Chikhireva N.V..
National wealth in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic system
// National Security.
2024. № 6.
P. 11-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2024.6.71773 EDN: GRQUDE URL:
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The subject of the research is the functions of national wealth, considered in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic system. National wealth in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic system is one of the fundamental indicators that reflects the totality of tangible and intangible resources at the disposal of the nation. During the transformation of the socio-economic system, there is a redistribution of national wealth between sectors of the economy. Transformation requires reforming state institutions, legal systems and management structures – this can affect the efficiency of using national wealth, increasing or decreasing economic stability, national security and investment attractiveness of the country. In modern conditions, special attention is paid to sustainable development, which involves the rational use of natural resources and minimization of environmental risks. Transformation of the system aimed at sustainable development contributes to the preservation and increase of national wealth in the long term. The purpose of the work is to determine the content and structure of national wealth in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic system. The research methodology is based on the generalization of information from domestic and foreign sources, statistical data on the issues considered in the work. The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying qualitative changes in the characteristics of national wealth in the modern conditions of transformation of the socio-economic system. The article highlights the following stages (phases) in the development of the socio-economic system: crisis phase (destabilization phase), phase of awareness of the need for change, reform base (transformation phase), phase of adaptation and stabilization, phase of growth and development, phase of consolidation and institutionalization. The results of the study can be considered as an increase in scientific knowledge in economic theory.
problems, elements of national wealth, changes, key characteristics, transformation, elements, institutional environment, national wealth, crises, socio-economic system
Volodin S.F..
Cultural and historical context in the analysis of the concept of "antiterrorism"
// National Security.
2023. № 6.
P. 16-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.6.69221 EDN: VUPGEV URL:
The purpose of the article is to critically comprehend the concept of "counterterrorism" in the context of the so-called models (strategies) of counterterrorism. The fight against terror is not confined to itself, it has to do with national interests and those factors and forces that prevent their implementation. When considering a specific counterterrorism system at the national level, it is important to take into account both cultural and historical prerequisites and fundamental factors that generate nodal contradictions in society, as well as current situational variables related to the increase in terrorist threats. Only by taking into account these factors and current situational variables that cause the growth of radical and extremist views in society, it is possible to determine the long-term logic of actions in the fight against terrorism and extremism. The author critically interprets the concept of "counterterrorism" in the context of the so-called models (strategies) of counterterrorism, which are actively being developed in modern Western historiography. Achieving this goal is not only the disclosure of the content of each of these models, but also their consideration through the prism of the Russian experience. The main conclusions of the proposed article are that the fight against terrorism should be based on powerful systems of ideological, political and law enforcement structures. A key place here is given to long-term strategic goals related to the root causes of terrorism. The goals of national security and threats, and, therefore, the directions of action should be defined and presented in regularly updated doctrinal documents. From the point of view of researchers, both the level of mastery of the tactical arsenal of hard and soft approaches, instrumental and/or political-symbolic logic of actions, and consideration of the cultural and historical characteristics of a particular society are significant. Theoretical analysis in this context helps to determine the long-term logic of counterterrorism actions when making necessary management decisions, taking into account international and national experience.
prevention of extremism, prevention of terrorism, the police model of counterterrorism, The national model of counterterrorism, The criminal justice model, counterterrorism, The military model of counterterrorism, terrorism, terrorist threat, extremism
Manin I., Klimashina A.E..
State security of Israel: international and national legal aspects
// National Security.
