Citations count: 8
Stukalova I.B. —
The evolution of Master’s Degree Program in Russia: prerequisites, problems and prospects
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.26892 URL:
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The goal of this article lies the examination of evolution of Master’s Degree Program in Russia, as well as determination of the promising trends of its development. The object of this research is the Master’s curricula implemented in higher education facilities of the Russian Federation. The subject is the status of Master’s Degree Program within the hierarchy of national education system that defines its effectiveness functions and types of curricula. The author assesses the quantitative characteristics of the Master’s Programs in Russian universities, and concludes that it becomes the key program for preparing the highly qualified specialists. The article also reveals the problems and typical “deceptions” in the area of implementation of the Master’s Programs regarding their succession, objective functions and academic component. The research provides the results of survey performed among the Master’s Program applicants of the leading Russian socioeconomic universities, which allow forecasting their individual educational trajectories. The author formulates the suggestions on the need for parallel development and implementation of academic and practice-oriented (applied) Master’s Programs as a promising direction of the development of Master’s Degree Program in the system of continuing education of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 7
Egorov S. —
The problem of the integrity of the new Russian system of scientific attestation (by the example of the requirements for a dissertation)
// Modern Education.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 9 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.1.37622 URL:
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The article is devoted to the issue of the integrity of the scientific certification system in modern Russia. After the elimination of the monopoly of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), the procedures for awarding academic degrees began to be regulated by a variety of different regulatory and legal acts. The growing variety of rules and regulations raises doubts about whether the system is still capable of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all applicants for academic degrees. Using the example of the requirements for a dissertation for a degree, the article shows the similarities and differences that exist in different parts of this system. In the course of the study, three subsystems were identified within the system that have relatively similar requirements. The first subsystem is classical and special dissertation councils, directly controlled by the Higher Attestation Commission. The second system is formed by leading scientific and educational organizations that independently award academic degrees. The third subsystem includes spiritual educational organizations that are granted the right to award theological degrees recognized as equivalent to other academic degrees at the level of federal state educational standards. Â Â Â Â To consider each of these systems, the relevant requirements of federal legislation, local regulations of educational and scientific organizations that independently award academic degrees, as well as internal regulations of spiritual educational organizations were studied. A comparative analysis of normative and legal acts made it possible to trace how the integrity of the entire system of Russian scientific certification is ensured in the context of the diversity of its forms. In general, this system still remains comparable in terms of requirements for dissertations, but the rights and opportunities of applicants arising after their defense differ markedly depending on the place of defense.
Citations count: 6
Maiorova Y.A. —
Mastering silent reading in native Russian and foreign German languages
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 85 - 91.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.1.20691 URL:
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Primary education is the period when a student masters the aloud and silent reading. The skill of silent reading proceeds much quicker, because a reader is able to retain more information, comprehension of which can be better without sounding out than in reading aloud (L. S. Vygotsky, M.F. Gnezdilov, M. R. Lvov, T. G. Ramzaeva, N. N. Svetlovskaya). Therefore, the silent reading is socially significant (M. I. Omorokova, L. S. Vygotsky). The article provides the results of study of the silent reading among students in their native (Russia) and foreign languages. The subject of this research is the specificity of formation of the technical and semantic aspects of silent reading in Russian and German languages among the students of primary school; 48 students participated in experimental case study; the experience of reading in Russian language was the same as in German, and comprised three years. The research allowed determining the common factors of formation of the silent reading skill in native and foreign languages, close connection between the technical and semantic aspect of silent reading in Russian language, and lack of such correlation in reading in the foreign language. The demonstrated by the students results of silent reading in the native language are noticeable higher (despite the absence of target teaching of silent reading in both, native and foreign languages); it can be explained by the fact that in early and preschool age they were listening to the adult reading in native language, and since the beginning of school practiced reading aloud on their own.
Citations count: 6
Flerov O.V. —
Peculiarities of Teaching the Second Language at a Non-Linguistic University
// Modern Education.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.1.14101 URL:
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This article is dedicated to teaching the second foreign language at a non-linguistic university. The object of the study is the educational process at a non-linguistic university. The subject under study is teaching the second foreign language as a part of linguistic training of non-linguist students. The author considers in much detail the role of teaching the second foreign language to students nowadays and the most topical methodological and organizational aspects of this process. Particular attention is paid to choosing the second foreign language for studies and to the teacher's professional activity.
The main research methods used by the researcher is the analysis of existing teaching practice based on the researcher's observations and his personal experience in teaching the second foreign language at a university. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views teaching the second foreign language as an independent discipline but not a form of teaching foreign languages in general. The main contribution made by the researcher is the defintion of methodological and organizational peculiarities of the given process as well as particular features of teacher's activity at a non-linguistic university. The main conclusions made by the researcher are the following:
1. Teaching the second foreign language should be an independent issue and be particularly studied by university didactics.
2. Teaching the second foreign language at a university has particular methodological and organizational peculiarities that may considerably differ from the process of teaching the first foreign language.
Citations count: 6
Makarova M.V. —
Prospects of online education in Russia
// Modern Education.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 59 - 70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.2.29088 URL:
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The subject of this article is the problems in the export of Russian education, particularly in online education. The author examines the prospects of demand for Russian online education in Russia and abroad. Such problematic questions of online education as its quality and control are raised in the course of this research. Attention is given to the export of education in the Russian Federation, namely online education in universities. The government conducts active import substitution policy since 2014, including in the sphere of education. The prospects of online education in Russia can be reflected in three vectors: 1) development of vocational education; 2) development of higher education; 3) development of business education. The scientific novelty consists in an attempt to answer the following question: is online education as an important element of import substitution policy and advancement of non-resource export is necessary for the government and educational organizations. The provided information testifies to the fact that online education is beneficial for flagman universities, as the grants are allocated to them. At the same time, it is an extremely rare case when nonprofit organizations gain advantage from it. Therefore, the question on the need for advancement of online education remains controversial.
Citations count: 4
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. —
Education as Information Process and Prospects of its Futurization
// Modern Education.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.2.8997 URL:
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The authors view education as an information process and therefore uses information criteria to evaluate future development of education. Education can be studied by using information approaches and methods because it is the process of accumulation, transfer, processing and other forms of movement of educational information. The authors of the article analyze semiotic features of educational information circulating in processes and systems of education, development and up-bringing. Special attention is paid to the need in futurization of education and formation of advanced education in addition to modernization of education. Today's survival of the mankind in many ways depend on education and transformation of modern but at the same time unprogressive education into education of sustainable development and other forms of evolutionary education capable of bringing the mankind out of the global anthropogenic crisis. The authors of the article also focus on the ontological approach that views education not only as a part of the human-and-society system but also as a general form of development when human gets involved not only in the global-natural but also universal-cosmic evolution.
Citations count: 4
Sokolov G.A. —
Peculiarities of the Psychoemotional State of Students During Distance Learning
// Modern Education.
– 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2014.1.10921 URL:
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The author of the article describes peculiarities of psychoemotional state of students during distance learning. The author gives a general description of distance learning and explains what kind of impact it has on cognitive processes. The author in detail describes the psychoemotional state of students in the course of learning. He describes the sources of negative and positive emotions in the educational environment and shows that in case of distance learning, students do not experience so many negative emotions. In particular, they are less nervous before exams. The author also proves that distance learning manages to preserve almost all sources of positive emotions that a regular education has. At the present time learning is the main way to receiving education. Learning also means the process of acquiring knowledge and skills under the guidance of masters, teachers, mentors and etc. Learning an be traditional or distant. Noteworthy that distance learning has been growing quite popular lately. Distance learning means that the process of education is partly or fully performed by the means of computers and telecommunication technologies and means. The recipient of distance learning is far from a teacher as well as trainig and educational sources. This form of education is performed mostly through distant educational technologies, methods, forms and teaching resources as well as with the help of data obtained from the educational sources on the Internet.
Citations count: 4
Brovkin A.V. —
The issues of modern Russian system of higher education and ways of their solution to the benefit of all participants of educational process: Part 1
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.1.25053 URL:
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This article emphasizes that the issues of modern Russian higher education cause direct damage to socioeconomic development of the country, thus there is a need for optimization of the system that will consider the interests of all participants of the educational services market. Accent is made on the necessary change in the approach towards understanding of goals of the educational process, tasks of the government and boards of the higher educational facilities. The author analyzes the erroneous and questionable decisions in the field of state policy as a whole, as well as the actions of the boards of the universities at the local level in particular. In the course of this research, the author applied personal organizational-pedagogical experience, methods of analysis and synthesis, information from the open sources, including modern monographs of the national and foreign experts in the area of organization of higher education. The main results are the following: introduction of the concept of “stakeholders of educational process”; determination of six groups of such stakeholders, each one has its own goals, interests, and demands. At the same time, the author indicates that the key problem at the present stage is the disagreement between the knowledge and skills of the university graduates and the requirements of the current job market and innovation economics. Solution of the aforementioned problem lies in the aligning of interests of all groups of stakeholders through identification, analysis, and overcoming of the problems of each group. The author conducted a comprehensive analysis of the first two groups, which allowed formulating a number of conclusions and particular recommendations.
Citations count: 3
Pesha A.V., Kamarova T.A., Patutina S.Y. —
Roadmap of interaction between educational institutions, employers and students in the conditions of modern innovation economy
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 48 - 62.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.1.24354 URL:
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Currently, there has established a consistent trend in development of cooperation between the employers and universities for the purpose of meeting the demands of country’s economy in the effective human capital. Such trend substantiated the choice of the subject of this research aimed at analyzing the potential interaction and correlation between the sphere of professional education, job market and social behavior of young specialists of economic disciplines based on the complex approach that considers the interests and need of all interested parties. Leaning on the research results on the problems, expectations and offers of job market for young specialists, the goal of this study consists in presenting a roadmap of interaction between the employees and university students. The following research methods were applied: verbal and online survey, content analysis of the documents and official publications on the subject, mathematical methods of information processing; 497 graduate students from the Ural State University of Economics and other universities of Yekaterinburg, as well as 26 experts – representatives of employers and employers of organizations of various fields of activity took part in the survey. The conclusion is made that the existing system of interaction between the government, university, employer and students with regards to training highly qualified personnel is yet not fully adjusted to the changing demands of economics, which is the reason that a certain number of graduates do not obtain employment in their field. Therefore, the article suggests the key vectors and measures within the framework of implementation of the roadmap of cooperation between a university and employers.
Citations count: 3
Gelman V. —
Improvement of the forms of performance monitoring in a university
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 52 - 57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.2.28364 URL:
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The subject of this research is the transformation of the performance monitoring system of university students due to implementation of the teaching concept “self-study – solution – verification – correction”. The article analyzes the forms of control of knowledge, competences and skills of the students in the aforementioned conditions, and marks the possible ways for improving such forms of control. Special attention is turned to the increase of educational function of control along with the role of current practical monitoring, including individual ongoing monitoring. Methodological foundation contains the analysis of scientific publications, expert evaluation, and generalized practical experience in determining the key trends and issues, emerging in realization of performance monitoring. The article defines the peculiarities of individual interview in the course of practical training. Effectiveness of the method of successive approximations in educational function of the ongoing monitoring is revealed. The corresponding changes of final control are demonstrated. It is concluded that transformation of the learning concept leads to the need for adjusting the approaches towards performance monitoring of the students, and primarily, the ongoing monitoring.
Citations count: 3
Gelman V. —
Optimization of learning rate in group education
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 36 - 43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.22865 URL:
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The subject of this research is the group education. Separation of students into groups based on the rare of learning challenges the educator with a choice of the tempo of teaching. Faster rate of resenting the curriculum than the individual’s ability to process it leads to some gaps in retention of information. The level of information loss depends on both, the speed at which the material is presented, as well as the type of the academic discipline. The article sets out to determine the optimal speed for teaching of group education. It is demonstrated that the optimal index of rate of presentation of information is not fixed; it depends on the type of allocation of ability to retain knowledge, the spread of students in the group based on the rate of learning, as well as the index of minimal rate of information retention. The greater the spread of rate of information retention in the group and the lower the index of learning of the weakest student, the closer to the median index of speed of information retention is the optimal rate of delivery of the learning material; while the lower the spread and higher the rate of information retention of the weakest student, the greater the rate of delivery of the material must cover the students, attempting to fully cover all students within group.
Citations count: 3
Maltseva A.A., Shvets I.M., Veselova T.A. —
Interdisciplinarity as a means for achieving results contributing to establishment of education for sustainable development
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 32 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.4.27622 URL:
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This article examines the relevant problem of implementation of the ideas of Interdisciplinarity of knowledge into the educational process from the perspective of the concept of sustainable development. Attention is drawn to the questions of bioethics that define the moral compass in realization of the ideas of sustainable development. The author analyzes the changes with regards to the content and main educational results associated with implementation of the concept of sustainable development. It is demonstrated that the establishment of ethical relations on the basis of the principles of bioethics, which contribute to formation of research skills from the standpoint of the concept of sustainable development, can be impacted by the interdisciplinary courses that reveal bioethical positions in practical aspect of conducting biological and environmental studies, as well as in theoretical aspect – as a part of developing concepts that carry not only general scientific, but also general cultural meaning. Within the framework of testing of interdisciplinary courses “Bioethical Problems in Biological and Environmental Studies” and “Biology and Culture” on the “Biology” Master’s program, were used the diagnostic methods aimed at determining the level of the intensity of attitude to bioethical knowledge, life aspects of a biology scientist, and overall formation of bioethical competence. The author analyzes the survey results of the biology students of N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University over the period from 2014 to 2017. The acquired results allow determining the level of manifestation of the formation of bioethical competence among the student group under consideration. Prior to the experiment, the majority of students were at the low and medium level of bioethical competence, as well as showed the weak metaskills. Upon the completion of experiment, was observed the expansion in the number of students with medium and high level of bioethical competence, as well increase in the amount of digested fundamental metaconcepts and metaskills.
