Technologies and methodology of security systems
Sukharev, M. (2022). Ideomaterial Polysystems and Politics. National Security, 6, 1–22.
The subject of the study is the interaction of the ideal and material components of political, cultural and socio-economic processes influencing them in large socio-economic systems such as religions, sciences, ethnic groups, regions and states. The concept of social ideo-material polysystems (SMPS) is proposed. IMPS are holistic systems that include social, cultural and economic components that make up a complex society. A feature of such systems is that some of the elements of these systems are material, and some are ideal. A polysystem is a supersystem consisting of fuzzy irregularly interacting ideo-material systems (IMS). It is substantiated that IMPS, consisting of people, artifacts and biological organisms, form integrity due to the system of ideas that unites them. It is the systems of ideas that give meaning to social IMPS, uniting communities, determining their behavior and direction of development. Approaches to the quantitative study of ideal subsystems of IMSI are proposed. Methods: use of systemic, holistic, evolutionary and informational approaches. The highest type of IMSI are civilizations, the most complex known systems in the Universe. A feature of such systems is that some of the elements of these systems are material, and some are ideal. IMS, consisting of people, artifacts and, in some cases, animals and plants, form integrity due to the system of ideas that unites them. These ideal systems manage social IMS, unite communities, determine their behavior and direction of development. IMS are very diverse: they can be scientific communities in which science brings together scientists, scientific instruments, theory, texts, social institutions, buildings; these can be religions in which the scripture unites priests, parishioners, temples, sacred texts and attributes. The complex of ideas on which these systems are based is of a holistic character. Conclusions: The proposed concept of ideo-material polysystems can be used to deepen the study of political systems.
culture, institutions, evolution, nation, ideal, polysystem, ideo-material system, sociology of knowledge, community, paradigm
Economical support of national security
Kormishkin, E.D., Sausheva, O.S. (2022). Evaluation of Current Trends in Food Security. National Security, 6, 23–34.
The authors of the article investigate the current state and new trends in ensuring food security of subjects at various levels: from global to household level based on the application of an approach that includes the study of production aspects, economic availability of food, various components of the problem of food consumption, as well as the preservation of the current situation in the medium and long term. Special attention is paid to new factors affecting the state of food security: the growth of living standards in developed and some developing countries leads to increased requirements for the quality and safety of food; the new "green agenda" transforms agro-food systems towards greater sustainability. In the course of the study, diagnostics of the current state of food security was performed, as a result of which a number of certain negative trends were identified, among which: a decrease in the economic availability of food for the population of the Russian Federation as a whole, and especially for such individual groups as large families living in rural areas, families with disabilities, as well as families consisting of from unemployed pensioners. There is also a problem with an incomplete system for assessing the quality of food, as a result of which goods are falsified, the level of trust in public authorities decreases, and negative consequences for people's lives and health arise.
economic access to food, food supply, quality standards, food fraud, food quality, food independence, food consumption, food safety, food security, agri-food sector
Strategy of national security
Starovoitov, V.G., Krupnov, Y.A., Eremin, V.V., Zolotarev, E.V., Lapenkova, N.V. (2022). Development and Use of the Expert Assessment Method for Ranking Threats to the National Security of the Russian Federation. National Security, 6, 35–48.
The subject of the research is the method of expert assessments for ranking threats to the national security of the Russian Federation. The object of research is the process of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. The following expert methods are considered in the article: direct placement method; method of analysis of hierarchies; method of expert ranking of factors influencing the result. In this study, the existing approaches to the activities of expert groups based on the method of ranking factors are considered in more detail. Within the framework of this method, factors are ordered according to the degree of manifestation of their properties and influence on the ultimate goal (national security) in ascending or descending order. The method is used when it is impossible to quantify the factors that determine the course of processes in socio-economic systems. The scientific novelty of the use of expert approaches is substantiated by the authors by the lack of necessary statistical information on the quantitative characteristics of the relationship between threats to the national security of the Russian Federation and the factors that form them, as well as by the possibility of filling this gap by expert means. The article presents the results of a survey of 23 experts - specialists in the field of national and economic security on the ranking of threats identified in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. The authors conclude that the use of the method of expert assessments for ranking threats on a point scale makes it possible to determine the most significant and urgent threats to national security based on the experience and knowledge of highly professional experts. The method is simple, understandable and convenient for decision makers, and gives them the opportunity to quickly take measures to minimize and neutralize threats to national security in order to further strengthen it. The technology of forming an expert group and conducting an online survey of experts can be widely used in Russian practice in solving problems to ensure the national security of the country.
online expert survey, score scale, National Security Strategy, threat ranking, method of expert assessments, factor ranking method, threat, factor, expert approach, National security
Gorian, E. (2022). The Chinese Concept of National Security in the "New Era": Preliminary Results of the XX National Congress of the Communist Party of China. National Security, 6, 49–61.