2023. № 2.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.2.39932 EDN: EKVNGR URL:
The object of the study is Israeli international and national legal relations to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state, the subject is normative legal acts establishing the regime of protection of Israel from internal and external threats. The article discusses the international treaties of the State of Israel concerning weapons of mass destruction and the fight against terrorism, as well as Israeli documents on defense and security management. The authors pay attention to the genesis and evolution of the Israeli armed forces and special services, the peculiarities of their functioning. The institute of military duty and conscription for military service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), current problems of the activities of the Mossad and AMAN intelligence services, as well as the general security service - Shin Bet (SHABAK) are considered in detail. The above practice of military administration in the State of Israel is relevant in the conditions of modern militarism. The researchers propose to use the Israeli experience of legislative regulation in the field of national defense and state security in the current Russian historical conditions. The scientific novelty of the work consists in presenting the reader with original information on the subject of the article, relevant conclusions and suggestions. The main ones are the conclusions about the presence of tactical nuclear weapons in Israel, its deliberate postponement of the application of international legal acts on weapons of mass destruction in order to develop them and deter opponents. It is proposed, by analogy with Israeli legislation, to deprive Russian citizenship for crimes against the foundations of the constitutional order and security of the Russian Federation, extremism and terrorism. The article substantiates the introduction of universal military duty for Russian citizens using, by analogy, the Israeli system of deferrals from military service. It is proposed to train ordinary and non-commissioned personnel of the domestic armed forces in working professions, as in Israel, and the official granting of unlimited powers to Russian intelligence abroad.
Israel National Law, Israel's international treaties, Conscription, Israel Liberation Army, Israel Counterintelligence, Israel Defense, Israel Intelligence, Israel Public Security, Mossad, Shabak
Duben A.K..
Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Information Security
// National Security.
2023. № 2.
P. 48-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.2.40068 EDN: ALNSVX URL:
The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological foundations of ensuring the information security of the state. Information wars in the global information space have become an urgent threat to the security and sovereignty of Russia. The article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical foundations and methodology of studying the mechanism of ensuring information security, disclosure of essential features, the structure of the outlined category. Revealing the essential aspects of information security, the level of its provision in Russia is investigated. The purpose of the work is to assess the effectiveness of state program-targeted planning in the field of information security, to identify problem areas in this area. The article provides an overview of regulatory documents regulating information security issues. A special contribution to the author's research is that the specificity of the system of special methods in the topic under study is manifested in the complementarity of regulation determined by key vectors. At the same time, the key methodological function of information law is the formation of a set of tools purposefully designed to regulate relations in the information sphere in accordance with the objective laws of the dynamic development of the global information society and the existing state policy of digitalization. At the same time, the set of legal methods of regulating public relations in connection with countering threats and challenges to the security of the individual, society and the state in the information environment, based on the methods, are transformed based on the specifics of the subject area.
legal support, legal regulation, threats and risks, legislation, digitalization, information security, theory of law, methodology, information law, information society
Moreva E.L., Bekulova S.R..
Sustainable Development Strategies of North American Countries, China and India as a Factor of Security of the Arctic Region
// National Security.
2023. № 1.
P. 13-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.1.39290 EDN: BWBDBX URL:
The Arctic, as an object of modern attention, is a center of attraction not only for Arctic and near-Arctic countries, but also for countries that are located at a fairly remote distance from the Northern Hemisphere. The high interest in the development of the Arctic is caused by geopolitical, economic and other factors. In these conditions, the Arctic becomes a zone of intersection of interests of many countries. The activation and expansion of the economic activity of previously existing and new players in the Arctic can pose both real and potential threats, as well as potential, a new round on the way to improving the level of national security of the Russian Federation in the Arctic region. In this regard, the analysis of foreign Arctic strategies and the study of foreign experience in the development of the Arctic is relevant. The purpose of the work is to analyze the Arctic strategies of the United States, Canada, China, and India for compliance of their national interests with the regional (Arctic) and search for opportunities to use their best practices to ensure sustainable development in Russia. The subject of the study is the mechanisms of management of the development of Arctic and near-Arctic territories. The methodological basis of this study is a systematic, comparative analysis, methods of synthesis, induction and deduction. It is revealed that the models of the policy of supporting the sustainable development of the Arctic of the countries of the North American continent demonstrate ambiguous effectiveness of their implementation. It is shown that the great prospects for supporting the sustainable development of the Arctic contain the emerging and developing models of the state Arctic policy of China and India.
state policy, the arctic region, sustainable development, India, China, Canada, USA, arctic policy, arctic strategy, The Arctic
Gorian E..
The Chinese Concept of National Security in the "New Era": Preliminary Results of the XX National Congress of the Communist Party of China
// National Security.
2022. № 6.
