Question at hand
Yanakova, V.R. (2017). The impact of migration upon national identity. National Security, 4, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the scientific and theoretical approaches towards the concept and impact of migration upon national identity. The object of this study is the national identity. The author reviews the problem of migration in modern world and the effect it produces. In modern society, national identity implies the stability and territorial attachment that gives people a sense of security. High rates of migration subject the national identity to changes. National identity along with the citizenship supports sovereignty in the modern world. The state plays the key role in establishment of the national identity. The article applies the method of interpretational analysis, which determines the impact of migration upon national identity. The main conclusions consists in the timely response of political authorities and civil society to the emergence of ethnopolitical conflicts as a result of migration of the population. Political power and civil society should respond promptly to the occurrence of ethnopolitical conflicts, population migration and the changing demographic structure, as well as coordinate and regulate these processes. In order to reduce the influx of refugees, it is needed to globally consider all causes that force people to leave their homeland and move to other more favorable countries. The scientific novelty of the study lies in determination of the role and impact of migration upon national identity.
citizenship, civil society, Migration processes, social adaptation, ethnic identity, identification, national identity, migration, nation, conflict
Transformation of national security systems
Simanovich, L.N. (2017). Optimization of military policy of the Russian Federation for ensuring energy security of the state. National Security, 4, 12–18.
In the conditions of the increasing instability in the world, as well as due to the limitation and exhaustibility of the major energy resources, the ensuring of energy security becomes one of the most important problems of the highly developed states. The potential shortage of hydrocarbons causes the strive for controlling the rich with energy resources regions, which induces the states to use military force, beginning from military intervention and ending with creation of the military alliances and coalitions, which in particular are called to ensure their energy security. Fight for energy resources becomes more and more politicized, thus significantly influences the defensive policy of Russia. This article is dedicated to the questions of energy security of Russia and certain measures in involvement of the Armed Forces of Russia to ensure one of the key national interests – power. The subject of this research lies in consideration of the question about the relevance of applying the Armed Forces of Russia for ensuring the power interests of the county, in other words, the military-political aspects of ensuring the energy security. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt to analyze the need and role of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in specific regions for protecting the national interests with regards to power within the country (Arctic, Crimea) and overseas (Syria), as well as the involvement of Armed forces in the fight against terrorism at the power objects.
national interests, energy resources, energy security, globalization, armed forces, military policy, mineral wealth, strategy, threats to security, terrorism
Reliability factor in security systems
Zinkin, V.N., Soldatov, S.K., Dragan, S.P., Kukushkin, Y.A., Somov, M.V., Penchuchenko, V.V., Kharitonov, V.V., Sheshegov, P.M. (2017). Acoustic safety of flight and engineering-technical staff of state aviation. National Security, 4, 19–35.
The subject of this study is the safety of vital activity of the flight and engineering-technical personnel of state aviation. The object of this study is the acoustic safety of professional activities of the flight and engineering-technical personnel of state aviation. The authors meticulously examine such aspects of the topic, as the assessment of working conditions of the flight and engineering-technical personnel of state aviation considering the noise and infrasound; risks of reducing the overall and professional performance due to the impact of the acoustic factor; as well as reliability of the flight and engineering- technical personnel of state aviation. Methodology of the research combines the methods of engineering acoustics, reliability theory, aviation medicine, occupational medicine, ergonomics, and probability theory. The main conclusion consists in substantiation of the need for developing and implementing the special means and methods to ensure the acoustic safety of professional activity of the flight and engineering-technical staff of state aviation as an integral part of the system for providing the safe aircraft operation. It is demonstrated that the system for preventing the negative impact of noise upon the aviation personnel must be comprehensive, as well as include technical and organizational measures, monitoring of the working conditions of flight and engineering-technical personnel, availability and proper application of the individual and collective noise protection, dynamic medical supervision over the flight and engineering-technical personnel of state aviation, with the implementation of a complex of medical-preventive and health-improving measures.
working conditions, state aviation, flight crew, engineering and technical staff, acoustic-hygienic environment, acoustic factor, aircraft noise, acoustic safety, professional performance, reliability of operations
Economical support of national security
Korneiko, O.V. (2017). Seaport economy of Primorsky Krai: status and assessment of threats to the economic security. National Security, 4, 36–49.
