Strategy of national security
Kokunova, S.D., Andreev, A.P. (2017). The impact of illegal migration upon drug situation in the Russian Federation. National Security, 5, 1–13.
The subject of this research is the question of negative impact of the illegal migration upon the expansion of illicit trafficking and non-medical consume of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The authors examine the influence of illegal migration on the criminal and drug situation in Russia. The article provides evidence of the UN and law enforcement agencies about the coincidence of transportation threads of "heavy" drug trafficking with routs of illegal migration, displacement of the supply of opiates and cocaine to the East, which increases the severity of the criminogenic environment in the Russian Federation. The authors examine the efficiency of previously adopted measures on improving the drug situation in the country, and make a conclusion on their insufficiency. The study applies the methods of system-structural analysis, comparison of dynamic and statistical approaches for exploration of legal documents. Relevance of the work lies in the fact that special attention is given to the lack of effective methods for determining the actual level of illegal migration alongside the level of narcotization of population; the influence of these factors on the state of national security is being considered. The article analyzes the question of attributing the illegal migration, trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances to the list of unmanageable risks. The conclusion is made about the possibility of reducing the risk to partially manageable through implementing the proposed by the authors measures of legal and organizational nature.
rapid testing of migrants, comprehensive measures, unmanageable risks, threats to national security, coincidence of routes and threads, latency effects, increased drug abuse, illegal migration, administrative reform, international cooperation
Comparative analysis of security systems
Tahirov, Z.I. (2017). Terrorism in the European Union: directions for improving antiterrorist security in Russia (antiterrorist management). National Security, 5, 14–28.
Terrorist threat in Europe according to the Europol estimate will increase by 2017. Therefore, based on experience of the European Union member-state, the object of this research is the problematic questions of organization of the activities of police and special services in countering terrorism. The subject is the certain directions in improving the counterterrorism in the Russian Federation. The goal of the work lies in establishment of the significant regularities of modern law enforcement activity in the European Union in the field of countering terrorism that can affect the improvement of similar activities in the Russian Federation. The study applies the general scientific and special-legal methods of cognition, which ensure objectivity, historicism and comparativism of examining the law enforcement activity in the European Union member-states pertinent to the suppression of terrorist. The following principles are included: development of the subject of research, its logical certainty, historical concreteness, and the dialectical connection between the logical and historical ways of cognition, the systemic and comprehensive nature of research; General scientific approaches: systemic, genetic, activity; Methods of analysis and synthesis, cultural and historical analysis, methods of comparative study, legal interpretation, and other research tools of the modern humanitaristics. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the European experience of legal and organizational regulation of the activities of police and special services in the field of countering terrorism has been poorly studied in our country. The majority of scientific works in this area focus attention on the political or sociological aspects of domestic and foreign policy of the European Union in ensuring the “unified European security space".
antiterrorist management, antiterrorist security management, separatism, extremism, jihadism, terrorist networks, European Union, Terrorism, Islamic state, Al Qaeda
Legal support of national security
Mironov, A.N., Mironova, Y.V. (2017). Difficulties of implementation of state policy in countering extremism . National Security, 5, 29–37.
The object of this research is the strategy standards for countering extremism in the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is the problematic for implementing the provisions of state policy in counteracting extremism, gaps of the actors that define the state policy in counteracting extremism. The article underlines the lack of the necessary for the realization of state policy of normative legal support. The author suggests possible directions in the work of actors that bring to life the provisions of the strategy of countering extremism in the Russian Federation, the activity within the framework of which will contribute to the solution of the indicated difficulties. The article analyzes the acting documents of strategic planning of the Russian Federation in accordance with which, are formulated the documents in the area of national security, including the strategy of counteracting extremism. The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of the strategy of counteracting extremism in the Russian Federation for its implementation and focuses on improving the efforts to combat extremism. The author notes the need for integrated activities of the actors that implement the provisions of the strategy for counteracting extremism, lack of the basic normative legal and organizational support of the work of authorized subjects in the designated area.
tsubjects of combating extremism, countering extremism, strategy, forecasting, planning, extremism, public policy, realization, normative legal support, strategic planning
Internal aspects of national security
Panenkov, A.A. (2017). Criminological approaches towards resolving the counterterrorism problems and its financing and the peculiarities of prosecutorial oversight. Certain suggestions on optimization of counterterrorism measures and its financing based on the scientific research. National Security, 5, 38–81.
Leaning on the scientific research conducted over the period of 2010-2012, the author reveals the methodology of criminological studies and approaches towards resolving the problem of counterterrorism and its financing, provides and analyzes the Russian and foreign statistical data, exemplifying the peculiarities of prosecutorial oversight in this field. According to the results of the three-stage research, the author introduces system of propositions on optimization of the counterterrorism measures and its financing in Russia, taking into account the international experience. This work leans on the statistical data and comparative analysis of special investigative technique aimed at identification of such crimes as: embezzlement of public funds for restoration of economy of the region suffered from a terrorist act; compensation for those who lost their homes; illicit manufacture, transportation, and sale of currency of the Russian Federation; arms traffic; theft and surreptitious processing of oil, its transportation and realization in the Russian territory; laundering and legalization through the Russian commercial banks of criminal funds obtained from the control over the activity of commercial structures; laundering of funds acquired through withdrawal to foreign banks and corporations registered in the offshore zones; production of adulterated goods of consumer market, their illegal export and realization; unlawful refund of the domestic and foreign value added tax using the fictitious foreign contracts.
Optimization, Criminology, Crime, Investigation, Detection, Prosecutor, Oversight, Terrorism, Financing, Jurisprudence
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Chikhachev, A.Y. (2017). Peculiarities of establishment of naval potential of the modern France. National Security, 5, 82–95.
This article reveals the key regularities in establishment of the modern French navy. First and foremost, the author indicates the provisions of the doctrine of Gaullism, which served as an ideological and political foundation for the foreign and military policy of France during the first decades after the World War II that remained relevant furthermore. Based on them, the work determines the peculiarities of French naval construction since the presidency of Charles de Gaulle until the end of the “cold war”, following with the amendments introduced into the naval policy of France in realities of the post-bipolar world. The utmost research accent is made on the tasks faced throughout various timeframes by the naval forces, as well as means and methods for their solution. In conclusion, the author specifies the general trends that characterize the French navy over a span of recent decades, which most likely will be observed during the presidency of Emmanuel Macron. Particularly, the author underlines the focus on the naval component of nuclear deterrence, multifunctionality of the newest sea vehicles, collaboration with the European Union and NATO partners in establishment of the naval forces and their deployment.
White Book, Military expenditure, Naval policy, Strategic submarines , Nuclear deterrence, Force projection, Sea power, Military doctrine, Gaullism, France