Reforming and upgrading the police
Chabukiani, O.A., Parnyuk, N.V. (2025). Interdisciplinary team teaching: importance, experience, perspectives. Police activity, 1, 1–14.
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The object of the research is social relations, arising in the course of teaching between the faculty and the students in the process of team teaching. The subject of the study is the faculty’s activity in the choice of team-based interdisciplinary study of particular topics of disciplines, which makes to increase students’ learning motivation and self-training, influencing the development of professional competencies. The relevance of the study is the necessity of a thorough analysis of the available models of team teaching to offer suggestions to improve the educational process in terms of interdisciplinary study of particular aspects or topics that influence the formation of students’ professional competencies; to offer not only team projects, but also interdisciplinary professional simulation involving different educational establishments, which increases the faculty desire for quality training, enhanced by the competitive nature not only between fellow students, but also between educational establishments The main conclusions include the authors’ definition of team teaching interdisciplinary education, which means a purposeful process of organisation, encouragement and motivation of active learning and cognitive activity of a student through joint (project) work of several academic disciplines teachers, aimed at the development of professional competences and proving (evaluating) the importance or mastering skills of the future profession; expanding the list of available models of team teaching expanding the list of existing models of team teaching by adding a functional model (division of functions between teachers to achieve a specific goal) and a project model (in which interdisciplinary teams are created to carry out ad-hoc projects with specific goals and objectives). A promising area of team teaching development is the game learning approach, which allows project work between several educational establishments.
interdisciplinary approach, educational work, teaching methods, educational process, interdisciplinary study, organization of planning, patriotic education, personality formation, interdisciplinary exercises, teamwork
Professional training of police officers
Blagodatin , A.B., Logachev, O.V., Urakov, D.I. (2025). Methods of teaching shooting in fire training classes in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Police activity, 1, 15–25.
The subject of the study is the method of teaching shooting to cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Shooting training is one of the key components of fire training in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In today's society, where the crime rate and the threat of terrorism continue to be relevant, the importance of training law enforcement officers is becoming more and more obvious. Effective mastery of shooting skills not only helps to increase the professionalism of employees, but also plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of citizens and maintaining law and order. In this regard, the shooting training methodology in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation requires special attention, careful study and continuous improvement and adjustment in accordance with the changes taking place in the country and in the world. Within the framework of the conducted research, methods of comparative analysis, observation, synthesis, deduction, survey, questionnaire and others were used. The relevance of the study is due to the growing requirements for professional training of law enforcement officers in a modern society where firearms skills are becoming critically important for ensuring personal and public safety. The study covers key aspects, including the basics of shooting, the organization of the educational process and the evaluation of results, which makes its contribution to improving fire training especially significant for improving the professionalism and readiness of employees to perform official tasks. The authors have attempted to identify the main problematic issues of shooting training and formulated recommendations for improving the shooting performance of cadets, which is a key element of their professional training. The application of these recommendations, according to the authors, will contribute to optimizing the learning process of cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
educational organization, Preparation, training session, teacher, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, methodology, fire training, cadet, shooting, training
Professional training of police officers
Kandabar, A.N. (2025). Designing a dissected teaching method in the professional education of cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 1, 26–33.
The object of the research is the professional physical training of cadets in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject is the indicators of readiness of cadets. The purpose of the study is to identify the effectiveness of using the dissected teaching method and the developed summing exercises at the initial stage of training in physical training classes, as well as the optimization of educational process in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the course of this study, the following tasks were solved with the cadets: – to prove the effectiveness of the use of the dissected teaching method and the developed summing exercises in physical training classes in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; – to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed exercises and the impact on the technical readiness of cadets. To achieve those goals, the following research methods were used: pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing and methods of mathematical statistics. The main conclusions of the study are: the use of a dissected method and developed multifunctional complexes of summing exercises helps to improve professional skills, as well as technical and tactical readiness of students in physical training classes; a training session on detention techniques should include both general development preparatory exercises and special preparatory exercises to develop and improve cadets' physical qualities, psychological stability, courage, determination, technical and tactical skills. The professional training of law enforcement officers places high demands on physical fitness. Physical fitness is one of the factors that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of performing professional tasks by police officers. The obtained results of the conducted research can be implemented in the educational process of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. These studies are of practical importance. The scientific novelty of the research is the multifunctional complexes of summing exercises developed by the author.
