Suvorova N., Tabak L.V..
On the issue of security of the services of the resort entertainment industry
// National Security.
2022. № 4.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.4.38495 EDN: CGKKYD URL:
For effective work and a high level of efficiency, a person must not only have the appropriate professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also observe the work and rest regime, otherwise not only labor efficiency indicators deteriorate, but also prerequisites for temporary or even irreversible deterioration of health are created. The topic of rehabilitation of people has been relevant throughout the history of mankind, in modern conditions, the importance of this problem increases many times due to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress and the complication of the labor process in terms of the growth of psycho-emotional tension of a person. However, in the modern conditions of the transformation of Russian society, the possibility of obtaining a resort recreation service that is safe from the point of view of technical quality becomes problematic. The purpose of the study is to identify the main characteristics of attractions as components of recreation at the resort and identify the main ways to improve its safety. The subject of the study is the safety of attractions. Induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, methods of observation, comparison and classification are used as research methods. The practical significance of the research results – the definition of the main directions for improving the system of regulation of attractions – lies in the formation of a safe recreation environment in domestic resorts and the entertainment sector as a whole, which will form a high-quality service and minimize to an acceptable level dangerous and harmful factors in this segment of the entertainment sector, the importance of which for a person is associated with implementation of the hormesis effect. The main promising areas of regulation of the safety of amusement services should be identified: further development of both the federal legal framework and the regional one, which will allow taking into account the specifics of resort regions, the interests of service consumers and business representatives.
animation, typology of types of tourism, security of the service, destination, technical regulations, regulatory regulation, resort service, the effect of hormesis, amusement park safety, recreation
Bekulova S.R..
Two paradigms of crisis processes in the world economy in the XXI century
// National Security.
2022. № 4.
P. 15-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.4.38565 EDN: OQNNUQ URL:
Currently, crisis processes are observed in the world and national economies, which have a negative impact on the level of their socio-economic development. In the context of the development of crisis processes in the world economy, research aimed at solving the fundamental problem of determining their causes is relevant. The purpose of this work is to identify theoretical approaches to explaining the nature of the current crisis processes in the world economy. The object of the study is the dynamics of the development of the world economy. The subject of the study is the paradigms of crisis processes in the world economy. The methodological basis of this study is the fundamentals of system, statistical, comparative analysis and synthesis methods. As a result of the review, it was determined that two paradigms of explaining crisis processes have developed in the economic literature. The reason for the divergence of views of macroeconomists of the two paradigms is shown. An attempt is made to consider the current crisis as a result of the influence of structural and market factors. The importance of solving the problem of finding the nature of the generation of crisis processes is demonstrated by the example of the difference in the ways of their resolution depending on the cause of occurrence. It was revealed that signs of economic decline were observed in the leading national economies in the "pre-pandemic" period, and the negative economic consequences of the spread of coronavirus infection only intensified the negative dynamics of the development of national economies.
global leadership, development cycle, unemployment, technological structure, Kondratiev cycles, world economic structure, coronacrisis, paradigm, crises, sanctions
Vasilyeva E.V..
Ensuring economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population: theoretical-methodological aspect
// National Security.
2021. № 6.
P. 13-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.36869 URL:
This article is dedicated to the theoretical-methodological aspects of studying economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population. The author traces the evolution of interpretation of the concept of “economic security”. Analysis is conducted on the conceptual construct of studying economic security of the territory that has established in scientific literature. The polemical character of determination of the object of economic security of the territory is indicated. The author considers the nuances of using the concepts of “national interests” and “state interests”; examines the traditional triad “interests – threats – protection” of studying economic security in the conditions of aging of the population. The theory of economic security is augmented with the provisions of the neoclassical theory of human capital and theoretical models of generational economics that take into account the age structure of the population of the territory. In the conditions of aging of the population, the state interests in the economic sphere and the interests of the senior citizens are considered as the object of economic security. The model for the formation of the effective instrument of protecting state interests in the economic sphere and interests of the senior citizens from the threats caused by socioeconomic consequences of population aging is built from the perspective of the theory of economic security, theory of human capital, and theoretical models of generational economy. The author clarifies the concept of economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population, which implies protection of the objects (state interests in the economic sphere and interests of the senior citizens) from threats caused by socioeconomic consequences of population aging.
generational economy, human capital, security object, demographic threats, aging of the population, interests of the elderly population, state interests, economic security, protection of interests, security subject
Egorova T., Delakhova A.M..
The strategy of spatial development of inland water transport of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in the current context
// National Security.
2021. № 6.
P. 43-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37073 URL:
This article is prepared the framework of comprehensive analysis of the current state of transport and logistics system of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Historically, water transport is the core element of the transport complex in the republic, which handles bulk cargo of interregional exchange to provide population with vital goods, and maintains the functionality of regional economy. Life sustenance of the Arctic zone and conduct of economic activity in the entire territory of the republic depends on the effective operation of inland water transport. The goal of this research lies in the analysis of the key components and objects of inland water transport in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), as well as determination of the strategic directions of its development in changing conditions. The conducted analysis of the river basin of water transport in Yakutia, the state of infrastructure, and the age composition of transport fleet reveals the major problems of functionality of the water transport in the region. Improvement of the efficiency of inland water transport should be examined from the perspective of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises through implementation of the logistics approach towards rendering services and transportation management. The author comprehensively analyzes and assesses the cargo flows of inland water transport of the Sakha Republic and changes in the logistics of northern freight in the region. Research methodology leans on the general scientific methods of synthesis, generalization, systemic approach, and economic-statistical analysis.
Berkakit-Tommot-Yakutsk railway, transport and logistics system, transport hub, northern delivery, transport system, the northern sea route, water transport, multimodality, logistics center, spatial differentiation
Ilyakova I.E..
Implementation of the best available technologies as a factor of establishment of “green” economy: institutional aspect
// National Security.
2021. № 5.
P. 30-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.5.34765 URL:
The goal of this research lies in assessment of the institutional factors of implementing the model of “green” economy in the context of introduction of best available technologies as the object of eco-investing, development of recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of such mechanisms from the perspectiveof ensuring “green” priorities. The article employs the general scientific methods (scientific abstraction, unity of historical and logical, analysis, synthesis) and special methods (integrative that implies simultaneous study of institutional, social and economic factors). The object of this research is the institutional factors of eco-investing and implementation of the best available technologies. The subject is the effectiveness of the institutional mechanism of "eco-investing in the context of implementation of the priorities of the model of “green” economy. The article relies on the conceptual documents of international organizations in the area of sustainable development and “green” economy, scientific works of the leading national and foreign scholars, statistical data and reports of the government structures, as well as corresponding normative legal acts. The scientific novelty and results are as follows: the author clarifies the correlation between the concepts of “sustainable development”, “green economy”, “green growth”, and “eco-investing”; outlines the institutional roles of the actors of "eco-investing; determines the problematic areas, such as priority vectors of eco-investing; examines the normative legal mechanism of development of the “green” economy model in the Russian Federation. The conclusion is made that the key “rules of the game” are established on the macroeconomic level. The article also reveals the “failures” in the course of implementation of the national project “Ecology” and the federal project “Introduction of the Best Available Technologies”. Recommendations are formulated for the elimination of such gaps and realization of the priorities of “green” economy in the investment sphere.
green financing, national project, an institutional mechanism, best available technologies, green investment, green growth, green economy, sustainable development, green bonds, environmental goals
Ragozin A.V., Itselev A.A., Glazunova S.A..
