Strategy of national security
Bulavin, A.V., Akimov, A.L., Starkin, S.V. (2017). Strategic planning and process of decision-making in the sphere of national security. National Security, 1, 1–14.
This article examines the key institutional subjects and process of decision-making regarding the questions of strategic planning and national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as carries out the analysis of structure, procedures, and actors of decision-making. In particular, the authors analyze the work of the Supreme National Security Council, which formalizes the process of decision-making, and Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. Special accent is made on the role of the Supreme Leader of Iran, whose authority have supremacy with regards to the entire mechanism of the state power. The authors conclude that the existing within the country process of decision-making is justified historically and institutionally, and manifests as the key factor of sustainability of political system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The examined practice of Iran in the process of decision-making complies with the so-called “Eastern” model of strategic planning.
Political sciences, Strategic planning, Islamic Republic of Iran, International security, national security, Process of decision-making, Political system, Political process, Near East, Iran
Internal threats and countermeasures
Karpov, G. (2017). British migration policy of the second half of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century: lessons for Russia. National Security, 1, 15–42.
The article considers British post-colonial migration policy in the context of the possibility of applying the British experience to the current migration situation in our country. The detailed analysis was applied to the legislative framework in the field of migration, as well as migration policy based on multicultural ideology. Emphasis has been put on the consequences and the influence of the mass migration from Asian and African countries on various facets of life of the British society - including political, economic, security fields, demography and the labour market.The novelty of the work is defined as the complexity analyses that led to the conclusion about the mismatch between the real and the declared migration goal setting of the British authorities. Migration laws were constantly tightened but the migration were not drastically decreased. A strategic course for building the multicultural social environment was set, but the decades of tolerance and other cultures respect propaganda resulted in exactly the opposite: segregation, marginalization, ethnic and religious division of the society. The British migration policy of the past 50-60 years failed in fact. The author highlighted key points and priorities the greatest attention should be paid to, due to the similarities between the two migration processes in our country and Britain. That will give the possibility to halt the development of negative trends analogous to the British ones and prevent scenarios threatening the security of our country.
internal policy, multiculturalism, identity, ideology, security, Russia, Great Britain, demography, migration, labor market
Question at hand
Ponomarev, A.I. (2017). About strategy and system of ensuring the national interests. National Security, 1, 43–51.
This article makes an attempt to formulate and logically substantiate the hypothesis about the strategy and system of ensuring national security as one of the directions of development of scientific thought in theory of ensuring the national security. The object of this article is the social relations the emerge in the process of determination of target orientations of the strategic planning in the area of national security and socioeconomic development, as well as organizational-legal means of their achievement. The subject of this work is the conceptual positions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, as well as theoretical and normative sources regarding the questions of goal setting in the sphere of strategic planning. Based on the analysis of the system of strategic planning in the Russian Federation and a number of conceptual provisions presented in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, the author make a conclusion about the possibility of introduction into the scientific circulation of such academic notions, as the “strategy of ensuring national interests” and “system of ensuring national interests”, the interaction between which can be characterized as the goal and means of government administration. In the author’s opinion, the use of these notions well allow strengthening the system connections between the goals of development and provision of national security, ensure the methodological unity of the approaches in strategic planning in the area of ensuring the national security and socioeconomic development, as well as exclude the chance of emergence of the conflict of priorities between the strategic orientations.
sectoral strategic documents, strategic goal-setting documents, the system of the national interests, to ensure national interests, the strategy of national security, national security, national interests, system of strategic planning, theory of national security, polycivilizational world order
Strategy of national security
Chirkov, D.K., Korchagin, O.N. (2017). On the need of amending the Strategy of the Russian Federation National Anti-Drug Policy until 2020 in the context of ensuring national security. National Security, 1, 52–67.
This work presents the author’s position regarding the priority directions of anti-drug activity, which must be reflected in the updated version of the Strategy of the Russian Federation National Anti-Drug Policy: Increase the efficiency of the national anti-drug system should consists in consolidation of efforts of all agencies of state authority and administration towards the fight against the transnational organized crime in the area of illegal trafficking; Organization of the rehabilitation system and resocialization of drug consumers, as the basis for reducing the demand for drugs (federal level and regional segments, projection of the system for all drug consumers, demarcation of the medical and social aspects, further development of the institute of inducement, etc.). The object of this research is the social relations emerging in the sphere of realization of the criminal-legal norms that regulate the peculiarities of anti-drug policy in the Russian Federation. The goal of the work lies in formation of propositions on improvement of the state anti-drug policy based on the corresponding theoretical analysis. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the author’s position on the prioritized directions of antii-drug activity, which must find their reflection on the Strategy of the Russian Federation National Anti-Drug policy. Relevant changes to this Strategy are proposed. The article applies the previously existed and current criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, corresponding norms of the foreign criminal law, results of the doctrinal research of the Russian and foreign juridical scholars, law enforcement practice of the Russian judicial agencies, official statistical data.
Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic substances, Drug users, Illegal activities, Drug trafficking, Anti-drug security, National Strategy, Anti-drug policy, Synthetic drugs, Geography of distribution
Staffing of national security
Kuznetsova, N.V. (2017). Development of the position safety profile as a tool for assessing threats to organi-zational personnel security. National Security, 1, 68–86.
In the current environment, many companies have faced the need to develop a fundamentally new approach to security, including its personnel component, which considers as a necessary condition for the preservation of the most qualified employees from competitors enticement, as well as for the protection of financial, informational and material resources of the organization. This work proposes the use of position safety profile to assess threats posed by staff and personnel security vulnerabilities. The study is based of the expert survey (à 10 interviews with representatives of various companies of Irkutsk). The experts made the selection criteria of experience in human resource management or business security, as well as the type of economic activity of the organization in which they are engaged. According to the survey a qualitative de-scription of the profile. The position safety profile can act as a separate tool to ensure organizational personnel security, and can be used as a supplement to the position profile. The article describes the purpose of position safety profile, composition of the main sections (general require-ments for position safety, possible forms and methods of threats realisation, require-ments for the presence of personal, professional-important qualities, behavior, essential for safety, vulnerabilities profile, assessment of the violating potential of personnel se-curity (violator potential), documented cases of safety requirements violation), as well as advantages and limitations in the use.
personnel security vulnerabilities, assessment of vulnerabilities, company, security, potential violator, security vulnerabilities, profile security positions, personnel security threats, Personnel security, violator
Legal support of national security
Utyashov, E. (2017). The regime of martial law and generally accepted legal principles: problems of implementation. National Security, 1, 87–95.
The subject of this research is the possibility of application of the generally accepted legal principles in the conditions of martial law. The legislation of the Russian Federation on the questions of state defense, military service, mobilization, and realization of the regime of martial law, universally consolidates alongside the corresponding legislation, such legal regulator as the generally accepted legal principles. It remains unstudied to which extent their content meets the goals and tasks of realization of the aforementioned regime. The international practice in general, demonstrated the ambiguity of interpretation and application of the generally accepted principles of law by the international community. The Russian judicial practice shows that they face certain difficulties in implementation of the generally accepted principles and norms of the international law, indicating just their possible sources. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the necessity of improvement of the theory of generally accepted principles of law, caused by their incompleteness and ambiguity. Due to this fact, the author suggests to amend the Article 2 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On Martial Law” in the parts: “generally accepted principles of law” and “fundamental principles of law”.
law, defense, fundamental principles of law, generally accepted principles of law, martial law regime, freedom, restriction, violation of principles, UN principles, regulator
Internal aspects of national security
Timofeev, A.D. (2017). Compensatory block of natural carcass of a region as the system of counteracting the extreme natural conditions. National Security, 1, 96–111.
The object of this research is the natural carcass as the concept of carcass approach in exploration of the regional geospace within the socio-economic geography. The subject of this research is the suggested by the author compensatory block of natural carcass as an integral element of this carcass. The prehistory and reasons of organization of natural carcasses are being reviewed. The author also conducts an analysis of the system of conceptual-terminological apparatus of the carcass approach in geography and place of the natural carcass concept within it. Special attention is given to the regional aspect of formation of the compensatory block of natural carcass. The author’s special contribution into the research of this topic consists in determination of an integral element of the natural carcass – the compensatory block, which must be an obligatory element in the process of comprehensive analysis of prerequisites for the sustainable development of a region. The need of highlighting the compensatory block of the natural carcass is associated with filling the gap in covered in the literature functions of separate components of the natural carcass.
Landscape, Dokuchaev’s plan, Extreme natural conditions, Carcass approach, Geospace, Geosystem, Sustainable development of the regions, Sustainable development, Regions, Natural carcass
External threats and countermeasures
Karpovich, O.G. (2017). U.S. practice of information warfare in the area of foreign policy. National Security, 1, 112–126.