Citations count: 3
Pesha A.V., Koropets O.A. —
Analysis of the relevancy of existing models of assessing the effectiveness of corporate learning and development of personnel
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 83 - 95.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.3.24000 URL:
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The subject of this article is the analysis of models of assessing the effectiveness of corporate training and staff development, the importance of which increases in correlation with the key global trends in this area. Having carried out a detailed analysis, the authors highlighted the key global trends in the area of corporate training and personnel development, which, in their opinion, have theoretical and practical meaning for the human resource management of an organization. The authors reveal the essence, advantages, and flaws in the models of Donald Kirkpatrick, Benjamin bloom, Ralph Tyler, Daniel L. Stufflebeam. The work emphasizes the essentiality in comprehensive analysis of the needs of stakeholders in selecting the forms, methods, and types of education and development of the staff members. Conclusion is made that the existing models of assessing the effectiveness of training and development of personnel are overall relevant to the current requests of the corporations, but demand greater time and financial investments due to the trends of personalization and distribution of digital learning, as well as implementation of the new educational technologies. At the same time, the most objective indicator of the effectiveness of learning lies in the evaluation of productivity and quality of work of the specialists, and as a result – their competitiveness in the job market.
Citations count: 3
Senashenko V.S., Marushina M.K. —
Business game in corporate training as an effective method of competences development
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 94 - 108.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.27318 URL:
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The object of this research is the business games as an effective method of corporate training for the acting executives and candidate pool. The subject of this research is the impact of business gamed upon the development of specific competences of the executives. The authors compare the Russian and foreign experience of conducting business games in corporate training, highlighting such aspects that the corporate training specialists are guided by in elaboration and selection of business games for the high-profile and demanding audience. The study is based on the analysis of Russian and foreign publication dedicated to corporate training, business games and innovative teaching methods for adults, as well as empirical data acquired as a result of elaboration and performance of corporate training of the candidate pool of the aerospace industry by one of the co-authors in 2017-2018. It is concluded that the method of business games is effective if adheres to the androgogic training principles, including systematicity, learning though experience, reflexivity, etc. In such case, it leads to achievement of such pedagogical goals as involvement of the participants in educational process, formation of new practical skills, development of competences, and so forth. The scientific novelty lies in paying sufficient attention to analysis of the impact of business games upon the development of competences of the executives. The materials can be used in development of modular programs of candidate pool training in the corporations.
Citations count: 3
Kirko V.I., Kononova E.S. —
Education is the key factor of innovation and sustainable development
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 12 - 24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.1.28894 URL:
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This article examines the questions of ensuring sustainable development of socioeconomic systems through combining such factors of sustainable development as science, education and culture. The maintenance of sustainable development of socioeconomic systems alongside creation of conditions for wellbeing of the population is inseparably associated with establishment of the development pattern oriented towards the growth of financial and economic indicators, as well as the achievement of high living standards of citizens. The authors demonstrate a chain of elements ensuring sustainable development of noosphere, examines the evolution of accumulation of knowledge that leads to human capital gains. The article substantiates the key role of the modern education system in maintenance of innovation development, and suggests the mechanism for creation and distribution of structural and educational innovations. The conclusion is made that in order to ensure correspondence of the Russian education system to the requirements of the sixths technological paradigm, it is necessary to conduct significant changes in approaches towards the educational process. The authors determine the following key directions of reforms in the modern Russian education system, which are capable of creating a new vector of the development of education systems in Russia: 1) establishment of the system of continuous education that substantially rather than formally ensures the concepts of “education throughout lifetime”; 2) revival and advancement of the system of integrative learning to ensure partnership of universities with businesses and society; 3) formation of the system of global access to the top educational resources, incorporation of formal and informal education.
Citations count: 3
Gryaznova E.V. —
Research methods and Categories of the Philosophy of Science
// Modern Education.
– 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 49 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2014.3.12960 URL:
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In this article the option of creation of the second lecture of the course "History and Philosophy of Science" is offered. Material of the first lecture was published in work earlier: Gryaznova of E.V. The Subject of the Philosophy of Science //NB: Philosophical researches. - 2013. - Issue No. 6. - Pages 514-529. In the presented material the multilevel concept of methodology of scientific knowledge with analysis of examples of use of various methods of scientific research in science philosophy in detail is considered. The special attention is paid to a dialectic method since in modern dissertation researches it ceased to play a key role that reduces quality of the last. Feature of creation of this material is that in the course of a statement it is offered not only to acquaint listeners with the existing methodology of scientific research, but also on concrete examples from their dissertation researches to fulfill possibility of its application. In work laws and the principles of dialectics, the analysis and synthesis, the principles of didactics, elements of interactive pedagogical technologies are used. This material was approved when carrying out occupations with graduate students and undergraduates. Thanks to interactive technologies and to existence of interrelation between the stated material and dissertation researches of listeners, material is acquired purposefully and helps into practice to practice to put the gained knowledge. The presented article can become a methodological and didactic element for teachers of higher education institution who develop and give courses on "History and philosophy of science", "Methodology of scientific researches".
Citations count: 3
Egorov S. —
Practice and problems of implementation of educational standards within the system of Evangelical theological education in Russia
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 9 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.3.27586 URL:
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The subject of this research is the practice of implementation of the norms and requirements of the federal legislation on education, regulations of the Russian and international religious organizations, state and confessional educational standards in the work of the systems of Evangelical theological education in Russia. Such systems, represented by the theological educational organizations and education department of other religious organizations, in their direct practice selectively implements the provision of various normative and legal acts, orienting towards their pragmatic tasks. Examination of the practice of implementation of the indicated set of norms and requirements is relevant particularly in the context of legislative reforms in Russia, as well as renewal of state policy in the field of education and science. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is first to explore the normative and legal acts regulating theological education in Russia from the pragmatic perspective of their implementation by the Evangelical theological systems. Such analysis, which takes into account the system of interaction between man, society and the government, allows identifying the problematic aspects in legislation and state policy in the field of education and science that require amending in accordance with the obtained scientific results. The author gradually analyzes the law enforcement practice in the sphere of education, demonstrating the merits and demerits of both, the state and confessional acts.
Citations count: 3
Berezina T.N. —
Emotional security of educational environment and cognitive processes
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 29 - 43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.3.29191 URL:
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Emotional security of educational environment must provide an effective solution to the fundamental objective of education – the translation of social experience to the new generation. This requires an optimal balance of emotional feelings experienced by the subjects of educational environment. Within the framework of the structural-level concept of emotional sphere, the author determines twelve basic emotions that correspond with the three levels of information digestion and four directions of emotional response (novelty, offence, acquisition, and lost). Each direction is associated with solution of a specific task: biological (primitive emotions), social (moderate) and existential (peak). The goal of this research lies in the theoretical analysis of correlation between emotional feelings and the course of cognitive processes (acceleration and deceleration). The object of the article is the structural-level model of emotional sphere, while the subject is the emotional security of educational environment as an optimization factor of the development of cognitive processes of the students. Based on the conducted analysis, the author determines the following patterns: emotions of novelty (fear, wonder, interest) influence the processes of sense, perception and attention; emotions of offence (wrath, rage, heroism) disinhibit motor response and accelerate cognitive processes (from visual active on the primitive level to divergent of the peak level); emotions of acquisition (pleasure, joy delight) affect the mnemonic processes – memorization, storage and reproduction of education material, as well as contribute to the development of cognitive structures of personality (capabilities); emotions of loss (resentment, sorrow, despair) alleviate the processes of oblivescence, focus on the truly important and realistic tasks.
Citations count: 3
Kovalevskii V.A., Kirko V.I. —
Strategic Management of Regional Pedagogical University in Terms of Global and Local Risks
// Modern Education.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 45 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.2.14393 URL:
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Strategic management of the modern university is determined by many factors including global transformations that create a highly competitive educational environment. Post-Soviet space of higher education is undergoing a series of crises that are enhanced due to the overlapping of international and regional trends. The aim of the study was to concretize the risks and challenges facing the regional Pedagogical University, as well as in the development of strategies to overcome current risks and adequate response to the specific challenges. Applied the methods of conceptual analysis, in-depth expert interviews, analytics statistics. According to most experts modern universities are in a situation paradigm shift their activities. Universities that do not meet the paradigmatic changes in the social life, lose its status. Russian universities are no longer able to use the internal strategy of "imitation" of university activities. Existing proposals on the global education market radically change the post-Soviet map of higher education.
Citations count: 2
Shchuplenkov O.V. —
Patriotic Education Under New Historical Conditions
// Modern Education.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 70 - 112.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.3.555 URL:
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The article is devoted to the problem of patriotic education in terms of Russian culture and history. The phenomenon of patriotism is shown as one of the most significant timeless values of the society. The phenomenon is based on the highest level of the development of all personality qualities. It is underlined that patriotism is the most important psychological quality of a motherland's defender and it is usually expressed in love for our homeland and feeling close to native history, culture, achievements, problems as well as constant and successive starvation for higher development and realisation of personal potential. Patriotism defines one's civic position, system of morals and a desire to protect our Motherland even when it requires self-sacrifice. If we manage to form a civic identity in Russian polyethic, polyconfessional and polycultural environment as well as to provide for social and spiritual consolidation of the Russian society and ensure social mobility of a person, quality and availability of education as the factor decreasing risks of social stratification, we will be able to build an effective model of patriotic education in modern Russia.
Citations count: 2
Berezina T.N. —
Developing the Emotional Security of the Education Environment (Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects)
// Modern Education.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 53 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.1.13912 URL:
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In her article Berezina describes psychological and pedagogical aspects of the development of emotionally secure education environment. Berezina offers the following criteria of the emotional security of the education environment: minimization of negative emotions and increase of positive emotions. In this regard, Berezina defines the two components of the emotional security: the level of negative emotions (indicators include fear and anxiety) and the level of positive emotions (joy is an indicator). True emotions are viewed as the emotions causing important physiological changes in a human organism unlike usual emotions that affect only the mind and cause emotional distress. The methodological basis of the research involves the concept of the emotional security of the education environment. The article presents a review of scientific literature on the matter. Based on the results of the research, the author of the article proves the role of true emotions for the physical and mental health of students. Berezina also studies the connection between true emotions and the feeling of being healthy or unhealthy experienced by students. She also shows the correlation between the frequency of negative emotions and the probability of psychosomatic diseases and the relation between positive emotions experienced in the education environment and the subjective feeling of being healthy in the future. The researcher otulines the directions for the development of the emotional security of the education environment. One of these directions is the reduction of true negative emotions (anxiety before exams, for instance) through training sessions and psychological correction, the other direction is the providing more activities for creative and intellectual self-realization of students in the education environment.
Citations count: 2
Erzin A.I., Epanchintseva G.A. —
Self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience in educational process (influence upon the academic interests and students’ achievements)
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 65 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.2.15968 URL:
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The subject of this research is the self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience as personality resources, and their role in the educational activity of students. The article presents a brief review of the modern researches of each of the stated psychological constructs within the psychology of education. It is underlined that as a whole, proactiveness, resilience, and self-efficacy, form a psychological basis of self-determination. Their development gains an extensive practical importance for the psychological support of the subjects of educational process, while neglecting this aspect can create a potential threat to the psychological safety of students. In all, 67 students in the age group of 19-20 have been examined. The type of research is cross-sectional. The results of the research demonstrated that students have a moderate level of development of self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience. The general self-efficacy produces a positive effect upon the involvement of the students into the educational process and their disposition towards the scientific research activity. The indexes of academic performance also depend on the academic control and academic self-efficacy. It is determined that separate components of proactiveness (self-reflection, metamotivation) and of resilience (involvement, control) positively affect the academic achievements and interests of the students. The authors developed the empirical models of influence of the aforementioned personality resources upon the academic performance and interests, which can be used for testing the program of psychological-pedagogical intervention based on the examined psychological constructs.
Citations count: 2
Trofimova G.A. —
Secondary School Education: Quality Defects and Ways of Eliminating Them
// Modern Education.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2014.4.13491 URL:
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Quality education of school children and teaching them good morals while they are at school are ones of the most nettlesome and constantly discussed issues in teaching literature and pedagogical researches. However, neither teachers nor researches have developed an efficient mechanism thereto although the current situation with education leaves much to be desired.
In the author's opinion, the only right thing to do in this sphere would be to eliminate the gaps in legal and administrative regulation of the responsibility of education actors (school student, his parents and teachers) and to provide a reasonable and logical evaluation of the responsibility of each actor in particular.
In order to define quality defects of school education, the author has used such methods as observation, survey and comparison as well as logical analysis. The present article may help to define the true causes of low quality education and not treating school children as free-willed, responsible and diligent personalities. The article may also help to define what improvements in legislation and teaching are needed to be made in order to increase the quality of secondary school education.
Citations count: 2
Melnikov Y.B., Privalov S.M. —
Internal algebraic understanding of strategy as the means of organization of teaching mathematics
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.4.31402 URL:
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The object of this research is the process of teaching mathematics. The subject of this research is the strategy of teaching. The author suggest and examines the internal algebraic perception of teaching strategy viewed as the mechanism for creating the teaching plan. Earlier on, Y. B. Meknikov has proposed the interpretation of algebraic approach towards modelling as the system consisting of three components: 1) system of basic models; 2) system of typical transformations and standard combinations of models; 3) approximation mechanism intended for a similar understanding of the model in form of a result of typical transformations and standard combinations of basic models. The internal algebraic understanding of the strategy is distinguished by the fact that basic elements represent the components of the strategy, rather than the external perception, where the basic elements are a part of other strategies. The research carries a theoretical character, though some of its results have already been implemented into educational practice in the Ural State University of Economics. The theoretical framework relies on the modelling theory of Y. B. Melnikov, which is based on the formal-constructive interpretation of the model. The scientific novelty primarily consists in structuring of model of the strategy as a mechanism for creating plan of action, as well as distinction of the postulates of strategy that help to define the typical transformations and standard combinations of the plans of action. The author proposes an internal algebraic approach towards the concept of strategy, where the algebraic concept means a system consisting of three components: a) system of basic elements; b) system pf typical transformations and standard combinations of the elements; c) approximation mechanism intended for understanding of strategy in form of a result of application of typical transformations and standard combinations of the basic elements.
Citations count: 2
Sanina S.P. —
The role of problem-solving technology in the development of students’ competences (on the example of geography course)
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 28 - 35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.3.23658 URL:
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The subject of this study is the development of competencies of students in the primary school in the context of a problem-solving organization of educational activities in geography classes. The author carefully considers the problem-solving technology as a form for comprehension of the curriculum by students. The article presents a model of the problem-solving organization of education in a schematic-graphic form. The author demonstrates the differences between a problem, task and methods. On the example of a single educational topic (geography), the work presents implementation of problem-solving technology. Examples of three tasks on geography topic "Scale" of the 6th grade are given. The author used various research methods, including content analysis, a method of modeling and forming experiment. To determine the level of development of students' competencies, the author used the methodology by E. V. Chudinova "Express diagnostics of the main educational results in primary and secondary schools". The main conclusions of the study are the use of problem-solving technology in teaching contributes to changing the content of education; it becomes active. In conditions of the problem-solving organization of educational activity, students to better understand the basic concepts of the course, and competences are developed. The described model of training can find application in the activity of teachers on the implementation of the activity approach in the educational process.