Mobilization readiness to respiratory disasters: how to increase financial and economic availability of mechanical ventilation equipment
// National Security.
2021. № 4.
P. 14-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.4.35906 URL:
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the critical vulnerability of modern society to the risk of respiratory disasters – situations of mass destruction of people by biological, chemical or radioactive agents with the development of respiratory failure that requires mechanical ventilation. This is substantiated by extremely high cost of conventional mechanical ventilation technology, which currently has no alternative, and implies “anti-physiological” (dangerous to health) pressure-targeted ventilation. Due to high cost of such equipment, no country is currently able to provide substantial mobilization reserves of ventilators, which in case of respiratory disasters, entails high mortality rate among population. The solution of this problem, the authors see the “catching-up” development of inexpensive, easy to use, and relatively safe method of mechanical ventilation with negative pressure ( the so-called tank ventilator or “iron lungs”), which encloses most of a person's body, and varies the air pressure in the enclosed space, to stimulate breathing. Due to the lower price, safety and ease of use of this method, the authors consider it essential in the instance of mass victims with respiratory failure caused by infectious, chemical or radiation agents. The conclusion is made on the importance of advancement of the mechanical ventilation technology based on the method of negative pressure for ensuring mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation to respiratory disaster, as well as the current need of the healthcare system.
mass production, respiratory disaster, mobilization readiness, economic affordability, technological affordability, medical affordability, negative pressure ventilation, positive pressure ventilation, maintenance costs, COVID-19 pandemic
Derevyagina O.E..
On exemption from criminal liability for unlawful restriction of competition (the Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
// National Security.
2021. № 4.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.4.36121 URL:
The subject of this research is the notes to the Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Article 14.32 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses; foreign antimonopoly legislation on exemption and mitigation of liability for cartels; decisions of the plenums of higher judicial instances of the Russian Federation regarding the grounds and procedure for exemption from liability for cartel agreements; draft of the federal law on introducing amendments to the Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and antimonopoly practice on cartels. The article aims to examine the grounds for exemption from criminal liability for cartel agreements, including in comparative-legal and interdisciplinary aspects. The novelty of this research consists in establishing extension of the grounds for exemption from liability in the Russian legislation to all cartel participants (unlike foreign legislation, according to which the cartel facilitator is not exempt from liability). This article is firs to provide interpretation to scantily studied questions of the procedure for realization of the conditions of exemption from criminal liability: the instance, when the cartel participant is still able to declare the restriction of competition to law enforcement agencies, and other measures of reparation of the inflicted damage. The author proposes a method for unification of the the grounds for exemption from liability stipulated by the Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Article 14.32 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. The acquired results can be applied in the activity of law enforcement agencies.
leniency programmes, discharge, limiting competition, competition, cartel agreements, antitrust law, conspiracy, Criminal law prohibition, criminal law, criminal liability
Polushkin V.A..
The problems of popularization of science in the Russian Federation in the context of amendments to the legal regulation of educational activity
// National Security.
2021. № 4.
P. 84-94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.4.36272 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant issues pertaining to popularization of science in the Russian Federation. The goal of this article lies in determination of the currently existing key issues of popularization of science in the Russian Federation: 1) the absence of effective response to the transformation of the traditional field of scientific promotion activity (distribution of new forms and methods of such activity); 2) imperfection of the new legal regulation of educational and scientific promotion activity, which may implicitly lead to negative consequences. The conducted research involves in theoretical conceptualization of scientific promotion activity in the digital age the novelties of legislative regulation of educational activity adopted in April 2021 (the so-called Law on Educational Activity). Unlike other works dedicated to the analysis of this law, this article assesses its basic provisions from the perspective of the effectiveness of achieving the goals set in the context of its impact upon the state of popularization of science in the Russian society. It is established that the model for preventing deterioration of the quality of educational content proposed in the Law on Educational Activity is not effective enough and may further reduce the quality of scientific promotion activity. Therefore, the purpose of imposed restrictions may fail to be achieved. The author believes that the more effective way would lie in intensification of the activity of traditional actors of popularization of science, rather than restriction of the activity of nontraditional actors of popularization of science.
Education Act, nontraditional actors, new media, enlightenment, popularization of science, scientific popularization activities, Enlightenment Act, legislative innovations, mass media, journalists
Sausheva O.S..
“Greening” the financial system of the country as an essential condition for solution of the “growth dilemma”
// National Security.
2021. № 4.
P. 27-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.4.36309 URL:
This article aims to examine the global trends of greening the financial system, as well as analyze the relevant issues and prospects for their solution within the Russian economy. The subject of this research is the transformation of the financial system of the Russian Federation in the context of ecological requirements, and their impact upon the level of national security of the country. The working scientific hypothesis of this research is based on recognition of the idea that greening the financial system, which is implies the transformation of financial and economic processes towards acknowledging the priority of ecological consequences of financial activity over the economic, seems inevitable in the med-term and even short-term perspectives. Therefore, the sooner Russia would be included in these processes, the more conditions would be created for sustainable and secure economic development. Taking into account the annually growing ecological footprint of the Russian economy, it is difficult to say if it is currently “green” or ecologically sustainable. A crucial role in these processes is played by the unpreparedness of the Russian financial system to meet the new ecological requirements. The article analyzes the current trends of “greening” the financial system of the Russian Federation from the standpoint of solving the “growth dilemma”. The author outlines the key obstacles to its development, namely the importance of solving the problem of “greenwashing”, transformation of the economic growth of the Russian Federation from the “brown” zone into the “green” zone, and problems of the taxonomy of green projects. The conclusion is made on the significance of the ongoing processes of “greening” with regards to the national security, and the need for the development of comprehensive state policy in this area due to a considerable “gap” between the financial and real economic sectors in the context of availability of environmental investments and readiness of majority of the Russian companies thereof.
greenwashing, the economic growth, growth dilemma, national interests, green bonds, green finance, environmental investments, greening the financial system, national security, greenhouse gases
Rzaeva V.V., Mamedov M.A..
The development of open banking based on the implementation of open API technologies
// National Security.
2021. № 4.
P. 41-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.4.36312 URL:
The implementation of open API into the work of financial organizations allowed optimizing the processes of obtaining and exchanging the internal and external data. Increasing the value of services rendered is possible due to a number of technological solutions, including open API technology. The relevance of covering the topic of open banking based on implementation of the technology of open programming interfaces is substantiated by the growing impact of using API in the process of rendering services by financial institutions. The object of research in this paper is It is an open API and its development in the Russian and foreign markets. The subject of this research is the methods of regulation, development and integration open programming interfaces in the financial markets. For comprehensive analysis of the articulated problem, the author reviews the classification of the open API, key trends in the development and application of open banking, foreign and domestic experience in its regulation and implementation. The scientific novelty of this article lies in systematization and generalization of data on the use of open interfaces in the era of digital economy on the level of financial (banking) institutions, as well as in description of the current trends in development and implementation of open API. The conclusion is drawn that banks are being actively introduced to open banking society, therefore increasing the transparency and availability of the practice-oriented data; as well as provide more information on the particular examples of implementation of open interfaces and full potential of their use.
open banking community, ecosystem, open banking, customers needs, SOAP architecture, REST architecture, open APIs, payment directive, service, platform
Demetradze M.R., Buslaev A..
