Question at hand
Dzhaneryan, S.T., Gvozdeva, D.I. (2018). Types of Attitude to Bribery Demonstrated by University Students and Working Youth. Pedagogy and education, 3, 1–11.
This article presents the results of the empirical study of attitude to bribery that involved 120 university students (19-22 years old) and 102 working young people (22-34 years old). The aim of the research was to study the contents of different types of attitude to bribery demonstrated by university students and working young people. Within the framework of this research attitude to bribery is considered as the kind of attitude that sees bribery (or bribe) as a goal or means of satisfaction of one's personal needs and vaues. The research was conducted using the following methods: survey (questioning), content analysis, testing and statistical data processing methods. Depending on the leading content of bribery interpretations, the following types of attitude are established: instrumental value or business deal. The content of the components of each type of attitude is considered; empirical criteria for the full awareness, structuredness and development of attitudes towards bribery are proposed. The differences in the structure and formation of each type of attitude of students and working young people are shown. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author studies and describes types of attitude towards bribery demonstrated by students and working youth. The results obtained can be applied in the practice of anti-corruption education of young people.
university students, reasons for bribery, criteria for formation, criteria for structuredness, components of attitude, types of attitude, attitude to bribery, bribery, grassroots corruption, working youth
Enygin, D.V. (2018). History of Multicultural Education in World Pedagogy. Pedagogy and education, 3, 12–17.
The object of this research is the phenomenon of multicultural education. The subject of the research is the historical prerequisites for the emergence and development of this phenomenon in world pedagogy. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the origins of multicultural education and traces the continuity of ideas in the works of scientists from different countries of the world. An interesting point is that the author considers not only the historical aspects of the evolution of the key concept of research but also shows the social features of the emergence of multicultural education in various countries of the world. The main research method used by the author is the analysis accompanied with comparison and description as well as synthesis. The main conclusion of the article is the statement that multicultural education has a long history of development beginning with the problems of discrimination of the African-American population. The important fact is that with each period of its development this pedagogical phenomenon was expanding and getting new facts and features, which became the reason for such a number of discrepancies in the interpretation of the key concept of this research.
ethnopedagogy, multilingual education, educational environment, multicultural educational environment, multilingualism, multiculturalism, policultural education, multicultural education, multilingual educational environment, history of education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Rozin, V.M. (2018). Analysis of the University Introductory Discipline 'Introduction to Philosophy'. Pedagogy and education, 3, 18–27.
In his research Rozin examines and compares two disciplines 'Introduction to Philosophy' by Anatoly Akhutin and the author. There are similar and different features of these courses. The cognitive and pedagogical aspects of both courses are distinguished. The difference in the courses is explained by the fact that the authors belong to different philosophical schools as well as by the fact that they adhered to different methodological guidelines. In particular, the author came out of the Moscow Methodological Circle and is developing a humanitarian and cultural version of the methodology, and Anatoly Akhutin is a follower of V.S. Bibler and M. Heidegger. In his research Rozin has applied such methods as comparative and situational analysis, problem statement, and formulation of the provisions that shed light on the features of preparing courses on “Introduction to Philosophy”. As a result of the study, it was possible to understand how the authors created their courses, how they are similar and how they differ, and what problems have to be solved when preparing the courses. Thus, in both courses, the nature of philosophy and its formation is studied and at the same time the authors involve students in the reality of philosophy.
answers, questions, understanding, science, problems, introduction, philosophy, texts, works, ideas
Developing pedagogical technologies
Korepanova, M.G. (2018). Experience of Development of Social Activity of Countryside School Children by Means of a School Museum. Pedagogy and education, 3, 28–36.
The present article deals with the problem of developing social activity of school children in the country side. The author's thesis is that a teacher must create particular conditions for a successful teaching process, socialization of school students, their acquisition of social activity skills and understanding of their place in the society, their family and the world. The author of the article analyzes the pedagogical environment that would ensure a successful teaching process aimed at the development of harmonic and socially responsible personality ready to form their professional identity. The study was conducted on the basis of the school museum of the Karakulino secondary general school. As a result of the research, Korepanova has discovered the following conditions (circumstances) that influence the process discussed: involvement of school children into research activity; pedagogical attendance of the educational process; informative attendance of children; development of the feeling of commitment to social events in the country; and development of the social orientation of museum workers.
activity of schoolchildren in the countryside, countryside school, museum pedagogy, research activity, school museum, pedagogical conditions, social activity, schoolchildren in the countryside, local history, pedagogical experiment
Developing pedagogical technologies
Khoroshikh, P.P., Nosko, I.V. (2018). Developing Communication Tolerance by the Means of Social Communication Training: Pedagogical Experiment. Pedagogy and education, 3, 37–45.
The article is devoted to the study of the mechanisms of the formation of communicative tolerance. The authors note that communicative tolerance is one of the key competencies of the teacher due to the fact that the modern paradigm of education as a system is based on a subject-personal approach. The authors also underline that one of the most effective methods for the formation of the studied phenomenon can be interactive teaching methods, including social and communicative training. The article provides a general description of the developed training for students of the pedagogical area of training. The experimental part of the work is based on the comparative method and the classical pedagogical experiment, which consists of the ascertaining, formative, and control stages. To assess the initial level of the phenomenon under study, as well as to study the dynamics after the formative stage, a battery of tests was developed, consisting of recognized, valid methods. The authors describe the results of the control and ascertaining stages of the experiment in the control and experimental group, which confirms the possibility of using the developed social-communicative training as an effective way of forming such competence as communicative tolerance. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the results and statistical processing of the data obtained.
educational psychology, intolerance, training, interactive methods, competence, communication, students, tolerance, educational experiment, social interaction
Educational psychology
Kostrigin, A.A. (2018). "In Our Pedagogically Directed Time": Psychological-Pedagogical Studies at J.A. Comenius Russian Pedagogical Institute in Prague. Pedagogy and education, 3, 46–64.