The object of the study is the relations in the field of international security arising from the exercise of State sovereignty by the People's Republic of China. The subject of the study is presented by the normative legal acts and sources of "soft law" of China, as well as the doctrinal developments of Chinese and Russian scientists in the field of national security. The idea of a "community of a single destiny of mankind" promoted in international relations is considered. Objective prerequisites for clarifying the concept of national security are characterized as signs of the onset of an "era of change" in international relations. The role of the speech of Secretary General Xi Jinping at the opening of the XX National Congress of the Communist Party of China in consolidating the content of the foreign policy and domestic policy of the state is determined. The concept of China's national security is embodied in the "comprehensive security concept" model, its implementation in the "new era" has the following features. First, it is strengthening coordination and positive interaction with other major States to build relations characterized by peaceful coexistence, general stability and balanced development. Such relations will help counteract unilateral economic sanctions. Secondly, it is government support for the key technology sector as a counterbalance to radical trade policy measures of unfriendly countries. Thirdly, it is a direct dependence of national security on social stability. And finally, it is the promotion of the idea of a "new international order" as a natural way out of the impasse in the development of a unipolar world system in which countries representing a tenth of humanity. The new type of global order emphasizes peace, development, equality and democracy. This idea of the Chinese leadership is very popular all over the world and sharply contrasts with the anachronistic principles of the current system.
international relations, CCP National Congress, Communist Party of China, China, digital sovereignty, state sovereignty, personal data, information security, national security, international law principles
Strategy of national security
Pleshakova, E.S., Gataullin, S.T., Osipov, A.V., Bylevskii, P.G. (2022). Legislative Prevention of New Financial Technologies Threats. National Security, 6, 62–70.
The subject of the study is the problem of legal prevention of the use of computer and telecommunication technologies by intruders in new financial remote services in Russia. An increase in the variety and volume of attacks is inevitable, given the desire of scammers to obtain personal and confidential information. In recent years, Russia has made significant progress in improving its infrastructure responsible for information security. The article is a comprehensive analysis of Russian legislation. The analytical review of various directions of development of the Russian federal legislation in recent years aimed at preventive counteraction, elimination of a number of conditions and prerequisites of cybercrime in the financial sphere is presented. Particular attention is paid to the jurisdictional aspects of Russian legislation. The government needs to make thorough preparations to counter a range of unwanted cyber events, both accidental and intentional. There are significant risks of local attacks and losses as a result of compromising computer and telecommunications services. The conclusions contain final proposals for further improvement of legislation taking into account foreign and international experience. The main conclusions of the study are the productivity of identifying the strategic prevention direction in preventive activities – preventive identification and elimination of gaps in the regulatory framework, as well as technical and organizational vulnerabilities that make possible various types of attacks and "schemes" of cybercriminals in the financial sphere.
legislation, regulatory framework, computer crime, identification, personal data, remote financial services, social engineering, telephone fraud, Information security, phishing
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Shmygin, V.A., Shultz, V.L. (2022). Social Technologies for Broadcasting the Image of the State. National Security, 6, 71–82.
The article is devoted to the relevant social technologies in the process of constructing and broadcasting the image of the country. The theoretical basis of the concept of social technologies is described, the essence of which is revealed through social knowledge. The role of a researcher of social technologies who has social knowledge and takes the position of a social consultant in matters of designing and broadcasting the image of the state is considered. The authors consider the technologies of formation and translation of the stock of knowledge about the state on the example of socio-political practice – real cases. The authors analyze the main technological approaches affecting the image of the state: correction of historical memory, "Soft power". The main conclusions of this article are the provisions that the use of the "Soft Power" technological approach in the context of broadcasting the image of the state is relevant at the moment, since it allows to broadcast ideas related to the worldview characteristic of the Russian public consciousness. The universal nature of "soft power" allows to spread ideas – social phenomena that affect the construction of the image. At the same time, the issue of correcting historical memory remains important, which is also a relevant social technology. The historical process in the minds of individuals can acquire additional interpretations, which leads to changes in individuals' perceptions of the historical process and the transformation of attitudes to the history of the state and, accordingly, its image.
correction of historical knowledge, social construction, historical knowledge, image broadcast, knowledge, soft power, historical memory, the image of the state, social technologies, Image
Economical support of national security
Moreva, E.L., Bekulova, S.R. (2022). On the Issue of Attitude to Scientific and Technological Relations and Assessment of its State in the Russian Economy. National Security, 6, 83–108.