The specificity of using political spectacle technique in the Russian and U.S. politics
// National Security.
2021. № 3.
P. 35-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.3.35579 URL:
This article is dedicates to the relevant topic of using manipulative technique – the so-called political spectacle, which is implemented via the method of substituted governance/participation. The authors give a new perspective on the concept developed by the U.S. sociologists; introduce the category of dichotomy “governance/participation”; expose the essence of the revival of conservative sociocultural values. Comparative analysis is conducted on the political processes that take place in the United States and the Russian Federation. The article determines their common and specific features, which reveal the factors of accelerated modernization in the United States and factors that impede such processes in the Russian Federation. In conclusion, the author makes recommendations aimed at overcoming Russia's stagnation in this regard. The acquired materials are valuable for the experts in the field of international relations, political scientists, cultural anthropologists, sociologists, as well as anyone interested in improvement of Russia–United States relations. Multiple Russian and foreign research are dedicated to the revival of the traditional forms of governance in modern Russia, as well as in the entire post-Soviet space, which distorts the fundamental elements of democracy. However, this is the first research on examination of the traditional form of governance and its application to modern realities in the context of political spectacle, introduced into sociology by the American scientist Murray Edelman. An attempt was made to apply M. Edelman’s methodology in the conditions of Russian reality; carry out a comparative analysis of the political processes, functionality of the institutions, political culture of the Russian and American societies; and offer the ways of overcoming difficulties and issues related to transition of the modern Russian society to a higher level of modernization development.
central zone of culture, silicon valleys, information society, substituted participation, substituted governance, political spectacle, values, socialization, transformation, modernization.
Sinitsa S.A..
Challenges and prospects the global IT-industry in the situation of COVID-19 pandemic
// National Security.
2021. № 3.
P. 46-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.3.35680 URL:
The goal of this research analyze consists in the analysis of major challenges faced by the global IT-industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as additional prospects for strategic development that emerged in this sphere. The subject of this article global IT-industry and its development in the course of 2020. Based on examination of expert opinions and data of sociological surveys conducted by foreign specialists, the author determines the issues faced by IT-industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Special attention is given to the prospects for the development of IT-industry that opened as a resut of the coronavirus pandemic. The conclusion is made that the pandemic had severely disrupted the supply chains and manufacturing of high-tech products, as well as reduced or canceled multiple international events intended sharing experience between the IT specialists. The additional opportunities that opened for the market IT-solutions in the course of the pandemic include the increased demand for implementation of 5G technologies, virtual reality, and “smart city”. These technologies feature a prospect for the strategic development, which boosts investments in this field of IT-industry in the conditions of extended lockdown in many countries, as well as post-crisis period.
pandemic, coronavirus, event, investment, production, technology, interaction, IT industry, problem, perspective
Odnoral O.I..
Social networks as an instrument of PSYOP in foreign policy: challenge for the national security
// National Security.
2021. № 1.
P. 10-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.1.33428 URL:
The object of this research is the process of creating political discourse, setting the “agenda” via social media as foreign policy instrument and a threat to national security of the country. The article explores the role of the online platform in shaping public opinion and discourse in political interests. The subject of this research is the social media (social networks, video and image hosting services, blogs, etc.) Particular attention is given to structurization of the concept of social media, social networks as the instruments that form social reality and affect public opinion. Emphasis is placed on the technical aspects of the types of social networks, control, thereof. Comparative analysis is conducted on the practice of using Internet resources in China, and experience of creating the Golden Shield Project. The scientific novelty of consists in the cross-scientific analysis on the basis of the interpretive pattern of social constructionism, what distinguishes this work from the vast majority of similar research of dedicated to the use of social media as an instrument of political technologies and PSYOP. Being a cross-scientific analysis at the intersection of IT (information technology), international relations (political science), and social psychology, the study leans on the theoretical concepts of political realism and neorealism, psychological constructivism and behavioral psychology. The author underlines the importance of comprehensive approach towards leveling the potential threats of using social media as an instrument of PSYOP. First and foremost, it pertains to the development of a coherent all-encompassing system with ideological and value foundation for creating the discourse. The article describes the relevant approaches towards the “sovereign Internet"; carries out comparative analysis of the Chinese experience and Russian ineffective initiatives, such as blocking separately resources, shortage of public-private partnership in the IT sector (by analogy with the extremely successful experience of China in this sphere). The author offers a general frame of possible steps on ensuring national security in the online platform of social media.
independent Internet, foreign polisy, social media, international relations, national security, political technologies, new media, safety, Information Technologies, PSYOP
Bekulova S.R..
The problems of efficiency of social production in the conditions of global economic turbulence
// National Security.
2021. № 1.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.1.35063 URL:
The goal of this article consists in the analysis of current trends of the global economy, as well as forecast of their impact upon the global and domestic social production. Geopolitical and geoeconomic conditions for the functionality of global economy, established as a result of spread of coronavirus infection, impact social production of the national economies. The subject this research is the socioeconomic ties and relations that emerge in the context of transformation of global economy, resulting from shift in global economic and technological modes. The information framework for this work is comprised of the regulatory strategic documents and statistical databases. The conducted research demonstrates the impact of technological and global economic factors upon the efficiency of social production. The analysis of the global economic conjuncture reveals the two polar alternatives of the transformation of global economy: strengthening of globalizational processes, or setback in globalization and focus on regionalization of the world economy. The effect of consolidation of the countries in the context of the new world order upon the principles of sovereignty of national economies is described. The author indicates the discrepancy of objectives of number of strategic documents of the development of Russian economic sectors, namely with regards to the process manufacturing. The author outlines the negative consequences of dependence of the national economy on import of the components on the example of aviation industry.
export orientation, aviation industry, technological order, world economic order, manufacturing industry, efficiency of social production, social production, import dependence, turbulence, coronavirus
Feofilova T.Y., Radygin E.V., Amirbegi D.Z., Bezdelova U.D..
National security management: retrospective analysis
// National Security.
2020. № 6.
P. 19-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.6.34786 URL:
The subject of this research is the key changes in the institutional provision of national security. The object of this research is the national security management. Provision of national security is an inextricable element of state administration. The article examines the system of views that reflect state’s position on the question of national security protection, presented in the legislative acts, conceptual and strategic documents considering amendments thereto. The goal of this study consists in determination of transformation of approach of the government of the Russian Federation towards ensuring national security. Federal laws, conceptual and strategic documents of the Russian Federation served as the information base for this research. The scientific novelty consists in systematization of approaches of the state towards understanding of boundaries and organization of national security protection of the Russian Federation. The conducted retrospective analysis allows tracing the changes in approaches of the states towards ensuring national security, observing the transformation of government’s priorities within and outside the country, as well as determining interdependence of the system of national security protection and its structure on the power of state’s authority and the status of development of administration in the Russian Federation. The overall conclusion of this research lies in the statement that the system of national security management is dynamic; its transformation depends on the international relations and factors outside the Russian Federation, as well as on the level of development and stability of the national system of administration.
risks, security council, strategy, concept, national interests, national security, threats, challenges, public administration, politics
Dubovik O.L..