The object of this research is the status of economic security of the seaport economy as an essential element of the transportation and logistics system of Primorsky Krai. Assessment of the current level of development of the seaports, identification of the key issues of their functionality, determination of the promising directions in development of the seaport infrastructure will allow to better understand the threats in establishing the efficient system of ensuring the economic security of the entire Russian transportation system under the modern circumstances, as well as contribute into the enrichment of state policy in the area of seaport economy with valuable knowledge. Using the SWOT-analysis, the author carries out an evaluation of the strong and weak sides of the seaport economy of the region, reveals the factors that destabilize its economic security identifies the threats, and suggests the measures for its overcoming. It is clarified that the main barrier on the path to integration of the seaport economy of Primorsky Krai into the Pacific Rim lies in the low throughput capacity of the railways.
Perspectives, Threats of economic security, Russia, region, Primorsky Krai, seaport, Economic security, risks, State of economic security, infrastructure
Person and citizen within security systems
Maximova, S., Noyanzina, O., Omelchenko, D., Goncharova, N. (2017). Perception of the civic images by population of Russian boundary regions. National Security, 4, 50–70.
The subject of this article is the analysis of perception of civic images in representations of the population of Russian boundary regions based on examination of the images of the “other”, which reflect the social attitudes towards civic positions. The object of this research is the civic images. Special attention is given to the existence of the constant set of constructs that serve all elements for estimating the profiles of civic role positions, including the solidarity, lawfulness, affective comprehension of the country’s past and present, relation to the military duty. The study based on general methodology of experimental psychosemantics. Method of the research is the structuring of semantic spaces. Based on the modified techniques of semantic differential and repertory grids, the authors present and test the questionnaire that contains the five objects for estimating the civic identity: “I am a citizen”, “Ideal citizen”, “ordinary citizen of Russia”, “regional inhabitant”, and “citizen of the world” (cosmopolite). It is determined that the role positions “I am a citizen” and “Ideal citizen” were estimated as fairly similar and containing similar constructs; the image of “ordinary citizen of Russia” is vague and undetermined, same as the “regional inhabitant”; the image of “Cosmopolite” was described quite different from the others. It is concluded that between the certain groups of role positions and descriptors there are substantial interconnections that testify to the existence of latent variables (factors), which explain the perception of civic roles and manifesting as the conceptual determinants of civic identification. Also, none of the independent factors, separately or combined, did not have a significant impact upon the estimation of the role positions.
mental representations, civic images, civic identity, psychosemantic experiment, image of the other, psychosemantic models, social perception, role positions, representations of population, boundary region
Person and citizen within security systems
Krasnyanskaya, T.M., Tylets, V.G. (2017). Formation of myths about security in the political consciousness of student youth. National Security, 4, 71–87.
The subject of this study is the peculiarities of formation of myths about security by the student youth, viewed as the subjects of political consciousness. Its goal consists in the establishment of conceptual structures of formation of the myths about security taking into account the established political views among the student youth. The work is conducted on the intersection of the problematic of political psychology and psychology of human security, as well as leaning on the methodology of psychological science, is focused on the examination of the previously irrelevant phenomenology of security as a substantial layer of the political consciousness of student safety. The study was performed using a complex of theoretical (analysis of the source base, systematization, typology, classification) and empirical (analysis of text, expert evaluation) methods. The methodological basis is the set of scientific approaches (humanistic, axiological) and principles (determinism, communication and awareness activities, security). The main conclusion implies the fact that the student youth have the structures of political consciousness, which manifest in the reflection of the phenomena of safety. Its results lie in the identification of the vectors of subjective reflection of security, strategies of formation of the myths about security, classification of values of security within the political consciousness of student youth. The scientific novelty of consists in examination of the myths about security in the structure of the students’ political consciousness using the methods of psychological science. The article contains the empirical material and generalizations, which allow adjusting the work with students with regards to safety issues and increase of their political activity.
value, student youth, psyche, political consciousness, politics, myth, security, perception, society, subject