P. 49-61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.6.39220 EDN: KERJFF URL:
The object of the study is the relations in the field of international security arising from the exercise of State sovereignty by the People's Republic of China. The subject of the study is presented by the normative legal acts and sources of "soft law" of China, as well as the doctrinal developments of Chinese and Russian scientists in the field of national security. The idea of a "community of a single destiny of mankind" promoted in international relations is considered. Objective prerequisites for clarifying the concept of national security are characterized as signs of the onset of an "era of change" in international relations. The role of the speech of Secretary General Xi Jinping at the opening of the XX National Congress of the Communist Party of China in consolidating the content of the foreign policy and domestic policy of the state is determined. The concept of China's national security is embodied in the "comprehensive security concept" model, its implementation in the "new era" has the following features. First, it is strengthening coordination and positive interaction with other major States to build relations characterized by peaceful coexistence, general stability and balanced development. Such relations will help counteract unilateral economic sanctions. Secondly, it is government support for the key technology sector as a counterbalance to radical trade policy measures of unfriendly countries. Thirdly, it is a direct dependence of national security on social stability. And finally, it is the promotion of the idea of a "new international order" as a natural way out of the impasse in the development of a unipolar world system in which countries representing a tenth of humanity. The new type of global order emphasizes peace, development, equality and democracy. This idea of the Chinese leadership is very popular all over the world and sharply contrasts with the anachronistic principles of the current system.
international relations, CCP National Congress, Communist Party of China, China, digital sovereignty, state sovereignty, personal data, information security, national security, international law principles
Duben A.K..
Certain Aspects of Legal Regulation of Information Security
// National Security.
2022. № 6.
P. 145-151.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.6.39440 EDN: ZSPBCC URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of legal support of information processes - the relationship of legal support of information security and issues of legal impact on the information system. The author's definition and the main provisions of the legal provision of information security are given. It is concluded that in the conditions of the Russian legal mechanism for ensuring information security, it is necessary to further improve the legal regulation of the protection of the information space of the state and its information infrastructure. Terminological uncertainty and inconsistency of the conceptual apparatus often become a problem of interpretation of the norms of law carried out at the stage of law enforcement activity. It is impossible to observe and apply legal norms without a clear textual expression. This problem is most aggravated when there is no legislative or scientific consensus on the meaning of concepts that are fundamental to a particular legal field. Such cases include the imperfection of the concept of "information security".
digitalization, threats and risks, new challenges, national security, place of information security, sub-branch of law, information security, information law, transformation of law, digital age
Moreva E.L., Obolenskaya L.V., Bekulova S.R..
On the question of choosing the organizational form of the digital space for the safe development of Russian business
// National Security.
2022. № 5.
P. 117-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.5.39048 EDN: GUKLAB URL:
In the context of the global trend of digital transformation of industry, the formation of digital spaces is one of the important tasks of business and national economies. The diversity of forms of digital spaces in modern industry has led to the need for their theoretical ordering, structuring and classification in order to create conditions for the most correct choice of the form of its implementation in practice. The purpose of this work is to solve the problem of choosing the optimal form of organizing the digital space to increase the security of business development and the national economy. The object of the study is the process of digital transformation of the modern economy and industry. The subject of the study is the forms of organization of digital spaces in modern industry. The analysis of the forms of organization of digital spaces indicates their diversity and complexity. It is shown how the organization of a digital space suitable for business increases the efficiency of its functioning. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the consequences of the transition to a digital business model. It is established that the choice of the form of organization of the digital space returns to the peculiarities of business functioning. One of the main criteria for choosing the form of organization of the digital space is how the business operates: independently or within the value chain. It is shown that one of the consequences of the trend of progressive growth of digital data flows between different subjects of different levels is the emergence and aggravation of imbalances in their digital spaces. In these conditions, the participation of the state is necessary to ensure the security of business development and the national economy.
digital platform, artificial intelligence, integrated digital system, digital data, digital factory, industry, digital technologies, digital space, digital business model, digital integration
Rouvinsky R.Z., Tarasov A.A..
“Social Credit System”: historical prerequisites and doctrinal grounds of the phenomenon
// National Security.
2020. № 3.