Criminal offences against public security: a comparative analysis of Russian and Polish criminal codes
// National Security.
2020. № 4.
P. 20-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.4.29079 URL:
The problem of ensuring public security is recognized by society and the state as an increasingly important, which is discussed by not only politicians and lawyers, but also political scientists, philosophers, and religious figures. Terrorism, taking of hostages, piracy, mass disturbances, extremism, racism and religious persecution have turned into a bitter daily occurrence. Russian and foreign criminal legislation establishes responsibility for such criminal offences. Despite the adopted conventions, the development of common positions on the prevention of crimes against public security, as well as criminal law regulations substantially differ from country to country. In pursuance of unification of criminal legislation on combating terrorism, extremism and other assaults on public security, as well as efforts taken in this regard, the author observes both, shared goals and aspirations, as well as substantial differences thereof. From this perspective, the differences and similarities of criminal law institution (community), which establishes responsibility for offences against public security in the criminal codes of Russia and Poland, are evident. Such comparative analysis would be applicable in comprising Russian and foreign experience overall, but taking into account the historical, cultural, political, geographical and other indicators, it seems reasonable to use the regulation of the corresponding criminal law prohibitions in the two indicated countries.
consequences of crime, public danger of crime, hazardous production facilities, hazardous substances, threat, security, law, legal benefit, terrorism, ecology
Kinsburskaya V.A..
FATF requirements on regulation of cryptocurrencies: problems of implementation into national legislation
// National Security.
2020. № 4.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.4.33856 URL:
The object of this research is the international standards AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism) for the sphere of virtual assets (cryptocurrencies) developed by FATF (Financial Action Task Force), and possibilities of their effective implementation into the national legislation. The author examines new revision of the Recommendation 15 and Glossary (of October 2018), explanatory note to new revision of the Recommendation 15, and implementation guidance of the risk-oriented approach towards virtual assets and service providers in the sphere of virtual assets (of June 2019); considers provisions of the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No.259-FZ “On Digital Financial Assets, Digital Currency, and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” becoming effective in January 2021. Based on the analysis of most recent international and Russian acts on the questions of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies turnover, the need is underlined for introducing amendments to the Russian legislation with regards to exercising financial monitoring of transactions with cryptocurrencies in Russia. The author indicates certain fundamental aspects related to collection and validation of personally identifying information on the holders of cryptocurrency and tracing of their transactions.
identification, FATF, risk-based approach, terrorist financing, anti-money laundering, cryptocurrency operations, cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, virtual assets, licensing
Wu Y..
China’s participation in the international economic system: historical stages and modern strategy
// National Security.
2020. № 3.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.3.32810 URL:
This article explores the peculiarities of China’s participation in the international economic system on the various stages and practice of People’s Republic of China on the changes in the international economic system. The author notes that the history of China’s participation in the international economic system consists of four stages: first stage – from 1949 to 1971; second stage – from the reinstatement of China’s lawful place in the UN (1971) to 1978; third stage – from the implementation of the policy of “reform and opening-up” (1978) to 2008; and forth stage – from the global economic crisis of 2008 to the present time. The goal of this research is to explain the causes for China’s dissatisfaction towards current international economic system, search for ways to resolve this problem, as well as determine the role that China wants to play on the international arena in the future. The author concludes that with the growth of the economic power and elevation of China’s international position, it attempts to develop its own variant or such reform of the international economic system that would correspond to the common interests of developing countries. At the same time, being the economic leader of the developing countries China will play an important role in the international economic system.
WB, internationalization of RMB, IFM, WTO, AIIB, China, reform and openness, international economic system, UN, world economy
Orlova I., Fomin E..
Digital sociology: capabilities, risks and prospects
// National Security.
2020. № 3.
P. 48-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.3.33274 URL:
The subject of this article is theoretical provisions of the new scientific field – digital sociology, developed by the leading foreign and Russian experts in the area of sociology, anthropology, public administration, as well as political, social and information technologies (K. Michael, R. Clark, M. Fourcade, K. Healy, L. Manovich, L. Sloan, J. Morgan). Along with theoretical positions, the author examines the results of empirical research in the area of digital sociology, acquired by the representatives of government structures, corporations, medical institutions, and secret services (K. Garattini, E. M. Chereshnev, G. Greenwald, and C. Sunstein). Leaning on the texts that are unfamiliar to Russian audience, the authors explore the theoretical positions of digital sociology, determine its object field, methodological capabilities, identify risks and boundaries, as well as outline the prospects for future development. The article analyzes the current trends in the area of cyborgization and chipping of humans, and assesses the risks of utilization of digital tools to controlling citizens in real and virtual environments. It is demonstrated that the interface and software of modern technologies pattern and determine reality. The authors reveal the methods used by a number of secret services in foreign countries that control and manipulate discussions in the social networks. The approaches of the theoreticians of sociology – J. Bentham, M. Foucault, and B. Latour are being adapted to the context of research. The authors also assess methodological traps related to big data analysis, and propose the ways for increasing validity of the results of research, obtained using the methods of digital sociology.
surveillance, observation, digital capitals, manipulation technology, social media, big data, digital sociology, monitoring, chip implants, digital traces
Ivanov V.Y..
To the question on classification of digital footprint
// National Security.
2020. № 3.
P. 64-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.3.33308 URL:
The subject of this research is the digital footprint and its place in the traditional classification trace evidence in forensic science that is divided into material and ideal. The advent of computer technology led to the need for detailed examination of the trace pattern formed as a result of human activity in computer space, and thus to supplement trace evidence analysis with the new type of trace evidence. A number of forensic experts advances the original concepts on determination of place and role of these traces in trace evidence analysis. The author analyzes different points of view expressed by forensic experts on the matter, as well as presents an original substantiated opinion. The main conclusion of this research consists in the need for rapid adaptation of the approaches of forensic science to the current conditions of information society. The established within forensic science traditional approaches lose their relevance in the current context of the development of computer technology. Commission of unlawful actions in the computer space, particularly with application information and telecommunications technology on the Internet, contributes to the emergence of a specific trace evidence pattern that cannot be attributed to either material or ideal traces. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the existing classification with a separate section – the digital footprint, which has substantially different characteristics than material or ideal trace evidence.
electronic trace, virtual footprint, electronic digital footprint, trail classification, perfect tracks, material traces, tracing mechanism, digital footprint, cybercrime, Internet
Arzhaev F.I..
Cooperation between the Russian Federation and EAEU with Asian financial institutions: current state and development of strategy for further cooperation
// National Security.
2020. № 1.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.1.31641 URL:
The Russian Federation and EAEU actively participate in the international financial relations, as well as represent large financial markets. At the same time, economies of the Union are in need for an impulse that would allow them to transition towards sustainable course of long-term development. Such impulse can come from a dialogue with Asian financial institutions (AFI). The goal of this work is to describe the contours of the dialogue and strategies for gaining maximum benefit out of it, as well as discover possible paths for future transformation of Asian financial institutions. The results of this research allow discovering paths for overcoming the key problems of Russian economy – lack of direct foreign investments, as well as lack of diversification of exports – through cooperation with the AFI in the financial sphere and trade. The article determines the main paths for structuring the Asian financial architecture, and make proposals on a strategy for intertwining the EAEU and the AFI with consideration of interest of the EAEU member-states, primarily Russia. The author proposes the model for redistribution of investments within EAEU taking into account the investment position of the country, and conducts analysis of the effects of cooperation with the AFI upon the EAEU countries. Moreover, the research reveals the main advantages of this cooperation for the Asian countries, which allows speaking of bilateral benefits of the cooperation.
monetary and financial architecture, China, Russia, EAEU, Monetary and financial institutions, strategy, financial policy, economics, the Silk Road, investment
Pankratov V.N..