Citations count: 2
Berezina T.N., Perepechina A.S., Buzanov K.E. —
Correction of negative mental states of the students majoring in extreme psychology by means of virtual reality technologies
// Modern Education.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.4.34127 URL:
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The object of this research is the negative states experienced by the students during class time. The subject of this research is the correction of negative states by means of virtual reality technologies. The possibility of correcting negative mental states of extreme psychology students is explored from theoretical and empirical perspectives. The author reveals the basic techniques aimed at correction of mental states by means of virtual technologies. Analysis is conducted on implementation of virtual reality technologies in educational sphere. An empirical research is carried out. The author uses the diagnostic methods for assessing mental states, such as exhaustion, fatigue, tension, stress, monotony of satiation; and experimental methods, such as 10-20 minute preview of relaxing and dynamically-arousing scenes in virtual reality headset. It is demonstrated the during the academic day, the students majoring in extreme psychology accumulate negative emotional states, which include: exhaustion, tension, situational fatigue, and monotony. Application of virtual reality technology for submerging students into a virtual space allows restoring mental resources and delay the expansion of negative states. The development of mental resource requires appropriate choice of virtual realities. The conclusion is made that viewing virtual reality scenes of relaxing type decreases the level of exhaustion, while viewing the scenes of dynamically-arousing type with the effect of presence decrease the level of situational fatigue.
Citations count: 2
Kitova E. —
Educational-industrial cooperation in the conditions modernization of professional education
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 41 - 47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.1.24015 URL:
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This article examines the question of cooperation between professional educational institutions and profile enterprises and companies. The author reveals the essence of educational and industrial cooperation in the modern conditions of modernization of professional, as well as substantiates the relevance of interaction between university and an enterprise. The article describes different approaches towards the organization of educational and industrial cooperation in other countries, such as Germany, Sweden, and France. In Russia, the development of cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises has become even more relevant due to introduction of applied Bachelor's programs and flagship universities system. The method of theoretical analysis and empirical observation is applied in the course of this work. The author analyzes the educational programs of a technical university; as well as demonstrates the possible development trends in the regional educational-industrial cooperation on the example of the Novosibirsk State Technical University. The conclusion is made on the need for specification of employer’s requirements to the competencies of specialists in technical fields for various types of activity; analysis of satisfaction of particular employers with the quality of education; attraction of employers into the educational process of a university, as well as the university professors into the work process of an enterprise. The scientific novelty consists in generalization of experience of a particular university with regards to development of educational-industrial cooperation in the region. The author suggests the algorithm and forms of the development of cooperation. Particular attention is paid to collaborative development of educational programs.
Citations count: 2
Barinova E.B. —
Preparation of scientific organization to accreditation of curricula for training academic staff
// Modern Education.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 22 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.1.32250 URL:
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This article describes and analyzes the peculiarities of human resourcing, creation of digital information and educational environment, formation of the fund of assessment tools, as well as arrangement of conditions for teaching the persons with health limitations in preparation to accreditation of postgraduate and residency curricula in the scientific institutions. The article is based on the relevant legislative framework of the Russian Federation, as well as experience of obtaining accreditation for educational activity in the scientific institutions for those yet to undergo this procedure. The indicators and criteria system for assessing the compliance of the content and quality of training programs of academic staff is built in accordance with the requirements set in the state normative legal documents. It is worth noting that the requirements of the federal state educational standards are sufficiently substantiated with regards to information and material-technological support, human resourcing in training academic staff, as well as accessibility of educational resources for the persons with health limitations.
Citations count: 2
Shirinkina E.V. —
Methods of data mining and educational analytics
// Modern Education.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 51 - 67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.1.37582 URL:
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The relevance of the study is due to the fact that there are currently more questions than specific answers on the topic in the context of intellectual analysis of educational data: how it is done, for what and how we can use it, what metrics to include in the sample and how to make forecasts. Undoubtedly, in the coming years there will be a transition from discussions to the practical implementation of educational analytics in educational processes. The purpose of the study is to systematize the methods of intellectual analysis of educational data in the context of the difference between educational analytics and pedagogical diagnostics and other methods of data collection. The results of the study will help to build a learning strategy and combine the objectives of the training program with the effectiveness of the educational process and the expected results from the students. In this regard, the author considers the types of educational analytics. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the systematization of the areas of research interests related to data mining in education and educational analytics. It is proved that educational analytics in combination with intellectual analysis of educational data makes it possible to develop accurate models that characterize the behavior of students, their properties, weaknesses and strengths of content and interaction with it, team and group dynamics. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the methods considered will allow to assess the current state of the training system or program, predict the desired results and draw up a roadmap of planned changes. For pedagogical designers and methodologists, the presented methods will become the foundation for optimizing the program. Thanks to the presented methods, students receive the most relevant, engaging and meaningful educational experience.
Citations count: 2
Nevolina V.V., Belonovskaya I.D. —
Classification of strategies of professional self-realization of a student of medical discipline
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 18 - 27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.3.23917 URL:
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The strategies of professional self-realization of the future medical worker are defined by the challenges of modern society. Formulation of such strategies that meet the priorities of the development of society, is ensured by the modern medical education oriented towards the requirements of healthcare and training of a physician who is responsible before the society, masters the scientific research, and has an active public position. Practice of the continuous medical education throughout the entire socially active life, suggest the development and implementation of strategies of the professional self-realization, choice of the promising directions of career growth, as well as directions and levels of training. Methodology of this work contains the theoretical historical-pedagogical analysis, experimental research, including the factor analysis and foresight technologies. The work experience in the context of network experimental foresights platform allowed the authors to formulate the new pedagogical classifications of the strategies of professional self-realization of a student of medical discipline. The authors determine the three types of strategies: traditional (classical), innovation, and foresight.
Citations count: 2
Kodan S.V. —
Educational course “Legal Source Studies” in realization of the state educational standards on preparation of post-graduate students in a law university (based on the practice of the Ural State Law University)
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 171 - 181.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.4.27336 URL:
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The subject field of this research is related to historiographical training of postgraduate law students within the framework of realization of the state educational standards during the period of postgraduate education. Leaning on examination of the traditions of source studies and historiographical training in the Russian higher school of the XIX-XX centuries, the author demonstrates the importance of historiographical training for young scholars, mastering of traditions and experience of scholar schools of the various humanitarian sciences in studying the carriers of state legal information as the basis of scientific research. Special attention is turned to inclusion into the educational process of the process of learning of methodological principles, approaches and methods as the basis for working with the sources for studying state-legal processes and institutions. Emphasis is made on the content of the authorial educational course “Legal Source Studies”, tested in realization of academic programs in the Ural State Law University over the period from 2015 to 2018”. The article demonstrates the arrangement and distribution of materials of the curriculum in accordance with the educational modules, describes the forms of classroom and research work, and defines the performance control mechanism of academic program.
Citations count: 2
Berezina T.N., Temirkanova A.Y., Bortuleva N.L., Svilo Y.V. —
Restoration of working capacity through VR technologies for people who combine work with study.
// Modern Education.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 11 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.3.32834 URL:
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The subject of the study is the dynamics of functional states in people who combine work with study in a master's degree. The author describes in detail the possibilities of using modern virtual reality technologies to restore the efficiency of undergraduates. The article presents data from an empirical study of men and women aged 22 to 53 years studying for a master's degree. The restoration of working capacity was carried out by viewing virtual scenes in a special helmet for 10-15 minutes before the start of training sessions. As a result of data analysis, it was found that after exposure to virtual reality methods, there is a decrease in situational fatigue, a decrease in mental fatigue and a decrease in indicators of reduced performance. A tendency to the influence of chronic fatigue syndrome on many negative indicators of the mental state of the subjects was also found. At the same time, after the training with the use of VR technologies, the effect of chronic fatigue syndrome on mental states decreases, while for undergraduates who have not been exposed to VR technologies, it increases. At the same time, after the training with the use of VR technologies, the effect of chronic fatigue syndrome on mental states decreases, while for undergraduates who have not been exposed to VR technologies, it increases.
Citations count: 2
Romanov E.V., Drozdova T.V. —
Distance training: necessary and sufficient conditions of effective implementation
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 172 - 195.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2017.1.22044 URL:
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Reasons for necessary and sufficient conditions of effective implementation of distance training are performed in the context of the strategic priorities of modernization of education connected with ensuring its availability and a continuity. Distance training is considered as purposeful process of the organization of activities of students for mastering the "pressed" human experience, to acquisition of experience of creative activities and development of capabilities for the purpose of application and acquisition of knowledge during all life on the basis of use of remote technologies of training.Information technologies and their use in the course of the mediated interaction of students and pedagogical workers only indirectly can promote forming of the corresponding values and accepted in the society of rules and standards of behavior that in the long term does demanded the researches devoted to "embedding" of distance training in educational process so that educational function of education was staticized. On the basis of the categorical and conceptual analysis the concept "distance training" is specified. On the basis of the analysis of the institutional bases of implementation of electronic training and remote educational technologies sufficient conditions of effective implementation of distance training are proved. Reasons for necessary conditions are performed on the basis of the analysis of the existing educational practice of the higher education.To the necessary conditions determining scientific novelty of a research, the need for a legislative regulation of limit of classroom load of the teacher and loading connected with accomplishment of research, educational and methodical, organizational and educational work belong (that assumes change of approach to financing); availability of the corresponding hardware and competences for development of remote technologies of training. The institutional bases of a regulation of educational activities (sufficient conditions of effective implementation of distance training) are the documents regulating activities of basic divisions of the educational organizations and options of network interaction (integration of educational programs or use of resources of other organizations).Conclusions: Use of remote technologies of training shall promote development of new approaches to assessment of productivity of work of the teacher of the higher school on the basis of creation of a single (All-Russian) method of calculation of rating of the teacher of higher education institution. The measure of efficiency of educational, research, educational and methodical, organizational and educational activities which is performed by the teacher shall find reflection in it. Reasonable need of a legislative regulation of load of the teacher of the higher school assumes change of approaches to financing of higher education institutions: it is necessary to include the works connected with development of remote technologies of training and creation of intellectual property items for use in educational process in the section of the state task. Indicators of monitoring of efficiency of activities of higher education institutions should be added with indicators on which it is possible to judge activities of higher education institution regarding increase in availability of the higher education and the created conditions for implementation of the concept of training at an extent of all life.Specific weight of the means received by the educational organization from use of results of intellectual activities, in total income of the educational organization" also "the amount of the created results of intellectual activities having legal protection in Russia and beyond its limits" shall become priority performance indicators of research activities ".
Citations count: 2
Labunskaya V.A., Bzezyan A.A. —
Appearance in educational environment: evaluation, self-evaluation, functional importance
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 8 - 18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.4.27965 URL:
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This article provides a theoretical analysis of the studies on the impact of student’s appearance upon his academic performance, and the impact of educator’s appearance upon the students’ academic success. A theoretical conclusion is made on the appearance as a “social capital” of the students and educators. It is noted that the conclusions about the influence of appearance on educational environment were formulated by the western scholars. Therefore, the authors examins the indicated problem with regards to the Russian students, including evaluation of the educator’s appearance, role of the subjective assessment of students’ economic status in determining the functional importance of appearance in educational environment. The authors apply a number of the original questionnaires and surveys. The research involved 130 students; 62% identified themselves with the group “rather poor than wealthy” and 48% – “rather wealthy than poor”. It is concluded that the students agree with the statement that the more attractive appearance can contribute to confident interaction with the educators, their attention to the student, and higher academic grades; students’ subjective assessment of their economic status affects their self-evaluation and evaluation of the educators’ appearance, but does not significantly influences the choice of measure of the functional importance of appearance for educational environment. The authors underline that the student environment, regardless the economic status of the students, has formed a perspective of the “investment power” of appearance as a social capital.
Citations count: 2
Gelman V., Lan'ko S.V., Serdyukov Y.P. —
Organization of the IT postgraduate education in continuous medical education
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 41 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.24735 URL:
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The subject of this research is the organization of educational process in IT postgraduate training in terms of continuous medical education. Therewith, the cycles of improvements in the context of the system of continuous medical education become separate modules of the modular approach. This requires the organization of educational process in the indicated circumstances. Therefore, the goal of this research is the identification of problems and tasks occurring in organization of IT training for medical workers, their analysis and possible ways of solution. Expert assessment and generalized practical experience are used in determination of the key trends and issues emerging in organization of educational process. Moreover, the questionnaire survey of the trainees is conducted in the course of the specifically organized examinations. As a result, the author determines the requirements imposed upon the organization of educational process, as well as demonstrates the possible ways of solution of the arising questions. Suggesting the ways for their solution, the authors assume that it will allow increasing the efficiency of organization of educational process in postgraduate continuous training. Part of the recommendations can also be valuable for other academic departments.
Citations count: 1
Levin V.I. —
Sofya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya. Life and Fate.
// Modern Education.
– 2012. – ¹ 2.
– P. 72 - 125.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.2.296 URL:
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The article brings up the personal and scientific biography of a wonderful person, teacher and scientist Sofya Alexandrovna Yanovskaya. The article gives a fairly detailed analysis of her researches and teachings, particular attention is paid to her important role in the creation of the Soviet scientific school in the fields of mathematical logic and history of mathematics. With special attention the author describes Yanovskaya S.A. as an amazing person, gives numerous memories of her colleagues, friends and students, vividly recreating the various aspects of her life and work. The author analyzes the main features of her teaching manners and research activities in the field of mathematical logic, history and philosophy of mathematics, addresses the subject of her social and political activities. In this regard, the author brings up the detailed information on accusations of Yanovskaya S.A. in the participation in the 1930’s “massacres” of the old school of scientists who did not share the Marxist-Leninist ideology. These accusations are analyzed in detail and refuted. In conclusion, the article provides a general assessment of the scientific level of work SA Yanovskaya and a list of her major publications.
