Legal support of national security
Petrovskaya, M.I. (2023). Problems of administrative and legal regulation of emergency migration in Russia. National Security, 6, 1–15.
The relevance of the study is due to the unprecedented increase in the flow of forced migrants in Russia, which creates an increased burden on the social and law enforcement systems of the state, requires the mobilization of significant resources to successfully solve the problems and optimize existing public administration schemes, the formation of a qualitatively new system of administrative and legal regulation of forced migration. The methodology of the work is determined by the specifics of the issues under consideration. The work used methods of analysis, synthesis, statistical method, deduction and induction, formal legal analysis. The main conclusions of the study are related to the identification of the insufficient level of functional and organizational readiness of the system of public administration of migration for the emergency mass arrival of forced migrants on the territory of Russia, which is expressed in the absence of ready-made administration schemes in the conditions of emergency mass arrival of forced migrants, situational administration based on by-law regulation, lack of effective mechanisms for social adaptation and integration of forced migrants. These circumstances violate the integrity and consistency of public administration in this area and provoke desynchronization of public administration due to the lack of a coordinating body in the field of forced migration. The novelty of the study lies in the consistent analysis of the processes of administration of forced migration in the regimes of normal administration and in the administration regime in conditions of emergency mass arrival of forced migrants to the territory of Russia. The features of situational subordinate legal regulation have been studied and systemic problems in current administrative and legal approaches in the field of forced migration have been identified.
situational administration, migration, administrative procedures, refugee, emergency administration mode, economic adaptation, forced migrant, social adaptation, public administration, illegal migration
Volodin, S.F. (2023). Cultural and historical context in the analysis of the concept of "antiterrorism". National Security, 6, 16–25.
The purpose of the article is to critically comprehend the concept of "counterterrorism" in the context of the so-called models (strategies) of counterterrorism. The fight against terror is not confined to itself, it has to do with national interests and those factors and forces that prevent their implementation. When considering a specific counterterrorism system at the national level, it is important to take into account both cultural and historical prerequisites and fundamental factors that generate nodal contradictions in society, as well as current situational variables related to the increase in terrorist threats. Only by taking into account these factors and current situational variables that cause the growth of radical and extremist views in society, it is possible to determine the long-term logic of actions in the fight against terrorism and extremism. The author critically interprets the concept of "counterterrorism" in the context of the so-called models (strategies) of counterterrorism, which are actively being developed in modern Western historiography. Achieving this goal is not only the disclosure of the content of each of these models, but also their consideration through the prism of the Russian experience. The main conclusions of the proposed article are that the fight against terrorism should be based on powerful systems of ideological, political and law enforcement structures. A key place here is given to long-term strategic goals related to the root causes of terrorism. The goals of national security and threats, and, therefore, the directions of action should be defined and presented in regularly updated doctrinal documents. From the point of view of researchers, both the level of mastery of the tactical arsenal of hard and soft approaches, instrumental and/or political-symbolic logic of actions, and consideration of the cultural and historical characteristics of a particular society are significant. Theoretical analysis in this context helps to determine the long-term logic of counterterrorism actions when making necessary management decisions, taking into account international and national experience.
prevention of extremism, prevention of terrorism, the police model of counterterrorism, The national model of counterterrorism, The criminal justice model, counterterrorism, The military model of counterterrorism, terrorism, terrorist threat, extremism
Legal support of national security
Semiannikova, D.A. (2023). The role of citizens' social security in maintaining the national security of the Russian Federation. National Security, 6, 26–39.
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The subject of the study is the analysis of the dynamics of social security legislation in modern Russia, the development and reliability of which directly affects the internal stability and national security in the country. The author examines in detail the issue of increasing the role of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the social security of citizens on the example of recent events that have affected social stability within the country, such as the coronavirus infection and the conduct of a special military operation. The choice of subjects to whom social security is directed depends not only on subjective factors (low-income, disability, marital status, many children), but also on the geopolitical, economic situation and other factors. At the same time, the author assesses the trend of regionalization, given that social security is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its regions. The author has identified the tendency of regionalization of social security legislation, which has positive and negative sides, reflecting on the level of social security of citizens. The author concluded that there should not be extremes in the form of passive adaptation of the regions or, on the contrary, their exclusive initiative in the social security of citizens. The initiative and participation of the subjects of the Russia today are key, while we should not forget about subjective factors (the speed of managerial decision-making, the quality of work of the system of authorities of the regions, the presence of necessary structures/organizations in it), taking into account which it is necessary to build a system of productive interaction, where the state assumes the main role. It is this approach to the legal regulation of social security of citizens that can ensure social security and preserve stability and security within the country.
