Kolichenko A.A., Mushakov V.E., Gracheva O.A..
Features of ensuring the confidentiality of information about a protected participant in criminal proceedings in the context of digitalization
// Police activity.
2024. № 4.
P. 14-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2024.4.71325 EDN: RRTPAI URL:
The use of information technology is undoubtedly a catalyst for the development of society and the state, but at the same time it creates certain risks for the protection of personal data of ordinary citizens, including citizens participating in criminal proceedings. This article is devoted to the growing problem of ensuring the confidentiality of information about a protected participant in criminal proceedings in the context of digitalization, which requires special attention. This problem seems relevant due to the fact that citizens often independently make public various aspects of their daily lives, posting information about themselves on the Internet, including the publication of text, photo and video materials, etc. For this reason, in order to ensure the confidentiality of information about the protected person in the context of digitalization, the removal from public access of personal data that allows identifying the protected participant in criminal proceedings is of particular relevance. The authors of the article used general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, formal logical, forecasting) and private scientific research methods (statistical and formal legal). Based on the results of the study, the authors of the article came to the conclusion that in modern conditions the task of removing an exhaustive amount of personal data from public access is unsolvable, and therefore one should strive to minimize the possibility of disclosing confidential information about protected persons via the Internet. The authors propose, in order to ensure the confidentiality of information of a protected participant in criminal proceedings, that the investigator, interrogator or prosecutor who initiated the application of the security measure in question should inform participants in criminal proceedings about the need to take independent measures to remove digital traces on the Internet.
personal identification, victim, witness, law enforcement, interaction, investigator, information security, personal information, digitalization, criminal proceedings
Nezhkina L.Y., Novolodskaya N.S..
Diagnostics of internal affairs officers’ motivation during the assimilation period
// Police activity.
2022. № 2.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.2.36782 URL:
The authors represent a research material describing the specificity of motivation of young specialists during the assimilation period at internal affairs agencies as an important factor in the field of HR management, which is the research subject of this article. According to the research subject, the authors formulate the goal to conduct a psycho-diagnostic research of 150 young employees studying at a subordinate education institution. To detect the peculiarities of motivation, the authors use the following methods: interview, test, and association experiment. For the interview, the authors prepared a set of questions about the reasons for enrolling at law-enforcement agencies. For testing, the authors use the questionnaires «Labor activity motivation structure» and «Diagnostics of motivational structure of a personality». The authors use the method of association experiment to study self-motivation. In the result of the research, the authors arrive at the following conclusions: Young employees don’t have enough motivation, particularly self-motivation as self-actualization, at the same time they declare external positive motivation as a need for a paid job allowing them to supply their capital needs. It is necessary to form motivation, especially self-motivation, of young employees during their assimilation period as internal affairs officers using such methods as assimilation and motivation training, business simulation, psycho-diagnostics, conversation, discussion, and many others. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the study of external and internal motivation of young officers of internal affairs agencies during their assimilation period, the analysis of peculiarities of manifestation of their external and internal motivation, and the formulation of the ways to form their motivation, particularly self-motivation, promoting the development of their professional skills.
adaptation, skills, abilities, knowledge, methods, diagnostics, development, motivation, policeman, internal affairs agencies
Koynov M.Y..
On the issue of using a training ground “Square” for training the patrol-guard service officers
// Police activity.
2021. № 6.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.6.36828 URL:
The research object is the process of teaching police officers the basic elements of patrol-guard service. The research subject is the systematization of using a training ground “Square” as one of effective ways of reinforcing skills required for patrol-guard service. The training ground “Square” is considered as a separate type and means of teaching. The author attempts at solving the problem of using the training ground “Square” for training police officers in new conditions connected with the application of interactive technologies and the combination of various elements of the modern process of police officers training. The author substantiates the role of training grounds in the formation of professional competence of the patrol-guard service officers. The author formulates the main requirements to the module configuration and technical equipment of the training ground “Square”. The research reveals the peculiarities of conducting classes on a training ground, the author analyzes the use of general pedagogical and special teaching method, and designs a logically structured system of teaching with the help of a training ground. The research can be used for further improvement of the process of patrol-guard officers training. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it proves the good perspectives of using the training ground “Square” as a means of teaching.
situational tasks, professional training, specialized training method, competence of a police officer, training module, police patrol, practical training ground, listener, tactical training, learning tools
Karimov A.A..
Police in Russia and the U.S. A comparative analysis of the use of force, special means and firearms
// Police activity.
2021. № 4.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.4.36331 URL:
The research subject is the scope of legal and tactical aspects of the use of force, special means and firearms by police officers in Russia and the U.S. The research subject is the professional activity of police officers in Russia and the U.S. in terms of the use of force, special means and firearms against citizens violating public order. The author formulates the following research tasks: To study the aspects of enrollment and requirements to the candidates; To analyze the peculiarities of regulation of active service performing; To compare legal and tactical aspects of the use of force, special means and firearms. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the comparative analysis of legal and tactical aspects of the use of force, special means and firearms by police officers in Russia and the U.S. The author believes that it is necessary to reconsider the legal grounds for the use of firearms by police officers even in the light of the fact that the frequency of violence used against police officers has recently increased by 12%, since legal regulations determine the tactics of the use of force, special means and firearms. The author arrives at the conclusion that each of the described systems has its positive and negative aspects which can be logically explained.
concept of law, physical tests, oath of a policeman, tactical aspects, preparedness of employee, measures of state coercion, professional activity, police officers, competence, regulation of service
Nasadyuk E.V., Simontovskii A.P..
