Syromiatnikov K.A., Serbin S.V., Vlezko D.A..
Problems of implementation of the principle of optimal workload of an investigator’
// Police activity.
2024. № 6.
P. 133-148.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2024.6.72169 EDN: JMDVUA URL:
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The investigation of crimes is a specific social activity, which has become much more complicated at the moment of the development of society. In this regard, the organizational aspect of the investigation is of particular importance. The fundamental role in the organization of the investigation is occupied by the principles that form the main direction of the activities of all law enforcement agencies, both in organizing the workflow and in the investigation as a whole. This paper examines such an important principle as the optimal workload of the investigator. It seems to us that now investigators in their professional activities aim not so much to ensure security and public order, but to increase their quantitative indicators. In other words, the main task of the investigator is not to combat real crime, but to bring its level to such an extent that each reporting period the indicators of this employee only grow, which would affect a positive assessment of his work. In this regard, proposals have been made to revise the practical implementation of the principle of optimal workload of the investigator. Another important aspect of the optimal workload is the need to take into account the individual characteristics and needs of each investigator. Some investigators may be able to handle more cases than others, while others may need more time and support to complete their tasks. Therefore, it is important to provide each investigator with the necessary resources and support to achieve optimal performance. It should also be noted that the optimal workload depends on the specific conditions and circumstances of each investigation. For example, some investigations may require more time and resources due to the complexity and nature of the crime. In such cases, it may be necessary to adjust the workload accordingly to ensure the most effective investigation
record, management in charge, investigator, quantitative and qualitative indicators of work ability, problems of organization of investigation, practical implementation, investigation of crimes, organization of investigation, principles of investigation, optimal workload
Koynov M.Y..
On the issue of tactical distribution of police patrol squads using the discrete method
// Police activity.
2023. № 6.
P. 11-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.6.68913 EDN: PRZINQ URL:
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The object of the study are the legal relations developing in the field of public security and public order protection in the system of management of the police. The subject of the study is the consideration of the use of innovative methods of distribution of police patrol squads in the management system of the forces of the internal affairs bodies of Russia. This study is conditioned by the need to bring the activities of the police patrol service in line with modern trends in improving the management and distribution of police patrol units, the introduction of innovative technologies, as well as the use of modern methods of distribution of police patrol units. As a tactical component of the study, a model of public order protection and ensuring public order in a large district center is presented, which allows using a discrete method to distribute patrol squads across the service area with the greatest efficiency of responding to committed offenses. The article provides a comparative analysis of similar studies conducted in foreign research institutes by foreign scientists. The system of discrete distribution of police forces allow to determine the optimal number of patrol squads in a given location and to determine the route to the crime scene. The main conclusions of the study are the provisions on the procedure for reorganizing the management system of police patrol squads.
police squad, suppression of crimes, police, patrol distribution system, protection of public order, ensuring public safety, police units' management group, police force management, patrol route, police patrol
Gol'chevskii V.F..
Organization of the Activities of the Police Units in Case of an Emergency Caused by Forest Fires
// Police activity.
2022. № 5.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.5.38700 EDN: YALHSK URL:
The subject of the study of this article is public relations in the field of organization of activities and ensuring the safety of personnel of internal affairs bodies during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations. The object of the study is the formation and improvement of skills in the organization of management activities in the organization and conduct of work to eliminate the consequences of forest fires. The relevance of this work is related to improving the quality of professional training of police officers and the execution of the Decree of the President of Russia V. V. Putin "On combating forest fires", which sets the task for senior officials of the subjects of the Russian Federation to ensure a reduction in the area of forest fires in 2022-2030 by at least 50 percent relative to the level of 2021. The article analyzes the activities of the police units to ensure the safety of forests from fires. The issues of criminal responsibility for the commission of forest arson and the specifics of the disclosure of this type of crime are touched upon. The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: a) a detailed analysis of the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs to ensure the safety of forests from fires is carried out; b) the need to improve the training of police officers to identify forest fires at the initial stage is justified; c) the issues of tactics of preparing police units for emergency situations are highlighted. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the need to improve the tactics of preparation of police units for prevention and action in the event of a threat of forest fires. The given statistical data and the considered example of a forest fire trial indicate the importance of ongoing research in this area and the need to tighten criminal liability for the destruction of forests by arson.
fire extinguishing means, the source of gorenje, monitoring, prevention, economic crimes, criminal liability, fire situation, forest fire, emergency situation, field conditions
Ageeva A.A..