social safety, social state, regional legislation, special military operation, coronavirus infection, social stability, ensuring national security, social policy, legal regulation, social security
Economical support of national security
Filina, A.D. (2023). The impact of the corporate sector of the Sahel-Saharan States on ensuring economic sovereignty: opportunities and limitations. National Security, 6, 40–48.
The relevance of the article is due to the fact that in modern conditions, the Sahel-Saharan states are characterized by an insufficient level of economic sovereignty, despite years of reforms. The article shows that the efforts being made are not successful not only because of conflicts, the expansion of transnational corporations, inefficient public administration, low level of development of human capital and institutions, but also, first of all, because of the lack of formed entrepreneurship. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of the corporate sector of the Sahel-Saharan states on ensuring economic sovereignty, highlighting the most promising opportunities and critical limitations based on the results of the analysis. The subject of the study is the trends and patterns of development of the corporate sector of the countries of the region and its impact on the formation of opportunities to ensure economic sovereignty and the elimination of existing restrictions. The methodology of the article includes methods of a systematic approach using a comparative method to clarify the features of economic sovereignty; the task of substantiating the importance of the corporate sector in these processes was implemented using the method of qualitative content analysis, which was chosen to explore the possibilities and limitations of influencing economic sovereignty. The main conclusions of this study are: to identify the problems and limitations of ensuring the economic sovereignty of the Sahel-Saharan States (high dependence on multinational companies, poor infrastructure and institutions, lack of financial resources and human competencies); to substantiate the impact of the insufficient level of development of the corporate sector in African countries. The novelty of the study lies in the formulation of measures and directions for establishing international economic cooperation between companies of the Sahel-Saharan states and Russia as an important organizational task for the development of the corporate sector and, consequently, for ensuring economic sovereignty. Among them: ensuring legal stability as a political priority, forming the foundations for a high-quality legal investment framework, encouraging business ties, honesty and responsible business conduct as a key element of protecting foreign investors, access to finance and information support for the development of human capital through professional development.
instability, institutions,, capital, finance, sovereignty, Russia, Africa, conflicts, cooperation, private sector
Legal support of national security
Ageev, V. (2023). Information technologies as a means of combating corruption in the Russian Federation. National Security, 6, 49–60.
The object of the study of this article is the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption" dated December 25, 2008, as well as the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the State information system in the field of anti-corruption "Poseidon" dated April 25, 2022. The subject of this study is information technology as a means of combating corruption in the Russian Federation. The author in the article examines in detail the issues of state policy in the field of combating corruption, analyzes the regulatory framework on the use of information technologies in the field of combating corruption, as well as the work of various information systems for the provision of public services to the population. Pays attention to the issues of the structure, operation and implementation of the state information system in the field of anti-corruption "Poseidon" in the activities of public authorities. The research methodology was primarily based on the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the works of Russian scientists. The article used both general scientific and special research methods. The novelty of the research lies in the insufficient number of studies on the problems of the article. As a result of the research, the author comes to the following conclusions: information technologies have a great impact on all spheres of government activity and public life. The state's anti-corruption policy is also influenced by new trends. Moreover, the introduction of information technologies, the so-called "digitalization", remains one of the most relevant areas in the field of combating corruption today; the information and technical component of the fight against corruption will constantly develop and improve, the state needs to take into account these trends and promptly turn them into the legal field; the creation and implementation of GIS Poseidon is a very timely and modern step that meets the current stage of society's development; it is necessary to develop the anti-corruption potential of successfully operating digital products for the provision of public services and develop new information systems, gradually synchronizing them with existing ones.
GIS Poseidon, government employee, information systems, digitalization, Information technology, public authorities, State anti-corruption policy, Government policy, anti-corruption, corruption
Legal support of national security
Khamidullin, R.S., Gaskarov, I.F. (2023). Problems of searching for persons who have fled from investigation as a factor of internal threat to national security. National Security, 6, 61–77.