Problems of teaching Physical Training by means of distance learning technologies in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity.
2020. № 6.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2020.6.34010 URL:
The article contains the results of the research aimed at studying the problems of teaching Physical Training by means of distance learning technologies in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia during the period of additional health and hygiene measures taken in order to protect public health in conditions of COVID-19 spreading. The research attempts at finding the ways to resolve the contradiction between the necessity to use distance learning technologies for teaching Physical Training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, dictated by the current socio-economic situation, and the objective limitations of these methods in terms of the practice-oriented character of the discipline. Using theoretical analysis of the conclusions of the previously held studies of the topic and their own observations and their comparison with the current practice of Physical Training teaching, the researchers detect the main obstacles of distance learning technologies and offer the ways to overcome them. The research results can be used for planning and organizing the educational process for Physical Training discipline in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
face-to-face communication, effectiveness of educational activities, interior ministry, professional skills, the motivation of students, electronic educational environment, implementation problems, discipline , distance learning technologies, cadets
Manturov O.S..
A discredit to internal affairs bodies and its influence on the formation of professional awareness of internal affairs officers
// Police activity.
2020. № 6.
P. 24-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2020.6.34482 URL:
The research subject is a discredit to internal affairs agencies as a negative social phenomenon threatening both the positive image of internal affairs bodies as a whole, and the honour, dignity and reputation of their particular employees. The research methodology is based on the dialectical approach to the problem under consideration, together with general scientific (formalization, analysis, modeling, and the empirical-inductive method) and theoretical methods of modern social sciences and the humanities (the structural-functional and the systems methods). The empirical part of the research is based on the quantitative and qualitative methods of sociology: the method of focus-groups, the method of narrative interviewing, and the method of sociological questioning which helps to trace back the influence of discrediting on the formation of professional awareness of internal affairs officers. The research helps to identify the most common forms of discrediting of internal affairs officers by citizens and the main mechanisms hampering effective counteraction to discrediting actions of people, and to establish the cause-and-effect relation between discrediting as a negative socio-legal phenomenon and the peculiarities of formation of professional awareness of internal affairs officers. The author concludes that in case if internal affairs officers are lenient with discrediting, their professional awareness becomes deformed which results in the unwillingness to perform their duties properly, the sensation of the absence of the prestige of the profession in the public eye, the prospects of career growth, and the formation of negative attitude towards citizens.
legal consciousness, professional deformity, professional consciousness, provoking behavior of citizens, protection of business reputation, defamation, provocation, discredit, professional motivation, the opposition to discredit
Ayupova G.S., Lyubushkin S.Y..
Peculiarities of legal responsibility for leaving the scene of the accident
// Police activity.
2020. № 3.
P. 41-48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2020.3.33540 URL:
The object of research is the set of social relations emerging as a result of using the provisions of criminal and administrative law imposing the responsibility for leaving the scene of the accident. The research subject is the provisions of criminal, administrative and other branches of Russian law regulating social relations in the field of road safety promotion, the judicial practice materials related to the crimes and administrative offences in the field of road safety, statistical data and scientific works on the research topic. The research methodology is based on the general dialectical method involving the consideration of legal terms, phenomena and processes in their development and interconnection. The authors use general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition. The scientific novelty is determined by the fact that the authors, based on the comprehensive system research, acquire the new results and formulate theoretical provisions regarding the improvement and application of the provisions of criminal and administrative law imposing the responsibility for leaving the scene of the accident. Particularly, the authors formulate the provisions on certain issues of classification of crimes specified in part 2, 4 and 6 of article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The authors substantiate the necessity to fill the lacuna in administrative regulation of leaving the scene of the accident.
criminal law, criminalization, car, traffic, leaving in danger, crime, traffic accident, intoxication, criminal liability, administrative offense
Ausheva M.Y..
Practice and algorithms of interdepartmental interaction of local agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in crackdown on manifestations of extremism
// Police activity.
2019. № 5.