The author of the article discusses the history of Russian emigre psychological community in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Classification of psychological directions in the Russian scientific abroad is given. Attention is focused on the psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems raised by Russian psychologists, teachers and philosophers who emigrated to Prague (Czechoslovakia), in particular, those who worked at J.A. Comenius Russian Pedagogical Institute. Such scientists as A.L. Bem, S.I. Gessen, V.V. Zenkovsky, I.I. Lapshin, V.M. Levitsky, N.O. Lossky, A.V. Makletsov, S.A. Ostrogorsky, S.O. Seropolko, G.Ya. Troshin, etc worked at the Institute. Academic programmes on some disciplines that are part of the range of psychological and pedagogical issues are discussed for the first time in the academic literature. The author focuses on the creative work of V.V. Zenkovsky and his scientific school in Prague. Representatives of this school are students who were taught by V.V. Zenkovsky. The subject of this research is the papers of the students of the Institute who majored in pedagogical and children's psychology (found in archival materials). The methods of the research are the analysis of products of activity (archival materials), source analysis and problemological analysis (psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems). The author's model of the structure of psychological science in the Russian abroad scientific community is proposed: speculative, introspective and experimental psychology. The papers of students on pedagogical and children's psychology are analyzed. The works make it possible to single out some directions of comprehension of the psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems: the study of the product of children's creativity and their application in the knowledge of the child's soul and pedagogy; the study of children's questions as a process of formation of thinking and speech; the personality of the educator and teacher, its influence on the development of the child's personality; children’s religiosity; children's speech; the mother's diary and its use in pedology; children's lies and the nature of the child. The author believes that the history of the Russian emigre psychological community is a promising field of scientific research.
scientific school, student studies, pedology, pedagogical psychology, Zenkovsky, Russian Pedagogical Institute, Russian abroad psychological community, history of psychology, structure of psychological science, academic programmes
Effectiveness of training
Fesenko, O.P. (2018). Efficiency of Training as the Method of Teaching Russian as the Native Language (Based on the Analysis of a University Discipline 'The Russian Language and Speech Culture'). Pedagogy and education, 3, 65–73.
Training as a method of active learning in the framework of the university course "Russian language and culture of speech" is considered as a means of developing communicative and speech competences. The purpose of the study is to describe the possibilities of using this method and its effectiveness on the basis of the Omsk Automobile and Armored Engineering Institute (the 1st-year students). The subject of the research is the effectiveness of the training technology in teaching the Russian language and the culture of speech at the university (using the example of a military university). 250 cadets became participants in the pedagogical experiment. The main method is a pedagogical experiment. During the school year, training sessions (role-playing and discussions) and training sessions, some of which are described in the article, were applied in the study groups. The training method covered almost all the main topics of the discipline “Norms of the Russian literary language”, “Functional styles of the Russian literary language”, “Layers of the national language”, “Military rhetoric”. The results indicate that the development of the curriculum and the formation of communicative and speech competences is more productive using the training as a method of enhancing cognitive activity because it allows to organize the educational process bringing it as close as possible to the future professional activity of students in the aspect of speech interaction.
the cadets of the military University, speech culture, the Russian language, a speech competence, a communicative competence, training, linguodidactic, competence-based approach, a speech of cadets, the effectiveness of language teaching
Adult games
Flerov, O.V. (2018). Intensification of Teaching a Foreign Language to Adults (Psychological-Pedagogical and Contensive Analysis). Pedagogy and education, 3, 74–86.
The object of the research is teaching a foreign language to adults as one of the most common types of additional education. The subject of the research is the intensification of this process. The author of the article pays significant attention to the relationship between psychological, pedagogical and methodological aspects that is revealed against the background of the specifics of foreign language knowledge and the socio-psychological characteristics of adult students. Simultaneous consideration of the problem from the standpoint of pedagogical psychology and practical methods of teaching languages allows to uncover a sufficiently strong scientific and methodological basis for intensive language teaching which today additional education institutions (courses) are increasingly being replaced by pseudo-effective ultrafast methods that make advertising more effective than education itself . In the first part of the article, the author examines the main tenets of intensive training in the domestic psychological-pedagogical science. The second part is devoted to the use of these provisions in linguodidactics, with the specificity of foreign language knowledge being the basis for the search for data relationships. The theory of G. A. Kitaygorodskaya is considered as the fundamental concept of intensive language learning in Russian science. In the third part, the study assumes an even more specialized nature: intensive learning is considered not from general linguodidactic positions, but from the standpoint of working with a specific audience. The provisions of the theory of intensive learning are refracted in andragogy on two levels: psychological, pedagogical and methodical. In such a relationship, these provisions become practical recommendations, since The method of teaching a language is not considered ideally but taking into account the characteristics of the people to whom it is applied, as well as the difficulties of the educational process. This structure of the study suggests that it is analytical-synthetic in nature. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that a very highly specialized question, indicated in its title, is considered systematically, starting with the most general, most well-known provisions of pedagogy, educational psychology and linguodidactics. The interdisciplinary interrelation of these postulates and their application to the features of a particular educational process allow us to show a fairly solid scientific and methodological basis for the intensification of teaching foreign languages to adults, which is not fully used in modern practice. The author’s main conclusions are that intensive adult education should be built around the characteristics of such communication, in which economically active people participate most of the time. Taking into account these features allows language learners to quickly adapt to the learning process (without which intensification is impossible) and determines it at the organizational (choice of forms) and meaningful levels.
learning motivation, language knowledge, learner's personality, intensification of teaching, pedagogical psychology, linguodidactics, andragogy, learning group, business communication, business game