Modern perspectives of the criminal science on the normative regulation of migration processes (the case study of the legislation of the Russian Federation)
// Police activity.
2021. № 3.
P. 34-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.3.35809 URL:
The research object is the migration processes not only causing problems with law enforcement, connected with the investigation and solution of crimes committed by foreign citizens, but also require legislative and theoretical interpretation of particular provisions of legal acts. The research subject is the modern view of the criminal science on the legal regulation of migration processes (based on the case study of the legislation of the Russian Federation). Special attention is given to the purpose of the research which is the necessity to define and study the collision aspects in the field of migration legislation determining the need for the formation of a forensic technique of the investigation of crimes committed by foreign citizens. The author arrives at the following conclusions: the comprehensive analysis of the legal fundamentals of migration legislation helps to find out that practically each legal source contains the gaps not regulated by the legislation and requiring a detailed approach to the reconsideration, amending, or cancelation of the latter; no legal act contains the definition “illegal migration”; the proven lack of the category “migration safety” in the migration legislation, which is becoming more and more required year by year not only from the viewpoint of law enforcement, but in some collision aspects on the part of a legislator; the study of the sign of illegality in terms of its detection by means of a similar idea of an unresolved case. The special contribution of the author is the attempt to consider the author’s position on the category “crimes committed by foreign citizens” from the viewpoint of the criminal science. The author points at the importance and acceptance of the introduction of a new method - information frame modeling which consists in in-depth development of particular structures, i.e. information is presented in basic standard processes and actions typical for a particular research subject area. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the author’s interpretation of the definition of “crimes committed by foreign citizens” and formulation of the categories of “migration safety”, “unresolved case” and “organization of illegal residency in the Russian Federation”.
investigation, unresolved, illegality, migration security, foreign citizen, private forensic technique, migration legislation, migration crimes, frame modeling method, specificity of the crime
Zyryanova E..
Competitiveness, legality and reasonable time as principles of comfort legal environment of work of a head of interrogative unit
// Police activity.
2017. № 5.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.5.24104 URL:
The research subject is the provisions of the rules of criminal procedure regulating the work of a head of interrogative unit and realization of the criminal procedure principles, and other materials and documents on this issue. The research object is social relations appearing during realization of criminal procedure principles during interrogation. The author analyzes different opinions about the role of criminal procedure principles; studies competitiveness, legality and reasonable time in respect to the work of a head of interrogative unit; proves their importance. The author uses various research methods: analysis, comparison, generalization and survey. The author concludes about the need to improve some provisions of the Criminal Procedure rules of the Russian Federation. To improve legality and effectiveness of the struggle against crime and legal safety of citizens, the author suggests pursuing comprehensive improvement of particular criminal procedural provisions and institutions and correction of legal deficiencies.
proceedings, legal environment , criminal procedure , effectiveness , control, head of interrogative unit , competitiveness , reasonable time , legality , principles
Kalyuzhny Y.N..
Modern mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation
// Police activity.
2017. № 3.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.22258 URL:
The research subject is the modern mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation. The research object is legal relations, phenomena and processes connected with the state management of road traffic safety provision. The author considers the modern achievements in the sphere of road traffic safety provision, analysis of the content of particular statutory documents defining the directions of the state policy in the sphere of road traffic aimed at the prevention of road accidents and decrease of the gravity of their consequences. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and specific research methods (formal-legal, analytical, the system method, analysis, comparison, etc.). The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of statutory documents defining the key mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation. The author concludes that in Russia consistent activities aimed at the prevention of road accidents and minimization of their consequences are realized. These measures are complex, and the mentioned directions of road traffic safety provision will certainly be reflected in the elaboration of a unified strategic mid-term document, which should be in the form of a legal act harmonized with the existing legal framework in this sphere.
state policy, safety provision system, subjects of management, key directions, security, road safety, traffic, state management , relationship, public authorities
Eliseev, A.V..
