Legal and political culture
Sedykh, N.S. (2017). Media discourse on terrorism in the context of information and social security. National Security, 2, 1–16.
It is a known fact that the object of propaganda influence of the terrorists aimed at formation of the extremist consciousness is the youth – representatives of the so-called digital consciousness. Due to these reasons, the article discusses the peculiarities of the clipping style of consciousness and corresponding culture of the generation “Next”. The author reveals the questions of social comprehension, structuring, and functioning of the psychological systems from the perspective of post-modern scientific paradigm. Thus, the psychological ontology manifests as the system construct. In accordance with this, the author examines the specificities of expression of ideology by the virtue of symbolic forms, realized in the texts and images. The work discusses the results of the conducted by the author polylinguistic expertise of the texts on the official website of the International Anti-Terrorist Committee and the regional Internet mass media “Caucasian Knot” over the period of 03/01/2016 – 05/18/2016. The author compares the social markers of texts of the aforementioned information resources, as well as provides the results of discourse analysis of the commentaries to the selected for the extensive psycho-linguistic expertise articles of the “Caucasian Knot”. The article also reviews the determined during the course of the research social risks and information threats of the terrorism, as well as analyzes the ideological countermeasures to terrorism, particularly the role of education in prevention of terrorism and development of various forms of social destructive behaviors, including the extremist.
mass communication, culture, communication, discourse, Internet, youth, society, terrorism, influence, countermeasures
Globalization and national security
Litovkina, M.I. (2017). Classification of determinants affecting health, and threats to health during the globalization period: organizational legal aspect. National Security, 2, 17–35.
This article makes accent on the problem of formation of the determinants (creation of safe environment) that are necessary for supporting the decent living standards and social wellness, realization of its constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as elimination or decrease of the threats to health. The choice of the topic is justified by the fact that among the directions of ensuring national security of any country, must be present the goals for strengthening the population health and development of healthcare. Perhaps, due to this, many states over the recent years mark a trend towards introducing the positions on health into the corresponding legislative acts. The subject of this research is the facts that testify to the high level of riskogenics of various spheres of human life that is substantiated particularly by the globalization processes. The author also examines the international legal acts that declare the need for achieving the appropriate level of psychic and physical health alongside its highest possible standard. Author’s contribution consists in meticulous presentation of the two main groups of individual and general determinants that have impact upon health. In the latter group, a significant place is held by the environmental and transnational factors, which in the globalization period substantiate, in particular, the renaissance of such threats as epidemics and infections, caused by the negative ecological circumstances, armed conflicts, migration processes that are accompanied by the drastic violation of people’s usual habitat. In addition, over the recent years there have emerged the “new” infectious agents, which must be counteracted by means of global efforts of legal and organizational character, including those aimed at ensuring security of the main determinants affecting health.
Infectious diseases, Healthcare system, Transnational factors, Social determinants, Environmental determinants, Health, Globalization, Constitutionalization, State, National security
Reliability factor in security systems
Kuznetsov, N. (2017). Energy security of the Russian Federation in light of aggravation of the international situation. National Security, 2, 36–44.
The subject of this research is the influence of the aggravated international situation and crisis economic phenomena upon the energy complex of the Russian Federation. On one hand, there had emerged a number of new threats to the energy security of the Russian Federation, which carry foreign policy and foreign economic character. On the other hand, the continuous worsening of technical state of the equipment and use of the outdated technologies makes the Russian energy companies inefficient and non-competitive in the international market, as well as elevate the social tension in the country. The author examines the threats to Russia’s energy security emerged due to the various external (geopolitical, macroeconomic, conjuncture, etc.) and internal (state and functionality of the energy sector) factors. The work demonstrates that the problem of energy security must be viewed in the context of ensuring national security to the Russian Federation. The author suggests introducing into the National Security Strategy an additional category of “energy aspects of national security”. The article also underlines the importance of measures aimed at restoration and development of the national production of energy technologies, increase of economic efficiency and functionality of the energy complex, as well as formulation of the approaches towards financing of energy complex in Russia under the conditions of the limited capital market.
sanctions, national security, investment climate, depreciation of capital assets, geopolitical situation, internal threats, external threats, outdated technology, economic crisis, energy security
Legal support of national security
Kuznetsov, V.I. (2017). Description of features and signs of the positions of legislative acts, the application of which can conduce the formation and realization of threats to security of the Russian Federation. National Security, 2, 45–57.