P. 72-88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.3.33021 URL:
This article is dedicated to identification and examination of doctrinal grounds and historical prerequisites of the" Social Credit System (trustworthiness)” – a project introduced in the People’s Republic of China in the early 2000s, and currently being “exported” from People’s Republic of China to other countries. In the course of this research, the author analyzed the specific Chinese sources and prerequisites for the creation of modern social rating and control system, as well as non-national sources mostly attributed to the history of Western European political legal thought and Western social institutions. Viewing "Social Credit System" as a technique for exercising social control and oversight, the authors discover its origins in J. Bentham’s project" Panopticon ", Taylor’s philosophy of management, Confucian and legalistic traditions of Imperial China, ideas and institutions of the era of Chinese cultural revolution, as well as U.S. credit scoring systems. This article is the first within Russian science to study the historical and doctrinal prerequisites of China’s "Social Credit System”, taking into account the works of foreign scholars dedicated to the history of its establishment. A new perspective is given on the Confucian ideas the ideas of Fajia (Legalism) School, which are interpreted as complementary sources of the modern system of social control developed in PRC. The authors believe that China’s “Social Credit System” and the related techniques of control represent a so-called “bridge” that connects “Western” history of the development of social institutions with typically “Eastern” political and sociocultural tradition. In conclusion, attention is turned to the positive aspects, as well as “shadow” side of implementation of the mechanism of “Social Credit System”, “reverse” of this process and all accompanying problems thereof.
social rating, financial scoring, Legalism, Confucianism, panoptism, surveillance, control, discipline, social credit system, Artificial Intelligence
Nikolaev I.V..
Verbal symbolic structure of official national security discourse in Russia during 2009-2019
// National Security.
2019. № 6.
P. 50-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.6.31880 URL:
The object of this research is the verbal symbolic structures of official national security discourse in Russia, constructed in the national security strategies of 2009 and 2015, as well as in Russian presidential addresses to the Federal Council during 2009-2019. The subject of this research is the transformation of the semantic content and semiotic ties of the basic concepts determined in the Strategies in the context of presidential addresses as part of the discourse. Special attention is paid to the changes of the key concept of “security”. The goal of this research is to determine the level of correspondence of the verbal symbolic structure of the official presidential security discourse with the ones mentioned earlier in the Strategies, as well as determine the possibilities of conjuncture transformation of the verbal security symbols. The main result of the research consists in the confirmed fact of conjuncture transformation of the discourse of national security in presidential addresses to the Federal Council. A claim is made that during 2009-2012 the discourse of authority regarding security corresponded with the verbal symbolic structure stated in the National Security Strategy of 2009. From 2012, there is a visible transformation of interpretation of security, expressed in endowing it with geopolitical sense instead of social and economic.
Russia, presidential messages, discourse of security, verbal-symbolic structure, verbal political symbol, national security strategy, national security, transformation, content analysis, political conjuncture
Rabkin S.V..
Arctic macroregion: search for the new institutional model of relationship between the Federal Center and regions
// National Security.
2017. № 3.
P. 21-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2017.3.21668 URL:
The subject of this research is the formation of a new institutional model of relationship between the Federal Center and regions aimed at realization of the national development priorities in the Arctic macroregion. The article examines such aspects as the current directions of development of the Russian federalism model and implementation of the state regional policy, development of the system of strategic planning, institutionalization of the criteria that ensure economic security on the regional level. The institutional basis of territorial development in the Russian Arctic zone is defined by the criteria of ensuring economic security at the regional level, established by the new amendment to National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. Leaning on the methodology of institutional analysis alongside the methods of political regional studies, the conclusion is made about the need for improving the regional policy and shifting towards the horizontal integration model. For the purpose of increasing efficiency of regional development strategic planning, the author suggests returning to the practice of elaboration of the scientifically substantiated schemes of development and allocation of the productive forces of the territories. The article underlines the need for coordinating the socioeconomic programs of development of constituents of the Federation based on the general concept of macro-regional development, including the realization of transport accessibility of the Russian Arctic Zone of the Federation and the adjacent territories.
Federal government, economic security, regional policy, national priorities, Federal relations, geopolitical interests, macroregion, Arctic, institutional model, strategic planning
Karpovich O.G..
New challenges and threats to National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation
// National Security.
2016. № 5.