In the context of sanctions pressure on the Russian economy, it is important to modernize the national economy, production and effective development of scientific knowledge, development and implementation of modern equipment and technologies in production to create conditions for safe and sustainable socio-economic development. The aim of the work is to form a set of indicators that assess the potential of scientific and technological development of the Russian economy. The object of the study is the scientific and technological development of the Russian economy. The subject of the study is the methodology for assessing the scientific and technological potential of the economy. The methodological basis of the study is the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and statistical analysis. The authors analyzed and identified three theoretical approaches to the definition and evaluation of scientific and technical potential. Based on the results of the analysis, the need to identify and distinguish between the terms «scientific and technical potential» and «scientific and technological potential» was revealed. It is revealed that the reason for identifying the adjectives «technological» and «technical» returns to the difference in approaches to the definition of the term «technology». The narrow and broad interpretations of technologies are singled out, on the basis of which the author's definition of scientific and technological potential is proposed. By analyzing the methodology of a number of international indices and reports that evaluate the scientific and technical potential, the authors propose a set of indicators that evaluate the scientific and technological potential of the national economy. Using the proposed set of indicators, the authors determined the state and dynamics of the development of the scientific and technological potential of Russia.
digital economy, digital technologies, ICT, information technologies, technology, engineering, science, scientific and technological development, scientific and technological potential, scientific and technical potential
Globalization and national security
Evtekhov, R.A. (2022). Cross-border spaces in the perception of threats to Russia's National Security. National Security, 6, 109–120.
Changes in international relations and perceptions of national security are forcing individual States to expand the contours of their own security borders. It is not uncommon for these contours to go far beyond their own borders. The purpose of the study is to determine the nature of the perception of the transformation of cross-border spaces in the system of threats to Russia's national security. The main materials of the study were socio-political discourse, in particular individual speeches of the President of Russia, the national security strategy and other normative and doctrinal documents in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. The studied narratives and comparison of statements and reactions to individual regional transformations, compared with doctrinal documents in the field of national security, allowed us to identify trigger points. In particular, in comparison of the political changes in Afghanistan, Finland and Ukraine, it was revealed that it is the value transformation at the current moment in the vision of the Russian elite that is of the greatest concern, both regionally and politically and socially. The basis of the research methodology is a systematic approach, content analysis, and a comparative approach, which made it possible to identify the dominants in the current political discourse and determine the reason for the perception of the transformation of cross-border spaces by the Russian elite in a certain way. As a result, it is determined that the change of the value paradigm is perceived as something significantly more dangerous than a military threat, as well as the expansion of NATO to the east, which is by no means perceived as an equivalent threat. In addition, the Russian elite perceives the current international system as something unfair, due to the capabilities of Western states to influence areas lying near the borders of Russia. While Russia itself does not have the opportunity to broadcast its ideas and values on territories far from its borders. Changes in the value orientation of cross-border areas lying in the border of Russia are perceived by the elite at the moment as the main national threat to the country's security.
the borders, political security, threat perception, safety, national security, threats, border regions, values, cross-border space, elites
Economical support of national security
Makhotina, I.A., Agapkin, A.M., Goncharenko, O.A., Raikova, E.Y. (2022). Grain market and its role in ensuring Russia's national Security. National Security, 6, 121–134.
The subject of the study is the grain market of Russia and the EAEU as one of the priorities in the field of national security. The problem of illegal export of grain crops from Russia to Kazakhstan is considered. The article analyzes the issue of re-export of grain to third countries, illegal grain exports and the impact of quotas and tariff restrictions on the development of grain supplies abroad. The issue of the possibility of administering grain export bans with a high length of the Russian border, as well as the impact of such bans on the EAEU member states, is discussed. Particular attention is paid to the issue of changing the structure of grain exports and the search for new export directions. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the issue of ensuring the country's food security in retrospect of interaction with the EAEU member states. The current statistical data on the availability of farmland and arable land per capita in the world and in the EAEU countries are presented, data on the structure of acreage and grain production in Russia and the EAEU over the past three years are summarized. Forecasts for the volume of grain production and exports in 2022 are presented. The article analyzes the trend of increasing quotas and tariff restrictions for exporters of agro-industrial products and the impact of these restrictions on the country's food security. The issue of searching for new importing countries of agricultural products from Russia in the context of increasing sanctions is being considered. The problems of the grain market, which have worsened due to the current geopolitical situation, and ways to solve these problems at the state level are identified. The question was raised about the need to change the ratio of the shares of processed products and raw materials in the export structure, in the direction of increasing the volume of grain products with added value, whose share in the current structure of grain exports is less than 30%. Recommendations for improving the transparency and stability of the grain market are proposed.