Organization of interaction in the sphere of administrative responsibility of owners (keepers)
of transportation vehicles for the offences in the sphere of road traffi c, revealed by the technical
means operated in automatic mode.
// Police activity.
2014. № 3.
P. 271-276.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2014.3.65054 URL:
The road traffi c administrative offences hold leading positions in the administrative practice
involving judicial and non-judicial procedures. It may be duet to the fact that the total length of roads in
Russia is 50 000 – 500 000 kilometers according to various sources. However, Russia has 111th rank
in the global road quality register, which is almost at the very bottom of the register. As of January 1,
2013 there were 55 000 000 registered cars, and among them there is about 39 000 000 passenger
cars. The methodological basis for the scientifi c article was formed by the current achievements of the
theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric
methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling),
traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological
studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The growth is about 15 000 000 units compared to 2004.
Over 2 000 000 people got their drivers’ licenses in 2012, and about 65 000 000 road traffi c administrative
offences were registered in 2012 involving 43 000 000 offenders. In 7 months of 2013 there were 104 894 road traffi c accidents, 13 234 people died and 134 578 people were injured. 93 180 traffi c
accidents took place at the fault of the drivers, 6932 of these drivers were drunk. 12 875 accidents took
place due to the fault of pedestrians. The systems for calculating the speed of transportation vehicles
fi rst appeared in 1950s. In 1990s they were used by the police in over 30 states.
transportation, road police, police, offence, fi xation, video, interaction, control, police, elements.
Panshin, D.L., Dresvyannikova, E.A..
Problems of confl ict management in the divisions of the Road Police Inspection of Russia.
// Police activity.
2014. № 2.
P. 172-178.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2014.2.64207 URL:
The object of studies includes the current situation regarding violation of lawfulness among
the Road Police Inspection offi cers in Russia. Causes and conditions facilitating appearance of the
confl ict situations among the employees of the divisions of the Road Police Inspection, which in their
combination cause professional burn-out of the staff. The professional personality deformation of an
offi cers, distortion of his motivation for the lawful behavior causes confl icts among the staff, as well
as the confl icts between heads of divisions and the staff. The authors studied and proposed the main
directions for the activities of the heads of the Road police divisions on confl ict management, as well
as their prophylactics. The goals and procedure for the formation of a professional staff in the Road
police are discussed. The method of study was polling among the heads of the divisions of the Road
Police and the staff regarding anxiety and confl ict-generating factors. Later via comparative and dialectic
methods the authors analyzed the result s of polling and they made conclusions. The authors
discuss the main directions for the activities of the leaders of the Road Police on confl ict management
and prophylactics. Firstly, every head of the department or division should have individual educational
work with his staff, study and understand specifi c features of the character of his employees.
In addition to consideration of characters of individual employees, the due attention should be paid to
the general qualities within a certain group of staff. Secondly, formation of an optimum atmosphere in a group depends on the good-faith implementation of obligations by the staff, and for this purpose
the heads of divisions should professionally distribute functional obligations among the staff. Thirdly,
every head of a division should learn to analyze a confl ict situation in his collective, since analysis of
the experience will allow the head of the division to evaluate behaviors of the opposing parties, as
well as his own activities, and then optimize the algorithm for the confl ict regulation among the staff.
staff, Road Police Inspection, professional, collective, confl ict, deformation, head, favorable, prophylactics, prevention
Makarov, A.A..
Legal status of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
at the district level.
// Police activity.
2014. № 1.
P. 40-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2014.1.63885 URL:
The article concerns the following: legal status of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level; typical structure of a territorial body of the MIA
of Russia at the district level; main directions of activities of a territorial body of the MIA at the district
level; goals and competence of the internal affairs bodies according to the Russian legislation for
territorial district bodies; organizational and service rights of law-enforcement and social nature, as
provided to a head of the territorial body at the district level. The methods used are: dialectics, systemic
method, comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, content-analysis of normative acts. A
territorial body at the district level includes sub-divisions (divisions, offices) of the police, which work
in accordance to the relevant regulations, while not being independent legal entities. The typical
departmental regulation contains a wide scope of rights and obligations, and it is not always possible
to implement them due to specific features of territory (number of persons, etc.) and cadres.