P. 579-587.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.5.68292 URL:
This article is devoted to the analysis of the new edition of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, approved by Presidential Decree from December 31, 2015. The object of study is the national security of the Russian Federation; while the subject of research is the new challenges and threats to national security of the Russian Federation, as well as the form, methods and trends of its provision. The purpose of this study consists in giving a comprehensive assessment of the new strategy of ensuring Russia's national security in relation to the current foreign policy situation, and analyze the nature and content of the new challenges and threats (such as the color revolutions, new forms of international terrorism, hybrid war) first mentioned in the new edition of this Strategy. The methodological basis of the study is the systematic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The new National Security Strategy revision of the Russian Federation dating back to December 31, 2015 represents a fundamental (doctrinal) strategic planning document policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of ensuring the security of individuals, society and the state, in which the aforementioned goals and tasks, directions and priorities of foreign and domestic policy of Russia in security are formulated; in the prescribed order, in accordance with the internal hierarchy represented by the national interests of Russia, threats and challenges of e security, including new, not previously included in the scope of attention similar documents are presented: new types of network of international terrorism, the color revolutions, coups, hybrid war. This makes this strategy an extremely precise document containing not only the exact (from a legal and factual point of view) assessments of the causes of Ukrainian crisis, Syrian civil war, and international terrorist alliance led by ISIL, but also the role of the color revolutions in these processes, and the ideological evaluation and orientation that formulate the objective image of the world.
political regime, socio-political processes, global instability, international relations, Russia, geopolitics, interests, state, sequrity, risks
Ursul A.D..
Potential for a safe future: direction of
establishing the concept of a stable development
// National Security.
2014. № 6.
P. 856-873.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.6.65734 URL:
Due to the problem of survival of mankind and preservation of the biosphere, the subject
of this article is the conceptual content of the new strategy of developing a global community enacted
by the UN. A stable development is being considered as a global civilizational process that would solve
the main socionatural contradiction between the growing demands of humanity and the inability of
the biosphere to meet them. This future type of development is being presented as a globally managed
systemically-balanced socionatural evolution, which would not damage the environment, and ensure
the survival and an indefinitely sustained existence of humanity. The author discusses the conceptual
foundations of a stable development, the difference between the modern model of a civilizational process
and the society of a stable future, which is aimed at establishing a noosphere (a sphere of human
thought). The novelty of this research consists in the focus on the need to broaden the explanation of
this type of development and spread it into new directions and spheres of human activity.
safety, survival of civilization, global processes, global stability, demographical stability, national security, priorities of a stable development, socionatural contradiction, environmental safety.
Shelkov, A.B., Shultz, V.L., Kulba, V.V., Chernov, I.V..
Scenario analysis for the efficiency of regional security management.
// National Security.
2014. № 2.
P. 188-206.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.2.64095 URL:
The authors provide the results of the analysis of the key problems in the sphere of regional security
management for the purpose of sustainable non-crisis social and economic development of Russian regions in the
conditions of influence of internal and external threats to regional security. The authors provide results of analysis
of various aspects of internal and external elements of regional security, as well as the problems of counteraction
against various extremist manifestation and prevention of international and interreligious conflicts. It is shown that
in the conditions of globalization, growing interdependency of economic and social systems in different states, as
well as intensive development of the global information community the external destructive information influences
upon the target audiences or certain social groups may serve as prerequisites for the disruption of social stability.
The authors provide analysis of efficiency of use of scenario approach in order to resolve the problems of regional
security management. In order to achieve the established goals with the use of the apparatus of the signed digraphs
the authors have developed an integrated multi-factor model, allowing to provide for the anticipatory scenario for the
analysis of the process of development of the situation in the social spheres and related spheres. The authors provide
results of the scenario studies of the developed model, showing that the efficient organization of management of the
processes of counteraction against outer destructive information influence, as well as of the processes of planning,
preparing and implementation of active information campaigns in order to support social stability and fight various
extremist manifestations in the regions is capable of considerable improvement of regional security level.
regional security, social stability, management, information struggle, religious and political extremism, scenario analysis, imitation modeling, signed graph, management decisions, information support.
Akhatov, Y.K..
