Bogomolov A.V., Zinkin V.N., Dragan S.P., Soldatov S.K..
Anthropoecological aspects of the safe exploitation of aerodromes, airports, and aviation companies
// National Security.
2016. № 1.
P. 56-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.1.67532 URL:
This article examines the problem of exploitation of aerodromes and aircrafts, as well as their impact upon the environmental security and human health. The authors note that the issues with the safe exploitation of aerodromes are associated with the intense advancement of the aviation technology, accompanied by the increase of the aircraft engines capacity and by the imperfection of the normative base that regulates the use of the adjacent areas t to airports, aerodromes, and aviation companies. As a result, it created a problem of anthropoecological security of aerodromes exploitation, which became an issue of the country’s national security. The authors conduct a socio-sanitary monitoring of the adjacent zones to aerodromes, the results of which are linked to the data from the monitoring of the acoustic circumstances, as well as characteristics of medico-demographical situation and morbidity of the population. The authors believe that provision of the anthropoecological security in exploitation of aerodromes and airports requires formulization and implementation of the new normative-methodological base considering the realities and international experience, as well as permanent socio-sanitary monitoring of territories adjacent to the aerodromes, airports, and aviation companies, in the interest of timely execution of the complex of preventive measures.
anthropoecology, aircraft noise, aerodrome site, airport operation, airfield operation, maintenance of aviation enterprise, aviation hygiene, risks to human health, noise control, life safety
Stebletsov V.Yu..
Application of culturological approach in research of the youth politics in modern Russia
// National Security.
2015. № 3.
P. 401-406.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.3.66590 URL:
The subject of this research is the effectiveness of the government youth politics from the perspective of realistic participation of youth in socio-political activity. The article presents theoretical basis for culturological approach within the framework of research on the impact of political culture upon the political process. The author proposes a thesis that the impact of politico-culturological factors upon the political process can take place both, directly and indirectly. In order to devise strategical tasks of the government and community within the development of Russian society, it is necessary to determine the main trends and mechanisms of influence of political culture upon the political process in modern Russia. The author also presents a thesis that youth politics in modern Russia does not carry a systemic character, but rather executes only the mobilization function in electoral processes. The author also claims that in order to increase the effectiveness of state youth politics it is necessary to not only broaden the legislative base, but to also form a strong value set of the political culture that would define the political motivation of youth in socio-political activity.
Political culture, Political process, Youth political process, Political socialization, Political values, Political conscious, Society, Political administrative actions, Region, Reforms
Silaeva, N.A..
Criminological characteristics of the crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation
in the situation of democratization of society and state (1991-2011).
// National Security.
2014. № 4.
P. 505-516.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.4.65406 URL:
The object of studies involves the
following: a) description and explanations of patterns in development of crimes encroaching upon the political system of
the Russian Federation based upon the analysis and evaluation of quality and quantity parameters, which are interrelated
and interdependent; b) mass media publications informing on initiation of criminal cases and criminal responsibility
of persons for the crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation; c) the main provisions of
legislative acts regulating prevention of crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation. The
main method of scientific research is comparative legal method, which was applied to evaluation of crimes encroaching
upon the political system of the Russian Federation, as well as the general scientific methods – analysis and synthesis.
The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that for the first time in the Russian legal science the author provided
criminological characteristics of crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation. The conclusions
are as follows: criminological analysis of quality and quantity markers of crimes encroaching upon the political
system of the Russian Federation shows that at the ridge of XX and XXI centuries there is a tendency for growing
amount of registered political crimes, encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation, such as public
calls for extremist activities, organization of extremist communities and organization of the activities of the extremist
organizations. Statistical data shows that in the early XXI century in Russia the amount of encroachments upon the
political system is growing compared to the data for the late XX century.
extremism, criminological characteristics, crimes, statistical data, extremist community, armed riot, takeover of power, holding on to power, public calls, politics.
Shultz, V.L., Idrisov, R.F., Terekhova, N.N..
threats of ethnic separatism and religious extremism
in the Privolzhsky Federal District.
// National Security.
2010. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.7.57651 URL:
Monitoring of development of social and political situation
in the subjects of the Russian Federation in the
Privolzhsky Federal District shows that the work of state
and municipal bodies against ethnic separatism and religious
extremism allows to ensure stable and controlled
situation. At the same time, in the conditions of fi nancial
and economical crisis the social, political and nationalistic extremist organizations, which are destructive towards
both state power and security of society, become
more and more active.
sociology, ethnic separatism, extremism, monitoring, tolerance, youth, group, violence, migration, threats.
Tikhonova, S. N..
Corruption in the Russian Federation in the Studies by International and Russian Organizations
// National Security.
2010. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.3.57523 URL:
The article is devoted to the existing situation in the sphere of corruption in the Russian Federation and its evaluation by international and Russian organizations. Special attention is paid at assessing corruption as a relatively new field of research. The author gives a positive appraise of cooperation between the Russian Federation and international organizations of various levels. According to the author, it helps to fight the corruption which is a current threat for stability and security of the Russian society
studies of law, international cooperation, YUNIKRI, Transparence International, National Anti-Corruption Committee, assessment of corruption, corruption, anti-corruption measures, law-enforcement agencies
Poltorakov, A.Y..
Military and civil relations within the context of national security: political and structural security: political and structural aspects.
// National Security.
2009. № 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.4.56776 URL:
Reconceptualization of the phenomenon of influence on social and political situation in the country and the world as a whole, as well as on directions, character and results of the political process is one of the key objects of political science segment of modern social science. Much attention is paid to the “third force” (social and political institutions ready to become the medium between the ruling
elite and the civil society) as a source of solution of a “classical” problem of separation of state and power, and society and people, of facilitation of integration of state and people. Statehood finally loses its concentrated character, comes outside the boundaries of power institutions,
comes within the realm of social groups and subjects, mostly NGOs.
Keywords: sociology, state, society, military and civil, society, reform, transformation, government, control, model
Shestakova, O.G..
On some issues of use of land plots, situated within the borderlines of the zones of protection of historical and cultural heritage at the cities and town. “Protection zoning” in the cities of federal value – Moscow and St. Petersburg.
// National Security.
2009. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.3.56763 URL:
The article is devoted to some issues of legal regime of land plots, which are situated within the zones of protection of historical and cultural heritage. The article includes analysis of so-called “zone planning” in cities of federal value – Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Keywords: jurisprudence, land, plot, Moscow, St. Petersburg, protection, zone, regeneration, heritage, site, culture