P. 8-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.5.27938 URL:
The research subject is the theory and practice of interaction of internal affairs agencies in crackdown on the manifestations of religious extremist ideology. The research object is social relations emerging in the process of the activities of internal affairs agencies aimed at preventing and suppressing crimes caused by religious extremism motives. The author studies such aspects as interaction with public authorities, religious communities, citizens, institutions and organizations in the process of prevention of various forms of extremist manifestations and crimes caused by religious extremism motives. The author uses dialectical methodology to consider legal, scientific, practical and real values. With account of the specificity of the research, the axiological method can be considered as the main one. The author uses the systems approach to reveal the research tasks within the system of interaction of all the institutions of civil society with account of the specificity of the issue under consideration. To collect reliable data, the author studies the materials of Mass Media and scientific publications. In her conclusions, the author outlines the key forms and principles of interaction of internal affairs bodies; suggests amending the main principles of interaction with regulations reflecting the objective laws of interaction; offers her own definition of the term ‘interaction’; suggests formalizing the directions of interaction of internal affairs agencies and religious associations and developing a concept of cooperation of internal affairs agencies, religious associations and Mass Media aimed at preventing inter-religious conflicts.
suppression, prevention, interaction, police, law, state, society, religion, extremism, concept
Sadekov R.R..
Theoretical aspects of teaching polygraph examiners to conduct a comparative analysis of the techniques of special psychophysiological studies used in screening
// Police activity.
2019. № 5.
P. 23-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.5.30539 URL:
The author gives special attention to the importance of a comparative analysis of the techniques of special psychophysiological studies used in screening, for the process of professional training of the future polygraph examiners during personnel selection for security and law-enforcement agencies. In the author’s opinion, the key problem is the selection of the most effective set of techniques of special psychophysiological research using polygraph in the process of screening. The correct tested approach would help specialists to avoid errors in their professional activities. The author uses general scientific methods, the methods of a theoretical level of researching, and the practical experience of using effective techniques in the work of polygraph examiners. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the analysis of practical orientation of modern technologies, practices and techniques used in screening in order to detect similarities and differences in their practical use, will increase the level of the specialists’ competence.
workers, polygraph, specialist, comparative analysis, method, preparation system, training, teachers, law enforcement agencies, modern technology
Shcherbakov O.N., Diyanich V.Y..
Interaction of internal affairs agencies (the police) with citizens on issues relating to public order protection
// Police activity.
2019. № 5.
P. 37-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.5.30843 URL:
The research subject is social relations involving voluntary participation of citizens in the activities aimed at public order protection. The research object is the cooperation between citizens and police officers aimed at public order protection. The authors study such aspects of the topic as cooperation and its effectiveness using the example of the police and citizens. The authors consider in detail the content of the term ‘cooperation’ and the effectiveness of such activities in terms of the current socio-economic relations. The authors study the key directions of interaction of the police and citizens on issues of public order protection, analyze the content of these activities using the experience in Russia and abroad. The research is based on the complex usage of general scientific methods of cognition along with empirical and theoretical approaches. The authors conclude that it is necessary to correct statistical registration of the effectiveness of public activities aimed at public order protection which help to monitor the situation; to focus the volunteering citizens’ potential on the fixation of wrongdoings, which can help searching for and checking factual circumstances of the events under consideration.
active participation of public, legal initiative, road safety, crime prevention, performance efficiency, partnership relationship model, public forces, physical strength, state coercion, overcoming opposition
Shcherbakov O.N., Diyanich V.Y..
The essence of collaborating with the police as a form of citizen participation in public order protection
// Police activity.
2019. № 3.
P. 9-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.3.29747 URL:
The research subject social relations connected with voluntary participation of citizens in the activities aimed at public order protection. The research object is the activities of persons with a status of an unofficial collaborator of the police. The authors consider such aspects of the topic as interaction between citizens and law-enforcement agencies including the police; study the content of the term “cooperation” considering it in the context of socio-economic relations; give attention to the essence of the status of an unofficial collaborator of the police and its problem aspects; analyze the correlation between unofficial collaboration with the police and work with other spheres. The research is based on the complex use of general scientific methods of cognition together with empirical and theoretical approaches. The authors establish the minimum requirements to professional competence of an unofficial collaborator both from the general legal viewpoint and depending on the category of their relation to a particular unit or department of internal affairs body. An unofficial collaborator should have a right to immediately react to the detected crime in case of the absence of an officer and give first aid to the injured, otherwise, the status of an unofficial police collaborator loses its sense.
face search, administrative punishment, field of activity, professional competence, status understood, legal status, law enforcement bodies, cooperation, joint participation, practical experience
Kravtsova I.A..
The current condition of scientific support for the investigation of unsolved crimes in transport
// Police activity.
2019. № 2.
P. 11-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.2.29343 URL:
The paper describes the peculiarities of the current condition of scientific support for the investigation of unsolved crimes in transport. The author states that there has been no research conducted on this issue either in dissertation theses, or any other forms. The peculiarities of forensic support for the investigation of unsolved crimes in transport haven’t been a research subject of any monographic study. This fact proves a serious gap in the forensic science. The scientific novelty of the study also consists in the fact that the research has an integrative nature; it accumulates various fragmentary pieces of knowledge in a uniform scientific concept, which reveals the scientific support for the investigation of unsolved crimes in transport. It helps describe a range of traditional aspects from an unconditional perspective.
forensics, investigation of crimes, forensic science, unsolved crimes, past crimes, traffic offenses, scientific support, science, monograph, dissertation
Garmaev Y.P., Stepanenko R.A..