Perspective directions for the improvement
of social administration of labor migration
in the Sakhalin region.
// National Security.
2013. № 6.
P. 4-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.6.63867 URL:
The article is devoted to the studies in
the sphere of social administration of migration
processes in the isle region. The author refers
to perspective directions for the improvement
of social administration of labor migration,
including the need to develop and adopt the
Migration Policy Concept of the Sakhalin Region
and the Event Plan for the Implementation of
the Migration Policy of the Sakhalin Region.
The perspective spheres for the improvement of
social administration f migration processes in
the Sakhalin region is directed at guaranteeing
high quality markers in human capital, which
according to the Strategy for Social and Economic
Development of the Sakhalin region till 2025 is
the main competitive resource of the Sakhalin
region. The author considers it necessary to
form a specific subject for the development
and implementation of the regional migration
policy — the Ministry of Migration Relations
of the Sakhalin region. Implementation of
perspective directions for the improvement of
the administration of labor migration processes
in the Sakhalin region are necessary to guarantee
optimization of the regional migration processes.
It is necessary to strengthen the connections
between state interests and regional migration
policy interests based upon a complex approach
with due regard to internal and external factors in
order to facilitate the formation of the migration
policy aimed at the efficient resolution of the
development of the Sakhalin society.
social studies, Sakhalin region, migration policy, migration processes, social administration, perspective direction, migration policy concept, efficiency, society, optimization.
Kireeva, N.V..
On systemic approach to defining the main
categories of the general security theory.
// National Security.
2013. № 6.
P. 11-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.6.63868 URL:
The definition apparatus within the
general security theory is not completely formed,
which is unfortunate. The legislatively recognized
definition of security as “condition of protection
of vital interests of person, society and state
from internal and external threats’ does not
seem appropriate, since the term “condition”
characterizes the changes in the matters, and does
not allow to establish their common substantial
features. Defining security as “protection” seems
overly direct and simplified, since it presupposes
the possibility of achieving an ideal situation,
which is actually impossible to achieve. Defining
security threats as “combination of conditions
and factors, forming danger to vital interests of
person, society and state” is tautological, and it also
causes many researchers to generate a maximum
number of negative factors, leading to formation
of a overly large specter of causes, having negative
influence on the process of development, making
it hard to specify and evaluate them. The author
of this article attempts to uncover the contents of
key elements of general security theory from the
standpoint of systemic analysis.
general security theory, security of social systems, sustainable development, security threats, conf licts, social evolution factors, needs, social interests, coordination of interests, interaction of interests.
Nikolaev, I.O..
The process of nuclear disarmament and
destruction of Heartland.
// National Security.
2013. № 5.
P. 4-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.5.63375 URL:
The article is devoted to the problems
caused by the nuclear disarmament of the
Russian Federation and the USA. The goal of the
study is to establish the character of influence
of the Russian-American relations in the sphere
of disarmament on the changes in traditional
geopolitical views. The author analyzes changes
in perception of nuclear weapons in the Cold War
period, as well as specific features of influence of
the American military doctrines and strategies
on the foreign policy of the USA, and the acts
of the USA towards the USSR and Russia.
The author provides the fundamentals for the
necessity of symmetrical response of the Russian
Federation towards the foreign political threats
provoked by the process of nuclear disarmament.
Based upon the studies the author establishes the
specific features of the Heartland transformation
in the conditions of growing and diminishing
nuclear disarmament. The classical geopolitics is
being deformed by appearance and development
of nuclear weapons. Traditional geopolitical
rules for the “global chess desk” are complicated
with a large number of exceptions, complicating
the possibilities for the objective evaluations and
forming high potential for the bifurcation points,
where it is impossible to forecast the further
development vector. Therefore, the geopolitical
paradigm in the international relations loses its
value, giving way to more objective paradigms,
such as realism and liberalism. One of the
consequences of disarmament is return to the
primary geopolitical positions, where military
actions are possible without preventive blows,
capable of destroying the opponent.
nuclear disarmament, Heartland, foreign policy, the USA, geopolitical paradigm, military doctrines of the USA, strategy of the USA, armaments race, destruction of the Soviet Union, strategic nuclear forces.
Skorochkin, A. A..
