education, 2, 153–161. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29349
The problems, connected with health maintenance among teachers of educational organization, are considered. Taking into account an important role of physical activity in a life of a modern human, and also the factors, affecting the forming a health culture among teachers, the author carries out an analysis of teachers' physical activity and state of health, makes an attempt to determine the ideal ways of activation physical activity in order to maintain health, increase stress resistance, form a healthy lifestyle habit, and enhance working efficiency. The system of physical-health measures for teachers, depending on age, sex, and their health condition, is offered. The questionnaire "Physical activity" by D. M. Aronov, V. B. Krasnitsky, M. G. Bubnova, a questionnaire of identification the attitude of population towards physical culture and sports (approved by the Ministry of sports of Russia in 2014), the questionnaire of the assessment of health condition among teachers ("Healthy lifestyle and prevention of diseases" ed. N.D. Yushchuk, I. V. Maev, K. G. Gurevich), the questionnaire of the all-Russian monitoring of conditions and labor protection in 2016 "Health in the workplace". In general, teachers accept health care priority. Activities in this area are carried out by an initiative group of teachers and only if funding is available. Also, more than half of the employees noted the absence of such activities in the system. Respondents are interested in increasing physical activity and promoting a healthy lifestyle. They accept the necessity of preventing stress at work and are interested in team building. The optimal ways of activation the physical activity among teachers, to strengthen their health, are defined.
physical education, health values, activation, physical avktivnost, health culture, health, teacher, values, health care, activity