professional training, The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, physical training, the cadets, summing up exercises, professional schools, the dissected method, skill, the learning process, police officer
The police and protection of human rights
Guseyan, G.O., Bondareva, A.V., Himedenova, D.N. (2025). Actual problems of realization of the legal status of convicted mothers in Russian correctional institutions. Police activity, 1, 34–47.
The subject of the study is the theoretical and legal aspects of the legal status of convicted mothers in Russia. The paper provides a consistent analysis of the problems of the legal status of convicted mothers and defines the vector of prospects for improving the social protection of motherhood in prisons. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively examine this institution in the modern penal system of the Russian Federation, identify current problems and develop the most optimal directions for modernizing current legislation and its application. To achieve this goal, the current state of maternity protection in institutions carrying out criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment was investigated, and problems were identified that hinder the comprehensive provision of the rights, freedoms and basic guarantees of convicted mothers while serving their sentences. When writing a scientific article, both general scientific and private scientific methods were widely used, including methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy, comparative, formal legal, and a number of others. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the fact that it is an independent study devoted to the current problems of the implementation of the legal status of convicted mothers, the prospects for its regulatory and organizational improvement in the current conditions. The novelty of the research results is of a dualistic nature. In the scientific and theoretical field: the social conditionality of maternity protection in places of deprivation of liberty is argued; specific problems that reduce the effectiveness of the correction of convicted mothers are identified. In the practice: in order to improve the institution of penitentiary motherhood, the author suggests measures to adjust the penal enforcement law. Based on the results of the study, the following results were identified that can be implemented in the activities of bodies and institutions of the penal enforcement system of the Russian Federation: it is recommended to extend the minimum possible shortened periods (the institute of parole) to convicted pregnant women or women with children under four years of age who have committed crimes of moderate severity; proposed measures that contribute to increasing the authority of medical workers in correctional institutions and aimed at eliminating the personnel shortage of specialists in the field of medicine in correctional institutions; the creation and implementation of highly specialized, thematic comprehensive programs for providing psychological assistance to convicted mothers in penitentiary institutions is justified.
correctional institutions, the penitentiary system, assistance to convicted mothers, guarantees for convicted mothers, status of convicted women, rights convicted mothers, social protection, pregnant convicted women, childhood, motherhood
Forensic activities and police work
Dulepina, O.V., Vlez'ko, D.A., Demenkov, V.A. (2025). The use of special knowledge in the investigation of the secret theft of other people's property with home invasion. Police activity, 1, 48–57.
The authors have studied in detail the issue of the need to apply special knowledge in the investigation of one of the most common types of crimes – theft of other people's property with illegal entry into a home. Priority areas of forensic examinations for the designated types of criminal acts, as well as practical problems of their application in against the background of increased technologization of criminal activity are investigated. The main attention is paid to the difficulties associated with underestimating the possibilities of using special knowledge in the process of carrying out practical activities by investigative officers, which is why the advantage of using both forensic examinations in general and other forms most characteristic of the considered category of secret theft is argued. General scientific and private scientific methods are used. The study revealed theoretical gaps and other imperfections in the existing norms of criminal law, which lead to uncertainty in the actions of law enforcement officials: for example, it was found that court decisions in criminal cases are inconsistent not only with the fixed concept of "housing" and its types, but also with the explanations of higher courts on the interpretation of this concept. A solution to the current problem was proposed, and specific ways of its possible solution were proposed. In addition, practical shortcomings were identified in the direct activities of law enforcement agencies, consisting in the lack of proper recourse to the use of special knowledge in the investigation process, and here the authors argued for a high level of need for their active application and some of the most relevant ways to develop special knowledge.
fingerprinting, tracological examination, hacking, using specialized knowledge, crimes against property, secret theft, illegal entry, theft, technical and forensic support, technologization of the investigation
Informational support of the police
Komarov, A.A. (2025). The seasonality index of cybercrimes. Police activity, 1, 58–74.