Proactive legendized sting operation: effective struggle against corruption not involving acts of provocation or incitement
// Police activity.
2019. № 2.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.2.29638 URL:
One of the reasons why struggle against corruption hasn’t been effective enough, is the absence of proactive measures taken by field agents when detecting and investigating the facts of bribe taking and bribery mediation. The research subject of the article is the essence and the content of a proactive legendized sting operation. The aim of the research is to analyze law-enforcement practice in the above mentioned direction, and to determine the potential of such operations in accordance with the current Russian legislation and without the involvement of acts of provocation or incitement. The research methodology includes general scientific methods and special research methods, including those of the forensic science. Based on the analysis, the authors detect the problem of contingent passivity of field agents and investigators and non-use of the proactivity principle in detecting and investigating bribery and other corruption-related crimes. The authors find out that the traditional approach to conducting a sting operation during the investigation of cases related to this category is not effective, and the legislator and judicial practice do not set exact criteria for the conduction of intelligence operations without the involvement of illegal acts of provocation or incitement. Based on the analysis of intelligence operations and investigative activities, the authors formulate the model of a proactive legendized sting operation and the rules, prohibiting the violation of laws, and claim that the proposed approach can significantly raise the effectiveness of struggle against corruption.
incitement, bribe provocation, corruption, offensive principle, operational experiment, bribery investigation, bribery detection, tactical operation, bribe, operational officer
Egoshin I.V., Simakova L.V..
Problems of organizing the interaction between the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the territorial bodies of the Federal National Guard Troops Service at joint operations
// Police activity.
2018. № 6.
P. 11-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.6.27550 URL:
The research subject is the process of organisation of joint operative actions by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the structures of the National Guard Troops as the important public institutions. The research object is the organizational issues of interaction between the police officers and the National Guard Troops. The authors study such aspects of the problem as the necessity to create the structures of the National Guard Troops aimed at preventing the internal and external threats on the territory of Russia. Special attention is given to the prevention of the key threats to Russia’s national safety - terrorism and extremism. The research is based on comparative analysis, theoretical consideration and generalization of scientific works and statistical analysis. The authors also use the general scientific dialectical method of cognition implying the study of legal notions and phenomena in their development and interdependence. The authors justify the necessity to create a new security agency - the National Guard Troops Service and organize its interaction with law enforcement bodies of Russia in order to protect the vital interests of the society and the state from criminal infringements. The research novelty consists in the fact that the authors describe the topical aspects of interaction between the National Guard Troops and the bodies of the MIA and the peculiarities of organizing their joint actions aimed at preventing extremist and terrorist activities, coordinating actions at emergency situations, counterterrorism operations and territorial defence with clear distribution of responsibilities of each service and every active officer.
operational and service tasks, to ensure public order, interaction, Regardie, terrorism, enforcement authorities, police, the bodies of internal Affairs, public safety, extremism
Nizhnik N.S., Sidorenko N.S..
Police Activity: Three Centuries of Servicing the Homeland
// Police activity.
2018. № 5.
P. 1-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.5.27795 URL:
The article provides a review of the jubilee international academic forum 'Russian Police: Three Centuries of Servicing the Homeland' devoted to the 300th anniversary of Russian police which was celebrated at St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in April 23 - 25 of 2018. Scientists, practical lawers and young researchers participated in the conference. Those were the people who focused on the evolution issues, current state and prospects for the development of the Russian police system. The authors of the research carry out a review of speeches made by the participants about the Russian police as the internal affairs governing board; police organisation and activities at different stages of the Russian history, and opportunities of using the three-century experience of the police service in today's Russia. To make a review of speeches, the authors used hermeneutical and formal law approaches, general research methods to analyze the texts of speeches, and the method of interpretation of legal texts. The authors of the article also provide the results of contemporary Russian researches that involved new sources of different kinds and focused on understudied facts and events related to the origin and development of the police of the Russian Empire. They also carry out a critical analysis of the provisions in Russian historiography on police activities. According to the authors, the analysis of the experience of the Russian police will give more knowledge about specific features of the police activity and improve the police activity of the Russian Federation.
police image, police tasks, police agents, public opinion, history of the Russian police, police activities, police system, law enforcement system, international Conference, police
Zhuravleva N.M..
Ensuring the Right to Defence During Conduct of Abridged Inquiry
// Police activity.
2018. № 4.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.4.26776 URL:
Analysing the issues that may arise in the process of ensuring the right to defence in Russian criminal procedure, the author focuses that besides introduction of a simplified preliminary investigation procedure set forth by Chapters 32.1 of the Russian Federation Code of the Criminal Procedure,in order to protect the rights and interests of persons suspected and accused of committing crimes, the legislator assigned additional rights to the actors of the criminal procedure that undergo a criminal trial including opportunity to contest avidence, expert conclusions, and their validity. Havig analyzed criminal procedure legislation that regulates the abridged inquiry process and practical implementation of the law, the author was able to answer the question about whether the aforesaid rights could be actually executed. The research results demonstrate that in the course of criminal procedure execution of the rights stipulated by Article 226.5 of the Russian Federation Code of the Criminial Procedure is doubtful. There are certain challenges that arise during execution the right to defence. As a result of the research, the author offers particular solutions.
preliminary hearing, in the general order, court, interrogation, defendant, suspect, right of defense, defence, rights and interests, the reduced inquiry
Klimova M.V., Mikhaylova N.V..