Citations count: 1
Egorov S. —
Approaches and models of managing the systems of evangelical theological education in modern Russia
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 21 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.4.27602 URL:
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The subject of this research is the management activity in the modern Russian systems of evangelic theologian education. The existing in Russian legislation conflicts of law along with the set of historically formed confessional approaches to management, justify the gap between normative description of management practices and direct activity in this sphere. Therefore, examination of the implemented in practice approaches and methods of managing the systems of evangelical education in relation to their normative regulation seems relevant. The basic approach in this research became Peter Checkland’s soft systems methodology that allows reconstructing and comparing the normative expectations and actual practices. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of management practice of evangelical theological education as an intricate system, rather than fragmentary. Leaning on the extensive source base, the author gradually reviews various aspects of educational management, ranging from the Russian legislation and statutes of religious organizations to immediate problems faced by the heads and staff members of educational organizations. The acquired results are valuable for improving management practice in this sphere, as well as optimization and development of legislation of the Russian Federation with regards to state-confessional relations.
Citations count: 1
Volkova E.G. —
Principal Problems of Teaching Philosophy at Universities
// Modern Education.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 80 - 115.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.2.14427 URL:
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At universities philosophy is studied by students of all specializations. Pedagogical practice shows that in most cases philosophy is considered to be an impenetrable, little understandable and high-flown discipline. It’s clear that such a negative attitude to philosophy which forms forever for those who studied it at an Institute is unconsciously formed by philosophy teachers who deliver lectures and give seminars the way they like, the way they are used to, the way they think right without trying to increase the level of students’ learning level and motivation. Most university philosophy teachers don’t think how to show the students that philosophy is not a high-flown wisdom but the discipline closely connected with their lives, concerns, sorrows and joys, that it can be as interesting and useful as their pastimes. The author of the article, being a philosophy teacher, makes an attempt to answer the following three fundamental questions about teaching philosophy from different aspects: What is to be taught? How to teach? Why it is necessary to teach philosophy? The questions raised by the author, his ideas and pedagogical findings can help philosophy teachers to increase students’ learning interest and change their idea of philosophy status from negative to positive thus making teaching this discipline much more effective.
Citations count: 1
Snegireva L.V. —
Electronic education in the bilingual environment of medical university
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 101 - 108.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.3.20264 URL:
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This article presents the results of the study on the demand of the main elements of electronic education by foreign students that are implemented in the educational process of medical university while working with English language. The author examines the advantages and flaws of the presented elements of electronic education in the bilingual environment, as well as the questions of the necessity of their comprehensive application in combination with the traditional methods of education in the higher school. Based on the empirical material, the author conducts a research of the aspects of purposefulness of implementation of various elements of electronic education for the establishment of cultural and professional competency of foreign students with the different level of educational and learning activity. The prospects of implementation of the main elements of electronic education alongside the measures on increasing its efficiency for the foreign students in English language are being reviewed. The goal of this work is to examine the specificity of implementation of electronic education in the bilingual environment of medical university.
Citations count: 1
Myasoedova V.A., Lebedeva N.A. —
Questions of modification of the work of Russian higher education institutions based on the global practice of development of educational establishments
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.4.20699 URL:
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The subject of this research is the key capabilities and competencies of the higher education institutions that are formed by the modern reform in the system of education within the Russian universities and the leading world educational establishments that achieved significant success. The authors carefully examine such aspects of the topic as the analysis of processes of development of capabilities and key competencies in Russian universities within the framework of the three directions of the work of educational establishment: scientific, educational, and innovational. Special attention is given to the analysis of gaps and realization of benchmarking of the educational processes and results of a university. During the course of this work, the authors determine the key controversies in the process of bencharking within the Russian educational environment: orientation of capabilities and competencies of the Russian higher education institution not towards their advancement or highly competitive market of education services, but rather satisfaction of the interests of central office; lack of strategic orientation of a number of forming competencies and capabilities; orientation towards operating activity, etc. The conclusion is made that at the present stage, the reforms in higher school do not provide the formation of capabilities and “key competencies” of the Russian higher education institutions, which will allow increasing their competitiveness on the global arena, meet the demands of the real sector of the economy, as well as efficiently realize the initiatives on innovation development.
Citations count: 1
Dolgopolova A.F., Zhukova V.A., Gavrilenko E.N. —
The role of practice-oriented approach in modern university didactics
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 150 - 159.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.4.27480 URL:
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The authors analyze the meaning of didactics as the paramount branch of the modern scientific-pedagogical knowledge, which is called to determine and solve the existing problems of modern education system. It is substantiated that in formation of the basic concept of the content of education it is necessary to rely upon the requirements of the corresponding branch, for which a specialist is being prepared for in the higher educational establishment. The article briefly reviews the modern approaches to the question of didactic content of general disciplines taught in the higher education establishment in the context of formation of competences aimed at development of the professional skills and knowledge. The author conducts a pedagogical experiment for validating the efficiency of the proposed methodology of developing the practice-oriented didactic supply of mathematical course for the future specialists of agricultural sector. The results demonstrated that the implementation of the professionally oriented didactic support of mathematical course can certainly have a positive effect on the improvement of education quality and more successful formation of the professional competencies of agronomic majors. The experiment revealed the promising methodical opportunities for further improvement of the quality of educational process aimed at preparing modern specialists, whose level of competencies fully meets the expectations of the potential employer and the demands of job market.
Citations count: 1
Loseva-Rimsha N.S. —
Substantiation of the use of virtual and augmented reality as a means of developing cognitive interest in children.
// Modern Education.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 30 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.3.35131 EDN: IXOXJZ URL:
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The article discusses the options for using virtual and augmented reality in education, provides a justification for their use for the development of interest in children and motivation. VR and AR tools will soon become full-fledged educational tools, as the presentation of information is interesting and understandable. And the coronavirus epidemic has attracted the attention of people forced to stay at home to online education and interactive tools that can make learning more visual. Online classes can be a great way to involve the student even more in the educational process through immersion and detail. The novelty of the research is that it was possible to justify the need for the use of virtual reality in the educational process using psychological and astrological tools. By combining astrological studies obtained by mathematical calculations with psychological knowledge, it makes it possible to build a teacher's work in the right and unique direction. Therefore, each educational product with augmented reality can be made as individual as possible by dividing children into four main groups using astrological calculations. Someone is receptive and learns more successfully with a dynamic presentation, someone from a colorful one, and there are children who perceive more chrome and static.
Citations count: 1
Parkhomenko R.N. —
The national idea and the present time
// Modern Education.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 79 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.1.135 URL:
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The article discusses the role of the value of the national idea in Russia. The first part of the article shows the genesis of the concept of “Russian idea” in Russian philosophical tradition. The concept of the Russian idea was developed and put into circulation Solovyov Vl.S. in 1887-1888. His speech on “Russian idea” in 1888 in Paris defined the “meaning the existence of Russia in world history” as a mediator in the spiritual unity of East and West. The Eurasianism movement arose in 1921 further develops the concept of the Russian idea as an expression of identity of Russia in the world as a healthy spirit energy opposed to the traditions and foundations of Western Europe. Taking the traditional among the Russian intellectuals idea of the interrelation and confrontation of “Slavophiles” and “Westerners” in Russian history, the followers of the Eurasianism tried to give their philosophical concepts ideological form. The key moment of the study is in comparison of the role of the concept of national idea in Russia and Germany. The author also provides current opinions on the concept by both Russian and foreign intellectuals.
Citations count: 1
Karpov A.O. —
Socialization of the scientific-research type in the knowledge society
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.1.15479 URL:
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The concept of knowledge society represents an influential paradigm of the modern social development. In the conditions, when the knowledge becomes the key socioeconomic asset of the society, a special significance gains a specific type of socialization that endows a growing individual with productive attitude towards knowledge and cognition. Socialization of the scientific-research type develops as a total public process, which transforms the behavior of people of all ages and professions. The role of cultural-executive foundation of knowledge society is played by education, which trains individuals capable of scientific search, i.e. research learning. The goal of the article is to present the peculiarities of the scientific-research type of socialization, as well as to examine its stages and analyze its initial forms within the research education. The introductory section of this work is dedicated to the review of the role of education within the concept of knowledge society, created during the 1940’s-1960’s, which comprises the cultural-historical context for further narration. Giving characteristic to the socialization of knowledge society, the author demonstrates its binary complexity, in which intertwine the instrumental and liberal traditions. As the fundamental factors of a new type of socialization, the author presents a cognitive-thematic structure of the knowledge society, as well as spiritual ability that determine the creativity. Epistemic imprinting and the base system of the initial cognitive practices are being reviewed as the primary forms of socialization.
Citations count: 1
Romanov E.V., Drozdova T.V. —
Formation of the system of sustainable reproduction of human resources for the scientific-technological development of Russia: forecasts and risks. Part I.
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 96 - 108.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.3.23062 URL:
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The Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation sets a goal for establishing the national innovation system. The first stage of realization of this goal (2017-2020) stipulates the formation of integral system of reproduction and engagement of human resources for the scientific-technological development of the country. Higher education is viewed as the mainstream social institution capable of ensuring the solution of this task. The goal of this work consists in determination of the potential threats to reproduction of the human resources in the higher school, as well as identification of the prospects aimed at preservation and augmentation of the human capital. The authors provide a long-term forecast for the development of higher education until 2026. Based on the expected change in the population size of the age groups between 17 and 30 years old in one-year intervals and the development trends of higher education, the article determines the contradictions of financial support of higher education and prospects for preservation of human resources of the higher school. It is established that in the current situation, the actual funding of the higher education does not correspond with the standards required by law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Thus, population size in the age from 17 to 30 years old in 2014 (29,321 people) and in 2015 (28,579.9 people) suggests that on the account of the federal budgetary appropriation, must receive education 2,345.7 and 2,286.4 people correspondingly. On actual basis, in 2014 and 2015 at the expense of federal budged, were educated 1,990.5 and 1,859.9 people correspondingly. In strategic prospect, the size of population in the age of 17-30 years old will continue decreasing, while after 2018, the number of students will start to increase. Such contradiction must be resolved through introducing the appropriate corrections. The amount of students of state universities, having achieved a minimal number in 2018/19 academic year (3,682.0 people), by 2025 will exceed the number of students in 2015/16 academic year, counting 4,132.0 people. The authors present the negative and moderate scenarios of changes in the composition of teaching staff of the state higher educational facilities. It is proven that considering the dynamics of the development of higher education, the number of teaching staff of the state universities in the mid-term perspective must be not lower than 240,000 people.
Citations count: 1
Melnikov Y.B., Boyarsky M.D., Lokshin M.D. —
How future economists and engineers acquire the skills for multilateral assessment adequacy in the process of teaching mathematics
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 74 - 90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.4.27930 URL:
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The object of this research is the process of teaching mathematics to the economists and engineers. The subject of this research is the formation of skills for comprehensive and multilateral assessment of adequacy of the phenomena under consideration in the process of teaching mathematics to the economists and engineers. The goal of this work lies in structuring the model of multilateral assessment of mathematical activity (its objectives, methods, and results) and the application of mathematics as the component of economic and engineering education. The authors suggest the multi-criteria approach towards assessing the indicated phenomena on the basis of the original theory of modelling and theory of adequacy. The estimation of quality of the model in the theory of adequacy is defined via comparing the assessable model with the stated reference model. Research methodology includes the theoretical analysis of the modern mathematical education, theory of modelling, competence and activity approaches. In Y. B. Melnikov’s theory of modelling, the estimation of adequacy of the model is viewed as a result of comparison of the assessable and reference models. Evaluation of adequacy is viewed as a function, which arguments are the assessable and reference models. This allowed acquiring new scientific results: formalization of a specific attribute of adequacy can begin either with the structuring of reference model (with further concretization of the corresponding functions), or with the formation of the comparison method (with further determination of referenced model and formalization of the corresponding function).
Citations count: 1
Gorokhova S.S. —
Professional and educational standards in the context of integration of education, science and professional activity in the area of preparation of financial market specialists in the Russian Federation
// Modern Education.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 8 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.1.32085 URL:
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The subject of this research is the public relations established in the process of integration of education, science and business activity for the purpose of increasing competitiveness of national economy. Particular attention is paid to the questions of correspondence of the federal state educational standards and professional standards, developed for the specialists in the sphere of financial markets. The low level of interaction between the systems of education, science and practical sphere is underlined. The author determines the key problems impeding integration of education and professional environment in the Russian Federation, as well as givers recommendations on the improvement of legal framework. The article is prepared on the materials of realization of state assignment to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation for 2019 on the topic “Human Resourcing of Financial Market Digitalization Processes”. The following conclusions were made: the formation of professional and educational standards is based on the essentially different approaches; the approaches towards determination of general requirements to education in the professional standards are not normatively established; the analysis detects striking discrepancies between competences of the future financial market specialists formed in accordance with requirements of the federal state educational standards and a set of job functions and actions envisaged by the professional standards.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M. —
Tutor Education: Meaning, Content and Place in the Transforming Modern Education
// Modern Education.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 27 - 42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.4.39573 EDN: FQNDHE URL:
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In the article, the author proposes the concept of tutor education. The incentive for its construction is the ambiguity of the picture of modern education as a whole, although the author shares most of the principles of the tutor's approach. The idea of the picture of the whole and the principles of the tutor's approach in comparison with the principles of the traditional paradigm of education are briefly characterized. The position is formulated that education should become a common cause for the tutor. The tutor should accompany the young person, help him become educated, share his educational experience, support the tutor's independence and at the same time, noticing that the latter has stopped in his development, figuratively speaking, try to bring the tutor out of balance by initiating a discussion of the circumstances, plunging him into a situation that requires resolution and the next step of development. The tutor should try to become an adult, independent, competent, ready for political life and saving the planet, and simply disposed to live, enjoy it, as well as overcome difficulties, solve problems that arise in life. In addition to education, several more concepts are introduced and characterized: "cultural-semiotic environment", "cultures of life" (cultures of childhood and adulthood), "life world", "development" (the processes of "formation", proper development and "completion" differ in it), "personality evolution", and finally, the concept of "modernity and the near future". These concepts are illustrated by examples and analysis of two cases (the organization of education in the family (non-) school "Seekers" by Pavel Shivarev and the spiritual revolution that took place in the life of Pavel Florensky).
