Chabukiani O.A., Parnyuk N.V..
Interdisciplinary team teaching: importance, experience, perspectives
// Police activity.
2025. № 1.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2025.1.72895 EDN: DJSXXI URL:
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The object of the research is social relations, arising in the course of teaching between the faculty and the students in the process of team teaching. The subject of the study is the faculty’s activity in the choice of team-based interdisciplinary study of particular topics of disciplines, which makes to increase students’ learning motivation and self-training, influencing the development of professional competencies. The relevance of the study is the necessity of a thorough analysis of the available models of team teaching to offer suggestions to improve the educational process in terms of interdisciplinary study of particular aspects or topics that influence the formation of students’ professional competencies; to offer not only team projects, but also interdisciplinary professional simulation involving different educational establishments, which increases the faculty desire for quality training, enhanced by the competitive nature not only between fellow students, but also between educational establishments The main conclusions include the authors’ definition of team teaching interdisciplinary education, which means a purposeful process of organisation, encouragement and motivation of active learning and cognitive activity of a student through joint (project) work of several academic disciplines teachers, aimed at the development of professional competences and proving (evaluating) the importance or mastering skills of the future profession; expanding the list of available models of team teaching expanding the list of existing models of team teaching by adding a functional model (division of functions between teachers to achieve a specific goal) and a project model (in which interdisciplinary teams are created to carry out ad-hoc projects with specific goals and objectives). A promising area of team teaching development is the game learning approach, which allows project work between several educational establishments.
interdisciplinary approach, educational work, teaching methods, educational process, interdisciplinary study, organization of planning, patriotic education, personality formation, interdisciplinary exercises, teamwork
Greben'kov A.A., Bondareva A.V., Guseyan G.O..
Problems of convicts' labor in the context of digitalization
// Police activity.
2024. № 4.
P. 35-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2024.4.71461 EDN: UFMYQC URL:
The subject of this study is the labor activity of convicts in the context of the digitalization of the economy and the penal system. The aim of the work is to identify deficiencies in the existing legal regulation of convict labor and propose effective mechanisms for its digitalization to enhance their social rehabilitation and economic productivity. The methodology includes the use of general scientific methods and the formal-legal method of interpreting legal norms. International and Russian legal norms, scientific articles, media materials, and practical examples of the use of convict labor in the digital sphere were analyzed. The results indicate that international standards for the employment of convicts do not consider the aspects of digital transformation. Russian legislation provides for the labor activity of convicts but restricts their use of digital technologies. Practical examples from the United States and Finland demonstrate the economic efficiency and social benefits of engaging convicts in digital labor. The scope of application of the results encompasses the development of legal mechanisms and technological solutions for the digitalization of convict labor. It is recommended to create a legal framework allowing convicts to use office equipment, develop specialized hardware and software, and organize distance learning for convicts in IT specialties. The conclusions of the study emphasize the necessity of actively implementing digital technologies in the labor activities of convicts. This will not only improve their qualifications and chances for successful resocialization but also reduce recidivism. Implementing digitalization requires addressing legal, technological, and organizational issues but is a necessary step for the effective integration of convicts into society and the economy.
digital professions, imprisonment, forced labor, distance work, correctional institutions, punishment, penal system, convicts' labor, digitalization, correction of convicts
Shatskaya E.A..
Image and social portrait of a police officer
// Police activity.
2024. № 3.
P. 21-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2024.3.70449 EDN: GXVMPT URL:
The problem of improving the image of police officers is an urgent and significant task for the Russian state. In the article, the author reveals the concepts of "image" and "social portrait" of a police officer. It is determined that an image is a subjective perception of an object, and a social portrait is its objective characteristic. Despite these differences, common features of these categories are also proposed. Firstly, the image and social portrait are collective in nature, they are characterized by a mass consciousness, not an individual one. Secondly, image and social portrait have a communicative nature. Thirdly, the image and social portrait depend on the cultural and historical cycle. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific methods: analysis, generalization, comparison. In this understanding, the correlation between the concepts of "image" and "social portrait" of a police officer is interesting. The author draws attention to the fact that creating a positive image of a police officer is impossible without studying public opinion, which is a tool that can identify the main ways to optimize the image of police officers. In the article, the author draws attention to such a concept as "self-image". It is important for a police officer to realize the need to engage in self-development, to learn his strengths and weaknesses. It is determined that for a complete and specific picture concerning the image of a police officer, the unity of three key terms is necessary: "image", "social portrait" and "self-image". This approach may have practical significance in studying the image of a police officer, helping to answer questions: social perceptions of the employee, whether the employee meets the requirements, whether the employee himself strives for the ideal.
life experience, survey, comparative analysis, public opinion, image of a police officer, motivation, prestige of the profession, self-image, image, police service
Kuznetsova L.V., Lazareva I.Y..
Organization of the Educational Process in Modern Conditions of Digital Transformation of Education
// Police activity.
2022. № 6.
