Informational support of national security
Nikitin, P.V., Dolgov, V.I., Gorokhova, R.I., Korovin, D.I., Bakhtina, E.Y. (2023). Methodology for assessing the importance of features when analyzing the implementation of government contracts. National Security, 4, 1–18.
The subject of the research is assessing the risks of performing government contracts. The object of the study is the process of analysis and evaluation of the implementation of government contracts. The study is aimed at developing a methodology that determines the importance and significance of signs that influence the risk of non-fulfillment of government contracts. Research methods were used: data analysis to detect connections and dependencies between various characteristics and the risk of non-fulfillment of government contracts; statistical analysis to obtain an assessment of the impact of each characteristic on the risk of non-fulfillment of contracts and ranking them in order of importance; machine learning to predict the risk of non-fulfillment of government contracts; expert assessments to take into account contextual factors and features, their impact on the importance of features. The main conclusions of the study are the presented methods for assessing the importance of features when analyzing the implementation of government contracts, by using data from various sources, including the register of public procurement of the unified information system (UIS), the register of unscrupulous suppliers (RNP) of the EIS and the SPARK information system. The authors managed to achieve high prediction accuracy (more than 97%) and analyze the most important and significant features. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the results obtained make it possible to identify and analyze factors from three information systems that influence the risks of non-fulfillment of government contracts. Thus, this study is valuable and important in its field, which contributes to the development of more effective risk management methods and increased efficiency in the implementation of government contracts. The results obtained allow us to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the risks of non-fulfillment of contracts, which makes the study valuable and important in this area.
machine learning, the importance of signs, classification, risk assessment, feature analysis, the method of support vectors, the SHAP method, contract execution, artificial intelligence, government contracts
Economical support of national security
Obolenskaya, L.V., Bekulova, S.R. (2023). Structural-hierarchical approach to the investment model of economic growth. National Security, 4, 19–38.
The subject of the research is the investment model of economic growth, which in today's Russia is given significant attention at the government level. In a number of scientific studies, investments are interpreted as a significant factor of economic security. In line with this topic, the goal is to form an investment growth model that combines national economic growth goals, investment objectives, growth-driving industries, conditions and regulatory influences into a single structure. The article uses methods and means of structural, economic, causal analysis and predictive statistical estimates. The novelty of the research consists in substantiating and developing an investment model of economic growth in the form of a hierarchical structure that includes five levels: target level, task level, industry, factor and regulatory levels. The possibilities of filling the levels are shown by the example of Russia, taking into account today's sanctions realities. Attention is focused on the manufacturing industry. When filling in the industry level, it is concluded that it is advisable to take into account the index of economic complexity as an additional criterion for identifying industries-locomotives of growth. When filling in the factor level of the model, the dual nature of anti-Russian sanctions is shown, which, along with negative factors, also generate certain business opportunities. When filling out the regulatory level, a number of financial and investment measures are allocated (subsidizing investment projects, state support for loans, tax incentives) that are in demand by Russian business under sanctions. In terms of the country's technological security, industries are cited where dependence on imported components is particularly critical. Priority financial and investment support should be directed to overcoming critical dependence. The results obtained can be useful for information and analytical support of industrial policy. The proposed approach to the investment model of growth will help to streamline the basic components of decision-making within a single structure, taking into account cause-and-effect relationships and sanctions realities.
external sanctions, financial and investment measures of state support, growth locomotive industries, economic complexity index, manufacturing industry, structural-hierarchical approach, technological security, economic security, investments, investment growth model
Strategy of national security
Donskikh, D.V., Melnikov, A.O., Lyui, K.E. (2023). Sustainable development of the Arctic region: main theoretical aspects. National Security, 4, 39–51.
