Question at hand
Bekulova, S.R. (2021). The problems of efficiency of social production in the conditions of global economic turbulence . National Security, 1, 1–9.
The goal of this article consists in the analysis of current trends of the global economy, as well as forecast of their impact upon the global and domestic social production. Geopolitical and geoeconomic conditions for the functionality of global economy, established as a result of spread of coronavirus infection, impact social production of the national economies. The subject this research is the socioeconomic ties and relations that emerge in the context of transformation of global economy, resulting from shift in global economic and technological modes. The information framework for this work is comprised of the regulatory strategic documents and statistical databases. The conducted research demonstrates the impact of technological and global economic factors upon the efficiency of social production. The analysis of the global economic conjuncture reveals the two polar alternatives of the transformation of global economy: strengthening of globalizational processes, or setback in globalization and focus on regionalization of the world economy. The effect of consolidation of the countries in the context of the new world order upon the principles of sovereignty of national economies is described. The author indicates the discrepancy of objectives of number of strategic documents of the development of Russian economic sectors, namely with regards to the process manufacturing. The author outlines the negative consequences of dependence of the national economy on import of the components on the example of aviation industry.
export orientation, aviation industry, technological order, world economic order, manufacturing industry, efficiency of social production, social production, import dependence, turbulence, coronavirus
Question at hand
Odnoral, O.I. (2021). Social networks as an instrument of PSYOP in foreign policy: challenge for the national security . National Security, 1, 10–28.
The object of this research is the process of creating political discourse, setting the “agenda” via social media as foreign policy instrument and a threat to national security of the country. The article explores the role of the online platform in shaping public opinion and discourse in political interests. The subject of this research is the social media (social networks, video and image hosting services, blogs, etc.) Particular attention is given to structurization of the concept of social media, social networks as the instruments that form social reality and affect public opinion. Emphasis is placed on the technical aspects of the types of social networks, control, thereof. Comparative analysis is conducted on the practice of using Internet resources in China, and experience of creating the Golden Shield Project. The scientific novelty of consists in the cross-scientific analysis on the basis of the interpretive pattern of social constructionism, what distinguishes this work from the vast majority of similar research of dedicated to the use of social media as an instrument of political technologies and PSYOP. Being a cross-scientific analysis at the intersection of IT (information technology), international relations (political science), and social psychology, the study leans on the theoretical concepts of political realism and neorealism, psychological constructivism and behavioral psychology. The author underlines the importance of comprehensive approach towards leveling the potential threats of using social media as an instrument of PSYOP. First and foremost, it pertains to the development of a coherent all-encompassing system with ideological and value foundation for creating the discourse. The article describes the relevant approaches towards the “sovereign Internet"; carries out comparative analysis of the Chinese experience and Russian ineffective initiatives, such as blocking separately resources, shortage of public-private partnership in the IT sector (by analogy with the extremely successful experience of China in this sphere). The author offers a general frame of possible steps on ensuring national security in the online platform of social media.
independent Internet, foreign polisy, social media, international relations, national security, political technologies, new media, safety, Information Technologies, PSYOP
System and interaction
Putintsev, A.V. (2021). System as a complex category of reflection of national security in theoretical-legal research. National Security, 1, 29–39.
The subject of this article is the methodology of reconstruction of national security as a complex social and political-legal phenomenon in modern scientific knowledge. Special attention is given to the provisions of the theory of state and law, political science, as well as official documents – the acts of strategic planning that are of theoretical and applied significance due to the presence of formal definitions in their texts. The article employs formal-legal and doctrinal analysis of scientific sources. Methodological framework is comprised of the category of “system” and systemic approach in various interpretations. Logical analysis is conducted on different variants of definitions of the category “national security system” and “system of ensuring national security”. It is revealed that systemic analysis, which historically is one of the most popular approaches that can reflect the multidimensional objects of research, has long been included into the scientific tradition of studying national security. The author explores several variants of systemic approach: the theory of national security as a system; national security as a system property; and national security as a system. The analysis of interpretation of national security as a system determines the two main categories: national security system and system of ensuring national security. The first category features mostly scientific interpretations, while the second category has received a legal definition, having transformed from the scientific category into an element of the object (social reality), and simultaneously, means of its construction. The author indicates the existence of methodological pluralism in determining the components of national security systems. The article examines successful and unsuccessful examples of application of systemic approach in studying national security, and identifies typical methodological errors. The author concludes on the limited heuristic possibilities of systemic approach in reflecting the dynamics of ensuring national security, as well as underlines the need to use the categories of “mechanism”, “regime"”, or “process”.
categorical-conceptual apparatus, methodology, security mechanism, legal regime, types of national security, maintaining of national security, functional analysis, legal definitions, National Security Strategy, legal regulation
Globalization and national security
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2021). Clarification of the structure of “hybrid forces”. National Security, 1, 40–48.
The subject of this research is the “hybrid wars”, while the object is the “hybrid forces” as a means of conducting hybrid wars. The author establishes that that currently in assessment of “hybrid forces”, the latter imply military and irregular formations opposing on the battlefield. At the same time, the analysis of the content of “hybrid wars” demonstrates that the structure of “hybrid forces” should be understood in a broader sense, considering procurement and all-round support, including those carried out covertly. This approach provides a more accurate assessment of “hybrid wars” and its actors. The main conclusion of consists in the proposal to expand the structure of “hybrid forces”, alight in with the structure of modern” hybrid” conflicts. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that based on clarification of the actors and structure of “hybrid forces”, the author formulates recommendations on clarification of the mechanisms for assessing course of “hybrid” wars, analysis of the possible vectors for “hybrid” actions; as well as underlines the need for regulation of international legislation in the area of conducting armed conflicts and their actors. The analysis of open sources describing the subject area shows that this problem was not previously solved in such a statement
comprehensive support, hidden support, economic component, information component, power component, soft power, hybrid forces, hybrid wars, hybrid action participants, structure of hybrid forces
Economical support of national security
Pavlov, P.V., Godunov, I.V., Zashchitina, E.K. (2021). Anti-corruption education and outreach as a factor promoting investment attractiveness of the country. National Security, 1, 49–56.
This article examines the correlation between the country’s investment attractiveness and the level of corruption therein. The key goal of this research consist in the creation of comprehensive curriculum for anti-corruption education and outreach, the implementation of which would significantly reduce the level of corruption in Russia, and thereby improve its investment attractiveness on the international arena. The object of this research is the mechanisms for improving investment attractiveness of the country in the global market; one of such mechanisms is the reduction of corruption component. The subject of this research is the practices of anti-corruption education and outreach used by the world leading countries aimed at lowering the level of corruption. The information framework is comprised of the official statistics of the World Bank, as well as expert reports published in the media. Based on the established correlation between these factors, the article provides the examples of measures for reducing the level of corruption implemented in Russia and the leading world countries. The result of the work consists in the development of comprehensive curriculum for anti-corruption education, which can be used on the regional or federal level for achieving a synergistic effect. This article is intended for the scholars and pedagogues, officers of the executive branch, state and municipal officials responsible for the implementation of national anti-corruption plans, as well as other experts dealing with anti-corruption issues.
world economy, anti-corruption tutoring, anti-corruption policy, international business, anti-corruption fighting, anti-corruption education, investment attractiveness, corruption, Anti-Corruption Plan, National security