Geopolitical Aspects of Using the Method of International
Conflict Analysis for the Purpose of Ensuring
Energy Security for the Russian Federation on
the Global Commodity Market
// National Security.
2013. № 3.
P. 396-402.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.3.62810 URL:
The purpose of this article is to prove that it is
possible to view the threats for Russia’s energy security
from the point of view of such system properties as instability
and tension in international relations regarding
energy resources. Based on the fact that fuel and energy
facilities play a significant role in ensuring a sustainable
economic development, energy security is viewed as the
most important element of national security. This research
is part of the fundamental study of limited resources and
intense competition for continuous import deliveries,
diversification of the market and fair price formation.
Taking into account that relations with several actors,
each of which has it own motives and interests, are very
like to be faced with conflicts, for forecast objectives it
is very useful to apply to modern methods of conflict
analysis, in particular, the phase-factor model of international
conflict analysis. This model views conflict as
a succession of phases, each of which is defined by a
certain number of properties reflecting certain patterns
of events and phenomena and defined through a previous
historical analysis of similar situations. This instrument
can turn out to be very useful when making a forecast
about prospective development of international relations
in the sphere of energy security.
international conflict, energy security, globalization, national security, fuel and energy facility, forecasting, structure modeling, phase-factor model, energy resources, international stability.
Kadimova, I.A..
The Republic of Dagestan in the conditions of strategic
instability: ways out of the crisis.
// National Security.
2012. № 5.
P. 4-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.5.61543 URL:
This article includes analysis of the problems and perspectives
of the political modernization of Russia in its
regional dimension – namely, in the transition of the political
system in the Repubilc of Dagestna. The political
modernization of the Republic of Dagestan is currently
understood as greater capacity of the political system to
adapt to the new social goals and patterns, and to create
new institutions, which in turn guarantee the development
of the social system. This process in the Republic
of Dagestan is supported by both objectivfe (social, economic
and cultural) and subjective (ability of the leaders
to alter the political system more or less efficiently)
political science, politics, national security, Dagestan, modernization, crisis, elites, Caucasus, stability, interests.
Koryakov, G..
Role of the state in guaranteeing sustainable development of branches of economy.
// National Security.
2012. № 4.
P. 4-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.4.61350 URL:
This article is devoted to the role of instruments of state infl uence in guaranteeing the sustainable development of various
branches of economy within the framework of actualization of the concept of sustainable development. Application of
this concept on various levels of government hierarchy (macro-, meso-, micro-) is an important tendency of development
of the modern science and practice. All of the elements of the system of state regulation form a complex mechanism, and
specifi city of its application to a particular branch of economics is defi ned by use of a certain combination of economic
stimuli and resources, as described in this article.
economics, sustainable development, state, management, regulation, branch, approach, instruments, concept.
Sergunin, A.A..
Evolution of the “military security” concept in the doctrinal documents of the Russian
// National Security.
2011. № 5.
P. 6-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.5.58748 URL:
The article includes analysis of the evolution of the term “military security” in offi cial Russian documents of the last two
decades. The author provides formal logical and content-oriented criticism of the term, as provided in the doctrinal documents
of the Russian Federation. Then the author comes to a conclusion that in Russia the process of the formation of the conceptual
bases for the policy in the sphere of national and military security is mostly completed, however its terminology is mostly
imperfect and it needs to be developed. The fi rst stage of analysis of the global changes is completed, and it includes analysis
of the requirements of the state in the sphere of reform of the system of national and military security. In the future there
is need for not only clarifi cation of terminology, but also for the clearer and more logically based defi nition of these terms
and for the formation of their systemic hierarchy in the doctrinal documents.
political science, military security, national security, international security, military strategy, military doctrine, military construction, defense diplomacy, defi nition apparatus in the sphere of military security, military and political science.
Alekseeva, D.G..
Defi nition and key elements of banking security.
// National Security.
2011. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.2.58155 URL:
The article is devoted to the infl uence of the world fi nancial and economical crisis on the development of the
national banking system. The author points out that stable functioning of the national banking system and its
security are closely related to the national security. The author then formulates the defi nition of banking security
and its basic components: fi nancial – legal, administrative – legal, information – legal.
jurisprudence, banking risks, fi nancial stability, security, reserve requirements, obligatory norms, credit organization, the Bank of Russia, the banking market, prudential regulation.