National interests as the basis for “revisionism” on the international arena in the context of National Security Strategies of Ukraine, United States, and Russia
// National Security.
2020. № 1.
P. 12-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.1.32039 URL:
The coup d'état in Kiev along with the war in the Southeast of Ukraine became the catalyst for a serious geopolitical conflict between Russia and the United states, as well as justified substantial transformation within the official discourse of all countries involved. The highest echelons pass strategies of national security and military doctrines, in which they put forth strong accusations of aggression and intentional destabilization of international order. This article explores the nature of these accusations, and attempts to analyze them from the perspective of the theory of international relations. The research is based on formal examination and comparison of state legal documents, using the method of qualitative content analysis. The novelty of this work consists in an attempt of explore the main polemical tactics of creating the “image of the enemy” within the official national security doctrines of Ukraine, United States, and Russia through the prism of such key concept of the theory of international relations as “revisionism”. Leaning on the analytical evaluation of the fundamental documents of Ukraine and the United States on ensuring national security, the author concludes that the foreign policy position of Ukraine completely corresponds with the hegemonistic geopolitical course of the United States, suggesting antagonistic relations with Russia. In the dispute between Russia and the United States, the parties use similar formulations, their arguments are mirrored images, the national positions is justified by the appeals to the status quo. The use of normative language by each party of the dispute in defending actual national interests invokes caution, since it complicates rational discussion of issues.
balance of power, sovereignty, revisionism, conflict, realism, nternational relations, military doctrine, national interests, national security, official discourse
Geladze S.A..
Development of methodology for quality assessment of economic security on the international oil and gas markets
// National Security.
2019. № 6.
P. 59-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.6.30095 URL:
Assessment of the economic security on the international oil and gas markets is conducted on the basis of indexes, many of which are multicollinear (for example, dependence upon import and economic vulnerability). At the same time, many of the highlighted indexes complicates their interpretation, as well as structuring of grades by specific country or group of countries. Therefore, it is relevant to use an approach that would allow lower number of indicators, without losing the information they provide. Original methodology of assessment of economic security of countries on the oil and gas market used in this article combines a system of models and methods of factor and cluster analysis. The information acquired in the course of this research can be used for optimization of economic security of nation-states. The developed methodology is tested by the author on selection from 32 countries. The results of the research yielded integral factors that characterize economic security of countries on the oil and gas markets. These integral factors were also used to classify countries, which allowed grading level of security by separate integral factors and by groups of countries.
Russia, security, integrated factors, cluster analysis, oil and gas market, External economic security, World Bank, international energy, world economy, economy
Astakhova E.V., Kostenko N.M., Do L., Tsun M.M..
Development of free economic zones in the Primorsk region as the vector of improvement of regional economic security (on the example of the free port of Vladivostok)
// National Security.
2019. № 6.
P. 70-80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.6.31246 URL:
The subject of this research is the analysis of the free economic zones in the modern global economy, which are the stimuli for rapid growth of separate regions through expansion of volume of global trade, development of foreign economic relation, and attraction of investments. The object of this research is the free economic zones of the Primorsk region. Special attention is paid to the question of analysis of key preferences, provided by the Federal Law to the residents working in the free port territory. The article expounds the main difficulties faced by entrepreneurs in working in the free port of Vladivostok, as well as by the state authorities regulating these territories. Attention is centered on the analysis of classification of the FEZs and study of their peculiarities. The authors systematize the forecasting indexes of gross regional product, as well as number of jobs under the free port of Vladivostok for the coming period. Authors’ contribution into the research of this topic consists in systematization and analysis of the indexes of the work of free port in Primorsk region. This research outlines the role of the main resident of the free port of Vladivostok – the People’s Republic of China among nations of the Asia-Pacific Region. The novelty of this research consists in systematization of the vectors for improvement of development of the free port of Vladivostok.
GRP, China, Primorsky Region, economic growth, entrepreneurial activities, Free Port of Vladivostok, special economic zone, opportunities of development, trade preferences, Russia
Rustamova L.R..
Mass media and the internet: the problem of usage for terrorist purposes
// National Security.
2019. № 6.
P. 81-92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.6.31561 URL:
This article explores the main problems pertaining to usage of mass media and the internet by terrorist organizations, as well as measures for prevention of their destructive activity on the web. Mass media greatly influenced the transformation of the nature of terrorism in the XXI century. In a paradoxical way the freedom of speech and expression, open access to information and means of information-communication technologies began to serve not only development of civil society, but also actively enable terrorist organizations. By publishing information on terrorist organizations and their leaders, the mass media practically proliferated their “political program” and through resonating illumination of the terrorist acts contributed to fearing of the population, creation of atmosphere of panic and fear. In the course of this research the author concludes that the problem of the usage of mass media and internet by terrorist organizations lead to the fact that even among the ranks of Western countries, which traditional advocated freedom of access to internet, free from censorship, attempts can be observed to limit the ability of terrorists to use the potential of mass media for destructive purposes. However, legislative limitations alone cannot solve the problem, since in the conditions of current level of technological development and access to the internet, virtually every user becomes the source of proliferation of certain content.
world politics, security, legislative regulation, Christchurch appeal, the Internet, cyber terrorism, terrorism, mass media, international conflicts, regional security
Ishmuratova D.F..
The development of human capital in the context of formation of digital environment
// National Security.
2019. № 6.
P. 44-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.6.31684 URL:
The studies of human capital do not lose their relevance due to its continued contribution to national wealth and its role in socioeconomic development. Affecting the formation and realization of human capital, the scientific and technological progress imposes new demands on its content, which gives an impetus for studying its transformations. One of such trends is digitalization, in the context of which successfulness depends on the skills in using respective technologies in work and everyday life. The research is based on the analysis of individual statistical indicators of development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation, as well as studies dedicated to transformation of the content and forms of human capital. The data analysis testifies to the development of information and communication infrastructure, as well as the personal and business use of opportunities offered by the Internet. Changes in the content of human capital include the emergence of new elements in form of digital competencies, development of its online presence, virtualization of social capital that meets the demands of current socioeconomic development.
virtual social capital, information and communication technologies, network form of human capital, social capital, digitalization, human capital, digital competencies, specific human capital, employment, communication
Bakulina A.A., Sokolova E.S..
Research of the global and Russian experience in the area of managing diversification processes of the MIC companies in the conditions of digital economy
// National Security.