grain deal, export potential, illegal export, cultivated areas, wheat, sanctions, tariff restrictions, EAEU, Russia and Kazakhstan, grain market
Comparative analysis of security systems
Prokhoda, V. (2022). The Challenges of Environmental Safety in Russian Public Opinion. National Security, 6, 135–144.
The results of sociological surveys conducted within the framework of the International Social Research Program are analyzed. The aim of the work is to identify the peculiarities of Russians' perception of environmental security challenges, in comparison with the perceptions of residents of other states. Environmental safety is considered as an integral part of national security. The important role of sociological surveys as a tool for providing feedback to the population is noted. The views of Russians about the importance of the problem of the state of the environment are considered. The method of collecting primary sociological information is a formalized face–to-face interview conducted at the respondents' place of residence. A multi-stage random sample represents the adult population of the country. It is stated that environmental issues are not among the most acute and urgent problems for the population. In Russia, problems related to economic and physical security come to the fore. At the same time, the reflection of the urgency of the problem in the public consciousness is dissonant with the data of objective environmental control. The existence of a strong connection between the level of economic development of the country and the importance of the environmental problem for the population is revealed. It is concluded that the differences in assessments are largely related to the transformations of value attitudes, the transition from survival values to self-expression values, egocentric and humanistic perception of threats. It is noted that in the mass consciousness of Russians, challenges and threats that directly affect the population, related to the current state of the environment, are being actualized. Among the most serious challenges to environmental safety, residents of the country most often mention air pollution, household waste disposal and water pollution. At the same time, the potential environmental threat fades into the background. Climate change is much less often considered by Russians as the main challenge to environmental security. It is stated that the differences in the perception of challenges are largely due to the relatively low level of ecological culture of the country's population.
environmental pollution, global climate change, environment, ecological culture, ecological threats, ecological challenges, national security, environmental security, air pollution, water pollution
Duben, A.K. (2022). Certain Aspects of Legal Regulation of Information Security. National Security, 6, 145–151.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of legal support of information processes - the relationship of legal support of information security and issues of legal impact on the information system. The author's definition and the main provisions of the legal provision of information security are given. It is concluded that in the conditions of the Russian legal mechanism for ensuring information security, it is necessary to further improve the legal regulation of the protection of the information space of the state and its information infrastructure. Terminological uncertainty and inconsistency of the conceptual apparatus often become a problem of interpretation of the norms of law carried out at the stage of law enforcement activity. It is impossible to observe and apply legal norms without a clear textual expression. This problem is most aggravated when there is no legislative or scientific consensus on the meaning of concepts that are fundamental to a particular legal field. Such cases include the imperfection of the concept of "information security".
digitalization, threats and risks, new challenges, national security, place of information security, sub-branch of law, information security, information law, transformation of law, digital age
Person and citizen within security systems
Zadorina, M.A. (2022). Child Safety and its Place in the National Security System. National Security, 6, 152–163.
The article is devoted to the issues of the safety of children – one of the most vulnerable categories of the population and at the same time the most important priority of the state policy of Russia. The subject of the study are threats and the system of ensuring the safety of children. The methodological basis of the research was made up of an interdisciplinary approach, logical, comparative, concrete sociological (content analysis, questionnaire) and special legal (formal legal, technical legal, interpretation) methods of cognition. The information base of the study was the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legal and technical acts regulating issues of child safety and national security, scientific publications and information and analytical materials. The empirical base of the study was made up of the materials of the questionnaire of persons living in Yekaterinburg with children (N=127, 2022). Special attention is paid to the study of the relationship between the safety of children and the national security of the state. The scientific novelty of the work consists in: the author's approach to understanding the safety of children, its structure and content; identified by the results of the survey conducted by the author of the problems of ensuring and threats to the safety of children at home, on the street and in educational institutions; formulated proposals for their solution and minimization. It is concluded that the safety of children in the system of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation should be isolated as a separate strategic national priority and stand in the first place.
transport security, information security, psychological security, physical security, spiritual and moral security, social security, national security, child safety, educational security, environmental safety
Reliability factor in security systems
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2022). Safety Rules of Heuristic Behavior Algorithms as a Prototype of the "Morality" of Robotic Systems. National Security, 6, 164–178.