The Relation Between Competence Approach and Acmeological Approach During Training of Military Students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities
// Police activity.
2018. № 4.
P. 10-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.4.27397 URL:
The evident need to constantly improve the quality of training internal affairs officials requires new approaches to the arrangement of the educational process at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The object of the research is the vocational training of military students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities. The subject of the research is the quality of vocational training of military students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities. In this research the authors analyze the synergetic effect of the competent and acmeological approacheds to the educational process. The authors focus on the results of practical implementation of the aforesaid approaches during the educational process. To achieve the research targets, the authors have applied theoretical and experimental methods. Theoretical methods included analysis, synthesis, generalisation, comparison, systematization, specification, system and process modelling. Experimental methods included observation, educational experiment, extrapolation method, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The authors of the article analyze the influence of the acmeological approach on the development of competences in the course of vocational training of would-be military men. They also analyze the use of acmeological technologies in the process of education and describe particular cases when these technologies have beenused. The authors also describe the practical implementation of the self-education and self-development techniques and make conclusions about the results of the use of acmeological technologies.
formation of a specialist's personality, professional training, Acme, acmeological technologies, acmeological approach, competence approach, professional communication, moral values, self-development, self-education
Isaeva K.A., Avgustkhan S.A..
Criminological and Forensic Description of Violence Committed at Penitentiaries of the CIS States
// Police activity.
2018. № 3.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.3.26885 URL:
The purpose of the article is to present a comprehensive description of violence at penitentiary institutions (hereinafter referred to as PI) in the Republic of Kazakhstan taking into account the current realities. The authors reflect the qualitative and quantitative parameters of violent crime at penitentiary institutions typical for Russia and Kazakhstan. The author identifies a complex of factors influencing the formation of antisocial views in places of detention, and modern trends affecting the strengthening of criminal manifestations by convicts serving sentences at penitentiary institutions. A comprehensive approach to the criminological and forensic description of violent crime in modern conditions, including organized criminal groups in Russia and Kazakhstan, has been carried out. The main focus of the article is on the organizational and managerial factor that is associated with the insufficient activity of the administration of the PI itself and the omissions that they make. The author's position on the main reasons for the increase in the aggressiveness of convicts and the high latency of the observed penitentiary crime in prisons is presented. The author of the article substantiates and argues the circumstances that require an integrated approach to the study of such a complex and multifaceted nature of violent crime in the penitentiary institution, which allows you to determine the most effective tactics to counter this socially dangerous phenomenon. The structural elements of the criminological and forensic characteristics that determine the specificity of the crimes committed by the special contingent of the PI are shown. Thus, the criminology and forensic characterization described in the article covers a fairly wide range of their elements. This makes it possible to study this element from complex positions facilitating the development of an investigation technique for this category of crimes.
victim, personality, violence, criminogenic factors, counteraction to crime, criminal manifestations, places of deprivation of liberty, special contingent, penitentiaries, convicted
Zeinalov F.N., Lyashenko E.A..
Registering a Road Traffic Accident by a Driver Via European Accident Report
// Police activity.
2018. № 2.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.2.26251 URL:
The subject of the research is the system of legal relations in the sphere of road safety. The aim of the research is to analyze the legal base that regulates the order of registering a road traffic accident by submitting an accident report witout police officers as well as special training of drivers. The researchers focus on such aspects as the definition of a European accident report, legal consolidation of a simplified procedure for registering a road traffic accident, and experience of the foreign states on the matter. The authors emphasize the need to devote a great number of academic hours to teaching practical skills in filling in an accident report. They also explain the grounds for making amendments to Clause 284 of the Administrative Regulation approved by the decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 664 dated September 21, 2017. The methodological basis of the research implies the system of philosophical knowledge that sets forth the main requirements for scientific theories, the nature, structure and scope of application of different research and analysis methods, fundamental provisions of the theory of law and state, and methods of logical and systems analysis. The scope of application of the research results include activity of state authorities, law enfrocement practice, educational process, scientific research of road traffic and road safety experts. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the practical and theoretical importance of the law enforcement issues in the sphere of road safety as well as training of drivers. In conclusion, the authors of the article suggest to devote more than three academic hours for training drivers how to fill in an accident report. The authors also suggest to make relevant amendments to Clause 284 of the Administrative Regulation, in particular, replace the term 'scheme of administrative violation' with the term 'scheme of a road accident place'.
programme of professional training, education programme, traffic rules, a driver's duties, notice of the road accident, a European accident report, road traffic accident, road safety, foreign experience, drawing up a road accident scheme
Yarovenko V.V., Korchagin A.G., Trushova I.V..
The Problems of the Legal Regulation of Crypto Currency in Russia
// Police activity.