Citations count: 1
Shchuplenkov O.V. —
The Younger Generation: Social and Philosophical Aspects of Research
// Modern Education.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 58 - 114.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.2.521 URL:
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The author of the article uses the social and philosophical approach to studying the younger generation. This approach allows to define and fully describe the relation between social transformations and changes of personality, values and motivations. This is necessary for solution of important issues of a society. The younger generation creates the future and acts as a very important element of today's society. We should keep in mind that development of the younger generation and formation of young people's identities reflect the development of the society in general. This is just another proof of how important the topic of research is. The results of research can be used in pedagogy. It would allow to solve problems of young people more efficiently. The fact that we need to ensure full physiological and intellectual development of a young personality and prepare the younger generation for an independent and labour life creates a need in establishing a whole system of social services including psychological services.
Citations count: 1
Nemtsev I.A. —
Implementation of the Ideas and Principles of Sustainable Development in the Field of Education in Russia
// Modern Education.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 23 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2014.4.13524 URL:
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In his article Nemtsev tries to describe social, philosophical and organizational aspects of the model of education for sustainable development. The researcher gives a critical evaluation of the existing system of education and shows that modern education does not work for sustainable development. Netmsev suggests that we should view school education and up-bringing as the platform for developing a sustainable life style which would enable to implement the strategies of sustainable development. The researcher offers a new system of education, i.e. education for sustainable development. He analyzes the methods and concepts of environmental education that correspond to the paradigm of sustainable development. The methodological basis of the present research is the dialectical method as the opposition to the traditional system of education and the requirement to proceed to the model of education for sustainable development. The researcher has also used general scientific methods such as abstraction, idealisation, comparison, simulation, analysis, synthesis, etc. The objectives of the research are achieved based on provisions and conclusions on the matter found in works of contemporary Russian and foreign researches and philosophers. Nemtsev concludes that it is necessary and possible to create the system of education that would be oriented at sustainable innovation-based development of the society. The researcher also describes the concept of school (EcoSchool) and the system of education for sustainable development (the model of environmental education, implementation of a number of paticular disciplines, etc.) as well as the steps needed to be taken to adopt the system of education for sustainable development.
Citations count: 1
Mayer R.V. —
Rotation of theoretical and practical activities as an effective method of education: Results of imitation modelling
// Modern Education.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 145 - 155.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.4.16041 URL:
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The subject of this research is a computer model of a student based on the following hypotheses: 1) in the course of studying the student acquires new knowledge, and the unsubstantiated knowledge transforms into substantiated; 2) the efforts applied by a student depend on the disparity between the requirement of the teacher and the knowledge of the student; 3) with increase in speed of presentation of new material, the coefficient of the transfer rate in the “teacher-student” communication channel decreases. The article examines the methodology that consists in splitting the theoretical and practical material into several parts and their alternation. The scientific novelty lies in the following: 1) the author suggests the new computer model of a student that takes into account the transformation of the surface knowledge into deep knowledge, and the nonlinear dependencies of a student from the teacher, and the coefficient of the transfer rate of communication channel from the speed of presentation of new material; 2) by the means of imitation modelling it is demonstrated that the alternate studying of theory and practice leads to a greater result.
Citations count: 1
Kirnarskaya D.K. —
Three sources and three key components of the Russian education reform: the experience of musical art
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.4.24201 URL:
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This article discusses the necessary reforms that are due in the system of national music education. The essence of crisis consists in the fact that the syllabus has outdated, because until the present stage is focused on the solo performances, while the job market suggests the positions of other type associated with the communication skills, management and diversification of musical styles of a graduate. The second aspect of crisis lies in the excessive overload of the students with the class exercises that do not leave space for self-education, work and leisure that are extremely need for a young individual. Overload as a generic feature of the Russian education system also concerns professors and educators that are deprived of career growth opportunity alongside the full-fledged academic activity. In addition, the article offers not to interlink the salary of educators with the teaching load, as well as pare it down due to the decrease of academic hours, which manifests as a crucial moment in the proposed reform. The third aspect of crisis is the outdated format of presenting the material based on lecture, while the psychology of modern students inclines towards the other formats, which certainly include interactivity and creativity. The international experts acknowledge all of the indicated flaws in music education as in need of the reforms. Their opinions and propositions are also considered in the article, which views the reform of music education leaning on the three key components – syllabus, organization, and format of education, which will increase demand for the graduates and their success on the job market.
Citations count: 1
Lyubeznova N.V., Vykhodtseva I.S., Sadilov I.V. —
The specificities of teaching the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech” in the agrarian university
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 149 - 154.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.2.25800 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of specificities of teaching the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech” in the agrarian university. The main task becomes the framing of this discipline for one or another university specialization, development of curriculum that considers the specificity of various directions of professional education. After completing the course “Russian language and culture of speech”, a student must obtain the basic knowledge on speech communication, methods of organization of the effective verbal communication in the modern language space. The article analyzes the traditional forms of teaching, as well as the interactive methods: role games, project activity, collaborative learning. The main conclusion consists in the fact that studying the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech” in the agrarian university is an essential stage for preparing a modern specialist. In order to make the educational process bright, entertaining and informal it is necessary to implement alongside the traditional activities the elements of game technologies.
Citations count: 1
Nikitin P.V. —
Increasing efficiency of physics education through elective courses of “Physics Fundamentals of Information Security”
// Modern Education.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 28 - 42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.2.33254 URL:
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The object of this research is the increase in motivation of students towards learning physics as one of the most complex sciences of school curriculum. The subject of this research is the elective course of “Physics Fundamentals of Information Security” developed by the author, based on the cross-disciplinary integration of such disciplines as physics, informatics, and information security. An extensive analysis is conducted on textbooks on physics and scientific methodical sources of literature on information security. Special attention is given to methodological questions of teaching this elective course, structured on application of the method of problem-based learning as an optimal method for search and acquisition of new knowledge and active learning activity. The scientific novelty consists in development of the elective course “Physics Fundamentals of Information Security”, which has applied aim. The laboratory works developed by the author in such way that the students learn the laws of physics in the course of completing the research. They first see “how it works”, and then make conclusions as formulas, after which they solve the theoretical tasks on these topics, understanding entirety of the depth. This course is registered in Rospatent as the database Electronic Educational Resource on the Discipline “Physics Fundamentals of Information Security”. The author pays particular attention to implementation of this course into educational process, as well as describes the methodological system of teaching and the pedagogical experiment that proves the effectiveness of this course.
Citations count: 1
Kotenko V.V. —
The use of VR tools in the context of gamification and the introduction of game mechanics in the educational field
// Modern Education.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.3.35587 EDN: LTRJQM URL:
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AR and VR tools have become firmly established in the practice of teaching in foreign educational organizations. As one of the trends of the educational environment, gamification and the use of game mechanics are highlighted, which contribute to more effective involvement of students in the learning process. The form of the game retains its appeal, the ability to satisfy the needs for self-realization, competition and success. The purpose of the study is to determine the subject areas of application of AR and VR tools in modern Russian higher education based on world experience and practice. The analysis of international experience in the use of gamification and virtual and augmented reality programs, as well as an assessment of the problems of implementing these tools in Russian education is carried out. Conclusions. World experience shows that virtual and augmented reality technologies show significant effectiveness in the gamification of education. The introduction of technologies contributes to more effective student-teacher and student-student interaction, increasing students' motivation and mastering additional material. However, the main obstacles to adapting this experience are the low level of innovation activity and the willingness of teachers to use innovative approaches and techniques.
The main conclusion: Modern technologies in education are currently not limited only to the availability of equipment (computers, projectors, etc.) and the Internet. Today's world experience shows that virtual and augmented reality technologies show significant effectiveness in the gamification of education. The introduction of technologies contributes to more effective student-teacher and student-student interaction, increasing students' motivation and mastering additional material. However, the main obstacles to adapting this experience are the low level of innovation activity and the willingness of teachers to use innovative approaches and techniques.
Citations count: 1
Zhukovskaya N., Tonkikh A.G. —
The Zemsky Uchitel program and regional features of its implementation
// Modern Education.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 39 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.1.36963 URL:
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The article discusses the features of the implementation of the state program "Zemsky Uchitel" in certain subjects of the Russian Federation – in Kursk, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Saratov, Kaliningrad regions, in Primorsky Krai. The subject of the study included: the procedure and conditions for the implementation of the Program provided for by the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation; data on the quotas of vacancies provided for by the Program and their financing; regulatory legal acts ensuring the implementation of the Program in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The prerequisites and historical aspects of the appearance of the program "Zemsky teacher", the etymology of the terms "Zemsky teacher" and "Zemsky school" are also considered. The main research methods are comparative, formal-legal, design and theoretical construction. The novelty of the research consists: firstly, in a comparative analysis of data on the completion of the first year of the Program; secondly, in identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the Program and the level of its demand in various regions of Russia; thirdly, in developing a set of measures aimed at eliminating the "weaknesses" of the Zemsky Uchitel program". Main conclusions: 1) the regulatory framework of the Program requires further improvement, including at the level of regional legislation within the framework of the opportunities provided to the subjects of the Russian Federation to expand the list of benefits for the winners of the competitive selection; 2) it is shown that the suspension of the project in the future will mean the return of the problem of understaffing rural schools with teaching staff to their original positions.
Citations count: 1
Lazareva O.A. —
Happiness of Young People Living in Saratov: Main Aspects
// Modern Education.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 18 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.3.9611 URL:
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The present article contains the results of the author's research devoted to the main elements of young people's happiness in Saratov. These elements include understanding and good relations with others, moments when a young person feel happy, length and date since the last time when he felt happy, reasons to feel happy last time, reasons to stop feeling happy last time and peculiarities of the feeling of happiness. The data was obtained through questionnaire surveys and analyzed based on the correlation analysis using the SPSS program. The purpose of the present research was to study the perception of happiness by a Saratov resident. One of the goals was to define peculiarities of the feeling of happiness experienced by the young generation in Saratov. 200 people participated in the research in total. 65 of them (32.5 % of all respondents) were aged from 16 to 35. The results of this research can be used in Russian statistical compilations and journals.
Citations count: 1
Mayer R.V. —
Optimization of Time Required to Learn Elements of Educational Material of Different Importance: Computer Simulation
// Modern Education.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 51 - 63.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2014.4.13274 URL:
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Different elements of the educational material have different importance for learning the following topics and passing the final tests. By using the method of expert evaluation, it is possible to define how important this or that element is. The subject of the present research is the process of learning a sequence of topics of different importance. Some important topics require more time to be learnt while other topic that are not important should be even ignored. The present article is devoted to the problem of optimization of time required to learn particular elements of educational material of different importance in order to achieve the best learning efficiency. To achieve the aforesaid objectives, the author has used the methods of systems analysis, mathematical and computer simulation, algorithmization adn programming. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the following: 1) for the first time in the academic literature the author raises the problem of optimization of time required to learn educational material of different importance; 2) the author has carried out a number of simulation experiments to define the best time distribution in the process of learning topics of difference importance; 3) based on the results, the author describes the rules for the best time distribution and efficient learning of topics of different importance.
Citations count: 1
Gryaznova E.V., Nikulin A.A. —
Project method in teaching the subject of “visual arts”: methodological recommendations for future pedagogues
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 95 - 102.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.2.17986 URL:
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This article examines the question of implementation of a project method at the “visual arts” school lesson within the framework of the visual arts bachelor’s program. The relevance of this work consists in the fact that the project method which allows forming the foundations of scientific culture among the elementary school student, is included into the bachelor’s program methodology. This methodology is being tested over the period of two years within the main educational program of the municipal education facility of the city of Reutov “Gymnasium”, as well as meets the educational standards of the elementary education in the Russian Federation, the program of the initial stage of International Bachelor’s Program – PYP (Primary Years Program). The article presents the methodological recommendations and pedagogical experience on the example of the program “I am a researcher”, which is based on the project method as an element of bachelor’s program methodology of the future pedagogues of visual arts. The main conclusion consists in substantiation that the project method in its implementation into the “visual arts” educational program allows forming the elements of scientific culture among students, as well as can be included into the methodology of the teachers of art bachelor’s program.
Citations count: 1
Larionova O.G., Dorofeev A.V. —
Methodical peculiarities of projection of the lecture-presentation
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 51 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.3.19729 URL:
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The subject of this research is the application of the information-communication technologies in education. The object is the methodical approaches towards the construction of lectures-presentations in the college math course. Computer technologies allow integrating the productive aspects of the various educational methodic, as well as their effective realization in the new form of lectures. The article presents the experience of development and realization of the lectures-presentations for math course based on the principles of cognitive visualization. The lecture-presentation is aimed at intensification of the student educational activity and increase of the efficiency of education. The lectures-presentations are being developed using the Microsoft Power Point for static and dynamic representation of information. The educational presentation by animation and control of the screen can enrich the process of cognitive activity through illustrating what cannot be presented verbally. The proper developed and performed lecture-presentation also activates the processes of perception and digestion of information, and allows to significantly intensity the educational activity of the students, provide the methodological grounds for educational and scientific activity.
Citations count: 1
Klunnikova M.M., Pushkareva T.P. —
Methods and means of developing numerical cognition in teaching the discipline "Numerical methods"
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 95 - 101.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23067 URL:
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The subject of the research is to study the process of teaching the basic discipline “Numerical Methods” to the students of mathematics. The paper provides the main approaches to teaching of numerical methods. The hypothesis is made that motivation to learning the discipline, necessary time for examination and understanding of material of the course depends on the level of development of numerical cognition. The authors clarify the notion of "numerical cognition" as a cognitive process, determine the abilities needed to develop the numerical cognition of students, as well as propose tools for organizing the learning process. Methods of system dynamics and dynamic visualization are used for organizing the educational activity. As the key means, the authors also review the mental maps and animation, which from the perspective of information approach represent most efficient tool for visualization of information. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the fact that the suggested methods and means significantly affect the development of identified components of numerical cognition of students, and therefore, the successful studying of the course “Numerical Methods”. This has been confirmed by the pedagogical experiment carried out in the Siberian Federal University.
Citations count: 1
Litvinov V.A. —
To the question on the formation of students’ competences in the context of intermediate and final certification
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 85 - 91.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.1.25638 URL:
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The object of this research is the assessment methods of the formation of students’ competencies. The subject of this research is the correlation between the results of intermediate and final certification of students. The author examines the existing assessment techniques of the level of students’ competences in the process of mastering the curriculum. Based on the example of 200 students in the field “Law Enforcement Activity”, the author meticulously analyzes the correlation between the certification results in certain disciplines and final grades received by the students for state examinations and graduation thesis. The research method is the application of systemic and comparative statistical analysis of the results of intermediate and final certification of students throughout the entire period in the educational facility. The conclusion is made on strong correlation between the majority of assessments of the level of students’ competencies, acquired based on the results of intermediate certification using the traditional competency matrices, which decreases the information value comparing to the results of terminal examinations. It is suggested assessing the level of students’ competencies based on the term papers and state final examination.