2019. № 5.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.5.30732 URL:
This article explores the peculiarities of the digitalization of business process management within the framework of diversification of production in the military-industrial complex (MIC) companies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries (United States, Germany, France, Great Britain and China). The authors note that with proper organization of business management MIC can provide stable economic growth and national security in general. Speaking of the concept of transition towards diversification, the authors highlight the causes why it is not yet formed, including unreadiness of some industries to manufacture products of dual designation and the need for import substitution. Based on the analysis of foreign experience in diversification and digitalization of the military-industrial complex, the authors come to the conclusion that the new MIC structure requires improvements, and determine strategies, realization of which will allow achieving this goal. This will require conversion of excess and technologically outdated production capacities, as well as determining and developing critical defense technologies among other tasks.
diversification, technology transfer, dual-use products, business process management, military-industrial complex, digital economy, state corporations, Russia, USA, China
Rustamova L.R..
Counterterrorism efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria and prospects for Syrian stabilization
// National Security.
2019. № 5.
P. 23-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.5.30771 URL:
This article reviews the results in combatting the terrorist organization ISIS in the context of exploring the prospects of postwar order in Syria, as well as geopolitical interests of the regional powers with regards to settlement of the conflict in Syria. The author analyzes Iran’s participation, which since the first days of the conflict was involved in the armed confrontation with ISIS, as well as diplomatic efforts on building inter-Syrian dialogue. Recent events in world politics underlying this research bring the studying of Iran’s interests in settlement of Syrian conflict to mainstream. The goal of this article lies in the analysis of Iran’s geopolitical interests in the Syrian Question through the prism of Iran’s relationship with the key actors involved in de-escalation of the conflict. The conclusion is made that Iran was capable of implementing its strategy for combating ISIS and support the Syrian government largely due to its holistic character, as well as finding strategic allies, including Russia. However, at the current stage of Syrian conflict, there is a disagreement in the positions of multiple strategic partners, which complicates future Syrian stabilization.
international coalition, Shiite-Sunni contradictions, LAS, ISIS, Syria, Iran, peacekeeping, regional security, geopolitics, international terrorism
Bayarsaikhan Z..
Development of the system of factors impacting the monetary processes their modeling by artificial neural network
// National Security.
2019. № 4.
P. 11-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.4.30531 URL:
The subject of this research is the system of factors impacting the monetary processes. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as interconnection of factors influencing the monetary processes, modeling of the correlation between these factors, as well as modeling of state regulation of monetary processes with their consideration, namely its goals and instruments. Special attention is given to the classification of factors impacting the monetary processes. The author conducts modeling of the price and financial stability, key rate, and cumulative index of implemented measures of macroprudential policy of artificial neural network – method of analysis, which being the result of the development process of the artificial intelligence represents imitation of the neural cells of a living organism, connected and interacting with each other, with application of the Paliside Neural Tools software. The novelty of this research consists in formulation of a comprehensive system of factors that allows analyzing and assessing achievement of goals by state regulation of the monetary processes, and in confirmation of the efficiency of implementation of artificial neural network in state regulation of the monetary processes, as well as estimation of the goals of the monetary and macroprudential policies and their instruments.
macroprudential policy index, policy rate, factors of monetary processes, inflation, price stability factors, price stability, financial stability factors, financial stability, monetary processes' regulation, neural network modeling
Korobko K.I..
Population biobank as an element of national and biological security of the Russian Federation
// National Security.
2019. № 3.
P. 15-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.3.30061 URL:
The subject of this research is the work of population biobanks as an important element in the mechanism of ensuring national and biological security of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the Russian legislation regulating the work of biobanks. Particular attention is given to the examination of international experience pertinent to functionality of population banks, as well as ethical-legal aspects of implementation of the technologies using human genome. The need is substantiated for considering the existing experience of cooperation between the scholars and representatives of indigenous population for finding the most optimal regime of their interaction. Based on the research results, the author proposes a set of measures that allow developing the most optimal model of cooperation between the scholars and indigenous population within the framework of the activity of population banks, which would contribute to increasing in trust of the indigenous population to biobanks, improvement of functionality of healthcare system alongside the quality of providing medical aid, development of genetic engineering, and therefore, strengthening of national and biological security of the Russian Federation.
ethical aspects, population, health, genetic information, biological safety, national security, population biobank, legal status, genetic technology, information
Eliseeva L.G., Makhotina I.A., Kalachev S.L..
Ensuring government control over food safety in Russia
// National Security.
2019. № 2.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.2.29063 URL:
The subject of this research is the situation associated with the organization of control and monitoring over food safety in Russia. The authors consider the questions of inclusion of the particular food safety indicators into the legal and regulatory framework of the Russian Federation; analyze the data of independent inspection; characterize the need and importance of interacting processes between the federal executive authorities and the consumer rights protection agency. Information is presented on the possible damage caused by sales of products that pose danger to life, heath, or possessions of a consumer. The scientific novelty consists in the suggestions on expanding the food safety indicators, as well as comparison of the data on the determined nonconformities of food products with the safety indicators established by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor), as well as the data from independent inspections presented by the Consumer Rights Protection Agency (Roskontrol). The results testify to the need for constant government control and monitoring of the food safety sold on the Russian consumer market. Rospotrebnadzor should carefully treat the data of independent inspections carried out by the consumer protection agencies, and conduct random inspections on their results in cases of evident deviations from the food safety indicators, which would contribute to growth of consumer confidence towards the authorities and services of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as reduce the volume of unsafe food products sold in Russia, and reduce the instances of illnesses caused by food.
chemical contaminants, food safety control, Roscontrol, pathogen, nitrates, food safety, monitoring and inspection, Rospotrebnadzor, foodborne illness, product discrepancy
Svinukhova Y.N..
Coefficient of funds in Russia: trends, key growth factors and measures of their elimination
// National Security.
2019. № 2.
P. 15-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.2.29441 URL:
One of the relevant questions of social development of the Russian Federation and its regions remains the level of social differentiation of population, which leads to profound social inequality, and thus, affects the dynamics of the coefficient of funds. This results in negative consequences for socioeconomic development and social stability, limits personal growth, and decreases the quality of labor potential. Therefore, the goal of this work lies in determining the major trend of population differentiation in Russia; as well as in revealing and systematizing the factors and methods for controlling its growth. The subject of this research is the trends of social differentiation in the Russian Federation and its regions, reflected in the dynamics of funds. The empirical base is presented by the data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service. The author demonstrates the main reasons of the extreme social polarization in Russia and the measures for its reduction, based on the two directions of social policy – in the area of state income policy, and social and civil liability of business. The indicated set of measures will allow achieving such social affects as the reduction of poverty and expansion of the middle class, as well as strengthening of social protection policy.
quality of life, unemployment and poverty, income differentiation, social inequality, social structure, social policy, fund ratio, socio-economic development, economic security, social tension
Belov P..
Corruption as a threat to Russia’s national security. Assessment and risk mitigation based on modelling
// National Security.
2019. № 1.
P. 20-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.1.28698 URL:
The subject of this article is the process and results of examination of the corruption challenge to national security of modern Russia, which implies such development of corresponding thread in the current historical period that requires the urgent and systemic response in order to protect the Russian nation and the country it created. The central focus is the a priori quantitative assessment of the possibility of emergence and destructive manifestation of the aforementioned challenge and the expected socioeconomic damage. The content of this article is original and constructive: the author is unaware of any open to public materials that use similar method of forecasting and risk mitigation of the dangerous social processes. The developed model also outstands with the capability to consider an extensive amount of significant factors, as well as ease of digestion by the experts and decision-makers, which is important for structuring of their monitoring and management activities in accordance with the branches of the presented model.
call, threat, damage, cost, optimization, induction, deduction, synthesis, analysis, indicator
Eliseeva L.G., Makhotina I.A., Kalachev S.L..