The object of the study is cybercrime. The subject of the study is those aspects of the object that can be quantified: the registration of crimes classified as crimes in the field of computer information depending on the period of year. In other words, the crime seasonality index. Special attention should be paid to the fact that this indicator is used relatively rarely in Russian criminology. Modern research on individual (private) issues of crime seasonality is insufficient. We pay special attention to the methodological aspects of calculating such an index, the specifics of extracting the initial statistical information. The main disadvantages in the implementation of the method are indicated. It is proposed to use two ways to calculate the crime seasonality index. The author analyzes the consequences resulting from the formation of a seasonal distribution of cybercrimes. The discovered patterns are compared with the results of our foreign colleagues. We refer to the statistical summary and grouping of material, the documentary method, the calculation of averages, the calculation of the rate of dynamics and the specific weight of a particular statistics in the structure of crime as methods of research. As a result, criminologically significant conclusions were obtained. The calculation of the standard deviation of the dynamics indicators allowed us to determine a reliable interval of the dynamic data series on the state of cybercrimes. The methodology for calculating the values of the seasonality index over a 6-year period, taking into account a significant change in the volume of registered crimes, was tested, compared with the current one and recommended for use. It turned out that all the calculation methods known today are not without drawbacks, since they are unable to take into account the exponential increase in crime. The dependence of the crime seasonality index on the structure over long time intervals was revealed. A pattern has been found indicating that the seasonality index for all crime reflects rather an accounting and registration discipline, while objective dependencies can be detected only when switching to certain types of crime. Some manifestations of the seasonality index of crimes committed using information and communication technologies are analyzed. These features are compared with the seasonal distribution of computer crimes observed by our foreign colleagues. Recommendations and conclusions are given on the prospects for further use of the seasonality index in studying the dynamics of computer crime.
Routine Activity Theory, drug crime, Internet, computer, computer fraud, crime seasonality, criminal statistics, cybercrime, criminology, White collar crime
Professional training of police officers
Kolegov, A.L. (2025). The use of a complex obstacle course in the training of police officers in combined squads for deployment on business trips in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. Police activity, 1, 75–86.
The author thoroughly examines the necessity of using a comprehensive obstacle course by police officers as preparation for deployment in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation as part of unified detachments, taking into account the heightened demands placed on officers of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation when performing operational and service tasks in special conditions. The object of the study is the educational activities within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the research is physical training, which has been introduced into the section of professional development programs. The goal of the research is to provide a theoretical justification, develop, and experimentally test the application of a comprehensive obstacle course for police officers in unified detachments. The research methods include theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and documentary sources, interviews in the form of discussions, pedagogical observation, and methods of mathematical statistics. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a comprehensive obstacle course for the training of police officers in unified detachments and the justification of a step-by-step methodology for the development of necessary physical qualities when performing official duties by police officers. The information obtained and systematized made it possible to identify the elements of a complex obstacle course with an explanation of their content regarding the specifics of service. The developed training methodology, taking into account the piecemeal development of the physical qualities of police officers, led to the successful overcoming of the obstacle course. Thus, the use of a complex obstacle course in the classroom by police officers in preparation for actions in special conditions makes it possible to increase the level of physical, tactical, and fire readiness, as well as determine the employee's readiness to leave on a business trip.
preparedness, physical training, business trip, readiness, methodology, consolidated squad, police, elements, obstacle course, physical qualities