This article is dedicated to the search of possible criteria of the assessment of legislative acts projects for determination of factors, which application can conduce the formation and realization of threats to security of the Russian Federation. The work underlines that despite the scientific knowledge on the topic of expertise of the legislative acts projects, quality of the issued laws, and assessment of the regulatory effect, neither the scientific literature nor Russian legislation had formulated a question about the expertise of legislative acts on identification and prevention of the potential threats and other negative consequences of the regulatory impact of any legislative act upon the sphere of national security of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of strategic priorities and the corresponding risks and threats to security of the Russian Federation, the author determines the possible features and signs of the positions of legislative acts, as well as fundamental criteria of assessment of positions of the legislative acts projects the implementation of which can conduce the formation and realization of threats to security of the Russian Federation.
National Security Strategy, national priorities, regulatory effect, bills expertise, draft legal acts, security threats, national security, political stability, sovereignty, national economy
Legal support of national security
Simakov, A.A. (2017). Problems of qualifying the administrative legal violations stipulated by the Articles 18.1 and 18.2 Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. National Security, 2, 58–65.
Relevance of the selected topic of this scientific article is justified by the necessity of ensuring the proper legal protection of such object as the state border of the Russian Federation. Majority of researchers pay attention to the questions of illegal crossing of the state border and other cases of its violation. At the same time, the questions of realization of the allowed by law activity within the zone of the state border usually remain undiscussed, despite the fact that in certain situations they are also associated with the administrative offenses. The author analyzes the peculiarities of administrative legal qualification of the offences stipulated by the Articles 18.1 and 18.2 Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, as well as concludes that such norms are distinguished by the object of legal support, circle of security incidents, and extent administrative liability. The general signs of the indicated compositions of administrative violations are also underlined. The work examines the problem of regulation of various types of activity within the zone of state border. Based on the analysis of the notions “state border regime” and “border zone regime”, the article identifies the flaws of legal regulation in the Basic Law on State Border Protection. As a result, the author suggests amending the Law on State Border Protection alongside the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for elimination of the determined flaws.
National security, Legal protection, Implementation of Code on Administrative Offenses, Legal violation, Penalty, Decree, Border authorities, Administrative liability, Russian Federation, State border
Legal support of national security
Kalinina, L. (2017). Food security: the need for development of legal categories of “food” and “food legal relations”. National Security, 2, 66–72.
The subject of this research is the definitions of “food” and “food legal relations” as the legal categories for the more constitutive development of the sub-institution of food security. The author meticulously reviews such aspects of the topic as the difficulty of development of sub-institution of food security due to theoretical underdevelopment of categories as security in general, and security of food relations. Special attention is given to the legal characteristic of food, examination of it as an object of legal relations, food system, determination of the nature of food legal relations, its peculiarities and classification. The main conclusion consists in author’s proposition to consider food as a public legal category. The author’s contribution into the research lies in the formulated definitions of food as a legal category, food system, food legal relations, as well as suggestions on their classification. The scientific novelty consists in shifting accent of the research from security towards food.
complex legal relationship, administrative law, food relations, food, public relationship, public administration, analysis of legislation, security, food security, classification
Legal support of national security
Ivanov, S.V. (2017). The concept and classification of constitutional legal guarantees of the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. National Security, 2, 73–85.
The object of this article is the social relations in the area of ensuring the constitutional legal unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation as the fundamental constitutional values. The subject of this research is the concept of the constitutional legal guarantees of such values, as well as their scientific classification. The author reviews the aforementioned guarantees as the variety of constitutional legal constructs that execute a number of provisional functions: increase of efficiency of realization of the constitutional values, consolidation of their priority position within the constitutional legal hierarchy, their constitutional security from the threat of violation. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the author’s attempt to formulate the original definition of the constitutional legal guarantees of the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, and provide the scientific classification. The notion of the guarantees is examined from the perspective of their content, complex of provisional functions, peculiarities of the objects and subjects of security. The classification of the guarantees is being realized based on the five classification aspects: depending on the objects of security, subject of security, legal force, validity area, and duration.
constitutional legal constructs, state territory, constitutional values, constitutional axiological hierarchy, territorial integrity, state unity, provisional functions, constitutional legal guarantees, constitutional legal support, state sovereignty
Internal threats and countermeasures
Naryshkina, M.V. (2017). Main criteria of classification of the factors of political risk in activity of political parties. National Security, 2, 86–98.