2018. № 1.
P. 9-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.1.25526 URL:
The subject of this research is the instable monetary and financial credit systems that create a threat for economic security of Russia. The authors of the article emphasize the need to develop the national system of payment cards and legally consolidate the list of contractual obligations of using them. The authors focus on the legal nature of electronic money that is often the matter of crime committed against material benefits of a special kind because these are the rights of claim that refer to another kind of material benefits in the acting system of civil law objects. The methodology of the research is based on the analysis of applicable laws and regulations, doctrines of property items and practical fraud actions. The authors pay special attention to the method of interpretation. Based on the results of their research, the authors come to the conclusion that electronic money cannot be considered as cashless monetary funds. Development of electronic banking and appearance of new kinds of crime committed with the use of the most recent information technologies creates the need to establish an adequate system of interaction including so called computer criminal science as a particular branch thereof.
fraud, theft, crypto currency, payment card, electronic money, payment system, economic security, subject, investigation, forensic
Mishugis-Beker G.S..
Regarding the Need in a Fuller Criminal Defense of the Right to One's Own Name in the Russian Federation
// Police activity.
2017. № 6.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.6.25137 URL:
The author of the article covers some issues that may be faced by law-enforcement agencies in the process of determining personal information of individuals who have committed violations of law. At the present time these legal relations are regulated by several articles of The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, there are still a lot of issues that remain unsolved and become evident when the right to one's own name is exercised in the Russian Federation. The author of the article draws our attention to the fact that as a result of a number of objective and subjective reasons, it is not always possible to define personal information of individuals in the Russian Federation. The aforesaid problems are studied by the author using the logical method and systems approach, analysis and synthesis, formal law and comparative law methods. The main conclusion of the research is the author's position that there is a certain need in a better and fuller criminal protection of the right to one's own name by introducing the term 'false identity' into the criminal law sphere. The author also emphasizes the need to legally fix a responsibility for 'false identity' usage when an individual tries to avoid punishment or make the process of justice more complicated. This responsibility should be fixed in The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
law, justice, legal studies, Criminal Code, personal information, errors of law-enforcement agencies, fake name, false identity, problem, right to one's own name
Dvortsov V.E., Kazanchev I.T..
Criminological assessment of crime latency determinants in the sphere of cadastral activities
// Police activity.
2017. № 2.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.2.22209 URL:
The authors study one of the topical issues in the sphere of crimes prevention in cadastral activities – determination of criminological determinants of latency. Based on the results of a representative criminological study, the authors reveal the peculiarities, determining latent crimes in the sphere of cadastral activities. The authors analyze the contemporary state and the dynamics of crimes in the sphere under consideration, and focus on judicial practice; characterize the revealed determinants of latency of the considered compositions of crimes, and reveal the possible causes and factors of their formation; study the subject of crimes and the victimologic aspect. The methodological base of the research includes general theoretical and specific research methods of cognition, including criminological observation (statistical observation); interviewing and questioning of the officials of law enforcement agencies, specializing in investigation of crimes in the sphere of economic activities; study of the latest works on criminal law and criminology, the current legislation, and judicial practice; induction and deduction; statistical methods (collection and classification, detection of common features, statistical analysis). The importance of studying crime latency in the sphere of cadastral activities is actualized by the necessity to raise the effectiveness of application of criminal law and the prestige of law-enforcement agencies, which, everything else being equal, are negatively related to the latent crime rate, since at the high level of unrevealed and undetected, and, consequently, unpunished, crimes, many may want to satisfy their needs by committing a crime. The present work is the first and the only existing study of crime latency determinants in the sphere of cadastral activities. Its theoretical importance consists in the fact that its results can serve as a basis for the development of criminal-legal and criminological methods of crimes prevention in this sphere, and the development of proposals about the improvement of criminal legislation. The practical importance consists in the possibility to apply the achieved results for the purpose of prevention of crimes in cadastral sphere.
expert assessment method, criminological observation, judicial practice, police activity, criminal responsibility, determinants of latency, cadastral activity, crime, improvement of criminal law, prevention of crimes
Yarovenko V.V..
Use of special methods for the study of firearms
// Police activity.
2017. № 2.
P. 9-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.2.22290 URL:
The author studies disputable aspects of consideration of firearms as an object of ballistics examination, and of formulation and settlement of current problems of such an examination. The author gives special attention to the use of the term “object looking like”, which doesn’t contain the actual title of an examined gun. The author agrees with the opinion that the questions to a forensic expert must be formulated correctly, and must point at the necessity to use special knowledge. There’s no such a necessity when firearms are examined. The author applies general scientific (comparison, analysis, generalization) and specific research methods (formal-dogmatic, comparative-legal, etc.). These methods help analyze investigation and expert practice and the current legislation, and formulate substantiated conclusions. The author agrees with the scholars’ opinion about the necessity to amend the Federal Law “On firearms” with a list of factory-made hand firearms. The author offers amending the clause 6, part 3, article 57 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation with the right of an expert not to answer the questions, which don’t require special knowledge.
expertise, knowledge, judicial ballistics, criteria of distinction, firearms, subject, criminalistics, questions, investigator, expert
Avakova O.V..