Citations count: 1
Yasin M.I. —
The attitude of the deaf and hearing-impaired people towards inclusive education
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 94 - 100.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.3.19563 URL:
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This article examined the problem of inclusive education from the perspective of sociology of education. An attempt to implement the inclusive education is considered a zone of social controversy. The transformation of specialized educational facilities into the inclusive is rather rapid and does not take into account that the educational facilities are not ready to provide a quality learning process. Especially there are multiple flaws in providing education for the deaf and hearing-impaired students. The subject of this work is the opinion of the deaf and hearing-impaired students, pedagogues and sign language interpreters working in educational facilities for the deaf, with regards to the modern status and prospects of the inclusive education. Among the positive features of inclusions the respondents consider the increase of social adaptation of the deaf and hearing-impaired, as well as the tolerance of society towards people with disabilities. However, the prospects of acquiring a quality education are assessed as negative if compared with specialized education. The majority of the respondents voted for the ability to make choice between the two educational systems. The opinions of the targeted audience adequately reflect the discourse among pedagogues: the schools are not ready for the inclusion; and currently such technique is rather inclined towards socialization, which in many ways contradicts the quality of education.
Citations count: 1
Kiselev I.V. —
About the network and traditional forms of education
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 36 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.3.20025 URL:
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This article gives special attention to the phenomenon of network education. The author sets a task to offer to the expert community specialized on the research of problematic field of the genesis of the phenomenon of networks, an original critical understanding of the new type of educational system, which ontological basis forms affected by the distribution of information and communication technologies that are structure in accordance with the network principle, the so-called network education. Being one of the efficient and promising alterative to the traditional (systemic) forms of pedagogical practice, the network education deserves particular consideration. For the fullest definition of the concept at hand alongside all of its peculiarities, the author conducted an attempt of applying the hybrid methodology, a systemic-network approach. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that namely the network education becomes the central concept of this article, rather that the network structures or technologies which it is built upon; although over the recent decades, there have been written hundreds of scientific articles and monographs dedicated to the multifacetedness of the nature of network structures, as well as the ways for their rational implementation. Such works raised various questions of application of the network technologies, beginning with the sphere of general leisure activities, smoothly shifting towards the area of marketing research and economic theory, and ending with the area of political cooperation of various parties and entire nations, but the educational sphere examined as a problematic field by other scholars, has been insufficiently studied, which needs to be corrected.
Citations count: 1
Abramov R.A., Derevyanko S.V. —
Problems of harmonization (unification) of systems of the higher education of the Union State
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 39 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2017.1.20549 URL:
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The object of this research is the system of higher education of the Union State. The subject of this research is the mechanisms of state regulation, as well as the socioeconomic relations that influence the harmonization of the education systems of two countries. Special attention is given to the ways of possible incorporation of the systems of higher education of Russia and Belarus within the framework of the Union State. As the relevance of the study, the author demonstrates that incorporation of the educational systems and technologies under the similar principles provides an additional incentive for the formation of a unified platform for further development of the integration structure. The work analyzes the key factors that complicate the integration between the states in the sphere of education – political, economic, informational, and traditionalistic, as well as reviews the ways creation the synergetic educational paradigm. The goal of the article consists in identification of the ways to overcome the structural and organizational problems in interaction between the education systems of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The result of the study reveals that the implementation of such integration will lead to the emergence of foundation for the upbringing of youth, as well as the synergetic effect within the economic environment due to cooperation of the intellectual and financial resources, which must influence the overall socioeconomic development of Russia and Belarus. The scientific novelty consists in the methodological approach towards assessment of the quality of educational services of all interested parties and at all stages of education, which will allow increasing the interconnection and mutual influence for improving the practice-oriented professional trainings of the highly qualified specialists. It will also allow capitalizing the brand of the education organizations as a factor of the successful positioning of the higher schools in the competitive global market. The authors conduct a sequential analysis of all levels of education.
Citations count: 1
Faritov A.T. —
Certain aspects of classification and implementation of quest games in school
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 25 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.1.24477 URL:
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The subject of this research is the theoretical-methodological specificity and peculiarities of practical implementation of quest games technology in the school educational process. The author discusses separate aspects of classification and implementation of quest games in school; determines significant differences of educational quest from other game technologies; as well as gives definition to the concept of “educational quest game”. The article also considers various approaches and bases of the classification of quests, and demonstrates a number of original versions of classification. The proposed milestone plan of the development of educational quest is illustrated by a specific example of designing a quest game “Interstellar Journey” (educational fields of “mathematics and informatics”, “physics”, and “economics”). The tasks faced by a modern comprehensive school stirred interest of pedagogical community towards interactive and active teaching methods. Game educational technologies, developed on the basis of activity, competence, and contextual approaches allow to not only increase students’ motivation and cognitive interest to a specific discipline, but also ensure the achievement of interdisciplinary results in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Educational Standard. Quest games may be efficiently applied in educational process of a comprehensive school; however, it demands significant efforts of a pedagogue on their development and delivery.
Citations count: 1
Urazaeva N., Morozov E. —
Corpus-based linguistics in teaching German language: practical basis and instruments
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 71 - 79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.27120 URL:
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Information era of the development of computer technologies and wide availability of Internet opens new opportunities for increasing the efficiency of educational process of foreign languages. The subject of this research is one of the modern and relevant directions in methodology of teaching German language – the corpus-based teaching. Corpus-based technologies are used in teaching vocabulary, grammar, translation, in cross-cultural research, realization of project activities, as well as allow significantly increasing the quality of education, accelerate the process of acquisition and digestion of knowledge, increase motivation and interest in learning German language. Research methodology is based on the analysis of theoretical insights on the indicated problematic, normative documents, description and assessment of possible application of linguistic corpuses in learning and teaching German language. The achievements in the area of corpus-based linguistics can become widely used in the process of teaching German language. Corpus-based approach is the most advanced innovation addition to the traditional teaching; it is optimal for understanding of such aspects of language as polysemy, historical, geographical and social variation, changes in language system. The key aspects of corpus-based teaching are the authenticity of material, Interdisiplinarity, empirical adequacy, adjustment to particular tasks and target groups, possibility of self-tuition.
Citations count: 1
Danilova O.A., Antonov E.A., Tereshkin I.L. —
Modern Russian practice of teaching calligraphy to elementary school students: approaches, techniques, educational and methodological support
// Modern Education.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 49 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.3.32655 URL:
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The subject of this research is the existing practice of teaching calligraphic writing to elementary school students, as well as approaches, techniques, educational and methodological support used in this process. Special attention is given to the compliance of the applied methods to the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standards of primary education, problem areas in the process of teaching calligraphic writing to children, development and implementation of the advanced teaching techniques, as well as training of teachers on the matter. The object of this research the opinions and data received from the teachers, representatives of science and system of vocational training for teachers. Methodology includes sociological survey and methods of mathematical and statistical processing of sociological data. The respondents became 26,312 teachers of public elementary schools, as well as 88 representatives of scientific organizations and educational organizations of vocational training for teachers, The novelty lies in the formation of substantiated objective data on the existing practice and methodological support of the process of teaching calligraphy to children, as well as in determination of problem areas in this sphere. The obtained results underline the importance of development of modern methods and teaching techniques, including multimedia and interactive technologies, as well as advanced training programs for elementary school teachers, and education of parents and children on the value of calligraphic writing for increasing motivation and interest to successful mastering of this skill.
Citations count: 1
Gorlitsyna O.A. —
Teaching the students of pedagogical institutes to visualize knowledge
// Modern Education.
– 2012. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.2.336 URL:
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The article analyzes a topical issue of knowledge visualization in education. The author brings up the need for teaching students on presenting verbal information in graphical form, which increases the rate of thinking, forms the ability to deal with big amounts of educational information, conceptually structure and organize received knowledge. The author summarizes practical experience on this topic, describes psycho-educational learning conditions, briefly introduces the elective course “Visualization of knowledge”, designed for future teachers of this methodology.
Citations count: 1
Makhnin V.L., Volkova V.V. —
Modern approaches to training in the Russian system of military education
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 38 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.4.19148 URL:
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The subject of study is the essence and content of the competence-based approach, its implementation in the context of problematic issues regarding the quality of education and training in military high school, communication vigornosti various psychological qualities: intelligent, communicative and organizational skills, ability to change and intellectual creativity. It is shown that the use of a reflective approach and a model of professional development to the intensification of the educational activities of the university will enable the graduate to implement the ability to mentally change and creativity, to go beyond the continuous flow of daily activities, see their activity as a whole and turn it into an object of practical transformation. The research methodology combines the techniques of professional pedagogy, military pedagogy, education of quality control, military sociology, military psychology, engineering psychology and historiography. The main conclusion of the study is that the use of the reflexive approach and model of professional development to the intensification of the educational activities of the university gives the opportunity to create their own (creative) tactical and operational constructs to solve problems and tasks of military art. In this creative technology will play an imperative of modern military education.
Citations count: 1
Kuzina N.V., Kuzina L.B., Sulimov K.T. —
Simulation learning in preparation of personnel of highest qualification and additional professional education: to the question of definitions and structure of the process
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 118 - 139.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.2.26542 URL:
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According to the federal legislation in the areas of public health and education, individuals receiving medical education, who do not yet have accreditation (certificate) in this specialty, are not allowed to interact with patients. Therefore, over the period of 2013-2014 special relevance gained the problem of simulation learning. The article examines the concept and order of realization of simulation learning in a medical educational facility, provides the dictionary definitions and algorithm of structuring of the educational process, classification of the notions and equipment. The authors used the lexicographical approach – the creation of non-contradictory definitions for the concepts of didactics and educational process based on the authors’ experience in didactics of the higher school, as well as methodological and lexicographical dictionary work. The scientific novelty lies in the terminological determination and classification of conceptual apparatus of the sphere of simulation learning in the professional medical education, clarification of debatable aspects in didactics and interpretation of concepts in the area of formation of the skills and attainments, as well as with regards to the order in organization of educational events and classification of equipment, methods, technologies, approaches used in the educational process. The article also considers the role of pedagogical and assistant personnel in organization of the process, questions of control over the formation of attainments, and other aspects.
Citations count: 1
Sidorova G.P. —
Value of a Teacher's Profession in the Soviet Culture and its Reflection in the Popular Art of the 1960-1980's
// Modern Education.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 147 - 157.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.1.49 URL:
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In the article on the basis of approach of the systems, comparative and semiotics analysis, wide circle of sources - artistic texts of 1960-1980th the features of artistic representations of profession of teacher come to light in a soviet mass art. In artistic representations the features of profession of teacher come to light in the aspect of her value for welfare, in a dynamics from time «thaw» to «seventieth». Images presented the profession of teacher in two discursis: ideological and everyday. The transitional type of soviet society, his difficult structure, subject of culture, is a man of different axiology types, gender feature of pedagogical labour was reflected in artistic representations of profession of teacher. Finally, in characters of teacher reflected deep senses of soviet culture: displacement valued orientations societies from socialistic to the traditional values and values of mass society of consumption, disparity ideological and everyday discursis about final and instrumental values, explaining activity of majority of subjects of culture.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M. —
Creation of a New Educational Formation
// Modern Education.
– 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.1.6445 URL:
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The author of the article provides his commentary on the report 'The Future of Higher School in Russia: Experts' Opinion'. The authors of this report make an assumption that there is the second wave of Enlightenment coming soon. According to the authors, there will be a shift from 'pedagogy of knowledge' to 'pedagogy of research and planning' and pedagogy of activity. The author of the present article analyzes and disproves this thesis and presents a new one. For example, the author establishes that in case of Russian culture and society education should be based on general civilizational trends such as formation of a new leading type of sociality, different needs in education, competition with other institutions (mass media, Internet, corporate research and engineering study centers, businss in the sphere of education and culture, social networks and information communities and etc.) and formation of the 'heart' of new pedagogy (pedagogical relations of a new type). The author also outlines a new concept of child development and offers to distinguish three types of 'life cultures' - childhood, adolescence and youth - and several stages of adult life, too. According to the author, education is not all about knowledge and disciplines. Modern education is about activity and cogitation. The author provides an example of a new content of education based on his own experience in teaching philosophy.
Citations count: 1
Levin V.I. —
Bibliometric indexes and expert evaluations: how to assess the results of scientific activity
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 11 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.4.20046 URL:
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This article examines the currently relevant question: what is the appropriate way for objective assessment of the work of the scholars and academic institutions in the modern conditions, using the information technologies. The traditional assessment of the quality of results of the scientific research is based on the expert evaluations of the members of academic community. The new methods of assessment are based on calculation of the quantitative indexes, as well as associated with the quantitative system of financing of the scholars and academic facilities. Currently, many countries have disputes between the officials, who are the supporters of bibilometrics, and the scholars – its opponents. The work analyzes and compares the quantitative (Bibliometric) and qualitative (expert) methods of assessment of the quality of a scientific work. The article is first to attempt finding the foundations of the possible position of academic community regarding the questions of evaluation of the results of a scientific work, affordable for the state and other sponsoring organizations. The conclusion is made that quantitative indexes must be applied only as the intermediate, which complement the main expert evaluations of the quality of results of the scientific research.
Citations count: 1
Nikulin A.A. —
Relevant issues in realization of students’ independent work: theoretical-methodological bases
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 95 - 103.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.2.25957 URL:
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This article examines the theoretical-methodological bases of the relevant issues in realization of students’ independent work in the context of modern society. Based on the analysis of scientific works dedicated to the problems of realization of students’ independent work, the author made an attempt of their classification according to the elements of the structure of independent activity. The goal of this research is to determine the principles that serve as a foundation for development of the model of students’ independent work, which would meet the requirements of the modern society and allow considering the problems emerging during its implementation. The scientific novelty lies in the author’s substantiation of the possibility of establishment of the model of students’ independent work, which dialectics of elements reveals the problems of realization of the students’ independent work and its causes. The main result consists in justification of need and possibility of establishment of such model of the students’ independent work that is capable of determining the strategy and direction of the pedagogical model of students’ independent work aimed at solution of the particular tasks at the subsequent stages of research. Such model can be titled as “problem model”, because it allows a researcher to comprehensively discern the problematic area of the object at hand.