The subject of this article is the factors of political risks in activity of the political parties. The author provides systematization and classification of the factors of political risks in accordance with various criteria. The work touches upon the relevant social (growing unemployment, decrease in living standards of population), economic (reduction in actual income of population, lack of financial resources for realization of social and economic programs), and political issues (increase of protest moods) that significantly affect the formation and escalation of the political risks. Special attention is given to the information and electoral factors of the political risks. The author formulates a conclusion that consideration and systematization of factors of the political risks are necessary for making most optimal and efficient political decisions, which is manifests as an important condition for sustainable and safe development of the society, Multi-aspect and detailed analysis of the factors of political risks in activity of the political parties will allow preventing many negative social, demographic, economic, and financial consequences of decisions made at the state level.
Political factors, Economic factors, Social factors, Electoral factors, Information factors, Factor of plebiscite risk, Political trusts, Electoral trust, Political parties, Political risks
Economical support of national security
Pavlov, P.V., Pleshivtseva, A.A. (2017). The role of monetary gold in national economy of the state. National Security, 2, 99–108.
The object of this research is the gold reserve of the state and its role in the national and global economy. The subject is the tools and methods of formation, preservation, and exhaustion of the golden reserve. The article is dedicated to the questions of formation of the golden reserves in composition of the foreign-exchange reserves of the state, their growing role in the globalizing economy, process of repatriation of gold, which create the new geography of its territorial preservation due to the political and economic steps from the side of the United States Federal Reserve System. The main conclusion lies in emphasis of the growing role of the monetary gold in composition of the foreign-exchange reserves of the developed states. The authors determine that at present stage the function of formation of the reserve currency is taken on board by the countries that attempt making their national currency as the global means of payment. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the principles of preservation of the foreign-exchange reserves, as well as identification of reasons of the increasing requirements of the countries towards the United States regarding the repatriation from the golden reserve.
Gold bullion, Reserve asset, Federal Reserve, Countries-gold miners, gold reserve, Preservation of gold , Repatriation of gold, Monetary gold, Foreign-exchange reserves, Gold
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Goncharenko, L.P., Sybachin, S.A., Ionkin, S.A. (2017). The state of the research complex of Russia as a fundamental basis for the transition to an innovative type of development of the national economy. National Security, 2, 109–119.
The subject of the study is the organizational and economic state of the Russian research complex. The main goal of the work is to describe the current state of the scientific and research base in Russia. In the course of the work, methods of logical and statistical analysis, synthesis, data extrapolation and forecasting were used. The methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and awakened scientists, legislative and regulatory acts of state authorities. The article analyzes the costs of research and development in the Russian Federation, including comparative characteristics in relation to the country's GDP. To identify the research potential, the general structure of organizations performing scientific research and development by sector of activity in the Russian Federation was presented. Analysis of the sources of financing has made it possible to determine the prevailing influence of the public sector, while in the advanced economies, industrial enterprises are the "locomotive" of development. The application of research results is possible at the level of the formation of a scientific and practical basis for determining critical points in the development of the research complex of Russia. In the course of the work, methods of logical and statistical analysis, synthesis, data extrapolation and forecasting were used. The methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and awakened scientists, legislative and regulatory acts of state authorities. The novelty of the study is to justify the need for the formation of an updated management system for Russia's research complex, taking into account the identified point indicators that characterize its current state. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the state of Russia's research complex does not allow the economy to move to an innovative type of development in a timely manner without additional measures aimed at attracting private investors to the research sector.
number of employees, comparison of countries, costs, research works, financing structure, evaluation, Science, volume of investments, trends, innovations
Humanitarian support of national security
Andreev, A.P., Vikhryan, A.P., Minaev, V.A. (2017). Creation of the national system of citation indexes as a factor to ensure intellectual safety of the Russian Federation . National Security, 2, 120–134.
The article is devoted to topical issues related to the establishment of a national system of citation indexes in Russia. The authors consider such system as one of the most important factors to ensure intellectual security of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the existing system of scientific citation, the authors come to a fundamental conclusion, according to which the relevant Russian legislation contains all of the legitimate grounds for the formation of the national system of citation indexes at the national library Fund of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in formulation of a question regarding the improvement of the national bibliographical qualification systems in accordance with the new realities of development of the knowledge on world and human, as well as social practice for the most extensive revelation of the content of the information resource for maximal satisfaction of the requests of Russian society and establishment of the national self-consciousness.
Russian Federation, article, database, indexes of scientific citation, scientific citation, smart security, national safety, national library fund, legislation, security