The role of legal terminology in policing
// Police activity.
2017. № 1.
P. 16-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.1.19290 URL:
The paper studies legal terminology. The author emphasizes the fact that unambiguity in sense and functional stability are the features of a legal term, since each term of law should fully conform to the concept denoted and express its essence. The article gives attention to the uniqueness of legal terminology in the context of language and its role in policing. The author considers the problems of correct use of legal terms by legal professionals. The author substantiates the importance of correct use of terms. The author emphasizes the fact that the formation and development of means of expression of any branch of science are closely connected with the process of formation of this science and fully reflect the stages of its development. The used research method is the cognitive approach, including the methods of logical and conceptual analysis. The author carries out theoretical analysis of the system of legal terms and attempts to demonstrate what the modern legal terminology should be from the positions of the general theory of law. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the set of tasks and the very object of the research. The author attempts to define the formal and conceptual features of the structure of the terminology system of law. Being an object of linguo-didactical study, legal terminology acts as a representative of a large family of languages for special purposes. Since the language of law lives and develops together with the society, its social, cultural, and historical role should be appreciated.
research, policing, society, law, term, language, legal terminology, method, police, state
Ryabtsev A.A..
Determination of transnational organized drug-related crime: criminological study of dependencies, connections, and causalities (1991 – 2016)
// Police activity.
2017. № 1.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.1.22004 URL:
The research subject is the provisions of Russian legislation determining the contents of the national security paradigm of the Russian Federation in the context of drug-related threats, the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishing the grounds and the principles of criminal responsibility for drug-related crimes, and the practice of their application by law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation. The research object is social relations connected with the process of formation and development of organized groups and criminal communities (criminal organizations), their drug-related transnational activities, and Russia’s security provision in the drug-related sphere. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of scientific cognition, general methods of scientific cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, the system-structural approach, and the logical method), special methods (content-analysis of statistical data and sociological method) and specific research methods (interpretation of provisions of law, legal dogmatic method, and the method of comparative jurisprudence). The scientific novelty of the study consists in new knowledge and conclusions about criminological characteristics of transnational organized crime, and the tendencies of its development within the territory of the Russian Federation; the system of criminal interactions in transnational drug trafficking and legalization (laundering) of received money; cause-and-effect links causing criminal behavior of heads and perpetrators of crimes; transnational organized crime mechanisms. The author reveals the gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation affecting the processes of causality of transnational organized drug-related crime.
criminal groups, Drug trafficking, legislation, security threats, causality, determination, drugs, transnational organized crime, criminal behavior, criminal community
Baranov V.V..
Organization of legal regulation of internal affair bodies aimed at the Internet extremism prevention
// Police activity.
2016. № 6.
P. 535-542.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2016.6.68429 URL:
The research subject is the statutory instruments, regulating the work of internal affairs bodies, aimed the prevention of and the struggle against extremism. The paper reflects the key aspects of legal regulation of internal affairs bodies’ work, aimed at the Internet extremism prevention. The author applies the range of sources, including the Mass Media materials and the examples of practical activities of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of the Internet extremism prevention. The author outlines the positive and the negative features of legal regulation of the work of internal affairs bodies in this sphere; reflects the specific features of legal regulation of cyber extremism combating. The research method is the normative-logical method. The research methodology is based on the dialectical materialism and the related general scientific methods of cognition, including analysis, synthesis, comparison and other methods of jurisprudence. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the consideration of the issues, related to the development of proposals about the improvement of the work of internal affairs bodies, aimed at the Internet extremism prevention. The formulated conclusions are based on the assessment of analytical data and the study of statutory instruments in this sphere. The author proposes the measures of improvement of legal regulation of the work of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of the Internet extremism prevention.
administrative responsibility, administrative law, cybersecurity, vulnerability, global network, prevention, internal affairs bodies, legal regulation, extremism, Internet
Manna A.A., Bukalerova L.A..
Criminal responsibility for robbery in Islamic criminal law
// Police activity.
2016. № 4.
P. 365-370.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2016.4.67964 URL:
The paper studies the peculiarities of criminal responsibility for robbery on the base of qualification criteria from the position of modern Islamic criminal law. The research subject is criminal and legal characteristic and qualification of assaults related to robbery in Islamic criminal law. The author considers the main approaches to such crimes interpreting: the essence and the conditions of criminal responsibility for robbery which, according to Islamic criminal law, is related to the hudud category. Based on the comparative-legal analysis of Russian legislation and the legislation of Muslim countries, the author offers recommendations to amend the component elements of a crime. The research methodology is based on general scientific research methods including the principles of objectivity, consistency, historicism, induction, deduction, etc. Along with general scientific methods, the author applies special methods including formal-legal, descriptive, linguistic, formal-logical, historical, system-legal, comparative-legal and others. Public danger of robbery is recognized by all legal systems in the world; Islamic criminal law, however, has developed a special approach to its qualification and punishment. Robbery is considered as a multi-object crime infringing both public relations, protecting property right, and people’s health. The Koran contains references to a heightened danger of assaults related to robbery which are considered by Islamic criminal law as especially grave crimes and are related to the hudud category.
crime related to the hudud category, robbery, punishment, crime, Islamic criminal law, the Koran, theft, inviolability of home, property, threat
Saidov Z.A., Kurakin A.V..