Citations count: 1
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. —
Evolutionary Paradigm and Models of Education in the XXI Century
// Modern Education.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.1.59 URL:
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We propose an evolutionary approach to the study of emerging models and paradigms of education in the perspective of globalization and the transition to sustainable development. Therefore assumed fundamental evolutionary transformation of educational processes, the vector is directed from its present form to education for sustainable development and the formation of global education oriented at noosphere.
Citations count: 1
Golikova G. —
Formation of the Axiological Approach to the Formal Literary Education: Problem Definition
// Modern Education.
– 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 14 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2014.1.10853 URL:
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The author of the article puts a question about the process of formation of the axiological approach to teaching literature at school. The matter is viewed in terms of scientific researches in the spheres of philosophy, esthetics, cultural studies, pedagogy and psychology. The author of the article also provides the results of the experimental research (by using the methods of observation and questionnaire of school students of the 8th and 9th grades in Kazan). The experimental research was conducted by the author in order to define values of school students and conflicts of values in the process of the 'reader - author' esthetic dialogue. The author brings forward the question about overcoming the axiological 'misinterpretation' of the author's text through formation of the value-based axiological interaction beween the reader and the author's creation (based on M. Bakhtin). Methodological grounds of the axiological approach include M. Bakhtin's ideas about the value-based interaction between Self and the Other in the process of the esthetic dialogue. The author of the article defines the path of efficient implementation of the process of adopting values (interiorization).
Citations count: 1
Prudnikov L.A., Klimov R.S. —
Potential ability to manage professional operator training based on the assessment of their psychophysiological state
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 52 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.2.17889 URL:
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The subject of this study is the improvement the management of professional training of operators through the use of information on the psychophysiological state of the learner. The hypothesis of the study: as a successful career depends on the condition of the person in the course of its implementation, taking into account assessment of the psychophysiological state during training (learning) allows for management training operators aimed at the formation (development, consolidation) have stable professional skills. The relevance of the study is also due to insufficient use in teaching practice potential accounting psychophysiological state of the learner, provided the level of development of information and telecommunication technologies. The study is based on the articles of materials devoted to the psychological aspects of occupational safety, as well as on its own empirical data. The study applied the methods of work psychophysiology, educational psychology, educational cybernetics, engineering psychology and ergonomics. The novelty of the research is theoretical and experimental study of the need to incorporate evaluation of psychophysiological state for management training of trainees. Due to the fact that the condition of completion of the training is "quality execution of control exercises (tests) with low psychophysiological stress" the student is provided to improve the quality of vocational training - achieved increased resistance skills, formed as a result of training. Accounting psychophysiological state of the learner, provided interference-free performance of his professional activity, should be an integral component of management training operators in order to improve the effectiveness of individually-tailored training and the stability of the formed and develop skills.
Citations count: 1
Yanik A.A., Popova S.M. —
Main peculiarities of the modern scientific policy in Germany
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 25 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.2.18931 URL:
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This article introduces the results of the analysis of peculiarities of state control over the scientific development in the Federative Republic of Germany. The contemporary German experience represents interest for Russia due to the fact that both countries are federations, which leads to the emergence of more complex mechanisms of development and realization of the scientific policy, rather than in the countries with Unitarian form of government structure. The work carefully examines the fundamental elements of the system of strategic planning in the area of scientific development and innovations, including the key legal acts. The conclusion is made that the main specificities of the German management model for scientific development (absence of strict hierarchy; use of communicational mechanisms for the formation of “agreement platform” between all the political actors and groups of interest; delimitation of responsibilities, authority, and finances between the level of federation, level of lands, and others) are the result of implementation of the principles of cooperative federalism (“maximum agreement, minimum force”) into all the spheres of social life. The effectively operating on all levels mechanisms of achieving political consensus, as well as extensive use of high-tech support of decision-making, help the government to provide the successiveness of the general strategic line in combination with the adaptiveness of the current scientific policy.
Citations count: 1
Bobrova G.V., Ivanov A.V. —
Military-applied training as a structural component of continuing specialized military education of the cadets
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 58 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.2.26229 URL:
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The object of this research is the educational activity of the cadet schools. The objectives pursued in educational process of the cadets, as well as the fundamental purpose of the formation of military colleges of pre-university tutorial of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have a number of discrepancies. Educational activity of the cadet schools is conducted in accordance with the Federal State Education Standard and does not suggest the specialized military component; while the goal of the similar educational facilities lies in pre-entry training of the young men for military institutions of higher education of the country, which implies possession of the basic skills of military profession. The article examines the peculiarities of implementation of the specialized military disciplines into the curriculum of academic subject “physical education”. The empirical research (questionnaire, interview) are aimed at studying the cadets’ attitude towards the tasks of military-applied character, as well as the need for their implementation into the training process. The goal of the article consists in determining which disciplines are in most demand among the cadets of different age groups. The research results allow structuring the system of physical education in the cadet school, considering the specialized military program in accordance with age interests of the students, which would increase their preparedness level for entering the military institutions of higher education.
Citations count: 1
Egorov S. —
Development of management models and mechanisms in the modern systems of evangelical theological education
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 44 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.4.27659 URL:
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The subject of this research is the management practice existing in the Russian systems of evangelical theological education. Management models and mechanisms in this sphere developed under the influence of global trends in management, Russian traditions in educational management, dogmas and traditions of evangelical churches. Depending on the external and internal factors of the development of religious educational organizations, their leaders implemented certain management mechanisms and models that allowed achieving organizational goals and maintaining educational process. The soft systems methodology developed by the experts from Lancaster University with active participation of Peter Checkland became the methodological frameworks for this research. This systemic approach determines the general consistencies despite the scatteredness of available data. The scientific novelty consists in examination management practice of the representatives of evangelical systems of education from the perspective of pragmatic principles and specific decisions in relation to the normative views upon the corresponding sphere. A significant array of relevant data analyzed by the author within the framework of the study demonstrates a direct analogy of the approaches and principles of decision-making in the area of theological education with the management practice in the leading world universities and other organizations.
Citations count: 1
Vecherina O., Putalova I.B. —
The problems of professional training of mediators in Russia
// Modern Education.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2021.1.34746 URL:
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The object of this research is the professional training of Russian mediators within the framework of Master's Degree and vocational education. The subject of this research is the organizational and methodological problems of training and professional becoming of mediators, substantiated by the specificity of current legislation in this field, as well as the established practice of professional training. Application of general scientific methods allows examining the requirements of current Russian legislation in the sphere of professional training of mediators, comparing with the fundamental changes proposed in the draft law of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, and relevant practice. The author outlines the key vectors of professional training of future mediators offered by the Russian universities in the Master's Degree program. Based on the critical analysis of research and empirical methods (expert evaluation, survey), the authors determine the key personal and professional characteristics of the mediator, essential for successful their successful activity. The novelty of this work lies in drawing parallels between the requirements to professional training of mediators in the current legislation and according to the new draft law; as well as in the analysis of peculiarities and difficulties of professional training of mediators within the framework of the Master's Degree program “Mediation in Social Sphere” and competences that are considered of prime importance. The authors underline the need for raising requirements to the process of professional training of mediators, and their legislative consolidation. The top results can be achieved by acquiring basic legal or psychological education, as well as completion of the basic course of mediation prior to the advanced training.
Citations count: 1
Gelman V. —
Use of humor in the educational process
// Modern Education.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 38 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2021.4.36803 URL:
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This article examines the role of humor in educational process of the university. There is a generally accepted opinion that humor is a positive characteristic of teaching and learning. However, it is quite difficult to determine its positive value as far as helping students. Therefore, the subject of this research is the analysis of using humor in the educational process, psychological grounds of its impact, pros and cons of using humor, as well as peculiarities of students’ perception of humor and their response. The methodological framework is comprised of systematization and analysis of scientific publications; generalized practical experience in determination of the key trends and problems using humor in the educational process. The author examines the role of humor in different aspects of the educational process, the impact humor upon motivation and emotional state, use of humor in educational games and nonverbal communication, as well as peculiarities of students' perception of humor, miscomprehension of jokes, and negative humor. It is demonstrated that the proper use of humor in the educational process contributed to position emotional state of students, increases their motivation and interest in learning, reduces anxiety and stress, strengthens confidence, improves performance, and encourages divergent and logical thinking. However, the improper use of humor may entail negative results.
Citations count: 1
Deulin D.V. —
Particular Nature of Psychological Security of Educational Environment at a Higher Education Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
// Modern Education.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 25 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.3.9720 URL:
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The article is devoted to particular nature of educational environment at a university where people who will provide for the general safety and security of Russian citizens are trained. The author of the article touches upon the problems of guarantees of psychological security of educational environment at such universities. The author shows how diverse the approaches to the problem of psychological security of educational environment are and views different classifications of psychological threats and risks for psychological security. The author especially focuses on psychological threats and risks at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs which include, first of all, acts of violence and 'army hazing'. These are methods of suppressing positive activity and forcing certain 'standards' of behavior that are absolutely unacceptable from the psychological point of view. It is a very important goal to create a satisfactory emotional environment at a university which would help to overcome the aforesaid risks and have a positive influence on both lifestyle of students and their future professional activity.The author of the article proves the importance of formation of safe educational environment at a university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to protect students both from risks typical for all higher education establishments as well as from risks that are specific only for education establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Citations count: 1
Adaskina A., Devyatko S.V. —
Diagnostics of the grasp of character and symbol means as an indicator of metadisciplinary educational results of elementary school students
// Modern Education.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.1.25305 URL:
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The subject of this research is the level of grasp of character and symbol means by the elementary school students. Such ability is viewed in the context of diagnostics of metadisciplinary results. One of the requirements to metadisciplinary results is the skill to use character and symbol means of presenting information for creating the patterns of studied objects and processes, schemes of solving academic and practical tasks. The article reviews children’s mastering of the following operations that correspond with the key stages of formation of character and symbolic activity: replacement, coding (decoding), schematization and modeling. The authors develop a complex diagnostics in accordance with the analysis of skills of the elementary school students to apply character and symbolic means. The tasks were selected considering age and existing projects for elementary school. The authors were able to determine the inconsistency of grasping the various stages of character and symbol activity by the elementary school students. Schematization was identified as the weakest stage of such activity. It is concluded that the elementary education curriculum is structured in such way that by the end of third grade the children grasp the basics of character and symbol activity.
Citations count: 1
Bokareva Y.M., Novoselova O.A. —
Chinese Philology Students Studying Russian's Cultural Knowledge of Russia (Based on the Results of a Diagnostic Questionnaire)
// Modern Education.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 30 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.69039.2 EDN: LNIMTK URL:
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The subject of this study is the cultural knowledge of international philology students about Russia. The paper contains the results of a survey that was conducted for several years (starting in 2014) among students of the Xinjiang State and Xinjiang Pedagogical Universities (PRC, Urumqi), who studied Russian for two years using the textbooks "Russian Language for Universities" (created in China) and came to Russian as a foreign language for a one-year internship (during their third year of studying Russian as a foreign language) at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (NGPU), with a B1 level in Russian.
The purpose of the work is to present a system of diagnostic tasks that allow students to identify the initial knowledge of philologists about the culture of the country of the language being studied.
The purpose of the work is to present a system of diagnostic tasks that allow one to identify the initial knowledge of philology students about the culture of the country of the language being studied and changes in their ideas about the realities of Russian culture at the end of their year of study, to determine the basic cultural and country-specific information acquired during training by carriers of systemically different cultural values. Analysis of pedagogical, methodological, and educational literature on the problems of teaching foreign languages, including Russian as a foreign language, questioning of foreign speakers to determine cultural and regional knowledge about Russia, a method of describing, generalizing, and systematizing the data obtained, a method of thematic classification of cultural studies material presented in textbooks and assignments performed by students. The novelty of the research is determined by the material introduced into scientific and methodological circulation, obtained as a result of a survey and questionnaire of international students of philology, and by allowing the study of the image of Russia that has developed among international students.
The study's main conclusions are related to the developed and tested system of diagnostic materials aimed at determining the level of cultural and regional competence of international students. The materials obtained allow international philology students to identify the basic culturally-oriented knowledge about Russia that they have after studying outside the language environment, as well as to track the changes that have occurred in their ideas about Russian culture during their studies in Russia and draw conclusions about the dominant cultural values of Russia in the language consciousness of international students.
Citations count: 1
Lelyuk Y.V. —
State sponsorship of the system of personnel training in Ukraine
// Modern Education.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.4.16133 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the review of the problem of state sponsorship of the higher education in Ukraine. The author examines the factors affecting the instability and development of crisis phenomena during the course of personnel training. A special attention is given to the aspect of financing the higher education. The author analyzes the financial resources of the higher education facilities and formulates the conclusion that the government remains the main financier. The author also conducts the analysis of the dynamics and changes in spending of the Unified Budget of Ukraine on education in 2011-2014. It is noted that the absolute indexes (the GDP) is much lower than those in the developed countries. And therefore, there are a lot fewer funding allocated for education in Ukraine than in developed countries. The author suggests to make changes in the existing form of financing the education facilities and to create programs for attracting the funds from private sector.
Citations count: 1
Stepanov S.Y., Sobolevskaya T.A., Ryabova I.V., Nezhkina N.N., Nekhorosheva E.V., Chistyakova Y.V. —
To the development of the system of psychological-pedagogical technologies of increasing performance of students with health issues
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 51 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.25585 URL:
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This article provides the analysis of the questionnaire result among Moscow pedagogues for determining the existing level and content of work with underachieving students with health issues, as well as pedagogues’ requests in formation of such competence. The subject of this research is the content and conditions of using by pedagogical staff of the technologies of accompanying underachieving schoolers with health issues. The goal of this work is the development and substantiation of the effectiveness of new psychological-pedagogical technologies for increasing performance of the students with health issues. The authors surveyed the pedagogical staff in Moscow schools for analyzing their skills and knowledge in the area of technologies of the work with underachieving students with health issues, as well as detection of the organizational-pedagogical conditions that contribute or impede the effective solution of the problem. Relevance of this scientific work is substantiated primarily by the fact that currently the institution of education represented by a particular pedagogue or the system overall do not possess a sufficient arsenal of means, methods and technologies for timely identification of the difficulties that emerge in educational process due to the health issues of the students and affect their school performance, as well as their timely prevention. The priority in this regards must become the formation and improvement of pedagogical work with the underachieving students with health issues.