The relevance of choosing the subject of research, as the use of autonomous robotic systems for various purposes and the object of research, which are algorithmic problems arising in terms of algorithm security control, is determined by the existing contradiction between the need for autonomous robotic systems and the complexity of the software implementation of this requirement. The study was conducted on the example of the application of robotics in the field of autonomous transport systems. The implementation of trends of autonomization in this area generates certain legal and technological problems related to the security of algorithmic support of autonomous systems. The manifestation of such problems are critical application errors that are problematic to identify at the development stage. In robotics, the main potential cause of these errors is the functioning of the software of autonomous robotic systems outside the framework of deterministic algorithms that were tested during their development. And if for conventional technical systems the consequences of application errors are predictable, and responsibility for their results is determined, then for the case of autonomous robots, the situation requires a solution. In the article, using general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, the main aspects of the current state and prospects of the problem of algorithmization of the use of autonomous systems are investigated. Based on a review analysis of algorithmic problems of using autonomous robots, possible consequences and causes of algorithmic errors arising from their use, the formulation of the scientific problem of solving the problem of developing heuristic algorithms that determine their application using a dynamically formed system of predicate behavior similar to human morality is synthesized.
algorithm security check, methods for checking algorithms, algorithm limitations, internal limits of behavior, external constraints on behavior, security control methods, control of heuristic algorithms, autonomous robotics, safety of robotic systems, rules of behavior for robots
Legal support of national security
Bargaev, D.K. (2022). Social and legal conditionality of confiscation of property in domestic criminal legislation. National Security, 6, 179–193.
The object of the study is the reasons for the existence of confiscation of property in criminal legislation. The socio-legal conditionality of the named institute is designed to reveal the functional purpose of the criminal instrument, its social role and place in the system of combating crime. Special attention is paid to the method of analysis, with the help of which the necessary data are investigated to confirm the hypothesis of the social necessity of the existence of the institution of confiscation of property. The institution of criminal law confiscation of property is an effective tool of the state's anti-criminal policy, the content and purpose of which have been dynamically transformed throughout the history of Russian society. The basis of the research is a synthesis of domestic as well as foreign legislative and doctrinal provisions using the formal legal method. The main conclusions of the study are that the socio-legal conditionality of the criminal law institution of confiscation of property is expressed in compensation for the negative consequences of the crime committed by asymmetric compensation for damage to legally protected public relations. Confiscation of property acts as a means of criminal law repression, designed to impose on the convicted person the obligation to suffer the negative consequences of the crime committed by him. Through the institution of confiscation, the criminal legislator focuses on law-abiding behavior related to economic and financial activities. The novelty of the study is represented by a system of key factors (reasons) justifying the need for the existence of the institution of confiscation of property in domestic criminal legislation.
punishment, socio-cultural reasons, economic reasons, political and legal reasons, criminal law norms, history of development, social conditioning, confiscation of property, criminal code, criminal law measure
Economical support of national security
Shabanova, L.B., Morozova, I.G. (2022). Prospects for investment development in Russia and the Muslim world. National Security, 6, 194–202.
Ensuring investment attractiveness is one of the most important aspects of a country's economic activity in modern international relations. Foreign investments make it possible not only to ensure expanded social reproduction in the country, but also expand the possibilities of technological and economic development of the state.The purpose of the work is to analyze foreign direct investment in the Russian Federation in general and the Republic of Tatarstan in particular. The analysis and evaluation of statistical data revealed a reduction in the number of projects involving foreign direct investment in Russia in 2017-2020. In modern conditions, it is necessary to recognize the decline in the investment attractiveness of Russia from investors in the United States and Europe, which may lead to an even greater compression of foreign investment flows. An alternative to foreign investments from the United States of America and Europe can be foreign investments from the countries of the Muslim world. Already today, Russia has friendly relations with the countries of the Muslim world, in addition, there are entire regions with a high density of Muslim population living on the territory of the Russian Federation. Thus, the Republic of Tatarstan, which is already one of the most investment-attractive regions of the Russian Federation and occupies the 3rd place in the list of regions of the Russian Federation most in demand among foreign investors, could play an important role in increasing the number of foreign direct investment.
investment infrastructure, agro-industrial sector, industry, investment project, investor, foreign direct investment, gross investment, investment, special economic zone, countries of the Muslim world