P. 85-93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.6.39454 EDN: TPIKNY URL:
The object of the study is the pedagogical training of highly qualified personnel within the framework of the adjunct system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the study is the organization of the educational process in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia based on the use of digital technologies corresponding to the digitalization of education developing in our country. The main requirements of the state policy in the field of education in the conditions of digitalization of society are considered. Based on the study of this issue, as well as the use of practical experience, the paper highlights the main approaches and principles of the organization of the modern educational process, taking into account the personalization of learning. The necessity of changing the attitude to the organization of the educational process aimed at updating the goals, content, methods, means and forms of education due to the influence of digital technologies is emphasized. The methodology of the research is presented by empirical methods that provide an analysis of the existing practice of organizing the educational process in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the use of methodological experience, as well as generalization of existing models of organizing the learning process in the conditions of digitalization of society, using personal experience of organizing the educational process according to training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel. The novelty of the research is the authors' identification of principles and methods, as well as stages of the organization of the educational process in the adjunct. The conclusion is made about the need to expand the possibilities of using digital technologies to ensure the individualization of training programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
personalization of the learning process, digital education infrastructure, e-learning, adjuncts, educational process, innovative processes, digitalization of education, digital transformation of education, digital technologies, organization of the educational process
Krasinskaya E..
Certains aspects of using a lies detector for the investigation of crimes
// Police activity.
2021. № 3.
P. 13-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.3.35751 URL:
The author describes particular theoretical aspects of psychophysiological research with the help of a lie detector, and their role in the investigation of crimes. The research object is the current condition of the theory and practice of using a polygraph. The research subject is the problems of using the results of lie detector testing, their interpretation and role in criminal investigation. The purpose of the research is to study the principles of using, and the options of a lie detector and polygraph examiners, and to define the importance of such a type of research for the investigation of crimes. The research methodology is based on general scientific research methods including analysis and generalization, and specific methods: observation and analysis of psychodiagnostic research. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the comprehensive analysis of the theory and practice of using a polygraph based on the case studies of particular investigations. The author arrives at the conclusion about a further analysis of legal, technical and practical problems of using a polygraph in criminal proceedings, for the purpose of the consideration of the idea about the legislative consolidation of such a research as a proof, which determines the importance of the topic of the research. The practical importance consists in the possibility to use the research results during the evaluation of the polygraph testing and the consideration of the examiner’s report as a proof in the criminal investigation.
effectiveness, reliability of conclusions, investigative version, detection of crimes, criminal proceedings, polygraph, psychophysiological research, evidentiary value, preliminary investigation, practical significance
Egoshin I.V., Konstantinov V.N..
On the importance of organizing practicals involving the method of profiling among the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity.
2019. № 4.
P. 9-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.4.30806 URL:
The research subject is the improvement of education process in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the research is to prove the necessity to use practicals involving the method of profiling for training law enforcement officers to perform their duties to protect public order and safety. The authors consider the variants of practicals with students and attendees of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs aimed at the formation of professional expertise in the field of public order protection, and supervision over persons potentially dangerous for public safety in crowded places. The research is based on the method of theoretical consideration, analysis of literature sources and generalization of scientific and methodical materials, pedagogical observation. The research methodology is based on the theory of cognition and the practice of its integration into the system of professional education. The authors substantiate the necessity to train the students and attendees of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to use the method of profiling for their professional duties aimed at public order and safety protection during sports events and other public events. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the authors substantiate the necessity to study and use the method of profiling by law enforcement officers in their practice aimed at public order protection, and offer the variants of practicals aimed at demonstrating the method of profiling in order to form professional expertise of the students.
practical class, vocational training, student, studying, professional competence, internal Affairs bodies, the technique of profiling, police, public safety, public order protection
Semenov, A.O..
Police reform in Georgia. Is it possible to apply its positive experience in Russia?
// Police activity.
2014. № 5.
P. 416-423.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2014.5.65524 URL:
The article provides a comprehensive evaluation of specifi c features of the reform of
internal affairs bodies in Georgia. The Georgian reform has attracted much attention of the mass
media, and it was actively discussed by the state bodies. It should be noted that in the late years
in Russia the internal affairs bodies are constantly being reformed. It is noted that in general the
results of transformation of the police from the corrupt executive body into the system setting a fi ne
example of justice and virtue are not yet achieved. This fact is related to the object of this study,
allowing to compare the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the reform of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical,
theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy,
deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods
typical for specifi c sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). It is also necessary to
note that the Georgian reform of the internal affairs bodies is rather successful, since it has formed
an effi cient system of law-enforcement bodies, which was cleansed from corruption, and which
has valuable cadres apparatus. The article evaluates positive aspects of this reform, which may
be implemented in the Russian Federation. For this matter, the article may be of both theoretical
and practical interest.
reform, police, MIA, police, DIA, lawfulness, legal order, protection, guarding, modernization.
Belchenko M.A., Maslak O.N., Shutko G.V..
On the issue of law improvement «About police» and
«Provision about the service at the bodies of Internal Affairs»
// Police activity.
2011. № 4.
P. 18-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2011.4.58311 URL:
medical workers, psychologists, officers of the personnel offices of the subdivisions of the bodies
of internal affairs have to deal with uncertain (as authors think) formulating of some of the statements related
to the questions of hiring people in practice when the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «About Police»
and the last edition «the Statement about service at the bodies of Internal Afffairs» are used.
sampling, alcoholization, drug-addiction, addiction, testing, police, law, service, officer.
Nafikova G.A..
Performance evaluation of police activity — yesterday, and of police — tomorrow
// Police activity.
2011. № 4.
P. 21-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2011.4.58312 URL:
the main idea of the article is in the factors which make the reform of the Department of Internal
Affairs necessary. Militia in its yesterday’s meaning does not answer the needs and interests of the modern
society. Low authority of the bodies of Internal Affairs as it was «yesterday» makes its activity inefficient, there
is no direct connection between the people and the law-enforcement agencies which are qualified to protect
and secure the interests of the citizens. The author analyses efficiency of the activity of the officers of the
reformed police.
militia, police, reform, modernization, corruption, bribe, efficiency, expertise, reasoning.