External threats and countermeasures
Knyazeva, N.A., Knyazeva, E.A. (2019). Use of naval military forces in the fight against maritime piracy. National Security, 4, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2019.4.30387
The subject of this research is the provisions of the Russian and international legislation on combating maritime piracy at different times, as well as statistical data on the number of pirate attacks over the period from 2013 to 2018. The object of this research is the social relations emerging in the context of regulation of the use of naval military forces for counteracting maritime piracy. The authors analyze the evolution of legislation on combating piracy, address the questions of terminology, as well as examine the effectiveness of using naval military forces for this purpose. Special attention is turned to the difficulties of legal regulation, international cooperation, and practical implementation of the aforementioned measures. The research results reveal the problems faced by the states in using naval military forced, namely the solution of legal issues with regards to military presence in the territory of another state and joint patrol of high-risk piracy zones of the sea. The analysis was conducted on the key provisions of the conventions, treaties and other acts, including resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. The considered in the article normative acts allow use of naval military forces in the high-risk zones of the sea, as well as involvement of forces from other countries. The research results underline the effectiveness of the use of naval military forces for combating piracy, as well as the prospect for future cooperation in this field.
international cooperation, maritime security, patrols, naval forces, struggle, seizure, maritime piracy, resolutions, international conventions, UN Security Council
Question at hand
Bayarsaikhan, Z. (2019). Development of the system of factors impacting the monetary processes their modeling by artificial neural network. National Security, 4, 11–18. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2019.4.30531
The subject of this research is the system of factors impacting the monetary processes. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as interconnection of factors influencing the monetary processes, modeling of the correlation between these factors, as well as modeling of state regulation of monetary processes with their consideration, namely its goals and instruments. Special attention is given to the classification of factors impacting the monetary processes. The author conducts modeling of the price and financial stability, key rate, and cumulative index of implemented measures of macroprudential policy of artificial neural network – method of analysis, which being the result of the development process of the artificial intelligence represents imitation of the neural cells of a living organism, connected and interacting with each other, with application of the Paliside Neural Tools software. The novelty of this research consists in formulation of a comprehensive system of factors that allows analyzing and assessing achievement of goals by state regulation of the monetary processes, and in confirmation of the efficiency of implementation of artificial neural network in state regulation of the monetary processes, as well as estimation of the goals of the monetary and macroprudential policies and their instruments.
macroprudential policy index, policy rate, factors of monetary processes, inflation, price stability factors, price stability, financial stability factors, financial stability, monetary processes' regulation, neural network modeling
Transformation of national security systems
Shul'ts, V.L., Bochkarev, S.A., Kul'ba, V.V., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V., Timoshenko, A.A. (2019). Analysis of the problems of the transformation of systems of legislative regulation and law enforcement in the conditions of digitalization and the methods of assessing the efficiency of decision-making. National Security, 4, 19–74. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2019.4.30149
This work is dedicates to the methodological and applied problems of increasing efficiency of the transformation management process of the systems of legislative regulation and law enforcement in the conditions of the developed information society. The article presents the results of analysis of the impact of digitalization processes upon the various aspects of human life, social development and government institutions. The authors examine the issues associated with growing vulnerability of the national socioeconomic system in the context of globalization are examined; as well as conduct the analysis of the key vectors and peculiarities of the transformation of social relations alongside the problems of their legislative regulation brought on by digitalization. The article also considers the tasks for improvement of the principles, methods, functions and techniques in the work of the law enforcement system in terms of the development of information society and the resulting new threats to social security. For increasing the efficiency of solving applied and practical tasks related to transformation of the systems of legislative regulation and law enforcement in the conditions of digitalization, the authors propose using the methodology of scenario analysis that allows the possibility of information support and quality assessment of preparing and making decisions within the framework of managing the indicated processes. The utmost efficiency of using scenario techniques is reached in the process of preparation and assessment of the outcome of strategic solutions as it allows analyzing the alternative options in development of the situation within society and the state in the conditions of imperfect information and uncertainty. In solving tactical problems related to ensuring social stability, it seems reasonable to implement the aforementioned techniques in the process of preparation and assessment of the effectiveness of preventative and prompt measures of counteracting emerging threats. This work is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific research project No.18-29-16151 “Development of the Methods of Managing Transformation of Law in the Conditions of Digital Technology”.