Food safety as one of the intrinsic component of ensuring food security
// National Security.
2019. № 1.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.1.28958 URL:
The subject of this research is the food safety as the basis of food security in Russia and worldwide. The article examines the legal framework of food security in the Russian Federation, systematizes the safety concerns of food products and their negative effect on people’s life and health. The authors provide the analysis of foreseeable trends in the area of ensuing food safety due to the ongoing climate changes and increasing environmental pollution. The article characterizes the current situation in Russia with regards to food safety control. The scientific novelty consists in the approaches towards determining major sources of food hazard and negative trends on expanding the amount of chemical contaminants. The authors came to the following conclusions: the need for mandatory state control over food safety; the development of long-term state strategy of ensuring food safety; active international cooperation of the national systems of safety monitoring; information awareness on the possible food pollution for all market participants; formulation of the unified international approaches towards solution of the question of ensuring food safety.
national monitoring system, bacteria and viruses, contaminants, heavy metals, foodborne illness, FAO and WHO, food hazards, food safety, economic consequences, climate changes
Sarkisyan A.A..
Peculiarities of prevention of socially dangerous behavior of pedophiles
// National Security.
2018. № 6.
P. 39-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.6.28162 URL:
This article is dedicated to the questions of preventing crimes committed by pedophiles against sexual inviolability of the minors. The author examines the criminal legal and criminological issues of combatting pedophilia; analyzes the effectiveness of some of the existing measures, such as chemical castration, right to hold a certain post, or conduct certain activity. Taking into account the regulations of current legislation, personality factor of perpetrators, viable possibility of introduction of particular measures, including the example of several high-profile cases covered by mass media, this article analyzes the possibility and purposefulness of implementation of the new to the Russian legislation methods of prevention of the dangerous behavior of pedophiles. The conclusion is made on the high level of social danger of pedophiles accompanied by high degree of probability of recidivism due to the presence of clinical disorder, as well as the age and psychological unpreparedness of the victims. The author also determines the practical need for improving the existing measures of combatting pedophiles, and proposes the new preventative measures with regards to crimes against sexual inviolability of the minors.
chemical castration, pedophile, sexual integrity, prevention of crimes, identity of the offender, fight against pedophilia, Pedophilia, social danger, paraphilia, sexual anomalies
Popova L.I..
Global threats to the functionality of the BRICS states: environmental risks of Brazil and India
// National Security.
2018. № 6.
P. 27-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.6.28477 URL:
This article continues the research on formation of approaches towards solution of pressing issues of the functionality of the countries within integration processes. The research is devoted to the global threats in the global economy, protection of the environment, and realization of state environmental policy of the BRICS member states on the examples of Brazil and India. The goal of this work is to determine the environmental risks specific to these countries, characterize legislative acts regulating the use of natural resources, and determine efficient directions and measures of environmental policy. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that consideration and generalization of state-specific experience in the sphere of environmental protection will allow devising a single universal mechanism for ensuring environmental safety within BRICS. It is proved that presence of environmental risks is associated with the intensive production and irrational use of natural resources. Application of new enrichment technologies, transition towards renewable energy sources, preservation of biodiversity and reduction of impact of urbanization are prioritized in the states’ activity. Quality standards, environmental monitoring, zoning limitations for commercial activity, and creation of the system of information influence are highlighted as the most efficient instruments of environmental policy.
environmental risks, natural resources, urbanization, BRICS, global threats, global governance, integration, International relations, environmental protection, environmental policy
Vavilin M.V..
Program issues of improving the legislative regulation of patriotic education
// National Security.
2018. № 5.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.5.27116 URL:
The object of this research is the legislation in the field of patriotic education as a social phenomenon that is important for normal existence and further development of the society. The subject of this research is the state of legislation in the field of patriotic education in modern Russian society and directions for its improvement. The relevance of rapid improvement of legislation in the sphere of patriotic education increases. According to the statistical data for eight years, the number of the convicted of offences against the foundations of constitutional system and homeland security has grown by more than six times. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of the vectors of improving legislation pertinent to patriotic education. The author provides the statistical information that confirms the relevance of the study. This article is first to identify the issues existing in the indicated sphere. The concept of “Constitutional Patriotism” developed by J. Habermas is examined. The main conclusion lies the statement that the implementation of this concept settles the question of correlation between the patriotic ideology and the positions of the Article 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
the program of Patriotic education, crimes against state, Patriotic test, law on patriotism, constitutional patriotism, Patriotic education, patriotism, the Model law, principle of patriotism, the effectiveness of Patriotic education
Napso M.D..
Certain aspects of the problematic of nationalism
// National Security.
2018. № 5.
P. 10-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.5.27513 URL:
The object of this research is the phenomenon of nationalism, while the subject is the concept and types of nationalism. The social nature of nationalism and its theoretical interpretation is examined through the perspective of a number of Western scholars. The author explores the various approaches towards understanding of the content of nationalism; describes types of nationalism and terms of its emergence; reveals the key features of nationalism, as well as the impact of historical and cultural context upon its theoretical substantiation. The guises of nationalism as a doctrine, political activity, and combination of feelings are considered. Methodological foundation includes the dialectical principles of objectivity, systematicity and comprehensiveness of research that allow analyzing the phenomenon of nationalism. The article contains the following elements of scientific novelty: 1) nationalism is referred to a number of occurrences that are ambiguous in their social nature and consequences; 2) depending on the specificity of social context, nationalism can be used by the ethnic communities as a tool for solving multiple problems.
industrialism, nationalist movement, patriotism, ethnic renaissance, national feeling, national consciousness, identity, nationalism, economic inequality, globalisation
Kotkovskiy L.E..
To the question of correlation between legal and juridical responsibility
// National Security.
2018. № 4.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.4.26071 URL:
The subject of this research is substantiated by the scientific views on legal and juridical responsibility presented in the Russian legal literature, which in most cases, does not demarcates these concepts and uses them as synonyms. The formulation of questions of legal liability is conducted in the context of consideration of the issues of juridical responsibility. The author analyzes the correlation between legal and juridical responsibility, reflecting the conceptual ideas of natural law and legal state; covers the theoretical reasoning on the problems of identification of the legal and juridical responsibility in connection with such phenomena as law, types of legal consciousness, social responsibility, positive and negative behavior; develops various models of legal and juridical responsibility, revealing their similarities and differences; determines the peculiarities, features, and spheres of practical implementation of the legal and juridical responsibility. The scientific novelty lies in proving the need for distinguishing legal responsibility from juridical. The following conclusions were made in the course of this research: legal responsibility is a structural elements of law as the social institution, for of social responsibility, doctrinal model that can be applies in academic pursuit and lawmaking process; juridical responsibility is a normative model that enshrined in the formal legal sources, has a discernible structure, and is an element of the professional, practical legal activities.
legal understanding, object of law, subject of law, regulatory model, doctrinal model, responsibility, act, law, legal responsibility, social responsibility
Yanakova V.R..