This article is devoted to investigation of the practice of the United States in its foreign policy tools such as the political impact the operation of information-psychological war. The object of this study is the operation of information-psychological war in U.S. foreign policy. Subject of this research is forms, methods and tools of the United States of conducting information-psychological war on the example of conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. In today's world, no conflict takes place without information and psychological support, which in some cases takes on the organizational form of special information operations. In modern international conflicts, information and psychological operations have become an independent tool for the implementation of foreign policy, as demonstrated by the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, associated with direct invasion of the United States into these countries and their allies; as well as events in Libya and in Syria, which received (along with other conflicts in the region) the name "Arab Spring". Specialty of the information and psychological operations, as a tool for the implementation of U.S. foreign policy, is the distribution of powers and responsibilities among several government agencies: the Ministry of Defense, the State Department and the CIA. This approach allows exploring the potential enemy to the fullest extent, as well as maximally efficiently execute the information and psychological operations. However, the absence of a central authority responsible for carrying out information and psychological operations, leads to the fact that the United States has virtually no long-term strategy planning information and psychological operations that often negates the existing tactical successes in the conduct of information warfare, as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. A large number of the involved agencies and absence of the central body, which is responsible for execution of the information operations, leads to the inefficient analysis of the received information, as well as critical mistakes in their planning and execution. This fact allows claiming that the American experience of waging the information wars is not universal.
diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, global information space, political system, international conflicts, state, security, USA
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Sobolev, V.E. (2017). Military technologies based upon new physical principles. National Security, 1, 127–136.
The key subject of this research is the promising technologies of creation of weapon based on the new physical principles, as well as other military technologies. This topic is being examined in the context of the problem of ensuring national security. Special attention is given to comparison between the nuclear weapon and the promising types of weapon, which are more efficient in their speed of target elimination. The author reviews such types of weapon as laser, particle-beam, spintronic, and annihilation. The ways of spatial movement that can become an efficient alternative to the principle of rocket propulsion used by the modern missiles, are being studied. The author conducts an analysis of the main advantages of the promising types of weapon, which are based on the new physical principles, in comparison with the traditional nuclear weapon; as well as analyzed the physical principles of the work of spintronic technologies based on the control over the spin state of matter. The work proposes the concept of multi-dimensional technologies based on the empirical used of the properties of non-Euclidean geometries and additional measuring of space and time. It is demonstrated that the physical principles that lie in the foundation of spintronics, allow creating an extensive complex of promising military technologies, which can be implemented in creation of the new types of weapon, communication systems, coding and recording of information.
directed-energy weapon, electromagnetic weapons, laser weapons, space weapons, nuclear weapons, national security, spintronics, spin, multipdimensional technologies, warp drive
Person and citizen within security systems
Eremina, N., Seredenko, S. (2017). Persecutions in the system of ethnocentric understanding of national security (on the example of Baltic States). National Security, 1, 137–165.
The subject of this research is the problem of persecutions of the human rights advocates in the Baltic States. The object of this research is the strategies of national security in the Baltic States examined through the prism of ethnic nationalism, where the persecutions manifest as the tool of their realization. The presented work is the first in academic literature to study the impact of ethnic nationalism upon the social and state development and understanding of security, as well as suggests as an evident example a yet insufficiently studied problem of persecution of the human rights supporters. Thus, the article reviews such topics, as the strategies of national security in the context of the Baltic countries’ policy of ethnic nationalism, questions of sovereignty, and international law within the framework of supporting the human rights advocates. Examination of these aspects allows answering the relevant question – why it is not possible to establish the status quo in social and state development of the Baltic countries. The research leans on the institutional method, taking into account the analysis of legal norms and work of the corresponding institutions that ensure implementation of the national security strategies in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that ethnic nationalism is presented ad a structural element of national security strategies in the Baltic States. In addition to that, the author is first to raise a question about the methods of realization of national security strategies, which are reflected in the persecutions of human rights advocates. The article also examines the regional level (Baltic countries) in the more extensive geopolitical context, which allows binding together the tasks and strategies proposed by Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania with the task that the acting geopolitical determinants are faced with.
buffer zone, human rights law, institutions of state security, ethnic nationalism, ethnocentrism, national security, persecutions, sovereignty, Russophobia, titular nation