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The article deals with problematic issues arising in the activities of the preliminary investigation bodies related to the implementation and completion of criminal investigations in the absence of a suspect, accused at the place of investigation and the impossibility of conducting investigative and procedural actions during his absence. Difficulties arise when declaring a wanted person and organizing the establishment of his location. Often, persons hiding from the preliminary investigation, especially those undergoing criminal cases related to the commission of economic crimes, have financial opportunities and change their place of residence in order to avoid criminal liability and the application of penalties. When these persons are put on the wanted list, the problem of choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention also arises in the activities of the investigative bodies. Despite the fact that some of the wanted persons are accused of committing serious and especially serious crimes, a preventive measure has been chosen against them that is not related to detention. The problems considered in this article and the proposed solutions to them are a recommendation for persons whose official duties include searching for persons who have disappeared from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court. Depending on the current operational or investigative situation, the algorithms of actions of law enforcement officers may change and be optimized.
temporary suspension from office, international cooperation, nvestigator, accused, detention of a suspect, coercive measures, body of inquiry, consequence, criminal proceedings, search for persons
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Gonta, S.N. (2023). “Civilian” quadcopters (drones) and their role in modern military conflicts. National Security, 6, 78–90.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the use of commercial quadcopters in modern military conflicts. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the experience of a special military operation (SVO) in Ukraine, as well as other military conflicts, has demonstrated to the whole world that even such a seemingly harmless tool as a quadcopter can become a formidable military force used in battle. The object of the study is commercial (also called “civilian”) quadcopters (drones). The subject of the study is the use of commercial quadcopters (drones) in modern military conflicts around the world. The author has studied in detail the process of development of commercial quadcopters (drones) as military instruments, and determined the role of quadcopters in modern military conflicts. Also, the author describes in detail the areas of application of civilian quadcopters in military conflicts. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (content analysis method), as well as on special historical methods (narrative and historical-genetic). The scientific novelty of the article lies in a detailed study of the use of civilian quadcopters in modern military conflicts, namely: in a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, in military clashes between the Sudanese rapid reaction forces and the Sudanese armed forces, which began in April 2023, as well as in the Arab-Israeli conflict escalated again in October 2023. The author’s special contribution to the study of the topic is a detailed description of the use of civilian quadcopters in all of the above conflicts. The work also contains a large corpus of photographic materials on the use of quadcopters in military conflicts. Based on the study, we can conclude that the role of civilian quadcopters in modern military conflicts has significantly increased.
civil quadcopters, FPV drones, kamikaze drones, drop drones, military drones, commercial drones, UAVs, drones, Quadcopters, modern military conflicts
Economical support of national security
Evloeva, A.B., Belousova, S.N. (2023). Evaluation of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear power industry" in order to ensure the economic security of the country. National Security, 6, 91–105.
The subject of the study is to study the effectiveness and efficiency of measures for the development of the nuclear energy industrial complex, taken during the implementation of the relevant state program. Data from nuclear energy, investments and innovative projects are analyzed, taking into account compliance with the strategic goals of economic security. These measures are designed to ensure the stability of the Russian economic system and minimize potential risks. An important component of the study is also the analysis of the compliance of these measures with the general state strategic goals of ensuring economic security. The study is based on an analysis of data on the current state of the Russian nuclear energy sector, investment and innovation projects implemented within the framework of the program under consideration, as well as an assessment of their impact on the economic situation of the country. The research methodology includes a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the nuclear energy industrial complex, as well as a study of investment and innovation projects implemented within the framework of the program. The assessment of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear energy-industrial complex" allows us to say that the analysis of program implementation indicators shows positive dynamics and achievement of the set goals. High performance indicators, such as a high degree of readiness of power units, an increase in electricity generation, an increase in the number of results of intellectual activity and the creation of new jobs, indicate the successful implementation of the program. The results of the study will be useful for developing further strategies and adjusting program measures aimed at increasing the stability of the economic system and minimizing risks, taking into account national strategic goals.
Rosatom State Corporation, scientific progress, resource efficiency, scientific and technical potential, nuclear energy, innovations, energy security, economic security, state program, nuclear industry complex