Urgent problems of the police’s activities against administrative offences in the sphere of entrepreneurship
// Police activity.
2015. № 5.
P. 257-275.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2015.5.66917 URL:
The subject of the article is the range of legal and organizational problems of administrative-legal regulation of the police activities aimed at prevention of administrative offences in the economic sphere. The authors carry out the theoretical and legal analysis of the concepts of legal regulation of economic relations from the position of administrative-legal regulation of legality provision. The article presents the authors’ positions on the concept of government regulation of the economy. Special attention is paid to the development of methods and methodology of administrative-legal regulation of the police’s work in the sphere of entrepreneurial activities. The authors also carry out the theoretical and legal analysis of the notions of concepts of law and economy development in the current conditions. The article describes the authors’ positions on the interpretation and legal regulation of these categories. The methodological base of the article comprises the recent achievements of epistemology. The authors apply the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods (formal logical) and the methods of special sociological research (the statistical methods, expert assessments, etc.). The authors conclude that recently, in order to provide legality in the sphere of entrepreneurship, it is necessary to improve the forms and methods of administrative-legal activities of the police in this sphere. The main contribution of the authors is the conclusion about the necessity to develop administrative-legal regulation of the police’s activities aimed at prevention of violations in entrepreneurship. The novelty of the article lies in the suggestions about the development of forms and methods of Russian police’s work, and the provision of legal and organizational guarantees of legality in Russia’s economy.
liability, delict, offence, police, regulation, entrepreneurship, economy, barrier, sphere, state
Khokhlov E.E..
A soldier on a narcofront: preventive look and criminological aspect
// Police activity.
2015. № 1.
P. 5-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2015.1.66053 URL:
The Subject of the article contains the legal and organizational problems of activity
of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation aimed at prevention of offences in the sphere of
illegal drugs and psychotropic substances trafficking. The object of the article is a range of
public relations in the sphere of offenses connected with the prevention of illegal drugs and
psychotropic substances trafficking. The author of article pays special attention to the forms
and methods of activity of commanders and chiefs of all extents of military formations and divisions,
junior commanders, foremen of divisions, and most importantly – ordinary soldiers of
the Russian Armed Forces. Special attention is paid to the theory of a narcoperspective. The
methodological basis of article contains the modern achievements of the theory of knowledge
of antisocial phenomenon in all spheres of activity. The author used the general philosophical,
theoretical, statistical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy,
deduction, supervision, comparison), the traditional legal methods, and also the methods used
in concrete and sociological researches and supervision were applied. The main conclusions
concern the improvement of the existing anti-narcotic legislation. The novelty of the article
lies in the complex assessment of “The military anti-narcotic concept” fulfillment from various
viewpoints. The author proves the necessity of the system method application in the sphere
of prevention of crimes and administrative offences against public health and morality. The
special contribution of the article is that it analyzes and structures the legislative aspects of
fundamental activities in the sphere of illegal drugs trafficking prevention and combating. The
author concludes that the achievement of noticeable result in providing law and order, suppression
of drug addiction in the army environment, and prevention of drugs and psychotropic
substances consumption by defenders of the Fatherland is possible in a result of a conscious
approach when performing preventive actions individually and in interrelation with chiefs and
Army environment, serviceman, Armed Forces of the RF, anti-narcotic legislation, military anti-narcotic concept, Drug addiction, bravery, heroism, love, Homeland
Trunov, I.L..
Problems of guaranteeing security of advocates in Russia.
// Police activity.
2014. № 5.
P. 409-415.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2014.5.65523 URL:
The article concerns legal and organizational problems of guaranteeing security of the
advocates. That is why, based upon the object of studies, it is noted in the article that the opposition
between a good-faith advocate on one hand, organized crime and corrupt offi cials on the other hand
are present in any political system and in any state. The opposition between the priority of human
rights and its abuse by the criminals is inevitable. It should be noted that professional activities of an
advocate are related to high risks for health and life, requiring state protection and stricter criminal
responsibility for encroachments upon the health, life, and property of an advocate. The methodological
basis for the article was formed with the modern achievements of the cognition theory. In
the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics,
systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional
legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological studies (statistical,
expert evaluation, etc.). It is noted in the article that an advocate is an inalienable part of justice,
and his main goals are to protect basic human rights and freedoms, to guarantee qualifi ed legal aid,
to facilitate justice and humanity, formation of the rule-of-law state. Formally, there is legal regulation
of state protection of advocates, however, it does not function. That is why, the author makes specifi c
proposals in order to improve the level of security of advocates.
advocate, security, advocacy, life, protection, health, means, the MIA, the FSS, judge.