For example, in many police divisions in a territorial body at a district level there is no opportunity to
hold expert forensic activities and to have state genome registration, which allows not to include (to
exclude) these spheres of competence into the regulations. Another provision of typical regulations
regarding the fact that the territorial limits of service for the police department are defined by a legal
act of the head of the relevant territorial body of the MIA of Russia at the regional level, which does
not allow for the rapid and clear adjustment of borders. Topical issue of territorial limits of the area,
which a certain division serves may not be resolved just by reference to condition with no mechanism
for defining and adjusting these borders. Before it is done, there is need to follow de-facto territorial
borders and practice of their adjustment in order to exclude disagreements, which would breach the
rights of claimants (victims). The above-mentioned problems of legal position of a territorial body of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level require further work within the framework
of continued reforms
police, territorial body, competence, goals, structure, the MIA of Russia, division, police department, internal affairs body, department level.
Gorin, E.V..
Administrative legal regulation
of extra-departmental
security guards
// Police activity.
2013. № 4.
P. 268-275.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2013.4.63238 URL:
The article is devoted to legal and organizational problems regarding management of extra-departmental
security, role and important of improvement of the administration of various social processes within internal affairs
bodies. It is noted in the article that extra-departmental guards became a key subject in the sphere of property security
guarantees for persons and legal entities. The extra-departmental guards protect property in cooperation with
other police departments, services and law-enforcement bodies. Currently the role and value of extra-departmental
is growing, and there is a need to improve the legislation regulating the property security sphere.
guards, security, police, internal affairs bodies, regulation, proprietary security, forms, methods, public order, administration.
Makarov A.A..
Legal foundations in the work of legal advisors in the bodies of Internal Affairs
// Police activity.
2012. № 2.
P. 12-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2012.2.59286 URL:
the article represents an analysis of legal regulation of the activities of legal advisors of the bodies
of Internal Affairs in the present day situation after the reform. The article reveals the essence of the activities
of the legal advisors of the bodies of Internal Affairs.
legal advisor, MOI of Russia, order, agreement, work, statement, law, service, officer, police, ministry.
Motin A.V..
Improvement challenges in the organization and economic mechanism of the industrial
sector administration in criminal executive system
// Police activity.
2012. № 1.
P. 5-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2012.1.59167 URL:
the article reveals present state and issues in the industrial sector of the criminal executive
system in Russia. The author suggests how to enhance efficiency of the goals set for the criminal
executive policy. The realization of these suggestions will enhance efficiency of functioning of the
organization and economic mechanism in the administration of the industrial sector of the criminal
executive system.
labor adaptation of prisoners, industrial engineering, organization and economic mechanism, controlling, efficiency, industrial sector in criminal executive system.
Tseluiko A.V..
On the issue of Moscow Metro infrastructure development and law-enforcement bodies
maintaining its security
// Police activity.
2011. № 4.
P. 27-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2011.4.58313 URL:
Moscow Metro, Metro Police Service, Integrated campaign aimed at people’s safety ensuring
on public transport, security service in the Metro, terrorism counteraction, infrastructure development
of Moscow Metro, police officer, Metro security unit.
the article suggests a review of the evolving of the law-enforcement bodies maintaining security of
Eliseev A.V., Salnikov M.M..
Integrated automated information-analysis system management (KAIAS)
«Safe City» in the work of the bodies of Internal Affairs.
// Police activity.
2011. № 2.
P. 31-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2011.2.58033 URL:
the article suggests a research of legal and structural issues of security measures in big cities
and other types of built-up areas and settlements; the article explains the organizational structure of the system
functioning “Safe city”; the article puts forward proposals how to use the management of security measures in a
more effective way.
«Safe city», prevention of offences, regional programs aiming at prevention of offences, integration of police in the sphere of public safety, policing, assurance of traffic safety, built-up area, safety