Question at hand
Bakulina, A.A., Sokolova, E.S. (2019). Research of the global and Russian experience in the area of managing diversification processes of the MIC companies in the conditions of digital economy. National Security, 5, 1–9.
This article explores the peculiarities of the digitalization of business process management within the framework of diversification of production in the military-industrial complex (MIC) companies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries (United States, Germany, France, Great Britain and China). The authors note that with proper organization of business management MIC can provide stable economic growth and national security in general. Speaking of the concept of transition towards diversification, the authors highlight the causes why it is not yet formed, including unreadiness of some industries to manufacture products of dual designation and the need for import substitution. Based on the analysis of foreign experience in diversification and digitalization of the military-industrial complex, the authors come to the conclusion that the new MIC structure requires improvements, and determine strategies, realization of which will allow achieving this goal. This will require conversion of excess and technologically outdated production capacities, as well as determining and developing critical defense technologies among other tasks.
diversification, technology transfer, dual-use products, business process management, military-industrial complex, digital economy, state corporations, Russia, USA, China
Economical support of national security
Solomennikov, A.E. (2019). Assessment of the development of food production markets using multifactor approach for ensuring food security. National Security, 5, 10–22.
The goal of this work consists in examination of the questions of food security and independence applicable to manufacturing of meat products in the Russian Federation, and suggest paying attention to the existing approaches towards the development of agricultural markets, which often destabilize situation in achieving economic efficiency of the work of the processing industries of national economy. It is underlined that for implementation of the Food Security Doctrine in decision-making systems, it is necessary to use multifactor method or multiple-criteria approach towards development assessment. Using the balance method along with logical, comparative and economic-statistical analysis, the author explores the dynamics of meat production and implementation of the Food Security Doctrine with regards to Russia’ s import substitution policy. The conclusion is made that ensuring food security and independence of meat production are possible only in terms of forecasting the internal and external threats to the country’s food security, with implementation of multifactor approach towards assessment of the economic resources and potential, finding compromise solutions for achieving the maximum effect from allocation of the resources.
balance sheet method, meat processing industry, food supply, agro-industrial complex, import substitution, meat products, food independence, food security, internal threats, external threats
Question at hand
Rustamova, L.R. (2019). Counterterrorism efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria and prospects for Syrian stabilization. National Security, 5, 23–33.
This article reviews the results in combatting the terrorist organization ISIS in the context of exploring the prospects of postwar order in Syria, as well as geopolitical interests of the regional powers with regards to settlement of the conflict in Syria. The author analyzes Iran’s participation, which since the first days of the conflict was involved in the armed confrontation with ISIS, as well as diplomatic efforts on building inter-Syrian dialogue. Recent events in world politics underlying this research bring the studying of Iran’s interests in settlement of Syrian conflict to mainstream. The goal of this article lies in the analysis of Iran’s geopolitical interests in the Syrian Question through the prism of Iran’s relationship with the key actors involved in de-escalation of the conflict. The conclusion is made that Iran was capable of implementing its strategy for combating ISIS and support the Syrian government largely due to its holistic character, as well as finding strategic allies, including Russia. However, at the current stage of Syrian conflict, there is a disagreement in the positions of multiple strategic partners, which complicates future Syrian stabilization.
international coalition, Shiite-Sunni contradictions, LAS, ISIS, Syria, Iran, peacekeeping, regional security, geopolitics, international terrorism
Strategy of national security
Yablochkin, A.S., Koshkin, A.P. (2019). Current vectors of research in the area of information security strategies. National Security, 5, 34–47.