The impact of migration upon national identity
// National Security.
2017. № 4.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2017.4.24100 URL:
The subject of this research is the scientific and theoretical approaches towards the concept and impact of migration upon national identity. The object of this study is the national identity. The author reviews the problem of migration in modern world and the effect it produces. In modern society, national identity implies the stability and territorial attachment that gives people a sense of security. High rates of migration subject the national identity to changes. National identity along with the citizenship supports sovereignty in the modern world. The state plays the key role in establishment of the national identity. The article applies the method of interpretational analysis, which determines the impact of migration upon national identity. The main conclusions consists in the timely response of political authorities and civil society to the emergence of ethnopolitical conflicts as a result of migration of the population. Political power and civil society should respond promptly to the occurrence of ethnopolitical conflicts, population migration and the changing demographic structure, as well as coordinate and regulate these processes. In order to reduce the influx of refugees, it is needed to globally consider all causes that force people to leave their homeland and move to other more favorable countries. The scientific novelty of the study lies in determination of the role and impact of migration upon national identity.
citizenship, civil society, Migration processes, social adaptation, ethnic identity, identification, national identity, migration, nation, conflict
Ponomarev A.I..
About strategy and system of ensuring the national interests
// National Security.
2017. № 1.
P. 43-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2017.1.20358 URL:
This article makes an attempt to formulate and logically substantiate the hypothesis about the strategy and system of ensuring national security as one of the directions of development of scientific thought in theory of ensuring the national security. The object of this article is the social relations the emerge in the process of determination of target orientations of the strategic planning in the area of national security and socioeconomic development, as well as organizational-legal means of their achievement. The subject of this work is the conceptual positions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, as well as theoretical and normative sources regarding the questions of goal setting in the sphere of strategic planning. Based on the analysis of the system of strategic planning in the Russian Federation and a number of conceptual provisions presented in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, the author make a conclusion about the possibility of introduction into the scientific circulation of such academic notions, as the “strategy of ensuring national interests” and “system of ensuring national interests”, the interaction between which can be characterized as the goal and means of government administration. In the author’s opinion, the use of these notions well allow strengthening the system connections between the goals of development and provision of national security, ensure the methodological unity of the approaches in strategic planning in the area of ensuring the national security and socioeconomic development, as well as exclude the chance of emergence of the conflict of priorities between the strategic orientations.
sectoral strategic documents, strategic goal-setting documents, the system of the national interests, to ensure national interests, the strategy of national security, national security, national interests, system of strategic planning, theory of national security, polycivilizational world order
Avatkov V.A..
About the nation, identity, and logics of modern Russia: main difficulties and solutions
// National Security.
2016. № 6.
P. 685-689.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.6.68355 URL:
The author carefully examines the problematic of the establishment of national identity in modern Russian state, focusing reader’s attention on the difference in meanings of the notions “nation” and “nationality”, as well as analyzing the approaches towards formation of the joint through the unique features and logics of multinational state. The object of this research is the nation as the sociopolitical phenomenon. The subject is the key factors, which determine the character and dynamics of the process of formation of nation, as well as relevant tools and mechanisms in the context of nation-building. The combination of variables (ideologemes, indoctrinated saturation, historical context) attains a different academic and applied meaning being within the framework of the unified system, and allowing reviewing the problem of formation of the nation as the complex of interconnected and mutually influencing elements within the interpolitical dynamics of development of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the presented material consists in the results regarding the practical recommendations to the mechanisms of state and social activity in the area of structuring of national identity. The conclusion is made about the urgent importance of the Russia’s current historical stage from the perspective of search for the national ideas, influence of the national bonds upon sustainability of the state model, risk factors that in absence of proper policy and control can result serious threats to development of the nation.
multinational state, domestic policy, ideology, identity, nation-building, Russian Federation, nationality, nation, ethnicity, patriotism
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A..
Goals of sustainable development and security issues
// National Security.
2016. № 4.
P. 437-450.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.4.68007 URL:
This article explores the process of transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Goals of Sustainable Development due to the introduction of the new Agenda in the area of sustainable development for the period until 2030 (later Agenda-2030). The new global Goals of Sustainable Development, following the Millennium Development Goals, contain 17 goals in the area of sustainable development and associated with them tasks. The authors demonstrate that from the very beginning the Sustainable Development as a new form of development of civilization had “targeted orientation” and suggested realization and formulation of the targeted hierarchy necessary for the establishment of the effective global management. In the long view, sustainable development in its “anthropogenic” component should implement the goals and principles of the Sustainable Development, which will be determined with each new stage of development of such type of socio-natural evolution. The author substantiates the position that the concept of Sustainable Development must drastically transform in “global dimension” and cannot limit itself by a “triad” of interconnection between the economics, ecology and social sphere, at least in its modern perspective. It is noted that preservation of planet’s biosphere is one of the major goals of the transition towards sustainable development, as well as its natural foundation, on which the sustainable development should be based upon, representing a new, gradually evolving and acquiring a global scale socio-natural process. The authors discuss the concept of planetary boundaries that establishes the corridor of global environmental security, within the limits of which the biosphere is being destroyed by the anthropogenic activity to the minimal degree.
planetary boundaries, noosphere, carrying capacity of ecosystems, natural security, Global governance, biosphere, security, sustainable development, Millennium Development Goals, Goals of Sustainable Development
Skulakov R.M..
Securing the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation: legal aspect
// National Security.
2015. № 1.
P. 5-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.1.66131 URL:
The subject of this research is the generally-accepted principles and norms of international law and legislation in the area of securing the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. The object of the research is the social relations that emerge in the sphere of provision of territorial integrity of countries that are complicated by the armed conflicts and political crises. The author characterizes the complicating intergovernmental relations regarding the emerging crises, armed conflicts, and the resulting territorial transformations of the countries. A special attention is given to the legal bases of securing the territorial integrity of the country along with further proposals for improvements to the legislation of the Russian Federation in the said field. Among the conclusions of this work are the following: the threats to the territorial integrity under the current conditions are changing shape; the realization of the growing interests of leading countries is conducted in violation of international law; there is a need for a modern consideration of the experience of territorial changes in the world and improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, threats to territorial integrity, collapse of a state, norms of international law, strategies for territorial integrity, government apparatus, integrity of the country, unity, territorial problem, improvements to legislation
Ulyanova V.V..
The problems of criminal legal regulation
of the fight against the illegal export
of transfer of controlled substances and
technologies out of the Russian Federation
// National Security.
2014. № 6.
P. 845-855.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.6.65718 URL:
This article is dedicated to the research of the criminal legislative regulation of the countermeasures
against the illegal export or transfer of controlled substances and technologies out of the
Russian Federation as stated in the Article 189 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The
author supports the opinion that the main difficulties of implementing the criminal liability for illegal
export or transfer of these materials out of the Russian Federation are linked to the special aspects of
the subject of criminal infringement and the blanket nature of the criminal legal norms of the Article
189 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As the result of the conducted research the author
comes to the conclusions that carry significance for improving the process of holding criminally
responsible those who illegally export or transfer controlled substances or technologies.
export control, illegal export, illegal transfer, foreign economic operations, subject of crime, controlled substances, controlled technologies, weapons of mass destruction, contraband, customs control.