Smirnov, M.M..
Cosmopolite culture as an international political elite culture and its influence
on national elites.
// National Security.
2010. № 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.9.57890 URL:
The article is devoted to the issues of correlation of political cultures of elites and non-elites within the framework of civil and political cultures. The author analyzes the possibility of the political cultures of elites of various nations to be aiming for an united transnational political culture, that is the “cosmopolite culture”.
social studies, democracy, culture, myth, elites, system, structure, functions, cycles, content
Asadullaev, I.K..
Tadjikistan and the “attempt of
great cleansing”
// National Security.
2010. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.7.57649 URL:
This article is devoted to the attempt of «great cleansing”
from the historical extra layers, which is possible
only with the price of great losses and tragedy. The
states come in layers of various civilizations, and such
things are rooted in such a way, that it is impossible to
“cleanse” peacefully and bloodlessly. If Russia should
leave the Central Asia there shall be a lot of turmoil and
blood, that is why it should not happen.
political science, defi nition of “cleanness”, tragedy, “cleanness of a nation”, “cleanness of religion”, peaceful process, stability, Russia, law, “cleansing”
Fedyakin, A. V..
National Interests and National Security in the Sphere of Politics: General Aspects of Theory and Russia’s Experience
// National Security.
2010. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.1.57273 URL:
The article is devoted to national interests and national security as a category of a political science. The author defined the peculiarities, content and main forms of the mentioned above political and social phenomena. The author also considered the evolution of official conceptions and doctrines of national interests and defined the main trends of social and political discussions on national interests and ways of ensuring national security in modern Russia. The author described the system of essential and strategic national interests of Russia at a modern stage and ways of their improvement.
psychology, national security, sociology of politics, national interests, threats to national security, state construction, information policy, information security, psychological security, information war
Ivanov, I. M..
State Sovereignty Defending National Security
// National Security.
2009. № 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.5.57017 URL:
International law does not only support and contribute to national interests but also defend them. The problem of sovereignty is the very fundamental issue of international law which needs comes out in the process of globalization. The doctrine of international law contains the basic principles of insuring state sovereignty. At this stage the questions of economic sovereignty come first. Being an important activator of globalization, foreign investments do not only create favorable social and economic conditions for a receiving state but also bear a threat for its economic sovereignty. A well-balanced investment policy of a state requires a reasonable combination of social and private interests of foreign investors.
studies of law, international law, principle of independent development, economic sovereignty, state sovereignty, globalization, security, international legal relationships, international investments, reasonable government intervention
Kulba, V.V., Schultz, V.L., Shelkov, A.B.,.
Iinformation management. Part 2. Scenary approach.
// National Security.
2009. № 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.4.56766 URL:
This article is devoted to methodology of scenary analysis and modeling of social, economic, and information processes for the purpose of raising efficiency of information management. The developed methods and models allow analysis and synthesis of possible scenarios of development of social and economic systems based upon the use of modified model of operator-oriented sign graph.
Keywords: sociology, security, information management, information influence, synergic scenarios, attractive scenarios, modeling, sign graphs, operator graphs, expert-valuable events
Kulba, V.V., Schultz, V.L., Shelkov, A.B..
Information management. Part 1. Conceptual bases.
// National Security.
2009. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.3.56751 URL:
The authors view the methodology of information management, which is a goal-oriented, complex information influence, which is aimed at particular goals and objects. The authors offer key characteristics of methods, objects and organization structure of information management, as well as the bases of media-planning.
Keywords: sociology, security, information management, information influence, goal audience, information infrastructure, information technology, mass media, PR—technologies, media planning
Tkachenko, S.V..
Influence of donor on reception
of law.
// National Security.
2009. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.2.56643 URL:
This article is devoted to the study of influence of donor on the reforms, based on full reception of law. The author singles out shortcomings of modern approach to reception of law, which fails to recognize this matter, diminishing reception to one-sided voluntary act.
Keywords: jurisprudence, security, reception, donor, voluntary, unilateral, myth, expansion, peacemaking