Today, the Arctic is one of the most significant regions of the geopolitics of the world's leading states. The clash of their interests in the region creates the need to form the foundations for a theoretical understanding of sustainable development as the main ideological component of achieving effective economic growth in the Arctic. The object of research is the sustainable development of the Arctic region. The subject of the study is the theoretical basis of sustainable development in relation to the Arctic region. Special attention is paid to the study of supranational regulatory bodies of states in the Arctic and the legal basis for the use of these territories at the present stage, as well as the shortcomings of current approaches and proof of the need to develop principles of sustainable economic development in the region. The article analyzes modern approaches to sustainable development, characterizes the main interests of the main participants in the development of the region, and also puts forward proposals for the formation of principles of sustainable economic development in the Arctic, aimed at ensuring the economic growth of the region. The main conclusions of the study are: proof of the imperfection of modern regulation of sustainable development as an economic category, the abundance and overlap of the functionality of supranational organizations engaged in the sustainable development of Arctic territories and the need to develop new concepts of sustainable economic development of the region. The scientific novelty lies in the proof of the increase in the navigational importance of the region with climate change, as well as the economic potential of the region, which results in the activation of the political significance of the region for key world powers.
countries of the Arctic region, resources of the Arctic, multilateral diplomacy, international relations, Arctic region, environmental security, sustainable development, Arctic Council, Arctic, Russia
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Shamekhina, E.V. (2023). Digital transformation of anti-corruption: a retrospective and development prospects. National Security, 4, 52–60.
The subject of the study is policy and legal documents that are the basis for determining strategic goals and priorities of socio-economic development and ensuring national security of the Russian Federation in the field of combating corruption. The paper considers the development of the processes of digital transformation of public and municipal administration in the aspect of anti-corruption. The anti-corruption potential of integrating end-to-end technologies into traditional models of interaction between society and the state is investigated, and the prospects for countering corruption manifestations through digitalization of public and municipal governance processes are assessed. The importance of the digital transformation of public administration for ensuring openness and transparency of the activities of authorities is substantiated. Particular attention is paid to the absence of a universally recognized definition of digital transformation both in legislation and in the scientific community due to the novelty and "blurring" of the boundaries of this phenomenon. The methodological basis of the study was made up of general scientific and special methods of cognition, the use of which is determined by the specifics of the topic under study (formal legal, historical legal and comparative legal methods). The conducted research made it possible to consider a retrospective of the process of digital transformation of state and municipal administration in the aspect of state anti-corruption policy, as well as to identify promising areas for further development and implementation of digital technologies in anti-corruption activities at the federal level.
transformation of anti-corruption, transparency, anti-corruption, digital technologies, digital transformation, digitalization, openness, corruption, public administration, digital government
Economical support of national security
Belousova, S.N., Trubin, A.G. (2023). Assessment of the impact of industrial-type special economic zones on the socio-economic development of regions. National Security, 4, 61–72.
The relevance of the topic is related to the study and assessment of the impact of industrial-type special economic zones on the socio-economic development of regions. Industrial-production zones are territories with an area of up to 40 square kilometers located in economically developed regions of the state with a large number of industrial–production enterprises, experienced workers with high qualifications, natural resources and developed transport infrastructure. This is part of the state customs territory, where certain types of products are produced, and investors carry out their activities on preferential terms, which affects the development of the country's economy. The main purpose of the work is to study the types of special economic zones in the Russian Federation, to analyze the activities of special economic zones of the industrial and production type of the Russian Federation, as well as to assess the impact of special economic zones on the socio-economic development of regions. The analysis includes the main indicators and trends determining the effectiveness of the functioning of industrial-type special economic zones operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main conclusions of the study are that for the Russian Federation, the creation and further deployment of effective activities of special economic zones is important in order to solve acute strategic tasks, spatial development of the country and reduce inequality in the socio-economic development of regions, therefore, 8 new zones were created in 2022. As of 2023, there are 25 zones in Russia, besides 6 new zones are being created. The role of special economic zones in regional development is significant: economic diversification, localization of foreign capital, production of import-substituting goods, creation of new jobs, development of competition.
jobs, region, resident, gross regional product, operational efficiency, socio-economic development, special economic zone, investment, revenue, taxes