law enforcement, scenario analysis, decisions-making, security, transformation, law, Information society, digitalization, simulation, efficiency
Reliability factor in security systems
Lipinsky, D.A., Musatkina, A.A. (2019). Corruption risks in the legal sphere and the state of national security. National Security, 4, 75–88. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2019.4.30489
The object of this research is the social relations characterizes by the elevated corruption risks. The subject of this research is the system of views on the concept of “risk” developed within the Russian and foreign science, as well as the legal norms aimed at minimization of legal risks or generating such. The author explores the corruption risks substantiated by ambiguity and gaps in the current legislation. The reference point of this research becomes the definition of risk developed in the economic theory, the attributes of which, if adapted, can be applied in legal science. The article analyzes the definition of risk developed in foreign literature, as well as the world practices on minimization of the corruption risks. It is established that legal science, in the area of reducing corruption risks, does not carry interdisciplinary character, which is caused particularly by the absence of full-fledged institution of civil liability of private and legal entities for corruption offences. The author determines that the national legislation does not fully implement civil forfeiture for corruption offences, which in turn, is widely used in the countries with low level of corruption. The study reveals the dependence of stability of national security on the number of corruption risks in the legal or other spheres.
legal risk, risk, civil confiscation, anti-corruption policy, corruption risks, national security, corruption, risk factors, legal policy, uncertainty of law
Economical support of national security
Borodin, S.K., Vershilov, S.A., Myl'tsev, V.I. (2019). Struggle for hydrocarbon resources of the Near East in the context of Syrian armed conflict. National Security, 4, 89–97. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2019.4.30216
The subject of this research consists in rationalization of the struggle for hydrocarbon resources of the Near East in the context of Syrian armed conflicts. The authors attempt to determine the genuine goals of the certain Western and Eastern hydrocarbon actors on establishing the specific order in the territory of Near East. It is proven that the relevance of description of the struggle for hydrocarbon resources of the Near East in the context of Syrian armed conflict is substantiated by a peculiar attribute of globalization: self-interest of the transnational elite who imposes their opinion upon sovereign states. The authors explain the selfish pragmatism of the global backstage of West and East in the Syrian armed conflict, reflected in the desire to establish control over hydrocarbon resources of the Near East in violation of the norms of international law. The arguments are provided that the winner in the Syrian armed conflict gets the “key” from the rich oil and gas deposits of the Near East and can dictate their terms of deliveries of this hydrocarbon to Europe and Asia. The scientific novelty consists in demonstration of the degree of interference of the hydrocarbon actors of West and East into the domestic affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic and other countries of the Near East. The conclusion is made that the termination of the Syrian armed conflict upon the terms of the legitimacy of its government will contribute to ensuring security of the Russian Federation and strengthening of its position on the international arena.
Near East, hydrocarbon resources, oil, oil interest, West, gassy interest, gas, Russia, armed conflict, Syria
Economical support of national security
Tropina, Z. (2019). Prevention of misselling as a measure of ensuring safe investing for individuals. National Security, 4, 98–105. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2019.4.30694
The problem of entrance of a private investor into the national financial market is one of the widely discussed topics. The funds of private investors are essential for the replenishment of financial market resources that ensure growth of the Russian economy. Among the conditions for entrance of a private investor into the national financial market is the formation of protection mechanism from misselling financial instruments. The subject of this research is the causes for conducting misselling by financial organizations and measures that would help overcome and ban misselling. The goal of this research is the analysis of the measures already undertaken in prevention of misselling, as well as measures that are to implemented in the nearest future. Among the main conclusions are the theses that private investors entering the national financial market require comprehensive protection in light of the complications in the conditions of investing, as well as the need to expand the measures on misselling prevention into the stock market. The novelty of this research consists in substantiation of the need to expand the range of measures on prevention of misselling on the financial market and the need of intensifying the fight against misselling in the context of legislative definition of new complex financial instruments with high levels of risk.
structured bonds, subordinated bonds, swaps, options, futures, individual investment accounts, qualified investors, financial literacy, private investors, misseling