Citations count: 1
Savvina O.V. —
The mission of University
// Modern Education.
– 2012. – ¹ 2.
– P. 155 - 179.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.2.480 URL:
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The main purpose of the article is to determine the way out of the long escalated University crisis by specifying University’s goals, roles, basic values and mission.
The article analyzes the history of the university from the founding of the first universities in Western Europe in the XIth century to the beginning of the XXI century. The author also applies historical and philosophical analysis to articles and works of famous philosophers, historians, educators, and modern researches of Russian and foreign authors.
Special attention is given to the common problems of universities: the problem of effectiveness of education, the problem of independence from church, government and other public institutions. The results of this research have theoretical and practical meaning, the article can be used for further theoretical researches in the field of scientific ethics and the ethics of education. The results of this research will be useful for teachers and university administration while choosing the strategy of university development, in the history and philosophy courses.
The author concludes that it is impossible to ignore the tendencies of commercialization of the higher education and orientation of the educational process to the needs of the labour market, but still it is vital not to forget about the basic values of the University stated by Humboldt V. in the XIXth century.
Citations count: 1
Flerov O.V. —
Influence of Peculiarities of English and Spanish on Learning These Languages
// Modern Education.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 53 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.3.14543 URL:
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The object of research in this article is the English and Spanish languages systems. The matter under study is influence of their peculiarities on learning them. Considerable author's attention is paid to the problem of teaching foreign languages different from English and to the demand on Spanish in education services market. Didactic peculiarities and difficulties of teaching pronunciation, lexis and grammar of the languages under study are deeply analyzed as well as principal factors of language structure influencing teacher's work.The method of research in this article is comparative analysis of English and Spanish phonetics, lexis and grammar applied to learning them as well as analysis of author's own experience in teaching these languages to students and difficulties that emerged in this process.The principal author's conclusions are the following statements. 1) Questions of teaching languages different from English are not enough viewed in Methodology as nowadays English is mainly taught as a foreign language. 2) As the number of English speakers is increasing there is growing demand on other international languages, particularly on Spanish. 3) English and Spanish have a lot in common but much more differences in phonetics, lexis and grammar. 4) These differences influence not only the run of a definite class, but also organizing a course on the whole. The novelty of the article consists in revealing the influence of linguistic foreign languages characteristics on learning and teaching them.
Citations count: 1
Sotnikova O. —
Priority in the selection of pedagogical techniques of oil and gas education during the study of theoretical material
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 45 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.1.17046 URL:
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The subject of this research is the activity of students of the oil and gas industry and preparation for studying the educational material. The article examines the issue of selection of pedagogical techniques in oil and gas education in study of professional disciplines. Based on the analysis of the special aspects of the oil and gas industry the author determines the composition of controversial components of professional competencies. Substantiation is made of the conclusion on the priority of organization of student activity on execution of logical-technological analysis of the educational material. The complex of the aforementioned actions is determined only in a general form and requires further concretization in organization of education of each separate discipline (module). The main conclusion of this research is the justification of the priority of education on logical-technological analysis of the educational material. Author’s contribution to the pedagogical science is the description of the composition of the logical-technological analysis of the educational material studied in the professional disciplines of oil and gas education.
Citations count: 1
Grishina Y.V. —
The quality of pre-university education: conceptual characteristic of the notion
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 47 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2017.1.19049 URL:
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The goal-formation element of the education system is its quality. Russia’s transition to the multi-level education system alongside the continuity principle as the leading idea of organization of the educational process requires the structural and functional reforms on all levels of education. Changes in the requirements towards the results of the secondary and high education are justified by the competence approach and implementation of the state federal standards of education, which makes relevant the task of consideration of the sphere of pre-university education as the component of continuous education that most comprehensively and adequately ensures their systemic interconnection and succession. At the same time, the overview of pedagogical sources demonstrates the fragmentary nature of reference to the problem of ensuring the quality of pre-university education as the subject of this research. The article based on the analysis of diversified texts and determination of the substantial and distinct signs, suggest the results of definition of the notion of the “quality of pre-university education”, as well as identifies its place within the existing system of pedagogical notions. The quality of pre-university education is viewed as the correspondence of the reflected in its process and result essential properties of pre-university educational space to the multifaceted goals and requirements of the parties of relationship in the sphere of pre-university education. The provided definition will allow efficiently planning the processes of evaluation and management of the quality of pre-university education as the system, process, and result, contributing to increase of the level of quality as the institutional pre-university alongside the personal-oriented education of the students.
Citations count: 1
Galimullina N.M. —
General cultural competencies within the system of preparation of the Bachelors in technical sciences
// Modern Education.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 75 - 86.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.4.21068 URL:
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The author examines the substantive foundations of the competence approach in education, its role in increasing the quality of education in Russia, as well as interconnection with the practice-oriented approach. Special attention is given to the history of implementation within the methodological practice and determination of essence of the notion of “competence”. The article analyzes the typology of competencies based on the project “Tuning Educational Structures in Europe” and federal state educational standards in higher education. The author studies the target designation of the general cultural competencies and their place in preparation of the Bachelors in technical sciences. The research is based on the comparative analysis of the content of federal state educational standards of higher education of the Bachelor’s degree in technical sciences. The article contains the result of students’ survey on the demand of general cultural competencies in the process of preparation of the Bachelors. The author explored the general cultural competencies of the new educational standards of the Bachelor’s program, as well as gave characteristics to the key pedagogical methods and mechanisms of establishment and assessment of the quality of preparation program for the Bachelors in technical sciences with consideration of the competence approach requirements. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to formulate the general cultural competencies of the students as an important component of development of the communicative, legal, and economic preparation of a specialist for becoming an efficient member of a labor union and society as a whole.
Citations count: 1
Tishina L.A., Danilova A.M., Podvalnaya E.V., Lebedeva A.V. —
Integration of school and university resources in the training of future defectologists
// Modern Education.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 6 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.2.35199 EDN: WTYFYI URL:
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Subject of research: the article contains theoretical and practical material about one of the acute problems of higher defectological education – the quality of training of young specialists coming to a modern school to work with students with disabilities.
Method, methodology of research: the paper considers a practice-oriented approach to the university training of students-defectologists as one of the ways to improve the quality of professional training, which involves expanding the scope of cooperation of higher education institutions with general education organizations, integrating the resources available to them for the formation of professional competencies of future defectologists. The joint work of higher education organizations and general education institutions ensures an increase in the level of training of students-defectologists according to modern practice requirements, and the school gives the opportunity in the future to get a young specialist, motivated, involved in solving the problems of the modern education system.
The novelty of the research: the experience of interaction between a higher education institution and an educational organization carrying out educational activities according to programs adapted for students with disabilities in the field of training future defectologists is analyzed and summarized. The potential and forms of such interaction, its influence on the formation of professional competencies of special pedagogical personnel are revealed.
Conclusions: the constructive interaction between the school and the higher educational institution, the joint solution of tasks for the training of future defectologists within the framework of a practice-oriented approach should be carried out in different directions, such as: organization of different types of practice; involvement in research activities of both students and school staff; analysis and generalization of scientific, practical and scientific-methodological experience of educational organizations.
Citations count: 1
Remneva N.A. —
Training Games as the Main Method of Formation of Senior Preschoolers' Logical Reasoning
// Modern Education.
– 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 42 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.4.10311 URL:
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The article is devoted to the problem of formation of the basis for developing senior preschoolers' logical reasoning. The significance of the research is the need of the government and society in skilled professionals. In this regard, there are serious requirements for developing cognitive abilities in general and during the period of preschool education in particular. The preschool age is a sensitive period for developing memory, attention and speech. This is also the age when one's personality starts to develop. The author of the article analyzes the experience in using training and teaching games in the course of preschool education and up-bringing and shows an important role of such games for the all-round and harmonious development of a child. The author also describes different kinds of logical and mathematical games and proves that training games can be very useful when working with preschoolers.
Citations count: 1
Flerov O.V. —
Peculiarities of Teaching English to Students with a High Level of Competence in English
// Modern Education.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 100 - 123.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.1.13680 URL:
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Teaching methods that may be applied to students with a high level of competence in English are rather understudied in our language education theory and practice. The main cause of that is that people who speak good English prefer to increase their knowledge and skills through independent language training including trips abroad rather than to take lessons with a professional teacher. In the present article Flerov describes peculiarities of teaching English to advanced students. These peculiarities create both advantages and disadvantages for a teacher from the point of view of academic organization and management. Special attention is paid to the criteria of linguistic competence as well as student motivation as the main factor of success. The main research methods used by Flerov include description and analysis of particular aspects of the teaching process. It is a difficult pedagogical task to teach English to students who already know the language well. The main distinguished feature is that instead of forming linguistic skills and knowledge a teacher needs to develop those. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher studies the topic which lacks conceptual grounds in Russian linguodidactics and this is why a teacher usually has to rely on his own experience. The novelty of the research is also caused by the comprehensive approach to the topic which involves the main aspects of the teaching process described by the researcher, in particular, motivation, curriculum and teaching methods. Special focus is made on the importance of using authentic materials in class (today the main source of such authentic materials is the Internet) and interactive teaching activities using the communicative method of teaching a foreign language.
Citations count: 1
Melnikov Y.B., Boyarsky M.D., Lokshin M.D. —
The formation of economic university graduate’s mathematical culture as means of increasing his professional competence
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 99 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2017.1.22616 URL:
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The subject of the study is a very important and urgent issue of modern education - the training of competent professionals who are able to make weighted management decisions in various fields of activity.The subject of the study is the role and significance of mathematical culture in enhancing the professional competence of students in economic and related areas of training.Particular attention is paid to the study of the connection between mathematical culture and professional competence. The modern state of mathematical education is described, the relation of mathematics and computer science is analyzed, the use of information and computer technologies in mathematical education is analyzed.The methodology of the study is based on the theory of modeling, based on the formal-constructive interpretation of the model. Methods of research: analysis of own pedagogical practice of mathematical education, analysis and synthesis of advanced Russian and foreign research, modeling.The main findings of the study are:1. The mathematical culture of the graduate and specialist remains one of the key components of the culture of modern society.2. The professional competence of the graduate and specialist includes a cultural component, of which the mathematical culture is an integral part.3. A specially organized mathematical education at the economic university allows successfully to solve the problem of increasing the professional competence of the graduate.The novelty of the research is that at the basis of this special organization is the model of mathematical culture as an infrastructure for the perception and processing of information and the exchange of information consisting of a system of phenomena, a system of relations, a system of interfaces and a management system.
Citations count: 1
Martyshenko N.S. —
Examination of processes affecting the student’s’ satisfaction on choice of profession
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 131 - 142.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.4.24347 URL:
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The choice of profession is crucial decision made in the life of any person. The subject of this research is the processes of professional self-identification of the students. The article comprehensively analyses the choice of future profession, as well as asses the subjective changes of the image of profession in educational process. Professional deprivation negatively affects the psychological state of the students and possibility of their professional self-realization. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the professional deprivation substantiated by the discrepancy of students’ professional expectations and self-realization in the selected profession. Special attention is given to the value orientations and the impact of the character of profession upon the students’ professional goals. The author surveyed the students of Primorsky Krai (n=600) for determining the level of satisfaction with the choice of profession. The results demonstrated that the changes in the process of professional self-identification of youth are defined by the qualitative transformations in the society. High school graduates often select the future profession without studying the character and conditions of the professional activity, as well as situation at the job market, and actual employment opportunity. The modern youth is not afraid of possibility to adjust their profession in the future. The author underlines that modern universities to do pay due attention to the professional orientation regarding the transition “from education to work”, thus it is necessary to develop the structures assisting the employment that help introducing the students to job market.
Citations count: 1
Lomasko P.S. —
The role of interactive digital content in implementation of online education in modern university
// Modern Education.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 143 - 151.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.4.24870 URL:
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onThe object of this research is the interactive digital content resources at the present stage of development of online education in the Russian universities. Particular attention is paid to the modern understanding of the characteristics and levels of interactivity of the learning materials. The article provides distinct features of the digital learning resources and interactive learning material, as well as underlines the potential capabilities of interactive content for implementation of pedagogical techniques and achievement of the expected educational results. The author substantiates the need for readiness of academic staff for design and development of the interactive learning materials in terms of implementation of the online education. Based on the results of research using the methods of content analysis, discursive analysis, synthesis of ideas of the modern pedagogical techniques, the article describes the attributes of the modern learning resources that can be applied remotely through online courses saturated with the interactive digital content. Author’s main contribution lies in the fact that he synthesizes the levels of interactivity of the modern learning resources, concretized the notions of “digital learning material”, “interactivity”, “level of interactivity of learning resource”, “interactive digital content” in the context of establishing the online education within the framework of the smart-education paradigm. The author demonstrates the importance of the interactive digital content in online courses due to it didactic capabilities.
Citations count: 1
Rostovtseva M.V., Kovalevich V.T., Kovalevich I.A., Mitrokhin R.V. —
The technology and methods of inclusive education
// Modern Education.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 140 - 148.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.2.26362 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the questions of inclusive education that are extremely topical at the current stage of social development. The authors examine the problems of inclusive education, which are classified into the general (communication, adaptation, professional training of pedagogues) and the specific characteristic for each particular pedagogical situation. Certain recommendations are given towards solution of the indicated issues: to establish an adaptive educational environment based on the multilevel model of all-round support of the students with health limitations in the process of university education that will include medical, pedagogical, psychological, social and other aspects; for solving certain private problems it is suggested to use the active role playing methods that are efficient communication tools and contribute to adaptation of the participants of educational process in the conditions of inclusive education. Methodological foundation incudes the tailored and activity approaches the allow viewing the inclusive environment as the system of relations of the participants of educational process. The authors determine the following problems of inclusive education: general, fundamental and private common to each particular situation in the educational process. Among the general problems are highlighted the problems of communication, adaptation and professional training of the pedagogues. The recommended multilevel model of all-round support of the students with health limitations must include medical, psychological-pedagogical, development, recreational and cultural aspects, as well as the feedback and monitoring of the students’ achievements. The authors substantiate the purposefulness of implementation of the role interactive methods that allows increasing the effectiveness of the processes of communication, cognition, and socialization of the students.