This article describes that the information security gains importance with the expansion of Internet access, since the countries and businesses spent more and more time and resources to combat cyber-attacks. The goal of this research consists in the review of foreign literature related to the problems of information and cybersecurity. The author summarizes the empirical studies on various types of cyber-attacks, contributing factors associated with safe behavior within the information space, as well as state and private strategies of increasing the effectiveness of information security. The content analysis of the existing foreign scientific literature for the period from 2005 to 2017 became the key research method. The most developed train of research in this area was focused on the strategies of improving human behavior for the creation of safe information environment. The author also underlines a questionable tendency towards the rapid development and decision-making without full understanding of the problem of information security.
national policy, risk management, cybersecurity, cyber threats, cyberattack, cybersecurity strategy, cybercrime, information security, national security, content analysis
Rapid response and tactics
Novikov, A.V. (2019). Methods and models of assessing the choice of strategy in carrying out terrorist attacks. National Security, 5, 48–65.
This article explores the problem of assessing the terrorists’ choice of strategy for attacking. Particular attention is given to the practices of implementation of tactical innovations to the activity of terrorist organizations. Using the theory of art of destruction, the author provides a brief characteristics to the criteria of innovativeness of the means of carrying out attacks. The first part of the article examines the link between the assessment of tactical innovations, characteristic of weapons, and the purpose of each attack. The results of two-component research allow understanding the nature, difficulty and aspect of tactical innovations. In the course of this work, the author applied the correlation-regression data analysis; factor analysis of the processing of expert opinions; verification of reliability of the scales using Cronbach's alpha. The research results suggest basic assessment of tactical innovations, which may be used for estimating the innovative maturity of terrorist organizations, and serve as the foundation for development of the more adaptive counterterrorism strategies. The author underlines that execution of attacks with high level of novelty of the selected tactic were most likely with the use of explosives, rather than other possible types of weapons. The attacks with high level of tactical novelty and relevance most often target state objects.
criteria of innovativeness, tactics, political violence, violent extremism, terrorism, malevolent creativity, innovations, countering terrorism, factor analysis, regression analysis
Internal aspects of national security
Vasnetsova, A.S. (2019). The link between terrorism and organized crime . National Security, 5, 66–79.
The subject of this research is examination of the link between terrorism and organized crime. Particular attention is dedicated to studying the link between illegal drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorist criminal activities, worsened by use of arms and explosives, illegal drug trade, violence, human trafficking, illegal trade of artefacts, natural resources, including gold and other precious metals and gemstones, minerals, wild nature resources, charcoal, oil and petroleum products; kidnapping for ransom, and other crimes related to extortion and bank raid, which create a threat to the state’s constitutional order and violate the fundamental human rights. The research methodology contains the comparative-legal method and analysis of the materials of law enforcement practice of the Russian Federation (such as court verdicts and criminal law cases and materials). The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the author is first to summarize the law enforcement experience of the Russian Federation confirming the link between terrorism and various manifestations of organized crime (organized criminal groups, criminal profiteering, arms trafficking, and others). The conclusion is made on the need to develop system response measures to symbiosis of the aforementioned socially dangerous phenomena.
human trafficking, arms trafficking, transnational organized crime, criminal markets, organized crime groups, organized crime, terrorist organizations, terrorism, international terrorism, global security
Economical support of national security
Bareiko, S.N. (2019). Regional aspects of development of small and medium-size entrepreneurship (on the example of Leningrad Oblast). National Security, 5, 80–88.
The subject of this research is the regional aspects of entrepreneurship development. The competitiveness of Russia’s economy has a significant regional specificity. Multiple research demonstrate that wellbeing of the region depends on the level of entrepreneurship development. For detailed understanding of the economic role of entrepreneurship development, it is important to determine the strength of correlation of the organization of entrepreneurial structures in the sectors of national economy and regional economy. Special emphasis is made on the risks and threats constraining the development of entrepreneurial activity in the region. In order to ensure economic growth, it is necessary to take measures on improving the investment and entrepreneurial climate. The author comes to the conclusion that the sustainable economic development of Leningrad Oblast cannot be achieved without the development of entrepreneurship. It is important to acknowledge the fact that without the development of civilized entrepreneurship, it is impossible to reach economic growth, effective development of all economic sectors, and improve social wellbeing overall.
social aspect, threats, entrepreneurial risks, competitiveness, regional economy, entrepreneurship, region, social policy, investment, economic sustainability